Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 18 May 1900, p. 2

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ICÂfLRD I)Iff A sTORIL TEXA& GIRL TAKES A WILD RIDE ON A TORNADO. ?vaeaparted Elgit>' Mode Tiscougistise At, et tacerse @Vedia"suS eoitC ci Caisur auntthe Orad-Nemideuta auc Palmerston baisai tarvlagt. To b. biovu more tCtan one-fourtis ai a mle tiy a.raina taruao la sinetiig remarkable, even shoagi tise vicCim vert tam ailt topiectsauni kilici. but la b. blovu a quarter ai a mie snrranudcd on ai aides b>' treca, bousesa, tinslers sud sii thse ther debris Ibut a ornado gashers moto itiei la ite vili Siit, carrid titragistise att at sevent>' sites -au hlin, endI, desite ai Cthia, ta escape aven Cisc ailite-st bruine or scratch might bc calîci mrteniaus. TIlat vas tise experence ai misa Millile Milton lu thetotatado tisat pamad oser parla ut Denlon Counut>' Texte. Viscu aise vas picisti UP b>'soute aetgbiors her bod as>' var entlY lite- %ees, ber respiration vas laborti, and Iker pulse vcs slow. NMedicai assistance vuis pvocttted, sud reuluntivea ver. aj>- liled,' but tht>' aTslied notilu. Three daeys &fiet ber experience site begsu tu regaber senaoe.ou iy ta laae theus agin ta a deirium vhic i t vas tcaced vouli geanse ber deatis. At test reports se hai reeeveres! enacionaness suietti> te ttcSberepti>'. P"'ID THE IBLANDENS STAN VING. 'kre ofamPacieBo Dak Report» Desper- t@ cnditions ia Pal.merston, * Lettets bave becs receivesi tram tise lhark Empire.,visicis sailest for Adelaite, i-saute Auitia. These sas'tise veseci lei auelise va>'ft Palmerstonu ladd »iel ybeiveen Tahilti coi Sarnos, And Omud tise peapietarvini ThIsiland la iam nsàvlated except hi' traders tramý Sa$ig. Elîbu williams, a trader visa avued tise Ilaud, bcd died af star- *&Utin Hie sun sud tise test atishe ps-o e ver. -reouctlo 1d e pî- ,-- food. Adelalde aitut out a relief remeet. MURDER IN 0910 TOWN. e 5iTrIes ta Limaistisa. Siaer of a Teucla rmer. A usurier. tliavtd b>' an attempted Ij'neil, effatai gréat exetement At MW&etin loudeli. 0h10. John Burtan, a : isuiluemut'auhfermer, vas kilIiedb>' Le,«.6*1.5, s patetImesielue veuder. But« lvu adrueS vida a gis Pipe snd Um dkhe t.Akina f.4, but vas caugbt as lwvaaboaadinga atrain. Ht vas 4&loin u ad, isapite tht efforts ofai4 jIaII ar 200 to liai hm. Cafttst aethe u ie Bîns. The stueilasoaitise clubs. lu lbe Ne- Smi Leaeff la as tllova: W.L W I PU&ldelpIla 14 5 Cinelnuatl ..910 P ~iUuog ..12 09New York.,. (6 18 k.lâ=go .... 12 1OBoaon.5 13 hu the Amoe la Lgue ,Itetandinas kW.L WL. pedel8 Ouffao . 810 uS. 7mincaplis.10 8 ~ 0vsid .10 .*SKas City'. 9 la Ckedga ....12 lODetroit ...014 Tevu Wi tiont bir lIre, lise trtda thCe bg laminer and ce- dc ur ais aiOCl.heC..H. VOrcesterCOm- pepetaI Picet, MicI., at Dnonlise other dyaniil tnigit tisetlav as u iruina. SeIasslm ii lic avec 100000 Urtialt>' icumved.Tise C. H. Worcester Company' ut Obleaga, visicis uvued ctmost ever>'- glaslun tise place, ls tise heivitat laser. S suburban Rlailiva>'Compromise*. N' At cacaiereuce held betvten tise utS- didetaînd emploéesai, tise Buhurban Magcroad Company', the ont>' system lu et. Louila atelled b>' the St. Louis lTrjst Campany' au amîcable admîst- Dieu as .ffected lni thse men bave ce- o tiraed taverk. Tie union recelved full ia reve 'v Witie Botlua. -MAI MoNîli>'. .aed 16 ycara, and Edua - Vadeis.aged e lyeas, vert dravued At Ja1lttu, Mo., lunCise Neocsa river, heir boait apising. One ai the girls clung ta the dam for sevetai minutes white thitî tva maie escorta vere tryiug ta seve tise oialer, but aicseat lier preseunce oi mini A"dtanuk. isi"e t ttou, N. J., ac. Truck. 1 lishe j= nd, tise rmous gluaisbet-1 tisrng I~l tise buildings of tise race1 trck e t Citton, N. J., vers-en~tirely de-- etroyed b>' Ote.*Tise total Ions ilu 100,- M0. The- lira vs% tise vans ut luces- Abseorbai byBrIdoge Trust. Eastern *aiîceaotite tisat thesencice plant and tusiness outhCiscGiiiette-Hersog Company' ai Minneapolis yl pais loto the han&aoi the Ameriesu Bridge Conm- pany'. Tase considération la uuderaoad ta b. $1,0,000.____ SenaorClark lNecîgna. Senter Clatis ai Montan a au a- anueei Ils realgnallon tram thte Uitd Mat"s Seucle, and a tev hauts Jter le wu reeppoltti b>' Actinu' Goveruar 'Warebause la Distrayait. Tise H. F. Watna Campay's vware- louas,,Imcted on thse ha>'front. at trie, Pa., vu dsstoed b>'fate. Lois 130000. Tex an BeiatsVolu. Tis iedulta ie Sujiceme Court res- dere a dérsilon hsoding* the Iniertance Utaxturte b. vall i ndconsf.itutloal. Bu"aiWroclier le eiSeamed. In the United liCtes Court lu Boton Chbattes H3. Cle, furmer président ai tise m.vdeiuacl Globe SNational Bank otfsial L cky visa tecetli' pleaici guilt>' ta â chargese ai sappropriatioli of luudi ai jmflh nry"turtafCh. peui m sa Staktiffl Aseteo the P lmin, UI., posal4 s.Iiaa. wh4 ahm #tracta it etyblan agise>'orders ftogg, i&ls âce wbcu leating lac a tva vweia vacation; vu arrested lis alagon, K>'.. alter ho hai strceedéd la traUduicut>' Ob- r 1in9na&bout 15,000 ou the biank& vhleh ei bcàd made out ta hie own aider. Bijel- ta leti Pullman on bis vacation on Aprl 2&. &adho vanat suapeeted tilt vort rame fcam Paterson, N. J., tisai h. bai presented tht.. ordera fer mole>'. lie similarity ot vrttlia an.ordue endmaida- vices arouaed rIe spîcies et Po«tiIS5 rteynads or' CosInat an d th. aranetil- laved. Witis Br>'ebta lu a Olàlant botai, Mis. Minute. Darnett a dliêd vemes, snd Mal, Montgomery. bq» et Chicago,tver. tonna. Brychta eont.ssud te hilgcîas"mon.