Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 11 May 1900, p. 5

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fiyces- The Crescent Bicycle is the best bicycle on the, market for the money., both in looks and durabilfty. "The Wheel That Standsg.Up." REMEMBER--AiI wheels soid by me are warranted. 1 arn representing the ShonInger and Shaeffer Pianos. Corne in and see them. Establ ished 1870. Endorsed by leading musicians such as- Campanini Liszt Ruibenstein Wagner ida Klein S. B. Mille Emma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszlo and many others. -C..R.,SIIERMAN, JIWELER AND OPTICIAN Llbertyvllle Illinois. Wall Paper... We have a large and assorted line from which to select at fromn 4 cents to 20 cents perýroll. Carpets.. See our samples of fine ingrains. We can seii you anything you want in the way of carPets. $2.oo. Wool Trousers $2.oo Look like- inade-to-order goods.' They are the best article ever offered, f-or thë money in Libertyville. F. C. SMITH&SON Butler Bidg. Libertyvîlle, Ilinois. Ice Cream You can always gtit at Loveli's. POPULAR FLAVORS. Pùure, Deliscious,, CoId Desi Ice Grescata h. had ai any cool. F.- B. LOVELL, lIos Libertyvîlle UAM iasFîtrnce Newmnu,Who bas Vna reat -siffer ifreim musculai DO Yeun I îilevnatislxI pays Chumberlaîn, 'ain sen là Ho] li l Ihati. oily remedy tlila oalls ise! for bier relief. miss Newman ie a mucil bicyclje fS rt,.pected réalsant cf. thîl ffma or baP visee Gray,.14. Y.. samti ies Sus testament maredaimed -for thie houaiS -cf1 Otsbm;siailo!y guarste ,Bilctai. This liniment, le a àaly eelwit .Biclyclesg. -- nov a egoc iun be la yqmr eham M9; asu o50eamfor 9 819.75. ' tIsa e aIs 4ut jel"i P1OKD UOHERE AND THERE. LLocal Itae of Interest to LibertyvUlle Readers. auu.aa.N.~).lU KtgisFIRST FAÀALITY ON NEW »0A d lef et month, Laborer Kllled by an iind Car IL W PAYZPM Adi, .. J. WEn, 0 . J. Tudy UIiZE2 r UA LOPONo. m 8A. F. & n 1 ommuniestonm 86801W John i'reboylor vas struct iy a baud ;Uznb« y6 wBoum, W. M car or a bar proJected from smme neai &,W. Long Lake Thuraday moruing and siua- J th Saine I njuries liom wljieiholie d aet op9mEJlvrs na au anboîr jeter. W. 0. Acmm.Clark. T'o. rceboyler with a numiier of other W. 0.AcN. liik.laborera wua oprahing the car and filàl FRÀI§1lk'V w &Tu iT-d Te,_presunied ho nesppd npon a crow lar days of euh ufmg Jodn on the car floor wMhhcaneed it tall Jas..liAIM OVAWU *0 off anId hecome lodgoed In the wheela. IWPA UUBi- lie tout bis belance and fell forwrd lui m. à An ro ni of -it e -d ï a d Wbetw r Ife- p.~ ai ta.. rA eemom draw=nr*lasth lla not kuioyh, but a terrible morD, . 0 .eaMoona hjuit bebind &lad over bis joli esi ma rein ut suliCe vrecedna $ny.was inilcted, troU .whichb'the blond 'L N. Dm .Pastor. guabso vih 0i5?7 puimation. Il e vas takon go the Libertyville C. m. & imT. P. lt mgt7*5. . reigbt depot suad Dr. 'Ualloway LIBEETYVILLPDAILY ELIIINDAX. sommoned. The pbyaiclan pronounoed LBAv5 Aa"m bis case au hopsemau 21(1noibing fr22 . m. 1044 A. DM. ioetugooehesfelgcu 1:35.. ..............- oeta 0cs i nfrn o &m"muP. id. be donc. lHe tiedita 11111e over an 1:30 pin,7:"0 p. M. boni. SUNOATS Coroner Knigbt vawummoned but 800 & a. 92mP.M. ai lime of goiug te pream ha- no$ mie le.p. mnCae p. M. arrlved. JANE3ILLB INE.C. N. Dnîand hman i n Denver 0010 ouv.00m0SotE iis week On a business trip. Lî .kerln 1 :.c Lv Chlcag -:41. kFO.i teks 7:gjoArLlbt*vlis. 5:28 kDnake 7:13 Lv 5:u lilevle 7:w5 (iryulake . o (iryalke 7:2 NiEWDLV41Me :08 ArLib"exyvlle 7:80 Lou lSe 6:10 Lv 88 oiso 81 Ar Ohîeco :40 ArBieink ::25 Paul aMacoOuSn mtended the jMat" convoution at sprianfildisa vsk. The laheaide cauetm