Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Apr 1900, p. 5

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1 Ohir. a tmnt b iver liInry >màin Y for Pinos Phonographis and Sheet'Music. 1 arn representing thé Shoninger and Shaeffer Pianos. Came in and see them. Establlshed 1870. Endarsed by leading musicians such as: Campanini Rubenstein Ida Klein Liset S. B. Milîs Wagner' . Emma Thursby C. A. Cappia Arpad Laszla and many-thers.' Libertyville C. R. SIIERMANt JSUWLL<R *1<0 tCOPTICIAN Illinols. WallÏJpi'. We have a large and assorted line from which ta select'at from 4 cents ta 20 cents per rall. Catrpets.. See aur samples of fine ingrains. We a seli ytu anything yaou want in the 4ýmy of carpets. $2.oq, 'WooI Trousers: $2.00 Look - like- made-ta-arder gaads. They are the best article ever offered'fa,r the ma*ney. in Libertyville. F. C. SMITH&,SON Butler Bidg. Libertyville, Illinois. 0O TO LOV91,L'B DEUG STORE FOR DrusMedicines, Che.micals, Pori aiaey. Soapa, Cousis, hruaes.Trusem, Bnp. pelrsbauldei ltvaaéa. Panay sud ToilaiAtils Bloa" di u ttouy Dye 55v lRa, is uyn ! Illinoil Libeltyville . F O E L C7KUDrUp HBRE ÀND'TI4ERE. sMIs of linterest to Llbertyvle Readers. That Mtkniry When yôou have it yon. dortt want it. When you don't have lt you vaut it. This may sem 1k a parade:, but, novertbeleso, it'a true. Ourlilce freh goode firat create.-.t4o ungry feeling and thèn ostiafy it. Eeaidebh this vo eau lenonstrate tbat the more mouey yen upend wtit us ýbe more you save. ,lertille - llnIs Mr. Waiker, general milîl agent for Paui roed vswu ntevu tIis véel, vil gà vlev ta laaatiag mlk stations alaag île nov rosi 80 'Fez 11.. Farmera la varncus lacalitie. aboug tha lino are ail eadeavoulug te secum. lu locatIonf piattavua vlan 81aj ili b b a ouvaulent te thaïr eupeuive ueigllicrlods. sud ltehsn. amas virealdlu, sudig ta of petions, etce, toilIbouI st htor b e ing Mais. 1.n.t gave s*ïwm8esat thél, maii e il 0. a.,& tI. P. TIMEutAUà%LE. LIBUUSIL-DAILT ELSUNDAY. U~M. 6:445p. ilS' *7:4p. M. *10 a. . Y19 .4m. @.e . :0 P. M. Ira Mary 1. Mention 1 sa da3 ilIbitter paiu A"doeylé dlit tanl. Bedêthe gms aveChon hat lain fle, bastIfer Ivati tesMs. Ob Karr dose the ea arelong BM itae . ul dars ef nid. Aad muri a vole at hllaased lb, ona Aid aments leetI ureva OL. W. lossd eab o9Ier vei mi nyn Lite Inaotuaomse @dear Mlii.. thon venteon tht vaat aone< AndbtMI11ae viathe. tli throaabthe &W~ova -oer may vay Thiflmva biues ave, bilt. Andbldse ieel for Mirer dey Noe te ua .s.aiinhaib. And seo âmvIl brevoenet trendl Oh tender botent su ie 'lo lut, sbove thy sleping bond Ny romme niatsd rue. NANNuR 01. COL .. Dld thaeélection sait jo.? Il. lime jon ver. thiuliag about tIsatgardon. Mu. lley Pennine» la vety slrk Viil pnenxnonia. Mts. Chans Appluy te recoveri ng froin à severe allacI Of tle gipp. 'The village bonrd imet Thnrsday aigbt sud canvassed the. vote of Tues- day's election. Winfl Fel la lesnulug lhe priutlng bualueatti isoffice, eut;erlagupown bim nov dalles Mondai. a. W. Saford and am& 1Ç epat 80 oceapj lIei anner home ru Mlvan. ke Ave., the 190 of Ibis monîl. 