Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 15 Jun 1900, p. 7

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Ipt ra t h e a or il--1 9 end.uvcmovtd 1always reitOfOts color to gray of fadd laW. Rein y ou f ywta; don't Wlookold- efor vour time. E. Hauraves. Mozvleb, N. T, USa. LIa Unies. ne la te Mt b&- 94 f« 17 »M Ptev fod ma 9 Se atta at" ne of- -Ne tm ma ieta itel F 5.J.l esitimaTame 4140T 4&s Pl tion OEPUTY SHIRIFFU. nom ti», pnna Wotefl iL O Pl fixe sule th Uloti orSdrker~s ed or=* bat- stbisero-lliY liaiDey disthe tiect at, D" Trouble. lug andi 'aourtot dan Os f&tal i aot elereit &,ue verely hurt, tour oce tianllet by druea- On e aud tic lemporarr diestuliig Ot im ro car O lI irire cutueStai up tle T suite of1Hiay's etrike tiOting etat- i.tai ie. A hutmdtdinalpient ilotsec Wl tofflby tbe Polce invaios at fbl tva bundreti strikeraal cmplaurtire tieplly mierolait apDitebe bAttIclie ,Weelilgtcu avenue, neat mxli a treet, ne< 'beart Ofet S. Laula. Tbs us ctriiereaWl sis uulftneOai c"tduct.t5 and MO- ti tl m, v.rereturuluf tram aa meeting Ilugo ut ist'Lau!, Tlyiaicse" up Wal- me «t« avenue viii a baud ait their brati.Re ha &«rTson ai eputIes appeateti ailie aul *g doolr of uheir b=aricst o vwt-be f tO uldc. A crowdti aembled ti i ach cor- nL or te vaslit. Tin mmebodtitlre &10 ai ,u itrouogh livntiow Of a&Lindel! tel sua. car thast va. àPaulinh. - Csît AI; Fbster of liaePirat regimeut, Maeuri 0 atioasiGuarti, tuaiedt th e - hotlaV masisth l mn W ho lirov lie brick. iha lpt, Weh5ter hait is rePaI tlg ag.înLa &hlé hanta, sud ast ha appreacb he c N gr traci. Il a biots reaounded, nm if ' ymiluftrams lie rani. ai tiie mrchidl4 <ýA T1head cloppeti plsyîung Insautîr. Aan pntr atLauding an tle sîdevalk t-oike llierate sai th e pistOI shooter att LId egau te tire.Iumu unianitii th e l . stimulaift-iera vaes an the defenalve. P >nst-cae e.travo andtih-e mon bachot. P ,ou lie nanti sîdeveik. wvict-bey emet prepue tu - do battle. Tic aber- *o lh came rumhing pelI-sueii trant the han- acàt le e outi sidevalk ithi 11iKI viapona atiy. but lot tirte ralon a eiliet OP- Mul Tiensmamehodi standing biut he esubaît-let minierls fit-et Ire aboID lci suceeelen aIetichegraup af teputt. , h. ild lhée rempanse va. a as et ofiot-gil Intonations, tiatput lie st-chers te ati- est immedbsal,'filgil aentibreagit à11 Nyti ar many liauaantis nuahiug lovant ba-tee ofetbat-tic.P Wiet t-he street car meu ras avaY fourm ay de", Oponli te sldevalk. liont of t-be Spuiea firet i ilsbanditic glans fronts et tle et-t-can ou lb. nantiside cf lic n ohcet acre baiteted. -U 1Tiectfiel tiat lie strikars via acre i cnet bal anîr pistalei.nlaspposec t t. icouant for lie tact liat Dosetimaicm 'are bit- it la net inovubey -Dala Strict acre vaundeti, buttlie satt-or- 9- Ig efcect oathle bucisiol tram lite tepu- a aes' repeatens le suppose tut bave InJut- , i id min! abo escapeti ln lie hantito-hanti mee viliefliaveti. Noa tII tie epulti.m me lat lie strlhers acre lu full retreat lian t ler ciarget tisettram th pear, clubbing tlir tousA"uteallng P loas lic telsvia nesgstadtheliairge. >..uliort pistoi abats unarkedthle reatca9 or liee tnikera, andtihtic eputies ahan- doued putsuait tfer drirlng lic rioters ira. blacks lu ail directhans. FuIr a maunâtod policemnii itinrawn PilatasetL- rived oautle cente te. mInutes aftet-chle a igit andtihti at-rects