*1 lapies vére Cary Boflrgton,,waao ocev B iarreville, vas op Lr . B. Hughes, of Dizon, IL.IWWDnos. ai0ChMoage, la Moativos hers. Vua, of ingwood, visited éebue r centliy. >Awhsa la preparing for one of ,ftl eolahraton eyal.lisboe. 0W.mpboe sBd miss lley, of weepleaésant collets SU. r. sud lira. M. W. Hugheos andI Miss t&4 ohaiksortb vote Fox Lake »Ma Tiaen, Mr. Eiuhop, Mimses Tadd, Tbot n sd Weber ve $MbdftlOrM Sundaty. e MaMulgblii baud of twenty.t*b savili Sralaib- mniue a the bla t iWauoouida July 4tt. nember of lisons form 8h15 place uoed a ope"talcommunication of ieMr lodge Prday evenfug oi laut i: 1) aiprstN. A Buruàham, B. a ;Mg. . longl. W. Bangs and caei how ébat mrntg,"" bituurliveu havo b.ere d linq flt meo or Onle MIjnuta, Col Cre. Mail 0 ltes. e reomces Welr.PIP croup, FOMitbrahooping 00«h-. brou. chllii and pauunuts. Ilsesnlt a»s prseuts ouaumpilou. Y. B. Lo'iUL, LIberillîs;J. B. BEAcnUa Gansas; W.. WBBsvAav, Boekfeiler«. Teacheret Inatitute. The Tvouiy-ioaitb snnaI session of ths Lake Couuty Tascoer Institts, vil bbld lu Vaukfgan, Jane 25-30. Capable lusiruetori baye beau sn. cui,.d and au lnieresting aomou la asnred. Durleg te sessiouniss Huieblus, of Cliflao vili deliVer tvo lectures on schoolroomn decorallons. Prof. Mounta vîli bava charge of ils singlug. AIl tieaan d yonng poisons pis. parit 0each ubare oxpocted to attend ai a natter of duty. Touchers o! ichoola lu gstsion dur-i liog thaI veel are enitIsO teta hie. daya fori nstituts attaudauce vithont lois 0f tino or pay. Tbe,,,igulai nontlily exanution Of tohers vilI b. held iun y office Juine 23. Md. W. MÂMVINi, C0. sept. 37-;1 *d'ouf! Carmtsi a80 111 Cali and see samples at the Wauconda Furniture . .....Store...... A fulliline of Spring Furniture just receiveci. Also a fine new Funeral Car. A ful line of IJndertaklag Goods constantly, on .....hand ..... M. W. HUGHES,. mconda UèYes. Ajax 1900 Model Bicycle with Morgan & Wright Double Tube Tires, *25.00.- Banner Gai lampe................... ,..................$2 25 soin oula mP ............................ ...............2 go P A A AutouilOuGaiLamp ................... .. ......i175, 011 lampe ffl., 7ftand....... ....... 1... .............. 80 M9. & W. firaS quality Innor tubes, eacb ..... .............i 10 A full lino ot BicyclesOnudrlen aud repaire. A good assoit- mentS àsig tachle alvaya on band. BRe able gooda vlthout the fanoy pricas ..................... ...... 1 ............. W. hava luit recelvod a big lot of Sesiouable Clothing, Banner %OUi bought direct froiniau overstocked manufacturer ab 25 par cent. 1.10v valus. VIII bc sold oit arne hasts. Pnosrinn 88.8, 8 7.00, $9.00, $13.00. Vs eau bslp you maye a dollar or tv. en a suitaaaly. V.Sauer & Bro., Mu. $ltzKg uns5"7 1a ,= OraThom"s a aklug Oi amnraIr a aviait. buS adinva O »àoliiu nous vom . ÏMIs Mary eAttlui, OfrscWauog4ai vwstiug bl ie r, Mun. W. b. ch. B. D. Coo.k ant C. A. Luis auloded a Mar tond afý%Det.tiugrachiu erybre WsdnesaF., MimUlalil idroemot0Waakga sp eaverai deys titis voal wltb i A. lasin. Mra. Heim"a Kiggs sud ebldîsu, Of Chleago, are rililnioffet0hebomne of W. a. Knigge. Ou thiday W i MveeotI., B. Bhaddle