>' orders a InNew% York, Brooklyn, Camden. N. J., Harris- burg, Pa.. lad Cincinnati, 0h10. Pont- o*c5 Luupetor Freds M. Betta, visa made dI. écasetfound 1$4,200 lu Brycbtsa pochas. __ WITEN WHBAT AVEIBAGE 19&9è kg» zBseut Exeaimi Ont>' TisseTimma ,,i thea Lent WUtea Teesa. ' TIke monthi>' report et the Ajrieulfural Douctmeat at Washington la as follova: -*flaturna ta tbe atatistician ai the De- partmnt af Agriculture mtte up to Mal' 1 abaw tise ares orainSter viseat unier cultivation an that date te have, beea about 2.85M,000 actes, 3,563,000, or 11.8 per ceat leu tisaisthe are* estimated,to bave beau suvu estJait .l. ereductlon. lu sereage la thse principal îtiates., owing ta wînter blliua and the ravages aetIcb ReWaala y>, la se talows: indiens, 1,W%6- 000; Obia, 000,000; Micisigan, 317,000; Pensarvania, 158,000, and lînals, 187,- 000 acres. For tise area rçmalning uder culivatiau thse avetage condition au May' 1 vus 88.9. White Chie average la 6.2 points aboie thseloran ai thse averages of tbhe-lstaenyesrs sud lhas ben ex. eede« oui>' three tirnes lu fluteen >'eam Il muai bc remeuibered that the acreage Ploved up, dut fet farage (except ila Cal- ferai&, visere it la net yet definitel>' ta certaluable), or ethervIse abaudoued bas istea entirel>' ellsuinated."~ KHKIN Toaie DTAlE Waltet AdameeaSud"elt iisde Mu- **ir a I" Mais. Walter Adainson, a citizen af Dftsrnd, Aluci., tua ier tae1,0000 as!nur.a bas bn au vauidg %bout the country' for years uneonsclans ai tsio tact. Ht vu tanding la tIe corridor ofthtie Eaod> Hannse i la aed! o hbaeciancedl te pieS uP a NewvYrl'amipper and begau te look iiver litepiges. Sudiesi>' iis face ltgitd up andihise ui te a bystanier: '"Well, tbat'a us>'pltare, sud 1i ar inthue Walter Adamso advertised for." 'In 1702, visea Qe.. Ame aseniedth ie listant, John Adamson, a vealtcietizen, dildtu Lonon and bis estate bus bau bandes!davis. until B. B. Hnmjsiseys aI NewvYl'ut funi CIat Alexander Adams- son vas tise oui>'living iseir mand ev- eral chisitrea af>' viduthe Michigan man la une. Tise eider Adamssan dl.d lu 189 and tise relatives have baun loaling tut tise vanders-ncie t tat ime. FINSTEIAGNOT l]INSTEUtEV. Fr-anis Lebtcit Kîitic Ina Street Car- Viat in St.Lania, Tise ral tragedy lu coumeetion vils tise St. Louis traif cailîva> steise oc- currei as a Stiburban car en tote taeCisc compasî'a siesia utise western part-af the elii, under poile guard. vu passing tise Bapliat u.aattsduup A number ai men gatsered lu thse graui& oaI bo. ati-, toiles hccv stanes at tisecar. Bomeo* an CIe cartireaitabaht ilt ib. crovd1 tise ballet findilg laigment lu tise ireaat etf Franks Lebreeist. Tisa vonded ma t- tempted ta enterthetic aitartnm, but tail deai ou reacbiug tise door. SUIT AGAliNS OC IEL Owner t 1Iran meperyayeSuiseetv In Ore.H»Iau enFarmel. Weinugton R. Burt, a veîlthy Ssginav lumberman and the ovuec ai c latge amount ut Iran ptoperty,ieîsed taeRatise- feiler'm corportioa,ý-tba, Lake Superlor ConsolidatadiIran minues, boaibeganmalut at Duluth ta caucel Cisc itasa, on tise rgrausi Cat Roaketeller bs aretarti de- velopusent ai tse propertyIn olracer te par- tet a mouapol>' lu Itou are. Ht claima hat Rockefeller baisnlîfuly c ndeav- rti ta crêate, and bas, ln tact, crouate, a monopoly' os trust lu Mesasis range are. Naishere and Mome>' PoundI. hics. Cathserine Sebvarti, living alone a tev mites tram Indianapolis, vas cais- bes! ai $2,5W0 iu moue>'satIsecurititi il midnîgist tise ather nigist. Tvahaurts later policemen met R. F. Potuila and Marian Oasis-Il, coremikera at tise At- lantie Englue vatbs, acting susiion*au- b>. Aiter the arreaf tht moue>' vas fasin on tiseinand tisa>'caniesseit. - aCe. OuI ofai Ve Johno W. Gales resiges! tise clisirman- sIdW aitise board ai dîcectora ai tht ÀAlu îcanStlansd Wlre Company' and leit for Europe. Ht la auccetded b>' Alfred Clifford, aiChicaga. Job» .Lams- b.d, tise prealdent ai tise company. r.- algudinlu avr ofaiWilliam P. tPaImer. Blank Nqjnbery Irnaîrcai.d Six smcn blele ope" the imate tisaé Fermer' Bsnk cf Bunhur>', Ohio, sdiu dama so bev CisccatIer est yR ulot ai the building. Tise sote, as vell au thse building, vas uceekes!, but the caa isee tise explosion arausti lise peaple and tbcC rabbs esccapei cmM ybauitci. siaux Chiet Joa.