Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 30 Mar 1900, p. 9

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- I I HALF DAY 41 . A7U mi mîy moyeu lu- ~W. V Umier'.boumse tht. veek. OSbammber trm ibis vicinitv 'hu UI ..rueger tailu Wauke- .' & Mi amimon, of Burlingtuu, Ili., MeOa 0 aed lber oiera tuneral B. U.Tripp bai be.n drawîng haY trSm Eceketeller lu Lîbertyv.ill, malo )oadlng meeral cars. amis.MorrilI, ot Haines' iflle ý 9he gumot of ber ssior, Mrs. ,. I r ipp maeraI dmp receutiy. Mr. and lira J. liaxter have .ne Uaelr hon«o lu Wauks-gani mi 1ut cd beck ta iheir Place livre. Mr, and Mms Otto Johnson, returuied ItramKewaneeo. V. itlast I mbwnlng wbere tboy have becu '.i.,t- Ing Mra. Johnaou's parentsL. Mr. KlrarnGleason starttl Saturday mornlng for Mînnebota Lu et lurnlu hie woit $boere. Bils alfe ,and itle da"gliteraceompanied hlmm erLaias Chicago. Mr. and Mra. W. Bailey's furniture was moved to ChicagoUneî week, îvbere they are goiug to reaide. Mrs Blaillv mM on Earl are viitlng wit i er saler, Mm s.A W. Tripp. The achool la baving vacation thia vsek. The teacbers ftuer, hlir. Saunter, of North Dak,.ta i., îuakiug Ihlmi a Vil. He la ou ]lils vay froun Canada, vwhere lie fous spenl it te lest tbree monthas. Mr. Murray anîd left Grattitu farm luti Thuraday and nved Lu Chie ago. They bave made mmany trieudmIlui, tht. velniy the Pest year thaLt 1iC3' baie beon bore andi wlo uuw wil Ilion succea aberever Iliey iîayl OB ITUAIji I WAUCONDA. F. Gle wili muve lu Deaplainea it"u voit. Mrms. P. Bangs returned tu the clly lut veek. Mima Ada Bleka i., vi.itlug relative. ln Chicago. Carr & iloney isblpped a car lousdof hoga Tuesday. J. E. Gainer waa a vity visiter ithe lirai 0f the week. 0111e Drake returued lasi weok ta ber hume lu Chicago. 1 J. EHirouirnus wlll uove inoathe Johuson honse tibI week. Mr. Carie, ot Rockefeller, waa a Wsuconda caller Tuesday. tIra. Harry Fuller returnied ilturclay frum a iburee wevo ih it lu Mlioury. L. E. Gloding, Chester Bovieu and WiII Dilo, ofChiceago, opeut Sunday bore. Ms. . IL R Wells la visiting Dr. and lira. L. E. Hlughes, of Dixun, ai preeut waritin g. Juat received a fulli ineofu samplea of carpeta. Caîil and aco thym ai the W.aucouda Furulture .4tore. Sampies for baie. The ire culupan! a calied out Prlday uiuîulug t., put out a lire lu .ne of R. Itarrie.,na fouses wieb ja rented by Dr. Dawson. Thue tire was putouit Itelure aeriuua tdarnagewa doue. Thje G. A. R i II give a pouund aocial lu the G. A. R. hall ou Satiurday osen. îuig Mareh 31. Ail are linvIbto clue anuI briug a pouud of maunti,.ng. Ait oid faabîuued apelllng ta 1,001 i. une thle nunibers ou the progratu. GI LMER. W.r i. i t.. reporied jou the lek Ii1. F. Feddir vs tI, jIwih litsa parente Monday. Misa lUnnle Fischer caliod on Mis. H. T. Sebseriuauu Monday. Temperance Corniab Xîvery 'sas J. Beese transaeted business lu Chi- boru a in aamcbuett. Oct, il, 1818., cago the tliraipart iof the vook. beog one ut a tarutly ot teelve Mr. and Mr.,. H. F. Sctuvrmanutook olaldren. She vasxrnarrie o Lu l'ueul a tIly ug trip t. auikogan ruesday. Mitchell, ot Nov York, Aprîl 16. 