_________________ -~ The Govarnor of Kentucky hasngomo ?RAM LE Fm.usr, itS. to cbrch Vrillont s comp.ny O 01 ". _____________flrs tu prolet shlm. Cioarly civiia- tion te progregaing lu Kentucky. IP*IAlr.Marc 2, Mi.The enormous profite o!f1the iran aâd steel business aisiibovu by th. Prici- Usinmda atheb îolt-otBoe ai Llbr'ilIllý Carnegie suit t orti a trong argument IDnol.a secona-las. muatter. for buildting a governmeut armai factîîry. IouvaN* RATRasMVtIuE NOs cOi uiLl- Great Bitain le getting even vllh CITON. France for aympatblzing vlth the _______________________ Aors by wtbdravlng as tranapora lgîn Butter Market. 1the chips whicb vould otbrylse ho Butter offerluga ou the Elll I0i ord briing vislitons aud exhlbîla 50 the o1 Trade Mondsy. 250 tubs vitb 1J0 Paris exîîOsiion. bideansd no sales; Officiel oucniet Perbepa il msy licter for uns t Iiewy It21c,'1the ameaslit mccci. la-iPorto Rico and peniaps lit may bc Oua jear go butter broligbî 2le. baller for Porto Rico to b. talxed. but Pdurlg the veek the salis rported Vwe elouid lîke 10 knov vbai becoames amounied 10 10,17(o tubs. of ftnt old remank abolit taxation mai. vithout representatloti. The dobata flu the Seuate oun1the bill The soulli îc remoiciug beranse Mte provldiag s territorial form of goveru. smalli rollon crop Ibis year vil bbng ment fafrilawa.ii, basDotul ieveloped il 81M,000,000 more Ilian ils large on, mochapposilion. Amendmenteoffered o! iaat year. After the FiUplnoe by Sonatora on lîolb Modes of the have iaarned 10 vear cotton luatead o! Chber have tieeii edopted villionl fig leavea, Ibis inerease viii ha con- division, aud il icertain tIbtas 55 80011aiered amail. ma aithe seustore Whobi) Wiib maie Thene lhem good deal of danger iu speeches on il bave lied an opportunîltY boidiug premnature conventionsasa t0 do Bo lIaI il Will pesb. Cul. Brysu may fiud out. If the1 cou- - Jutions change after th1e c6n-vention in The Senate Commiltee on Commence over andth1e platfonm laid dowu, it is favorahly reporteti a bill provWd Viti b. bard to chiange tu suit thora. ing loe a commercial Commissiontu10 bo ment tu Ais for the purposa o! luveatIgatiug sud reporling upon th1e beet mtbods of lucraasiug American Commerce lu that part of 1the world. T'h. Commission la tu be coenposed of Sye business men one from ecdio! trio gsgraphicai divisiona o!f1the country.E the new Philippine Commison îe ig0v complote, unlle8ssBorne o.!the Membera ahould baok out *Its rmnt-. benare Judge -W. H. Tfat, otf0Ohio; SPr&. BeC. Woroster. îîf &ilbgan. Gon. Lake-E. Wrighit, of Tennesee. Juigo B. C. Ide. o! Vermout aud Prof. Deaud 0. aosea, of talîfornia. 