leadiag t-aaithle t arracha acre qolekir placet noter Il uarti. Many acaîir Si. Lealsans acre 0 la lic sqund abici fougit: le riaters. i A traii cf bloati maried thle retreat ot 1 lie cttra, s.andti ire tene no ut lat i Mryver. holtiret aie Preferre tutese- Il capa railertlitas fail hala Lb. baud. Ofc tho sothoritica. Deputire, ioacrer, cap- s bret ixteen prlsaners. I"et of et ln t.8 the uniformaet rettcar men. The prie- c merts acre led Jo t-be basement of tie 1 istracis. aici ln a vacant st-. aiirectîy ih oppossite the Lînleil Hotel- 9 IProm mialguma andi piatoascutout 200 s @huterre fit-cp. Iiuring tic figil creas i of paseinu c'car% hich atarteti t-hotrouble abandanet thein cars ant ieflor n sfelî. VAN j-CK MAY BEt OUSTEO. 9 Implictiolanh. ietlcTruai Cae- au- ses li@ Poslllou Tic AmericRU lue Company cf New York. poptilt-ly kuaon a.lhic e trust1 annauncetd in Mai hhatth lictie of ias comnodtily ietejatter vaulti ha 60 ceaIe a hunirced poundli. Thia vas anjomeame ai a single borîad aif'30ceate. 'niera ans intimation tialt-tbe prico tiighi go higiier betore th Desuti as aver. Tic reason girvuwse s carcily ofi1r. Tut. peu- pie inca hatlr Ihan Ibis andth -e pu4Uei press a,;anee rlaiteti il, svoicinlat-eboi- haIt.'ret-ll tbis bt-en a Sigbt in lie courts aven lie niglit ot thI" ecorpora- tion te da business in lisi, tate. It bu. Inralveti tic M1ayon orthle city anti ot-her officiai.. aa wel as Proiimllent cilli-fis nt hoblig office. Tie oulcoube tanssi ll te future, but tie clatili is madet hi soute ai t-be taily tapera lia:ttre vii ha.ano let- UP lu tic figit outil IMayor Van Vyc; bas gît-en t ie 10oftice andtihle ttlit oui- Siset-re lenticilnluthe traitentluty- Tic. American Icp Company iwa% lacer- pot-at-et lu Maine. By purteli5e or otier- ,vise Il ucquired oanereip cf sailie Ice rompalziea et ani- caaml.ut-nee toing busi- unes luNew York Cluyand walu a to- sillon ai tie openiag ai tiheacaont-o due- tmst pt-ires. Meantime lie court avue calleti upan Mayr Van Wyck anti otier city officialis ta shieab hiaut iglitloy parehalle anti hait stock in a compas»' vulci ba@ a na- uapoly oailt-a produtithl le city -trht lier represesî. Thc Mayrcalec ià la-- volenlut-he inqutrY as ta ýrhy be tar- orat oniginainlite cautrel at certain lochs@irby telir. but fionlîr vetoeti a leffisiativo ibill ecoins tis contrOI, tleB. dockss melutIme, sa. la allegeti, havlng bren- lesaieltu theliece truat. lHe aiea msaailo, it i. ciarget, aicure thte grecter pettoetbi Stock. Intert lu t-be inud&titleeniers ciefiyaronth le Mayor. '. nie M&yot'm l>eIt»ge inuthe trust, ac- eoe' tlug t il.estlmoi t.n court, are d,»00abat-e., lie pst value oaic in l lInosthe investigat-ion berna the -trs uttybus tr-oppodth le price ofteIe tra COuent4'a haisredti t 40. It bas been eivit teIe eau ha SoltulitNew Yark i it-y of »M0, bai everytblng la readi- vu à; practieilly, for the. 'quadrantilaime îering of ths Bepulcana of thei. ltit-tî liates. tndme eiau of the date la ýd for lie opcing session. Idvan au*adaIl tie auxlom momentsbi nding the preparatiaits fer lie vos etofttheRepublican hattseto ov qer - 1tic clty ia drssaîng up ttéscive 1di ts mis. Tiie magnfient conteèntiez, hall. DM tic weat bauk ofthle Scimyllil rive?, etc complete i ecry 7det-il. rio ho slot-n ceutet-oa. tho convention be- y en lichess"ions viile liehefiotl! It-on, et Broati andi Luonit strete. At it hotei t-be uational caniuittee vIll 'e Iz heatiquarters. aoccupying e fit-i ean. 