Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 29 Jun 1900, p. 4

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sa a lt; utter iaS va, e; ai A.Oordinft*&VUlgeM. T. iltonckU are aButer markeg lt C ons e ElinTheourdcore o! 1h W oe 21o5an ctheperaitv19a bvetu l ~omwlobor lu.tveat a1mp;la ÀjoorOng teohder bau. Hthockr Waa nl oshonte hroU cenf 1-Tm mUteea h ou rmerfth 0l~ éetiflureeceainte ra ote.bu On ethbeue they bndhoght be! foM an g it 1 ocel ve coent.u" ae la som. peuple ahiver vhen Wyui>5eboy ter th. United Stages M miove Ith ie let !ew yers. "ble at ve honlit have said even Wue7«» ega, o! the prjet ta seul *hdautroopu ta China. Sutnov tPresideat clonS assumes he power > 10 v ar aver ibere vibhout cou- gwat congre"a. 01 course b. dao eOsl It Par, anY mois than he %Ibe 1ePhilippins troubles vii, et Uev.riblee.. It beau mauy 7 coin zembane a vr, th. -.geclre hidh la 101<01 Iu .0rcs ndnt ie Preallent.. To1 mtehIsec lanostacritlcise th. m". bc peatb.alittd 5ai the 'oue.t Century- bide feait0 oun ah M ffle évdno.e! of headvau ,»Oe s M.e ghweuth. Phat éb ffl Saieah-Anireauicalivr Jo o, vit Get Britian speullug nmSs If Atisa ta sopprees republi- a çeoethmnie hIch sohécoul MW bave appliel ta Bave eavibg Ma; itl vbeS bide fair 50 b a e»mdoua cataclysuaseing on ln àm eud wsh lb. Unte StaSes MpAgUlun tralitoaal polîcy o! gnatiitbrancig oui ta b. a M*uPovor.." the prospect foi peao »a tat areinnos enoonragig. Luit é »ftulposoe convention vas bell Wy a ye- ga! te we'e&A vran vih China? The Wiem&lgtuoAer saie no; the Morez, fý*ue s»y&ra, ne, cuhe Europeni "wMBla May no. but Admirai ampa sables SMo Davy lepasêet ka BesAiau and Am&llcu Marine M bë ~a l C 11<115hMtus Chinearmyi, iM iveu lobuansd proentl tram m9a« 'Shnongb ta'ltien a, cuit Mer ban« teinmoreed outil SMo e Wkal M0 ves 2,00, foug4t Ibir way wofgb 5tuS$ho cey, vbicb bUU&e likMa ti<~ Aui an.14 ougChughas Miel aeoreatyy lia thah on bia eq go Pokin, sud vîli s4op aU lis Lubwie su o'tecz the f orelgoers il aè#M allotmey vl anilypotpon. iet 1t«M« 1IvasoU o! China, sud te dIs. Mulrtercontinues Wtuiii m'hlisgov6.rnsuh»as Dot seullunel y S<hlauto!lorelguers sud ilst *h.551W s a isu Oa-tlieo sait o! ,»orS@Wbt ammuderst"04ig, and Ow à"l doqEm u .Aoesa'5vet go ldt nya.menwlae proiparailone aie beihg roslSu ued Airean iroflont tueho hillpplinesta tChina. ' The Consu» a lrosu hasn amped vitha lé 11 isspproyliiithepublication of figuresnot oillciaily gîven ont. eMoWý lue or purportini Lu show th.esseuiea os am. cousue#lutu y lcaiSy, cilarsute- tas« them u as-merely guesons," vicb My .1 lu semnsCases appoximate the Srtb, but are uunsuiberiael aud ou- instorSlay. an otied an suxieus coniabry SuaI it cen, oniy goS ltas real tblug lu eùi f.i gres iromtheSMofa- Sciaibulleimn eflie CenuseBureau vhihi>byl aie leoed Itm itu eLime MuSite ral tape te ununitu. Thiu leaa bâtl of tom fool.ry for whieh te a non *mare excuse lien Sbore veuil b. foi Seepie lienuais e!tu Important ttion fro t he peuple u tShe of- loSbWcouut vas completel. I5Lta per' ftmly usinra' for the rosidente et mutitg Cities and gtalus to be jaser. ~ au k i xuiug tbe SaSalenuamra. lin i Ibeir lnbabiiat and culthe auly veseantheo lformatlon la hot glven