-tiseCinret. Bisaop Thomas O'Gasmas, Juob retosn s-i tram Rosebai Inudenu ane>', Boudis Dikota . ina tise newa hat h. bau- baptIses!loto tise Catbealie tais thetierce aid Siaux Ciief, Tvao tike.,He la 81 yeurs oui and lu bis day scalpai mas>' a vwhite min. guopec viai Nat1ariei DaIN MIss MciiiMeDauilt. vise Ictier, R. P. MeDaaiel. vas minltar Ca ChIli situer President Cleveland;, clapes!troa ber homet at Bnaiastovu, Fin., vitis 9. 0j. Ies!, manager ai tise telephone s>'itens at hat place. lIteds! aa yansg vite and ose chili. vire lu Orgu latas-y. Fire vbîei stertied la maulunex ai the Cicago Cottage Orgeu Campsni"s tfoc- tory, Tveuly-aecolid treet sud Ual. place. Chicago, vas sous sxtiunsled. Tise total tous, prncipcll>' nui unflisisti lumsben asibahonsU83090. Javemanse Crovu Prince Mars-tes. Os bl is- daptces trawinllMpa snunce tisît Tuahiîto aarusamlya, tise heit ap- parent ta tise Mikado et Japan, bas baen unitedI l n ardiage vith Prîneec a Sda, a prett iIltte isugiter ofthCi great louge of Fiavra. ____ Six Kilied In a TraienVs-ack. A wreck aecras! on île eaxrw-gcuue roai belveen Lordsberg a»d Cltt"n. B. u.vieEn hh cemr Betaaui riteumu ,McAiever. bk"-s.- Fonur trampa are aiaerc#arted usitie 4«4. la aUom. or wm"bmkbu tta mWvat ob the re f f cit lsi apdla ad %hum t out a, vlsiov. .-'The da» bspecei t. b. a saviWup and'n te ic.q> éw lu il dirctl". uta vras teecv.d. TEUE KLI4D IN A eoN. Twa tWest a" a Vessa. Viettse et tise liCeaeutet. LPaul, Tbree Persona ver. killed and twa otis- era vert seriiotsy lnjuted duclus a aevere wIidand roa u totus nt St. Paul. Tb*e wiud plared havoc withthtie tolopba» wlres betveeu ht cit> anmd2Minineapolis, Tue pwmela itithe ePiane eamapnlca lines for tva blocksa vere treffa avec thse tracksa et the Inturu trolley lune' thiusblockli *19amefr thtie igbt. Bide- valu vwer. dlsplaeed b>' tbe vîndatocus, and buildings lu varions Patse atthe clt>' suffted b>' vlnd sud llgtnlaigluabat- tenlug oi citusys, vîndava. etc. Tise dc>' bld been extemel> botan d îuftry. Patrlck sexton, meular member ei tbe 8cm et Bexton & Ca., vboleaale cigar dealers, hsd been et Cama park witis hi& fouir cblldreu, andi tie>' ere dirivngborne wIen the stornm braire. Dtlvîng dowu Dale street tovatd their home, tbey ver.r rlgist la thse patisofthi lb. Sese t aCci, vllihdialodged the aldewalg at tbe Weet .1aidoftis eteet and erasbed lt Mr. 8extan'a cardlage, kllling hlm almaeetan- steuti>'. and mare or Wea ujuriez bis dangbter, wvlia vanluthse seat vîtis hlm. as weil as hia 10.yeac-oid son. FUTSMIU JAILBiN A TRAI14M Pciaaaer inta ianaHypnotlaea TUtu- key ai VaUsa Out ta Freqis. A peclîr case of juil dellvery la r.- patted tram (Isueva. lsd.. iwhpre Frank Steed vas srreated and glaced lunuIaion a charge ofa ,aalt vithi lteat ta kill. At nooli the ther dey Tyrukey Johnson vent ta 8teed's ceilita serve hlm vîiti dînuer. Atervard. *ben Jasôn a faund, t ivus severst unikes belote h. could bc lnuned ta talk, sud vben be 4d16 se t vaa vitis great effort that lie ould be uuderatood. He SuaIt> sai tsaI al lie remcmbered vas tisat Stted bcd fixedi bis @Yen upen hlm and hi aid hlm ta utloeki 4 door and jet hlm aout. Ht dld flot knswhvb ha dld as, but li e h'di tise tequeat and vas povtrleaata stop1 the priauner as be vslked ouIt tkrauglitiéc doot, thaugis bc kuev that he ahanual e have daole oea: It deveioped lates la the ds' ht Steed. vbo vas àa trauger lu, tavu, vas a hypuotist. aud bud practieedj the art ln the country befarc golng loto the tu. l -h e ;et,,Into a figlt itb a1 saokeeper.1 BLOW DEMANF> VEAKEN@ PRICEIL. VUeettièment luaflildlng Iradue- Osseal oraithe Week. Bcadatrect'sai'.: "Tihe traite situation tis a ecismai' hi.summcd op lu thea phrase: Inactive demand aud veaker pre«e. Wblle ila mn>respects the ln- dustgial situation ln casier tisou I. W014 tbe uneettiement :lu'tise building trades cautInuca marked. tise rehex action be&&g elilblted lnunsuettled demani for huild- lng materisi #ud veaker prîcea for ltum- be-id for man>' pruducta ustd la the building llqduatt>'. lu apeculatlve mac- Ireta dulliesa lbas been tise teture, viseat. aller coualdecable teadines. veakeing au tise favorable (jovemnmeut ccop re- part. Wiscat, iucludlug tour. siiptenti for tise veti aggcegate 3.480,574 huais- t15, against 4,537,022 bushela lant wvei. Cocu exporta for tise yack aggregate 4.M,8140 busheis, againat 3,411,015 lest Dangerous Fic lu Austin, Texaa. At Austin, Texas, lOre braise ont lu a inculture fîctar>' lu tht center ai a blocks of business isouaes on avenue, tse main part of the cdry. 