Sesonc ystia War.*M The Supreme Ladge of MyM Workera of the World met la thla Biennlal Session at Fulton luat w.. Tuesday go Tbnreday inclusive. Delegaços from lodgm i la l - ~ County sers fln attendanoesas iollow f M. W. Marvîn, front Waukeg. ifl~'~\ lodge; E.R. Moore, (irayalake; Ch% Kaiser, Lbertyvîlle; Orville 8mît Ivauhoe; W H. Holtje, Long Grave;1 Price, Waucondu. V I Man nmportant question& wej chose asethie permanenti home of th order. The old exeentîve aMm rw al re-elected wt.lR't opposition for 1terra of sixyeurs. Roekford was chosen as the place foc ~ N ~p~Sfl'5 fthe neit meeting. iahs urj _04. Pîcket, was relieved and W. J. Car 1 ""' A S,-prrlative bauglb, of Portland, Mlibgan, eotedl 705.1 $1-00 Qorst AI other officers vesre-electe Fine-.î Rtr. 1 ,jjtii , ghtj. except Conduetor. Hntnel and two et the icdrectors. r~.iuFroin begnning f0 end the tami K-N . good feeling prevailed and the wor. scoptinhed placed the order ona £ .iI. u.g ~ I5 lrn4er blise tim e ver butore. A. R. De Fluent, editor of the Jouf Perfect Fit, mal, Doyle8t.own, Ohio, auffered fora .stylisl i rgure. nuniber of yeara roi rtteumatiom In Tine -Service, his rlbt shanîder and aide. Re aya: Ever oi'iii v Md th -My righi arra ali fles vas entlruJy best h.~t i r îii. rî,iun-leua. 1 triud Ch&mberla.ns Pain Steel b:nn,. li\i d iu, snd vanienrprlsed f0 rucelve re. Balm ai asbeun a constant companlon charg Y .r~r, f mine ever inme andt nave talla.' If.'.t t de "~e:rrre iFor sale by P. B. Lova", Liertyvlle, P. N C R ETS Pj cP T . L. Wusrxx,,Bock. 150 FFTH Avr.,CHICAGO. J fel]er, Jou Mesuz. vanboe. Special Cash Sale! L e nýx S .IC h upi an B akiug P o vd er - Sfor . . . 7 9 liar~ f r 25< 1îe canl for ........... 9 liaple Cty, >-Il .ati~r,. 7 bars lcr. Crown Baklug Pocder-. 10cecau for.... ...... IaÀrluus.uâ ,îi ,.k Good Baklng Powder- 12 burefr . . 5< 1-lb can for .... ............ 09c @aun irw.d J.p.1îAtm and Bammar Soda- sot. Valu, .. 40C 10o pkge for ....0..8< 60e val Ue: . .... 50C. Tes Dn.t- Wolay'.s oda- 40, v.du, ...... 30C 10e page for.................. 04C Juhisoj e c.tuîîg caet- Quater Ogt- 4A , <, 1 ... ... 18C 13c pige for ..... .. 09C ,wuef Corn- Baig b tpet Lau ....... 09C i-lb pkge fo.... .. 19C 3fur ... .. . .2... . . 8 AU (irouûd t,,VWax Iean- per î-tl.....0& prea.. .09C per lb ... .... 30c Ifor .. . .. . . 5< Ouf MciiiI 1be 14iiie 10iji li f . .... Creai of Wb,.t-- blâctkIl&aspberrium>- puceau ...... Houuy Drip Syrup- lac pige iw.......... 2,: Quart eau .................... 09C Wsshburn C,. Yi i(, l' eople& Corn St&arcl- 150 pige flua ..... 2c pur pkge ........ < ookng Apple- Grape Nut-. pur peck .......25<C le pige nov .. ... lic Hlardwood Cloheb i u.,Crauberrles- pur d"Zu . .... .. 01< pur quLart ... ... . 0... 8<S A Goî'd Hice- Sveet Potatous- 7e per poundud ics.. 5< per ponnd ..... ..... O 4 Pounds of Regular 25rC Cffee.. ......!inn 4 pounds of Granulated Sugar FREE. Washburn Superlative Fleur 98c a sack or $3,85 a bomrel To ail Ladies calling at the store next Saturday belveen the hours of 2 ta 4 pi te. we will aell--limited ta aue package eacht A pkge of Uneeda Biscuit . ----------.