* MM, 1 SAL-E!e Louas ~Chapuan'. Baking Povder- Lenoi 25ec eau for .... ...... 17c 9 bars fie >r.. . . zsc l10ecau for .... . .... 09C Maple City Self Waating Soap Crown Baking Povder- Tbaafo r .. ... 25e 10ccaufor ........ 09c Fairbanks Art Soc.p 12 bava for.. ,, Sun Drled Jap Tea &Oc value. - . bic vaIue ........... .... Tua Due- 40c value . ...... .. . . .. . z c1 --- 40C Gond Bakng Povder- 1-lb e"n for .................0o9e i I ' Arm mutdlianmar goda- flic pkge for .......... 30I1Woolsey'asoda- 30C 10o ipkge for ...........04c Jobumons Wasing Povder- Quaker Ont&- 4-lb pkge for ......... . 18C 13o pkge for ...... . 09c Sweet Corn- Baking Chocolate- per can. 09C j-lb pkge for ........... 1C 3fr............ ....... 23C Ail Ground fipicea- Wa BOOII- per J.lb .... ... .-.. & per c08... ..09C per lb ............ ........ 304 3 for ........ . .... Oai Meal-The Bem- Black Raspberrie- 10 Ibo for .... .... 25e poan ...... . .- 07C '- tmam of Whest- 15e pîge nov .............. Hanoy Dip ynuip- Quatmm ca.......... 0C Wahburn Crosbya Yueo- People$ Coru sirch- 15e pkge nov . .... z per pîge............ ..... Osc Cooling Apples- POT peck.... Grape Nut- 15e pige nov EaIrdwood Clottheb 'ine j Crauberre- per dozen ...... OIC per quart ......O..... 0 c A Qood Ric- bveet Putatos- 7e per ponnd nov . 03Oc per pound .... .....OZc 4 pounds of Regular 25c Coffee . .. ...... .. ..-$1.00 4 pounds of Granulated Sugar FREE. To ml Ladies calling ai the store neit Saturday between the houri of 2 ta 4 p. am. ve viii stllirHnited ta ane package tachi A pkgeof Uneedafiscui.....02 A Apkge of any kind of YeastCakes ........ ........ 02 Rernemiber there s a special me an ml the dîne at cost, on al aur Shats Boats. Underwear. Gloves and Miii.. CrockMry Stoneware, Ruhher Gooda. ini lad t eerythingt they are going ta be sold and it will bc a great aving ta yau, if yau are an need af anything in this uine, ta look aver my stock befare purchaig elstwhere. Carne. bring the fatnily.Yau are ail invite 1 wii seli rny faut drivinç horsttv set double harnesses. two carniages and spring wagon ai reamonable pnices. Thanking you for -as favori and hoping for our fur- iher patronage for the fev rema wn eeks am stay. 1 amn.Respect!uy v RockefelIIr - - - - - Illihois. -kower Prices m Than you are ikely to fïnd at most stores at present. To obtain the benefits of same requires prompt at- tention as these prices are for a limited time only. Liberty Flour bbl saeeba 1.90 or pur bbl .................3 7 *aabburna siuperlative Flourj bbl oacks $1.00 or pur bhl ... . 3 83 Uaood Rio Coflue, per lb . ............. 12 Gond Sautos Coffffu, 2 lba for--------------------.... . 25 Fine Baume Cottee, pur lb .. ...... .. ....... 1 Panny Peaborry Cof(ee, pur lb ..... ..20 Faner Guatemala Cofime, per lb.... . ....... .................s Fine Table flyrup, 30o, 35o and .........40 (5c Per gai leslu 5 gai lut" Beat 18.1b Elgin 1111k, Cana .......... _. ......... 2 10 We can aiso save you money on Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes and Hardware. V. Sauer &.Bro., LONG GROVE - ILLINOIS. WRIGHT& SON Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal of ail jinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anything In this Une cail on WRIGHT &SONO 41ibrtyville, - - - - - Illinois. CASH Mr. John lieranimus ls sgiu sean on our slreete. Our taiiier, Frank Dol ph., grints Ibrea 4aya lu the veek. mien Elsie Osgaod ln lu Waukegan ucicer the cana of Dr. Carter. Joe Dorfier la belpigi. Mr oeana clerk &bis veek vhite ha la Iu Waule- gan. The nn aialcommunion services ofheb. Ivanboo chareb vere hleut ase Son- day. Tvn leigh batodofpupliba rom the !.iberiyvilie scbool visitait our seooal Friday. Misa Mamie Docker ls vorling for Mu-s Engoue Smiths turiongber veel of vocation. Mrv. John Marillue and faniuiT moTed loto John HBiroulmus' houa i