Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 16 Feb 1900, p. 1

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imerliq (ituenrC LAKECINTY INDEPENDENTS home f l<Ia'_____ _________ glai1g Pl( Vol. VIII. No. 19. Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday. February 16. 1900. $1.50 a Year in Advanc. pe CK 1OWIE. A SERIO11 CHARGE. THE CENSUS. hiceago. wua Rumor that Chicago Millionnairesare "Jack" Ronay. 0f Wauconda. Held Worc WlittCommence on the 12th of T e S w n e x n er Witt land O v r o t .Interested. 1Ar 02,500 Bonds. J un oot Illa rumored In Chicago tiovermenutoftl creently arre.hted Lake County îadlvidedintoeigiteeiaeu ijoyed V e mIrow il j, a llttle tliii the acamon for bcavy baleineau ictîcin ltait the Dowie land John Bouley, of Wauconda, nu a charge ennumeration district@ for the laiklng Ta--S1. siea. i tisai atsa Tbssgbs Itionte he (,agi J bausXd tinanciaily By orne of CE alndling derar througbout tuie 01 teTwelfth I'nitedl States Canosa 13 N-~ N'prlng Ds.. sr,. t nîpg. Overcoats, but we have a few patterns of coatsngt that Chicago's richest realdenta. Among country, te whom I saiieged lie wblch wiii begin on the tiret day of t11'i't à- tih. Mid. fais .1a 1se-sd-. tmb tkhthose wbo are nlad lbe intaresteed 1 sld brttelin s reaiilery butter. Jue next, and maii ha comploedEa y Sp ig O en g wed uiws e ar oeiad ekowo uieun anesiato several th c Early lulablanl more ere No Cit doer fo ahtcaroer dweko o!Il are snob maei RIJ. V'. iarwel, B.N xi stef large gang of produce wîthin, two weeks in ail cities for tr"d oare B/'tSwditred Bavsins dealers who bava carred on au exten- repiedA 8,000 Jlanitnt ail morhe r dsed h vr etC to Puplia @f o ute a ot e e na trd ui nesRvoudomtsuhIll In trrti u 18,r nd i ai te diso biisMoio mn Tee mn remd o e utaaleof butteriue for crexiuery butter- tratsonoruly or tash finit are oreain Cotail ridi mafia, to oeil you an overcoat thtan te rake lthe price right se tIng large amouna 0f money Aoto the oela& mecsamnadrli u.w sh 0 d re p e rng n al WOahti a cheme, priaily asau i Avesameu. largey iac auudla theweser patud M Jackson, nf Shaliboua, III, la terfeh es 9lmakl fer that you can *fiord te gel it dov. They aire aIl quitie bard religions 0arge cqunatywe ith utetern i l povio offieesnnefosteso alu n Ji, wor e and a b utanî l enit ha creaied coassaidterable agltatAionec u isrcuhe comprises akeY u a tt e hs tls If Vous. aa,,,,r heuefit thee1ve vascilyfri ew arsed abtit toni weeks Couaty. Tobituappliicatiousi for the Y ul att aey u h ieo -~their Invenaimentte ri.l oiino nmro btidbn-Y uI a tt a ey u h ieo eei n tlf uyuvivn noecotn! itr on n e hope tu doa garent deal 0f gond by the ago vîlti Patriefi BoLiter, whi, wa on iinu nmro hudh d T eeg o sa h etp ten relt edif Iniyuveliwn noeca efwnecieadscetbiheto -oe i. adt have beueggdwt ia dressed. Enumerators for the vari h s oo sa-h es atri eeahisnau safo an busides a&Nolty.%et"o Oua diatrict, muet ba reaidente of th" iwharfvel we hava te show yotis The men abotra mentîoned are sngt lule buins ditte No.y reprnan and a-et Furty- of tdlofknowu go bc especlly intareatedl tu 8eveuth sîreat, Chicago. -aie vs disc thy 8er0u adaeap p er ran lvAGenuint Ca"i Milton. heavy weight Satin Dowie's religion, but At la true that regaraaed for isck10fela ,iîî,- againat polated by 1fr. Jackson soieiy viti -mates «"u snc bas taaau very couspicnus lu adl- lmi. the appoantrafenta yul bc made lu the e ocigdsgsa AI vajaO of a ceeafue...Bveraii other mou -in,>sere BU*-1 il le adScv and shui linîeg wih a vanclug Chnistlaulty. 