- .. . , .....$ O R 0 A pkge of any kinil of Yeaat Cakes . .... ..... 0 Remember there is a specia] sae on al the finie at coat. on ail or ShoesBoots, Underwe. ,Gloveza sudMiii.. Crockery, Stonecare. Ruliber Goods, in fact everything, 16ev arc going ta bc sold, sud il wiil 6<e agreai savîng te Yeu. il you arc in mced of anythiug in thia Une. ta look over m stock belote purchasing elsewhere. Corne, bring the famly. Yeu are ail invited. 1 wili aell rny four driving horsea, two set double harneiset, two carriagesansd spring wagon et reasonable Thanking you for past fayots sud hoping for vaut lur, 0 ther patronage for the few rehnainn weeks of My stay. I1an.Repec&ily vau., Rockefeller file Bk. k0 Fa ROCKEI'gLj.ER. au J. B. Thomalla.eeimg for Thom s. liaBrlde. b, geverai 0t the Young people vho a L. ava aellediug Scloal are expect4 haine thla ya. lipronW"llansd Blalue Thomai ha'i 'c tecauily enier.d the third yoar clus i lu thé primary room. he Arhur Bergborn, Ira DOOlUHI r. George Meyer snd s cousin vialied i a cheir respective houai over onuday. Tb . .Oeot vil ld a di.A socialai lM.r oJifefYlday even. ornlg. Miatch' 30, IW00. Further an. noncmome lahâer. e erO. Cale, of Ivanhoa, preschud ai r- fIla place Onday P. m. Tbe C. B. à.Society beld à gond meeting lu tf2 bd veing. The violin accompanîmexi wu venjoyed bysan. 01 8varal tesObers attenda it h teachert' meataOS SUrday. The pro et gra- ouîmteee hp«s ta gelapi. ýk UrMifolb f Kenasha Oonty, to laitare SAi the meeting April $1, I900. A go.> meeting te antficipaciod. Le"the feaichéri ma"e ampeclal effort toattfend. Sin. froin bers ateudea the succilon su v eek a& Urmyslke. lit. James meukle @Pont mat urdal sud Oanday lu Chicago. litr. B. Practot ahippod a car oi "caf fi. sud Bogs lent *o0k. litM. H. Brixau visitait bis daugbtur, liKra. Wlrtst iiWaeday. B làiussK*0eDocker vmfteJatlMr. H. Orabhea 1mai veei Oatnday. lieaire. Devis sud Joyce are agaîn at von a»inig Wood fin Stilsvficlniy. lit. John Pearshb bsaeviating at biseouatlus, lir. A. WArttsliai yak. lira. Hawkins la agalu ai home nome. what tecovered ftomlier roceaf ili- lit. Joka Dumo m "n~aê si.federa ftrvaJiplu ntht. viclulty thé P"&î ceei. Buvotai tront hotu Inteud f0 attend rthé raneottriai, béld In Wauiegau lla ae Docker vont ta Evanato Ftida3t ioralng la @&&y dutiug be« ceeka vacation. The Ladiesai Cetery Aaeiatlou met vfiihlit@. Wi.N Eebker, Thurs- day aetibis vesi. Our enetgetlc papet hanget, M r. rrank Smltb. la dolug s taablug busi- ne"s in t"isvtiuity. lit. ClIfford Parue bas teceuîly par- ehaaed a noV top-buggy, -Vth a cludoc in the baci." Tho Missesn. labol sud Helen Bock. ilth bcd a emali Party 8atutday aller. Doon. Dispîse fthe stormy veathet aIl had a good lime. Mri. Orvillo Smih retuned PrldayJ sreuiug fraie Falcon, Ilae., vbere hoa ..itended a meeing of thb. lil Workers af the World oUcaWs The rogulir meeting o! tbe Liemay socie$7 in pospoaod Ob@ vaak, awfing go dtmculty fin irranglng the progmjn. TiIs la hy order of tbe Precideuf. lit. GOrge Radies venitauaod- stock lent Thutmday asa delaga tt attend ltse RepublcamiConvantloh for ihs olght Bentortal