1The picicut plan 1810o bave 1the commission @ftét thebPhilippines about Itie Brai cf Apr il. Aolber itnikiug axample uf leglala- Ume by conference la furnisbed by lbe »laaac Bil repor&ed from lbe (on-r Isocamce Cammitwe.. Il ln practtcall1y a1 »wv bIl, embodylng the principal halUMeso! both tue.fHousesandi Senate lail bat expressed nunite elher. Il la amciv 0atfoosed.iy lu favor of 1the «elMoelsdard, provîdea for nef unding *.0 bouded indebteduemao! Mie iUfl;Igut lu two per cent goid bouda MUMo which National bonis may issue O@ta" lko hefaU face value sud il alafti Ithe Sonate Bimeta.liicameud- zmb sbut la s more mesuluglesa fortu. Xhffl la *0 doubt o! the adoption of t". hM reporiefi blIhe confenence anOMit«c by 1101h Houa. and Senate prohabiy leture the close of the Wcs esi. Tic roabiceunof the lions» vho q@Med the Porto Bicn tar bill, ai auo t rom the Waysansd lieaus OOmmiUM efuretbe psrty coutarene 11a sgreeo 0amzodification of tue Mll., à& moMd the bill1111viiibhapasaed i1vOi. Its doental outd bave been efIain lad the modification nol been jj, The objecions mev 1the bill fli alhapaied vitbout thair ae"us$dbey.7mad the mont outheirc Xisvce. Beprenentatlve Liltleliaid, 11dm., Whoie speechlun11e iRoberta meplaced ain hlmebrais o!the beal l~ iea luCougnese, eci ncbod Ilutposition by a speech aganât 1the lettehin tanli ilîl. Luke hi. tinal 0 91 ' b slait speecli vis macl amas mdawety member o! bis pmrty but thal lascliesaau itse rfaclîvaneas. luine VOIf00Mcd opinion ila ad.mîred by Me aierage main .veu Viien il U aomblauh yu. New Premium Offer. The plan idupteti by 1t1e IXBEPENDEN.T o! giVlag ont premtitme tu s utscriben, haï pron euatxsfatory aud de - velopefi ceslIe even hayonil Our greatltextcpectattous, bonco va propose toi continue1 il indefiitely. Ater arceful conaîderation ve bave cbueen Ibree popular book.s, vîtila e îUv)teeetinfs, "ineanijas&à posible11e ldî. readers. Ail AdlJ ubaiîl)eni îiilin one jean in *ulvtnce anl ail nov subsecibera arteuetilled Ste ir .lî.lc o f ethUen of the tbree .1-' if ail cli il Ibey are. INMi 113STEPS, Or *"Chat Oci les Charles M . hîldliiî,s great re- ligi1ons vork ' ibe stouChabas ic Varmiy andt buugbtluli v velcomaed by Ruficavon and Epciirth League societlas andi temptrâuî-c irgarit7a- iluns. I la te e. âAlIANTIIA AT SARAATou A, By Joaiamb Alleun e ile Si- mablia ractug atteriatiunplion innocent fuu. A cliii îpl'îîer. Ton'U iaîgb 'liii 3Nol] cry MOEASON'IS MORSE BOOK, C-m-prnîsiug hlstîîny, b)ru î'dîîg, t, saning. breaking, bliyîoig, feati- üIng, groomiug, Éihuciig, dîering, teling age, and genarail cane of the boise. Prof. (ileahoun renowvl througbout Amierîca as the mont oxpeit and auccellilul hurseinanut heg.Every bonis- îîvu-rhluld bave ana. Imm" at onceansudecure on..of thte *tB IUDEPENDENT, Fsasx I. JUs?, Editor. The bialorY of early conventions ln Ibis coutury la nult aucouraguz. If vouldUunqîîestlonably be Weiliif a derislousas to the extent of t11e powers of Congrees Ove thie nov PO.- session could ha obained from the Supreme Court bof ore wo ieglîdate for lbem. But ibis caunot ha &bue. a.d iseemsý beter 10 lry ourn uw ystem ou iForto Rico and se ybat tbe *Court viii do ihlI l before lsWgiuiug on 1the philippInes. A Fiendlsh Attnclc. An ataci vas latey made OU C.- F. Collier of Clerokee, lowa, thal nearly proved fatal. 