ti veel. Mir. Peter Payue sdmu tsnCîifford vuro 'Vaukegan vietors, on Thuradayi oh tet vea. Sevacal of the teachera In ibis viinluy ara bavilg a short vacation oh one or vo veaka. Mism E.thih Beckvlh sapent a part ch 1ai weul vil %ira. Peler Payue and 'ithers lu fvanhoe. fI bas beon decided by tbe eburehi eongreg.slion ln bîre 1Mr. Cols, cor pasior, fonr auothe yenr. Mfr Richard Duttîsa la vorllng for Mr. WIII Vioeey vtilo ho le ssrTing on the jury lu Waubegan. Mu- James Van Plev, Jr., mut Mins Aunibs Van Plev &euat Frlday and Bat- urday viib frieuda la the cily. A fiue nov schooi dlock bas beeni purchaset by Mn. Churchili, vitI thej procoees of the sebool enternibmant. Lent Fvttay occurre tihe detaakofi nue of Mir.mutd1Mr@. Win. Kuebkenra Ivin babies Thefhuera! vasheît Baturtar ai teIvanhoe Church. Mr Harry Whnfleld and Miss Maggle Reudler vers marrilent maiFnday eveuing. Thse beppy coupla tartat for Michigan Sturday morning. The itystle Worlers vihi heramlen bave a short hterary prùgrsm ai aacb meeting consiallng a9 vocal aMdtinstru- mental m unic, recilatIons, <iatiana, otc. The foibnviug program vili ha gitan by tbe Itanbo,- Litemsry Soclty on Pritay oueniug Mancb 9, 1900: Muâie-Violn Solo ..... Mu. Churchill limitatin-. . . iaI.Osgoot etation-ý... ...........ista Cole Decamation-........... tta Gratte soo- .................Mu-mm James Davis Tableaux .............fr. Churchill teaàng-..............N- IasÉcunle Aunas Wrillngf- ý..... ....K.be G. Docter Se10........... ..... ...Hoyard Beach Resoived *That the Aveu-ageYeung Man of To-tai tas Orsaier Qvlsau-unilies tciNMals Lîfs a Suecese Fiuauciaiir tbau bis Fors. fahems' Afffruaiv-Tsd Do-te. Ernest Bektht George Bralnau-d. Nstv@-Nowwyd Beach. Rlelac-d Pud- dles. George Hawkins. FORT HILL. SeigbIng goat. Joe Gien&boas boughi a borne. Arnaun Bros. are pressing bay. bleu. Wat la on the retiredtiai. Fred Coutersa stii buylug stock. 5 ira gitb bas quilt oing public grindiug Our achnii eacher la givlug the ho.& 0f matiacation ibis Ysen. Thé socia)l ai Ueo. Ban vell' a l Friday etonbîg vas a uccas, about 100 ataudeit., The Fort BU ý cresamery in gettlng an average ohf6000 lU a day. Tbmy bave an extra goal wvs1 nov; l doesi'i ouI> f nrnlsh vale or n>flamoy but anyone eau have ail the slm mAil ibey vunt oery day. 1 M. B. Huion basàafin. lot ah mbeep. Ona vomlby of melion lu theIsafck cause. consltematyle ,sUuement asulir. Bumon bas hlm rine te10&par. Ail 1ha bas la do lte nah"a i li$a& hlm and ho la remit>for wV'm. Mr. Arih'îr Stauhord,, of Eïisimon, la fattenug 146 huail of cale iaiisvintan on bis fâratmi iispiao. Mvr. Baulprd bongt bis catiho es1mi a th e stock yards and raiaatill lfood or em aon bis termi. The caatebàvo mate a urs$ improvemeul mnt ara about ready la hoashîppat.Mn. Win. Lusl la faetlng afneloi Oh tveuiy-siz boad, he ais Lep iveuby.ibrea cavae sud laroaiti iveuîyv-tvo caîT.., ail lbaougalb rei short born nudutas flua a bord ohfcoi&ia ma la kepS -la uartbernIlilinois. ,Mm. Lual naiss bis ovu stock al»o bis - i feood, àhnskng neaniy 5M00 buasia4oç. tatal. Ho.hmas ah eait ofhohga foediug ibal are extra gaod anes, misa a fev cola and horses. uofllctor'm NotIce. C. 0. Small, olleciorfor thie lavu oh Framoni vili ha lu ivanhos on Batnnday Feh. ili., sutever> Wet. uesday ant Smirtay Ibeefenn. Mr. J.Shoer en.Bealla no., savait Un c If~' ie by One. lilumis CougàsOure. =o asbat gluen ber np ce Mdi il croup, fis a n lfailibleau»nnefor cougbscafle, grive, pneumonie, branchus m ad brunît sud inng traubles. lle,..sai o. IF. E, Quee.W L.WVUsenhuh&,leAMMs Frank Tbcrnaa fl in is inov Frank gBbad&.las amoral i m lbhe oie Norton bons». Oea. W. Haina ha orne bis veek on moconni of mikum o f hlm vife. Jo. Wickemheim of Long Grave. vtalted friands a in hooeer Thura- dey. a. D. Cook bas moed loto hie recently scqufred rasidonce ln Rocke. feller. C. A. Lusk