district held ai thaf place. Thé social bId Liai Frldsy evénlng ai tbe parmanage vas veil attended, cosidarlng the e avorty of the wsther. About fout dollars wvesclesred. Thos prssent teported s very eujoy. ahI. Ume. Lewis Hiason ftlked oror froin Blalnesvlllo Thatsday aîornîug f0 viol& is souais, lir&. ilaith and lKr@. Dykes for a f0v days returnlug hainei for sehool lianday. Ho apent about elgiteon inouths la Kausayulhîst cousin ltalph Cleveland sud vIte. Het Vas a brave youug boy ta rake the trip1 bath ways alone. GILMER. Dan Bilixeuthaler bad hie. vod ived lasi Ptlday. Frani UlticIl teg nued fthe oollector booa thîe tiret of tha esiek lir. andli». Delon Ainaes tévlalfing relatives sud friands lu Michigan. M. Mors. tranaaidbusiness in Lîbertyvlll e heroi of fthe ve. George Otosa im employed fin a grocery store in Hilghland Park at prosseut Notica' in correspondante. It bas bom. aiBt7 10 o w« my eemmunnlaticasULMIs ek. cvlag Sa thé exianded aceonnipubliabed ai ihe Imagear munir triaL PALATIN E. Miss yijda Blekn4ft vent fo Chi. cago Tuoaday. The Soboppe brother. @pent Woduai. day vlth their rother fin Desr Grave. lita Mary Baker, froin Lake Zarlch, Vaes guesi of Iri. Rennack's Tues-. day. Ded, in Chicago, March 18tb, Mr. Raffvkamp brother f0 lMr. llafterkamp, of r mGrave. Missea Berthâ snd Clarm Weute veto very plaisat cahots ou frlends lu Palatine Tiîurmday. Mis Jessie Richmond entertalued ber young triends Prlday aenlng vlth 1The angLadie' Foregn MIsson. ary Soociey "e at J. H. Ochierdines Sa&turday p.i. and eveung. Il proved an enjoyahie mai. - llihols.1 WRIGHT &SON' Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware àt reasonable prices. We can also0 save you money on coal of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and soft coal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anythingiz n this Une cai on WRIGHT & SON$ Libertyville. - - - - - ios Spng True. Seeders, Disc Puiverlzers, PIows, Corn Planter&, Hlarrow&, and Cultivators ATr CLOSE PRICES. G. Hl. SClIANCK, le . - IIIaeIr WliII ad Fes. iad Laid 6d cota auà co we ,Tbueay ad Ualrday cg «seh yak unul toubrm ous.. Y. 8. DM*&s. vwani% ,L W"u M. a6M ' g. 6140 U.W. A. aaa5st W. W. Appauvasi. Clark. GU RN EE. WiIIlliarry, 0of]1118e811vlstted friands fnta umnslait Friday. Mrt. nd lir@. Robert Huater, of lichmond, caloed on friendi hure Sun- 1day. J. B. Dnnbam, of Chicago, la hold. lh.g a mtlsIcal convention bure the Dpraenntcei. à Teb. C.B. rally held hure Satumday vas farlY WOU attunded Saaderlug ibe Baver.veather. B. A. baves and vife, 0f Newport, vlaled-vîth Allen Dizon and famiy >b lter18«part 0f fhe wek. Chanite Lavion vas home énnday ftramWlntbrp Harbior wbure ho ln amployed by th, syndicate. lira. 0. J. Young, oif Roaccran, ru- tarned froin the vent Tuuaday Wvhere @bo vlait4d relatives several veeks. At the canons Slaturday ihere va very lite excîternunt. J. W. Smlth secnred the nominat ion for collector theonalygMUe over vhîcli there vas any close content. Iialph Dady vent f0 Chicagoi Sunday1 wher. b Wu llattend business college llMampring aud sommer. Hoecloaed a anccaafai ieglA Of seboul nuar