tarlod fei Ford E*Yot, Mie., to,visit bis brotber, saturanug Tues. dey ofr iiswSk. rante CroukItela hà borne anloy. log a vOeU desee vactrollos Beloit Collage. Likovse Carrol Griiey, front Eveaao. Il Io iuiorsd th. Dean proporsty nov oceupied bh lire. Kublauk and monsbasbeensnold to a gontieman by the Damneet o444otus, i kmont Conter. Bey. Iamaao okun, Of Palatine, a former pestor ast "I place is bers on a riot amnog friands and iaoquaintanoes. We expoci 10 have bla preeeh bore Snnday nlgbt., On Mondai Of itais k mi"s Raille Gridloy, lu ocoffpany ia lady frteud frots Evanton, askrted on apleaure trip to Europe. They expeci 80 visit nauy places Of Ilbront bofore reiunn luit. Died, ai the honme of bis parents ln Rockefaller, Jsun 108h, Lelgb Wells, agel usari, Ofifisuyoais. Funeri tok place liouday, coud uctod by Bev. P. C. Dutton, of Wauoauda. Itemnt vas lu Waueonda cemteiy. Io ils hsreaved ones ve exteud olq incore @ympaiby. acarvation nDeyet erd dys- popal a. Perona. vttb Isuui~on are already hait aiarrsd. 71857 usod pleuty _ f uholleomoe food. Kodol Dyspepsiea Cure digests ehat yrauest &0 tas body aeau ha ounhebd vhile the voîn oui organe ars helug rocon- eirucled. It te the ouly propératlon kuovu that VilIIiasiauily rlleve astd Try Il if Joit ares suling froiblu. digestion. 18 VIUI ertaiuly do you good. P. B. Lovais., Lberty- vilse; J. B Baicaun, Gunnee; P. L. . - .- 1 m11 n , a41WmëuBTuE . ItKehLiti. i LEITHTON. proving. Mis. Kruolmmui sier; of Palatine, la rlalttng ber. Miss Ida Arucînan l neîau a cousin fran Kenosit, Wta. Mr. ParîlU»Is, the causua taitar vittod ibis locslily Shis eeol. Mr. J. Krua las a ns, lavu eSt. Jusi big engi for tva. Claite@ Vilcoxla aliing atone for baesmont of harn on ise nov place. Mis.a. LLIvas ta the ciy uTnes. dsy. Ber Dlner la geiîg along ulasly. Mines Mbii ButteilteltI basrelurnod lion a a o ek's rIi iit relatives lu Chilcago. Messrs. Wlil Meyer sud W. S. Meyer tool lu the excursion bc Milwaukee laut nday. mi" BiaBranton Who lias bosit etoppling t Mn. auyadi a enowv ieit. lng ai Wllt Hllsa, 0f Glînar. IVANHOE. Mr. Honace Volas accorupénlod by a fieud upont Bndayr boms. MJONU UtUVE,- ILLINOIS. Mi. tinddîes sud famlly are enter. tailslug Mr. Wood suds lion ov oa. Mi. Thoadore Docer lai eened a situation loi the smnter ai Laire Mr. Tlurner, tran Wasnconds, 1, mal- Iga pleaimant viot l vib Mir.nd tIrs. Maxi Bouday l eouirzg, Bro. Dlttîn, 91 Waueonds, viii pneach la tua» place, by exobange vwit itoBe. Cole. Miss Hrrilet Ilralneitl. Iavlttg lin. lohed ber yvar.t vokla the see acl, roula, l8 ai honte for lte aummar tIENDEMMONS ."e ...Kau u Ic0Lour Mir. Iarry AIi.îii lefi loi New Tark me oh lait Tiieoidoyst.ing. liîring sectîned .... eîîdgte'taitpr Pî'loîceto n inveilty, MUDERO Som heu the 'full rin 'upenq. - Bi'Réf. liirktollet 'accuple the ~opulpit Mofmat "a~um Jd théir bore lait ilbaitailo, by ecncrgi' vtt Bea. r.aiot-, vIapreaete i a lUsplace ni; Wankogane lier. , iiirklioldorti tiu~3~1elufr u.Bmm' Um, srmon, ver, minneh sjpreclàtéd by au M lw m m .ai Lant Moniay apeure i the mrari and btbrutl ot Le. e llbi, ion of Mi. snd Min. loinW~elli. Riiimsdasud andden *.deathi occrreti nîter a ahoî'l f um nf cary 1,0 tIsys. The bareaved family bave ltse mont boartfoît aympathy or t1h n auy tinds. BUGGiESVOLO. B. laver, of Chicago, lu visIitng oltI fronda hero. A fuJi Une of buggies, wagons. etc. w. Lsmphers, of Vanconda, vis lu always on hand. VA.oJ.nRayondasuboughl the Lias Cornons censm.ry. We sei the best, grade of buggies ever IntrO- G. Waite andi vif e art vishUng la duced ln Lake Cou nty. Chicago as; ibIs vWeiug. P. Il. rcat, ci ChiugbVisitait bis parants lu titis viage Suudsmy.à Albert MUEsau&. Vife vlied tu -Woukeoa fu f~dm u iis Vei. Clyrua Couver* a i SooISI Dakota, la rlsltlug relativea blt m'voml. Mris, Geore mése o f Chicago, esile md onr». J. i lmàn mcday.. AÀaniter oui lIe oug men irpn beire tol lu sthe 0Ornton ta Mîlvan- he aunday. John Roaling sud fémily avout Sun. day lu PreonS vitlI 11* danghier, Mrs. HMortel. Mi. B. Compton, speull'paut of luit wveek-w'ibh er daughle, lirm.Cois-. Mann etl bie Villa. W aller (lassud bride, of Vile. 9. T.: alîsO M a51 fieudubâme lait Thuisday sud idiy. .When In.need of anything In the Uine of ......ByOIZ atUg. * 14anid Mn. iobér usas.. ~Baughi Bros, 40 tvomie. - a <san Mach.~iIçry Misq. Tbso. WoMt vu e 0gslof ~...ali roun andseeif ~ie cnnotfuiber dangiier . r. amer, of wan- t .. ct rudadseI * cnofithe bill.'couds, àaloirdays lais vom. is. Giaita. vasthe0gaint of G. volte sud vISemla eek aie r..i AU klnds of Hardware at Lôwesg Prices. liia 0Cig lrdy stId snd iamly asbadém ot eu. BilaIs ck VIII lIe fasies. The Joily Rais r"aitaSle lhoue '&fO MisMayOsa ais Vbtlatre.. W. W. Arn wAaà. 00% ' Ray M. Divan vusla i.HmaiN moud" ovuos ,busies.. 1Mms.Edward BRay wunluChi""ag Uumday vWnlilifrelatives, 1 Mm 2B. 3.,Joaos lau vIatiug friands aud Pure-lo,"Sru% Vie. EdwsrXetrray, of Wautuga, pllal onuvt bis aro tie Urus W cd.the oki. ParkaG. bfistaolo0f the au éc 11beho<>I gradualdi vIncoi- pisl.Vork Skils wk. Mies. A. J. Bal sud dapghiur, of ««ve1ookl4iehauaka, mvlisd aetDr. o"n@ iot ni ait vqek., 1 Thoe .O T. U. ouvelioui holà boré 10al lbursday vu wvo» attendait Md l0olous 17sil pr stt. * NT.Paa ottlngbamrn d ia h Daaol hlgoe , vielad vitt iZ 4icéer relatives tb. liter part oS IiS voiS. A loue* « eime and mon arm 84 vorli dravn gravai on lite rond 0"s of tIi. river, idng $0 Vantoga. A fine grade ni gpavot hué beau. aUd on MtCOuflongb brotboîs larmn Dains à%1er ir o0DYtmlOfrt he Vork. «SAGES LAKE. MiaE£le Mason spont MOuday la Chicago. Umiss laelad spent gaiurdayl ln Chicago. lire. Glbeut ta rlsling relatives lai rite Junor Halpern meet ilatuîday yul iIda linyder. Serbool cioood Tburaday witit a pie- ule as Gagnes"te.. Xir. Sitae *rlgbt ban returnsd lion bot visila Chicago. are. Gliluor. anuI Osorglaare viait. log friands in Chicago. The lamlia Aid Society rusaiThurs- day vitliMr*. bumerluki. Mr. Dainoral, of Chicago, la spend- lng tho e rnirvisa frieufis bore. Dolphz Oad, vite and baby vers fl& aSUn.Masons %iunday. Boit %r of Taylor Grove, spont SUnday vIit bis broîboer, WURI BY. John ParmiN roturmed 80 bis bonie Iu vlth frlenda bers. Don Mai51 sud iss Hart, or' £vau. sien, re <nesas0oSMr. antIis. Erereti MacsB aturday. A