basmavoed taeavis occupying the boute vwaaed by Fred Muser. Mr. and lira. Chas. Gorbam. of Waukegan, vliled Rokefeller friand. Tbunsday. lins. Karnes la on lbhe l liai and sehool wvas aad ivo days tiia veel lu cansequanoe. PfedBurdick returnnd tb bis home In Nehavke, Neb., Tiroaay aller a flre veeks visit bans.. Wm. Knigge reoeived a large mip- ment of furnIura Ibiseel. He bal a fine stock far the spring irade.. Thos. MoeBride la geSiing esady for eprnug busines in !arm impiemeuim. Tom bhas alreedy sold eonslderable macinery for spring dlivry. Gaon. F. Carie viii boit a Ibird ¬ion samIe Sairday nigbt. The sales aford excelant apponsunlilea bc secuaebenganse sap. (loua oui! Carle'& speciaile cotinues and George la gettlng rid of a ici of goodi and our peoaple are gelting many brgains. IVANHOE. A big nov atonan simd ibtis place on Mlond ay. WARREN. Pienty of muov mut more of lb. N. P. Svauson vas a Chicago visiter C. W. Tucler and James Cambeli are aileudlng court in Wankegau ibis veek. Supervisor Svsyer la lu Wauktégan ibis veel allending trioe meeting of lIce coany bonrd. We e vhoevur seultlunlthe report of the W. C. T. C. banquet mit(Ourlaee miade a mistaka asn It vas Mima LOI& Muepherdi Ibal nesponded te toastnt hen mothor mud a ine papar aise bat lau. -Tethe victor belung lthe spahise." Lent week Tnesday ulgIci our scbool toachier, Mise Reus Docker vas tUe aubjeci of a happy aurprimeo-About baif pasi&a"yen o'ciock hselscool kuocked ai the door of ber boarding place. J. J. Freezer'@ vbau tUe surprise as compiete. Gamesanmu munie voe the pamîlme0o hebeavoeng. One oh the pieent M faturesof thes evsnlng va slocepreuesailn of a saco itl mut a large bottin of pert ume. Mima flua W ilbur lu a ev velleho4esn vorta mate lue presenlallon tunboitait f oh e seboal. lis Docker respoudlng vih freliugs of incere appreelalinu. Ali lu mili il vas a very plsanau*i allair. About tveniy ive or tbrty of veei Warren people look a sleigb ride lent êaltmdy inîeulug mutmate liberhit orimu andci fly, 0f Waulegan, a ,rials. lMn. aud Mra Utifflo, boug nid noigbborsi, wvesequat lt-l&eoccasio0n utlu s"y &ha& lUe reault mas a grand good Unib la ptling il mild. Pro- greivoeaucber vaa lndulged lu ant Mmr. 0. B. Witmare capturedthlIe lirsi gents prise aud Mr@. C. W. Tueken tins& ladies prise. We refrain trouai tlliug vho guithie connoaion prizs for hour thbe nîer feilov moigi nol 111e h, as ve sympethi1ze vithinal balng in lb. saniebouai. WetlUi nk vs couid play marbîs, lhougb. Gyrue Herbert Mou-nilvas bone aI Ney. bnrgs.orb.Mssccusli.Joue 28. lts. of sturdy 1New EnglantQuaker etock. Wbsn tvo nemna of dmeahil$parent@ uoved le Mains vhieshs sPontbileborboocl day. onu. i fatbers fane. viitàsovenal Irothene sud siaiera. Be atlundet Limeric Iihl8,hfl. preparina for Beadolu Collee. Whou ivenîr-bhli(e canie West 10 Usage, lova. teostudy lccw whîh an oncle and bet.seun times aught scicool lu Mitchell Co. Promu thons buovante ucarishi.DakcOa. 10 (ste charge oh tte Speartllah AadeurY. a Congre- gational institution. ancd reeignccet alhe end Of thea&Mtl re abouoeumu., Sctlnendenî of the Daadwuod seuols. BHevms clled lu bis Maine home byte sictuece sud duatof bia moter aud fiuiated bis iav course and vas amttid te teBar of Maine hn jMil. in the allof 198s bu caime vcl. sud agaln ougsgsd luin1<001 ont as ààCo-Principal of the bheborgan Business 'olleàIe.or Olceboy- gala. Wiaonecn. Iu the somer oh 1Une et the houe of Char-ules nm. uof urnue. II.. te vas ccicted lu mac nage to Mima Bertha eSherman ansd ai once ot cuharge oh the Bise Island echoole. vheru te recalnud for lhreo rears of ooessfui vont. Froua there bu uovcd 10 Fort Macibcu. lowa, as Supucinlendecct of acbouin. Atrour yar ttere ha ourcned tu BlueIs land. IlI. In 1897 te engage icctics law butinsas. IiI ieat Inl.erurd vîis cerrne- ing ouI hie plans. 