1 The Venng Mens DancingClubbaIn hy requeml poetpoied lBedlane led for April 279h 1à1 i Fiday, May 491à. 1. 9. Olessen has'îlee nasal for lbe eton et a fine tve stoiy dvalling for J. A. page, soutî-ettat o!f<Grays- lake. Geo. Swlft, vIe la employed by the liarl Ladder Company a$ Piano, 111, la vlatiag lie mother sud calling' on Liherltyvlie frieuda L. B. Hanby relurnel frein Slua, N. Y,, Bundaly vbeie le veut wyu a caroosd of blantse hielhaodispased of lu lb.e utera MarIei. usaI Dice, Wvoianîsorking et Den"»a.& enneberiy~s Prluting Estahlishmentin Chicago, agent tihe liretioaillé einet nthome. The lades af île Laleaida Oumetei AssociationWiiinieut vit Mua. iM. EhiUncil 8 1. home 0f B. B. Eger Mrdai R@fieraAprd ti 7. Mr. Jo. Ingrish lasn lai the cantract for a ive stery dvehlng telieba il& on tle o14 MoGire tfaim sntIs-nsaIet prsyale. Mr. Chia.esBoyce bas the montiant. - At W. . Sbana sWodncady iigît a il gatheiing of relative. cela- biated vitb John Austin, Br., bia eighty.fiiat birthday sud noue enjoyal the seensacore iban lb. aid gentlemsan hiamiî. The Laie Cauy Prohbition Con- vention viii bu leld at Gaine., May. 19s,afieraoousueveaing. Mou.lHaie Jolasenaati.chairman viii address boa hmaeilgs. Delegates te,îte Sita"econvention vin bcho slected. L"k ]Brethera, ?f(Ivyelale, shipped a car l0 f caile fiein LIbertyvIlle Vuealay iglit. Tbey lind iiueoeeary te utilise île Sti. Pan] railroad faclities owlng te the qftr«IelYpoor, servie afforded on tIhe Wisconsin Central. Tb@ 8t. Paul railroal eompany have istalled a stosin shevel of Iheir ovu lu tle grâvek pi. A desen teaina are bus! -"strIppIBK' aile pipvapnalary te thie raeoai oflheravuiouracted for b he rallrosnd cozmny. ilSurvayora for the propaaed electrie road are tiiU busy. The pissent snrvey in the best sand inopiprectical eue jet ma"e.andI grdater cave la helngug aln by 8h.eugiueere lu charge. Indicattan r tht the pro. jactera meuabuiness. The dattee given hby the Young Meus (%tIolie Club MomUy nîghi ýwnoua as vel atteudel sm 11.1v dances »uaniy are eving te th.eloIncsent veatiser. Hovever a Moet ouloyable lime vu a aIby lIette vIe did venture ont. E. W. Paillure illue many of the orders for nursery stock seourel by bien, k"ls vee. veiy yen vwituese a large la«ress lu lb. 'number af ordure fer rare nuser stocit cf aIl kinda, ta ibis.locailty, ubial speaks verifort8h. future o!of uifruit lu. duftry. Folloviwla n lt aaisremalulur lu LàbetirlIb. IIL i'toc.. AerIl 1. lm. WbencOlinagfor th-- letterg uer "advr- tised." W. Cat., s. Oh"s Hobues. gr. Fred Bouter. M. John £aise. Mr. Hert lem. Nie AunaPorter, Anaireaiunderup. Mims lta Wllims WàAauaN tiHSAM ,Poatelaster. jýOrtberu losln The sellier sudumulfactre vbo have locatedlnluthe noîtisma a portion ofet 810 algr Blate, AM e lelogiag sud lmprovlas tînt muions, tract et ribceunotry very rapldly. Tillera ef the Reil are oomlh«ipgiansd aev facules are galng ap. -Tisai.tii resson for this. Tb*e Jealy sud qaaliyetlon are, Clay, kaulinmari s"d liberlaudaei to lIm'seaies. Maaejedo