IE-MADE WINPILS. M~ats tirougliost tise Union nig rîtis tise bout type andI gOLDg ingeuity-sud Yankee "P. ther. lu tihe Jumbho, the 1.1-0-bt sit tsgt--.ahown tafluner Jitend, tise Bath. Ai. tlbe lItlanut iL. Uia lu Nebrtaskh.arishee.tb. Mach urbine and th iti ee 0tIl -r. Indruijlu.constrsacfed ai a trutaiTurbine. Whle (armel'u ma ma ~tdo lb. rorh of 1sulli-uade b. nîther partelcsar r15st M erdi - for niuicis a mnanti rger tise,'put loto tise igiertcut china. &Mod. New Englanid and t-be for thoîe of tise lowrn dau i n.kud of IR fAatm oways thse Ner York aitiff Iying &round the bai-n luafo-msa k mlgit juif as reil es nef dlaim t-o Ili anoe use, Ohi umber,, laUli et thé credif foi- tiseInv'entive Shisngies, plt rails, nid paching loxeu. à" power ut adaptation wblch bai-roitaves, coffesacks u fi l'0 ad 'Wutern fe&rmera display,.for thse tiiiooft.i-ý hageartng ft-romn ld iome 6imeu. tuons t-be Easf. or tiseir ru there le scarcel>' anucdd and end on di, und t-be taruera ni tise t-at ducs nt bave a use is tisebomne- iavent s mues lbarder ior i-omaie miii. à» aise tsi-mer ofthfle ocy illsaFor $3.70 W. W. ier onI Havelcck uwBtsglni. maie a bais> jumbo,. rIsch pumpe not »u Nebraka folk cau take a cuti rater enougli for bis stock. but cWi uover andi a fer hords suppliesabis boardîng lieuse ritit ail tise 6 bevt drcpped off thte pig t>'and rater oeied. If ba fout fans, esct 41t eitishem a niodmili that- viii three feet long anc armuefr oidoue.- ,*e profit even If lu the long.,isahf teet long, andi lu mount-ci on a six- à.ià eliste skp refuges ta "give teen-fot tuner. iî' The labai- casa ho pt in risen J. L. llrornu 'miii, wbluit la on the ÏN Pfole Prfiftable le to be donehMiwa,'nuriseries. noir Kearney, la pie.Lug for reIn. ani t-be idîcat- uelle fr mv cost. Oufut ni od groceny Islt iiIissac àdolilar Or 50 Pays aI il e boxes lho made tht fans uni tise box. dri Ir t*la7 eccssai-y. and tise gappe axis coaf hlm $1.50. su iMMincklei Rrbaur lu a but- Whct coulet uuch s miliias this io? ans * thse University oi Nebraka, Well. 1- pumped enosigis fe irigafe ihl& B b8mW. telle of t-le Nebraska faru- gardon fliongi a klfllng season cf ara alfeloua manner of makIng the draugbt. sud hept bis afraWrisit- patebiset-i W lit the sud. Net oni,' lu rater sud bis smash frit,fi-om death. Prefty mil ing loui ex sol tes tai mu a1 t4 ac loi an tu te ta thi et iâ th tii ow iaabuw. Tt-§& su'n~w'~zs ktan rblteeatta#iebY'Its isea toaa IL To tise spok are t'u ï@fémO5 be. Tisla ctrivauee pamlIaitise tr> neodeé for thbe am. Ulu-x àtr mli lu a tro-tia. turbin. and lu iLu trc, an cli 010*0?.,NearGri-sd land. Fred Miatbiesen bitlit a miii, thse iing parts otwblch wer*#Men f romà 1 id self-blader. It watmtYfs'f stock.1 id yet thse colt was under $& Ir, By-putting a rudder an a MID thce -mgea ieb.Made ta, swing around and ad lus th is.wzd, and bY !puttù1ng a &I withla a tower lnstesd aofjapon Il. ichance of desfrasctiofltirougblie- ig blown dovrn bY the e hli nds la ,med grestiy. On. of the queeromt lul lu that or a farmor named Boer- c, rita Ilves near grand Island. e Dk the sprocket wiseei ansd fly rituel a cornaiseller and at a cont of $2 put Dgether a contrivanco that Pu-"a Dongh rater-f'or uixty bead of cattie. Anotiter odd a.nd lugeniou bit of neclianham lu a recuuufructed aermotor at cout Practicliy nothlag. yet mmpm for the bouse. lawn, garden and smaîl fruit orebard, bringig rap 270 elonsof rater an hour ln a fliteen id one-hlf mile wind. Thon tisere lu e "ýteY!Lwatr-11c-à0wk ,ls'll engineer. whicit pumpe 6,480 gai- u of water lu twenty-four bouru Near KeaI'flY rW"anab- d -d -i Ld Btorage remervnIr. Tise miii rau Ited at uUIgbt cost, bite of broken-up ixes were nailed to tise