Amafciai Wil meet (tibis) friday afleroon viib Mr&. Belon Penuiman. binait R. -Paddocb, editor o f tise Patatixe merva-egsecalled1 on Lîbertyville friands Sunday. CJ. Ia. tberman soli a ine nov Shionluger piano 10 Roi. Father1 Osiden tila eek, for the Catholce paimonage. Remirt-bsepers sud cottigera are bumsy i summar praparatlons an l rouud be littho laboes. Already vis-1 ibi so aeqnite numerous. MNul cisterus about iown causai laconvnee t bouïevilies Moniay by t'soins dry" sud il. rein Monday1 aftlouon sud Tnesday vas gratfuliy welcomed. Chas. Kaiser ibis .vftb ieceived 1h1 t ct fne single hamneau viih ne reoonily purchassi at a bargain -lu Chicago sud wbiec teaistuinproposes1 tu dispose at barg*in prices. 1 A large lot of Maillaramoum 87.501 te 819. -,(. ]LB NK Lbrsyville.i B. E. Psgrsm, o!fCcag, manger of tls Daimar Woolen Company, viib bis uncls, a. Poeps. al o! ofhicago, Ila .pendlng à fcv vola lis Libaityville, oujoylng the Sablngaftorded lu ibis part of the ounly. Murtin PiesI sassumai bis dmues as stresS commiselomer sud maishal Tbnrmday. A :considerable amount of stresS vork aval. bis attention sud yull bc attoned tu lmmediltely, under direction of the seS etcommittee. B. H.MilIer occupied.bis nev office momin u meScisanol block ibis wyod. Vboy are Indeediiîtlng appartmmnis, ils psrtitions separatiug bis roonis hoing o! chipped glass set lunnti paueled lard vood giving s rîcli and modemrned 10 lb.thesuite. À aide tracS vas put Au Just veal of MlwasukeeAve., viser. the mUk cars vill bc "sel out" eacis Biglât sud plckcd np lu Uic morning by lise Nlpperslnki train. Parmer a ulîl de- ier tbir millb ai the nov station beroafter. "ibIde, Office sud BufitI" la the nov aigu tisai adorus' the plate glass vIn- dovu ai lbe Liboîlyville Butai, ville "Osto' stands oun l ettera ou the dining room vindovi. Vise worb la aitle. B. B. Miller iai tle windows jlin bis lav ornles neatly lesterai lu modes& sud hocoming cdliaciers, iofitting bis profession. - l<ystone baud drop, dril sud checkb nov plantersand Bradey corn plantera, foi mie by G. H. 9dEBANCX,. Libeîty- ville. B. Kennedy, of Lobe Forest, vas lu toms Wedmsday, and uhile orsicloift auras samplas of oie froux the Esater Bnnday mine jocata inluWashington, lu wlilch many Lobe Conuny people are stock boliers. Mn. Kennedy re- ontly sommai fr0. aun inspection of the mine sud la ontlinsiastic lubis declarationn'as 10 lis ilcil prospecta. The saniples o! ore may ho sen ai Ibis office. A Cake Walb Sonial vililiec given b7 tqe Presbytéria . E. on Frlday xvemnn. JuDs làt. Éach person ls fa quosted 10dreas rcpiesentlng nome bIni tof a cake. A ie yull ho avardei te, thc perceR vbose costume cannotho guesse. Admissýion ehsiged according 10 haîght of poumon. Tvo cents a foot ani a cent tor eîvery extra mIc. 31-id A largo lot o! bicycles cheap. G. M. SOHRANOK, Llbertyvil. >1 News agent Suer by ils entorprise la fumninq blg is patrons visb morB- lng psWU before breakfast la resplug a veli deserved rewau. Many bave discontInuai isiking papers. by mail suad nov bais tIena delîverei sud ita itve>expremicitheir lasiention oto db iunm«i@Wtelyimsulcorlp- as-1e ndprei.. lRe ablaile u IF"uili-hi*0 psiromagsof u i9 là i 0m, ate0emws1 J. Jamison la visitng is son and famlly et Cherry Valey, ibis stalo. Mci. John Devis, of Walermpn, Ill., vas tise guest of bis brother, W. E. Davis, Wednemday. A. M. intchiuson, 0f Storm Lake, la., visltcd 1Mr. «co. Ellis and family sud oliser Llbertyuillo acqnalntanooi &Ilis ueek. Mr. liofiman, thc fiais peddler froxa Wanbegan lias ag00, commoncad bis wueokly trip& 10 Libelrtyillle uitlifruit usAà. Rl hborsevsiry Tisursday. Laut