Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 2 Feb 1900, p. 5

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s- Correct Buying Enabies us to seit at Correct E XPERIENCE. T HE GROCERIES emlae mtob gooda. In buyîng we firet sotlay ourselves that the quaity is right, WC buy to fflCt the reqdirements of aur trade, and do not endeavor ta educate them to aur standard. Our înecating trDde la evidence that we are givng stisfaction. Triggs &Taylor, 'Special. Bargains!! 1 IN -WATCHES. H Iaving an over supply of Watciies, 1 wiII sei them at a sacrifice during the next weck. For ten days beginning January 6th i wili seil Solid Goid Spectacles with best l enses at $5.00. Ten year GoId Filed at $3.00. Perfect fit guaranteed C. R. SHERMAN, Libertyville - - - -Illinois.1 Caps A Good « Gloves Asrmn Mittens Asrmn Underwear A ways Feits and vr On Hand. Libertyvljle, Mlinois. <,o iiLO\ ELL'S iIRcc s [tRE lF011 Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Broubh I*rîlimea Slip- IUO fiO YRI~f porterK, Shoidl er lîraceK, IL I aînV ial 11,11et Artc le@, Bot aîî -ttioliey,- > Dye SIifis, Glae.aPîIt,IIIME1INS F.,B. LOVELL9 Libertyville Our Liberwaà1 Ofter..... - ayj,~H~8 paInliuaaUve~ceWe*ivet~O lIa IilnÊP~.DlUT -~* $W - a ...-s - jours. toi ULIII. - 7. - a -, t i - "-I~:-~f Y,.- S-- .1.. .tC'~5fl~5~ ha I~tn Journal Sva PICKEDbP HEI kLocal Items of Interest C. . ST. P. TIME TABLE. LIBEETYVILIF-DAILýY EX.BUNDAY 4:30 a. Mîadaa. lu. &:10 P. itas plgb. a.mIdi. E. W . P lu&. 5:0 ptlu aie .. DE g.a A.Fà snd fori~nY.o ec ol L.Lo BNW. . . E. W. PoasSue?. Ag«.. Lh 'W 04E~.~U . F W C. osBO.sD.W. M. BIN4S ITBICT COURT f1 FBH'ONNDOR 45. E e let and d Tues dlay.. ofrah Omt omN.. , Ft air Drectors Misai. Atameetng oof1the direciors o! 1the :RE AND THERE. Lake Connty AgYicOISoYBI Society, * hld lit LîSertyvîlle Town Hall a tto Libertyville Readers. If aturday, s3ept. 11, 12, 13 and 14 rere thBe datent chosen for th1e next fair. *444**44*4*444464~Suprntendenta9 were appoiotedl for 3. B Allnso lm avig th. itertr te varinum dîepartrnentsansd th1e pre- 0 1 . anse e o ei e db vîg. - i ie l r m i m m li ai o m e w ai t rev ise d . a 0f bl bouo r.consîdereble amifoni belng added, Tihere yl be quarterly meeting jodicloualy dî..rltid. Ail the di- service stth11e a. E. cb.îrrhbliuday. rectora were preéent. bira. Mattie Jackmnao. M Nonda, la 'rhe Rpeed prograin was arrioiged as th1e gobai o!flira. Iil>t.Lyon 1111..followa week. n,,e,.,sRi 12 lire. C. B. Hlddles' n firnimbed a 1- 2:.5C-, t. rotînO 0 W2 *very excellent supper for the <ancers N,<-aCI-. ,.m.. trt i u a si the Woo4lmne .a aîer.d.ýFrilday THU XDAY. sera. 13. A large nov thermneter hbin 1.euNo ifrTw,, acor nd dunder ..lake placed iu front o! C. fi.Nherroan'a îrit, fo.ddad uoury ....... . l kstore, wblcB la lmoait tve feet in S- -1ra0 Cl..-..f-r torses oWned In Slongtb Lak otO ta9YîPrIor n. lm.. ae e F>iliA-. SCPT. 14. Trmp h - b -r .11-re ijm ...a 5l. -, J- I.