arma and-tho ishole thlng worýed as weli as It dld lu ta better dayu. To sbop-made mliii and even t0 the~ rtter clasa cf ihome-made cao b. t acted wires. by wbicb the power ca )transmltted several bnndred feeott bheieiflu nneeded. SometImes the MH 9set ai the bouse, and lts energy lu dl- cted un that ilt nu run the pump at le barn-inf acf, thseNetraska tarni- "r' wayu of utllizlng these home-ma"i ceufuleOcos-ai-e endIiosu onuzto t-bs scsirtity 'of beet caifle and fat sheeop Inst-le country,sansdtt-lie caseuenît- rise ina prIe-e, veci- large supt- plous ut Amont-an beef are llnding tiseir waa,'il over tise country,. Edfinhurgli HBOUMUMDU BAW ux1.. buttbries, riso, &asa noie, decldedu,' pro- __________________fer tise bousearticle, bave of lijte b âr tlg2tom4but itwk19 ÔO4ý13*tJMei fr $5& I ta t oi-ced to pi-ocri-osupples fro iver 108Witer. reacismeau Ad Bmarsisu figured ot'that file profitpooleand tlsgiitonof -t-kollld Staes hh~boaoOe& durtprod. foIntiaaditt-leil inreg fhree relt,' 4M M e»d»& air prd- mm hstItlme s cf suntacoeeotlstycfagentriesIns tise it, bave beon selibng tise thaïe tarin lIn tre ai-Lbay sea- largo quantifies of Auericco klied tons. beet. A. Chicago company la doing a Tise regultion jéý bmiH la usst et- -ver,' comierable iraote bnsahigi-cîsu IDLM Yt-e face tbe nortis or seuth grade et heef. Tise,' have aIead,'es- salI floucatgb lh. foreeof tise rva abliaised fot,' agencies uthtie UnitedI lut rin2di. But risen t-be riais bor Kîngeicu. Tiese upplies comtng lt.t ttisn aoiber direction tIisaé mliii ditsbuigh foi- last meek are phencis - r# beh.of ne nue, on titis dilOcraît,'laenai, beiring I indra aira,'. haimbis o" by 'put-t-ng, np unnversai" _ tt bau bren las ftle psst partitulirl>' jumbos alibis are setO l cSé cterand lu pfi4deto tf oreTgn supplies of boof rusIci al furas altbthe isqtd in an,' ud nmut-Ion. Uprard cf 400 quartera quaruter. îjumisoi ai-sof chilledi beef have gome lut-o couaump- st n u paIrs. quarterng th5e ompauu. flnando, n addition, a lise quantit,. sud titis sucli aiee sv ialbevie.,200 asdes port-kAIed &JIl cf Amer,- Il la euy *tn do Uüa. The mpy -anmuniIn. Suptaien cf ti-asen motions roginda loch Ilii linge idei eela oi continue sbout&0avsi-rage et 3w0c- steam esst brlaontalhi on forera. camueeo, nainli,'frais fie Argent-lue Rl- in tishe senraielais oi turbine aufllu P5blIt _________ are Incbuded tise Hollsud mille. the bat- tightnlasg KIlltsais - fbax mils. rît-b fao. four, six and Tise PenensylvanieFiasCousmisaion elght fane; th1entîsufbiliei. theo mok bai henni tales thaft-bhe broyas iroui turbîne-tho fixai. r.volviusg. rîth sud wnUs ribirsous ocf the ufreamu et the >,aitisont ruiiers-aasd tise feetrnuct. Stute wrie stockai rere particrtaurly @d ftuarbincu. icis lait namedusual,' susceptible ta destruction tromi lgjt_ Mans Uo?r JÉeox1tiUL. aetisahop-made ones rhic b laveo aIug, un tise, bogatsan Investgation .oeeaed s-nd lmprovsd, "d se-InJunci and are b , - cli7ýapIy asoi lie,'now ahnounco tient the stailo Srcf the illage and ruraisud - rend. are la-ne. Tf I. the habit- ofthie brawn misanci. fi-ut- te sais close ta the bottom of tthe home-made milleam th1e atreus=mI iffequentsand i Iougis b lise Platto Valley, tram Oms- us nof Utenli,' utrue-h is,' ighisng, the mien, sud Is t-ebeboser river. electricîf,' la conductcd fa the boffonr -ie-h brancis ot temtfils val--etities troas. mhbaitve rock& con shu. Grand isliad, Kear- tiinbng aeonsadetabie anunt et I-oi t'bon. Caai.Lexingtan. Gots- lun fieis.anse,0reaclas andoi.111s lis iotu.ilà asud laterinedato î'trout, asile iflIdes acf affecttfiseii 00enfaru for thesJ mlle au ibat uis hglier lu the vatei-. et o.hier kundu cof rater lutera.