Why YOU should purchaoe your butter of us. ra s de et o pure, cross uand solOla the sas. price you puy for impure butter. & tiL,. mply delibeious and it's Pure. 'y not try it on tiiose uiee rolue to-sorroW moming for breakfasttm UT .Gi vu THKM Tè4AT NICÊ9 MEL.C>WTATE- THATYOU AWIET IN ANY OTHERf WAY. Triggà & Taylor, Libeftyville - - llino a. The Crescent Biçycle l& the bet bicycle on thé market for. the money, both ln looks and durabliltY. "The Wheel That Stands Up." REMEMBER--AII wheels sold by me are warranted. 1 arn representing the $honinger and Shaeffer Pianos. Corne in and se. thern. Establshed 1870. Endorsed by Ieading musicians such as: Campahini Liszt Rubenstein Wagner Ida Klein -S. B. Milis Emma Thursby C. A. Cappa Arpad Laszlo and many others. C. Ra. SHERMAN9 JCWILLER AND OPTICIAN Libertyville Illinois.1 Not Cheap S os~ '--Om--ood Shoes Cheap. We have just purchased 200' pair of fine LADI ES', GENTS', BOYS$, CHILDREN'S Bamgain. F. C. SMITH & SON Butler BIdg. LibertYvilIeS llinols. Ice Cream You can alway à get It at LovelIs. POPULAR FLAVORS. Pure, Dellisclous, CoId lieutlm Creai. to b. ham ai aMy casi FB. LOVEILLY Libertyvilte, Illinois. Our Liber.) Offer..... Ô up HÈfIKAND 1 Loc*I ~of intveet to LIbertyvIItj fleaders ~*. 40. mine Bile ilE, et uOraiikoe. pâ mon es lut Sundmy vith U.lui, am .Cha&. W. BaIL L eu.l.I . Ling. y. . PAr&muUE. mâ 1John Lynchb van the. hanare luthe SET! IL OJIGEN1.00. i.et Plamoni Laie 4musnlatiaseouavuîn upu Laai mesBthU W.Là iau IWng iny Md Eh BumW. M.da B.W.PAEUIU. ITs E. ousaiOahobXWl. Jý W. paxuni tye. da JUghterof iaes Shiana W.~1 C.=111%, -U. E. Ea DmE 11r lU PWST 5133E M0 noIndWaT 8PuaI PI AU The BSinU iBOY- Il@ hai av* Bss-son eacb baud. Upon aachgtove ratou. ieoylbrovsfla position sand. ukeSiom. u ni nms. Ami sWui au alous looak vs cat. Anivoader nad diseus if. novwJi lb ianth le psot. The" ethingaseSW@tiiilis. Trifias & Warrenhave a 'phono l' ah. amht, luitinuiuwli. prot. Sioopeof agilmburat, ise1the guest of Libertille iriofli. J, W.MUter pumeabai Prof Betteu'g plana beorthia iler's departune forý Lova. rri UGalovai, oi Wàmisgaa, la spailg a 10v days vilh Liharlytilla relatives. apqp tb. lesthait of th1e year 190. Loy simne fios. The thermarna«Tr aigei tram 90 ta 96 tm th. shade Tuuday, WedueidaY aid Thursiai.1 E. il. Nmblie. vif. and son, ai Deer- tioid, spani th. iaarth vith Thos. corieil ad fasili.-1 Mr. Chas. Trlgg anam faraily, of lgin,' epent the. laUrlh vilh Mmi parsnm liami ¶'riggs uni vufe. Eben Mlx in home from Chicago w bore 11e.hasboom wOrklug uts1hs ira"a, paper beuglag, for "ame ime. Ja. -Bradleyi. vho le oparaling a --milk route" lu Chicago vwu home Wediuesdal. Jo. e i dotal a tory autinmiacori busimess. Mrt.. Ft&nk Mati ami chillren, ai Piano, ahi.siatte, made a shorltrift vith Liherlitileionds Tueudaî, jaling Nr. Sari ut Fox lake Weius dey. prof. leatton amd itfe loit Liberty- tille Satanai lent, tir. Botien Soins la OrangeCity, ha., ami )ira. lioliel te ?repffléi. Nr. Bitin intesti. gating a situation off erei hlmint Iowa. Aman Wheeler, af Hartland, la., vau bhonon as barried ils tWoies. day. is reporte ihtsNM. Jay INorme vîsb a ham ho la in "buju is