114O ' LewsJ ugeadFdFdlr Mud peovd West lu the yeac IK> . fi .. Jj.. d ainJLonig re adFrd oeldie voa Mother of Ive cbiidreuî ,ne tdll iidctLogt.îtled onda lu laiucy and touir surviveo liAre ttis vecl K. 9. Roman, o! Elgin: tIrs. IR A A . G. Schteîtnî,îîtî,camresa sbig tIatan, o! Mritugion. Ill.;and Mrsa. tck Ilu itinber liaving iJ tLrecel Ced H. a. Coau and Frankt Mitchell, îfî etuthor tbree cars, Prairie Vioc Besidea ter etuidren. tienry iy erieli lia leftI ur utîdét mine grand-chiltiren aod tutu groat- and fbaagono t. sork ttEtlîgin. Sttrry grand-chudren, three sîstora aand une,1t se .yul -e lo eury,. biottier survive ber. Uer bitibanti, Ie*sar. Le.. s J. hnîgge, .I1 Somuel Mtchell, dieti Nov. 1, l173,ïetiler usSiIts Lenia beLicerwnu BlunSthon elle bas lived on the ci attelîdeti a party et Lake Zurich Satur- hoMoolead viib ber som. Sho îîitot. veixg vlath Ue Baptilaicliaecb un Massa-dsyevuîg cotetanaueaeiy day santiehd Ibo bappieba min tu bîltuer ut the alwicys bled tu foiiuv ILs icaeblng tiemay lîve iu tu% là but is MB. hd beeu a anferer fur mami yearg Iuit and i uney coc Iroun. bis tarin. vist staisner. andi paiset troni ibis hIleIfI Lie mas irnltriduuetl on bis arni lie ai 3:30 Thunday atternloon llarcb 22,. cud live ha.ppiiy and inidopeudenitly 19. aged elghty-oue yeurs sud six! tilt tabriel'e cai-helaeu-uuiut oatbs. The tunorai service vas Evei iie King and MlcKinley aiej habldaslber home Snsidaymrunmg ait n ,,,8bel by uic Larut. V batuaputy1 10 ks. m. ev. Hunier officied, .eiclca, Einrupe sud Amie are decîmuut- oissleid by Ibm Hait Dayv choir. Toig tue rural parts aud riuitg ut gaond reflnavere lad taieaiby ber hu i.arînoîs buys in order t, rush the bada in Vernon cemoteey. ciLles and itreaue imîacry. Eooih'a Ion aniat b aséaset Dlssoivefiato tueae dey, FREMONT CENTER. Delivered troin attela and pain And rimmbeti on ftieeelsths itiai, loeniy Teeamjîo us building a lieu AUTru COsstSPnIÇerTtk - bouse. Me~. B. Sbroeder vas lu Chicago C P. I ttirnsanti Frecints vimted Tbazaat Waukegau Muuday. Surprie parties nre nu. , ilueeily ire. Catnie Lange, af Chicagot, ie ceounance.ssîing ut boule a tee days. a. R. Pegelov returnetl tetîneday F& rmerai are beglnîng ttt thînt ut 34ttiroa Bever Dam, WV.efotr a short auwing graiu lu this vliciit3-. 511117. John r"aer la muvlug bis goudam to 'Wlter Raabe vbuee father porreheeed is. armi hoe bougbit o! Ira Smilth, thb. »ers arala stappiug vittuJ. T. MiessMarthe, Frederteks ta Viitlng Ayorsami preecrit. trietuta antI retattvee durtng ber The irieuda o!flMr. Mrdhjormt a e "on tourer eadent lbore are verv sîrryt> rau.k Echari retîrnti truii V. auto loua o! bis miatorinne flIn ilig bis incctlcbreicasendug 51M, dîtj se Jutylan, W. leara thai Frank Lama., at v itinaslidsuednitrtneL fsrnly o! Nebraka, tarntorly ( -thVs una turti b fothelas yeek vbi place have returned Lti tis ýft bti18 r ut ahoin lctot rait v dm3 a i Mir.E. . Books ofRivr Focst iwtev.