19 came ILinougli bis kic- neya. Ris baci golso lameble couli 1101 stop Vthout greas pain, uor ait in a chair except propped by cushioni. No remedy #eiped liJm unlil lie bled Eiectric liftiers vhicb effected sncb a vunderf ni change thai 1e vnltea lie f eels lifte a nev man. This marvolous medicine cures baciache sud iidney trouble, purîlles the blood sud buàldu up your healli. Outy 50c at F. B. LovuLnLibersyville, G. B. THoSnPoie, orayalae. Mfr. J. Sheer, Sed.lia, hio., saved bis cblds Ille by0ne Minute Cougil Cure. Dociors lad givan ber up go die Vltb croup, IlsanuInfailible cure for conglis, colda. grippe, pueumoula. broucbitii sud Ibrosi sud 1inug troubles. Rellevesas tonce. y. B, LOVELL, Libertyvltle;J. R. BiAain~ Gurnee. P. L. WE5TEEMAN, Riockefeller. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERb. Furuiabad by Lake Connty Tille A Trust Co. Abstractso fTille. TillesGuaiantead. lMaoulc Temple Bldg. Waukegau, 111. Louis J. Guamza, Secy. Imrmit niud ile r Inre. Getreide Garbraohl ne qn sv, qn e ai-ate srn od.......................... Me BiromnBock and vIte t in enr J. Ring lot 13 Bock sadil le Aztioeli v i i 4 Henry J. Rng sud vite 10 Chalnes Baber lot 13 Bocks@ add te Atiocli d .......... ......... ....... àca Charotte M. Buttergeld 10 Châ,%. Phillîpq @22 f1 v front br 48 f n Iront ..ies eco f Ail. SIi dt S WIgnwd ......0 Heniry CG. Iliimn ansd vIte t. Henry 1 Beeboru nv1% »eq. sac I-43-il and pi o lw qn@- -6i-Ul q ed' ,_.Ono Ex,8 Maria H.Inhoîz deci t. Clhii 6i-iai .73 ac i.n Iv wAr se ,îr ~.ijil sse av..q, eý 18 465 Il lss In h ,ivW ir a-29 -41>-12il aieü v Wm Fiddi., raud ail, w I. D. toi ti. M I$. ansd I 171lé; 2 cL-eleb,,r wvdi lii. Jacu. FKng sud viee t aI i., Water Pimn.-lart ne -ir ne ir â--ioatr- v-Ir cv'lu-ir 1m 4-la v d -., i Jse,-vY. King ancd ýdfr 1,1Calt;r l'ameras acin.i .-,i si wd . w tci akWd You Ma y have heard i>md scorrs Emwwoii Smd have a vagpae notio that it is cod4Iva oU wlth its béc ad etemild &Wa ail its otewr retisve ka. tie It is cod-iveroi, the partit MWdthe beat onthOe world but made so palota bit that almoiteerbd ca take Nt Mmr lWokli ke creutni ou. "se the wast. body of the baby. clac or a"u bcettian csemo t other food u itnce beuabout the saute rota <im te ottier emulsions th aeam does te m& if y. have had a"y expenenc sith other so.cailed 'luit a good " Mpraüms,~y. IWdll IMdthat t<Ns atacà $in *ct ailu i e 1 body. iroT.~ c~,Te' XmiaGals, tcf %Wui, va" ta towuIlad Jo. 111ev sud vit.e sparente.of1 ýicby boy. l. Elam Converse and daugillar Fnmeoli pant lbtheci kbore. lilas mlly Bovoil, o! Waniegan, @pent the eec ivlth relative@ ligne. Ira.'L. Convay sud oblidren vilà leave for Wyomng nome Mime Ibis weei. Nlck Knetschmer sud vhle vere lu Waukegau on husiness one day lait Ed. Parier and Johne iticha.rdaon attended the <dance et Aniocb Feb. 22nd.% lin. Grave&, of Chicago, viii occpy the Granger houa. north of Pah Laie the let of liarcd. li. nsd lira.Henry Bovell sud litile <aughton pasasod thraughbohro on thein vay 10 Wanicgsn Fridsy snd roturued the folioving day. lira. 