BÎ. -e The 'Crescent 1Picycle la ithe bicycle on the market for the moi both in looks anddurabillly. '"Theý Wheel That Stands Up. hami jREMEMBER--AiI wheels sold Hby me are warranted. 1 arn representing the Shoninger and haeffer Pianos. Corne in and see them. Establislied 1870. ndorsed by Ieading musician's such as: Campanini Rubenstein Idla Klein Liszt S. B. Milis Wagner Emma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszlo and many others. C. R. SIIERM4N, At WKCLKR AND OPTICIAN Libertyville IIlinoils.1 Wall Paper..a. We have a large and assorted line. fromr which to select at from 4 cents to 20 cents per roll. Carpets... See our samples of fine ingrains. We can seil you anything you want in the way of carpets. $iý.oo Wool Trousers $2.oo Look like made-to-order goods. They. are- the best article eëver offereci for, the money in Libertyville. F7 C. SMITH & SON Butler Bldg. Ice Cream You can alwaya get It at LoveI I's. POPULA.R FLAVORS. Pure, Deliscious. Cold Bvà tSIc iami fo b. hMd St any Mot. Ft.-B. LOVELLY ibe rty vilIe ido I PICKED UP HÊIIE AND TI LLocal Itème of Interest tpLbertyvi SReadera. u~w qumqmmmq~q~mmq.esww...puuuqqw~wvewwA 0MRCt o.ida. uKigts Fe 0 i~L outinm ond IL Wu. L. J. Wmua, S. J. ".u.n aumsw-, ASWt.1. That Hutngry,. Wben yon bave it you'don't waflt it. when you- don't hbave it you want it. This may seem like a paradox, but,, novertbelesqe, it'e true. 0Our choie freshag 1 iti create the lwngry feeling land thon s;atîsfy it. Beaides this 'we can demonstrate that the more money you sipend witb us thé moreto gave. Triggs &Taylor, LibertyvIlle - - IInl. . N.Durand la bavlug bis batu 0. a. Shterman aniS six 1900 modal bicyclesinshv eal., Paul KWacUMDi purchaied a Srlving herse ai Wm. <aier lhip veek. Donit forgai ibe 1M. W.' À. picole ga b. haIS aI Madison Joua lUi. EXvery- biody $boum Pile togo. lir. <la. TrIgg bas remoymS irom the. Sol aver Trlggs à Taylor'. store lag lthe Procler houa. on hlitaukes Ave. Posimaesieimon Sioffel, of ne- Baenry,wvas lu Cavu a couple of days IbsVeek, Chu guesi et E. W. Parký horst. The Coany Convention of the Lake Oouaty W. C. T. U. vill ho balS aI Guruse, Thuraday, June 14, begluulng Kt 9a&M. Sharp. lir. Bagausn, former oporalar ai Evartilnov simioued aM Oryland, te. novaS bis hausehald cifoots la the lter place lust vaek. lits. I. N.' Bottin cuierimled lier mother, litaPolihart, of Freeport, sud ber aisier, lirs. Refmet, of Mi#. vaukee, lb. peui veel. L. B. Motne anSdItav. Dix ver.. elecCeSd eogatas t. the Prohibition Biaie Convention, ai Ch.conty eau- vsulice bolS et ue lust aiurday. Adcinan Hanby and Chiatinlspector A. B. Lavis caicimined C. B. Shetm»a' store roosu Ibis wyasd the Cblet viii dacorale the came lu a ev Sapa as oniy ha knova boy. Whan Pretoria A taken by the English, If I lel, ibare vili ho a Lela- brslion lu Libarlyville by norne of ont 4mel Engisahman. 