'Tie Walteia c vihe ? eampiiig groundsl ot the Uoine, Cou- la ticut, Nov Yok, Ohia.Michigai, Cm ecansin andtissomucri StaIe toga- p u. Tic vic-présîdontl booms oft ti ai as af iieme States viii alto fmd laige- th t t lic Wallon. 'National Chilman MO sna anti Secttar Dicit viiioccupy UV tem af racinaset the.Belerue, a block )m the Walt.n, along viti Senat-or >dge of Masachusetts and tit-er leati- IRepubicans. At lie Lafayette Ha- ah ha bequarteredthticdelegatip u r m &mku, Indianua. Idaho. Minneoai, Nev th reY. Ithode Island, Souti>Dakota sadntie glula vhile tle Continental Rote! viii tise tic Alabama, FPolatIli.,y 1s, Kentucky, Kansas, MMrylnt. h, rti Dakota, Terme anti Wyomng con.-ex igenta. The Stentos vili eue .fer t-hoea >rada. Delawiare, Massemsoatts and vw Mexico delegatlonm. West Virginla a t 'Nebrana have engagot rorna et the ,rattord and Tcemesee, Calfornia andi uiinua viilboIt forth t tii. Bing- ia %m Hanse, w lhe convention hall la locateti laiWest b iladelAlia, close ta lie Unvrtyltofià nuylvania's gcroup ot buildings, and jlate ze ast-ont-hait mles tram tie national )mitite.hendquarierw andthle btel strict. The es ing capaclty 0of lia dldtng in cloue le 16,000. PEL PILAR l8 TAKSN. Ilipab Ltastes'CaptuffI tir Native PolIfr Near Naulia lianila atices cay liai li»atsarep- e have captured thle notorlonqe rebal ýen. Pic tel Pliar, at $an Pedra MactLt uer bas long heen lochet apon a. lia 1 asnt demperte anti uucouprômamlg of ýe Vi'llpino geueraim. Hé leet-eut dbatet a lite Amoicane, anti, exceptiu Agui- à aid, ha. matie more trouble to, lie i ltet States troupe tia auy olier ai e rehal leaders. H la a mas« ter ertiia vartarc anti banduat ie troupe iti vontorrul cî IIY operatet la th ie îlulait ofthe .a tuai de Bay anti long the Pasig to-. 'art Manfla. Nexit. Aginado Pia tel fiear va. alit tnit livgreatet enfer ai lie InsurgeaIs. H. vas tleir et genetl anti organiser sutdvms ai- ayn In thieldt the cheat of ie men.1 'LAN REPUBLICAN PI.ATFORM.L imJeet l il tla et a Dinures tlra by @emater Homme. The Republican national plat-fa-m wvas >ut-ineti et a dinner rIves hi eatar tanna iu Washngton at-rday nlgbt. tu mtended biy ocher leader,. h vi» lelare liai lie InsurrectionIn th e Pbll- ippines bas been stampeti eut. excepting nertilla vartare. anti civil gc'vernnni ait estg alhaeti; congrtuai. Partta tico on territorial govrment anti Ha4 ra Il an annexctlon; comment McKin- Wy' aadministration a au hroubhrAmri- an anti preaperefle; dectare ornfglti istdarti, tartradnetleu et var taxes; auffirm Mere. doctrine: adrlse vlgor4 us fareiga poileraud constructiou of 'icaraguan canal: condemnntratm at, Inarme legislatian passed by gouae; te- adirin protection sut recipraclty policlaa., and teclare Cuba viii ha given freetaut auso na n s.. -tOOS EAT A MANL ALIVE. County Reode tn lovanDiensn bereti ir Perciue Bratas. The bodiy et former Canniy eccarticv J. P. Suttinan cf Gruntir Ceunirvgas found ln a bot Pen ai Gruntir Center. bathy muilated by t-he avIne. Hoeiied attemple to ta iun the peu, batllden la a feint andthle animaIs quchir trippe« if bilsclotbing anti bd ademuthe face au unrecornirable mass. Wieu Mie. Sut-man tounti ber tatherm bodyr h vas partly dimmeathaeeiandi vas Whalar tr gcd hy tir hoga. tIraugi lie oRfal ofthle