'Ovlng te tise disaisied vater paver the depactment isad ta use thse aid syatem aif clsterus,. but ta aut haurthtielire vus cadet contrai. Laas la about $10.000. Týextile Union aMnfcue Thse Amecilcan Vooalon ampan>'. itis capital af $1,000000, hbai heen ineomito rated. Tise Inerpacatata are offeers ai Oive bg textile labor calons. Tise liber leadersa vIi bcdîrectors ai the corpora- tion. ___ litrikclug Midmiotiai l)urisg a riot betwecn attikera and vorismen at the Buttonvaad mine of tise Ptrrisis CoalComipany ai Vîlisesarre, Pa., aomte tventy men vert bail>' mmc-. ed, Ineludiar Ssspt. W. T. Smythe. Thse atrikera diaperedth ievarismea. 15truke uf Clanuskemu1 The c ciamakers ernployed aithtie1 verksaof J. C. bSchmidt & Ca., Y'ork, lPa,,' niaety-tva lu aumber. veut au ttise. A1 demani for au increase ut 10 cects pet 100 links vas made sud refuged. Clillon lu the Sauth.. The sautis-bouud passsessger traiu au tise plant systeai cnd the ltarth-bauud train ai tdc Sootheru colided at llardeville, 8. 9s Johi- Jackson. colord, fremu ofu thse Sopthen, vus kiici. Busiess «Buildingsflncned. 1 Fit. that started lu the aId City' Hôtelj et Everest. Kan., vwiped out tht main1 portion ai tise tavu, destto; iugt ourteeu storc buldings. Loos etîratti ut $.W,. 000. _ lVîtesla lNousluted. 9 Judge Ritchard Vates ai Jacksonvilie bas been nomlaated for (jovetuor b> 'htis Republicana af i ilnols. Obago-CatIle, conmreon ta prime. 03.00 ta 1.00; bogasiippi ggrades. 8&.001te $5.50; shecp, talc ta choies, $3.00 te $.00; viseet, No. 2 r.d, 04e ta 65e; Carn, Na. 2, SU6e ta87e; act^, Nao, Z22e te 28e; ryc, Na. 2. 53e ta 55e; butter, ebaice creamer>', 19e ta 20e; eigga, res, Ue ta 12e, ev ptntota, Bermauda, 87.25 ta 3t78 ver barrel. [udlanopdil-cottle. s)pplug, $3.00 ta $8,00; hauaclalce ligist. $3.00 ta $5.50; aleep, common ta prime, 18.00.)tea85,00; xvbeat. Ne. 2 Tc ta 72c.- cote, No. 2 wite, 40e ta 4c; oactNo. 2 visite, 26e ta 28c. Bt'.Lquls-Cattiý, 3R.25 tae hembos. $8.00 ta 10.50; sharp, *5.00tCo14e251; vbekr. No. 2Z 70e ta M2; vtom, No. 2 Yellav. 87e te 89e; acta, Na. Z2U 3 te 209 r, e. Na 2, 14te w5U, -Ouenati-Catileé,125ta5 ;hus rus. v 4al 'a A x J. i cA8AD PREI-UIVamy DOMINI 0P RIVAL CON VENtION. IMauoilal Amembldg* Campictes lue Oaaau*§ta#e, Cioceima ?lsasuasPPtC t41500u «Colarada Permanent Chair- man-lbe Cincinnati 110417. At 8j"xg Falis, 4. D., ou Wedncadal TisOuisaPatterson of Colorado. vas se- lecetifer permanent cliairman ai tise nù- iouai Papoulst caonvention citer a sesaio lastîss i tc avec îwo bouts. J. Il. Curten of Kansas, Lea Vincenitof. Colorado andi William M. Deisiser ai Pennsylvania, viso serves! as teiporar>' secretsries at the aiteracon sessiou, vere uasued as per- manent sterataries. Tise slcilof u Pît- lersan wua made by acclamation. 8ev- ccii stamea vere couidered belote tise final sleelluon vas umode. jeu, Jamnes A. Wcîvet ai Iowa sud Seuatot Marin Butler ai Norths Caralina vert amoug lisce ur#td far tise place. Senatar Pettl- gttv 5 Dame asas apresputed, but lt-p et vitisicavu, Pettlgrew tatlng tisat he vouid net uudes su>' clrcumstauces allov hic nîme ta ise considcred. .The. cSlventiasi began business at 2:20 a'cloek. Tier vere prababi>' 500 deit- gates a lu tistsa ssi srrauudlug them thtre v s af ringe ut altersutas éd vîptota uumbeing 000 ta800. Tram the, arrive] ai tise Minnesota deiegstion bear- lu>' Brya anlu Towne banuers tisere vere antbattsofai ppîaustetiever>' conven- lent OPenlàganmd ipon tise least provo- catian. United States Benturs Butler, Allen sud Heitleld reeelved liberal greet- Ing, vile Senutor Pettlgrev va vec. vhclmedb>' tise corîliality ofathé e acome aeearded ta hlm. Tisere vas asea geu- crons applaisse vises tise usine aiMr. Bryan vas mtntioned b> tise speakers ut tise dey. Man>' sentmnts vere cheerai ta thte eeba, and his vas natably tise easte itI Goy. Lees refareuce ta tise Boerranad tise Fîlipinas. Betal entering uppuntise regular ordet et business prayer was offeres by Bisbap * 'Gàrmsui. Cisitrnieu Butler tises In- ttoducti Gov. Lep of Souths Dakota, viso but beisi te tis Cte velçazes!. the con- vention.- . Gov. Lee vas given Iio@ue attention and vas frequenîl>' intetruptib>' ai- plause, bis, teterexice ta tise,"splendid berniosm of tise Sosîh Africon cepubticsW' briuglug a burat or ciseere. [Ria allusion te W. J. Brysu, howevet, tise firt tlCme iisname had been pronounced, bronaht thse delegatea (u tiseir feet iu a burricane ai citersanad wvvng af fiira, sone en- Ihusastie delegates ecimirnlgu tieir chairs ta vlet their apptoasl. Seuat Butler respanded furthtie convention. At tise cauclusion ut bis addreas proper Chaîrmn u Etier istrodîîeed tise tempo- rat>' ehcîcussu ut tise convention, P. M. Ringici ai Minnesota. As Chairinan Ringdal eeased bis speech tisere vert iseard cries ai "Pettigrew," "Pettlgrev,"' but tise Stuatar. who raC upon tise plat- fotar in, 4net tegpond. Tise roil esîl ut States vus Inegiu sud a louod Icigis svs raîsed b>' Uhe sîsiounce- meut ai J. J. Chuanbers, reusesenting Alaska. 