ihonse day tM. enumeraSion la com- nplaee, AsnStu".the aopeimnendeuls ef oonaue diasmi, ho *have the In- formuati.on, have eors ano% ta le su. W Pat hum aCoul possibly b. loai<by ~ --*~s< cS h.toslsastheiecuomera- '%pno! eSditreictlacomplait, ac- ~ 00imuaitly h. latemeni 1MaI th. Adjudication Notice. NotImela e hesa ivcouthai thé "dcation m ýotce. Ma lu hsihsv ha If the Philppine var ia over tul Écionea.kndlton 11un uhat th,75a" authung &aoai dova 51ee. The DÉ are causing lais 'ot trouble ibis year. Fira it10 a. th.eSore, next the Boxers and &Il lihe imte M pi.euittal boo. Philadephia may b. eourtatteMd tthe b.vice Prosidenlial -nomination du Dnot runvild and it one o! the innoceanbystanders. Gom Panl's attention ehonldhab cafed 50 th tact thal Taylor, of Kentucky, did not caryloft the capIbal vhen e lts the eta&e.!, The applause 1th'e BOOV envoyK- receive unofficallY and t5h 0014 saulder tbat they recole o0ejally muet mare thetupoulet andt vonite mach. If R ia la eteonrol o!fChna, the il hll uearly aU of Aia. Who thînke tha$ 5h open lace ineaties ulîl then lie vceth -th.ep"pur l.y ar written on? They vlU lapes juil uun Hawail's iveaties anl lapsl when eh. stered th. United States. Chnes. methode incuite humorous exectios-somethlng wMt bollln cil or meteit leait. or sometblug9 of tb. Slnd. Go4 hlp san it y th faegn bRgaions il tbey have faole m Chins. anda. And Qed heip th. Ohinesa 1*er ou If Sey have. Get Bitiain bas reduced th. Malay ula ule oueo.andt prosperiy vihout a ver by judIcions launeesanud avoldance of trampling on their pro. judicee. The lUnited liSts.bas folloved another systetu lu th. Philip- pines aidid 15romainseStulie seen wpether 15 vl nultimately verS as weUl. What bas bécome of the Nelys auit the Thotupsana andt thée sthbones who ver. ta have beemno 0vi.grouly przeecuted? Tlie quiet 1Mai Msa fallen avez tM. sceus la mnch 8eurrang and suspicions. Tbe -county viin noS approve s repetition o!fOtheitetay 5hs1 1 as avech a couspicuons !qe5or lanthe Cpai# <Cater case. The Pruitent shoul cal an extra session tladli wIvlthoheblueso silua- ien, no mater vhetber haova 5MaIhâ the liepubloau Congresa vîli eppravo bis mthods or no. Theo Unitel Sietes Inay b. on tbe verge o! a grecS ver au& the anda to vbicb tha van maklng paver la committel. by th. Conttution shoulb.oelloved to deuil witM 1. N Store 0. E Stock w Pices. schancli.1 A Mid Who FougMI for Llierty "*Th SattIe of Bunker 1Mill 5mInd eborah Stupson', pairoilsmandalbrouehite abertheb. resoltlon ta Sig n the Continental Arai, unitlilbery vas aaure. wrltes aal Peuy i Baskeil. lu the Jol, LO' iome Journal, of "Th-Girl Who tahe Bevolutlon." Gha reveaueber purposo ta enlIeSte onoue. toirfear e! opposition, but Vmitai the saaiusa uto et inaner she bail laid by tram the sels et ber cbîckenè eh. purobmdelthe wvoalta maStethe clotb for ber suit. vesylor fih orselt cul inakinatbeauenteseret. Shsinforaed ber employer jut prior ta leavîne that she va, geIns ta $suit employmnut lu Boston and set off vIol ber clbîMes lu a peicel vtb- out coeau anau suspicions aseta ber plan. Debonab changal ber garments in the voads end samne forth a ma toaiaU appeances sud mae ber wsy te Taunton, ad tthene ta B[luorùbam. wbre &ho Immaîliseli enlited lu a recrlilar party undor tire neme o! 