pen. Saîlman lefI a large tamlly la ratier poar creuinstancea. Veauivios ia sgain violent. Barnumn & Bailey's show l la Berlin. The Germen guaboat Sucie bas <ans e South Âmerica. Landonumanufactures $10,000,000 vworh of untireluas unnualîr. Tic Get-maEmperrvill recelve lhe Cet-mavet-rans of Brocklyn_ Thora vii! hcanauInternational publii- ers' congre«e in Leipsic next jear. Transporta Flint-ahire adLogaare takilg ut urecrulta for MacArthur. Alilbrancheo e iaruy etvice vere la action lu the Kaser'&shmiam hattle.  homh vas placeti under the cardage of a Parisien bunker. t did nat ex- plate. The statue of Ger-mania at Berlin vas decoatid by Germen soltiers frent Bt.- <ou an the Rhune. Tue Ainoican flag i le be flean an Eiffel Tover. lu Paris. aes gtoken oet4t trimntliueof the tva republica. TuLe Merseey Dock Board of Liverpol L-- lAcidet te spntno arîr $2,000000 la A S5OOUP!.-AUTHUN. ,"ý calià vel-Uunbaok dMM- r,"tba goutleman vbo laone et i« nauaccimsftil tars of the. dey. suppase ha bas matie almont as much bmer as Kiplng-*-eniia emare, ,for là vans bhave a petit le.] largei sale aot i 1mentinbis naine yoaultiw dl meay7mnavt boardi afIt, at lasat et in conection vîtu letters. Ris ury, vhlcb I happes ta knav, la Cu- toe an t tutratng A goot nmny «na mgo bho ysg ivalceclerk lu a big tnt atiglasa jqFi., vieii Il oôeur- eI t. hlm do g0* wp a. paintera' min- el' or collet ion t tetnulacl, tabbes, oiipuq, & sn «S , i« value ta workmlen t e buiss.u **.A rliedithé dita î-0 au! sorts et -a-c0 antitalked IL iblihert" 889900 ~id Ont Ou a ror- ity. iltvas a UInderIflttu. velum. ib moItifor 50 CeMie.anti, haing a- Me1 f unl tof oouton of preetical, "'mi-day uUtthy,'id proveti an S ans soca. apublieher coun'1 Mit futet ano#4g?, antialtboulitia ise 1.%otiier iazâlllbave sIn*$ce garaIDL la ali. aa tdy seller, eud the royalty noieef51. tiMer a tbou- unId a rear. ,,Whounlbe matie tbot lncky bt ith Vonng ma» quit oierifing anti turnsei bit attenttion t. getting up mimila amaIl varie of retecic. fHe prapar Id a bantibao*fouralga vrit-, -amti c for carpaistere, apOtiet fer staus ma, mna, StUUianoike for fa. fitlarg. am -biit 1 csn'dbogie te remlember tieu &IL ot cauma. hl bev odilnf pa wally about many af those trae.. but hiesaunti commue ne e .ldblu hutms&, amt lia or vas antirll se of jutiilonm empiati- Moreare be alvars angagati a practical vork mia t. go ave ltb.annmcjpt M iva hlm mnggestafl.àod atlvIci baeso t vent t. the prlttàVAll Of lies. lit "s bak er.sudoost nI.anti semfac be ave b.ée*Vavised anti - brougii mp-t.-date ha"lt}B Uies. InAUad ton te abat 1Ibhaire hgonMat.h ho publiabed alot oPiers - onTAXI- trae taplc.Ou. the môat proflti ble vaa àvet-pockeLbookiof bond tarte for mecbsi4is'Il a. t-hea malt et neyerai year collection of otid &B nti soa rain m$ilnes. nevepapal a"d techlcal iouq Le heevt vauuti@se a paralpih af spécilatesi est t.e a vorkbitig inilie o oul eut It Out Nov if va>ultibe a tecli far removlng ru# tramn toals, an agaiu, Saine »W rmetiad cf keeptil lite tram alpptaf. andi at las i ha h enougi materlal for a volume fleai ne li hhm ovet $MM 00proft "At présent lm lataiur thîng eua but lie pln for tw»De. lHe tolti me in th. rare tbat lhe ivugolng te vuTke =roieos SOMacSealie campletltia asf maie?',guide diiilhe has an tl «tockg."