-.n.11-11- 2M . (A lb Dr. Rigbt, of Wauke5n, vas 1the goost of 1Mr. and Mmra. I.Protine Sun- day. Barry Gallovay, of Wautegala. visitent bis parents andl LbertYvillo Mouads Sudsy andl MOdai. Dr. A . L.Travia vI ie- batu his o111ce lu the Buler building casnienclug monday every afternoou from 2 10 4. Mir. Brsdley Lee, of lova, Ia vlaii.lg bis falier, <100. a. Lee sud ailier relatives ln 1.11e vctty the preseet veet. The r,.,ldeet Veatller aof1theviutei- vielted ns bis veek t. iaston babyW zero Wedunday Mornlug. wblcb ves qoitp snng enoogh 1.0 suitune &Il il V55 neceaaary 1.0 clOse th1e oboof s a pari of two daY. Ibis ue, ovlng 1.0 failnro of th1e Baaing epparatso . k@te e Ir-preura np 1.0 a degree possible for ibh@schols te,10endure. Qoeo. H. Lee alippeal on a wait ln bis yard Tueaday biglt. and lu falliig brote one Of hie ar-me ur 1the elbov. Mr. Le e ineigbty-flve YesraO! age, bence his rooloverf wl be tedione althongbh lledoiug vel aIli] lg eonsldered Neil Pritee vInbas baoien eplo3'ed ou the large faciory buildings luncourse of erec1iofl by th1e licCormilet Resper vorte lu Chîcego le Borne for sL fev days orutil th1e veather modrates auificieutly 1.0 allow s resumptiln o! somnelot saniplea a9 Dr. Kng@ New Lif4 pille and New Diaoovery for Consimptiaii vere dlsftrlbuted &bout tovu Wedneeday 1.0 maure our lu. habitant& agaluat theo Invasion Of nuberlees diseaafffor s considerable p@rlod of tique. Hurrah for Dr. King! lira. C. B. lllddleson han renteal th1e LatIe Forent Htel t Lake Forest esud movoal thora 1.111e eek. ira Hlddle- son 1.brougbly underatanda oy 1.0t eonduol a botel or boarding bouse and vo doubt nos wyul ment vîth good sucoess lu ber nov location. John Nadaîboffer. of Winiid. Ill., lest week purchamiea forty acre tract of land o!flMr. Hanse, tuowu an. the10old Levi Baier forty, whieb lies mait uor1.b o!f thisevillage. The consideea- tion vas S19560. Mr. Nodaîholter vif I eroot buildings on hie proper1.y in th1e apli. Our ighway conmmissionors are arrangiug prelirninarlea iookln o th.1e erection o! s nov @stel bridge 1go replace the olal vooden tructura tuowu as Balloy bridge, uorSh o! towu. Tht matter will bA broagbt np at Sit0 e ni meeting o! the board o! aipervisors. A Dov four bors power gesollue englue III be plaeed in th1e INDSPEN- DENT 0ofce th1e les0t Iis veeg. We bave onigrov our preseut englue, bence th1e Change. Our nov englue han &Il the %laler lmproveuuntâ, self starter. eloctrie iguil.or, etc. sud la à beauty. bilît by th1e lant's-lMorne Comhpany- At 1.110mesqoorade given by Acme 0 Camp Fridal» ugBt about $30 vasil cleared oal 11ticket@ biug solal. 1.wuasi th1e best aitended l ance o! the eeeson, c sud th1e costumes vere esPecieiY fiue. John licCanunand Mises fore cap1.ured the wats çize. Mra. Prosser and Ttirs. Hîdaleson trot pizos for boat costurnes and John Gray ad Misa Guerin for moei comte costumes. The Chicago caMPauy, gncorporated i as the LlbertyvilIO Minorai BPIDî8gF Company, snd vBo coûllaoed Y. irabbe to dispose of the ontireo 0.11-a put o!oune o! bie sprinpe. have failld to live o to ir contrsoet, sud vore1 serveal vitB a notice Moda41Y iths baviug violateal the cotract no moret watet woul ola B ppleal therniby Mr.