10eLb., deaired sud. A savere ilunesa ast vinter umade Il eceaseary b gl up offie work. Ths inole. mottr atbacl resuited lu his tuat Saburday Feu,. 26,1901.).s leavcs a vife sud (hi-e,. litie cbhclireu be&ldes brotter,.Igtensand frlends lu mouvaihuIr bs. liewva emberofh (e (JougregalouccI chu-ciisnd geneu-mlly tool an accilve psu-ticn t" chu-ch services. ofk-u leating (bu choir or vou-ilin luthe lcuday Duing tIbis ctool yod shee osmesmucic lubrested ln bird protecionc and ingtlltled Bird Day lunte Fort Madison sacooha. lHe otten apots of birds as -bis lit til brobes of the air." The [mt vork bu dld vhile very veal mut slct vas t0 dnav Up, vo bils for Bird Puotesîlon sud Bird Instructio lu the lova mhools. Tasse tbs are nov beore thI owa Legisîturs. andi mer bu pasaut at bhIlasemsicn. BIs nobisuese sud jgeuilenesa of ehai-acter lucpresaut il who veru brougbt undar iselilciue. HBswvas eepucaliv dealnoua ohflucfuncug tse oung people onir hie charge for gcod. The vontla l boter fou- iâ ire ns ood sud purnu. He vas contentt le ave bimaeif lu the deu Fatbers cars sud pasmat frein thie lire te lice lire ta coins lth ibis elid lite fat. WARRENTON aROVE. Chas. Welzel la nov ablpplng milk ta Chicago. Mr. Pye la aoaui la moue te Barcing- ton vhere ho bas eniteda farci. Gea. Brosier la rnoving bi@ bouse. hnid affecte 10Wadvorih vhere Ihe bas purchebaseta aran. Jn. Kelly, mmr. Et. Kelly, Mr@. Jas. tMoCarthy, ci Chicago vere guettas of lirs. Juo. Stitan nier Sunday. A number of cielia lu remisase have 'b«an made lu ibis viclulty recsnily, J~.CIl aa buying lthe Perrin tract oh'&and and Win. Kelly, of Chicago. par seng Mrs. Mary Rellys farm. L<mier suferad itvih chronle dlamrhàotaforrmaterai menthe. elh. vas a1tended)by Ivo phalclaus Who Ai lest pnundthemrese hopema«. Bill 'roc retiz e ent bot!, ohChamber- laInae Col , Choiera mut Dharhoea îEéuuedy, an tive dose gave ber per- rmanent roli -.Itale plamaune lun e- eammentln l ae tha bas% on the mrei-lir F. E. Watson, Alhen, lah. BoIt b> . B. LovaLL, Liber-1 tyvile J. B. ButAcusa, Gurnea. P. L. W , Rookefeller; GuAire z&.&» pu vct. Jouz iMiaux HALP DAY Mfr. Fred SBeroede, spent 1mai Friday in Chicago. ira. Maie Johoston bau been on the Blok bat. M~r. Alfred lianliff baa pnrcbasod anoilier borse. Whmi hbabecomeo0f the liraton farm correspondent. Mis. M. 8. lesson lai viehllng ber ou'$ fanily lu Chicago. Hermohbonger Bron. arc out bustbing buylng stock theme daye. Misa Lulu Muray vas on the sick Ui Frlday and Saturday. Mfr. Evereli Manou and fabily moved on to the llhaddle farm lal& veek. Mr. Ransman ad famlly and Mrm. Handy bave nsoved te Libortyville. Littlo Nazal armger, of River Viev, la vliiting ber iier, Mn,. W. Shuler. Mfr. J. T. Ayers and fauily vislled relatives lu Irving Park and Chicago G o. M flC»à-.0 usmàà andtiffasaa jj OD & W. W. AprnarAsu. Clark., OU RN EE. Bort Brâcher uooved to the Corser place mai vée. Mir@. B. R. doue@ vent to Chicago Bnndsa' moralng. Mis Tm- Dixon vas home frorn Rusmelioves Uunday. Born, Sunday moruing te 1Mr. aud lira. Idnu Cliss, a daughter. Elalph Uihllenden vas lu Chiciago on business tbe irmi of the veek. William Sage shipped a fine lot of caille tthIe ciy ltThnraday nigbi. Saturdasy sîsulng a aloigb liad of ont Young people vent ho Wankegau to attend. tbe 'opera.- The C. B. oceîy gîTe a socdi ai the homeofo Misa Mabel Sebaubar this veeo Frlday aeeulg. Misa Cella Slafford farmenly of Ibis lovn vas marnait in Waukegan Wed- nsay ta Fred Zayier. Rob Thorn sud farnily aspect te acon moye back la our lovu.- Alo Charles Lavaon, of Waukegan, viii bc vlth us &gain Ibis Yser. Tbe Royal Nelgbors expeet 10 organ- ise a camp bers acon. A meeting vii hbe ib tis Saturday eveulng te arrange for the deputy. The question of improving ont roada vitb gravel la beiug diacuamoit as usuai Ibis apring. WIct a surprise if il sbouid realiy ho carnet ount. GILMER. 