'Robet Shurtlefi7 the souailuParty of recr,,ts goîng iunedilyta Worcester ta joauthe oopouauaf CepianThiier. A aepltereet vas laton a hithe ijaptau lu Bobert Ohurtleff. thie eresinesa sud benoît of th. routua appealuar strongît ta hlm. and a borne vas«Ianten .rnureruilth 1e oflolcr', owa faml. lier. Daboraia Ssup- son experianeol ber fira sensations et playn thepartof a ma.tor ayaung: lady vlsilg ilaptain Tharere tfalîr yfell 5eaply iu love w9ib tM. bandame tonna sodler. "A arealdeal ot coutnt va, doueandl Robert Shurtleft vas always ai thie front ot thie partY. thie most fearloasa of ait. eaIur the othersanmd lueprinaib em, by ber utter jearlesse. On oeeoftthee expedîtions Aeewas Oie vonudel. She bguat ber oompanlons te lauve ber. as @he preterrel to be ieft beblold raber han to enter -the hoapial ta bave ber vounade dremda. Ber uomrales voold not beed her. Sbe vus placed onun<>eetfOie herses in front o aftotber solder and Oken ta the bosalto aFrenchi sosempuint. Thon the surgeon came ta Iresa ber voonde eh. pointed bt the oqe n b)r heal. bt salI nothlug about theothor. Atter tbasurreon', lepartur. ah. extractel h. hall troanher hlp vltb a pen kaite. balur crefulli observed the ianner tu whlcb he bel removel taie other. "Sh. vas taken fiIlunPhiladlphiaandculthe bespital nurse bad pronecioeed ber deal. but a sîlahi rurglng attraclied the docior'e ttention; Me place is liaI over her heart. and Iluding ta bIsenurpie an louer 0 aibteut tlghtibi onPreMel ber brasai, rlPPe i opea. Shs vas lmmediely removel Sa the matrau's ailrtments. wbere everythîna vas lonuefor ber ceinlori. Th commaudlug oMoor upon learingt het bis al vasa vorn an tel ber sunMormble disohtarga. p»ad preeentad ber ,vith s ttier froin Washington comaendlag ber eervlees Thehuble "oier .1001 beore hlm vith uhinhooretes liel viSai tearasud f.hsked him maani tim.O.begglng hlm ta aiS th"t ber tloW-sollim ho t5011.asd iba hq seS thele taote H himIfanîfb adoue augtithat va. oobeamlug a voran. This vwu doue cul br conardes ad afflura deciarel bim respect for ber vas unboaod. Upon bhW honorable dsohare. it i te ara, .h" rtrned ta ber moter's home. @Èrivisg ta esoape the Olomni vblch !llov.e S da- guli armer. Aller Genersé *ashngtatn beornn.Prealdent b. vroa L«t04 oSr" latter tl MmiraOuneti ihiaoreh Supgon- eh.ohsvlng larrielaluthe.meantlme. tan- viing 'Boeri Shuetileif'ta .0.5 tu . SMo aomepted sud vas 1mai51 vltb the ulvategi houoe, aitthe Prealdeni and reigenie a1 t ashngtoiL" un OTown Board,. onslstng ut murnesy, jofn Llmberry sudl czoiushikver. ina aiendance the MU»venUe Catuivi ela. X. Anilioneo! b ieboard vas ai 7l Te NotbveaternY«u0 5.95 euiie0b-- fla im. ,ITis SM iveuty,.onit yee« that thIses a*=plof o!yeut 10.e beau given1 and uy ot oui leiutàfame meSS no éther 7eot inà»"5101go Ilt inîtî '.uev package o! toli.o er tohy years 50. 