'I arn the oui' une isere tram Alatsa, and 1 vili bave ta naine myset." Tis arne condition canfrontesi i. N. Bur- dleS ai tise ImuaisTerritory and Ernett Kroner of Oregun. Tise tveulng session vas devtd enire- ]y' ta slogingso uj]sic hy tise baud. MENT IN VINCfINATL Mddile-of.the.Necd Papuliase ati a Nalloumai.Oaventlau, Pour isuudred and seveut>' men sud vampa occupîieddelegates' seats visen National Commuttemsua D. Clein Deaver cafflcitht natioalsiconvention ai thse rnlddie-uf-tise-rosd Populists Cao rder la tise apera isonne lu Cincinnati nt 2 o'ciuek Weduesda>' ctterucon. Fariner Caugress- man M. W. Howard ai Alaama vs@ namai ns tesuparar>' cisirman suad J. 0. Allen of Oklahsoma as emporty asecte- tir>', vitis Earl iRcisardson out liluois as ecretar>'. Tise commiittet on credetiass vus appaluted and tise resu.,sinder uf tht ession Isisen up lu istenlng lu speeches. Ignatins Donneli>' imade san ddress de- nounisir tise tuaonisas at Sioux Falis and W. J. Bryau. A tecesvas hen tskeu outil S P. iM. At tise niglit session Whsarton liscier, tise Ieading candidate fthtIe îresideu- tial nominations, made s lenglis> speech. Tise committée on credeitials repsorted tbe xielegations suit tefusesita recoguhze prouies. This sllowed Kaîisas ouI>'tva votes nstesd of igtY-six, as oui>' two delegstes fromu it it te werepre8ent. on tise eonventiou's vote on tise pruxi' questioni a wrsngle ensued. Banker snd Dauneli>' opposes! ullowing R..11. Clip- nut oîtCucast fûrtyCthret votes or hait ut Kausas',qîsota. Tise re.,sult al the ballot- iug wss disî,sted, but insil>' iteifird, sud the comnnittee's report wsss usendesi su. ht thse uelegates couli cnet the funl quota for tieir respective iSttes. This repart as amsended vas adoplesi. Tise cosisittee au perissnsent-orgatusus- tiosn svportc.d in fuvor af Col. W,. . eck af Georgia for cissirufan. A rinorît>' re- part favored ut ite S. W. Williamis ni Vincennes, lsd., fot clsairusaî. Tise ma- JonC>' repart vus udolu: (. Tise conven- tion hen adjossrued iii p. tu. Thora- Brise News Itesue. Mas>' Japsarse goins' to Cape Nomne te engage in mniig. Prince ut Watts viii viait tise Paris ex- position lu June. SWmn. Edmunds, Chilcago, fatali>' abat bis vite sud hniself. A native Bakima iha bau ordaiuei as a Svediih mînîster lu Ciicago. Cicago soclisttebave iudorsed tise Deis-Hacriman national ticket. Dr. G. R. C. Tudi. s brotlier-in-Iaw af Pxesldent Lincolu, iied et Bacuveil, S. C. Tisa flods lu Misasssppi sud Loulsiaus have causiedumage cstimated at 03.- 000,000. Th isevlIof tise laCe Reun Wrightf, abat te death is Chiclago, tiequeatis nan>' $1,000,000 ta bis ismîl>'. Thse attetupta oithe Asstralionu utisarl- t to srcmp outtheCl sague at Sidne> IM&N-etc r~Oic Beeis Ell ber, Ia v ws pitve ci ýMJe.mle Prrambfl a,Uc vu umuiafls»D ~ Uiversity'ai Peusylvau94 Ji, a i "ceitutian. b i0 a enterai01. uS- Inaliai aserBras,& ~C&et aiPIS Ailwla. viteir a a@«r da avb>'l7 ti tIsari"nBrouet Laudan. Mna lm9 Urt. Balle! " d itaiMost mof idl esengles ovard building op bis Peopia' Party veekl>' paper. tise Amerlean. Hlm ctaî4euce la at Vyncote, tvelvc miles front Pilaielpii. Alexander I of Rue- nia dcoaed hlm la 1878 vitis the Orier iii Otatilaus. WINTER OROPS LOOK WELL. Vient Acteane Tisses ami a ualt. Nil- laons Lees tian in 1511. Iteturas ta tise statlistielan af tise De- partIent oI Agriculture maie op ta Ma>' 1 show tise areasinder vinter viseat la cnlttvatca on tisai date Ca have baen about 26,585,000 acrea. or 3,503,000 aCre&, Or 11.8 pet cent, lienu tnhe acta eetiinatad to, have been soy a it fall, Thteteituctilu aIn eage-in'tise principal BIdtes, olug ta viter kSiisg andi he ravagea ai tise HeWaan .les as tllava: Iniana, t!,B000; -Obto, 900),000;Micis- Igfan. 817,000; Pennsylvanie, 158,000, ami Iluanis, 187,000 acres. TFs' tht arai ce- inaling unden cultivatton tise average condition au Ma>' 1 vas 8.0 Tise iigis averages ot condiltomu report- ed luit mants for Kausas, Missouri, Tex- as sud other more or lesa Importanut vhet-produclng States Cisît have esesp- ailtle ravagea aI he fi>'bave baen toi>' maiutalaed, sud on Ma>' 1 neant>' ane- hait of Use enCIra vinter vhs-at acreage remalular anier eslttvatlon reportes! a full normal or atl ibser conditon. Tise average Condition ut vinter rie. on Ma>' 1 vas 85. as comparad ituhs85.2 o9 Ma>' 1. 1099; 94.5 os Ma>' 1, 1890, asd 80.7. tise mea oitise May' averages fac tisa lest en years. Tise average condi- lan af Meadow movlug lands on Ma>' 1 vu4 90.8, agaust 84.9 un Ma>' ,189W; 92.9 ou Ma>' 1, 189, and 9duse mein ai tise Ma>' average* ai thse lant teD >esrs Tise average condition ut sprint pamture vas 913. agîinmt 83.5n auys> 1. 