Frlday the e ccitary of ltai. issnod Incorporation papera 10 1h. Fort 1111 Cemtory association, Fox Lako; Incorporatous. Laura Thsomson, Roma Parker sud Jane Cleveland. . ervices at ihe Presisylerlan chnrch 8 anday as 10:30 and 7:30 p. m. Preaching by the pastor. Morning aubjoot. "«The Plariace." Iu thc even. lug --The Undev Msu." The opening dance -aittise londont Pleaure grounda 'Weiueday*.ight vas vol attcuded. Good order vas main- tainsi sud the mantagement haie de- ciled 10 give anoller dauce May 16&h. soc bile. Thle Executive Commîlîe 0of tle Fouril District W. O. «S. U. vil bld à meeting An Lbertyville Doit Thuis- dey, May l7tb, lu the aiternoon et 2 o'clock. The meeting yl ho open 10 ail Who May vimiste0 attend, am thse home of Mrs. Etts Mille.s. Bveral prominent W. C. T. U. vomen fromi ChIcago viii be present sud an inlorcalng progra. 1lapoomlsed. A speclal tnvitfilon la cxtcndcd to thse ladies of Libeityville. SCHOOL NOTES. Misses Gerdina EShermn, Addle Stafford, Jonnie Vuille, sud Cassis Nichisl, vero pleasaut caersinlutlie Bigli achool last Fîiday afiornoon. On account of tde bîevily of thea program prepared for lestiFrlday sitar. Doon fil va decldd to postpone l util today. Tise Phyuice cls a une mat lalely taken np thse slndy of tise interemting aubJeci of magnetilsn sud eleelriciy. je PcICu}m'.0i It la smld a girl mal show the sweetesl' temper Imaginable lu the parlor aud notore coupany, but be a perfect mieonvison lAere la no one aroud sud ber motber vanta ber 10 mstis theiuner dishus or and&&t viti tise webly mendlug. But, the fieai vay te, judge lier liuc eharagtor la by ualcing hoy ail, e.bara Ithesilool on beiug toid a girl îhe dislkes bas a nov spriug bat luit 111e fiers. A Kansas paperbisa been inn as Jeass vould inn il, su Indiana paper bas beau inn as these isyci ouli iunn l, aud uou one, of oui oxobsugos annonces th&aiit vIli be coud,Ètedsas Captain Kdd vould ba"e l inn. Delilquent subseribers mghi oxpeci a oeli trom tbe business manager uii thiéliaccounasstuck lu tle muazle of a ix shooter. If tii plan h"aDont been adopted the paper vouli oon ha runnlog as tbe sheriff voli inn il. Britias army officers are nagotiatiug vils setocbyarda borise deleffln Cli. cago fot tbe purcbise of front 10,000 10 50,(010 bond ci boises for use hl the ni- alry sud rtlli.ry of the q"'es army in tise Transvaal. itepresentatives of the Britishl govînsent vil! comes on froun Nov York in a fow daysud the pubs will then be carii dtbrouglâ, lIc bhors«oi ulU hoobtainei froni the breeding farms of tise centàalattes. A double veddlng wvasoleinisai Bater Snnday, ai Waoîiille, 0., vIhon Guy 0. Crabbe and Roy J3. Crabbe, tuins 27 years nid, voesmarried. 10 Misses Adrien.. ud Edua A. Doison, slooinls. No$ ulshing te, N sopara- toi on lu mariagq, lise boys ihave turnlshei s double bouse, Doth *art- menta f uniellied exactly sidie. The brides look souoariy alièle thst tle boys arcef4equently pozzîlai b tell totherfotîm uich. .0q bai tomacil trouble tvcnty years sud-gave up hope o! belug aurei tii 1 hogu au se(dolDy=.e.siaCurs. Me. ssMtotci Sy- lit e." villas W. 'IL Vlt3nm AlanyTenu. 