Antlnch I"St veek Wdednday. The Ioyai N aighor@ met atrday 41 aternoon, the 249h,. Tbuy stan ont vlth tventy members aud the promise of any more ta oîn soon. Thir oflos have been welIlnlsfrnctud sud If attention to business vîlI btin g thuni anCaaS thby .111 eton bave e large camp bure. lw ise Tillie Jai-ibs o i . iillétlng l nottralgia. lt. Adeion nit faullY movd aay4 4tramnt te village Ist liouday. lits. Joutle Part vbo ha. buen Ili for iny weeis la alnwly linptoving, Miss Lena Dijon, pipeut sunday Vith boaranrt&, Mlitsanti rs Allen DIîxon, of Gureu. A llitle son arrîeed at thie.homne of litsud lir@. Spencer 1w, ,lait lMon- day moruing. litaud lits. Harrison MSier have tholr hoaaebnîd good8 psckud sud v11I saca stan fat Bay City, Wisconsin, is*a Joese ath b m-carneit at frday tcaY tay vîliher aunie. lits. Wni Lewin. Wo are glad fo bave thebr4gbt lîffle girl vItIl ne again. 11ev. J. F. Hantera. fathet, vbo has bean vlslting relative@s in Canada for the puai tht.. nionate. cll arrive hère thé liai of ibis week. and vîli rîsît vithbBis aon, before hbu teintfo is >home lu Graiton. Ntorth Dakota. The miartlage tif Mt. Win. Melville Jr., and MisLena (lunderson laok place etthfIe resîdence orf li.,asd Ulia Gundeson 1March 218t. 11ev. . F. Huier came ap froni HaIt Day sud 01111c1046d. lit. Melville Bas rented hi&alaibe r whodièe they vilI go ta hottakoeeping. Thé, have th, bout visheo af theîr auany friende. LAKE VILLIA. lits. Richari Cragg le nov satle to be arond. A nnub.r ni out young people attended fIle dance af lMnunabhotel fthe 17ft. lira. MMr Daltymple @peut a le. days luti ves i wth, litse. H. P. Millet, nf Sand Laie. Ben Barinansd Sons are nf cari Mavlnug mOine buldfing@ ai Fox Laie fat Oliver Sol UIt. Boa Crosaman la haviug a barn put np ibis eei on .Marrie sud liller are doing the vonk. lits. Mary She0han rut urned tW m Chicige lutf vesi aftet a tong vîsîtm vîih lber dangiter, lira. Fairman Born, fgolir. and lits. }ugene WII. à tan, on Wédtîenday, Match 14, 1955, aq baby boy . AIll rooeerned are doîng 1 niooly. lit and lits. ù. P. Manier snd Mr. sud lira C. H. Hainlîn spemit Sunday lu Otrayslakc ciilit su d lia. E. Kapple. FOX LA KE. lit. A.'Tweed vified (;rsymiaki. iuu day. lir. A. fard rlisited Sîîrîug (.uove on Tneaday. lir. M. I.,<salîger %ami a Chicago 1 viaitar Frldsy.t lit. Henry ilcotf ait1 i elfe&tve moved tf) Wimseon lir@. E Brown and daugliter itoiele veto Autioci e'sitona Moudayý lir. Hoîti of Rollins ith ruouung t the bnzz sec lu thisl neighboriood t lit. Levi Tweed vihi Vttk for bis m brothert-.awMr. Fred Cr11,1, tis t aummer. 0 The (,aucun.e on SIturday tmniy Iaed il about balflsUribout fie preacuf oliluerei mi[ bulng nomiauafed iîy atianîalli, ri fo îrne-électionh WARRENTOJN CROVE. John ISheridan vho Wcas te it.ack le able t'O bu ouf again. A number tifOr onteolet teided fie Caucaet (iiititué at urday. lm sMary fihevoîler bas tettirned froin a wVuéka iiIt la Chicago. Mrn sud lira. livandt enter.i tained frlénda froiniChicago. this yask. Tbce. Rudd cas calum t. Wukegau tather. Meusr. Fîtraimnons sud Thulil sud Um Lizzle Quinlauno!Chicago are &ho gueuas !nitsr. John Ithetîtbs HALF DAY S. T. Foote la la Waîîkegau atteuti. iug tb.eIltueger trial. lin. L. Movera lia purt'iesuýiI M. Gloason'. dtlvlug boms. Bmoeof théesebool cblîdren vuro vaccfiuatad thlm Va". lDr' Taylor doing île wvan. lin, sudMli ts.Oto Johnson 10f i Man- day evenîag for a vieil .if h thé latteus parente la mînnesota. lit. Frank Lanaton and tamlly, f Nebraka have movedl baci f0 Lake caanty ta lire. They are nov itskyiug la Wankffan. Mr, sud lits. ClatIs mth, vIto have heen unxployad nt ftha Graffon feai arc bookfing for a posItion on a tani, vereecan aud vIte are ne.ded. lin. Smith le nov ulaytag aftlir. liovete hoiel. Canons as héld lest atarday ai the tocu hall whîch r.sulted lu. the nomilnation t0f J. A. Muson, supervioS; Barman Hoije, ifammr. li Mrcher, Colleclar; C. C. Gerbert. Town Cleri; Y. lStancîlif, Commleonut aud P. Boiei, cloal Truite. aaLiU~J~ I LONG OROVE. ls. oharla lmprovlng rtier elowly. Bridge tepairing in the arder of the da'y nov. J. ]Knipi bba uled nome lnmber Ifor a nov buBing. D. Hans vIa la alik ftV. Saners la sllovly convaleeclng. Qaartarly meetng vîli be celebrated ai the Evangeloal chureb Doet SUn. dey. lir, andlIdre. 1. EIdler and J. Etalor, Jr., made a vidit fa Hfighland Park lj.t sauday. lit. C. Saner could netlgo te Waake- gan lionday bucause of physical Indu- positin. lisuy Long <itove citizens ver. called ta Waukegan t,) attend fthe Erueger trial. Saine of thé bulles of Long (itove "aY &hel are -boekrultIg.BO.ys, nov te your chance. It i. rumorud thaf thebu Ltherasa charch will continule f0 bave Snnday evening meetings. The veather minuha bouncbarined by the beautîful muieo 5f %heslugiag claiesud hm ordored pleuntC eather. lit. sndlira. A. Mieyer had thaîr baby chrlsaened Stinday, 11ev. ittierle oflllatlng. He vas named tGeorge A agnat lMeyer. A musIcal progra ili bu reudered by thé Y. P. Alliance naitS unday aveang, Match 2Mii. itrangers smo cordially lnvIted. lit.andud lre. J. P. itzunthaler ancf family are entertainlng lir. Ed. and Misa Caxrne lfltzenthaer frotu North DFreedorn, Wiscousin. Ye acribe vlalted thé former part of the veei at Doener'a Grave vlîh lit. S. buh. lNe and bisIstMllY are vaîl and moud iboîr boat viahea te their msuy relatives sud friendo Iland about Lake County. As the cancan t ailItDay, Saturday, thé folloviug persans veru put lu Domination for thé ludicated sespea- tive ofilces. Superviser, J. A. liamon; ClOrk, C. Gerbert; Assessor, Hl. H. tolItJ: Collector, (0. Horcher, 111gh. ray Commîsoner, F. iltancilq, Sahool rrste., P. 110hz, ; ¶OOamîsIee, 1 J.P. l<itZenfhaier M, iBoyle and A. A numbet of thé ohier putîlis cll notralutn nuIt serin. 