1899; 91.2 ou Ma>' 1, 1M9, snd 00.9 tise ms-au ai tise May averages ai tise lat ten >'etm. Opring plovlsg la more or las laCe la ainsout eeyState Ilu viîcir ia iondiion le a malter aetanay espeelal slgmlllance. Tht ouI>' notable exceptions are Ptnsa>l- vania, Kentucky', Illnois, Kansis; MIa-ý sourI i dArkansas.. luSouCI Caroline,. Alabama, Mississippi agi Texas the vos-k la Jeter tiscu la an>' leur fur visici ccu- aria are avallabte. FIERa! *ATTL.E WITH IREBELI. ln*ufgeuta Kitiedat ban Jacîntoansd Otites Ln»UonTonus. Manitàadavices sai' hat a tance ai 500 insurgent. attacisdti tent>'-Sve scousioa Use Forty-elgistisregiment near lias Ja- Cint, province of Pangasinan. on Man- di>, but ver. rautti b>' tht scoustet ai their number belng kilei. Tise Amer- leani lo it iilîci. On April 26 the s'abl burueut sud sacises!thse tovu of Trocin, near Buanu, munis-ring natives viso vert frienily tota Ue Americîns ign tva Spaiacds. Tise Anisricana iilîti thirty-seveu of thCisnutgeat. on tise saine date MsJ. Andrevs, vitis tva coin- panies ai troupe, attarisci Gen. Mojicas' itoughlali.ns-st Ormue, Ley-te Isand. Mojiens bai brasa cannas sud pleut>' or aminnoltion, bot asuer tbree heoure af Oigitisgeisuuremits Sied. Tistir lona la sot kuosen. Tht Anis-ricana lait tva Sulies!d aIs-lvs-n wunuded. 'ise>' de- atro'ei tise esamny'a tilles, povien and atoes. Tue Sauta Fe wvulI iuld s rouindisosse and inachine shape at Part Richmrond, Cal. The St. Paul ani Dubutis Du>e bas be- came tise'prapert>' ai the NanthernuPa- clte. Tht Atirana, Batavia sud Geneva Riai- va>' Company'"aslncropratei at Sipringfield, Ilu. Net carninga aI tise EastenuIllînoîsg oyatem for tht nine moudths tudina Match 81 ver. 31,00,000. The Chicago and Grs-st Western Rail- va>' bas deciti l tus nciseîp excursions between Chicagouand St. Paul. Twyilestt have baén grades! un tise extensian ai the Rock Island tinetrIoun Moukn .Vlev, 0k., vest. TricS laylua hic begu2. Tisa uev fast train ai the Nicket Plate Lacla nn aoda nov mases lise rua helveen Cicagoansd BewY lork lu Ivea- il-caveshancs. An effort la belng maie ta get Cisc dt>' ai Topéka Ca Issue $70,000 lu bonds fa rala a bouma te smeure tht nev OanteaFa chopa. . Sonne raicraîi officiai bic coucelved th. Itas o ai clate maise ralîva>' fravel on uaud.>' poputîr b>' tiseIntraduction ar ce- ligios uaie«îcea rains. Tise ChicagoansoiEastern, Iltinais Rail- roas!and lb. Cotton Beit clii Inaugurale througis daît>' train service vit Tisebea, Il., tram Chicago ta Points lu Arisaneas uni Taxas. .Tise decialon ofthtie Untted States Su- preme Court t tht Illîiisi sttute ce- qulding ail traina ta stop ai cotunt>'gseita la Invali vîili Do ioubtressuit lunlImpor- tant changes lnlu itbes. Thtlic RkIs lan'a attrnent ton Mici showes a muterili us-rcs-use'lu botis passea ge, ans fteilit esmiluga. Ns-t carninsi ve"s-larget iby 1818I4 Cias lorthtie **me matIs laxt yeti- lb. ramassiaUe tseCisea *bd Z. 1u.4ci ?osee-Oarher and Dcaý Mer cyPuit Up et Clueleeti--oiot ce, the Piatiorma Adaptai. Par Pfsisleus................. W. J. ]ONTAN ]Fer Vie Pasidons ...CeiIAiLYA A. TOWN£' gryen end Tssne la the Paplast na- Clonai ticket, tise Mobesata man bein> cet.i 'At sioux Faite, 1SD., as Ch. Nebtcs.isn'a cuaitlngmate aller -a cea- llas lastlng fer Ilo Tisursai'nIigt. Tise convtIïon ceJeceei the plan te leave the nomination for vlee-pretldae7apen pendinga acton hi' tise Demacratle Sait- .cing at Kansas Cilty, but preierred tu joreetail ChiC body' and ih posable Intiu- ene fi* action. Bath nominations vere maie b>' acclamation, but a langUhi de- bat. preceded tise seleetion ai a inufor second place. Six namea la addition ta hat ai Mr. Tavue vert placti betare tke deleg*tes; but an Candidate deellu- ai or their spansors - vltisdrew thier names, enolisat tise Mîlnwesamas bcd tisafield ta imaci, maklag a formai bal- lot unnecesaiz>. Cautrar> ta tise expectation oifsne ai the deleçales. the resolutlans arausedt nu deisate, but ver., adoptai vîti eutbu- slais a spreatuted th ie eomultree. Tise Jouir miancdai planis ai tisaplatlacus, la- cludilu the dentsuclalion ai thse recetl banklng lav, ani especlali>' tht demand fat tht free, coinage of silver iltishe raio* ai 16 ta 1, vas reeeived vîth is yd eeer- I*g. ise desani for suanieritance fax sale receivci a round ai applatue. Vig- otasis eheering vus aloo accacded tise readins of tise planis an transportations. h demand fa>' tht abolishinent ai ail tarIffs on "trust" gocis, sud thse Indore- meut 0f thse initiative sud referendum. Cries ai "Gond.. qpod!" greeted tise de- nssaclstiau of tht admini.Cratioli's Philp- pin. polie>' uni the Parto Ricin tex. When tha t Portion -ai the plînis extending sympath>' ta Che SouCI Aican repuhilcas aid d.uouricilgan>' alliance vlth breln pavera vis reid lb. convention braise lu- ta vlld Ipplana. Iatiug toc tome ime. Indarsement ofthtie municipal avnecip of public utihiilea recelves!bu ait ant sp- tlausse. but vigorous band-elappiug ensimai viserà,direct eletion af United States Senatarà vas demandai. 