Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 8 Jun 1900, p. 1

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-jAKE- IOUNTY INDEPENDENT,« Vo.II. No.. 35. Libertyville. Lake County. Illinois., F'riday, June 8, 1900. $1.50 a Year-in Advance.- Have Yoti P il The Quest~u Yet? If not, you had better do so at oncet for the most popular wedding month of the year is here. The most popular place to get' your wedding su it or any other suit for fit, price, style and al around good ness is at SANBORN -& CO., STailors and Jiaberdashers. ma tUme. '<biSe."I. i, nua ed j>Iit. lpedy tlg Il hais àtoray, [or ha, MeS f sO wam ola mnover. Pour #.dto lumber tjlie <jCO, 871 ho waferilli disatis. se ail "e ly M. Veil D.eer- Iseran uri»Oha Naper- kireuis .1 afua atis"r. Dr. Charles Galloway. Offlceover LovaiI'sDrug Store MUMS aon ,1 oàA»l4 ?O aP. M. Lbertyville. -Illinois > Or. J. L. TAYLOR. Office ovor Trlggs & Taylor's. -HOt* - 7 to 10 & m. 2 104 sàWd 4. fo5avp.aM. Meaidence on iBroadway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H.O. B.-YOU NG. Physiclan and Surgeon. atmffleu OPPoaITE LEDIASN Orm » LIo. 'û a - ----Y lios Dr. E. H. Smith. 1DENTIST. Office over Laike County j3ank uur%,i %te 12 & . and 1 fo 5p. m. lJA1iY Libertyville, Ill. PAUL MacOUFFIN. itisuuey aud tounselloi al; Law. oTlu iTn LtrE CoITtYBAN1, Lrertyille. Illinois. BENJAMIN H. MILLER, ATTOAt4EY AT LAW, ..IÇERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS. L'IZOH11T I1.O(X. Wi£t T(ND 70 TEiPSOSE 9NO. 24. asUintM COM&CAGO MAX LE BEAU, ne Cigars . . Tobaccos ad Sanolora' MalariaS . Cigar Wholesaie and RetaiL LIBERTYVILLE -ILLINOIS Lao CotyBank, WRdiamTr, DymoNo & CO., Libertyvillfe, fIlinofs. Issues Interest Bearing Certifi- cates Payable un l)emaind. Timothy,, Clover, Millet.1 Hungarian, Recl Top. Blufà Grass, AND ALL MINOIS 0F PURE Fielci &Lawn Grast Seeds .Seed Corn & Fodder Corn Per .65ab ibe.Offlèm Prima hj' SCHIARLE3S STEMPLE, Long Grave., Illinois. Juil- p starvati.lsneyer yet cireal <ys. 1epaia. I'ergoti8s wltbis iîsietiw are uready bhill,tarved.* They need pl-t! o! dwhnlaiome food. -Kodol pyppillire digeats visaI Soliest il) tilt, oly van b. ln<srisied wblle Leth worc mit Iorpins are being renoli- atrtia'old lthtie onty preparation kcuntat illv ilantangly relleve andi conpleteY cureil .tMoAunch troubles.. Tr% l If Son arM anfferfng frnm ln- <iges tion. l wfli- oertaaly do yon gCcd. P. -.B. LovEra.. Libertj vle; "Atm*ai am i», Prns;. - - - LibertyviJe. 11N.1 Doffl et teAosa Ca Sm MIau la iiaeot WaUkfgan May bave one of tise big- gelA demoustratiassou Fouruis0ofJnly Jil hm. ever senu. If proent plana are carrieti Ibrougis, a tuonsanti 0f incle Sama'smail-carriers vli b. isore on &baI day to join las Aie celeb;ralion. Notising dollasle ihas 701 been doue, but Muastay aflernoon a commitea ut carriers fron Chicago, Raine, Ka. nona amindEvauntou met vils a Waukogau d*rier oomsittee, comstat- log of Maers;.y.. Mutmore, Baetiet, iistoveil antiBShober ta taiStise mot- ter over. Tise plan lin te have tise carriers tram Chicago, Milvaukea, -acine, Menosha andi Wauegan jota las tise celebration. Ilftise plasas materlaf île a big parade yull b. held- Jas tise afleraouas. 