1U digest B.1ovW& Mhar$ q_ Tbat Hu.igry When you have it you don't waut it. Wben you don't have it yôu want it. Thifi may eeem like a paradox, but, nevertheleam, it's true. Our ehoice freah gooda firat oreate- the Iîungry feeling and -the& matir3fy it. Èesides thio vo eau demonstrate that the more money you send vitlai siemore you Bave. Trlggs &Taylor, Libertyville - - Illinois. Matin Fsosbeunaappolnted Marsh"-. B. Triggs la VUilage Treasurer. The lirai meeting sai h th'ibenevly .loted mombarietf Sc villgeboard vetoreabsed vas heud Monday nlgbt. Président Waldo- annoued bls appolutmiat of Martinu rnbmau se street ommissoner aud village mar- ml an sd ihe appolulmeut vms con- firuni. VTho board fixed the, maraas mlary ai 8MO par montb. J. 2. Trlgg.vus appolinti village tresb rer t0a ueofed M. B. Oolby. Tise appointiesnt of ommitten appearin the "-Coundji Proopedings,' ln ibis lsue. The board adjournei unil May l4th at vliiobuiea B. W. Battmâaild'a application for an elecirie ligil fiant- chia. vililiebc onidered aud acted upïon. Nothing relative 10 graniing a franchise 10 lbe electir osipro- jeotor camte before tbe bonrd, aithougb it vas undertoad a franchise vu go1 hbeu u aked ai thai meeting. COUI4CIL PROCEEDINGU. -LiuaTatrn., Mtir 7, 190. Board metin regular session. Pull bonrd ploient. The nov unembera of the village bonrd nolî baving bad their qnliilca- lions pas"e upon by lthe retiuing board, President Waldo appointsi a ommiètec cf tIre.. opon motion of Hanby Sad CorleSti 10pose upon qualilications of newly eiecied mem-' bers sud ciait rk, ih ommttae, con- aisting se Oceté. Emnby sud Jnsi reported favorably. Novai by Maumby sud Corlett $bat report of commilise li e acepted. Carried, President Waldo annonncd bis appointaient of the folouinu com. Finauoe--Proctor, Daois, corleit. Streeta-DuBola, Hanby, Preetor. Licens-Sheruan, JacI, PresSai. Bu" digs-corlett. llaby,Sliamn. TieresudW-ui V at HsalUi Mdsud ntsry-1aby. DuBois Corloit. . The preidout appointed J.E3. Trlgge village trosaurer. Moved by Proctor and Juslt 1bat appointaient be confirmed. Carrisi. MaillaFr"vas thon appointed village ousés a, o assi etcommais. sionor by th. preoiddaW. Corlett objectaitbaihs,tvo ollcs onuli not hN omblued t ibU aciotf ofthe boaud.N' Moved by Slherman and Naulir tbh< the dubles of stroat commiasioner sud village onstable b. performeci by thc same poison. Oarrisd. Moved by Debois sud Oberusu tWat appointitmso f MarNaTreshmanhN onfirmai. Ayes--Duboii, Juat, Proctor, Sherman. Nay--Ooîlett, anby. Movsd by DuBois sud Picolai 5185 the maishal b5petit 080 par month, ta devote Bis entire lime as strass oorn- missionse sud village constable orsucb other dtin é as l Nrequired cf Amendad by Hanby sud Oorlott thu th Uimalm hole Sscibt "0 Pm month inaleai cf 00. Ayem-Covldl sud anliy. ays-4) s, l Uit. Procter Mmd s«man. motion 'et. The erginis motion beiug put. the vois stoci. Ae Dublois, Juil, Picotai, Bb«man. Nay-Corilt, lisuby. Motion cairied. .Vhs presidont anmeetaining that minutas 0f the previcus bonrd for AprUi meetings bai not bean sppicved, ho called foi Iheir resdig Moved by Couit su ad Dubois $bat minutes -of meetWin o ÀiU 2d hN approied aB res& & .P Moisi by Dubois sud Hanby thai minutes of, ApMi191h mas reai, ho acoeptaid. aried. , Bof oie relenIing applications for saloonliesusesa 10iensoumnlte. the piesident suggsstsd &that ho decsded wvhbr lisos worm 10 No grantai the ensuing Fmi ai noLt. Moisi by Jui and (Jorlti 1181 saloon liceuses No grautad Uic ensuing year. Oarred. Moisi by Dubois sud (Jorit lIaI applicationsi for lcedses hN rsterred 10 lcens ocemittea for thoir recoma- monda$lon an 10 grantiug m.amian fillairrate. Oarried. Witî permisésion of board W. 0. lisuborn statci it i he cleika sud Iudgea etlaitviiiags lestion refnaod t0 accepi Ibslr warranis bu dravn for $2 oacI, aiming that under the siatute Shey vers ontta108. Moisi by Juil sud Blerman tl e j udgsand clorba oacI No allouai an additional. dollai.. A y o-Juil Bler- mais. Nasa-Vorlet.Dubois, kanby, Proctor. Motion lbei. Villagle tisre're oat for montb of April vas rusad defarr.d bc finance co-mmitieosud upou lhiu favorable report vms acceptd amd placadl on file. Rtepot hove od ut ou baudilirti 0of April 8399.34. Amiout psud ont duriig Monsix 90.24. 