0f cours ece usaesoenintourmjl i rfutuIre Toile du Nord, Edgc HIIL Zephyr and Everett Gingitam i. he a.dbody lining of a regular Suititg. $25es. sU noihing deflulie la fnovu relative 10Ciaohurel ore Rnicîtle asi As will ha @cou by the following at pricca frofu5cs.pvtd nu nov moumuà tha matter, Au t la quise possible erresd su --be Auer5 revenu o!- tall L-mCutyi lddAt t the GIraaf gW tIndn the Interhnug Anvnu tisa talrakumor ndiie i ed sud thal .gb m... A-qmo -teei oehn ntermr iciAis have since beaun uuaile to get a eAgiitepn ennumeration district: Pkicvct, chaor-leclea alc oetcs îed lier for 11a( EXV31N leg tbair whoeas,,îte Edward E le ili Attiuech to.l1.,Iîiîîl,1. Arrtl,l, lNotmy wil c A T i fl T v(un February 22d, VuSlasigt-On'u Manhoffer, George E. liraiinen sud a vlisa- Aiî ra-I.WLUIN NDOO AON. SA N B O R N~~~o & O Birthay asapecialaexcursionn linaite man of the uame 01 Eeil3, chu were E.1.WL InNiOKAON) hY Dovie 1 the site Of Z10o1 City. lu busunsat No. 1,264 Iliel atreet. ,. 1). 1,s B..îîit tov,îiali. lie excursion yuli bave the Chicago are laid tu be the men m cmq th, c"ti- JI.Le. 130. cote' te.îvebl. Ili. lain walise ' Tailors and tiaberdashers. depot cef the *Chicago aud North. Cers are seekiug. A 'li>r I).er>iel ia 1-abj u T > JN7f, Western lilvay, Wells Street. ai If) or kulowl as thie EigiuPro.i.î Ecu2s3 le. fi l,t . townsip lcii ny~~~~01 mi-d'K ie lc îetvle OA . m., and vili go throngb vlth- and i Io Iiat hey scît l.rgc coo- Fart 81litu ofU Til.e Kaiser Block, ~~Ou&a stope toatheBit@, fOrîtvo( miles aigunmeuts of oleomargaLi i. (-tdealerh LE t) i. Hliaaci,. Part Cite. ÇQ distant. The round-trlp ticket vilI he in the Estit vlio purcehsud the article E.1.10 i /urIl 'L AD RS! ai L W lu, traus _______________________________ ity centa. Alraady uelaîî thonsand iu the halant the$at wa c.r-eui.-ry but- R.b 3.F.i,îbwsîîM U TSIM>NV 2.14 Inest, bercarous have slguifled tiseir desira 10 ter. A large conslguni.-.î . i ltitteriiie E1). 134. tistL.weA sim ii' HOS adaIMIDNV.2.1" go, and donhilteas mauy more viili te vich, lIna beau hip.t'J tcuilu Nîcdvilag. VA K G N L IOS EEHN O e rAdley vere Dr. Charles Galloway. W A U KEG AN. ] theopportuuity of &hiepubliechntiday, Wstlesa, & marchanut ofi buiaio, N. Y, )15 i.Lityllitowaiîlpivî.i Llb- A K G N IL NOS ini hofloeover Lovell'ODrug Store s aven An tise vinter veathae, to sec the wugizdl Chcao Li, wu re 1,.D137 4eWe)ît i ttownsùig).________________________ MO"Fo O3&I uSP .lth -t @a. .«t site of the, Proposadt City' ofzin. ceutiy hold 10 Uic grilýý jury by .IM iieiire 10i t Lodiuebl>,[.Lae __________________ il iutn . tolr glise. WIna. HIiLD TOWMS United Statos Comaî'riamon fi lîla Laie Fer. City aud ýNohtiLoc d utu Libertyville. lilinois gls Sliaethn$25f ods.îlée(a beld.0Wuioea ri.eiif loeallty ou f.%/i i% .' 