- iaemeitrgiscObn. t~~bi n utn eruh - 'AGerman englarer bu brought fot bât, »rqa l I o aDevi astIe-h -rsd a uow motiod cf caustructl lu sbIIda ctracIonchiss ucas tc limiuatae heihiskes MW ebu tw poamsdue tu isuit,' materiai: or couutauctic -ow» "Il. DoU. - vic-bsomeftimes ocecura lIn chaîna mît >-,w om t .z P p "tepr. o f ollimitai, Tise nethoci conuites IL te &trN 'Mi chi-jwninsg ail-e loto linsa and bindiag ti th or bo adtumrsa of rire b,'lIlpplng tua sbath i ç nd ter tar= mdia..Iquid zinc, or otisr nonconnoal' léitsa ncbsa Mci t laInteril. Thse abred Ilaks ma,'alun i ber lede& t'rom 84 Id 0fr Utesed 'ybeing ound con su internn 'lst Là@ la put la ase bea i lla - etoel llns as uipt-md ta roclvtibe arai es moe proesng fa b.eosm, - plngu cf airs.If 4la ilmed that tisaI a lmse wre. o lie takon Ot of ' ni ade'by'tbhuu uethod Pgovlde eqw warh tishe resul aitisilyb -u- trntsrtsbsrieq uti *y Wble tise average cent'I la. uIlhmi eelas etun W low s $i 4 onr$, belor ablci 1iii.ý, mf" e uMnlri. It rould »eem, % , - t ýAcompailuon of the poutai u$atlaf i ILse@maximum t-abas.,u. --of.tise rnd aaru otisai tise Engli lithe constr'uct-iou of sasdlimilse A - pogle wrte à, tht-i more leters In bie la as mue-l au $150. A miliA y 'sr tha 'tise Americail .5at t price aIl bave ast least etgbt The lsaIleai abligeuts D ramle fom attrgl«M tobtise aimat genral use, _______________ Ia reembilÉite Inthe a r'ias sud thea the telipisin lathlsC neuitry >dol b>lade talb. ai. lhkebejumibo, t us.aa,'.'*ttisthe. neçosli for se mul ually la-set lu a nortI i d sontis Poul- wrntiig.-Xew ork atTIMu, >Sio, -andithet mprsîraIIlbg rlndi cf Nebraaian roua tisgpointu cf the A We.1K- UMue. lei-seldam ntisaI,thle omIl ls a 6n55,11 fI554 e Jiét * rOUf sannot'bouâ4. The axIs of tilu nil»la 0ne Otf.te t-hlé biaens il lors mn,' b. etWodE. geupm ihettlnqor "Tes; lie oeut bor irot s dolai Ira fro 4o. T%4 s- a ttiù I»ef î. A. %55v. bis i1er-y0poSn lma5ai Cari-il, user Qyqito.. moct 4r>mo w ti-an tisavae 5'5, itBelt bu a tir uuaflnt lIlvoae t,'-t5it fank scotsjaeted ujth IL. Nea' 1tà il iaadi. é Arin D Grand lIgund, dictidaHuleis*îiei lsu,"Cst sPent $14 on a battLopX u4liausiU. The fana cf.t1atbemI! 4e $XQlutbe 'Sua4 drvsgparts ào enOWsabwlÇ -àà , Mf fll.Z = .ie10 th-fle braSe l' tg&aas, b, emtu ylà aaPu . . Nezr G. fes-ses. l ___ *s' MW 41 trtndgtrou 200 te 1 u*ai lim i ai it ci Te ai '1 î n M: * natud on tii. Qult et étlo#0.u Of Nýapleà. Qrlng te .acinofth* rater unde.tIDsiuE' th* rock - pon 'hlch à pilsSsd ortion 0f the ilace uilippe lista th~esa.taki*rW il t*o batela, a Caprtchl în ý' ted meveral VOi&a. and cruuie UMe ite eormous-'aeiglât four vo#la.them ,rewi of rhis fortuisatel v eC5pOdl fTe aumber ot dead rau at fArat tajv- ed ta b. verir large, but. ma.riebouM 51 tt May 3"eero oy ten persool buot tber lives. Theo monaaterY coastane1 ma" nankusand the liotelà mapIY guseftu, 5and il] of these. together wltb tise Occu- pants of thse, villas, were at firat sup- poud ta ýb. lit. The mass ni surfis and; rock which lpped Itt tls"ses18 sstlmated St W,.000 ubic yards and thse *bock of Ifs reudlug and crabing loto the rater sliook tho prlneiplilty for risa round. The botelu destrnYed are the Oappucnni and tise Santa Oulerina. Amalfi, the uceue of tis idsauter, lu a city of 7,000 ioulsand bas a great fourts centflry, thonga Ifs Dame dld flot meritthe. historlanas notice until 200 yeurs a.torward. It tisen became au Independiist repubitu, nifis a vaut trude îts tihe eaat. aud if thls enith of Its powrand It numhered h*potmla of .oufd.