-Nev Olisana TImes-Den, état lrge Canadiean Famille. À nOepuoer et Québec iateiy told, dis marriage of a IMontre.] ltwIdw vii tyciree to a Quebec vliov vil ulevqa Chiltren, sud tliabrongbt c tram a correUpotlitt a blgger stai It loa t Saon erso Louis Lei long, of St Rend, talter oftwel ablidren.' marrieti Mm&. Letaurnel mllter et tvelve. 'rur vere vî ta-ta people, anti unit-et their proge. under ose roof. The regl#trar cf t titetct tattae t ruthbetftlic mis murtat ays thtibe vas the noti &dtfristi of t-he couple, anti "at t weding lfdianer 1 nay the tvoentY-c cillltren istetetathe cbridai table, a bappr at belng united la one tain]i AIl ramaginoti togethier under the pi entai roof for sonie yearm.anti ne' va.the palce and barmany of t] patrlamica dwolllog disturbeti troublas betveen parents or chiltiro He tala boy, an-- hy on.the t-ver tour cilltren marro-ti, "ta create où f.5iileu." ati to-day lie aId cot Byve lu comfort and! respect In thbe Uase of stHouri. The 0.14 Motdai 1',ize Treatta., 01 25 Louis. paes. viii uga !bu ~cents, in paper co Oliil, fouI, 5î$.oo 'ymail, MalS. AÀ b for vry mau, yoogunx md..l.-ged or old. mi lcutluis. No.4 Bliü:î.,iSteal hnoteon, mi lhsOldqeiandbasilstituteLa ArDenle. P polo. Vade Nuasfrr. 1Six oeatiforpoit, rietod= forthlb,*& -Tb.yaroaei lalu , happum. The. Cool Debtor. Thea Dan-I callid ta se If you Ci apilt!. t t ittlc account ta-day. 'nhe Debtar-teahy. do Yeu ina, uai ru are the mnoatmartus ma ave iune..Te tiiu ouabouldti se mncii trouble to filduti ot mch aIl1 ting ae tbat.-Boston Transcript Moire lieboa.]. oaci day. lu 09 ta @ . ieaily tala is ecammar. à egentl en the ilver atd i iltiasUt sich bs.deeie- Prie.25 asti SOc- The Qusm an t-he pases« Or f an Seh best.toeiatiplanas ltheti. vald tu a ulagaitcent Geai-glatie, made. aAmbolua vo<. There amial i plaNasla ber varions piluces. Hal.Caiaiab 092s. Bucela'n Trees. ]au»asla Europe han a toreet arej about M0,000,000 acres. One-third du. aountry Io tarent. voud my. grianlagiel ectr1. lc powr, btienBoot tt. he . au tb dolega tacinl godloa la the t appeara thatuetInlafli puet ai t otile vewm" r paol sarthoof tor vo lti a t. eeti aInve fW ngt a. «flnntd a pointUon lch tua treendm Hei ikele @ant.vaiciaionseb, aihiten u'esftdtg ratc, CIii a ul fti be eti. it venu SUIt ag youn tinay a vl aveha t yte diodsa." tin vmrld dandct aine laabeut t. lOt erate ftre. un tiret milda. gi Aee Ien lada vt utinet ral, Up I mak i. sIn paro achîne«a" bsenapeti tr t«e woud recelvet abaau teagrigel. d Artrinaponear, Phteix ti lg e !!roi. gaatiin l dthe geerts îey "ar o o thoudbei fe Cer o ahigo b nrnela pit on abuie "tiionsat ormo I the lthey vder e ou garbe in machin or i.ta maticu or olatea.het eer suare fot vetaurface a. Fou mahcsah, tibaveiactr oi thraowgo." t t hotteti ats.n aabthUte tieo hnb WfmisPte hie voIre pou t.omaent appatria, tatoe ofehihe pwer t macins npf ,a enaper sesandte. anrceeto ti abaet bt gr. an iznycsvater eugPhtaixgand ai ellsTOD bmatltea ynr enev c &a t a l tonner. andt urgle out: la"t. man? "*Gr-t.r-gr-uiil 'a its trEverYbady kmaya vhat a tranisfor- Jone&-Neverot uvbis equa li *', Thi a a.eeo.muei. a. vitiaut ex. mai8±onl alittho vater makee on a dem- jami 1ke a char.. ception, the. lads tiropp te i basinf and art, producing an osais ot tropical ver- Omlth-llat IvasnaIl r the DOO boltati. dure, ville aU beyofld tua vwatered i cloutht charmne seldom r* Tii. doctor bealln t inaaiair ot ever .paa. itu deaoiation