lis ric»es btriîoae vIe loi Oaomtunîes mam341planai- fui, S*ab01ithe riu «A $vUiveu i&W le "«llng le j*ilter -sud amubetare. Il osa b b8ated on essyt$mm A" anIo1v 4ÉO*. iA prograi ]riabeen jrepared by onr xchool for Arlber lPey, Frlay. April 27th, vhlcb vil lc renderel lu-lIe achbool yard. FTha public i nvtffod. Exer(ises yuWitait lc ' inluthe afler- Lasi PriIay nigbt about tbiuiy Young peaplu gatherui et tle home e1 Misa Libae Oah and spe t a mouet enjoyabie evsing. Progressive crotinolu VOS indulged la 'Utabout 11:30ou aaa fulilunch vesseved, t0 vhic euail d d ample luete. Àfter aupper thsy trlpped tIe light f antsaie 'but"limee lima, bours vl $bey departâ4k 80 their -reapeive homes, ailtcet lasme mmnd, tbas the- b.d speut a *03* pleanant uveaing. luuuadiaWey éfler th. evening ser- vice et lb.he lbldit urcI Bunday aigît John Qf. Lue anduse. mar Haiey veut fcWagrd and vere anitud la marriage. their action vua' astr prise ta mmy 04 Bbey h"adeavaofed to keep their uuleiplated marage rserai. i uela Wel luava t Libeulyvlu, ieeby his goulltdia. position hl ai bM~ae mauy frieuds. unr. Bay hmas buse & bis bouepe for a yenr or ino. and la a vonsan volf thoughtôetVqISas whb ave mode ber acquaintanuet il je PUX UPS Je j You cannot sivaje bave an, éditer preseut atyoar edding, even IV tIe Invitation doue read Iuo prmnts.". Many of un are tee husy tu go cole valking'. lellseèd inlb. partianlais iliai of preaent. at veguin adverlisig rates) sud lotui 1ettne corne vuapped ap lu lest veele a lte, postage toury piepaid.> A group et dirty faced, ragged- neya boys ln CbicagolasI eek contrlbuting froinalIeu cmaIanda $20 te, bary 8h. motter of on., of teir numbur, viasà shiat'ng ezaple o ruaI geuercaily et @oisool u mprienwltb vbicb th. méager gilg or sonne of our mach hersided mnltiillionares le bat a beggav's pliS.- Whoben îe»nsm.inugoes around counng nom Mabissumaser, le viii van a GernianolIver badge la tise feins of a ahield surmoualed by an sage sud bearing Ïlenrption United Statu Cons, 190. TV11s ill distingala lins fem a, bock agent, sud vu hope vili lueurs him pllrspt ad courteous r"epleteuseboquestions bis Intie. r. qnieuebig gpropcsuded 80 jeu. lRe. tuainlr ho la ou$ying vîtI 810 lav net; doing It froue III. curlosity, sud ssaist lmi vitltutny avoisia or heilatin. But Tlscy Are. Prom a Waukegan pagper la cilippuil the folloving: -Those vho have beunpione 10 identlfy the elsatil ralvay'proSpect ilu eactlon vitI uhicissamkea are belag set At Lake Bluff. vikth IaIupou wviio Mr. Robert Wynn bais been for a lime engaged are assured lhat the .prejects. are lu ne vieconuacted. and luia tle latter hbba cotlnuotisly farlleîed. TIe resuil la inanifest la a letter frein capitalistea aboya 10a Gazette cep. roentative by Mr. Wyan, vhlch heurs assurane that tbe eauly consummns- lieu of the project for au electrlo rail- rond tromaWaukegau barbai te Me- Hienry via. Foi leke reste vholly apon tle question of rlgbt-pf.vway." Depitu lise a>hove wvaurareîlably lu. foinal tle Ivo projecte aro baked by the lUme people anduea of the serveja Witt ba adopted, vlth preseal Indications favoriug thl 1,e Bluff- Libertyviillaroule, SCHOOL NOTES. Thsa prograin tast Frldy wvq very gond aithouagh lit vas ratIer short. Misses.