'hlercury,' toot asudtun tfcll lu Ibisi loclihty one day laI veek. H. Uleriet, of Nev Jersey la visîting vith, 1Mr. mut lice H. F. Scbvecumnu. H. A. Sebvurmanu abhIpput a car- 1usd oh caille frorn ibis place Mcnay. fi. Scburverrnii ut H. OluricU tvaucactdhusinuse ici Chicago mou- dey. Luvie J. Knhgge mnt Fred Puddler bock a clilb ids 10 Wuccnta Satnr- day. For bargaine Iu ecats goici A. (1. Scbvormaun .Ho gîve lern eway. 25o each. Snov han corne, iueigbiug lagoal mut ort mut yonug are etnjoyhng a rare sport sielgh-riting. Mu-. aut Mn. H. F. Schvscmaun vIsitet vihbM1r. mutdlins. Hockrneyer, 0f Diarnu. baks Suutay. Fred Puddler tolt a cuiter-rite un Barrington mut Cuba Sunday uili. Fret aysalsighing la ml-righi. We lesn ihai lthe Dismout Lake creamevy bas pait a tivitent oh $i.23 ver bondret for Jen. liov about the 29 conta, hutter manager) Loved by the people, bsiet by il's vould ho rival$, the foe oh tioase, the frheut ofhbumauliy. Bocky Manolalu Tea, mate by the Mfadison Medicine Co. laskynnr drngglmt. A number of youug people respontet 10a aunlvitation tu pariipato lu s pluanani pari> mt tbe home o01lMr. sud lira. Il. F. Sebvummaun unduuay nlghî. AIl report a very pleausnî ime. Cousiterable movhng bas beau tans lu 011mev mut iclniiy of laie. M. Obenauf bas moved ou F. Thomas' hrm, George Drnry tau motet ounVW. Morses farm, B. Rineka, of Lako Zurich, bas taken possession of L. Morses farm mut W. Blaninanu, of Lake Zurich, lias motedit na lra. Ritter'a boue. Win Intenta gohug Imb ihe pooiiry buah- use". TIse dey &fler the grount bog-vise boasll-retiredtul bis nemi for anoiber six veoke ealumber. Pvofessnm Coi, lthe Chlesgo veather man, vas quotet as Kaylng ini substance hhit the vhiy animal dit not luovu bis business sud chtt mvaions exemples tu oanirm bhie statament. The groundt og bau doubtiema mate misalebut tim lima ha .ureiy kuav bis business regartiesa cf lb.e mamwbo boliteawlyin tise audteinu lovas. LONOGOROVE. 1 C. LaFratâiz vent ta Waukteflimon. day. M. Graubau hired out to Mr. F. I rripp. Mrn. Huebl bai lase coru shredded F. Ora! vas viaulng Ilu Ibis neigh- bbhoad Sunday. Tbe organ of the Evangelei c cre tb m bo repaired.1 F. IMeyer alded hla broibsr.iu-lav, C. Latrantz move. J. Eiler malles ivo tripe 10 High- land Park overy veel. "Îbe singing clama ranted an organ and purebased nmre lampa. The Y. P. Alliance bad ita rnon&bly bualnumreeting Tlann.day evenug. 0. LaFrauiz bas moved oun1fr. fefers farim, recenily vaeaied 1)y 1Mr. iiurzlall. Mima(). Rizentbalsr si.ayedgauverai day. vilb ber adut, Mre M.Ruedier, Prairie Viev. (Joie a numbdr of the Long (.iove Young folleSmtaudeil tiésurprison Mr. and dlia. il. Smih lmatFrlday eveulug. IiiJe reporied wiib auntiliy ibai 1fr. E. Ilizeuibaler, dentils, vbo laq ai prenentinluWiscousin,wvil! retorD ln everal veeka. Erma and Mil11itaizenthaler, vhite playlng villi 0ac1 other npeairs. blon $neir equilibrium and took a toboggan mlde dovn stairs. il vas ia, short go eujoy ih. The bridge betveeu 1Mr. Halfer, barn and the corner near vbieb Mrv. ekei-sveiler livua la lu auob eondl- lion thai people are afraid t, crocsi viih beavy Joad&. A fiue of $10 onghi io be imposod for crusng Il faster ihan a val, The violer berrn etfthe Schultz mehool closed tant veek Friday. Mim& V0iler elebraied tlut 1aiday be- flutiigly by bavlng l.lerar.y eees Tbe acbool bouse wax crovded and a vOry plOusitafiýernn a, paaaed. The xercisps refleet crudit (pou tbe teacher. Phillp Wagneur l.theonly yuîiug n aoUood Long Urve vho uuder- siands bow 10 tale hl@ girl vsiing. Hie siarled for Wmcnnda vlîb ber Monclsy, goîpfangh lu lth, &novtrM and dld Dot feturu util Tbuirslay and thobeadlu one aluRine. lieIe ecln vouild gel ber ou Sund.y NC2HOOL Nuidd, Eramnationa lue'gauu Wec.clîcc.sly Soule of the echolaru lire wcrîhhug love leitera ta th. e icber. By -, dîclni