antideatii. Tt la jouem-Wel1. Fou boarcwhat 1tM, gettlng a aultable hlpantie nti! a tualaly oc expensive t. tdrill veUla anti gaal boy «a. pum~p the. ater on à desert thast it Aft«te onit apoanfal the akel.ton dmca fot tiay te reclaini the vaste land. je&-i cm% 9appeareat t. , But If tiie overabundance ot somahine haant bean marrieti long aS& !lm 'Gr.t--u-r-brl That. h otr' 'bu the. tisertconu ha utilime theti.prah- r-al1y pretty. Siiovalngtt the alting grue! as bm la solvati. mcieTe@@-Perhapa melle nis 1 U* tantan eaver, dthe boy rapçnidb.he litb. Calver'smacieconaiata of a matchiea hbeaxty-PhllatiMh aIltilmpatientiy retorteti: mt of big mîrrors andi loe...s by whlch I"Well, jIat lov o't, y. anîti bonlyr hai focuMés tiie-un raye as a boydo A SENATOR'S LglEttý Thietioctor engagedthe lad u tiievtb a burning glass. The buat vblcb r spot. cmn hagenerateti hy Mr.Colve's ima- ___ __ __ bie e aw lto beequi to funace Peruna as a morve and k. lgaveai $5 a Plece. tor a 00-bar., pover bolIer. L. gMM ae Mors dla i .London Witb auch a power sa. thla avallable tarrh Tonis-W , l alk d iqN hnramerketi a traveler the otb- vherever on. e.. ltî to et op him plant ofthe,. W0li. » r day. SMee . oet expansive cigat ii je sy ta @en boy vell-drilllng andi r- h ave ev«rmm exposei for mis conte vater pnmplng cma he dons con a large a,1i. vierea a Lanuà 1bave fre- ocle. Geologiasahava tounti lu recent a qunt1Yy men them of go fine a grade as yearm ttat our gotheten demerts 1710U $1 cml l h ePestutrOf $250 be- hava almost numberleas cutafl.n , foe Fou 009» émuole a., aMi cîgarsstreame fioving at deptiia varylet k.conting $5 apieca bave boon oItinla ram tven±y-five ta 250 tet lielow the. bd Londoan, but aly In lock.anti ner dry, parched i malfaeeoftbte eaxth. 8o * iy eagis mie. Tt la In. coxnecU*ü vitii uer. ned beno lack ot ater the i the$5 lga tbt Oer tel 9aut0tY ove? baringsarelntelllgendy ditrecteti of ttera t. theeafeot that a lot of a thon- The. ainaint of ai lantia vhlbbel ht amati er.oferel t. the DOkO Of W'1011- ln Arizona, Nev Mexico, Oklahoma. a. minuter, flîgilt richeat peer. hy a. Taxa anti Coloradoa lae etilnatd t. ha u dealer, wli.reupçotlthe dukerA.taf e t l.ast 50,000.000acre. Thasila n- m that h. v34 altofatetoo 110,o1« a mndevait luselees by tiie necti of vater. a. to grnoke so expelloive a clgm*, ertiratianrthe reclamation of thia landi rould ly the. entire Importation lsent. Otha*a&Mtibullonm t of ara te the. vealtiof -e. prince of Walee andi tihe M ta bile- deaself. in inany ectians ca' Colorado andi ra other States i hi ic irrilàeon »ë ho giaisipe udn.di the st tarmltg lands la tte 0conn1tri - A depand i ecamgea; ng are thc.e'vîicî vere torrneuty w oth- at l Id Tbey bhart he i.nover-client hum -leue anti are now artificlally vaerati. HO..W - . 14 Pa That mark& lie buinan viLve,. andthLb very fluest crapa In the landt o.WiV bvANUie I .are gravi t t ero. . s ar ou w s um t lll a a U ta - eu Theuerd tihevaby#*'strident about, aritte.>te Dr u. UU ntrôn ad d oie e tIi o n ti hur bo; A N o di (l ou tiue t. a m Lb . fo init f- t Andti trough tlie uct lina havket SUSHase i a tter »me ;i uivtu Fr fdiio las, about Waushington by a Wegbmumme tue aslrcbllis t»»« y, Hescannat i wti cager are. "Te ltie Vaer Bo"eaeleaunst entons a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r lit. nak-KliltiBir anti Emtem" e.