'W iilMontgomery and sou Roy, of Chicago, arc viaitlng relatlvet haro. A load trom haro attended a ma- querade paty lu Iclfenry lionday evenlng. A. J. Raymund aud Chau. Parier, o! Vuin vero aiectod dolegalea fromn Wsuconda to attend the Laie connty convention beld ai .ýlihatyvile lait Ssinrday. LAKE VILLA. Mr. and Krns. E. Kapplo sud famiy spent Bunday vill Mn. and lira. C. B. Hamil. WilPester, vi ~sd sn vrathc gueste o! Joaepb Pestaer sund "fsamly suuday. li. nsd lir@.Ben Hamliun-iamcted biasinea in Aulioch lent Tpesday, also li. J. B. Bumnaît, of Alocb bas been spendiug s lime vwib lier -daughtkn, lira. E. Wlton. Thora vas an Epworth League social et 1the home O!flMr. J. G. Roliv lenlat Tuesday eveutug that vas qulte veil attendol. Gnernsey Maszer tradet lis nid gasoline englue for another ou. ne- cenlly, sud nov finsmaIlHbis oiLmfeel grinfluz. lins. Belle Keluogg, mec Crlbb, o! Pontiac, lit. la bera for a visît viti fier parents aud friands. Silo attended R. N. A. lodge bora lait Tnoaday. F. L. Boulveli, formerly of Ibis place. but lîtsly o! Hancock, Wisconsin bis beau viiin bore vitli rotatives sud fInonda iateiy. lie bai sold i&i property lunliauooci, and isn ol sure vbere lie viii locate. Rupture .Cured' IN 30 TO 60 DIVIS OP, 15. viS kss plilty Nithu. NO sUrgIraI 'rersîlue. No gesace Pain, Ni ois uofTinue No Pie outil Cciý NIA "I,'NATI0 FEE Eeery ruptnred pencio luî constant danger frnm astrangulation abicil fro- quently resulti lu death. lu every Case IL causes a grea4 desi ut auffernug. I bey ara resdly curefi by the Fideliiy M@tbod vithout, ao! oflime. Ail rup- tured pâisons in Liý&e County and vi- ClnitY should taie adventageofot hia upportunuiy. A apecilmt hb ovor twenty yoars' expes-lenco lu the treSi- ment o! dillicnil essesviii salaIme as ui office lu Libertyville evony aller- noon tram 210 4. Il ve rau not cura YuD il VII1uniDot ol you s cenI. Ciii snd as-e ni, A L Tuavia, M. D., Libertyviiie, 111. JB. Ciark, o! Peonla, fIl., amye, .Surgeons vanted tu opelsieon me on piles, but I cered tIbm wyul De- Wtes Wtobi HAMzlsalve." It la infalible tor plisud skin diseasea. Bevane ot countefe. F. B.i LOYEzx,; LibertyvMle; J. R. lisacua,1 Gunnee. F. L. W aiamsu. mRocheneo. PEOPLES' COLUMN. atla momma. sac e et, hi O v@ mae boa;:a"W fta« Mams. socpstMma. O! VaWivanSta tion ooid Flnât ro 4109 a arI the lbn odsà Hmte t l love 01 Waren. Bai s. bonne.WIIo rnetaIlo go , une à.py 1te, . M. 0t:utg.SW. Morntes . <ico. -Id F01SALE-j- ce 1k cOveansd prilnaers FJBAOE làluyli .,oing lt e sliairCaa.BDWIBUR. Gnsugc-6Hall, P. . Gurnee. vithoît gvug.ry. mi &hIa. LAO tÏ m ranimu. VitIc fi so ae i eivlsC 1 mi.wkel. W. IDB&Esi 1-40 8AL-man lgatnoed la (d idm ný u srb , r Vuedamlli. tbore maiedh -«,ut. tquIneA. L. Wrrt!ms. vr &cf range Bail. on U M O!slL4AN-1 bav.oeî fo,.v i TvET- eille'd r1gotl ti laszi« r4c. ,mlset Gagsp ,n ic.-ui a 'd, ,,oecsmlle" :9e 2= mm trer o eSm.Cbea ehai. 