@ oribbe. TBey canitrectea turuse at givan nqinber o! gallons lunthree1 montba psying 1(r. <rabbe an agreetij amout per gallon. At th1e andi o! the1e ti-t perolal o01 the contrant. lest Stur-1 day, 1.ey Isokeal 11,0001 gllons 0f the1 Silpolatet nouber, and ver.eaW h- hind in their paymafllR tor voter. Afier th1e tiret tbree montbe tbaey vonld, aueordaing to contrant bave to1 dispose of alano@l a doublea anoun! o! water. 1Mr. (rabe ôoonluded if they coulal not meet the requiremeote of th.ý tiret pernid 01o! oul-set tbey cer-1 1ainly voulal fail tu lîve up tu their giemeut recllirng a mmucl larger ainount o! vater ta ho dispoeed of. Hena. hie prompt action inu ter- rinating their baignons relations. He will continue lg ouduet his own spiing blasneas au ho bas &Hail lag, mot havlng tJrueovar bise"Uabafliei te tUge W irQônpaaY, 1 ih ost lmglunste the pat week than for socle Urne. n No. 'I- i rt (X42 donb1. owintoith .1e laddeu extretne weather. SCHOOL NOTES. f 1bave a fina lino of ladiea, mlaaee' and cbldreu's loatsthat vîlI 1e eold IOur irmt îrogrilm ou i fe gîvon 1.111 at cosi. CaZU t once and get the atterfl>oîî chgice of thom. Mils. F. PRoTINE nv eî.îsafe I-11baho Loulo Bberoma bas specred a pol at Frlday aft..riioon tion in J. V. Frarwlsvboleaale blouse, The Ilgb cool Literary Society Chicago. He a lenb t'le- abl"ppng elected thse following uew officers lest departanent. idly fresident, Warren Grummîiti: Mils Lillue Morse bas beeîî eompelle>l Vice Prealdeni. (feraBolea. I-ecretary, 1.0 close ber achoel In the liu1terteld Laura Cleveland; itergeant-ai-ermes, district. Umie Morseenrflers from an Claro Kîmbail, Critlc, Lyle Bond. attack of nervona proatration.* Reporter, Ethel Wlgner. lira. J. 1. Morse left ibelrtyvfle for Monday morting th1e janitor ond Haraboo, WIanoneln, 'i oenday, vhere the vator frozen lun1the seoai pes lu .11e Viilvigil; relatîveil until liarl b1e third room iol1the scholars were when ehe expects injol ber hbnebenddiarnîeio util 11. coîîld be thawed aud a Hartley, Iowa. th1e room beated propely. 0f course A dronkon Vomari wva,.conllned Inw-vr-aI nîn . B osdra the village lock.tip Friuf ynv gbt 11.b memlers-f lthe iird room for 1.1151 wue a trauger iii ti,.-.-parte annd a!. claied t coue frni Ciel SkieUnicilfmind Lattera vas sent to theeclv 1af.rîay morning. F l «Iié I l all.. f II.-lt&a emaloffu li The tee barvent là it progreoa on tîhe Lifariya III-, I. fontoil..Frb1 . îa00. amatlekea a hrongbu thf,1- >onniY. A Wh - alig f- th- l.«tYa ar dvAs, large nombor of men hae.-ientoken , l 'tf Ilra ay AiH-.. Prter Baiet 1.0 Long Laks over th1e la-w road ibis 1 L.. lilîW,. il. L Dada wet for th1e Knickeri),thla-r Ice U1.- i DC-.. -- J. x M& 8L P. B. pany f. P. F.r,. (G. A PfagKman. Pull! John F PIlO1. j.- 1lb-volt. At ia meetingol 1the.- R, ubilcan Lakle Gtl--kof ( .