sllver Modal tcontent vii b. girsu Frlday oreliing, JUDO 2%8h. apeclai muaio Undot direction of Mi. Prat viilo hagIron. RUSSELL. Mir.Weanter 18 visiing i ts agitter, ie. ..Coby. Mnr. Rail andd taugter are eniontalu- Ing friandisibis voal. Mi"s Bt1% Far, 01 Grayslake, rlslled fiaonda lare lait veek. Mr. Boy Lewv iellatIhils parnte, Dr. snd Mr#. Lewin orer aday. Ber. J. WP. Hunter las retuinal lion 0 visIl vit lieuds i lueIticmond, 1h. Mus. buale Levtn veut as 0 delogate to the W. C. T. U. couvention lu Gaines lu1maire. Mr. Johnt Aoocl. oi Wsdsvorth. je raporied sertonsly III U. c. E. love la aiseou" helie&lo lisi. Un. and Mmi.Veots-utler have beeu vIsltiig bre uit MKra. Butisi aaiter, Mis. B. J. .MeitleandI ismill. Mi.and liMis. B. T. Moelie sud Mi. snd Mis T. ConneilIreceuily rîsîtatI titeir brother in Edgewater, Ili. FOX LAKE. Miss Mary Tveed vis a Grayalaite viutsor Monday.. Mis. Il. Quedeufald ls slok. Dr. Shaffai la ateding bar. Mii Anie Galigor, o! Fort 1111, vas a Fox Lake visîttor I§unday. Mr. W. Kiddelal and F. L. Galiger vers Chicago vIsItons !londay. Mr. A. Meode and vire, or Russe]], visited Fox Lae ofriande s bu.iay. Mn. Weber, of BIglion, vas on our treets Mttutiay sud Blo viiltel Lake The Antitcb sud Lake Villa Moderu Woodmeu jolued lu decanation services ut the. Foi Lake eemetery ou Sunday aiternoolà îtl camps bavlug main- beis hurle-i there. Ur. MI. L. Gaiger andI vile visiied Chicoago ou Mturday goloitg on the Mlwaukee, & 8t. Paul via Wbiio'a crossing. On &hg resuru trip-q tilts a nunn iha tpassugors alîglistI ai tbai place, i lu a P1y7 boy could net har. botter acenminodatona for pasisugers aittat ciossng. 18 bas beanggested that a te, stop latidois cauld ho itilized ta.citmbbg luto the cers. Unless fond la digestad qnlckly 18 vililarmnt and lInhale lte Montant. Atai mach mnta" A teaiontul of Kodol, D<spepslaCaie. Il digests vbai 700 mutand vol l ov you 10a s ail yon need of vIat -yoX ite1. Il neyer ais go cure the vonetcsa o! dyspepela. I l is pieastant t0 late. Y. B. Lovmi,, Lheftyyilîe; J. il. BRAiCxa, Guruse, YL. VuaTnxA r, Rockeeller. L.AKE VILLA. Mia. b. IB. bll liu asuonon tbe ale iâ lt a fov days rieetly. Jos. Pester aohd a ânue uew buggy 80o Jas Huchai oDe deyy]la& veek. The Angola, Csetary Solety net oseday with Mrs. Mary, Cible. miss Emma bluepson, 0f Chicago, spaut Bunday vilb friands bois. M i. and UMn. C. B. -Hamîlu iiauuaotd banisin uGrsyslahýe Baturday. -Min. sra 'murrisesud Miseliahel apeul suu4ay vit .Ud Ulis. M. H. Htpgrhet murrie Mtd tamlly speul Suuday sud Mouday lu Vsckegeb viiMn. MariIes lpntau. Iîra G. T. fGa id alson boLývoo4 ftturusd80Slîvbétoslà Erglaoaod. isM Tuesday ~atIp a v et" iay y Mis. »Outil». Mis T. J. Lynchi and children andI Mise Lynch. of Ion dux Lac, Wts., vers naklng ubort cala on 01.1 frIends bare lust Monday. l'he Woodmen of tais place observvet île ti miq ood n Menorist Day lai; auudaivlh tappropriate exotoiso and hy decouablugthe payseof deemed meu r 0 b apiluthoedifferent -omAwoies. The Camp alo tteuded vheu Ber. Gid pieacld asu.Internâi- tug semon. Tapie Car"a W*eia epropasul ta polaI . B.tapIe *ob a #» monig ppovel Saura M" iq.f bor