'r ~ ,.li. 1=4 nits.e.. =Muin. PL RL;1M t in GRAYÉLAKE LOCAL NEWS. &lMr& Sherman la anthorlzed ta recel,. aubscrptionnand advertlsmients 4for the IND*PznEDEUT Ba*oo adera for job printing. OsaIon her for ris TIME TABLE GRAY*LAKE, ILLINOIS. 10M i:2r A.N:44 x P. . 501' 11:811 à SUnday uy si Bundar eveains trai Ago g oui.lstop enA sglnai onu. w. B. BioLzi, Agient.a WISCONSIN CENTRAL UAILWAV CO. l OFFICIAL PAPER 0F GRAYSLAKLE FOX LAKE.' Mfr. J. H. Oloît bail bis wood sawed Tueaday. Mira. N. White viajted, lier motber, lira.8Oulver recentiy. Mr. Plotîxa son Willile l4 lu very poor healbth i 111e hope of roecvery. The mon al; Long Lake lllbod flli- lng the i.. houne Frlday evenlng and ail banda VOnt home 1aturday. Two aieigh loude of ouryoullg people atterild Ihe parti ait1Mr. Louiletiîlier' lait fridâýayouelag and returned home lu the cool of the day saturday murnlug. The Foi Lake poitoice bas the boat .lelverY of auY ollIce lu the countY. The patrons Both 0flé. o0oe bave Illeir mail divered Ibirteen timesaa vei, lncludJng four boteasand tyti farmer, by th1e m carier, tir. B. Cleveland wbo la veri accoumodatiflg. The people ver4 of thie ollce bave their mail deivered six limes veekly until July lot wben It wll bha <ieivered [thiteoen imes vekly. Mont people have lookod mail bagé. Tliey bave a ker ne aiso bai the poul mater. Their m"Il lnatr slnly privage. There are otheri vho have vaime. Tbey eacb psy tie mail carrer ivo dollars yeariy for doiivery. Ibis Von tnied tant year mucb &0 Mie satlsfaciou of Mie public andi the arrangement vas fouud go ha vefy eaisfautory, nu compiaintS belng entered. At tue ireset tMme thare are iventy-lve da117 and ton iSnnday papans dellvored 1,irougli oui oMoie. 'Tbo people e«" and urtbof Mie offie bave no alternative but 10 go for the mail themeives and voulfi lite a troc deiivery. IRedýu'ctio n -S&I-e! Wishing to reduce our'stock bèfore in- voicing, we wili seli regardless-. of cost _____ Mens Big liuttes ipar pair .... .... ... 'OS Munle Skna Mitteni par pair .... ....i 85 et. Cal! sun littosper pair .. 63 $1 .15 SBuck ...... 97 $1.3f, . .i117 Fiesced Cotton 01. 80...o ....s... 19 Liued Bnck Skin Glovea, vere 75c, ai ............. à9 OEen'a 00e Fieeced Underwear ....39 Wrlgts Hoaltil Undarvear ...... 89 Meus Clay Wonted i81.00 Suite ...... .........iz 00 lBoys '-1 4.oo.l0 .... . .1 3 73 2.25l ut .e.......................... i 40 1.75.. .. ................................1 là Ladies 10.50 and S7.60 Jacetsa aI.............. .3O0 1 Oc Fîaniieiette ai .. ....... ..... 98 11.35 te, 1.45 t081.60 Ovenalionsat .............. 1 19 Ladiles Overiboos ............................ 73 Misses Ovraboea ... ....69 (ýblidrena Overshoei . ... .....60 Lot; of Misses iiubberi par pair.................. 10 Lot of Ladies $1.75 aund $2.50 %bons per pair, .. 1 OC luâhRobes $1.35 t0....... ................. 