* W. E, Sîl/er, M'. Caton, N. Y., foM.E. J. Ooks, uyrttiverFrv, rîtes, -I1litîd 113 pepsîs tVer twenty geftured to ithe îsrino vliii yrars mati ireit tlctors sud medicunos tCthtttt beneitt. i vas proaîied ta Prmuk. liise lut1.1 Dy pepsla 1cutre sud it hoip. John and Frankt Sceetteto hlaneecd nt,. roumtli,. tart. 1 belleve il, ta bc béeialiending fachoîtl et sltîralsîl . ptiaxeeaftr alil formas oflindigestion" istured home Thursday iîîgbî. Il digests wuts tt. F. B. LuvELIt, lrauk vll remain ni lion., ,r ite Liiterlyviie. i.J.L iliASHER, Guruee; mummer. F. A .i, niN, llockeleller. WRIGHT & SON Is the place to go if you want to buy builders hardware at reasonable prices. We can also save you money on coal of ail kinds; nut, egg, range, furn- ace and softcoal. Buggies, Wagons and Farm Implements. When you want anythin.g& in this lune call on WRIGHT &SON$ ROCKEFELLER.' idn. Burdlcklta on the smlealgan. This la a buay lime for the papier hangers. Mise Hattie Uriley i laviting st home thla week. Mir. John Bouie la aill very 111 weuh jthe iyphoid tever. gaverai o! Our Young people aoueD- ded the concert gîven by the Beloil Glae Company ai Lîbertyville. Ai vote fi a guod concert. The Chritan Endeavor Society have aranmged for a imllng Social to be glveu at Mr. Richard Doolliiie's home on Frtday evening Miarch 30. A program ili he gIven. Crokinole and oiher garnes vii be played. Ad- rmisilon 1lu Cent.One cent viiili e cbarged for oach ouille dnring the "-siing Conleat.' IVANHOE. Misa Fanuy Blryant speni Sunlay ai Miase Becker la visitiug witb Mr. Blekwibthoîka. Mr. Harry Wlnfleid and vIfe are sl.aylag ai Wenzei Dimlz'.* Mauy of the Ivanhoe touchera are bavlng vacation ihi. veek. Mr. John Van Plew, a! Beloi, la apendlug hi.@ vacation ai home. Mlwwae Marion and guite Paybe frram Waultegau are »peading thoir vacaion t ihome. Mano trmhre.aretaying In wau, egnohm he the teutîmouy about e Erueger case. Kr. WILL Puinam badl eleveu baga of grlat stolon f. Oui theplatloem of Frank Dolph's milI iaut Mondmy ulahi. Thas vho atiended the concert given by the Beloit Colloge Quintette ai Libe tyville lait Fridmy evenlng, repar ed an excellenti evenîngas enter. balumeut. a-romsanter Correspondenti Mn. B. D. Dean &pontl ai vweek with Wankegan trionds. Rev. Mr. Cale and Misa Lottie vero Wmukegan viiaem 1a&Weduomday. ie.Annie VanPiov &pont lait veek w i îMis. Pearl Wells ai Rocketeller. 1Mr. Clîfford Payne has a vory flno nev mingl.. carrage. bouglit of Thonip. aan liru. The Ladiea' C emetary, Association yllieet on Thureday evenîug mitii, lira. Wun. huebker. Me. Âutbouy Putman and dangbter, Mis. J. L. cbamborWat, @peut la%&i veek ttîhrelativesasat loutre. Misae lie.tiBtin, vho bas been iii for borne Lime, la liproving Jluhlii nuder the caresuoftDr. jay lue. itev. Me. Colo la the o pasor ut a drîviîug urao ana carniage. i bis la souethiug oui pasl.ur bse long beeou lu ned of. Ailr. Cule la maklng arraugmnents for a part of the fauiily tu move t Wasuite- gau aoun lu rder ta gîve the chlldreu Lue hoefelt Ut the achkoul. mr. orvîlieotirnlth apeut a pert c lasi week a. delegate tWuLihs bipromo Ludge uf M. W.. W. ai Fulton, lit. %O ile away lho vîaited bisdcousinu s. P. srnih llu ULlutou, Iowa. A D)ramatle Euitertalameut vii ho giveuuder theoauspIces oft the Ivau- tiue Lîterary ba(ilety ou Feîday even- îng Aprîl 6,1900X. 