the tea-li,.r roill tbe boys clown ibat âaoov aut.tiflcogb. The order of the dey je, lIce ). w. club leni Frîi v as uirctuuaIn muale. DeWitt'a Litcle Eavly Rimera purlfy tbe blond., dean the liver, luvigorata the llyte. Famon. lituopilil, for eonstipation and ier troubles, y. B. LoVULL, Llbotyville; J. R. Bascaia, Outruee; F. L. WssTERMAN. Rokef@illen QUENTINS CORNERS. Wr Smnibh made a honuma c »li ai 011mev lent Mouday. Wrn. Steiteus vil! vork ibis scîminer vilh John Baker as bired man. miss EVie Hutcbingm, <f (lenviev, in visitiig ber saunt, Mirs. J. Rlichards and other relative@ boe. lira. Auna Roy sud ebiidren, of Chic- mgo &re vlmtiug ber cousin, Mrt. J. C. HiertlleaI lhe Myosotis. Mfr. Wm. Edvrts vil! move tii veek from the Baiter ferro bure teaa place near Liberiyville. We uudersiand tbat J. T. Ayera bas purehaed the Wm. Pries farni of uliy acres near Libertyville. Tva more sebolars enroiled on tbe Soboul is&1, iis veek. T bey are the ebldren of Mrs. 1). Kruger, of Prairie "1ev. On account of the veather il vas tecided lent Burnday go discontinue aur Sahbatb Seboolutil theutirst Munday lun April. Mfr. Carl Euglebruebt vho bas occupledthtIe Kammer farrn for the pest lev years movet te River Viev on Weduesday of ibis veek. Our vinter veaibber lelabo lu arrivlng bol il meima te be cornlng lu gond enrnemi nov. We bad quie am torm lami Monday. Mrv. JOs. Churchilîlvas talen quite snddeuly lit vih heuart trouble on Mpuday. Dr. Taylor, cf lhberiyville vas *umrnoned. -lira. T. Wilson and son l!erlîert. of Palatins, formerly of liina place viaiied relatives and fu-euda bure and ai Liberty ville over Snnday. Thure vilI bu a cancua lunlthe -Town Hall March 17fh te nominale can- didates t0 ho elected te tUe aeveral tovu oflicesa&aIthe regular tovu useel- Iog te be beld April 3rd. Mfr. J. C. Sebroder our former toacher Who viib bis broiber la alleudiug sebol atValpsratmo, lut. vas recently eonfhned. t0 bis rocuî a veeok vh gripp andt i'ssilii. Otto Waelii a jeler, oh Waîîconda, vbo bas been maiig regular tripe te thia place 11115 vînsar mlldting repair vork made bis tasti tIs veel for the muason. He bas hbat consîderable vork te do bore. Mrv. W. D. Baliey vbo came borne orne lime go snffering vitis inilamma- tory rbeumnatlsm bas entirely recavered sud lufs Mondsy te assume bia duties lu a nev occupation reoeotly mecurut lu Chicago. Tbe ebildren of Prairie Visv vere dravu te and fror sebooi (lutte Often tbia vinter ibrongh the kintuesa of Mfr. Webrenberg and 1fr. Knopf. AI- tbough M ouday vas very ftonmy, ibere vere foriy sebolaris lu alieudance. Ye oIdtiure dance given tatBatur- day nlgbi at the Myosotis vas largely attencled sud a gond urne vas baC by ail. H. E and E. S. Giesson mut E. Il. bbapter fnrnimbed the munie as of i. The latter vas alao p rom ptor. On Teday of tila voolwvite atteutiug ehool boe Clarence boamis cof Prairie Viev balthlIe rlsforiuue to ta bave bis Sungerasno badly cruabet viib a door Ibat hb u& as halutebis borne and Dr. lieuz. of Wbeeliug vum calle te10 resa tUe lInuret membera. lionciay evsulug vas thes occasion of a plemnamb surprise ou A. Mieer at tbe borne of hi@ parents, Mr. mutdlira. H. Meier. The guemia gaibereci frorn Long Grove, Aptakisle Haîf Day, Wheellug amutNorth orhiieid. 1)! conrse Mr. A. Meier kbey aIl Binaut it aa &Lbey aiways do onuauseh occaions. (11r.. Sriib, of '-Diarnnd Lake. kuev ILb 100 )Aler plmylog garnea nefremhcrenta veru served aut thon lbuy agulu raised cane. Mfr. Lnolbu, howver ralnee a gome egg ou bis forubsiid l.v caring lu vliot con- cussion whi a doccr.Mr. Meier js soon 10 reiunu 10Minnesota mnd no lthe party vaa afarevuhi gaihsrîusg. Lvcuy nue returuied borne bcvîog enîoyc.cia moamt plmsasot lime. Belon c ame faOi b t h bave beenau a dinê pust ftro moniba. The ii 7z he mummerU The fine hou. ou a Gardiner fera vas humad is ib a Paf lia Contents, onue dey blitek. The tirem&Nl" j froum a deiteive cblulney audW bayond contraI befare discovOeeci The buildingwvalinseuret. J. . nie! ezpecldod amove 1010 lb. bouse thb day il vwu burned. HOe bas renI'!