*iiqand et. a dnililcte ker ço th* ulimpatch box la dlmuit-Logms'uMaaaaee l5ower airfnia*fiaton. £verros. ksao*u that tbdlimakfnàtiofl lufroqùeti , oed by phiauclsnd lu odectlg curas of Patient» Who art vunFérlng from mentl an od PblhcaI dIsordemu.Thse mont sncceuafulprac- titioboer le lie Who posfemou thse faculty. of inoplrlng confld.ace lu bloumeif ta begIn wltb and theu lu the tretmeDt hoe advlmes. A recent number cf a pOY- cblogical journai relates an interet- ing experiment made by lir. Miamon with the vlew of demonutrating lsow eauy titis' facuity con be callod inta play. in thse Course of a popular lecture lie preoeuted ta tsin audience a tiotte con> tainins distilled waWr. wblcb lie un- carked witb olaboratu precaeons, and thon, iVatel inbhand. lie asked those proeut to indicate the exact moment at whlch tihe pecuar or was per- t CÂPUCHIN MONÂSTIIRY, WHICE SLID INTO TUE SEA. lisn 50,000 soute, rît-b a contributar popu- eelved b,' theus. Witisiu iten seucond.s Lyt lation lu dependent- territan,' et 5W,000. 1505e Immeiatel,' lu front cf hlinibeld te1 Durlng the ci-asade Itu iuisabitan1ts up tiseir bsande, andi rin ftoy sec- phy toninded the bospital cf St. John of onds titose at tise oftoer end of tise noom on Jensmlesu, trous nblc tht-e Kolgista of iecianei fisaf t-ei stioctiy percelvei e Malta dentved thieh name. Towrd tise tise niai. Tisere was an obstînaf. frelith cenuryt7is decline bogan. part- minorify, iangeiy composed ut mon. 1,' due te raia rit- h 1e PluWansd roscui'iclieidolsblt il parti,' tethbe encroachusents of tbetms-c detect an,' odor, but Mn. fliosmon W -Ac Ia 1842lifs quays and Public nOrhu Ilevem tiaS man>' mure ronld bave on wcre dosîroyeti by aloi-mu andI lnna-givon lu bad ho not beeu compellai ta ti tiens. bri-ng the expei-luent- f0 a close rît-itn Psc Amalfi la non onl,' a shadonoret ifsa minute or opcuiug tise bati--e, aevorai ast former self. île chiset Industries are pensons ln thte fi-ont rassis ludlog the lev tise makiog et papen, BORD sui Macs- odornos powruii t-bt t-be,' hai-lb,' i-oi. mat't e pui-arequei ataic quitted tise iecture-roumt. If rouhi and le sui--ouoded b,' mouritalias The have iscen ioleestlug te hscr tise at- Capurbîn moumter,' destcoyed dut-eu titude of i-le audience on ieanaslug tise bick t-n 1212. - lberty t-bat- bai been tisonnîtis thoîr MARVELS OF INDIAN MAGICIANS umaglo*tionm, buti-on t-b isntrit-. sor- tb iuoahely, thse report te. suent gi 'Weudes'isit a f Whlc Leî-d LytSosu ___Mf Ws.. Wli. PHOTOGRAP-Cs IN LAWSUITîu. s Tise foliowiof eor, ut indîso magie r a s at t e b > ' t - e p e s n u D t e vm , o u s I f D i f fi c l nt S ie u nn P u e n t sa g tv i e n c e M s -, W"s ld b>' tise lite Lotd Lytton. t terloolsy 1Iýetnee iyCanr. gave If ln my eno ordi, fer tise ex- 'Phat-eg-' -, bas reucuec tise dit cllent thougit humilUlat-lOf teason titat fitultles ilui terultsanast triais te a Min- 1 uave mîsilaitise MSs.Wien us ln mum, . i uurk'd c mernber et t-be bac,. t-IniaiLord Upîton often noutgat-out "In t-lue,,Pý'at- if nae te univetsi 'acunjurtru, but- nover sauw nu> but tise cuetori usitmerder triais te taise tri ofnuue feata. encb au tise mango trou jurles le the scentes tif the crime, @0 tetrickssoi t-be basket trick. Tise usefsod ltiat- tise>'coutl get e btter undersîemcd- teolneachcase lIs uowu, or. et-ai eh tt-s. Iug otfte testitoy sauil the tacts lu M plausible exptItttiottus bave iteeu gi-un te rase. Besidea lite t-me iloi bei, b,'oitMu. Masklslne and et-ber expert-e, t-leue -cmas conaieiabic oxpentie lu ibis, onOu eue occaluon Loi-elLpt-tin liked t tere ca cunsilderable expense lis tbis l saomet-hing lu thloiksa of tise conjurer gi-ans, draw'lngs and sketches constant- nhn wa perftiemis]g lu thse open apato iy uiseet lu Important trials. Ail fuIs >t bh befotrebis bouse. At-t-entise uclisian>' nondue asway b,'tise pistoguapis, exhibiiolis ltii-ahip aukeil lthe gi- riîcilu