4 iA la Rid Ea. Doi1).l a 2,40bua Iai (,r > , 1 o aiuuLt W. A. ilmpson, vhn fier the pont abuW lso elvsMio ot Doline (1000 Work E 1) i.Nar oubi _________________ vhsonbvebreby the promnoters are toasceure a LýurmmL Idsâ -.1 Chicagovsl, c Not ______________ arboa thae Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. eighiteeîî years has beau -)nle o! the Jouse ou forty acres of ladnohldD(ormn lus ilatIni natal. totaîeu Ofhire tuai'igs Talo' leaolîug vetorinariaus of tht ceiîinty, sypin asgaafrlse r ince lie becamile actlng ocîarnisu o! cl, - dedth. hme41 Cayt'i Sret, ol, i i«i, ot boivn he uneth houas comuifattee ,,. naval of . L. 1 Wuî-a City. Wards 1tand -.Conducted on a Cash Basis, saV« pped frous -oira- liunday monuing shunrtly allar oue ols tA ad fa lob givenli tOf usee b.neés . . Dloi ckgutt iciaisda o e o bt h uc ae Ck la"ms te- 7 to t0 a. ai. 2 tri 4 aud S . M. oclock. Dealh resetite trom Bnighiso ft 160 acres of land, thie Stauvood pr> o- faroumaaccoutillef ti. Minea buLc)fi.Ws eril o[mii.m n yfrbt h ucae n BLi.oie. tan ltemid.nce un Brnoadway opposrite Park diseaxe. trou, vbAch the deceasedliadt preti', whieii vas bougbt outrigut bi' deogresamot ietr i lains tu th elu conspenation o uuieratwrs ecat tr ave so- Libertyville. Illinois. eniflerait for the past three ycarn. aoi agent.Thr.u e o1 fo r uiigs comanlh going na lu his --tIed"lu hinoiis when hajthedia air liiesman ____ -Henry Rtogers. oue iof the ohdest dry- Thea rean the ton'y acres are OmsiferO r o8la u ite upervibon o! tht Cenus) sa"a Dr H. O. B.VOUNO gooda manchants lu L.ake couîity, la vaut01ed, ACcoiug 10O reporta, ia that il troducai business thuiâ for bIs datant audit ailowvauco SUlllteut, a so .0 . O NA on tgo retire f ront active bussiness. As thse dsire bc put up a large tover, eommattee vork, inaiudiug the prao- aliowauce oft n gasufse Ivo noirltodr1 norg cs nev ii si &0 do ani' Phsca nd Surgeon. Ha As nov closing ont bis stock lu 10 be uat la iooklag over er vîevîng Déeo lilgts hlt ad u mr la irsousfrccsivu ion the Paye LEMKAX B EL »o. bais store ai lIi Washington *traet anad Dowi's pseio.Tisu litl Aspro- vita soeqk ail tienasar Davy' iuhab)tnt *ud fur enth aat r. fturtifv notice,, givC 5 pcv cent. discomts on ail cas tise. luInoîs. eshi, lass expiffl May iat. hae expeae babta il la theUlsSIAae le bagu vok ila iprogrema. TII. g o1sIi.ade more tiss &ysai OsaI tu am bê refs________ 10 retire about tuaI tîme. %ir. Blgae on tis streetatre u@con. soa1f iiss-ls~ws.aal is wuymsme Who have caine hro ftnoma Volo, lit., eight yaaia Saturdai' evanlug Daniel Sloan. going tu Piluadeîpi and lisile- atau thIiti neills for lis aslabli"imt 1wlougiug Or. E. H. Smnith, ago, He estahllshed the atone vis secregary of the Zion Land and lu- heandCi~u xîso pruducre honstny n uail A tat e n oui tâ e a biis g tretlie --,t y p&hrnele a-paretiont c-undncts, sud bus liudit restieni Company, sud Samuel Pack- comspensation for ail services. ta Mondahe. DEN1'IST. îp a gontd tradte. lie land hotu in ard, ZAnn'a attoney, ima a flying FARMERS INSTITUTE. -For ail other subdhliisons par cash or note Ofic cavt Lean, Cor ak' (Ilitu rates shlahh le hixa Uytae Di. Nd Ana vrerkOfc vrLk nyHk i,umiueii in % oliî about tceniy years, riait W0 Dr. Dowvl" tracent purchase Two Daye Session nt Antioch rector or the Canons (Williams E. etuin froua oaia Bic uc.,n.a> . DAILY baVlîîg onue of tire largc--t stornes ir thie lu bouton tovnsip and souk formai £.arireiy Attandsd. Mierrian> accordlug tre the dadicuity'O~iltovi e1 elgnsneepa son. The Libertyvulle. 