« lir@. Siosun mtrniinaiead. Mn.. Henny Golding, lira. A - Grabami, Mr&. Il. T. Fuller, Misse E. Girâce, M E. (ilyncli, L. Tidnanb, B. JOnku Della Hamnsond ad Rlis h il veni ta lleHenrY one eveniDg of laut veek tu eti ebieken pie and e@007 a slelgb ride. The alo1gb ride vus enjoyed but th.e bieken Pie vau Mince as111 the Party arrlvedi talter tbe lui eblekren bmd dlaappeared. Ojaiero wers aub)atiiutod for eblelen Pie. iDEERFIELO. Mfr. ieu. Miller fOr., la very ill 1fr. Albert Ogtsîrnaàu wax brue uvar Suuday. Mfr. Ueo. l'anus' la ont workllng bure aDy muor. Mir. Win. Anima la a vl,itor of tiii, burg ai preei. 1fr . .W. Petin m aavcl Mle 0lister mnas ood 1lui veek, 1fr. Ira fiole bas gone Ici Canada t. asali b is brother Beu. 1fr. B. Maifeibas quît ai the Puer- fieldCl(ruarnery and É» tuow employed by C. W. PetIla. Thure are a number of parie§ ibat vuuld locale bure if ticey could liInd placea anilable. lThe yoong people of Ibis buvg nad a sleigb ride Party Frlday oigbi. TheY ail reort a gond Urne. Mfr. L. 'seller has purcbased a vury. fine organ of A. il. M uhîke. Tlacy are vory mucb plesaed vib it. Mfr. and lire.. RIner l'eitia aloppe-l ovur Suicder bure. Tbey wsre un Ibelr vay to Waueonua beru bue vil! rîuuîa farm Tbe 0. A. C. gave a gond progsuniuue last Naiurday uiffl. The youuu.g ladies gavA a fine debale: The fator.- of the programme vas aàler ex- change beiveen Mrva P. L. Jorgenaoui and Mine binie Publia vhieh engageci quite a number of youog people of tibhrg lu Mrilny. Mfr. Win. Devareaun. Master Meebmhni.- of the Doerlleld Yardo,.arnd J. liorso- berger msy ibey ave golog taorganîre. a company of voleuleerg and (go ta South Afrlc.a la belplithe Boers. Eulislrfneil!he recelved na in. l>evereaticiice atthe Deerfleld Yard#. W* hope Ibuir efforts vIl! hie crowneel wltb greal t <ca (tromc ntirL.,rradeaUJ l>iok tbe joker laci0nu onths engine. gnie, ltce gateucan, vasluinvu Sundayý There yl bu a cauc-ua lu the icîwn ball Msreb l7tb. M. Horenberger vam a Chicago vliic)r lant Tneady. Il la nuroet hure Ibail,011y Morve la g.clng ont vest soon. vistr 1a;Wodeday. Slave sbluug b> the, day orv veut C nisuit Cap or Bullur. Thon. vilI hea asociable ua i r Ch» Parnons Friday eveuing. Mir. o(masins an.ge the expert, bocok. keeper, lai Lbkng a la> off. Ounr cily cobieclor &a s eetc vicejiig arount WbueIIng listoveut. Jusdge Frltaeb bas a very imnportant case on tant for scext toulay. Wbat fccu-' fcr ftour-golden crovu lthe besi lu avU honrsale by Jackey Aubesý beligoi orchestra vil! Iunisb roaic' AI lthe Great Ncu-îlceucaticrdoy oer lng. A I C. A lcok. liicd cf chîcvubeurled no -iy. Wbît auce.t- ic-tuie matter Allie' lit ef.orbd bgeyo.i Bue cccuccuuiss- ljuecineI-iis t, uni.hwvcrth cscccey Sir Knigist i bgîs I Chanellor o Eîcgland vu.s eetn uctIi etreutslot"'a yod ID eornpany vutb J. C. AdamwA Chý Jý Lange, our reclel atete dealer, ls Dhhnlg about icuying <cul Rih the arnail miut psil roule nov lu ouor tovu. Mis', k.ne E. lmcnuîusg. Tyr@,Mli , "sY-, .1 siclhred a locng urne trou ciyspc'p..ie; ]huai flh and liecarne tory vuai. Kotol IDyapepaIa Cure con, pisbely u-cred me." Il digeste vbui yauualnt ud cres cail formeî0f slonmut-hc trouble, Il neyer flio, 10 gîe io< modiate relief suc tUe vorat cana-s F. Ji LOVELL, Liberlyvilie, Ji, BRAcHEzh,, urne. F. L. WkicTEu<MÀN Riockefeller PALATIN E. Jc,h1c Swlet basn eiurna.t ta Palathuce alletr au, Rd)iuce cof nearhy a year. 1 Cocney lngleking vtfited lu-ents lun ibis vichniiy aveu- Sinday. Mr- mnt lire. NordinoYer vishlech friende lu Chicago F, l'nciy sd Sabuci day of ai vweut, The Minoen boulsancid Claa Tbii- metddlte toueraI cof a reIsicys lu, Harmouy. licHeory (o., rn'nby FinsI Tramp -Bull <I ye tuovwljy ec are lits lthe Lilies o' the vailey*. Second Tuamp-i gîve lb usîc lirai 'luamp We 1011 oot. nuibter ci,. vu c.plu, and Solornun In ilIhi.. glory asonot arayet ile aoce aIfih. itbates but a minuta 10 overearne tickîiuîg in thie Ibrutand ct4)atop s cc.uglc hcy the une of Guis Minnis Caîlgi, Cuire. 