1fi vaîfmenabout atlboumsdanti ufrmed aou tul ine andi tise lIraIt parade ut tisaikitd lu this sec- tion of tise couaty. Tise aialeissek or aumo. otiser big steamer voulti bring tise familles o! tise carriers np itulise moraslng sud tise aseas oulti coaeup atuon ou pecisi t&ràa. A programn of speaaing, etc., voulti foliovlis te parade. Woodmeu ut Lake Zurichs. Mosday afterasoon tise Lake Zurich Camp o! Motierna Wootimeu gave a picute lu tise grave nItishe lake.. Pally 6452 people tOe e ent in- cluding represenliautve. of Wauasnnta, liarrînglon, tvansoe, Waukegan anti lise home Indigo. Munsie vas by tise liarrinigton bransabondutiandl lhe iheura Pore apeut in gennine, ni fesisiaet picute amusements. Short speeches voeematie hy Mesn. Carr, 0f Waucontia, Spunuer, of LaS. Zurich anti Hon. 0. T. Bey- docker, of Waukegan. Tise picniç vound uap vils a tdance iliste evounug Decision june 9. Jutige Donnolly ii <iVe hie de. claion in tise mati.r 0f application for uev trial for Gea. Kîueger, Baturtiay, June PlIs. Argaitstaere iseard for a ret toi Masy 25th. aStiàJune 24 a i raI net asnlise day tiotanthe Jutige vanîti rentier hie decision. We are anisai- atlvely informedt tist he ntige vili give his dettlsion alurtay, June Plis. Endos-aeti by Democrata. 0. V. OConnsor rocelve th ie endorse. ment o!flise iooue connly Demoratie convention for 'repremenlativo Satur- day. Tlisecatta t ais a mes& spirileti ns, Iaoth 8aide9 dning tiseir aimosi 10 carrv tise day. TIse convention en- doraitdSaniasel Aisisuler, 0fAurora, for goverasor. SELECT'DANCES Uertel'sAurk, Haif Day, Ilifn ois, Every Saturday Wight. Smfi's Ciicage Orchestra Fumulahea fta. Musc. Everybady Invlted. We maintmAisthe. Boua c rdr. Our Gathoriegs are, Cfsie. E. IHERTEL, Meus..... TEfsTAU N4fT COIJISY; Lake Cut aren Thinfi a Farce. Apropoe tise nacmueomenltishaItise liage boardi0f HNalle voultilavaett LakseOonunty thisrpt etftisin monts for tise purporno of M"10in a exaina- lion for tubereions cattie, 'tiairymen lu laverai cections are mubaisagtte. Wierever la a gablsu of formnr tisere You viii ihm thse question tilaseti and but oua onclualo enu b. dedmoteti by tise diatereuteti IlMsener, and. tisaIla tise Imm" ossme tu rouaent sur infiagement of their ricgis. Tisey Invariably regard lise pro. coedlsga se a farce, lise metisatiof teatlngnattfe Injurions sud not tead- ingl10 teemine vilhsauj degre. 0f oerislnty thse erlatenoe o! tubercuf cala. l lia aserted ébtisaatrivial and tomporary aliment la oflen prononnced tabarculoula under tise test lu vogue. Hovever, l voulti aee m auappre- iseanaon on pari 0f fermners ppoeed tu tise test la premature. C. P. Joismen. secretsry 0f lise Blate Board 0o! halls is a atborlmd tise tolloving aiséement relative tlthtiste ia lha een egod are 10 be conductei Aislaiks Couty: Tise Board aof Liv Slock Jommislonerslas flot nov conductImntneyer basmon - dueti or oontsanplated condstioig. mner tise prtenl atatutea -and ttistise aiaifl primifons et coainanut. a crucade