- Jeunie 'Vaille sud 314111 Blidley ver. 111gb bclool visttas flday alitrirnoon. - . - hs exaininaions are cempletul and nov va vonder ubat tb. reportlcards have lu store for us. The rain on Mouday .cauaud île vater tS e 1.51 roujî île cefllng vlere the plaster fe11 sou. ltime agV. Unolaimecd Lattera Pill der riers Ça.. plantema pI - Os ossta If's the Pr oper to hi up the home--j ust, on the ve Spring and Easter near nt. Its the proper time toIk house over with a critical1 see what is soiled- or out ôt see if so me new things Wc help matters more than a littl Ilcoplez Ticket Wius Wlth <iver. whelmilug majorltiett. TueMads lection vusa asurprie tu aul oonemd. Borne eof t vise Ouns bal prediuted vIiery for th. Peelîlea ticket pfevîona te Mlosson but nonwe b.d anlicipatei a"vak avay." .0f the M 6ballots osat but ta e ve quallonadthe juogueid oving out one and couuting th. LIber for lhe 0181...Unaticket v8uea dean eut vfemy. sud th. majoItMte hlarges ovat attalned la Luiitlne wvire tue, fou haletavoueula th* muid The followicg table apeks for l- Waldo..... .. ...... ....9 Keru ................. 78 Proctor .......................141 Lus........................... 13 eOrman .......... ...........123 APP ............ ........... 67 Eier............... ....... 76 ...l..................... 115 Baîbard .. ................... ou Thoraveo iunsy-elgbs etasht peeples' ticket. and iy strigît Dulothîe mvains a number of eltises aempaoied an lmproviffl ha"d tea.ý W. Waldo's home uhore a sPeech vas« cailsd for. Mr. Waldo 81mnu libleuiens for their kiaI MMUp ts Md aserelhem ef lia aPPoea0oiaLe. The. ober sncouinl canlidal vuethen la $WUavisited, by thIhflierovl vhlehcIhered au nd =la as oal.y the vicIais mau afier a polilleal ballte. Au Aged Resldent Deal. 1Mr. HeMNry uc,...for aizty.tbuu yens 4 resient of &Ae Comuty, lied et thehome cf J. P. OsrJ~ta eLibety- 'Vinle Bnday umti& AW né18. neas-a&a« s Ie abc mn pieu. iunt uilaEsa fOwnAhP aceai ad poltion ife for mauy yens, or outi hiea evanced .ago neceaaltaiM his retirement. . Dacaaad vas born a iiOssse Couty. 1ILT, lMatah 10, 1814. Bix yess Wue vtl li ataenta, le re. mote8 Windsor Oonaty, Vermout. la 18n3hole mael Veustsa, lel Conauy. Re vas a pioneer of 8115 aa. in, -c'intuag o 81eoraullation ef "i tovai,uIn l"I.ormadel, Mu vIW b ia e ho é offic111e. cf public tovnahp, vu. fer mur oyes ustice 01 the Peau. sd auevd uigbt jeman u npevib, butas member of the bonrd vhiehusthie Court Houae et Waakfan. Mr. NOMse enoyed the enahamn emoum ce aiUalWvIeknev bila. Be- ing asouruymmuaMie ýitl avery Publie lutauts, hau net1 ar squant. aueaa vsicaS.Thefriedawlmev lbai oasa ast" t*4 gatle gaboet lhW mSmciy te offe their tribalure, et la 136o3w l.vamried ul ia ,de. voed vif. joarqoyel Isbihm antil about Ivo Jean 8agou n]Wae psad 80 bairevWord. Fer ive yen s al livadl a LiberlyvflleMsd sujoyed resoably gondal