~iheali lM enAndi au hreadth le beatiline.o'er Priadt: 1[bave thi e.U y eseOMM r-ba ta, a i~ a Hie face gpcv peaheti anti al e.i5thla mornlug asti suit .v v al!W,11, U 5- raets ew m 1P Anti vien he'ti rendi alittie more e 1e He grasapd tiec ceareat rall. claiy Lb. cabbage smesti hbgrov l tbeesa ltas, Go..vwon in the mit. plea. enti %e 2 bais h.lta it a, s a testa. "I taue Plèesurla ."8mpphlra, -dear" he talntly crîcti, of Stlipr anti a nev barrer tailbealh greal»satuentna m esRrcus "This ver newu, holti anti hramb, bruits Sa .t alino egoati>anti If you theb*em1 bavea.ver trio&. Couvincea me W. ocrer lied- coil entime a UM f or a couple 0£. 'W. .5i of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o 1u ecw'mgneIWmaiI hoa I olt eoblige&ti. W bi t a Persaan teestlai b.tV vr -Clevelandi Plain Denier. belp 1 baby Lb. gasa atuf vi tM tu- ppo e u » beagteo-» tii nt a rit ant i vl! snti arnetam opa. baviag ?usnaaAdiuêm- sth ut s rie an 1 il! d 0111»te ons Madiclua C4. Cluahue, 0-., out a is Reuest yo* andthticpresideât. Tour gPatét>lboa,, » matarr. ry. Te strite a viii> v hich h eliS ab vewon lher anti Supporte." bahleisept t.aficotiantla lilua1traitid ve .by a aiary toiti by a tievout Bcottbbaii B i-er m, Iite. io p ti, c n tr n u A M ajor floot et the UMa*I 41a Con>. anti t. aceoopea 't rY hienaive ti, 1W service la London u . eltti dby ya h nrhrdnlgart, a. beis atlyo la»& the wViof a reiative t.eam asulty e of te- teparier of the Inn. lie auggoàtste f4tÙ1ail*earst! het iit iahuat L i e - b i s l a u a d y b a t i t v o ul d i b -d e sâ ra b l e d gT h I , fl i l e d a b i sm e t d i t s I lu p i e t a h m te bave aone of td ivndowv r alsm i<Uetatrh.iahleauibr orthat îhey mlght bave comla freshair boi5 tm h 4e"bamie"euiatthep la and l themm. caulb a c hie boune. vbere If ismalf My î-n,"rool. thee ad vOMM a. g0 fae aas, e- bti laceti m U paýser i isapproval vritten 1p01117 nira dftttiyatbtn esnv ýver ber ruggeti tace. "tinuna ye ndateepeiits tetrLbromve: thic ye cal> bae no fresb air la te bohs. Iti lay. _________ by ou the, Sawbcth?" ARC"»$ JevaeeiVosBattons.. n." 5.4evTvIn mi Ly Pres.. A rcnt tI for ma inlaNOV TonIB le aiy- il ru asci Ba paclal ora et i.eletbuttons for t0e eve- Lher bludertlie, cther Mini. t rxs n as tTebtosaeo lt liý a. cul le sote et andId u 88« igimo tat. nTii.buta r 0 ii, Lpie Inoebuck a C. tsi.r 2lsDqB gî&o îi ia men), hIc s atio t Ihanom monda, pearle or ainetbymt*. A mt Of vtwiît, u ilil n yaFe. us i ,buttaitns coaot anythilufone llhaa t. quoting FOUa rs it îIiamho eu«ra py, tram $5 op te 1100. nr our aider aormelsticearl va eM laB'- ff rFua ta mil te lien ai a lever prises ho ethervlme won L .DaaytiPsuat. ,, FIratmoutan&a Lellator-"Ob. Weil, uo.aPD$48 ors. ImcxpumtvO, butna icbly ValutetI. -every man ha. bi& price." ,ook The VictorIa cran. the lutnlnslc value Second M. L.-"I baven't mine- yel" $,f pe t Dy aMd urva il A or whlch la 1 penny anti 1 farthlug, or -Batim re American. - d.ai2 2% cents, cannot lho acespiti a.e a -ni___tg."