0O baetsi.iand- continue Se Au tesaé Peau, but t Mas neyer oealeim a abreal rmiser An a The Young Mo n'& »ancing naviag a leu dollars la the érasa neiattrlances <ven durinj viniez, deoiel 50o<iea Sâne Par th. ovu Moa lWeduea"ly evoeug arenuit but Ivo eunsenov rei lu the 'Putpeeiy leple teiree vib vhich Tzeeeuz.r LiOSI declares hs andt Irant WIlsonla going onna taie. May tha. get1 money's vorth is the viah of the1 A maila see ata have Infected baMoeesmou vrhich impelie 5h.i heantlfy he itenice of tiÇiz puae business by She appliaton o! To the otbere mentioneit vbe Mal thei stère fronts paluteit o aditeitTrlgg.à *arren. Lot ci follo sunit who have notsiareadyi ao anit h business district of vifsovil h. pmteethe eyu, lndi"oig thîlfi sud duty and suggetlng a dear Community lu vbich 1,0 losSe.. Thîstle Coomlu.oner's Not Notic e le erely iy len SbaS p. haviug Canada iblalen ou pripeiiy. ie énalie t 1Mai»sim b. cS or .testoye Mda-nslal propegale on goto see& 'goder gam cf asuod Srnos kmus$bon Sm o gil thabn o.banudtetlle'nThis, epplims alS. la publlc, hihvsyî ramioal rAgMI of vays Lu Tom Libetyvile. 5bh bhay om moxepbssImg lia leo-for 5h. fait pmferomalceo! '1h01! suibcrii &long éliis lino. The posaisfoi 1 ahserV*ne ft 9thé Iav Il u cb proviel for raArouite Asmore sI they betng lablo ta a fUne of DoS thantitty noP More Shen t tva Ma dollas..wu. DAUMf ThirnUe Cammisloner, -Tovustl Libertryvlle. Aug. Praeige for Bev. Lee. The eeteem sud regard ln w: Bev. John Loe, f ormerly peetor a4 Place, in bell by the ciergy iaeý1 by the fallowlng cli.aâ Noygkwuftero CîtMa .Bev. Dr. John F. T t megniceni mlianarym the work accompieeitlu Ohitc civil anud religion. libert. tu S r --à ~ "AmovaemenS sleztd îi eauspices a! the MoINq preàah rs of Chicago lu the y*A, bas, a y judgment, dons morg îe. catos of religians liberty 1lu Ametioe.ntha" any"r ihat tramqpira ince the wax for emaènoipation 09 thst continent theMoe et5o!printS udien Sp. movemeut that reached the R( ponckiff ou ise olesiaatical thbont muade hlm speak; a moveMent seourei the .frieudly and veloc Intervention af th. goveoen ibis mighty nation; 't hba rewarded witb a signal vlotary la sudt a sozcos jil of promisi Ecuador; Shâtl;hu tevived t5he.liq energies o! 5h. lUbeals itu Bd lapped 'over luge, Cotumbla rekindleit the ze-al andt SM hopesc salliera, o! progresa there. AU Praleetaniu in Booth Amerlica s d.1> h, iethodlut preache Chicago sud eseofisly teaShè ea agitation sudt consecraldpelais of ibat noble hero, My blghly ee friand and beloved brother, Lee." In another lsue the Advocctei $bat Blehop Ninde, si% Mabilla South Amorîcan Coulerences, sed thb. lev. John Lee's vork forE Amerlca vili bcefield lu everia R.E. FO.RD OAVI Graduat. St. LuIs.Hospital. Chia ,suaeon ta Lake Co, Hosp~ital Waukv t urgeon Chieago North Weter RF Wau Ge" Md Speal Stury Bye, ýEu, Noe anmd T "dai rnsi te Spectacles aMd Bye Gloss. et.*e Aeratdy et Lovisi M à 110I(l *,TasGABLU. a.gpo leud as NNorth Ave.W4091 OeneoultWtrlocfe. Beet OhimegoBêe -MN F. 9M, GiSait ht know bol how dii, semsIR and Grant wOF R. W. une. N IW#%faq6 lu I us SaiSn thebO1e4c Olo0ebe*prIIiàNos~nu4veiu. Mle âk"MWm.. --- w7r-f tsAi lco4# WIUC@m iSM WS IR AILWAV CO,. 019AL £8139 IIAUP^l 5 0 e~ lithaleIA L Bvay tîRtfkOeAàk. ILLINOI*. lime cm WO Ttu CO. cols.Omorneàt., 00=co umu Abstrum or Ce.Tilao U" nt te No. a. léw a. a. NO.lL1&t111.08 Muàcesi a Toano Sd. Wanie YeseS " i.esP. I.l *le. - v tomSJ. OZaUU Sheza 5. 