alnays accuai-e.lumakn., tan f bh o utoutne do somet-bltg more copies of exiibits In civiîl causes, nutes,. r- cul ofthi-e coen n ra. deeds. nitis and tise likee I cIs priest& ig Thse Min cii ho rouli tri, and seS- bas dent ara>'outîrel,' riitht-berun-- su ed ton à ring, w bici Lord Lytoisgave vices of tise ircugistasu o bor iu- n, hlm. t-te tisit requeuteil au olicer'ta pinycil fa reproduce t-be sa me. t le ýtake lu cther baud a hanitul et atois "I remember neli thte cstibrated triai ia -nue sort rams scaise. Tise name cf ut Gene-sil Danieli Sicisies, thon a re- se the othet soi-t an,'informant dii isot presentat-ire trous Ne o rko-hfer the it hnow. Holding thse» eseeis, andi av uurier if Pbllp Bart-ou Key, nbo ne. ro lng tise ring betroelshie inger aed the Unit-ei States iistr-lstatfornei. Tisel be thumb, tise officer rss ta go t-t)ai eil pIetontal exhîbitu lu tble triai asimeat1 MI lu the cornser of flic comupund. HO fi e etftise ralsuoftht-e curt-bouse. tp. wus te dispose ot the seodsInl a certalu The luishoose lu the front utfnisîcistiseI In wa,'-l thiok on tise Ion rail arouasi shoothng occurred, now t-be site of t-be8 ,ai t-le reit, toto the deptisu et nblcb ie taayette Square opersihouso, ras, ort rai tt tiorthse ring. AIl thbIs r " coursetise pinipal plut-une. Thon 't daue. and tissu thseusage ausked Lord there a adrwlto Lfyee Lvttonv.bei-e se rouli like the ring ta qae solgho e inldoe tas reappear. R-e answrei"iu bis dis- uqucMres isoning ho r Ko,' gnte ni- 1b pattri box," et rhicis the ho,' rs t-- 'p s Sîcaid e sof ais ar e. ai ndt ise gp 1 tue-led te bis rmtch chaiet, on et aIIposis aideof t-batusqeon i a big te @e laute lie ba i t Nltbh h m on tise spot airaniisg ee K nidLbo s o e t e re t et Tho diapalcis bax rau bucught out, tre eebtinsv e tw < Coa n el Keryeavsns Iug Lord Lyttois opaned isand tier. ras ut-be m ens t okpeCia l Kl asudh e-h tise ring. This trickh mulie. eas a icis ahtuy-o uIifa 5 the Brtiash offIcer ras aàtrenfederte cf bseinis i tis roie ,dKe pisyci ro n t tise juggier's, and if ho posesued a lieusiudlcstinh to K rether or ue- dupilcate h o,'te idspat-citbox,. u ins.Scse bianvi iee o bytuiscas e housld (st Ibron the ring Ides Ibese, there wrotoier pietures r lutté the reit, but no'uld taie It Intthe u lgauml- cepeae , isoiu1. open tht box and Issent t-hornig. William Fonth.t the cii-y uurvar. DM t tis expiant flon invlvs lsonmos Tise,' cot consldeablo moue,'. but lb. Improbahlhtieu. Witelet la UnliheiY. riscle tising could uo e b btfer ne- aaa.tisai-tise ,uoujnrer mmiaged to preeenteel at the expeum etof&.couple of ut. lpnert a duplicafp.rng ito tite dlupatl- dollars moi ten- minutés' use of a kodak. box beiorelitn4 ,Lord Lytton tho~n 1 haive knoiir of hundreda of doilori aahed the JuggIýr If ise couli fepeat t-ho eiug expeaded iu the prparstioO qi la, trii. Be nowootere4 lu the affrnsL4vq. iacalmles Oi exiibits, forgerlas. ie. SMauta ldy'Ies a 'tst ru. nOsr ail cf *lbIe*b - "* Oa o e r idffllu *Mocer toh t, titis thee neda s before, a hatithoua y he lsUIe prilit roeoq iad droPsed tpras té tise reL sThe I. ait 0, s vry ttlois ae qsecospse s# rm*4a:wae or tlhe 1ussier ai,«trad in, 7 " ~ iY [c COMLMTIM) OF lL1- 4t the e»và' P.