seaokcoui V un. C. obas and iMU 09,Pahua spabe vrasadmy uh iy nomorneetoispots ool lu Sh' BI Unsdayvif h quarhiy mmes tae rângwellal ue. J. Kucpf, Jr.liad hia barr med luit vooL il sJi Îi«to ba a elina tt MsslAurastablI bee tna. lu aj idlnelsrfroin Ailingloq Mr. Ilappo. Ia bom a bèimg mono ispainiocion lis bouge là lvmuid4. eto* salSond t .Party aS M KuedleVs Mbuday oeulnqg. liaqq=14ayi8" llte clty ai prasam 4" *a pg or bl er 070 vîlei dueIn la 4»douseon&I5lo. PaUMer are complàiug ooualidei. t bir about ltaé aold vutitr vblcl WherOnp YOD go to toses your girl, VII, poans I0 maite BoxalSbi&Pied isn'i ou bis iiomi l#aokingyou. Th.Sumtday msboan ilasBruI. g011101à alUral, lbu docihld,8&Ôcole. bratISltildrouus Dey ltse ighblofa July. Pblip ToUug la goiug lo bave a Dow bous. viicIhblkeat pnosperity. lie la a lnue pointer andti <Ies gouarai satisfaction. SQuito a Crovd îttonded i suVettoru pieute la"altsrn iday. mima Voiler hai sangltfor ihres jean la th" district sud vili ho gpeatly nisud. Anothot toucher lhimipoengaged. 'Thir lahaagate lav gaIumt sablat d#sociaion oai l as sellng tatoll- mssa8 habituai diukora, sud a panson Who CoUttlnuhy voila an Suuday, should ns made tu 1501 the laube@ Of th. lav tor viOlaling tî lea o f bis noral nature sail oîas, inaou f lia Country vboae Protectinleonjoya. PRAIRIE VIW Mss Jeomis Mitebeli cbooed a voiy scasf e ai ofacbooi this veek. C. M. Wioelatelolagt material on the grond for a novr bain ou lits in., B. 11. Grldiey and Morris. Mes.. 0f Chicago, visitait fliends anti relatives lat4 sidaniiySnday. Mr. Uisthe promaut Ovuor of tbe Ayers faim luboulin«g lamber lor tle erectbon of nov buildings. Mis. Augusti 015b"iabeaou undar the doCiors cars durlug the pasi yoo but la sOBIovbat Improved lu héitbain preut. Mis. RaMse Pragne andI dangiter, oi Western lSprings. and Mis. Wluklenan, of Chicago, are RgasofibtheSpiague famillecsiIs veal. Mt"s Haitie, <iily ulailed on lin. pay for a lin menthe tour tbnongb Euriope, szpellng ta rIaIt mauy places 0f lniitobefore lber rsa. Fimak Voltsla binlg fia bain retend sud à aev baseinent Wall put lu, &ac maideg aimerons othai lin- prorneute on lb. preianso. TbeieJvra SUdfty-tln.eticket$ soiti bers Bunday for the Milwaukee excur- sion. Tbe anmer cif Uckela 80 be Philadelphiea oonreutlou bave uot beau repooeted. A- ÊF. Uàaesitla labnlia under dilleuli nos&holenisIt0f a corbutccl OU the Iekof bis neck. 3e »ys&lie voUtd a on m eavice préent de s$0 bave anothar one. <trou s eotitor Vorespondeui A vrntable surpris. paiy cenried aith Ilahome 0f1i. ,antI linse. Marlone Knedlpr ln ICouror oMrn. Krtedles irthday annlvrosry. The$it w u no dry&Dna td atraîr Ia undeiabocd, vban $10 Iskuovu tbatir. S. Kaedler vas bîsie.TOD nifigât &0 bave mou the beautitol roa. Tel, attractive as iboY Are, those dear gis are stîli more cbarmlng. The oroulng vas pleààaniîy &pout sociliy andI by play- lo.g Ramen, siter wvbleb ietrentmentit vers srved. Tuosigne came bat s00 soon 80 repaîr home. VitI cordisl vîshes foi nanY mors sncb happy auuiveisanlos go taie boitesq, the guesîss ropoîretisa,80 irrespectiveihomes. HA LFDAY Wo have ladoit uexeeptloîsaly cool Mis. 14. T. Faute anud tanghter Dora spent 'hhnrsday lu Cibcago. Mis. 13. L. Tîipp i'ntertaini'd ctuslnî frolu Oak filou over bunday. SMisIa Vanolo. of Chicago.. ut Vilt. log Mi. Jnitus iHertel,$ famlly.