--in. -' W.n..r'il . -.c>iti, , mitr0e W Milr.NI HEoa Palua in wautegan le" laturtlay mo Ueffort wumadie togettbel.epîîlllcan Colinis- E. McDONALD, Convention fer <raymlate. ilovever a majoriiy of the comoîlt70 decided CARPENTER AND BUILDER. ou Lbertyville. W. C f'PtOu, wbo NERMIr( PE-AT ns, been chairman of 1the coinmittee for th1e pas& elght year.., stated te, hie' asechsesiba h ooidonlonerFiing andi gminding of aul k"na serviea on 1.0e comthrsd i noI elongaerk . o!, .dor socceasor vtIBeaeef,îlAtth11e con- ven>tion.- Frlendeablp Distrivt Court of Honor, No. 743, inîtiated i nc-eeru nov mem- bers ai Beir meeting NMonday nigb1.. Aoitioeh ieem cn ea. of J. Burt, M. Brt. M. Hagnes. H. Cbluol, Jo Dldema,. Johii Dof.-i.berg, Idra F. Harden. lMre. M. Hatue-<. lra. M Bur sud lire. Sborf ocre bre t.. luitiiae th1e candidat.-.. fefreabmuepta.were served sud . gela-rai gond lime ren. joyed. Our local Court i.. boomilig bpvlug ae m,aerablp of tLhirt. aone and %tiy iv '.ftlicatilnuafie ad- mission. Lest saiurdav ( mniy (.rt H.-îi.-- lassealmarriage lu-ennes t(, FratkE unoyard and Ro.lrt Runyar.f, bro-hiber.. 1.0 wed Miets (irpîta Little aî,,lMi-a AIma Little, of! nias Lae.. fhe.-girfa are alises. Fr.ank. vbo lath1e tlder 1,f of Un1e bruthjerm, <ted 28. marrie- fie younger of th ..e e. o kil.- Robert, the1.yoiiîg brober. oeils lia- aIder ister. I h, Ir ages art, 24 ,,ëd22 Au oldor alter iuarf tilaI),,e ,,f 1the Ituyard brotber-. about. a yeur .olda bal! ago. 111e girls are dauglters 'if ýon Little of îrîaLate. nember la in eh-bi ,t-bhenlataiborne, vlth an opeu beart sud au open band. nover content itînletsa his.frieuda are oomiug sud going. nover sngrY UnIes..1 they yl no& ste.! andlbavesa meal wltiu him, never go fuil A. joy unsWilen he la Chainrecaijd, Wforfomn50 to 75 cents. Residlence F. P. Dy, monds place. Lake Street. EASY RUNNINa. You need a Wl nd mili? Why flot buy one that runs Nwhen others are idie? E. H. BROWN, UÀbertyvifle. Ageafur AERMOTER MILLS. Cýn-Q re doiug a goodtl trs or going river <'Id ~ ~ '~.~ laya wi1.B tbo8e t. - vom 11e in1.000,1 by a bundred ti. a f kîudly words and O eda. As&11e bu' dealt with ait men' L eh ign iC oal Mtangers and frieudag alite, in his churcb sud in i. ha ouaes, anouwilG. 'al by Birn andl for hlm we inay feel W orth 10 per cent. sure there l i ., a nel- more than any ceome waltlug wlî,-re th10eburebem of earth bave changA to bOr Fetiera other hard coal. Renne. ,nLdie* 1lisse Jou.r,>,, Aiso best grades Soft Prof. Id. J. NtoDonagb, proctri Coal, Coke. Lime oplit!ian, laie uo!1it Worth, Texas., ba locateal at Llh.-rtyviLle pernsanentîy. and Cement. Prof. liclbonagh vill bonin the fllfow-1 ing towus and i wlI anaver imoaedla1.ely ý*Gi-i. SClIANCK, anYoomjmunic.ati 'us addîe&A as belon îOtvla lîoe Wsdsvortb. lt-eoranm, Mîlîburn, Lbryil Rtussell, An1.loîl, Graysakae, Ilîlîoia __________________ and Bristol, wia î %lli test and examine th1e eyes f re of charge and fit opA R T glaaaeas cinttllc-ly. Hie test la1§0 F .oB I ST 1.bôroogh tînat Il .-uables bim lu fit any person ith tOr-. pair of glanscem11e MANUFACTUREROF pute ou, ao> iwll giarentee ti îfar lBye yaars. l Prof. Ml., J.