#ç e w, ho P4O*8& ejnu !i . Spraagàmild thetlb fld usqW*nmiy recoumnèmded tie éItablidi- tuent la lIlinela or' a Stmte smiltarl5m bd hyiltse UQirer of su Itiselli- f0? eounoptlvea ~p1e J~l Delver 1r~mtated JoWn Festreil et Joneaborouliid., pg"sr of ennellaussi opIiftOVS Re sud lUri. Margaret Bickeyer t Kariln, aftd-4OpanLsia Caauon for Penn.. lad.,,died ln a West Masdison stret han»elus Chicago. Tise man vuai 5as-.. loonkeeper and left a wldow. sud t1is ~t he aTeulent cf an ryelid uaved lins. voulan hnd's husband. stinadgt bj'tIjo eut St nga Td, o The fate Board et fleaitis et Its an- oilr" a y sbi5il ~d tnai meeting, lellu Sp)rntnglted. re-eltc orafté cf buriul olve.'ris7b Ath edMthse old offscers au foleva; C..13. John-S iouug ase psuard froue0 a soi., Clisuspaigu, prenidnt1; IL. Y. tSO lia tiacu luta5 ClOSsc'slc nt. Lltchel, teauren; J. A. Mgaa,ý ely confeteiîed deaf b thot the connu Springfield, seere ansd' execitlve off- hiiscta vias deeerd.TseenY cen'r A aneChicago, attorney. ërtak5n wau auumeurnd. Tise body isesei ciesoud, weiglits vire laid up- Týee Brothers, tise proprietiars oet'oeu- he riles sud tise ieachiflg procesa risa oid extabliabed carpet b>oute, bIsV alsonaliCompleted vises>the reilitht efored Into incolunti-y iana.rupttl. Ibn w0ioma's niglit eye fsii te the floor. tihe «utounIS eilCause greut surpriù rudertakert bhis hidi tunaaed antluthse business circîru of the city. Tlaxe itùe sud sîs tiatfie nose sntýi-ed im bas apparently been ita prnsperotam 4 à"he u etirly lere, itbthncondition for man), yearu and tisere bad as le Cvasendthre lyi ii s of te crer been ay tougit o efllure, bc bâti opeured sud repiaedtis te Congreaunsua Prince huan ptroduced a liht. Airin If f1tet>ltise fluor.This bihlux.Congres» saILies for au ApprO- ethse undertakier tisonght lie uotlred P1itio of not len, tian $1t5l,OUîtfora iteiuag cf tise eyelid. Then tise munt gouernirir ent outfits building lu Steti- verfisi test hues-n toeiudertukers, was lu£. Sterling in tise ouly City la Whiite- Slied, wi tie reult, Ibid the monin %ids County tiat bau tie freet .iery .unmeituible signaeut lite. 8Sb( service, and citizen. of tisat place ble., ii tise use ut ber body, bot sais tilt! locilitY la entilîrd te tise building., ble te tus sund teill et ber calierienes News frocs Washington mcsys tsat COiL e ln tlie Iracce. Robert Fort of Lacon, wiso la a Staire - ilenutor, isabout te enter upon a great PIt, xxudà*wilîNet P.te. mssuntaetnnlug project. Tise iseuage reeport osercisautm tetapered juatie uy$: "Col. Fort wiii pro babi y rnlËé o- i- mercy and deeliued te protecute tll aunoneerent ot bis.plaens41tinuà %.Kate Cunninghamn .id tiret dangis te, wek. e bisu oetraeteilfor a A a g " d 1 8 , 1 0 s d 8 S f r »r u r e ap c t î s e t e s a m a u t o m o b ile a n d i i i o r g a n s el a e ta vite uere arregted for csrryiug ou au Lacon," BalY le see uf uhoiilittïng. Neariy ai ieoivIc l wsed l !y sbop, lu revu isu.sfeirdfrom the MxDecjnwol aýd i >r da lbns et M rm, C un n l is am ans i. fi d on a charge ut em ie z iisg r chldrn, ad weu er brnevasParaceruip sonoey, vus isrnest-d let Seat- i c l i î d e n n d s i l e r l yb o u h t l e , W a s i . , b lby h r iff W o o d o rt f i î - ued sy lise officrsuul togsfes u ogl'letu iCt ee r Ddu wre eron e e tat rsta I ldepafir eglprand iiigsltîlucorhe put leopoa t slore. Tise %on,înu sioor and ba. ltgsiIt c as s co uir bcptoperaot :dauglite-e, thse eldest 18 and thesio IwaabldâfrutlinW ugeut a YeeR old. fier bisbuid de- Autheoritcu bd eci e-ely %e'uured papers, ed ber iler tillo. seud. aeuptlng tise froinet. ,ittigrs er Niebintos. ft thât povrrty drove ber te tiilg, Clihi-ord If-da tiltntusn t a usîntu til e tttgi5titCgsie ciether sud coller, ftallp siiot tiitiot it bit, huard- giteru a ster i lc-ture, rmade ttbilg honne ini.trltue. lie hi a sounai msenever Lt do Ilt igate suid dia- CuPt. flt-ly ut brother ase tisent. urAlbe'rt liruly, chu killed h ls suet- FiteFý .« heurt.,2.1iltie an0t ruiituctsd ln ais atîeopt urthte pnlooners tn tise hl-l t 'cel»ai- ii t iteyeera *go, beil ý3iiii 'c.