111. pose sIoncf wu iatmie ak ront-e l'lhe aunual ie,ýti. o! tIn, Lake li"euation alovad W> ani' auuuuertor cago catalogue bouases. it is irn1o.sble t. uni C"a bo herai Arrangemenlt. have hteeî eîmpleted t r Dvitcby as aNrth Wànautn ContLy Farmerhs imititiitt at Auti,,ch tu stiy suelh district a"i.i ho nol leua chcap on long linie iîhonigf hia wbercby tht I'hilip Brand bunilding teD oi yteNnhWnes riday and faiuriay l fant veek cas tuit thîcie nonr more tloat sil dollasi' ]IR york tor on (*0enee Street is Ieased to the H arbrad Dock Association. The vtil aîtendedý Tit iapcre, reset vert leor days uf tan heurs actuaii ntl PAUL MacGUFFIN, bsitea Savîug Ba* 'u fo'nlu rnfna 0D.Doi a i xeln c lu citez or tattea Attorneansd (ounsellur ai Law. Waudlilî-a period.Ban Co he r u au quit lnain dsed troms Jamen B. Rlis ecl ent1 neg coretuily prered vhsra uny officiai ragulation, ut Plesse dont I aiw e dh à. y0o kbow youwulv. indflit prio. 'le uilin J ad vifs. Thie consldenatlou wo sud very InstnIiiil' Ladit of deuti8s s îusutiontad ltae Directorof indcbted te us. Wo over nmt as ut)% teupieiloy J. . Modewell'sAntancit Christian i oîînch strete t, tht Cenani.1, mnai tu Lits dimoetlou, ie dys NOiaR PUBLICs dnug smtore. Thte builaing vill lho 842,i65sud the tract is descrihed as farmraat e n trg ttu thcia 1Ioration ev nsgl OFFICE WITlt LAKE C017NTI BANK, rzxemll-d tlîroughiout aînd couvented toliows Fn . 8, ilNec- 23; Tp. 44! N. ih eeal iceinait L iyo dair teoffca t rae ordassvt .UQbertyviIIe. Illinois. itb a lirsi clame bauklng houas. The Agn Wielc ba bee Mnat paporai rend ou varie enhjecta wer., bc alicysd snay anumanalor .* Wheolock, basl bea eugsgud itainreWl o!ttusiîe rnigît exept lu extreula cases sud ben only , Doowl'at L thâ uirts e l hi- ogin ammediaTe for soma lime prepsnlng tais excursion wutypéeia ds audtru h len authrîti' lis beau previonsiy- .a am ilowli'-B NA INuwha tht Teasa As sugned The etere -o i n i pr&la ILc als l granteid bY tht Diracgor o! tue Ceusns, BE J M NH. MILLER, offleers of thte issîlîtui anc siut 10(,.n ~ ih stoi tht experisuce ei the usemnhird wahoma decinAcu as to aiheamutde- IERY L. L ail anoter ATTONEY AT LW, yýt lected lit willho 8horly Ism rec9n issue o! the INDILPENDENT Wa feaient. Tht prograin as carrîed toit shahàl bc finsi"aou deLBFfrv .IL ncthingculd be doncîenît,, a lues- uudaratand the excursion Je k) beave As Aireviti preaetul Si.S Louisq LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. lionu. aeilltely vettietiîpen ibis weak and buose from Bonton vho 101ei i..5OCadds. ~~ri. Il îin ssi vII accOmpauy Wheock P Ria,.- Candidaites.i h e 1 sein slet aNIme .H Be t- 1. %"yiu. rigiii-t-cay agent for are B. F. Baird, Naison Cuit-, "olepl Adees. o>fo,îii C,îugressman Fils@ announces film- o' Te T ff#LtWTEptiMONE NO. as1ta... tht Fot Lake Ilaukegan Electi rîoad, D,înkin, John ltedditng. Getorge . .î C Ji.j>. A[dLo -1 aift a letti tu tAie INDEPENDENT a I I V. __________________ aidneî-cutiy: ýWt AiavttecunedaInee Hlcko-k sud JoAn Baker. lieiîur Ii 2I 1 aididate for ra-eiaction. C. T. li iet.rîglt o! cay f romt here in Fox Lake 29utiuiaa Ho iy ai>.l aaucnddt orSae TO ORDER VOUR ieni a.hnd W. H. MIL R, font aboliut cias-third of the propenti' About the Fox Lake Eiacinic. ./14JHcry Atre.8 ) alot fWuea eka. TONteblil IL AItTIST, ownerer m'hoxe lanîd we deaire t.. eroas.' lut ai interview ibis wekwtt-i a V, ontii. ls eci for &ie "ame Officeand so ailn-~iv îs e,î as fore- Wbi.n yoli vale Li eau shave or a Mn. NI yni saîl fnrtbtn thaï; mattra Wankearn reporter, IL. 1). NI Non, StckFdî,4 . M Hii i ut,» cem.J h.îentn usor a r candidatsfo ed asi tore vnx ara, s it - 1 ,rih are progreeiug nh-tely, sud t sat e nibtofvs agent cftl nîpsdiaaii0 -iii,, Srai lii' r, oroer itpolaod candidate for HRE ainîll' îver iifoit'l, )y>itlA iv lie flas uoi re.