1l may bcaum exclusive mait, .but Uiey are plaunulu la clebrate lua manuet b.Slittiug tbe viclary. A veliaULbenticabed rumot la afloal ln tbe affecî Ibai Ueo. Trlggm anS Biarry Bales are la open a ment market et na very distant date, lu the James Trigga builing just oth ai tira Liberiyville Motel. Boe's arntbet vishes for auceffl, boys, If sncb in the A large lot af single harcases $7,0 la $12. G. B. SCuAncz, Lihartyville. F. G. Farbei, af Fotesî Gien, bas tentaS C. C. Copelanda iuou'e on Milwauke Ave. near Spring sret, and vilmove IafMM y ho* lu th. near fn1nrum Mr. Parber la & paluter and paper bauger o! experieneesud aIrendy bée sevaral jobs cf vork lu ibal lino contractaS for iu aur village. Bara'a a UWa advicc for thc Liberty. ville "«kuýocera'- or faulil Sudais anS veow of0 niseverai, -"If yonr ueigb. ber la prouporoua, let hi. proeper. Dont& gruni, gravi or gramblo. Bay a good yard for hlm andleticiilgo ut ibas. Yom turr.vii came. No onee ma la lia uhale show. If you osou the Soyn la moving along uiccly, foi good &bout 1IL Belp Ibings mong- shove a lutile; pash. Try su get nome ai lbe bonefit yaursef. Don&lsandu &rounudIlik a chllly o15 cadavr. Don% vaste j our lUmae.feeling cote bocansanme feliov bua U lie marc slnd andSeumea.iban yoD>ave. Do a ligu1e hnssîilg jourséif. If yen cas amy a gond vord, may Il lie. s prince. If you are fuil afile aud disposeS to amy samothlug misa, leep ydut mou9h @but. No maon evor madle a dallar by kncckiug. Noianm ver gai rich or happy mlndiug overybodyla business but bis avu. No msi ,avcr heiped himacif np permaneuiy by kucching hlmsn.IgbboraSoya. <ive Up a linS yard; give 1h llberal ly. Il vmu'l cult yau a ceut, sad pou rnay vraut anc youreelf nmoeday. Y'fu mmy have thouasd to4y, and nexî Yser e vithout tb. prlcepf a abave. go dan't lha a kuocker. Ton amuI afford t.fit voul pay. Tbéels 1,vitu t. 'Il yen vant Id tbrovW omctilu 5aa mebody, Ibroir colognea orroôuu.-donIkik rov bricîba or muS brn ffO Ioa good kick a#Iyôun*at. w8o y0're C. M &S'Y. P. TIMIC TABLE. LIBERTXviLLL-DAILT si. SUNDAT. 0:50a.M. io Mu.. fiNp.M 6;3 P.M.. JANBSVILLB LIME. <5010 BUTB. 0011 oaORT. v lip sfnk 700 Lv Chieaga 4:06 Vos 1Ar 145 rtyVilla 6:26 Ln ae 7:13 Lv ais (lcmae 7:31 9Mnevil i AtLisstrilleliaLongLaIe('x a7:80 i> PB . M Memorb*J Day.' Look! There arerefler 1152e, Ti.at vasa lu the risaka todaY In BteP *vlthe ue vammusoldler<l Wbow,, locka ara 1h.anol ray. Side .by aide viii, tb. blouse. Of army bloc appou The jacket of rougît brovu canva.s And thé, hatcft aevounutoor: Brave sous ef tb. p*flot lathera, The blond ww over theba ua That ilowed lu lhe Vfckaburg trenehes Aud led E scau'% dame. Hhol.ler to shoulUirgiar'tllinu lieroes stallet nt ue. In joiek'ts ofrouah irowu eznvas And -,,torofcfray Md bi,.. The vo(,da are feU, 0f tramups. lits. Thon. CriMit1lavimitlug ber mother lunl.>erlleld. llalph hiaOumiffl ipadlg nfew, days with his brolbet Faul. lir&. ailîda il, 0f Chicago, visitaS vltb lits. lic Donald Cheu lIrs af. the yodk. Bridge Couiracior Wm. l)avison la bauliug materiel for h uew Bulkley bridge. The Presb;yiteisn Ladies' Aid vill moeot vii lira. Ptank Wrighst Tuenay alterucon, liay 31ti._ lir. Johu Baumaun solO bis Oive yamt aId sMiou Baleine ,t.Kaiser' Bros., af Koota, la., tbis vaek for $o4 It ln tiime aomeibiu* vas doue about puttiug lu gaies et ChaI Milwaukee Ave. croaaing. Lai the village board urge the. rairomd eoupauy to ,buna lit. luSditsa. 