- S-M. F'. Moore, of t tîcugo, accoi. panled by jus. Zend visteti the foinior'i relatires ai Llbîartyville sud Ibis place,. Mri. Otto Pleison vIa reosly nn.ved fis iaiufly lin b,, City ta, 8he Jenseu Ph" r aturuàed lait veet, as a Contemplated tmatIe o!places vasnDot made. ThéeClblueail '.fov lh yeur livan?" ltate"o! 'liovdo yon do?" ion vban the lirer ta acive the héiatât lu gactI. DeVIiie Littole aiiy Biomare famous lîtle Pille for the hiver and bavaIs. P. B. Laon LxàLiertyvîlle, J. B. BaaaiiuaGarnes, W. L. WusxaiAÂN, Roolfieller. DIAMOND LAKE. Boin, 80 Mi. andI Mis. 066.Oit, a girl. Hetry Smith sUd siater Clara attan- défi sbe paduatlug aexerotus ortihe bigit eoOl at Pâatîna on tant Frlday aouiug.. Honry Oat sud vite hava enrued troui boir vistang trip to àtauueowa sud repait the erops as noi ioollng veil ttsrs ou accouaI or lack0foraei. The progranx for Cbildreu'a Day vili b. girenDnoit aSuday aveulng ai tbe ebnrab, JUO 24 at 1:30 p. ni. The oblidiron aie vorling bard for tût@ progransand I vo opa iOD vîlI Dcane to bon tshow. Mir. b. lHodtIleand daugbter Cota aitel the grsduging exercie. aS aina lait ffldoy ereang. miss Marlha Dalamn vhboainidedn lu mou. cf oui piagrama vasone oflthe giadlue.. vI rotuin 80 her TIilvu sociablea& Gaol. Bay'i lait Uali~a eringVas ateded bjr a large orovd, but oving Bselb.heailsei helug mono al ths lmes am vas uob suJOOd as'-U It 1baldbien a vaim ulgits. Tih. people voioeietrinstd by abond frontCl~ agndulthe pro. paicoussted ai aPsaklng, sougu sud mule bY the bond. We ailfout giralfaul te Mr. sud Mia. lBay loi thei Itundam slu gling ilie use of ltel home sud lavu on Ibis oesilousud Sal li tiena oo l lu sieulimé.r Dotatf Vila 1100mares;B'es.titer fauaai limé.pillatial oheisthi 1Mr. $aIds. .'.Valu of MMre.7 hllg. nothor of lint. lrel Chi fg, vlbege qutorlyltut logo aSbth ErUgolleai curer. cou ttnig Boutil eday. Maiuy of Nom lNcrtbliaid'a Olt »Ms wvi i eraivodtu 0ben o mollier Hoeuotrs Md niauiu Wbiorllin t wlbber damgitr & Wauitato, . C., ab. vu srloma Ur. Vatlveolacer oWtilseGror, »bcut ol caId sOltool on Priday Witt a picîjo. lIer. as a alarRe ,aSSentI sues ith '01 aiausement, mi a bes leluo ou srrud allit Yoe u d onid m cli, 10vbrigitl ey470 -11. Onngrev 80 baro i tain e the dainsl caie. Oblidreus Da7 exorcises af the V E. hurcla vesbold fUun«1&yoreitni vlh a large attsudalcue. The Oeam $tou «ecltpeSd li fufomer yenr sud lbe Uti l bih dt iar pa cobly antI epeteUy d114 os. .lab Who "speli baund" the audIence vit à ber place,#tgliiasd Boir, vitel h tondenedry asur. WiidéY. l taguii of ,uuo, a delega lion o! T. P. A. Menhers 40Min i" arangolical church t aleudod' acou. reoui torvool ndParx- Bey. C. W l<nlian sMd vIS., liasLMiePacb KMsBIla Barman, . W. Trier, sud Un. 1h11 Weudltug and fauly. Tbe3 relurnad toîflug 0f the luiOiestîuj good tiens tbey vera pormitted Ix Wad endy o anl UrM. Claytait Fahr and Uma 1.1810 alit voe agioeably saipisad by l asot of thaîr mny Youing