luasur setions o!tise Bias among dairy andi tweed- tn# caUle. bavnu for lte parpea. tise eratleiou of tutserauloil..le poler hbant beau o eonlu conduct touts tapon ibrds vison owuers voluntarUy alan appilIctIons for thse tout. magree insroriss lta bide by tise raies of the Bartigoverningthtisaconduol, of tise lest., Continulug BecrturyJoison lu thse mme eommunicstlon Imparla lu- formation relative tc tise lest andI manner o! oonductlng same sure -ta go prove interetlng 10 dasirymon. Ho Tim lm SIlsisature. lu a lause of thse General Appropriation bill. rmieseA ppro- priallon t10lina board. provîding ea<u.per aunuan for para tise xpouos of conduat- ina thse Taooalla Tout and aSIng nom- pensation ta owuers for ouaille destro roi as tise rosauit of snobs te"ta As statoti ahovo. lihe poiler of thae Boardi la andh isau. oom nonîr tet borde visiro application for tise lest ls matieisy tise ovfor. WOiseauanmais Toaa ta th ie tnst suMfclotly go warrant oontioasnation. tiser are» "m lallt adauamnUnetianmalai lm Sept indflntelr la enaratine. apat .roou album amais or b.udasabloreti. AU i *- Mas. tera s m« a 5mm6,apmuaecor an areemenl laoarioestaI tttise over As to e.iisfaaorr hisths valuation. agd compensaton la then matie, aller alastiore asjti .s-mortem examîinatonu of aeob cota. onder tis elésifloaion anti percentagea estlialid.unutiewvisia laisafimUaton andi perdenteausa comPOaoto 0ovmers roaaa fron t ver cent t10ta ver cent of theseiaual or sarted valualos. Lat leu.t hte ver. tested. froin May 17. vison tise vorruasdar tise specaal appropriation was coumsenceti. to Novetuber i. .m isauimala--covs. bulle, fiellere and ases-of vilcisnuber sin rauted. voer ondemneti anti kalasitered- 16.32 ver Cnts 09 tise total âunner tosteti. Anonail tchose teti animais. tharo vaâ but oue isrd Inloed vîtiout tise voluntary applatîc 0f tise ovuer. Tis s aa a isrd lu viaistisere a istdevelopeti positive ovidonae tisaItisoediseano existet iuskis eomitg 10 tise Attention of tiseBoard. made filaicum bent upon tise Boartid takois ation lau tise malter. lu order to uneotise appropriation available durAns sl season. and tas do &Il tise wark possible vIls It. Ift la unuoeesary 10 atteeast ta enforue aiystas tpon uaawiling ovuerg. eluco aor a numiser of niontis.. lie Boartibas beeas Importunoti ta nondascî tests vion hr vero no funds to par tise oeenses or to asecompensation ta ownere for fossee.i Fîflis W. C. T. U. Couvegtion.1 Tise PuIs anuualcouveniiou of Lake Coanty Woman's Christian Tempe.- auce Union. tili beb ein lu urasee cisurcis, 'Pisuza, Joueo141h.rmm 9 a. ma. thraugi tise day anti evening. Onr girteti Stage Prositieut, lie. Louise IS. Rounds vilI b. vils ni, lu lise aflernoon anti deliver tise atitresa o! tihe evouiug. fipeclal munie la b.iug prepureti anti preparationu are Seing %Ma40 for tise grestest couveu- $lea u I Ulhi.tory as Il vii b. ise largas.tastoutiug superinten dents, offleeraanti tilegate sotgether tisere are slzty.meveneutiiedtu t voie anti vo insvite lise public tu attend anti OiseP n u teaJOY tise tast 0f1<o tlige. Tise faroncon wvilI l ie to tu