'ibe tollowîug play@ yill Le tjlveu '-lIte lrtibLiueu Peddlor,' a eutdy iu Lau ada. lue caait olluaa. Fat OXD.yle. sin-e, îeddier ....PJ. 0ONeil i . Flaam a............U.iuwai Mr. )arlu.g ..... 1.. . i W. CIjutibil miase Darliîssa ...Mamie IJesas ia. wd.-.........-...A ...teDockerr - 0u (juard," a tarce luaouesmet will bd'rplayed by the tuiloiulg cet: reditMei'lalgaaP. J. l)'NeiI Col. Pepwmrli............... IL. 'Luureuiîîî T.- Mauby .......... ..... .C. asaîlh ..u...C.a.... ... m hiawkiaa Mi-l..La ... *. ...........Mamie ijeokor X.110 .......................A-nul. D-rlier K. R. De Fluent, edîtor of ibm Jour nai, Dajleâtown, Obla, auftered toi a aumuborut yearatroln rhonimaisfnlu Iii» rîgni ahaulder and aide. Ho maya: --Miy rlht arum ai lImes iva. entiely osasisa. 1 tiied Chamberlain'@ Pain l&ism, aud va. uprlaed t0 receivo re. îlot almoat lmme<liaey. ITue Paiu Blrnhas been a constant campanlou t vaIueevor mlace aud il never talla.' Fur sale by Y. B. LOTUaLLLbertyville, J. R. liaÂoxaam Ournee, UmAvmn&az PaARmàCy, Y. L. WUWEmMA1<, Rocks- toIler, Joux Meixan, Ivmbho. A PTAKIS IC. W. bchley va. a Chîcagu vîsitor Sharsda&y. Emil Glas vent to Chicagou un huai. noies liant Uook. Mir. and Mir&. 1110h mpeut a few day.. in Chicago isiweok. Fritz Klein, ut Chicagu. wa» a wel- conte vli.,r bore imat yt.k Mra. Sebley vent to Gienview Sui, day tu spcn.! a wetk vîth lber pisier. Afr.. Mue GI.aleu spout a kew day. of tant week 'euh tlnda lu the ,.tv. Mis. (.48., vent Weuinesday t., vîiLi ýitb ber datîgliter, lir. . Btz, ut han- ka k. e QUENTINS CORNERS. Mtr. WuiStelfens umade a rail autlIte Cornera laatM>ouday. llenry Xeliruoder made a trip t) the big clly issat Satnrday ou b.usineaa. .Iac,,i, iSturm. gr.. vms ili Chicago hoat t.iiday ou&lIuportantibinonlus. Aire. Wm. Ernatlng, Sr.. bas licon quite sieàa f ut ie h in lig Lever, but la reorted nme botter ut preseut. Fred llleacbrnidi antI D. Hants, Jr., woie ai Waukegan Salnrday and htn- day viiilng vitriauds and relatives. 'l'O mecure tbe original pitonbwbael salve autlos De Witt'& Witc Hazel, weii kuavu su certain cure for piles and akin diseuses. Bevare ot vortbiea. caunterfet.. They are dangerotîs. SoltI by F. B. LOv£LL Lîbertyvîlle, J. R. BiASaMin (urnee, F. L. WZESRIAN, Rtuciketeler. W. W. CPLTA lark. WARREN. Vos, vo hear --dom belle." Town lociion Aprîl ird* P'rof. Dunhama s inglng 801o001aM 0 îrnee la progremmlng fiaely. Lovilie Wibur, ut Wmukegan, vam cailing ou finonda here the irai of the voit. Jamea -Snemmby 'eith bis aaviug Machine la layiug the Wood piles loy hereabonte. tirs, 0. P. Rose and tlanghter Aima yl onterimîn the IW. ci. Il. noie Tbarmday AprIl bib. Mrt. Harry Dave, otMlwvaukee, hbu moved onia tbm Webb place andI ia lIitiug il up for the puudltry business. Mir. Dave in an exypert et the busine.. Miss Rena Docker clons as very succomtul tri ut tehool bore Ibis veek sud vll bave abouit ibree veox vacaton, whon ah.. e lil commrence the apriug iermn. At ih@ progressive ueiîie p5.ity at L. Mutaw's laut veu J. P. Wooiiey sud tirs. Elien Paitersun vero ihe victora. Mr. and lia. Autaw are rayai omiirtaîner«. Gea. Detoreait, oft iLsmeil, lias beau vorktng for A. L. V. imbur the pit tva veeka. (George ban