froutlm. choeof o! ifl andI lAugbler baspoke a joyoua lima conSlnued fle, the mîdulglii houri, *1lic1i vas snjoyed on the groom grassy svath entirtho aiuopy of a bnlgbt muon and apaikling âaln.' A repsut 9s agel food andtom ws u sorrd um onlys trne bhlstc auiserve: Sparkllug nîrtb sud gatty prevaiad until sine dîev Itigb tu bld iarovoli te the Pabrs. APTA KI19IC. MM i ichRbooi clos" ,Friday. Mis. Bliiebe andttle n1, oit vixied et Chicago sud Pullnan a 1ev dayk. Bob Waland and éaleriJoua, Msan ClanWrlilnan, iook the excursion trip 80o Milwaukee tant llnnday. Misa l'odle Wolf andI a fri,î in lislurday te rIait at Woirs. A man kuovit bore oniy nus--Big Svoltasr" abat and i lied imonîeil TueWtsy ai John Alilobachu vitere tbe usu lad madie bslit ne. Where to Locate? WNY, llIbIre Tmuir TRNIVZROILD av INSt._ Louisville ^, Nahville Railroad, OreS CeMnr Southoru Truk Lino. K entucky, Tennese, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Farwera. Fruit (lrowers. Stock Ralserà. Manutarers, sud MoneyLudr wiliIlnn't.q.,,L ' in (1.0lUnited '.. I. 1,1 i'aon or tiue abunda,,.,,,and eh.,a1,,,.o."ï lasdParms. limbe. and Stong,, fror tLatlo. fr tih. Innufantlirer. Land and farno ats e hur r n I l YVtir' and unM ite, in le * iorlàIiîho"" ob. tak.'r, gratis ,îl.,r il. U . M. IIogn,.,,.,ailaw,,. Ktoni ral.ing ,u t i (>ýaa.t iitriat viii mate CrUtu, r.l 44ai fa0, assi ihxm e t irut s.4 third Tuas. Let u now WittQuon vnt. and w.. wU teil Yod vil..,,,and 140w to g.t it-h,,t dôont tleIaY. as tt. eountr asfilua 1P ravidiy. Prinud Matter. Malus sud ail Information tree,. Aidrent, R. J. WI!MY33, (laperalilmmlu.sti.m sdIaMW ns'As Mr c I'w Pae i lin iaaa. o * ph oge5iiWeklit la tbiaà i 4qwlh &n d, <iwM doba Ar. et the Oui5osisWl *sorclasq W roi i heut.y Te" voue a gran 600110a.- Tue sdhoolepIoula vas bell Saturday: aS Ckybouro Prk. Alu paumsaeu àA rNo, I tua.. About M00 etrensant. The qpa6ty Saadjab"htil onu. tiODwuas 1514Bnay, la, &bdprasby., '0terian eural.i. 25vie a Êgmdaoms. Tb$ tvssttj soie M"laUbelong ig t thé aliIbmait$asiuld hock 01.f A.11 Il. Mitl iesldeoas mbjon eaut'O's. Jmes GtlhOvY. lii. oSaoul Hotu vaS lme cuir Bigb Sahoo fr0.Déerlild l7nis. if ,Umr bi h Hlitland ParkI gradues. üM nJulila Zan restl porcitaffl t drapbondg" a nahno s. z evf0os9oA. Meoitk. Oeali anti hx îe lPiam on Il miuoî, &usiattrmetad piales. Al l Wo augfer lion pla ili hi' gtd"' tano tâtt D*Wtitt'a WIl4~ * soellialvo viii <re tbem inst ant permanent relief. 18 vui carste ».. *ud %il 15km disesses.Bve o!i,- * cuuteffoe. Y. H. Lova,Libthry. *Ville- J- Be BRAIcua, Guitae; Y. L. PALATINE. Mri. Hichaibeuson ultse 51.1 lint. Min. -I*ughoist la IIlvîth tYpbofd ilever. rMing Violi Euiitclt t0 ilelvibli scaîletlfevai. Miss £va Bi ggs loft for bar borneii 8ha aoutt Tofesdy. Mr. sud Mis. Voisa etiled friands t rin Chicago ori Inuday. . 9 Mr. PatS ayoen$ Monday sud Tue»day;, vithMbîafrâme ta lChicago. 