reporta 0f offleers, auperAnlendeute, ana Unions andtihie cnsecration sorvice or oxperience meeting. Ater lise basket lunch (vils visici séte anti, coffee vil b. serveti> comatise efection, severai papers, flloveti by tilauslous, a question box visic i i ls iopedth ie delegales viii genoîonsly fin1 andthie telStisy Mrs. Rounds, and, se thse auclian.bliîssay "aliser tisiga ina numerous go mention.". A Good Ceagis Medilcine. fi speaks veilifor Chantberlai n'a CaugisRmjedy vheu dtiîggiata use la lu liseir ovu famille.@las preferonca tu i any aIber. --I have oIti Ciasbrlain's Coargis Bmed fothlie paa. Ste jeare vils complotesSatisfactiontu my ael f anti Cmnomers,"' says Drnggiat J. Gold.- amitis, Van Etisu, N. Y. ".I have alvays used t lainmy ovu farily bath for ordluary eougiss anti sodesandifor lis. caugis falaowing la grippe, anti Sud t Vary eMincaeium.' For ale by F. B. Lovura, LibertyvIlle, J. a. BuÂou53., Guule, o(iiEAàLxE PUAS- xàoTr, Y. L. Wsvuas(Ax, Rockefeller, ENCOUMTER ÀA IAN SINI( ROLL. st. Pnul Cdmamy's Truck@ Tlsreateu to ni» îta o WheeArs ers1. Thse latter part of lut teeS juat Atter a iseavy trais at passeti over tise st. Paulitracts on tise new exten- @ioni vere t cramas thse Wieeier fartiser. vai sumnited i ieavel on the moutis ide 09 lthe trucs: anti a orrleaponding tiepréatioîa oflthe rmadl betI. A great ejais xtendlu# a isuntreti feel paraSSeS vitti track vau ta be »saan t i t îlbottonsWutaister. Tise fence aloni igist-of-way vau lhrovn out of flie wviie tlae rails vere tu tise iape of a ieteS. A large gang 0f Mnas aset to work t"«tlllng lu'"sd repaitring tise damage, but vithout *avai se tise tracS con- tInuelteii nsu. Il is agobe dowu three fetnmsrnenigiste *lways vils tise oed 0t f ealargiug and exteasding tise crack along aide of tracS, notîil nov la ove. àte> feetlalulenglls. <ver 1000 car loada 0f <civel ihave lst'u dumpeti its tieseink, only te disappesar andi asother crack hm. opes ioas nortis ide of track. Tise esytis vii la forceti up on either aide of road beti by siaskiug of tracS lis of pecullar ainre Recoinsg b constiat o1 a PartllY carbonizeti vegtalejssteraiandti outf dtrieti make goond fuel. Whsite lisetrack hisae eased 1 siaik In au alarliasg degrèe. et tlsere i. a gradltepre.aion wicl as yot tise large gang f 0fmou vorking iaseessausly, have fatiedte 10 cieoi, lllsoaiglstrains continue 10 OPerate over th isalask andi gravetinl being dumpeti tMure Iby tise train Joad. Want Use of Miglaye. Tise Waukiegan, tory Lake & Wetern Electrie railvay obumayproposez 10 bave ie lne lsrgolY upoas ity anti country higisvayl4 t lb. requisi$e permiasioncMn b. lecureti. Appiea- lion viii b. amodea SIrI eek lu tise countj' boardi of aperrisora for rigisl- of-vay. Tise line sa now projecteti rua wtaInluWaakisiaglas treet rom tise business couler oi Waukegan An Dulienber-k'a ouebi5OiN liace Isorias 10 lise (forem roadlaitIs iruua votb ie O'Plafl e. roint lere 10 Druie. lake ig l vl have a privai. righl.og-vale Froan Drue. hate it vilBrou nontis lau tsa rod to J. H. Bonner t Ilue îhaose lots te tis LaS VillaantiFoi lake rondi long visichi lpropose. 