01" axia" - niet ai te wII ilate 1.Ss 6. îdU11. BuSndai Snda0u iW. zeoa .....slU4t 1 Oi. W. B. 811691. Aient,. e..e.s wl............... 0mbl :ýj scsuîw............. 'm>r7 OFFICiALPAPEROlqFGNqAliLAIi. su,"I ::5:t- t t th 8Masersl ny i 'qEaor sec to-sieqo d ....... As u. REcet Ch icego, vlitied frmael ýe o tp mid.vifs t Maiakl 105el ls ia laturday. ,a-en aco.r. rne. or seclà. wà# rùllw d ...v..... ..... ... . ...... M iise Ob*,I4 aldan, a! Ohiego, ,,, . ts , gta a'î na otss aes 'Y spet asià or laistvesk heom. Isauuunit coragr 'ne gr oe 1a- Etry M. sMd ]ML. Wi. Thoun flSapfent ............................'l lieut "TietwIybPoitéarni veak iu èjoago. PMbloxWi aor siec tio "xnu tloir ac Mis. Pla e.aui nghterMl". Joigme sosser avgr msll. , U1eloPt club. agn eia aaa eive iCi s08 E505d 1C...... 2 Our aIt. suit irs. Turner sud Min.. 0inaloi 0R2 erlu>t uta of Anloctl, "9iiedrelatives Mreans laoiE ffl îw v ...l e@ or day lue wk * ieeàtee vteetai pint. Mr. Brryi Abbots, o! Ivauti, y l hae!tmery alibeu#or@ cllai ou 011 pru.tLoneb e n .friande bu atu. M m bcl Ur. a« I ni, W. Y. W ood, of p 1ui c .C r . 'te"Ébreâle nme vlalilng relatives ace .tac&WU àâgt donc m$ ltias"viciais. Cae.. ips a iet r Our S ltodtelSIs'd âu t.. Mer," IS ovor accompluel by PauS211 d............... s ef her sai ihaie, o! Wrukegab la vieil. qQd.......-....... .... 1 ilealie ee luMd a uepbev lu Kano". (ai* Joues 50 3. lie non Joues sW gr Xoose, of(,r*jd inand,&W resec 1and as r m gr udal [table M.BD Ur... ! Itrde smil rd@ ne or se ormsec -i -inl *eh., Mbu relieit t MSome alter vit..........................l au axtauleitvie iwtbhlies brailler a~r~~xW Mj5~ >ie MrPolo 4bure.w eda otURl ffaor«ad............. ttc.. o Wv aîOt, a! MIiàzora, uiros aB<art corePtraultoa. S.Cenualty cario 09t afyo viauthmzey W ra.aies a e$ r ....loti 1plut "0' Non caricei o oB vaS là. e. yWod cie0S. ........ ..... tber 9VOuSie "place lMonday. Jo 1 T.BaffaeaWlfe AI < mus.tspbOpIL. N. 01 A. vlU ment vd ............ ...... 80 àherueller Ëi an Su ttI 45Tuuuity ally *hWitso@ps et eaomoukhla nsit aI Eâ"55M9& Conte0bbuhuale nousevmne ýri%é f&elàou mSin &Wpsarrl $Mdt Seu »"1s.lot auneeîenags PliS a!.mnan mtia tabjha., no.mb.oaise gr e. or sauna va$ boIi stTueely. av o 1 W4-D ... .......... vu01 U. aldMes. Barge and son are ln MbenID.XMueler to 'JàsetM Gêneau umis- Rvaeuave, Win., vidiiesrotasives. l0f nu b&11ki. 7.8e.0C0a teila The! atasOitTueslay marzig ! et &odur a I an W ...-7 veet 1> Sautonne oadungo10romain .i <Jr11 B à ake 't hbaul d !.S.e ns 1 a30Ic%1 non- vus or tan laye.%hla 4%piosan&trSip.a =1 'Ni*b5Pu.S qc id.1 osa. Umse AIWe Pasys.returnel Io bar.eei§ au aor ir t eLak. CO. B he lmre, orneAulu Iealut isa arlay and L nAu Si 1paNWOU & Arno lesmis il attia ball oe far recoverasi th" . da .................1 iret ail langer of conaiou le patt al ah. S lMuter 0fr CtoaLake CaOSB am. viai sa baer post la u dvai'o rAssU Parlot 14 Assi su a e Msu tkip 1 étre. -60,12 ............. ...... 1. The Junior Y. P. S. 5g. bell a a .Cla G eglsISUlo d aLS Oreac ca l o"" n0%Mtheavn bevee.s2Blfw d..................... Giap-àe heBetl and lb. uav banik evI Ilearne sud vite t e OmTratter bulding AWOTueaday nigMitssud tne rOS gr mesac4-10-le isses w d.. wiM «s- armCnsoflieue. The, itti il Ibis o M.1 ii.lcely and realisel aàunie Ur.W. a.lor e. m , o! Utile ana. fieS Natimai&"ab0e9 'iII0s 1051.1 Theuen. Bann it ae tlaila ne. lovae, tu &azosec e " uee e, 0'u ý1Openeit lu tS vaeb. D nrIng th e Op ta.