1 Mi. sud KMis. Bihse sor5.lsd ftiendu trom Chicago ovr sSday-. The concert glivon under ths chtarge at Berv. Rofitmier islita iday evenipg, proyed àa ucceos. Mis. Burillghame visibtd ber olti fMinda lu Palailua andIvasà aklotue gueât by ail Satuidgy. Mien Harrison, former papel Mdt griduate of ibis echoi, aiiended a8h. grnsuilng exorcises bore Wrtday eVrenlug. Miss Dora Porop andI a gonUlarae friandi fiomChIicago nadte a landam tri]) to P&a&alîO Sunday sud roeani by traiuinte evtuing. Satnrday uiornlug Min Ca laraun, daughtor 0f Mi. aud Mis. Beuo, 0f PaUaIue, %ras burne o 8 ieath by ligfltlng teUcylkian.Tuie lIre caught the karOseco lauthe can sud tg axploded lhiovlng the burnbng keooaeu ilovrihm. Soevu eorotodvIntb Il and barnd ads ah dW t tfour p. n. fI lialpoued at E VER ETT. I hoe Haîf Dey gparoi pi vas the scène or grast ozailemst a toetnwgb @go vben Wm. Plègetiritd Ivo abois ei Wm. ilofkgi,s flnoervorîsia. h appona sthat Wa.. pluseaMd'W. 11.41<1., bot fW vinq ooepoa' lu the pi, heaume luvolvel In a d7Ia Pute 0f9m»u-kind Wb" oisvicpodl- into a sorloue queraielsud lu tie.lai of the ar«-nasiPlagge uMid Îlea ould shoG o HofI. fis mutage did not smain mmoienI ai the lime. boaer,. bus star a trip &0 (Iybouru Part vard hicloaded np an esboraie supply ot theii. prteprocurable ai that Point. h oaa ppoeantai 8h praroipi vlth rerolvrrlIDbaud nsud coianed a Vvcu bombaidment ai the liofklîglo a«r. TbI lé.ltter vas ouabie te stand mso b.regfred vîthout raslslsuco. As uo000ai lii eonli witbuiravvlth safoiy hagoS s stago varuaitfor the faImai 0f Piano vIe Iiy tilitino vuseousîdeftd a datîgerons na1i. barlng pîevleuuIjy xbat à policemauin luChicago. Wbon xeverai local ofliers relasod Lu mamteap 'ie apture uft Plagge te varant teVernon station, Woltaeoupoai the niluslng culpîit. A short Iuati- gation devoioped tbe taet'shai hobl goge o MoM rio le..do 0,80716and Tuloy innt.lataly repaited ta tîsI .Place sud louai Plaggoe enployod la s greenhouse. 'Jbey plaesd 1dm undt.r arresi andi lotIgotI hlm tu Wboeeinug 1.1 foi the elgbi. Who,, tle oiars e- turued ta Wheelin f, le nus a onng acconpimW dby vîitmal"ttêT dý-- covred ib h. vh ll Plggo lad pried &cler osopen sud 4eps" ies itont leavîug MaY exPlanatiou or apology. Ollojiele 1eilU lu permît ef tbte fugitive. NO. 468 R. A. P. 4R. luEle a bheismebar sAlo slnj aand tIlis u is 0flIeddi. M polilop planty of houe, viii uqod stous joint».IlNe liaaMatiîleo ra-rd of 2Mi$ lits breeiurfolows ired h bffrumes (0) reordi2:i7,tic S4, of ifarqunMo n*if Houdvinl vii Ueorasey 2:27. Heckothnlft 2'-20-Frankt £198s i:isjtnelU 2:104. lmcmdet 2u:M' ilooru itisa &OSlirur2:r0si, The dam cf Haie sM Illie 'lay, a great race mare. sirati hi te Sitih' iVb tr Vietor vusirid hiOas sM. Clou'. becnd daku..Mi,, h ode ier, rec or ,s ýTblrd dam hi (reienes Bashav. Hein.'9, m v n ins ii lel th îe sire of Miel 13 coi'i aud fottY-tlraeoother,. 'Daie O! Bena..ît~~el'i4, rlY BIrd vIe. Usier v, suad elgiti Otiona. ant thegrand-aire or iloheyt J. Ouut. <ruruie 1579<. Tflcnu »son ioef4 Soul 2:M ansd orer iva-hundrei otier stqrdarti-u.irtara.r. Noins là a ra on et BéraltI. sire of Maud l. i:ffl. Harolte OnofoSlthe arsatet aires iluthsevoila. TERMS;- 10-00 to Insure, lîve colt, Ce A.'APPLEYv, SVol Ilowe Kaise DrC Office t Liberi Dr Off ice 7 to t Lii Dr% 1 .Phà aasrn9u 0'Offlis Our:s: i Liber LM Trobaco cil LIBER La Issues cal Timi Hi Fieig seeý -T-( illi ndlal