'MissalMarthe azaetsud Mina Laurs Be.f attuudud the literary exorcises. Little Clarence Bollenback apiîkm a flue lîilé plece. Say, Jacky, fivo curileanRD aful long tunie f0 yîîu. lir. F. Horeuburget lima roe~ngjy reufed thé Mettîman fta. miss Neille PetshlBasacorsîla Position In the Elgin vatch factary. lit. R. Vaut, of Chicago, vasa visltor o01lirs. C. (G. Mubîké S8uaday. lira Jamn.Woodman and danghter, of Wsuaul, spont Maiui-day5ftlits. Todd'. Jadie Frfltch'acase cas paaipod unil net& Ssarday ounscouaitiof an ashent dînais. Mi"a Mamie Vetter sud lin, sud lirg. P. L. Jargenson cure Chicago lit. Chas. Nation cas tue gnoscf libe Mamaie Veddor Suuoay. Ho saye ho i tl lounfhe fence. Ueo. Ada-@is a.useneotithe Lahor Agency busIness vitI E. C. Tllotson at 171 soutit Canal St., chigo. Miss Jou Woodman, cho lias bren apendfing sereral yak vîtI her nothar, rotarned tu LaGrange Ftlday. C. Selig and "Col" ame ocaaorly "uen aittlug ou the vire fonce lu front .f Ballera Thoafre wallUg for the shov ta beli. Chie, la telling s good îtary tItcab days on Jack. Bunday nlght occurrad the deati of a litile cbild of Henry lieyer's. il was but littlé over ivo moufte 0W dn iad alvsya beun mlckly. The faneraI was held Wedneadlay ai 1 ooc et aithé ions. thenoe u the Latheran churcli. 'uterment took place nf the Deétfiéld cemetery TUE 'Iit The(tours opétied ai 2 p. n. Mt. 0 ROchenbach wae chalas, lit. F. bloyer, cierk. Thé nominations thon )Niceuded, Thé great sUrprise vas lie defeat of lMr. C. B. EtuSon for nomninat ion for sapervîsor by lit.iM. Horéuberget. 1105 votes cure caat, forty-uîne being fotEnsan and lifty- Irve for Horuaburger ouerVite baing uns oîut. liT. Horénburger was su- loonetias uomnatei Iy ti.chair- nan. Mrt. Enscu n mmedlafely aaked for thé floor sud ssii -I thani ail bhose cho havé voteid for me and uarther Itusse saimotion fhe nomina- ion hoe unanlimns, and I hope bo alal prove as good, if Dot botter, than bis predeceusor." Thé motion cas econded and carrled. Nezt in order cae Town Cleri, lit. F. Meyer vas he only candidate nominated sud s moftion was made imat buo novoteil for hW acclamation. 'fhe motion waa econdel antI oarried. Noit came bollector. lit. J. Horeuburger was oinîInaied by acclamation. lin. J. loreuburgér bas already prorud bis Worthi as a colléctor. C. J. Lange oflag the only candidate vwonDorai- aled for Assesaar. Nei came Hufh. wap Commlisoloner. Thé candidates being lMr. F. Sallg sud Oco. GOtzfler. Tho latter vas noinlnated. PRAIHIE VIEW lit. andUlre. G. F. Mitchell vlelted IChlcago, Mafutday and Saadsay. Ont Itllroad service la gefting no bet tutrory futi. No stock train again londay nlght, Aunata. Loomîs is tsing lessous lu Wfolapy frein li. Pittmsnthé ulght operator. litra. Frad Iabn le spoudlug a t,. lys lu the cîty visltîng her sons and ether relatives. Mb. bBertha Stum, of Quenin&s crores, visiteil her brather Chu., thé lras of the Vêei. Frank Zîmmiarof BIrd.e yo, Indiana, made a fec bnreed c0" aou old frieude L futIs rlclnity reeuly. Fted Hoftman, su aId turne résIden t )thislleplc, nov of Oceo1a, Iowa, la alifing relatve, sud friands ber. B. B. olIji, peuf a tac day. 1mai veekl aFuWlton, Ill., ai the meeting a! teo 8upremc Lodge of liyslic Wotias. lit@. Madison, of Bamniet, haa r. utnéd ta her home affer s tva veeke lay vIBI 1er axather grandaîs, Itebhel, vha la stili ver, 10v. On Sattrdae Iltover tweuty littIe lis gâtheraasthe hame of Clarence lenla ta celebrai. tbI bday. rhey al n ad a ver, pluastfine. The fovu cancns ld la*it lurday Fma a th.w laine aair t oe about elgbty volai ssiutad a&U eadldal.. vers ouiatsed by acclama. tn except collecian. Tbe sBimloh tabotelven0. J. Hoercler, S. L. ripp aud Chas.Steh. lit. Boober nonaagA.4 tu lb. Islam .01 the wk pum mbutevSoa The Nombteq. As the resuli of taeva wcaucus.. bld thronhout tbm cuuy n iau. MY by thé rpublcan, tva new supervisars vers uamluated au the rrepabhaau tickets, Miaou Celhy, ai ILbertyvlllaaud Mstt orenlberger, ol West Deteld. 