$___fnomlMi vi 'cee- pietge by a pavubraher anyviiere la Wby do mon vîti bldt heads alvays sation. AUI tee IsMM- Greit Britalln, unter penalty Of IL bave the hnvlet beda? lies tct eiee umnts heavy -fne. The cran la nmatie rom ____- - . cannon captureti tram the,. emurantiew nta viglie jut tht., anti a hlli graine leus LIKE MANY MT1ERS fpssua Ctan - >tithan ane ounce. Pleu ,a ____________ Glss M."pWrote Par KmNb..Pa"i A% .FIues Laveur r,ý I Try Gra-Ol Tvy ta-O! vies sud railis iaWb" Udifer 5*11111«INaiCs v~ an 1 A mi your G reenerto-4ay te s hiovw Fou ae A o ilie do m sqv tella pakage ai GRAIN-O, theic o od.PXEM ~ aesa liti rin.k tiattikes the. place et cotpe.. The.s0 may luttera tram ladies viO vaeOW.JI M *chîiren May drink It vitiout lnjur «a. abr yLydiaeF. Plakiiam's reinedias weli as the atuit. Ail via try t 1k Id.that I uiiought I vould sait Four ativice GRAIN-0 o % b as t t rii sel brownof tu regard to my c dilan. Mochn or Java, but tt la mati, tramsPureI vateniaoigt, ,der graine, aud tie mont tielicate atoinacte- a ba otoigt ceirc lil vithont distreas. % the Pricj oRtont yesantiudhava cotfee. licatd 25c e parpkage. -* taken different Pet- luo hy aIl grocers. cl odcns u Thi. secret OntuLtu Theapbtus-Iliiittil ntm e lanoaoei. 1a le f problain ilFoyu go bY vhlst PriacîPla.le. -hbak d-lt Theotore-What d oainme"a?inftM 6ore Theopbiluk-Wbr, If amas la lonig- cil bo yatâchies, Ixty »udIl mnaion.characterlatles ho la stoM" ouela act bomiti to ha abort-ult.dtu i. thera- - - by ope"laget short Puni. - of -breti n s lia our ei Ahs sd Enai mruatton la vrr lW alaie lt. jour bocs Alle ' Foot-. regular vith sers Ram, a poatier for the feat.t aes bearlag tiova psiss, ra tid r Ale s. Olmu te st «Ls». .Y. =CK >r, oc pot Coe Buanion u 0woUm. laam ,-Sept. mpet" . 1595.o - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sel "St-ua Ilu Iber hrgar .a* -wbars the.charger a"idthe court. 1%e pri»our your honor» rapiiedI es ,cer. *'aed tIis mam ber* wbatto hW, tatLber va dolng. ad vien toltiel OU the.latter wua y of the saint nu ivithb.utprovocation cafl etiti.father às g Mmne." N "poerfailovi" mailthe court. *'An U exaauiton Inte hie .anlty e... a> de Mot unnemay.- - Philadelphie i North Amerlan. or Wh&# ah.(bîreaDvlak? i Dastçlvé thonstaesorcote.. Have M Z&MNO? ideUctoe. Sudn 111111 Sd teplac.e fcc q.. lb. bu y.iwe. tie .ldiaa0 . bEprc O dwabte threugh tdw. Grain-O I=.lesnade et ainsla, UVLbo - pprirael-1~h ua.etoif., but camatet ,afl a mbh.MIl poemue 0Id.L e50 Narys 1.415*. mb t Mary bal a mulllalte. t Rit belaurne ott mdoul1h, A" « Veoywhere liai Mary vent. b Whi. bu vamurl tago. 0 go foLloured ber t. ciiureb on. day. A" tien they bad a row Arvangeti by Mary. Mary livea On almony now. S -Lits. ___________ Crse» 'nk 1@ iesoExciuMivly b the achoola or1Nev York. Botoa Sud x maa tber place.. Sad ler uvaut uam o nealiy Qutto Orpvt".ig "Petigrew lea aSelf-madealn. L «Wiat a geflus h. ha. for carlc4$- ture"--Cblcago Record.b Plaes Cure cant be tue highly spok- I m et au à cough cure.-J. w. Olsie% m b OU Third avenue. N, Minneapolis., li».. Jan. f6. 1900. The New York tte Bulding t the b Buffalo Pan-Ainerlcfln Exposition la t. b. preserved a. the pereanent homne or theBuffnaio. HitricalSoctety. To perevefe in au's duty asti be lanct la the. bent aneve tot.caunn- George Washngton. Wlmlngton DeL, la M7 voiles fros Il:_GMIERU The Streets Are Pull of It Every Day. 1?e.Tum Uséve Treublés in do. pu" se ammdavuBs u- Md mai aIl in se murte Look Oud =il et4 m vetad teooe iet to bà1ma Colax ru inhat aseru. mta v. mtacl > dM »tr0 U . lC at O oivetent ted ultest 0 paut ticune nat ureau-* t onof,"rsudmaimpe led ir, teIe iai or oul"Mgpculme Ths z the tiCe taet

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