5OC 5-A HorseIllankets ..... ....19 F. H. KUEBKER, Grayslake Dept. Store. Grayslake, Ilin ois. Buy Goods of a Responsible Party whose1 Guarantee is reliable. Don't go to a "Cheap John Store" and expect Something for Nothing. WATCIIES, JEWELRY, SI LVERWARE, NOVELTIES UN GOLD AND SI LVER. Icarry a good lune at rlght prices. à W. B. aigloy soid bis bomne eu Lake sireet ta Benker Robinîson 11hiswet.k. Consideration S2,6110. Tramae Wednesuiy were deiayed &Il the way tram, four ta eight houri on mecnant of tho inow blociade. liapab Camp B. N.of A. will cale. brat,@ their fourth auulverssry liarob 139h sud aIl membero are ro<îueited ta hoe proient. ia Josie Dru'e lies purchased Chas. Thompeduaà stock of drugs, ete. &iho took charge to-day. Succeu a the new propriotresm. Mir. liorril, of Chicago, brother-lu- iaw of lb.s laIe lir. Wni. Sherman, of Sherman'& Corners, was brougbt oui boe for huriailaut week. lira. B.0. White, daughtor Aletha and lla label Murgasroyd apeut neverail aya of ibis woek wlth Mfr. White.@ parente a$ Loon Lake. lir. lBertJohnson Vent ta Union Grave, Wla., thia week t0 viatt his parents boforo mnovlug ounIdr&4orv ras garm, whicb la nov ovcuîîled by r. Hall. . lim Editi Harvey bias been mailng ber mother an oiseunded vini. 1fr. and lira. Niebergal baving gone ta 'New Orleana, ah. wiil remnaiu bore outil their reprn. Next vcek Wednehday, Marcb 7111 the Ladl.a AId Soclet wili meet willi lira. Johu w icka. Ali melbeau are roqueista ho epreseol au it viii ha the yearly meeting aud mach bus1uesa ln a ho btransacted. Kir. sud litra. Marton himliii. of Bellot, Wiaocaan, are makiug a two Veexls liait with their parents, Kr. sud lira. liorill, of tibuaplace. lionday 1hey vent 1taItankegan ta viait relatives Iluere. 1fr Smithi bas soid oua i l lundry business iu Beioit, bu t villbave a saiaried position vîlli antherlaunudry on lia recuru. rhey Vill returun nl tSatuiday, VA.LL PA1PEI. Raviug a complote Unle of tUtl de- igne of vall paper, 1 yul scU a low as the loweet aMd coD ais bang it lu the emont vorimanlilke manuer. Houa. and Clecorative painting. Carriage and aigu paiuting a apecialty. LrTF. WALr, 19 3mo-d Hainesville. GAGES LAKE. lira. iacLachlan le viaitilg Irieuds In th.e1City. liabl Jeffere &peut Sunday at ber honne haro. lira, lisions brokren arm l estJug aiong n.lcely. lir. liofws family are ail improviug alter a long neige ut alcinean. The ichool chldren are teioylig ozminatlon ibis veei George Perry bai beeu visltiug frieude lun Kenoaba tbe past veek. lir. John Scott, of Chicago, in v lAit- ing ber inother, Mira. George Gilimore. The lecture gîven lîy 11ev. John ThOmpson FridaY nigbt vcry -ah inter- sting Mrq. William returuied laxt Frlday !nom GOaklPark wbieeah.e-q,. , vlalting for aome lime. Qnmrlerly meeting xervices vili be' held Snnday liarcli 49h. Dr. Maijîle.' ville viii couduct tbe servie.. Walter Bea.k and bride bave returued fnomn their weddlug trip sud are îîow ai boine ta hbeir many tniends. b The couuty W. T. C. 11Vii hîîld ait 1ail day meeting at the cliurcli Baturday liarcil Ird- ira. Mary Harper. aste iecreway, viii speai. cure sLà " by ad rueglots on guarastee ontll