0. D. Croistileld, vho have been visitihg Ibeir dauglilci,, lira. E. licDonalS, for the POai fev, vesks, returned te ibar home lu lin- neapolis Wduesds7- lir. J. liorris RoomhM ban returued tram Pifladeîphia vhiiber he vent Ibree veeka mago on a and erraud. is grmud.cbliol baSboom l i viiyphoid foyer auS died duringtis istay. Tbe St. Paul riliroad campauy have greatlyiymproved Suap grouude about their uev staicon hl lliig lu vith gravel, lyiug a pimifom, etc. A aide. track fur .11k carsha. beeu laid juai West of Milvaukee AÀ». lirs. J. liorris SUceenia sfeeling aomevbai bolier, ah. ishes tua mnna of tbaiklug ber many thanghfl n frieuda for their hinS atteution durlng ber tlSons ulim nessd opes soon tu bc able te ihmnkc tbcm personaiiy. lier siale. lilas Paai.Abreudi la bore uuraing ber. W.. GolilugoreniaS bis horne te a Couple 0f1tangs m u vas a monlh beoe arelb animal vws resurucd. AI- thouagb the rentera kepi Will inormeS as le ibeir vhereabouia in ibe mean- ti1the, bhowuva mneborried and vas giad ta gel bis ha:se and rig back ibis veek la gond eaudlidu;, anSdla avait- ing anoppariuuhty tu bau Mmemagain, for cash, lit, C. Paige, Who lias been engaged tu tbe ail buoiues intbla village for Ivo yesrs advenuies au auotion sade of bis persouai property RaySlIai, lir. Paige bma aceped a posiion vib the J.O HC.imketi Co. ai St Louis, manu- facturera of addiery hardware., as travelingmaiesmau. lHe bas vorked for the cauceru before, aud la igmiliar vib bis nov dattes. He axpecis le idve for lit Louis the tiraI a!f inne, The Improved raiiroud service go b. afforded by theelit. Patl raliroad yl iudeed enebauce Libertyvitie as a rasideuce place, and befotc the aummer la aven ve predîci u1ýaJy viii seeklal valu for désirable suminer quartiera in ibis vliulnty. Wmou boumes reul for $t,100 a montinl Highland Park sure. iy vlCh lie added railrosd failities tour village vilii aler inducomeuis burs la brlng oui tie ~sommiger fol Ir." Tbe Autiock Ne,.,. af fat, oek, saya: -A representative of the .Blair Eu- glneeriug Co., of Chicago, vswu nAu- tioci Tuendayand informeS Tas Bava tiai becvas in commniation wigh a party wbo vould orect mmd imainlalu an eleelrilo ighl Plantlin bla Ciy if s reasonible amonut of encourage. ment iras given." This la the se genutleman vho asked a franchise af th. Libertyvillê board ai hbeir Ilt meeting. 1 The uev depot ou Mlwîaukee Ave. vîll ha opened le the public nezl Sun- day. Three nov traius are ta ba put on lb. 4amuvie division. Avorill'm train wvIiirua la Nippershik and lic Deertield accommodation la le rmn aver the. nov extensiou beginnling Sun. day. Anoîher gralu bealdes ibese la be on.. iafgaloy'u train vii loave. Libertyvile a * hereooore. Ai les@$ ihese are the plaus as itear asneulbc determlned boofore Saitrday vben tie Dev ie card 'vlll tic out. Liharty. ville la te ha favored vilh excellent train service, tlis md ail tIb au ubh destred. --Il la