>M4 t. NAiiH, Libertyvvll, ael Boxi 284. 1lIMl->p aand Worklflg Nlght and DaY. ýrJje boaleat anti mlghtestllttte tbingt that aver va.. madie ls Dr. King&Neov Lîle Pille. TBear pilla change veat- neus ImSb sirengtu, Ilaises«e lto energy, brain-fag intu rental power. they're wonderfil lu buIlding op the bealtb. OnIv 25. per box. Sold byj P. B. - LovELL, Libertyville, G. IB. TEolipsox, tirayalalke. Mi.J.lbeer:,Sedelîs. Mo., savoalbisa child's Ille by One Minte Coîîgbi Cure. Dactara bcd given ber up bdie ltb nioup.IFs anuifaible cure for cgb.colda. grippe, phuooonls. beoncàitaneîd throat and Ju ng, troubles. Rolieres at once. P. B. il LvLLibertyvilleîJ. a. UkÂcaxa, <Iug..U L.WTUEM, Rcukefeller. Granite momusunts. CEIIHTHRY WORK 0F eV*,' Deacrlotioa. Cersi W. Carvy ALL KINDS Our Feit Boots Agio RUBBERS. THIE SHOW Bouuo le thea beet semblu tion ln the market. L LL AND CA EXAMINE- Warm Things for CoId Days. i Our 50c Fleece Iined Underwear. Our 50c Winter Caps.. Our $10.00 Men's Overcoats. Our $1.75 Warm Lined Shoes. Our 75c Feit Boots. STOCK COMPLE and Best Goods to be had FOR THE MONEY. Ma B. COLBY & CO., DEA LERS IN EVERYTH UNQ 1Li bertyv iiie, WINTER DMPE- WEAR WINTER: HOSIERY JAPANESE MATTINO L ibe rty ville Lake County Teleplione Exchange, N . Libertyville Exchange.v 123 iilement. Auailn ..... i8 Clrk, J. Y ... 24 Gllovay, Dr. C. H. 4 (fallovay, Dr. C. It... 1'2 4(Gratton Stock Farin 5 Loveti, F. B - iLovel. F B 15 Lake Coaîty Bant... 1 Lake Couniy luid.-<e 12 Libertyvlllo Hîtel Ilt Lake County i'>or t F VU Luce, 0. 1 13 McCormîî-t, Jolu....- 52 Mcbacbttn, Gag.-.. L. 25 Trigge & Taylor ..... i1 TaylorDr. J. L.. 125 Wells Broibers .. ... -Bridge Wsàer as .. . . . . . . .. .. -- - I ts«Ideno. ... . F. £.un" ' ... ... Droga andl Madieftne ---- C. F. Wrig11t, Osahie itlent--F. H. Just Edhbor W. A. D«»n Prop- crni .- ...CA. Appler, Wup -R....... IO1 " a steM« SesMoe -.r.......... fla ha GSiserfoan E. BN(iR Sherman E. B ..... .... . I)ruîe tLake 1iain,<f aek., (;rav..Iake fi tmer ,Malt Day . .Jéwolr7 ..I.eaideoes Lîbertyvillo PrawIrieai Roc*afae NOTE--When cafling cali by number. Subecrihera b thbe ludeptdent P*yiII< a yeat in adveaoew la aie entitted m albm of authentie photographa of! Our New uq Illinois. SOC Women's WbiteLVe soilecLti.taclose, 50c Gray Veste,-ý--. rts andi Dreweaame .200 4 Sc Mens Heavy. Underahirts ........SI 50C Mens Cotton Sweater...........ta Assorteti lot of Childiens 25Sc Wool Hume I 35c Womens Heavy.German Yarn Houe.33 20c Mens Haîf Wool Socks .......OS0 2 Sc Womn's Gray Cashmere Hoe ---- I3 just rectived 3 fùree very âine Matting, worth 30c ta 45ci Our price is 20c sud - - I1P" p,- Libertyvilie linois. whose Cheap g for « - - m Ilois. prices. ight... b $0 It NOIS. nug in s and ants, Ca ps s the Cold Weather Necessi ties. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. FC. SMITH & SON I3utler BIdg. The Pair,1 - - Ilinlois. ti d 1

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