1 The nominations voee JndéSonMlatou, Vernon, teuaminated. J. L. Sayer, Warren, reominted, Denison Hutngton, Ela, réromi. nated. W. F. Hogan, EaU Deerileîd, renomi. nated. David Attein, Jr., WauIkegan, r. nomlnated, Mles T. Lamnuy, Cuba, renominu-beui. Arthur Cook, Wecods, renouât- uated. George Wate, Grant, renomluate. )&aitiloreuberger, W. Deertioid, nec. Mason Coby, Librtyville, nov, C. IX. Esion vho va. dlefeated lul Wesf Deurlleld la one of file oldeat mumburs o01fIle boad. Arthur COOK, Of WAueonda, bail a lghf On bis banda thIis year, but itou ouf, doeaiug A. J. Rtaymand . Iunfthe other tacns ibre vas but litile or no contest for stupervlî,îr on the repablican ticket. AUCTION SALE Thé uuduraiguod Exautor t0!&Lhe enate of!Ulie. AnaMerriîau III sl at publicaction Vitiout rerve a& Duetlield, Weueay, iMach 28, 190, cOmMeuncing at 10:00 a. ni. sharp the lallo V ing p ro p er 9s y t o)- vît. I b i ac k hors. 12 yurs ad, 2 auatd crrag, single buggy. hartuv, cutter, grlnd- atone, asudiO, liglif singlee harnuai, heavY single haateu, food cuiter, lama mnover, 2 cloche, b.d lbage, 3l tociug Chain, 6 cae bottaîn chairs, 6 kichesn Chaits, iee box, Béory & Clarei organ, coh atovu, onal buatet, bine Saineuoit stOve, large héatings tore, large extension table, 4 btsjad., j mot Ufreees, vh tand, commode, bureau tuge Chair, f3 top robai, chuta, il eau, sa "a, hors. blané, cn thadea, 10 bu. Corn, 2 toua bey, aud .any 012cr atttiex flot fiert c*antloned. keoguiar Tertue. JOHN CABOL.m, Lîccutor. Spring is Coming! ANnd if you intend to do any paper- Ing or painting it wiIl pay you to cal and get my prices on paper. paints and brushes, as 1 have a. new stock of paper and the prices are right. Paints at lowest prlce.k 1 also have a new stock of harnessk goods such as Sweat Pads, Strap Work , Snaps, etc. Below are a few of my prices on Groceries. Rie per b A os Prune., Per lb 06 Sabrn, Per cm 1 Onga,m per doz .12 1 «»omper. dci 15 Cfiepu lb. -- 5 5 PackesGol D mIua 20 16 Dam of suep... 25 Ginger SUBI,& per lb 07 Scun co . ....... 25 3 " peas.... 25 3 Tomtot 25, 2 pounds "doCrackm 13 1 a"s have a nice ammomt o f peints ai. a yd 06 ....In Hardware my Prices are Rlght ... Bua W ireper lb 's os Steel Milk Cana .-- -- , -, I - 195 A good tiet of forku. shovela. spades etc. 5 PER CENT DiS(tOUNT ON AIL CASH PURCHASES. F. L. Westerman, Fletcher ApOÊîd. Reprenentatve F110 lu< t ugerday rec.mmendel A. W. Fioeeber amsý% master fat Highlaênd Park. Thé@ Hgblând lPark Olli5é la etoeu. largi l inthéeounltyad the appoina. aient IN a mnt deilirale. HeFoole.d The surueons AUIl (oefra fold kenjLetilamltul.. " Wgtt~tfas<~.u arbler ufftfns i. moaths gron i ectal Fîstula. be volli die unie«a a XoMLIYoP.,orlj wV«spet mmmcud. blat