'is uemedy .jcickly curves 11 forme cci tbroat and irg troublesý Beu-lmeaeanîl plenaceulto taieit puevenis8 colseumplion. A fumrns epucîir fou- grippe antlils aller effecis, P. B. LOVELL, Lihcubyuiile, j. Ilý BRACHREIt. (iunuee, F. h.J_ ii't 1ses, Rockiefeller. Notice 2 A 1ev tilngs carrled in %tock mi the Wauconda Furniture Store, Jiedroom Suite, Couches, Loýungeti, leccr, acl ,o lieds St.e,.i and Wovun Wlre Springa, Ezeeloior, Hliicit cml Musa Mattres,,e Cota, Trunka, 'Jeleacopes, ('enter Tlables, lBook Caem, Exlensî,cc l'ables, a full!lime of Rockera, Dluing and (odîCu(hairs, Waid- robe, eupboards, Mirrore, Cbeffoulers, l<iic1:,'ici be snud it lot)net Second baud iluating and Cool htcvem, 011l dtoves, Wambicg Machines,,Tub@, Wriogern. Succw Shccvels, ist,Ivoic wagonc.. SIleda, Rocklug Horsesq, Sboo Flics, Toy -l slc'.. ccd Chairs, T. Cheata, Sav Bock, sud Saws. Velucipedm Afullliti e of i i. jusi recelvad. I viiil!1vou a giaranteec livîcel for $254s) Cal andaee il. I alan carry a cornple<e ]ile 'of uîdertsl<ltcg goc.Iý The largestiwasortmeul of carpeta lu Waiieonua imu my elor.. W bon ln need of anhthing in the above Ihues cal! at HUGHES FURNITURE STORE, waucond& - - - lIlnois. MiaBsvthia Wease lbasnlad a ut run ohfsalet feyer, buct lenepared beilor alibhis vniblig. Ounr sbonl closes tIm veel fou- tbe vinler terniI vilI open tUe sommner terni in aboul len tays. lis Tilis Quentinubas gonu tolaihe ai Palatine se a dccresili' vîth Mca. James Young for the camiug sUimmer. Our anual chsesâe fmtory meeting vas belit 1mai Mantay. AHl tbe oIt managera vre electeci 10 belitover as everythiuig bas Isucu aalhsfactcry thie pauaiyeau- Died. li Alabamna, FredStuurm, Feu. 151h. of luphoit lever, agedt IirzI> lIe years. Hu leuvesa a ife udc!daugbter ta meuru bis ternîse. }'crrerly tUe Corners vas bis boucse, fil parenits nov nsiesîCu bre. Mrs. John bchueider ancd s. c Heury ver. lu (ýbleago ici attend liccu-faibersa hucial vbich occuiredt 1atSunday. Henu-y and William mandfarnhlles. oh Minnesota caime ulovul lapay ibsir taitrespecct Icc lUeur fatber aîcd are nov cslling ou ilîecu-relativeaut frieuda cuverai výeutieiccre rebnnuiug A. IL. De Fluent, editcu- cf the Jour mai, I)oyîeetowLn, ilUho, Nutlured for a rnbur cf yean fromrn ctiecdrnasmiI ies rigit 1ebouldeir amaide. Ho saya: -Mly rigbit arm ah limes va, entiruly Us-lesu. 1I ieci Cbamme-laluce Pain Balm, muh via scirhrisei ticniýceve u-e- lief amonmcietînredlatuhy. I'l'hs lain Ballu bas boeu a constant eampanion oh mine suer silice asdut hieyer halls."I For als hy F. B. LoVELL, Llbeviyuiile, J. R. liacism, bornes, i.iAYLAZE PIIARxAcY, F. L. WR8TRRMAN, Racle- huller. JOHN Mi-IKEL, ItaUboe WAUCONDA. Bocrn o Mr.cc dM llre C. K, ercden a claughtun. Bain, Satou-dccy bccMc. andlIra. Wii Barris asnon. lhva. F. Biangs, ccf Chicmagcc. iv s1jecic ung a fev days lie- A fi1]hUe oh carpete andi ihuccecurn mi the Waucouim Foruiccre stare. Mca. IL. C. Kesnt, ohChicagc, &peunt Saiirtay and Snnday lu ibis plaice. Mr.inmlra J. Zumrnur, of Long Orave, vers piuassou cahiers tat vaelât Arthur Cook nlatatuucihug the aupervisorfs meeting cal iVaikegau Ibis A nuimber oh young peuple lurn iccre attet da socialalitn.lieu wc'l'e cuis eenlog ohf1tat vek Heurt Maimauc, Artu-cr UCot sud Mhlle Mary Freucnd vere vic-tucue oh surprise parties tantiveut. Mr@. Guary and Misscaraah <cary apeut a fsv days veceolly vlslîlîîg Mr. mut M re. Zîmmer, of Long Ou-ove. H. T. Fuller, H. Malman. 1'. A. Stoxen mut B. F. Martin wve jurymen