-eivec a s-ingle refluaI frein cort oxLkai: .aioner. lrapra niabt toras~5 Naxt d"M i,, W. i l'iggs Sb), toe au) viit ie halai ai)primeied. for s electie ratt o aeslt unrt eramlaie ujc oF R S R N O K ,V.Sprawme si. - Ptl _e. ry (bar fret, rîgAt-of-vay serons htlr property. --Tht capital vhîich Je pronoing tie Tiiý saruaer.c H ýii..1 J. Aikl-,, tht approvai o! the Democratic conval ___________ ont trou. wig an Ilulîda.- ,oruliiia Tht fariner- il 4elierre ths anavent of enterprAse comea from the Estand Sivty Ibleleeliýl i1 I'. 'W ....... tioni are J. K. Orvis, Frank Rogers and i Ii ir i _______________ _tie uev nîîad wîlA incroate tht relue of fiinthor, conustrucition operatioii8 wiîl lt-tLOeIi.. , *i , Xic KO Dfi M)bc ieiusefs u 01 course We wiIl mnake themn u now Lierîenitîir Aouet and are ulecAîledly auxAouse te hgin immediately ths groaîîî thavah Solo'. . .. F. M. Hiigrford Gsi.. Lynchi, ci Liherlyrila, As su UPfor dellivery e, tht lim carrAed ouit aud accortd- oui. Our lina wîli tala s vingîn tranLs- lti-ciLnuiîîi..........Heuri.'ta C îin avoved candidate, whitie Dr. Taylor, of when you want thern. filet Misa ing ttrî asteinent8 of tht parties lnter- pentatlon field. It vili ha o! especial 8îIo.. .. F. M. li,1t itcd Lîhertyvifla, list yeek sunoniuce hIII lien Placa GRAND tPRIZE sated lu the -enprise, the deal yull couvenieuce tc th,'gnasfmr-reaort flcDiyo. i-0autlu. ii, caudidaci' for coroner. Dr. Jambson,-qa -mo sîînnan ý[R0 h[! tiely go tbr.iiigb ail raillt if the rosA- colonies An the Foi Lake diàftrictr-Fox >,- H>umband)y . .. i... . (. Murri- cf Mlihnr711sud Schaeffer, o! Grai's-.ok b o rce nhay d u l lem.adeitînc tisait uuaîe Iu extend it mach a Piâtakee, Nippersink, Grass, Long and larîers* N-li fl Liîiiciiii>u .... .. lake axe 81150 meuh1ioned for coroner. R C ot m pie nh a yd u l MIlleRAII BAnsn M ou wolenue hao au hose vtic have al. Dock lake&-whlaiinhieotion vith the ................ i C-T.Htyd",-cir Thtreaaothers, sud ail lu ait thte work harnesses. sîsyst traiutasnvarlal Tilitair *kilt Wha> Tii- L -d tu B- uPUcu aPi lprv fi$Dwaaabeoui' In the Mnts...........C .V 0-i an siteresiing ont. end qulte a ATe THrbIlinsildinoofdh Aire s near extut ut 5200.0 ha. «ein ....... ener J. hol neiyeocet t at Thttan T H buelding lesrdig lif tht vn oiks nudebjout direction. Capital to tht TI'" Fur-s Bo y.. Rue ViW S. i(tii Sigi han se taidrcs ndalp cîiglit trainM OOnSC mltoW.h uidn@ r h Ctn f 200.0 abea U.h ner fl Ie1 Cetdonfo ae .C.T . ofrranSn leh rese tai rcs.a dal rc coGitii oon. Th e uil nsnelie paime. FreAghl sud express service Prealdent, Rt. Ciiîtttcnîlen.'fltrWitha ofan fLisae &R Dy illnot. Aug flouse, Cleasslog Bouse, Tlnnlng area latetid lt r ou."or îîVttue ereri, h J sion. Couti WemnassChîstian Temperancraw w r m nsi n "'KY Fridsay Roulait, Pot Auuaaling Deparimeont, rod haive come Anto coniiol et a grova Tressurer, H. B. Pi,.rre. L'nions et Gagea Lake chunch, SattLr- cult o s rd tllIlJucbis ~.ig Ae 'lp'lietnd l)A iai- o! 144) acrois ut laund, four mlles West o! Delegates go iltéte. lustattite, M. , day tarait 3d ai 10.30 a. Au. Houas.a l'Ae ot nuailags Waukega n, vhic is la I bc couverted Hiughes. Ira Webb, Jîuhi Burke. tht Counti' vorkens vilI taise part sud wsuswss..~~~~~t kih tata orsodn ertr'

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