inany cuie for bis services and la waurthy aîîY Piace ho wili &aiktfor. Floyd Wiibuî sho. bisbeeil attend. lng Boitas commnersica eIiîool, Ploqua, Ohio, the poiltfour nutetla. returned lailveek. Reaspeauts sery bighiy .)f ihe achool andI voujitireeuuîîuiend It ta suyono deslring a vounervîal edues- Mlon. Mir. Johu Wedg, att,, ha. been very @tokitbe pas& vert in reported sorne botter ai prescrit 'riting. Ris daughler, lira. Harlow Cormbe,vs. bronghl home 1amaiMouîday snd in lu very pour heaii. 1Inoir uany fionda hope for a apeody rttu'ery.1 Wo understint otir eùterprlsiugi neigbbur J. J. Freezer taltisf ut hîid-c ing a fine reidente mi, sormeî andq vîli uve oui t Lb tù4ti lut., othe nov wboîî compietod. ttc verân car-1 polîter. R,,bt. Sirang, lmLoite vntracti and uas liela une utf teiteat vt orkrnn lmaures a ime job. The prineilputs.tit vvii t fthie veeok vas tbe vddlng et Mrs. Wthams. Uer daiigblor Ettitit cas îunted in marrlage luelMr. Rda arti t) aguer. Miss Wilibarn a. Oune of Warreiis a fi daughiersauilbaien ualîy trieuds. lMr. Wagner la one t ttttr entorprlalng youug meu viih piieitLy îof bustio and ambhition ta make a ellîc0Nx ot vbai- ever lho nudertakem.Hel e tproeutj lu tAie empioy utfXW F. Clow sud bai mjatde nany trinis turlng bis sam bore. Congemtliniel.naare nov tu order and their niatit" rîcutî vil ii lb iboîn lonig lite, ltroaKperity aeid b appi ileas, L.AKE VILLA. lire. H. Potter han. I.eeetertaining a *Inter frum lowa. lira. Sarah Morne vas the guesi ut ber sater. Mrs, R. IL. Sherwoud ilai veout Mr. F.L. liouiweil unîtvelbis tamily intu part (ut vhat I.. kiluwuas the(Gai] buildig ibla vetu. Misa Mariha Riehards returuied ta ber achoul tItiles aiutRochester, Win., lait Tueaday maruiug. Mes. Win. lirrnn l quie iii ai ber borne bore,.liras Chai. Fairman, o! Chicago la cariug fliber. Frank Sborwuud. vbo lsa aending schoai ai Valparaiso, lIud., apeut litai. day sud Sundayea ie hbome bore. Whon u it eed ut anytblng ln ibm Hue o! barnessea, etc., remember thai vo have àatnov baruosa ahiop juat atarted il ur tue tvu nducîod by Moars Web sud Yopp. Stîcceosta tbe praprîcturs. lira. Henry Siierwo,îii.. net lm- prueuig as repidiy manbier frlenda voutd ajali, but vo utpe the varmer veaiher wahi lp lber. Misa Leurs Caupenter, ut Channel Lake, la viailug vitlliber ai prescut. Mien liarihlt icIard tuaiglit lu the prlmary ruouniatour achoul laui irlday an accounnit ofite lîlileb oftihe regalar teae ber, lias Mabl ticiàarîta. Hawver sfio cas able ta reaumne bier place Monday ioruing. F OX LAKE. Miý J. Aiweilinl impiovlng. .prîng le curmng iiiuwly but aureiy. Mir. A. i aeed visiteti Antii.tb un tuaiue8a reeently. Mre... lit>1), ltit vi a eFor Lake vibîlur baturtie>t Frank msud Siuuu (ralîgerrsîiied lraysélakc t.ait]rdéy. Mir. i lieu...,, saisa i.rayslake 5i..itotr .iddy eoonlng. MIr. sut tirs OW.Kitidelientertsiiîed at cutIs it oI1 lirwdsy eveniing. Mr. ant Ir.tes and, Hotou ter- Lmied tlîrr rieuîls îtî. Frliay evei- ing. 111 ims ra blutes bas jitsireturueti itou. a 'ecets vîsut cilh itlgbtam MiuasMaîtue Weber, oft lightotm,1 spent lamt wvelitaLuhuùtr alter, Mis. Fraukik Galiger. Mir. itaipli