10. moue@ rcelved fiuring méâUi. Amnoant on baud S$M&.10i. Novai by Daubais and Coulait thst standing committeu essportt lumme order ma 1h07 appen on cardaestipu. latlng order of baine»a. (Jarris. License commitibiscrisi edfavora- bly ou the applications 0f W. A. Dans sud Geo. Boehm for Baloon licemnsesd reoommsndait 11.5 the raie ho SOc" at $700 par Fmir. Movai by Hanby sud Dubois. t4 Shat report Na couourred lu. Ail voted are. Moved b, DuBois sud Nauby thai presideut sud clerk ho athorisai *10 aigu tb. maelolsm@. Carditd. Moved by Dubois sud Proctor lIai tise troasurel ho lustruc tail0daines fromtm&Mount 0f1films quarterasaloon licenses Uic &Mountlovp@id ounlaut quariers licencs. Afl éaye. The folloving bille ve r ailsud referrci tu finance commtes: Lake Co. Indapendont........ $10 78 Wlter Achn -----.-.------...-90 on ý.M. B. COLBY &Co.,P DEALERS IN EVENYTHI NO Libertyville, - 111110 Summer Underwer FOR 0000Women adChlrn... A most cOmplete a$sOrtMegit of Balb rIggartc4 and Rlbbed Veste and .pente le hereb Most 1 want can be fllled from this stock--gconoMku fillêd, too. ....Sone ie nts of Prices .. Ohlldrens B$bbed ltlaevee smola............ Bloy&a Blbrlggan uder shirtsanidravera ribbed 20 and ........S 0ase 6VensaMsd PanSa lu Ra if anfront No. 18--34 long sud short aleeveatrom........................................1001 Labdies B"slm lbb.d Vesta good grade.................. ..&) ExceMdni.aluasa......~............. ........ ...... LRMdieot. long sivisa29for.,...............................S ladice Lis thiesi draweri .................................. S Ladies LiaIs Union suite ................. .................... "adlsieu amVems long or short afeeves .... ,................ l The Pair, Libertyville - - - huai Lalke County Telephone ,EXcha]tý u. Lîbertyville Exchange. 9Buttcrfl. ........... ............lsdBO 19 left, u sti..............liligevae Ti ti Clark, J. ...........................Inuisod. 24Gallova, Dr. 0 .................. O s , Galova Dr. O.......................Astso 14Gratbon Stock 1mm.... ............. . Ir unro 5Lovil, Y. B.E ............... Drugs sud 1Mséisome a Lovait, F. 1 .................... ....l... m 16 labo coeur, ai.....( .Wug,<a 1 Lake Couuty lndopendent .......I. B. Jil, 4 d9 Il Llbee UBtevlHl. .............W. A. Ds4 Tnp. Il liaks Oouti Poor Faim.......... . Appliy, »"46 199 Lues, 0. 1...... 13 Meccumtek, John............... ae4@p 52MeahlGgsLe....... 25 Tvigg a Tlor ...........Grocenia & ueam qI* 3 Tqyioe, Dr. J. L....................... «JMiesa* lis W"lhe rotaro ................... weodm 7mw GRaimSr.àu EolneN*U aormanMB ............................. JsWmfy SheuunaE. 3.......................lue a Tor. Sv*rIous. Druee Loe Dlaeni Lae Grayalake' nom nos Ltbul«ls - PuairisVe NOT-Vb. eatliag oeiby soua. 3 Iportant ih, 1 ýo There ne tbme thinga to ssk yoorsJfwbetiyo entr . -hstre the ouallty. the Prie. amdthe Servîce Rlgtr Our Prim n e lovest that cm b. msde quailty ccasldere& d. sdny o1 Our cuatomersvWi ta vSe "hatthe quaWislathe hibsai. the servIce i6asegocd se conecentmu ad ggperienced help cc sh. Is. AMd anothero el ofur wayu of doing busines s la t pg yoo te brlng or seod bock anytbin - yoS tb"is ewbeag. The vont humaiyeu cmndo ibis stoe ate heep boew. ibngamtM"ks WCVsbave jWatrectiva tâc latwa styles in SàtVlt. freaoi 50ctg SUS. AU l yod et in lateat dualgand so io4>ge .Our shelve ore U oi th o! b moMuam liosf.1Lawms.Perclmes. Sec our lUtMMiTomba Set&, tbeprettset let brougbt cut, Buy "W GrondilS bar..

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