bourefta un mooey bac k. Book on beau sud nerva mat Ires. Dr. Mlles Medicai Compan.y, Eikhafl led. lir. R. ChunchîlI MBerlin, %'t., sys -Ourn baby vas covened yitb rniuug sores , DeWitls Wltcb Hezel Salve curod ber." A mpecitle for pue4sud sEin dise«ae. Beware of vonîblesa counterfeitm. F. B. Lovr.i.. Liberty- Ville; J. Ji. BRACEciî, urnea; F. L. WE5TEEM&N. iRockefeller. Battershall's Bargains. Ogsned Cwnsants, 4 lbo for........ 1ais Black Silk Beuta .. ... Best Lion. per lb ........ Lot ci Ladishoca, te dean up ah ClIdreWs Shoe& @mco nle asmre coarme, froco 10c ta Lot of Chikdreas Rubbema per pair. 5c ta. Fcncy Box Papur snd Envelopea .... 24 ahuris Icurnil Psper 300 page Day Book .. sase DBuck Gloves ... Shrink YamNittens- Awm Clocks. ---------- .. ... . 1 Earthun Pie Plate free vîth each pound of coaice. 25e loc 10e lOc SOC 25c ...25c 05c -25c 70c ose 75o Geo. Battershall, HAINES VILLE. - - - ILLINOIS.1 I. - M A- Wholeuls PtMOI te UseMr& On ennl Catalogue quates them. Scnd î5C to pantly psy postage or expresgage snd we'i1 îend you ont. Il hie îioo pages, 17,000 ifliottrtioDt aud quotts rr prices on nurlu y70,00o thloge that you eat and use and vear. We We consanauly carry in stock al artiles quoted. loto monInOsOMYW* 0, E. B. SIERMAN, GRAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS. WisHiNG TO- CLOSE OUT AIL MY CLOTHINO- Consisting of Men's, Boys' and Children's Suits. odd Pants, Men's and Boys Overcoats and Jackets. 1 WILL GIVE A From my already Iow prices which arq Iess on some than they can be bought at wholesale now. Mena OCvercoaîb S 3.00to ... Suita& $2.50îo .... -B-a Duck Coata60c to Fe(t an Pubemconifpete Cande.. Ch" daBuckie Aretima, izes5 t10 1 Wool ined Alskaa.aiz 8Sîo 2 ... LAansd Mena Felt Shocansd Slippm ata cost. A few HoraiBhanketa at cSt. -W. W. EDWARD.S, GRAYSLAKE, -S 10 00 1000 90 1 65 1 95 35 50 - - - ILLINOIS Pro tection to Purchasers W. caution the public agaiual pnncbisIng Imitatiotis ut absoUete forma of unr machines. We keep up viîb the lîteat develupments in the art, making nothiug but the bigleat grade of pnuduct. snd bave achieved unqnallfled-succeas iluUs aae ; heure tiauy arîciopts ai imitation, sud the iliegai uie of aur tInde nsme. A Brasa Medalluen, oi the ellipticai funm aboynabeove. heas Ounr regia. tened trade-mani, sud lo placed upon the hemd ut eveny nîabine moîde by j&. NONE GENUh1NE WzrfOUT IT. Mac wu.c.umu m e oUs os THE SmuOEm MianuiJAo«tURINtà O00 wîm" #11u mIVuaw @ INutTue wMR&A. oi, 1t, ili t , 1 -- - --- -- --- - - --- Table Slvervear elvays delights the bouacvile. 1 have as ...Exrafine Carving Sets, and sold right... dé Tvoyeau &go I m at e Clocks in varied and unique designs. verey fronraiglaand pMI- pation of the heait, I wus dtoliiiLUCOk Repalring of ail kinds. 1 can fix your watch so it 3okD. CatCe wilI keep correct time. bottes womméaliltracs fm-y dimoru rand IMWnov fie a DROP FIEAD SEWING MACHINES. nevvmson. Mm.a . . Houso, ewRoyal $ - 19 0during holkdays New Home - - - 29 75