10 proceed An Foi L.ake. Il VitI ie >?easilenly a lake lino; slartisg nr Lake Mitiisu lu Waukegan, il son sU-air tagea laite, nr Druce, Tiird, Fourlis, Saud, Crôokei, Deep,-Cedar sud Fox laea. Tise flue nesunls usfar plasns.l la 25 miles Jousg. ___ 11dm'! Pan aOut. Home lime sinse taispubllised tu tise INDECPENI>ESST aRla er relative go Abat. W. L. 1'audy, Iheuen wrvio bas luteresled msny Lake County peo)- pIe lu hia enterpria. 10 manufacture brlok vilisost bnruiaug. Tise com- muasicalion va@s solj<-ted In mscis censure ai tise Lime by admirera of Tandy. Our reatiers wuli reas mber tisat au account tas asenpaiblIsusÉetof a Meet- ing hein Mercis Is ian tise Serman Houç, Cisicago. Tus crowti.composed msiiy of LaS. County porians, £eV. W. L. Tandy, uufolded hie plana. Everylhiug seemeti perfectlË plain andte teibloantian election Oo afiera took place, Mr. Tandy Seing elecleti prealdeul. incorporation pape r. vore secureti anti tise enterprise Snoot as "-TisefIll- inois Stato Manutactasrang Company" 0f Delevare vas lauised i vilsa capital of $40,000. A site aI liay City, Micis., vas se- cureti antihoseeise 10 lntustry vas lu b enesablisiset. Notiaang bas ever yel corne o! tise malter and I ov tise iuvestors are voasteriaag there anti vison tiey are tu gel retaraif. About a dazesi mon frmais i connly viso hati purcisaset couNsderablo stock ver itincO t 0t o lBaY City anti prepaIre 10 puaistise prasiect. Tisey gaotishere, vorketuAfor a moulls andi are nov ie.viaag for home, tisaI le, thse visa have maoey enongis 10 transporitisbem. Tise mou devoied ÉIheirtLime ta cul- lag a roati up a high blutf, andi vere aisrotipaymessi of!wtoeson May 101h andti Aica a monîfs aforvarti. Na prymeint evei cames andtihie mon, gittinsg oo! t fnds blgan ta maSo lnqulry. Tisey wve.met wIV" prom-. Ses viîcsnover maierializoti Ouf y persona vso botiglît stock toi. givoas empinymenl andi il vasexpecteti Part Of tiseir toges vjere 10 ho aplsiet esais payday onsIhia stoek. . C. Rl. Turk anti sonc, of W&aakogan returasetilamItanek frana Bay City. Mir. TurS vhs, i-a a ta'kisoltior anti vfeut tise.te, orS Afor tise Company, lu anIn Aterviev,sMlid: . .W, vent tise, 1 v<rkvi ista h assurance of <004 sauges. W. nover Sot a ceai anti al] I batleS alter vorking a mentit vas My tes. .1 moldti 5.anti viltisaI moîsey tisugist 1 bit botter gel bacS bhtime isile 1 Could . 1 don'$t sut in say 100 liucis, but 1 viais 1 coulti oeil my lisroo osre. foi about tisree ceasts. Nearly. everj- bsody visa veut up Ihere la braSe.'1 0t Course liseprojet Imy b. aII r1gist àlbloms, but Mr. -Turi<a stote- UlIf la nIndication of Wb"at ay oo*à~witm hla o! il.. jont I al doubt oui gond faits anti abUAity tu cary tisragh liseenlerprise, thoenlise franchise la nui andthie Village ha. lait natig.", A rumor lascaroant tisaitishe vacant brick faciory au tise Ijudicat. properly ls 10 b. utillueti s a àpover honueanti car barnuiAthtie rondi mAiertaliEes. ThI. ls deuleti, iavever isy au. visa la ou thisaide vo doduesro a paver isouse in la b. erectod ti ILibertyvillo. I& la asnteratood tuat