vlth a good .leal of pleasure sud satIsfaction that i rccommned Chamberlaiu'a Colle, Choiera. sud Diarrhoea Remedy." says Druggls, A. W. savIelie, af Hartford, COca. "A wwdnesday uvmhgauxi. Ail lnvlled. miont L. Bdl, a@suinntd.puiy superiniandans of the nomseof Cor- rection, Chilcago, vlsild LiberCyvilie relatives and friands Chia Venir. John lioCOaMik gave a birihday psrty t. a nimbeof aieufriands and neighbovs Wedne»day nighi. (Carda, dancing an& social iniercurue com- binod th urisbunu Idéal evenlng'a liessra. 1. A. Veniu, iB. L. Kirberg sud 0. J. Litcher, of Ohicago, veto lu- opecing UiheLIbaryvillo alectre ight plant one day tbis week Wib a 1101 0of eocning a franeblas sMd aperating tbe plant. The geNtlmen aeeuid lavuea- bly lipnpuedvitb our sieyad vUIi un doubi do acm*Ui inhe icn futurs,»au hey cmpromaitnnipeople Attorney Pringlo. fer ibm lciye rond company, .tubmilicd aà uIBOpro, position ta C. N. Durand reproqunilng t4i Clilsena <lommièiec appolied tu @wcu"ca righi-of-way for lbhe ompany lbgouoh Liberiyvifla Wedneday. Il vsas tthUic cgociui hec mpany vould sau,. hoir ovu rigbt.of.vay, Uic ollsacns t. furfllsh $2,5W, the money ta be paie vhaa Uicroad la lu opara- tion. This vouid rdflov the ctislons of auil ilgmtilc, ate. la event the mouoy la sssurcd, IIlaisatsed vork viii commence on 1he gradetoms- disieiy. Cali lu and Soe'Hi. Immeod ly tisbissueo!fthe ISupleuUDUMO la ontith*eadiior les,., for à short bpisinesu d piamare tip te.si. Peul sud Miinneapolis. Durlug Our absencelir. W. Z. Davis bas kindiy canat uenidCsii impapor. Bahio ieaving wvcdsire téa aioenda cordial Invi'-O &Ut.os 11.68111118 Ca cmii laaMW Cime mil yack and saileupo aso-e, and if aught bas orrenSeS you dauriug cortarioi0f management ,you arc ai perfect liberty t. iti ibheéditer. lias boticr ablc to square saceunts ibm wvc areanS ve glmdiy accord yofl Ibis oppaaCunnty ta . "gai ven.", Upon aur raitra e hope te, Bad il delinquenti subseribers "-peid uV oaveu though thc aditor la "useS - op. " Be gogd te, hlm, and il you cant bc gond b. a good as you cau. Leslie Colby Wins. À Wauaegau piper tbus refera t. Leslie Col11>. Wankcan scoreS luIn théAnua AIbiello mentotheici*nois luger. s»noitteassociation ld nit1Chamt- paigu sisuray. Tao olby, a "darta horaW' ihe Bigb cho3i la indebtad forils poitlie won ibUrd lu'tbe hanf mile bicycle romc. Kols ci Dcou, van Brut, Ameant *aof AuraSa, second. Time 1:11. Chap lgbfftlIng. Fromtbo Ckim eSM Rcodcg May 141h la clppeS the Soflawng refarance la elecirie igbh i Portland, lad: The ligbi onimillea ai the ciiy councilreporicd so.aigi bat for lihe latslee i,.montathe-are 1gts usaS tu ligbi Porland, siziy-Svea i nmber, have oolt ouly SMI72 for the entire poroid, tbis beiug 1115cr %aeWnlcla ownorship. Whon Uic plaintvwu ueS by privai. par«ie$W80a ligbes par annm vas chargeS. lte oei for the entire service nov boiug loua ihan was forinerly patit for ane lighl. Tbc above in boudeS un by C. B. Siherman, Vitb Ibm roques$ Iont vo publish same. lit. Sharman la an ardent champion- 01 municipal ovuer- sbip 01 Our local llghtiag .ystam. lie belleves i la ta ljeonuypraclical solution of lb.elighi probieMSud nSeu thal la sure le prove bigbiysastis- faclory and economîcal. A largo lot aI bicycles champ. 