h ai n)trickon vitl typoi lfever four usa. se M vu a 0 a afamils e1 aine ahilduen andle fuhave beau appointaI tu vit- num thse grevil of a Country sncb un bas talon place vita i te period of hi» turne, Fanerai sevies ver. held ntli laie home Tnaaday aflernocu, inter. ,mous betag la Lakeaide cemetery, Libertyville. *lriaund allai fbiand depvts Who bau motlolst a friend?' Satnrday ighttroums 8te 9 eclock as the saool abuse vinibu laid su elue- lion fer obot director for district No3. The oMoie lissu important ou* aithough nos geneally snco id asud Il; la essentiel go the velfare et the cern. mnnity tla afol Max ho- ceauon for the o013ce. Womaa se eligible g0 voe et thi ISelon sud sbouid exeroia. tIatS uighl. . Dr. J. L. Tajiors Rame filagaessed "n laie ". P. Dy'mond**. ,ICIer venin ma l ëcllent aiea for the Place. Mr. Ueo. Wigt vhe retires, peai. tlvely refuse.te acpt aneter tertu, heueltvtllbe naeamayto elact. a nev mnan. Ur. Wighé ln îateing de. sires toexePufle grs pillai. for tiha confidence iapoeel ta liaiby lig elechea su the poat".on. e appreci. ateathe lmpoinee 0tenust and f slstha uteeahelle talen la the soeaction of ligs saceaser. Xov la the time e gel0-Four drus.- making doue. Vu MaMe vorated dresses l 1es 89-azmIti5. Mus . H. B URLBITT. M.ý Be.CQLOY,&Q eý DEALCAIS lut EvtYnmlri Libertyville. Omo*, Prevcusta tao ahing We wut 1b cime, or 1g4Mt Md Huavy wewd Over SM"t. iieverl IWa Sum M d adsL Soin, a slghty aoil sylog où 6. e lys.,but ail egfirst.clauswi goals. thu lied weed fi-cm 4Scto 6c. V. airaWbmg. ia tlwo lotai tale yow pikfe W -'l - , 25e and 35c. mmi$ Sa1 Front Shit.,thse bnsom "Slver"m*e, eeyw"hee Sm O.he ony........... Extra Heavy MIed sud VWhite Sh»ied Vorlng1 Shirts, fat't Le Lest for yn Sue aur mm et fBoys, Madra luseWalsla, tliey ame legth Iow lu pricel The Pailr, Libertyville Lalke Coupty Telephone Excitu o. Llbetyvllle Exchange. 9Buttefed. &E.................... âbt~ 123 l.nwntAnstin...............Bridgvewr PMU j§ lnkJ. l........ ................ 94 llowey,. Dr. C. a .................... 0* 4 Gallevay, Dr. 10. J ...................... ResUlas 124 Gvation Stock lat...,.. t.. . . & 0 6 Lovail, ]P. B.n....... ...... ..l)rugs sMd 16 Iov"eli. 1 1. ......ue 1 Làke Cuaty ikdapendant ....... p. I.Li.9^ 018e il ibutyfli.Motel .........W. A. Dosa hP». Il 1-a" CGeuty Poor larti...O.... . LAflly, upi 199 Luou 1......... ...... EssSles 18 nMceoâikJohn...... ......Elue 52 MuLechi l aLaIe...... ........ aA1a~ U Tufs & Taylor........... Giomeu& IMeSMashet e TaylSu. ri. J. L ... .... ........... lis Wela Dêcters.................... Womma u. IL mnEB,...... ...............Jeveol, 8Bierma IL.Bn...............eise DruoesLale DimoalLake Te7a. rAvIONs. Gilmer salu D" Uborlyvilie Prairie VIes RocAufelior calacon yauie y Kra b w Mut Ws'e eoë For we take special paing keep and supply housekeeF wi*th the best and, newest. signs in WallI Pape r, Garpe Curtain* Poles and- Fixt4~ Window Shades, etc,., ete. Corne in -and lot us suPply what ,youï go it a e [ am.

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