itulis' uldtImicseool.1 maies voe gieddosed by bis prosonco asahuri Lnie silice.lie cuie ounfot % trîuu Watikegan Lu »vîit thein. Mir. B. klatuthin sud bons are dolug carpouter vria,noviug buildings, etc., fac Mr. O. Sollit at Fox L4ke. Hkisnl Brothers are ail right. (,ive ibounla Joli. tir. A. liebaudii sud vIte amîl Mn. andl lra. M. b. Galiger,salu Mua Florence Watson vore happily enter- talued uaitho me utflMr. anudMcra. Charles ilchbards noar lilîburu on Fr1- day, liarctu iJit, Il t day timing tir. Charles Richarde biribday asienm the ltify- seconud anniveraary o! lira. GLbgore birtbidaj snd tise second annlversary ut the marriage ut Mo. asud tira. Chaules RIchards. HAIN ES VILLE. Mis. Eddy la vusliing vlth bier son lu Chicago. Merreli Acres la vlaiilng viib frieuds lu Chicago.t Ueo Richardson traumacteti haiee lu Chicago Tneilday. Gea. Batterabaii tianjacod bumiinss lu Wankegau Mandai.1 tirs. Converse veut tu Voloeliundmy vbere aile wyl spouti a tout days vîsit-t tng wittu tionda. Mise Jisy <'un teacher viileaove Salun- day foir Cbalagoîvhere aile wiii sçpenti a tvo veeka vacation.1 A progressive echre parti va. heltI li the residenoe o! Chai. Wa.hburny 8aturd.ay evenung. 1il njoyedI a good time. The nov biackamltb ahop buImAt by ClIntWabhrn la Dnwovoccqpfledby oui Village blaohémith, Donld1 MfLO QUG!(E. J. Hans b .é quite ln for mveral vmea .Wbat 19 the mffler villiour famnes brama band? J. Kuapi la coing bc put up qulte a gond aisod boru. tira. SBoar la gradually regalang ber f qrme r rbuai heaith. Germen mebool ciosed Frîda>'. The pupilea ylbue eamnued ln tbe oaiechtum nez& sunday. 1 lir. E. and Mien Carrto Ritutaler vho have been on a vieil for sametimo retilrnod tu Wisconsin Thurmday. W&NIsvm-Earny garile nala afilcieut ton abous an acre and a o iti. Inquire 0t V. BauanBBitaBn, Long Grave. The aprng termni a chaci vii begîn April 2ud. Ai preout vrlting tbe dîreclors have no$ bired a toucher. Mir. D. Hams baa been removed ta bis sitem', Mis. ituobker. ut Lake Zuarich. HU iuow iîaa tire typhold leyer. Almoai tbe oulire rSt epheuna tamily ha. been quito ariouaiy i11, but ai proseni vritlng, ithe sici are siuviy Improving. Tho iiîngt6g clans la making good progosa fi yonîdon tt I,_Jllatcotrne anti ee andtiebur. IL moule aithie 8eboul bouse every Weduoaday 0v on. In«. Non t iiuday viiilieotue lent Sun)dsy lu tbe promeut couferonce year for 1ev.* Bulerle. hIla lislute Ithenuais vlsb ufthebocougregali on ibati.n foirence ma, roluru him agali to hisj piaent charge. llecaeîae ut inciement veathier. ithe milsical pzognsm of tbe Y. P. Ailiaucu, vas pastponod ilt nndaýy eveuing lu the toilowlug Snndmy April lai. The prograin promîmes ta he Inteîeaiîg and smraugors are oordil iviiod. Sundmy, tiich tb vîli @er ho remembered hy Mr. P. Ritzeuthaler a.e belug the lIme ut a mont enjoyabie oeccalon. 1h va. bise venly-eigih blrihday and hlm oiliden anid grand- chlidetàI liied ibe bousevih pimsant chteor and gondI Uluga, chie! among vbIL-h vax a linoarm chair. liela- ilyvo. tram vero fls s on,' G Riirenibaier, ut Naperviimu and bIs nepbev snd noie,tir. E. andi Mies C. llizeiiiîaer tram Wisconsin. 