1 Mc. Bri'aa's namnation vasl maie b>' acclamation undirvas accompllalied vitI expeditlan sud tact. There vert aoC te exeeed bh aadoue. mpeeebes lu Mc. Bn>'- an% bebali. Ail lIeue ver. brit fami poIntait and fuit of pralse for the candi- date. Tise speakers ver. ladoff b>' Bec- ator Alleu of Mr. Brysus own talaenad be vu foUloved la qulic ueceseon hl (jeu. We aver of Ioaa. x-Conugtesu Jarry Simplan ai Kansas, ~Icon»" Us- ,Als ot Taes, Senator Maion Butler ai North Cîaiuaami one or tva oticra. Then lovard tise dose of tise alterneo« session bexin tise ccii content outhtie con- vention. Thisa vu th ise lt aven tisa vice- preaidene>', ai, tather, Cisc Sait aven the proposition ual ta make an>' nomination for tise vce-reidenial oDiet, bat te s- fer thteautir.matter Cae, a muittee to b. appalti ta conter vîtis the Deruo- ciatis andi siver Republicans la thiaItcea- ventions ta bha he t Kansas City. Bath tise Propasitionstlanomamland cute Ca ter and aieo various compromIésugagesetias vert premeited. and upon them vu asai isuite i memarable debate. lnu vMeh E. (jerry Brovn ani Gea. F. Vauuai Mautacbuatte, Besators Butter end AI- Lau, Oea. Waaver, Jarry Oimpson -and Dr. Tailor ot Chicago pcrllepated. Tb"> preseuteit ail aitas and sisaieot tise cou- travers>', tise debute liting fart uthe nigist hetor. tise close waa reaccist. BARKER NAMEOFOR PRESIDENT "Middle aofCisc Boni" Men Çlsoase a National TIcet. For Passist . t..:..... WNARTO?4 IgAll Fot VIce Presient . ... OINATtUS 5JONNtELLY Wisaotoo Danser of Penisaylvanie vu nomidated tac Preieut on tiese coend ballot b>' the mlddWe-i-e-road Populiste lu national convention at Cibclanatl. la- ustinDonseli>' oi Mlunueota vas unan- irnoual>' nominales! tar Vlce-Preaident. Tise Crt nsqmlations tor Preuliduit were M. W. Hovard ai Alabama, Whar- tan Batiset and Iguatius DonneS>'. Haow- ard sttempted ta vitlidrcv, but tise dele- gates reituceutte lîsiten ta hlm. Tisefilet toti cati resslted: Hovsrd, 311 6-10; Bar- ker, 30W 4-10; Dauttmei>, 70; Norton, 1. Barker vas narnatei au Use second bal- lot, wieh stoosi: Barise, 370; Htovard, 3391; DonselCY, 7; Norton, 2. . Tise plutton-t adoptes! declaces fon tise Omaha plaCirof i 189, demanda tise initiative ani referendum nindpublie avu- ershlp, apposes trusts, mnoulin uland sud ailesu wnership; declareu tor the free and unlmmnited rramage uf ilvesr and goli ut thse legal ratia or 16 ta 1; tuor an Incarne sud Isiseltanee tex, sani thtelie- tiuîn af Precîdent, Vice-Prosideul, Ted- eral Judffeansd Unsited t Bates Seuitors b>- direct vote of tise peuple. Tise national commnitîce met sud organ. 1usd as tallôva: Chiaiman, Jo A. Park~er, Louisville; sesrelar>', J. E. Mebride, Grand Rtapids; treasurer, Milton Parks, Dallas. Il vas iccidesi ta establi tisa national eaiquarlets lu Ciicago. LqttrtofICarrent iEveutt. Mrs. Elizsabeth W. BellamY>, 63, autisor- sas, 41.4. Mobisle, Ata. Cicago les deiers have formiti a trust. Prices have ban cnlised, Tise German coal famine la csusing man>' lactoties ta close. MIs azLie Plentier, a Chicago dainestle. gets 330,000 lt b>' su uncle lu New Y'ork. Mca. Reias Monre, 60, Willlamoburg, Ky'., humai to deat it ue igitinga afor- est te. Patrck Carey', a Chicago palitidian, vras illted b>' Wm. Maxwell, a saisan- beeper. Dr. J. K. P'ariser, Lexington, K>'., lu sli-defeue abat anidiilte V. A. Antn- I'olâiec et Lake City, S. C., viser. the caloresi pustmasttt vas msitdemed, bus banq re-ectcbllised. 14.11veM tht.Jema - Iii a-r..on ISueali>' the euh. Suieam"cilthe SciaI. ou Wedprady as as lecita the. muitia l.char Vai cppropcletîm bl reictlnsto armuer andi pruament.Ts hat h. Goverument aloai eerelas Mon plant ai Ils*av r.teaatTlllms preceteit au améadment lmîitingo "b prine tabeb.pali fon arimorteta$» Pèet ton, sud providiug aise tsaItishe Garvtu- ment souli ereet a plant atil& sava. Oea- alars TIlimsan, houe>'and Chaulec advo, ciWtaihie eteetiou at a plant, vite Mn., Hale supparte thlie ,comnltlat amei-. meut provldtug for a pladtt in tisecat- gMary' Chat armor couli uat b. ptaiuet toc $m45pet ton. Na actinlu% as Ciea an tise proposition,.lise bill gobait avec untilu uXday lu Use Otuste on Thurada'tise case lu-' fatving tise seat orfbMc. Cark ai Mouisus. vms potpouidutntîl Tuesda>'. Mn. Gal-; linger aidreasti lise Benîte a etaglik s a hic resalullosi, declating Cat*"tise prec eut pisenatuenal pnaupecit> orthtie cant r se due ta tise 1,011e>' aiprotections e@us. bodîtd lu tise Dîngis-> tariff luv," BilI approprlaliug 31.250,000 fan 1h. crec- toen af a public building nt Xd Orleans vains pamsed. Joint resolutian coueralmg certain Chippeva Indasnreservatoas lu Minnesota, lise pcoject ta precerve- toresîs an tise