et Lake Bluff lthe proposeti oieclrila istacrama undor the Norlistesteru liacka anti a Joint dopaI la tu bc ereceffl, tise -oieqtiic compàn7 to une tue haussent or underground portion andtihie Naitiswoern tise rooms above. Tise depotlo-a proposeti go bca iulil ou a maguniltat amie.. Wootimen Memorial Buaay. Headi Consul Norliscoti Se.laiuti a proclamation tei.guatlng Bnntiay, Joue 17, as a Wodmen Moemorial $un- day, visen, by virlue of a clause lu tise by-lavsa atopteti et tise anuan City isondicamp meeting, ail membera of tise aider of Wotimoltart urget Inl mako arrangemouta for nome appea. priaite exorcioes, lise nature of! viic aisoultihoie theiecoratiln of tise gravea of doceusd etinghbora, munie anti atidreases lu regard 10 oaticdraft. A Monater Devil Fis Deatroyttsg lis vAdtim. te a type' b! constipation. Tise paver of tis mai- aty lis feit ou organe. serves, muscles anti bralu. But Dr. ing'. Nev Lite Pillaq are a raie -anti certain cure. Boal in tise orîi for atomacis, liter, kiti- noe anti botela. Only 2i6 conta at A. B. Lovuiù Libertyville, i0. B. Reparle&sov tisaIover Il! bea fiaudret iilve. have been aavodt irougis Aise use o! Ou. Minute Coanh Cure. Mont o! tise avrs un o1grippe, croup. setisma vwbootuag-an.brou- obtsM anti m= sO ia. î mi17 *as preve on1um . B. Lovwa. TanSheSe We attribute our Oxtra large trade:- in tan shoes-ihis spring to the ex- cellent ïquality and appearance of our goods together with the low prices that have made. our black shoes popular. Mie grades begln wîth au l.foêtssoft ided shoe at .35e Chlitan butona4 ires 2 t05, per Pair .............-%& Chida ton huIt..with pring heel mires 6 fol. -...... 6Se AnMes on accerdhâg te quaity «%d alze. 75c. 85e. $LMO, S1.40 and $165. In Women's Shoes-.mmm&zn Ve sel Oxfod,, pet pain S2,00, $150 and.-.......51$l0 Fine Kid sho.,,S2.Ote------------$3.00 In -Men's os-Mmioý 'W. have rnany grades& per paW .S 2.00 t -------3.00 Sires te fit any kwo-teicemte pim a iL eNew COmp iOmaled-Will Operate lletwen Lke Bifuft and Llbertyville tTise Cisicago, Fox anti Gene,. Lakea rElectie Railway Compay le tise appeltou of!Obmev Organisation ln- rcorporateti for thse purpose of building aandi operating aelecîrlo rondi betwe ILake Bluft sud lbertyville, or at 1 e..t tisa ln in be thse crIent of tiseir epropomed Ufne at present. BTise incorporators are F. V. Biaaell, .Olayton Cunningham, Cisarlesa . HiAi, BK. S. anoms, Albert A. Peterson and 5 eorge 1). Bala, ail of Chsicago, Andi lise capital mentiqneti la 1100,000. H3ovever tise lDcOrporators& are flot in tact tise projectora s a inofen thse cma. Tiso men reafly behindth ie iproject are W. T. Eaton, of Chsicago, viso a uPredent of tise nev conapasy iandi a number of Chsicago capitaliste f isoni isehma. aboiated vils iself. TalE PEINAR? @5J50T. 1J ust hov an electric raond botween 1tise la"easore andti laeryvile eau bc imade in pajo oôuid ba praticai bam iseen a matter of muais, conjecture among itiamna seroaebouta. However tishe projection@ are confient. Tisey >aaart tsat tise obJeci lof thelins viii 1be tu counet tis e s re eat te.. 0f