îiE d Rend>'.cite Aitîbti-britîtr, l. i« (huanyii editor them. eau ftil, vetîtdîc-d fd î il ut tse l'tîomographlie \.1onut fNe' Yorh. kruillob vas chuo t ise crff. Frui T hre Chicago, t'r tin îlndSt. feis and Ühlis, tise toîîrtî,u.R-ese rePsrl'9ttO tise St, Lie., Cli, ge îîîîd St. L'ail] raIl ci tise pristlne ithir ela tor tise wua'u cre telil ut Spiritngfileld p ilpecw ist. lite eienedtise liter te tise cage lster WiaiuteL theruiCiatosca' et a treuil ceiter. Thetrut'>' jitit-el i iitti'i, eru cs,11 .)"t tîîst C (ani- buhisl. Tfote ,tltr i"Ôers rrieei,,til ),art sditio tf Nite Yurk. The tie cage sud fi retid'ti 'lit ttt iiIî a iid for te tliiiltit, , l'tica sud ,ur, bu're îeh ettitLtilio undîlSt. Lui wiel$ iiy .tso. t f on thse k %way bis bi'y. ali rît tîlver. SIuiuttStIuitw, lt ia St c. l'aiil) $71,(0MIIS ritiekol isi'rîl tilt <'ries andîtrue ttii i' tvlin-ti- lî'r't, i nttiiti; eft the euc. Itviilt, Ilie hd tit, tttlit.i t-i. t'lei,g l'e t-rie tund 'i ,i.tii>dire." et i er. firu i tlit(.e ettii i, arnitistîl i. ce, aut c .lht i l'. Lle to lit.New -li'd tl' ttîîtt n bilt-fl artuc- lit b lîrk, ciii't'ttlrt".îltt.un ttiltspli ilîrets ur,îi>'eruhic jîtori. iruliui ' iîli'lt. 'î îîgîîl'. ti'rad see' ltlser csîot. îîlîîeh 111titi ttI c'.t. ri'lory. ,Ai.r-itiiotîtlaîreiits2. rulî'ttftri'd ise chuýte,. Oiii'trittlok .lÇî.bîc,t gtei4t.. it..ejîit tprupIs ,evel ii t t e e g tue o tiier litt"ui.l rh tiel , o î i î uîîgis Itia houp. A uîîr t-tii ili..îiititiuni-d et Mauxn VIeton(;Ititite Puons,. ltîd tit ue ii th, . iittunitsud Gi'u. lloyd t's bit.r i orthe Iitttî' Qtil'Yhi ni a tt ue tîtîtît i asklhled taes -i'lurtuer uervi'e i inthe Plîblî, anditiis't Aîîii-îl .tItiti t'ttti>55are laes bas ltut foi-goein Pl'iul, ise ebou' le u ttst., it ti te t lo.ii'lrat section fbil& Yutîn etr bits oi n eis u f a u-.sttainw au. St îllîg ou thse ins nit1h tenria olueteera t oftise til ra-k c liulitttt i scto n vu rr. Deletite 1îef et Ibis f ai't tsuesiute il. rLitit3 aýteu wa-.tlîuea'u thb ecently ln tise shape ot a lutter te Murer top et lise etigito, It. iitr L caeglit fi» ,ychti,.luwiirit.en. Wbiegton preseiso .cilc vusti,-Ruly con ened Aihr.2 aIaM athe City' uf Pruris a bistorie ver tre- trou)t tiseCityc. ohm vit-sebrouglitne y, a Spacisis cannî blis ban brunthtisire roulîctty, thieli extinulithed tet xtise c..ails utfMauils fer retire tisse& flsa. 'lThe gi-eut torce oethlie collisIOnx enttsry. ibrew 'tisee tigittuitkfrottise tea"hand Tai Linnit J. lnssIId. îited suceraIl ars tilfstcliik il, grat icOU Tise Sitîtremts'Court et Illinois bus i-'tfuin ibelaicd thlis cuginu lliing scariosul -Ided sisal tise 5per uet tax raeuiaiimlutborces nuit uuuo 'icitutl cîstLle ésud bc censrevenue la l' e iceeneitilleccl. iez>o. Lcerdiug i-s tisour -aisearec attoritirn l.ube front tond lintit ownsip )n the subjeet of taxatioe, tise elfeilt o a becnceialoetiled eltott entIre1! b! lis wsill be te doubsle lise taxes ut.tise tour big pirojeets. the t- ateItifle range. >'OPeytî eveerts anov suaie-ceul.renfor Vitn City, Wissthriop hboub usd thse -id inceeue tisme y ry eaourt'tesof tax' Nortis V'uiegan Latnd Assoc'iatin, »d i rying bodies. suif place rthe t utIpittif o ri Istitt'it utuy ciii of tise mar- Cuok Ceeetputin atoieution co-e tisue st. 'iseSiate vtîuld like Lut enlarge itu-- t,11 inii bc bK fed usîdîr lise eld rifl ne si,uhoau xl tiiiitfuture ai' Peeiiiiiiliuts otiflie 0 ia ittltis. About Il )loiitîtl>'cedettleefocrtsthe aur lu iiisItY et[Insite Mude(X) acutrus oîced ly Mutu. JoseOphi Dunkhns. Tise t-ilor Fuondit i, c'i. arged wvus jet tînotîcl et tutu iii ais .Foribils thse cI isilliag tuf biccuite aed a lii îeuu'eld Stotu lias olturtil$20 estcre. This lu ý gl v-titi ter>e o(utip.on e e etge 0fr¶'thtetore tit urt iait lotsie Paid for Ça .Iîîi i ieulo ini c tett.cerne 10 a i-bau tîssI cti t icont 