- euploy, t ht v il l be o vlue ta ,c La b i on, gotorhembuiao!ftour pieceé e ohanîe. ad sMIa: "1 lhi a et the ftIlltabeOal uaifor the sueuls a1 vhich peater Vorntng for me Wbqvsci nu o!f<. T. Benelsu, te»Cpri.r l-tastpzokforsUV"dr ays go for formel us the eteova. !rty-elght counst et hieiabo iontib pa ent. 1w"imSheM.homte VIIdo imhrios. i mentiona tta hleuth ulet a90Mitbu*4nua astho boaS&a4Md b..uuSmtiy troublaitsuit îadli îh0If ste e é%i vhole sutlepeople ChaubertaLasColAe, Choiera r nu vbo viSu»athMtir anîmasI' 0 floa ierisce s BeMeédy ba".esi dme. e for taanabe thoin ijes" 'lexatiable. bauga t lle51. !et tfront S"odreg BOUM £*lit Ilaice fràlls S" .village atten-Moteb aui ntcrmeitame 5"aion. gheu 1.4, the Royai l i» evoon ei Mdbincma ha la agein as r te cund banquetSnt =Aalach lent Vus:wor]." For IbylI. 8. Loves.»,U t ou sTbuvsiuyregatllm-sot th. toan hicla lyville J. L- Deioun. Gm min; safliUSaetv«ais, eh daCY, am ndgldjngP. L. #uw&zuus. ccaste!iler. Gi Rman touinheir bniguIl Mppi oou hen r nAit pHa&zxcr. 10wMli, ne suit retu 5heyverto eil ropsiit for Ivanhoe. I tâtat bléaving tMe stoin. Some envions____________ ,amed tmanou meeting Ibhmteaid -No vonlet of otgi;zainBo mcny vamen eout," bat PE»QPLES' COLUNI ebeau aothibg daontet, Sibey venS on heir____ 0 Per a Wy t'itfauait nSlaoh ladiesnexcellent nelauiesrsunn Tbocse ging Irout haro yi1ov NO liN ANTD I». vlo ire 9gAng veto M9sdmes Edwarits, Wbeelopk, 5ttlacuJd nod cbamer t10 nria OdivtiIsSesolmte, Thomeanicelo., ok. nuuma coulMsiX and typoe à sud ILaserahMand cuit lrim. S mnd.s red 7 l* o! theo IMetTueay, moraing bright ac ut ntltil o! lis kind. Al0of, LIl the oely am . H.B. erman 5005thelraina- ='w f=-poit =1a te lu- t0 vil ber sor C. la. Sherman et r puAaaiijGOueL »ré Of Libeelyvillansuit ou there se lui- cLU5 si ...sé i eklliiltenit t lis uflerâfl tand. Shor- a Ifstan e mrvillo. Jntase abce rrlvel etSi er OBET-enrabosce seetso'a bouseshebcvas.stricen v11 su acreo! mal. Apîo.esu John1 apoploxy hem viic elle nover raled IFANE»tabu onLlatîvon.e 'alon Wendai y at 1:40 p. da. ac NM u bLeslrpM le. e1 e tslao et.a li er lent vith har faily II ches.Adda'aes l nficeac g th1e arounit ber. gbh loftshomne iu goal Il that sirile vatbont à Sbought o! scknoasCOR SÂLE.!rwAMM e lndeprli dotb~itah, but GQd vilel ShaS the lF J. Au-Mfl. etvD B s hollicame Su 5Ulm. The toueraI al _____Wu_______ lutngallM trou er soua bouse ta day (Fi-. itay) hiterulans being la the al famaîy CucumberPickleo bntying lot luin Derfliî. D£v. ffly- - eeéotihis place omfcting. Obtuary vUIiappegr in nems veebe Issue. auatacosrcfoali AN A.Good Cougli Medicine. mi of 8««- of Cemuin 980.PiclSet sifty cents(Soc) mca Ilpemavewil for Cbanbelaiu'a ull A iLcenghliemsly vlan lraggLle un s l 91bibl AH tg Sp h01ove wnfamille. la prefetence la- - auy otber. --I have salit Chambeain'a coait BOm.dy for 5h. pe five yeas. MaSo yont contracta and Les with complet. satisfactioan tamyseit! eeetId . II. Colby A C.'t.. Su Trwtand suicstomer," esys Dragglt J. 0011- Sona and Triagesî Taylor., Lit emtl>, Van BEs,=n. N. -1 hI ave vilan à4voas usedlIt luan'y oana mUy both for orilary congbe sud colds and for PFR> OLST M .heCoutil foUoeWingla grippe, and A M 6GL U Tonnfinai ASvozy eUkcea." for,.sale by huo y. S. Laveur,, LibeiSyvllo., J. B.