1UEERFIELD. Mir.lIeu. ParnunsJlaarurintionce more. The Frîtpeei sav mil]i i..&gain in operation. Mr. liank antd (eu. Opstermnau ere borne Snnday. There la nmre vam letioneoeing goung on tor aupervor. lirs. Rd. Sherman, o! (Irayalake. va. a Doerfilid vlitor lait voit. !tie. C. B. Ealon gai oui a petiliun for supervisai lait Tuesday nlght. êtie. James Woodman, of Wankegan, @pent lait veek bore ai&tira. Tatda*. The Stewart tarm bai ieeuitly been occupledt by Mr. J. E. Sueider, af Chicago. Wbtle linuting ltnudsyIlîndolphi lIartmuam mauaged ta gel &bot lhrongb his bond. Prot. C. Selilga orchestra viii tunulb muniec mt the dance êai Rommel'. park tbo day betare Fauter. Mra. Chuie va. a Deerffld visita? Friday alteruoon. Tbey wilI bo back here about Ihm lat o! May. Worm ounibhe<olumbfla Sulphur Sanitanium la rapidiy pnogreming. It viii bo a big boom for tista tvi. The duike drlvIng park la altuated diieclly bock of Il. Soveral more bors«e have hean added ta tibe Deerfld Trotilng Assocation'@ stable. Tbey are '<Gray tiadge' avued by J. C. Anges andi "Fiyl ng Bill ovueoiy A. Vedder. Birunc the big bull dog beianglng to Wm. tierrimmu mmet with a serious accident Tbuiidmy. Wbie attempt- ing ta go acroma tire track undor a moving trelgbt train ho lied a lez cuit off. SHERMERVILLE. Albert Serkiar isn<un the sick iiat thii A. J'ange vas tilut Stînta), happy as lisital. Angn<ti I i.enlin. Sr., la tmpneelnig rapidly. lira. W.. A. Voua lan apeuding a veek ai the hume ut Mr. and irs. J. Kiesi. Alfred Vot% has gono ta Crystai Lake ta buy hlm a @pan a! ipadatera. Mr. Heury ieal andti vIe, !nm Chu- oagu, iaponi Snuday eugh C. B. illeot. Fritz via oitertaling himmoîtlu Glemîcue Le pasi vo-k vitu, the bocuk "aW. rh.. ontertalumeni given by ibe acht.ol iasi voek prove otiLuie quite a succesa Over $33 Cere o ectotl at the gales. John, lîtt inîan Uasftle (;lien V~iev poîitry insu. erpect itgel married sulu, u vundor ho Iei bisi hair aud vtuîskera trimurnetinie. Tvo tickets viii bo beore the North- fieldi votera ior coualderatiuu aI nofl veek's electilît. The -Nomnationi Ticket,"la as tollovai: For supervisai, W. A. Bernhardt; tor cleTk, C. A. Haack; tue aaesna<r, Otto Freeso; for coiteetar. L'oufistHagen; for commis- ttionerout lghvmym, Henry liebrtena; tue achoul trustes, Henry eeciler. The bo 'eptihlicau Ticket' us mode mîp as Itlluva, asiessor aud achuol trustee boiug lefi biauk: Foi suporvîsor, H. i. Appieyard; toi ciork, E. D. Lantivehi; for cutiectur, A. C. Buttov; tor commiasaonerof ut hays, Jrhu Clanke. ILhâ bsbeen the Larda vîili ta cmi lu hîmmeif unr betoved triend and tellov otlzeu Phlip Jones. The funonal va. beiti Fniday, Mardi 23, 1900. A ahuri coremouY vas conducted t thie famiiy home, by Rev. Meaanei. The romains voie thon cauveyed ta the u. E. chuîcb ut North Nonihfleld vbeno the services voie oonducted. Mrn. iona. vs. a reaideut o!fItitisvlclnlly for a number oh yeara, ilu tact va. aimed here, having been hAqhvay commis- sionerseerai terme, osmadie many nriend. fer and near vho ail mauru bi@sutiden aud unexpecteti dealh. He faves afvldov sud ix mail childrsn. Miay aur aapratlou v., bo s. va. tbm deparlei oliem la bo perfect lua&il