'fliThe er issunont uî-unlp.t jl'yjure-ni'ieuiug A verdctil et tutti îî'îî' et.'rThe Stâte alisbes te guil t>tut at,] iing lthe tin1t> AI fouty t1,,ttill moelandutaoil M.j, tisumics c ve et ru jein tie jitile tLiry. Ito-ie u t ,Ni I lit , et tietiititorill le te iid à apoisotîtmou 'ii Wyert ae .' tti"" utittiiilie site se stens- ---b otýse etitloît1 iierte ilmer. Tsit t 2ti sdes'111%. Wife. At 'Sîluet ,Etîcrrd lian-s ibtbic tutaii' t t aoitAa ttu eg veotan trois t-vo in e ie tît 'elac e head 'l'Thpybil l Stgati tttîi eîîîîruted ao tuucieek-tai)antd aIibuth eiit tili idStellitSbay, umet ii), eft1he Irago rnIr. liantes e tuliiit il îiîlîîr if rtrtinluKansas the itno ieîr roulter paete. i1ls iil, 1t- 1ile:tî sct, .eîtdown isîto îrud fotîtîu ots.. lie -asas rected. lite 1n iîîltt-rwii e re tlit. onal] - tti iltlut , r ciit iutie . Tise maer- lOictO ttoSiseinsct )detctf il oi'.ou itulitit cousina John Hllîerteen. oeeortthe furtset-uit autot itt i-i"tiiy itttl l ou, l it ud ila tiue of Greiidi' Coitydted et hi-t berne i ,ti>Id îo In-bei tifttiis wen tise, neeu Mori-r t ged 72 peccaîgcedl laie IirteIllinoeis hume and, leuse's lenceelli sielli>' <olut i uedp j'oîîeeytelQ.tAtip.rittolsien ot t-boa. ing fi-Onta diceis. 1,reitoilud ithyliste laos,.qi,, lite.licol île jucige, nise reriritia t, Lileeuontagionsc gleuideus. h bc tii nleiIo'imlte e iht uoiries au C haerle s M . D uan die t l t NM erlins' lu rtiti l it tg uîil ii i it i ri e k n rille. ogeul70 Yeats. tte vas aepitoncer, bmuruitife. 'bIte t t roliti cere cents-ont- liteent Reiîili(it eila lmdie poi ei wlittits qi4"lion by tise proute t ielngut eeîlurîblîteet.andtgac titee eoîi-ilue d'aiftr tise ticiau olesttheail Illinis' aot e'iiigtoe, fbey de- TheIsîSet ates Coturt Ot APçeal-tîiîu o ut anîiueîd go te tise lu- bas decîded tisai I ofX)et\It. Venosndit triln..iiere couins may marri. towunisipbonde ai- eale, lter e-ai mg ,A ,e ,oppe ii irttf errer trous tisa been lu ltîgelteOn tefor erS iuSerreî Cttl tlthe 'United States ta Cityifi-ttSnelling oret lsgisua ttStîrm 'tt Ir fIllinois in the t.m tuircd e punchiorutil rnttein u the veut u orget.Itordiefand otite-sa gaumt ensd et tise tto efltd deliveruc tise til ieAtituti- 'bge,('ompany iLD otis- laird potictiandi contents le Posttster cu îeiot li ie Glucose Suger Ru, Lacs'se Tise cent-este wererlfied. tîu uittl.vslotigeet lu tbe omfe Po.istslt e s et f lingism s 1 e ulie ie , et ie Sutreme Court ae- le retript et s telegrorntfie, tise ieritt Spriogeld. AcrnIM paing tise coi>,'oc At Canton. Ohio, aut3-g tisaI -. L. thsin, tise v rit wvueà ondti te cuver tise ctest ani ..nier- cr-eltiser-. bac .u-onfe'nced C teeîrl- damagesi, ptîrocecil buAssocia-e .irmie tuf fise miipoieis t Effinghain, cu - Heury' B.Brocwc; iseanauorder ot Justice taicing about $10,000, meof t -itishoua Brown tiat Ile v rit operate au a super- bren recovereci.seeas upon Ile itliug ufthtie bond. JosuephItolReli leren sd kitind Seeci> infermtione receii'ed, Se tise ltalk iîlînger et flunfeslline. Relier sebt A t Boaîrd et ife&ith l is tat lise amallpoz a dez iseiongicg t-oDillingor Tisa is5 pitleute in WiilinmteonCoîîety has ai- ed a quai-nul bottesjt tiswf- men, and lta5ei alnimig pr-opoteiton«. Seeretarï tise huIlezgwas tbe reeîtý Bolier wse Fau bas iectrocfed lise Siserlif t-o quar- aireseed.ntme aitsneetel preutises. Thse Gui-maont'thollc Churibcl letePk, Tise Sft internat revenue district, lu- visins la u misi-go e faer a laoingi ee ceutte s incentral Iliuoiu. Li mi frona the Pl est blcef .Oid. Put up packages, big pies. 5.,*- s On* SA FEW BC 8-dnOftss'Y DR. a. A. R lia ms S Y went Isr ~rmpantic "gr", de you lof ifty YtIL (ulas to dotil you n dansansodbc&] i ltse hatr issUsfroa ste