0. H. SOHANCI, Llb.rtyvillo. How's This? A. M. Gillbert, af Chicago, bas lasse for the summet Jndgu 0. W. Pullqrtioi's résidence lu Highland Park ai a roenilof 31,00 pet manib. Thi. residenSo rigiusliy cent 175,000. Il la gaadtuhdeuand for @mum.oe homos la s0 gret.lh ibo lghand Parât Chai muqiy0f theic vehcal résidenis are mnovlg ava lal order bc louse thelr homes for th. summer. 'J& *il PIQX MJ il.9 "-Tveuiy dollars a mouib an a farm,' Baya an excbangc, -"ery mach botier than 3$"a ,nula ai City %lors..As a genéral iblng as the end of nUne nnha the former basn315 lu cash, t..a pirs of ovcralla and a miiaw bal, wbiia tbe latter bas tva or %hracsnuits of cloChes, a pair 6f golf coc"hansd $17 in th. baie. Y.i Clerc are éovonly-lSve applicanis for h. latter job and one for tb. former. Au eucouraglug aigu for farmernland bornc rainera vas given lu the ruentu parade lu New York 0117 vbore Sue- bred animais th ie erient of over Cira million dolasvorth veto shown. Par ailth lb-1.. vegnl hwi.h bas Me Be COLRY &E OKALERS EN KVERYTH lUS ýLlbertyvhlle. «..BOYS' WaSh suIM A "=OClofy'Do Us Vash Sises 4 te.12, eeamet quality. en hdymd k * . mmed frimo4 wIlI bc sold u e.t adm fafactual va" . lin, sui. atm MA& . front ALL LINEN CRASH in PWd Siripe a" Plai Colo... White Duck .StrW. sud Cbecked DucI4,sir. Meut .of hs suit. worm mmdc t. mdl fron t $150t. ».O0. sioyor"é o 50 065& 5 A e odBmmwthdPnt o èe ......S 45 BWLimon Crash and Du&k Cosa. 50e and .........6e BoyïCrah K ee ants............. 1 ...... 10 Baye' »d Mens Crash Hat*. 15c and ............... 20 Boys' Long Pantu in Gray Vool Kersey with b"ac utrips, 2,00yalueaut .... -..............I2S Boys' Yol Kam .Pantu ................. ......5 The'.Pair, Libertyville - - - 111h The Lake County- Telephone Company ....CONNIECTS WITH.... The. Chicago Telephone CompaaM Have you a 'Phone in your residencei place of business? If you want to be up wlth the tîmea youasht have. The expense la nominal, only a féw cents a day. Fer leformtilo., stam, sic, wrte..... CONTRACT DEPARTMENTB Lake County Telephone Company, Libertyville. Illinois. vus iausPmmasv Agi. rau S5*a AiW VlaN jaaasAu QuestioasÉ Titi. ro titroe thinga to aek youruef whea yo entr a stare, laeftieOuality, the Priée.sud fte Service Rightr Our pricu a aro west that oea b. mode, quaity camslderod, 'mmd mmy %( aur cuatomers wlffl el Votu that titi quaity ianfthe higlieut, the service lu as good as comcientiaus wWMmd.pemced holp oa mké If. And amodi er o f aur waym of doing buami ltg urge youo t. bcimg o. sumd bacli mytlilg yu tink l Wren.- The.wcç.t itaSaycu eau do titis M stoe uta b"lumpm timg mat llki, V. itave juWtrecelvod tit e ta styls iiàt Valets &Mroc 50et.SL25. Al yodý Mçplts-la latest deslgm md calorings.Our -shaeu ne Iull af tiie mabiiemut imes ai Pérclm t Ss e s Ii-tsel Tallt et&isfte pomest y.t brougit out. Buy your Gardon Seede lie.'.1: Libertyv.Ille, lliinýis.'