be curud bhmimîf Waal LSuIeklenaArnica Salvé. ihe boa& in tii,ý WVorld. »urutl'Ple vure, on Eartb. ,, a boX,e Y. HB ov£LL, Libertyville Binders and Mowers. We Pr-snt only s brie description af a few of the Prinicipal Parts o1 these machine, which will tend to show why they are bettr than others.asd cail special attention ta tetact that it is ont thing ta advertise a machine and another tc, warrant it to 6e pust as advertiaed. Every purchaser of a Champion Machine is entitled to reserve a copy of the warrant>'. Force feed elevators are warranted ta waste leua grain than any other machine. Have wider elevators The great powergiving eccentric wheel is warranted ta, give s gain of 16 2,3 per cent. in power of binding * Plorm cauvase is clamer ta, the kaife than in suit other. Can bind short grain nearer the buftt The Releil Rake no allierhave. Draw Cut Mowers have no puali bar. Racking tilt, spur pinion separate front bevel wheel, Ont piece cage for taller bearing. adipetable sath board which preveuts breàhing. May we suggest that wben you are about ta buy vau in"ia that other makeurs give as broad a warrant as the Warder Bushnell snd Glesuner Co. W. I. APPLEY, AMinois -ibertyville, A tew thînga csrri.d lue îfok et thé Waucanda Furniture storeJ e a Jiedrouin S toi, Ciuikctîci , Lîîuîîg.'a, I rîttm itut1il W.iit, Ius and Woven Wlre Sprlngs, Excelaîtr, flial mk gii,IMusa Mitftub. Colin, Trunka, Tlesesutp., <'enter ' ll.,, tîîîk Canon. Extensî,il0 TFablés, a fuli lino of Rockers, Dininsui t <iniuiî l(blaIns, WArI.l robe, cupboa-ds, lirrirs, Cheffoniers, Slftlti 'ilbiI,,ssud <Isiet. Second boud Heatlng- snuit Cook SMtivea, <iI stores, Waal,ùi Mlachine., Tubs, Wr i ugern, Siv Ml iovaîla, Miatmée, troll Wagiîui. Bleds, Eocklug lMorses, Sbat Files, Tiiy "liSh sud (abl Caîtiroi, ' <(haitg a, Sa c kesund 1Macs, Vultilpeolw A 1%11Il hu u llcof ,: jusit eaaired. 1 IIIIeîll yîîîîa gtiaranmeiî c1 lit, pél ît$2tio Cau anda.. It. 1 sîso dcarry a complot@ lin@ ot iiderouklitàg giiilé The largesi séortiuunto!fcarpets tri Waqttx)iila lmai t ny sutetý H$UGHES FURNITURI: STORE$ m au o ldda - - - - coeaWAUKEGAd. uwg ttalem eaity Ola it e Uts 5asir mia. NMuInaion the Bepublîcan towir ticket chouan aurday are. Ait. BuOPsvlsor, David Adamns, Jr. School Trustee, David Adamna,.Ir. dollector, Samuel Waailey. A--uo, Win. M. Reid. Town Clark, Ueo. w. Hutehîngon. COmmlsalOcér Of Hlgbways, Bol, Krastan. Jua'tice. Of the '0eec, Janles MItire. R. M. Ilôtoford. Town conunîttue, C. F. Ingelloa, Perry A ustin sud W. F. Weulsa. Theu democlras f Waukegan ver,. J'ai liftes» minutes placing in Domlina tion the fallowlng adidates.saîîura aIl~~~ bngdnbyacclamation. hAst. tnPrvllortoscar (aritun 14chool Traitée, Chrîs Btuler. toletor, Theonu i)urat. A Ceho, 'as, Ingrahani. Town (jerk, Augw..t Bîdîniger, <oînmilssloner if ltlgtbwaym, Jîîî., OliMahony. Justice, Of th'l'usM. lige HiiuM-. Tîi Spelîman. Town Coiumitte., El lsl.. i. 1 1 . 1 huit .UI Fa, t pro, tc couti Iturhs aitin t redii , cludi tw I l moltii dauiýs, Io nicr n til ht of tutt klilr Thet. ..lf lmer I of fil, kîlli li A. ý Rockefeller Illinois. Libertyville,