things botore men andi GotI. PRAIRIE VIEWV Gramîlma Michel vas burleti luit veek. C. J. lMawn abîppeti a caries.! of bay ibis veek. George Bitmothaler Is vli.ltig lu 1h11 vloinity. Kuedler Brothers are dolng a rush- lng bualuenis ba vnter. Herecliberger Bron. are dalng a nuaing buniltulbheline ai teeti. Will KAhn vislled at homeoaven Sunday. Ho reporta buinai. boom- Thore voua quie -1ev tram bore WhdoWuldad lhe.Kfrtegsr triail ls Usu&Uy searchet u " anu unui.Vau aet apparent the needf youl waw tot. rWghen wp the home end youill wish your mouey to go fwtheIl meayo1wtbust restit ouffitlng the home la au economicloe way. 1 amn now preperedto show a Isiger variety aofs"a- ple carpets and wsll papers i ail grades than ever belore known In this place. Alea lace and chenille curtalo table mWi cotich =over. Rring the exact memrement of yaur roomas for à new cm-pet ad h will e sewed far vau fre af charge. This wifll e a mving of from 3 to 6 cents per yard lmn yau. Remetnber ihia offer halda good ouly on carpets ordered on or belote April 7th Order youn fuunitutre ut the saine tinte and yatir maney wiUl secure yau such excellent reatultsu i wîU go ferher and the amoat ve save you aveu prices asked yau by aibera Winl enable you la ecure mamv addiî, anal items that aid yau in makiuig vour home attractive. Just received My fulli une of 1900 Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries. Examine my wheels before you buy. Everything in the Uine of Furniture and House Furnishings. Prepaired Paints, Glass and Putty. A complote Uîne nt 1RFobkefeller Uodertaklnt goodealiways on hand. Fuuseral Car in canuectlan. PRICES REASONABLE A fIne mew WiiI Knigge, - - - - lMinois. Cheap Shoes. .. 1 have a lot of ladies and chlldrens shoes which 1 arn closing out at 49c per pair, worth from 75c to $2.00. 1 also have a new lot of men's working shirts and pants whlch 1 arn selling at from 35c ta 75c. My stock of mens shoes is complete and when you want a pair of good work shoes or a fine shoe caîl and see what 1 have ï-n that line. In Groceries 1 arn selling: 10 Ibn Çatnoai ....... 23e i lb Bahing »,edr, a1411.1 D 1- t ......As Ilioing per btl e ...... ....... .04c 12 boxes atchl. . .... ....i.... a PrunE e pr 1 . .. .. .. ... ... 06e 6 Ibn R ie -.... .. a 3 tbs evaporated aiJijea ... ... .... a 3 eaua tomatî.ea ...... 1............ ... . ... ... 230 , .3 ,.coru... ...................... ........... ...... 200 3 ' - e '* * . .. . .... . .. .230 6 ihe gatarcb . .... bernons per docon ...1... lc Fio r ur ý ýasci. : - - ... -.... 98e .........k...... ... ...e .A SC H 1ARLWARE-« BIairt wre, por 1).i....... .1....OSC bi11k Can a .5.... . ..... ..$ .95 * Wheel barro. - .....1.30 (iriudtlotýIIe.. ... ... . .3.00 Maiuia, bovelm, spattem, f<rks, eir, ,rtir.iaîs t Mity'm gardeu h,oedis ;per pkge ....O0c USE PRATT'S FOOD. Rockefellei ýr F. L. Westerman, I llinois. The Champion Leads. Every Machine Wàrranted. OUR____ Mowers and Binders Always dive Satisfaction. 1ULbertyvili, W. APPLEY, AGENT, Vol SThes Kaise Dr.'C Office moi Liber Di Offi1ce r Ph: O urne Offic* p Libei 1bEN g.t.d h

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