niirmdanov operating betwven Cicago and i lvaUke, nsraly: Ti Chsicago k&Northsvmtern, Tise Cisicgo, 19lvoukteà K t. Puani and tise Chsicago & Milvauk Ea leo«rJo. It la reseon- able &0 preaume a trame arrngement l isohpeti for belveen tise. roade andi thse one 10 ibe haut. Furtiser tise gentlemen, or nme of lsem, interealeti la the.enterpria. in quietion are alsoo ry matertafly ilteela tise Libertyville gravai induatry. Wits a rondti 0tise late asore At voult b. poSsible 10 aip tiseir gravai 1te10,51. and i otiez be- Iveen Chicago andi Mulvankssefor sireet purpoqe andi grectly, enisance tise value 0f tieir graveiladuatry. TEST JÉRAS »Massan. A francise vual Sikof!tise Liberty. Ville Village board I onday lgist, graatllsg a rlgist-f.ay tisrougi tise village, onsmen.Amg ut «Mnaim1t11 aloaak Broadway atreolt tu Milvankss Ave. ad ntio.Mvanhe. Ave. #0 nev at. Paul depol. A permit tu lay doubie tracka vwu aaked. To tiemoqatrate thoir gond. faitit thsee omaffy -vIr willinga amas mbc smertedl a tran. chine requiing tise. 10 bave par- chasetilandi peitifor aIl rlgisiof-way belveea Lake Bluff manti lertyviüe witisin .1117 day, ezoptng anly aacaees er. It vous ba necea- sary te contiemu. Failure t1 0 do woulti forfeit tise franchise. Tisey furtser agreed in bind tisemasvea 10 have tise roand compieted sud ln operation vitit one year. They do not propome 1 msSa dollar fromntise village or bser cÇisena but voulti pay for &U righit-ot-vsrY. Thse Village boardti 100 lie malter under ativisement anti vi i 0upon sanie al; au atijourneti meeting called Friday uigist. A gentleman iloreeed lu tise pro- ject sai t 1 a representaUve of tise INDEPENISEIIthat il a&franchi.. la grantet hrougs Liberlyvillo Aise roAti ua abs assuredtatl. He snid: -"We mean u uiess, and a"k notising more lisas tise privilege 10 lay Our traitkaan requesteti. If etishe endi of ixty deys va bave flot demonstratei be- 'rnsn. nW. These prices with Departn Store Prices. 24 i"hWaret h.porvSyad ................. S 12 26 - - - -- u... ....... 28 -o - ..a............... 14 30 32 O O O O e 16 17 34 s» o .. » .. .. . . . . . . . 36 o - . . . . . . . . . . . . . l li lTlck Sm= e. ....................... 75 80e ai 14hma ECam .........................12S R1db8 CultbvâteM. $16»00 te.................. 24.0 The. bout dlmply of11 d Gamoline Seeee own il, I ville ut Pd=osLi Lam tii. emegoda i These prices are for cash. Ail goods book.d wfnl be 5 per cent, more. LliBERTYVILE. ILL. Il HAVE ON N-ANJD I The Iargest stock of Single Libertyville. Ee hw Genuine Rubber Trimmed, Braga, Trimmed,, Nickle and Davis Rubber Trimmed T . .. 18,00 TrO 25.00 S$19.00 TO 20.00 7.00 TO 12.00 8.00 TO0 14.00) ALL GRADES OF HARNESSES AT ALL PICES. A FULL LIN£ 0F SUMMI3R HORWBLANIkETS. Chas. aier LIBERTYVNLLf - - IIIIN' RECOMMENDED apd QUAR >1 MI- B I~y Kaiser Bloc k, oe anti a anti n aur Dé aur aniks,. id dia- of 2:14. rdi 2:18. -Nanti e4 end taoN. mon ôt Nous£ émeuALamigoa Nov. 80154 1WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. e i Id' rd 09 b - . -..-w Ion E ads-

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