resttvationu as s natioaul park, vas panard. h t estes a comnmis. alon ta invettsigats- lie questaion viselbes It se pras-ticablis and desiitle fart h United States la es'tate s national Pas upas and vithin tise uds isuovu ate tesersations ofthtie Miusissippi. Cippel wa. Les-ri Lase, Wlnnuebgociish and: Caus Luise Inians lu- Minnesota. the~ ssii lui cuuprlslug suarecs. ai abut- 030.063 acreés. lucludiig Lacis, Wlnueo'- bagoabisis. Casa andI numepraus iiuale [Aises, tagether vits tise Misalsappi au"~ ether riversansd sineas, compclagl about one-foncti ofrCise entire tract mV vaàter artes. Eniagles an tlte tep.. reseutatIve Baird of Louisiana ver. o lvered lu, Itors Cafer>'. Chandler. -Bs-rtry. Ssiliv-su ssi MEns'ty. Thé. Hanse lu>'tise ver>' utainargîn aI tv& vases unseatsd Mc. Crati ut orNorthI Catulina, sal»enserai. and sesteu laluhls. Plsce Mr. iPearson. Tise uinorîty rceca-: lotion deelariusathe sittion minuer ta- tititi Ca tise seat vas defesîci b>' anc. Alter ansail-day discusaion lu thc e - ean on ci'a u usacrement vasreseMs 0 te .' onteavor plate sectIon Là a notabl.eispecis vas dellieresI b>.Mr. Loslge 11p,01%is-eus-ceasis>' oi building op th. Vnitci BIais-s uic*v tisout ielaî.<ý, li. D)aniel presenteit au extendic argu- ment in support ai tise imiediate con. atruction b> tise C.ovennimeut, o fnrasror tas-tony. sile Mr. Altîsasi apposai tIc projeet ai a Goverumeut tacto uin>the score ai econimyi.nlutise fHouse My. EseS Ilisi calleil up as ud ipasses! th, bill lu suisni tise 1mw no sa toprovide tas' the cammlltaîlos of lrarel sud suissisI- ente ilowanceté of diucisargesl offlerge andi soidiers. le tuptluitise bill proposeil ta etlov a iisiforin cale ot 4 ce-ts mile for oalitesnud coluCs-sImes.Tu Haonse thes vent juta romttleeoc:t1 visais-ta conslden privâte pens bill sud braise ail records. putaiu« 189. 01n 84tarda>' the Senate hi'aario"e, rejecteil tise proposition ta s-cent, vils rets-rece ta tise price ut seici uhe (lot- s-oment couli scure scuson pliefor its~ wutships, an artisa plats- icctocy. TQj vote ulsa tise direct propositon wcas;V2. ta 24. sud suisiiinr>' ameudmieuts néenp ceJected b>'absunt thse sains- rots-. îwls<n tise cammitiee's Praposition wvas séunt ta b. v0ted s"Pou a Subsisterusas*rn-. isti, tise quorum aftiesesnais-.wvus irok- en, and Cthc question insatili in 'b. air. Duriug tise isbate Mnr. Cisandller dettvea- si as sessatiosal Speech. in .risi.-à hba cbarged lisat uhe Goverineut uini bs-e defrssîieilunlise adoption cetlise Harvey.- isci arioos. Ht icclareds-u lisîs icauds vaa pnopogeil lu tise attenipt ta té-rece tisa (10retrnmeut ta sîdopt thé- Kr~upp atussv.~ Msr. $poiner and Mr. flireruade leolble sqpeeches dPercatina tise wus-'aIS tridayi b>' Mnr. Lodge. Ns-ts-r tise Senti-or ln Wlseonslu sor. lie Senctuir frîull isi ne vas fs-arfîu thtisi e migist tsi-tuuDvolv- ti in diâcsîlty viti Gurmsany a,, aein of tise Mouroe o-Rrine. %Ir.Cltoro-re tested agaiit uhe 'setetchod ei Ci,)ur -isuic business" uani tise mls tutis;ucsaî liti onl>' ro'--nly bluti-a 5'u'.sdi-v ut." aertlOr tisati t litilt lu-.en avcnii pavrer sine thil- sr uit 181-1,. "hg sc liOts-o an Mati:,>-Wisel naval uppraiurisîiuuuiundssI fr,.e siiu"bis. Tise iflouise ta..i hugeiirsi dteis-n>' spîîrîîprnî:u éil ill.Tuh.l'lilI vrriî.uI 3'. 839.0'21 nsans]pts.-ii,,,.] 9bsitialli witsout amnsîdasienut 'lî'liegens-rai delte usas uets-ed-t lit-t:ul altu iti- op- lep. ith 1tuirlttnga 91unisrt frnalgu usent of te lii. itsratigti hb> Mr Aruuuond (i) On Ts'-ia-tishe cniu relýied hi nenýigniasu it Cr. ('lsrk ,l-Mjuna Devotedl tue re..t tf thei-1il:t,>-aîonui,.rs- lion o utCh. lbilloraIrM. itou., uridb-lthuuor cil viié- -ul Cie .0oil trY'-s sss.uu latsi Possessuions. rnufusuilsg. lu> V oteéuit 10 yens ta37 uisit. lte isul-tsteI>' ilutpaue tht tisesonre. Tise Honse sent tsitise Seniete tise nilitar>' saesi-iy bill, th'. lant ofthtie rentraI stîproprinti n'tiessores sud ngneed hat tiie.bill providiusg s clviilv s-rois-ut forAtlaska-s souii uext lb.,taS-en un. Tise Philippines civl tbiii. il is beîievsd. vili sot becornue sannawt titis as-selon. An exhastive. exiiitaofCUiteS-Bltes postage Itumple lus'bing prêtépred for Use- Parls expositionr. LaCe frts nth se Souitis dipermanent' damuage, but tril lrve trportdexel. Pregident wiii appoint Gen.JoeWhs-ler. ta file regular atm>', tlînuahlm as bicla ailier frerai. Tise naval ameidment abolishlag ame ai tise ses service of tise cadets vaup$ a Jobs garrottés avestheoint la 1à Vii ington. goiug avec lise eeues af tisa coin uasalnsntion.-- Hanse Judicint>' comuittee passes! lutions af respect on Use deatis ai Judgi Cuiberson ar Tes. 'lihese B-uIe coismîttfarorsiui' repart-' ai tIse bill glvîsg tise vidov ef tise laCe- (jeu. Lsvton 45Q 4 mentis. Frank p._uinraitseLniO il t-

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