¶ Bemns»l. urnee, UAToLAKu Pa"- Factorisa, et Çbiss<o. Msm xCr .êcU W. Vuiaman., Rtokeeler, wm UEa.anic. . çr Mi LertyvUl. 2 Z. A Doll0r Saved,, M. ea- Is a Dollar Earni Here's Where Y~ou Savé. gvegoielel Appien.sý.............. .......SO ~A.I Sea.0reioitBiseSherries ............ W u UseS Prunes............ ............ ,......O lelelpe....... ............. ....... ....O07 Lamp WtIcSper yard ..............O leSaaiis one., Sitos for ...................ou1 iI ............................. .... oic s " el or NU.... .. .. ........ WlidObeny Phoàphate.................. . . s 1 boPIaR iteu M bé er .... ................ t 0 SforIleplug tobéoo as.t ..........1...........soc *ru'O duba c on................. .. .... 10000 ~ " G flInO .............. -.... ......100 4 omas Lewiols ........................ . ...SOc M e. j poundOluige. .. .... -.......... ..... .. .. . .. .. . ..a. . .. . . .. . .... . t oc C lanmon ,.... ..... .............. oc j . veOl ... . ... . . . .... .j .. ... . .. .... 1 O . M. liendeusone blaokest 81.16ebcs........ ........ laO ' Conarees .4 82.60 .......t1 78 Lat of!umla es'U19 note., 8StuécunirS.................90 1l.u suppes, 8tuotI$......... . 95 4" i"«iseeSlipprs10to il..j ..... . 1 MW Little Genre Shoes................................ . Men'& Llghb utte .........8...... ...1.00 50 *10.00 Laundry sont out on Tuesday and Thursday. NO F. HK KUKR Grayslake Dent. Store. G rayslake, Illinois. cThe 619 Crescent NSThe WheI That, Stands Up. hie aQui QUnII NIl seil the Crescent, the best made bicycle Y I in the market. With aie tube tires....... ...............S$2500 Wth doub" tube detvauhble 6m. ....~.. 35 00 [E B. 5Hi[RMAN, GRAYSLAE. ILLINOIS. I i I We________ Boy's'lies Pat Suits, worth $1l50, ages 12 to 16 at. .81.2 Boys Vostee Suite 1.25 ............2 00 Summer Saitor Suite.............. Mon's Wool Suite.............................. 5 00 Pente ...............................I1 15 'A lot of Ladies Sippure tan & black worth Si180 chaice 75 A full Une of Là'dles., Mensa', Boys'," & Children's shoes at Iowest prices. A fail IInè Ofrocèrics .AT W. W. I3DWARD 5, R GRAYBSLAK E - - ILLINOIS,. Bpalnted.A.*ale Oislkly Cured. A, LIte ad 4eatitîglit. "AI on. lst1~Iaffoeel hotua nolera, Mi. W. A. HIa.oS uchae ntr sprcin ofthéeautie, mye Oa. B. Cn,'viLa !uiamoSraaonoua"q elltoi o! tbfé Geid, WUMBOngcuVa. troM, 1destb.- s:."ponsg -'Aller -alng «vra e ocom ei-ot"eailce iuelarlunlubsg ttota metiines ithonS sueoe, IMol vwbib ed"1.1 fl ouuapson. i. îb Cbai,ersua Pain Sala ai-mdau !reiiu.enSlmoi-o e-unî . ciangi peasft esi et relie! cmeasM beuan ni<t snoday. AIS My Icelre s sel I agn i use&Baiiomplete o» mâU »Msondie. Thon 1Imea U ip an ail oWd." Redibry . .B. Ij»>. iwamoeNw hIaçihoryvtb wb Lotu.»,UMetpil~ J<CUUi nft t Rud f hu na Wili 011cr For This Week.- Endor Rube' Ida K and n t.jbert Nai We1 LAD B ddabip of undine ébe ----------- - VIAI ý-L

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