la] pE..seà viib Iheir locatian ami laag lhi as i» otag alcali. Promtmai 1, 1899 go April 30, Plm th. A. M. lwihahili <CO., ai Chicago paid go, abeChitcago Oe<lsNe- efa adveatlui»8"654.96, tbe larges aau.ouat ai saer .er pa&d omsnev.e pape?; la on. Yeur, by onaedverttmo. Balat»'of aisoas luinLihertytili bae ebeen aharply an tha l0oul 811 ason fer ah. fessive bug, vbicb t former îy«»ra orkei hatoc viii 8th tines. Ta thoir nupreme grýaliliaaliô bul fev hatq ltii v illa tormerl *xbibil.i gaieo ty eren oanth bUtîlblM pstch. Tabs dlaAPPeana ha ains goral, and th. hopa gUis l ua p l i s a tth e11 .ap e o a m es B. U9nU.Bhis clmsai *4ig tholj 7siêdISI ab linau a viet Wvo, e ibAdemeuai m "te sare gulba oit.- OeoWright Mui finiiy. Lihertytîllie, WM& )soield &Bd Venon viii b faunn on tiei, iiti pages ni Ibis lue. --Pet" ltafiard,the.&ian Year-oid son af R. W. itaitori 11tel ram lthbiA fl oft the loor, culUlEan igly g9" iu bis head, vhlch »eeasited setorul aies beilai ton. Bayes and MoDanaId bave th. contracti ortlmae rcumo aithe large ibsm ambe Macht prffpetiisonth of sovu. Tme siriiOBUo 15la obe 90%34 toest villa 20 foai posée. Llbertytille -and -vltclitY seou.i iapleted ainbitgbblB he 4t0. Thme v@» Ilttie if nything ranspired, uni a mjbrity oai au peaple atenioi the big Waodmem's piaule ai Diamoni Lake. F. Grabbe receitid 1,000 glass demi- jahns tram thme Illinois Glass C., of Alton, Ili.. the irat i othle weeh. If this la an Indication Mrt. Grabb's grov- big bueineus ho crtulnly le proopor- A committee ai village trustees vent ta Chifaga Friiui 80 IDrestgaete ihO probable oa»t ai1a0 aletriclilght plant,( vith a tiev laona»IWpal avnorahlp.i They will repori t bmeeting tb b. beld IMndai night. H. P. Scott, af Btherland, 1P., vas lu lova vitb C. a. B9sy, <(ADiaunn1 Lake, Tuevday. M. BScot i viiibe remembered by aur aider reeldenlo, baving bQeI tu the general nierchan- dise businem bar for yearms. Tbe ilima vas knuwn *au 50081.i Audersan. B. Ji. Dewey, 01 Nauhua, la,, paumd1 L hroagb Libertuflb thfis wsk au i. vay home tram tle. as wh.'re he hua beon aun oxtendeditrip. Mr. Dewey adtertimei hils iaâlocated an Mil- 1(aukee Ave. la soulbern part a9 Ibis villugo for sale. Il- prtlcaiars nmaie his Rdillu .People' Colnun." village rieetigKodlayngat tan elociae boarht fanchise luE.aW BleriOlig amianchried atîTB.W. day nrighldadadturecausileruah. malter, aIui rmr olaB n Buertohe vilhireva whlm applelaMr a tre- cihso.Thohuapienii n euatra seCure other gppliaulnâ. Nr. Henry Harey hu a tin lb. coniracttola primkle th. sirees ta the busineoss portion ai lava. Funde have beaun .abacibed by Our basinss mai la the amilnuli af $.00 pur veei, vhlch te la b. pald tir. iHarvey for his sorticos during the oan. Whou it raias ath" ir. lisrveY'a gond for- tune, but uhere la seidoin a dal but dunt la iiying la the summer and bo la noue oyau lpaid. Aid af the N. E. charch Mouday l wvte taai1 asume $150 Of lb. iniehteiu et li i numbont upon 1the Neathffdimlorganizatian for the mev personge. mTis mmi includes the pirchuse ai soneons and shai.. alraiy in place. The M. E. Aid aocielY là iruc &0 iîienaMe. BeaiieauS.eftiiberai donations a 11Se pareonage 1h07 hava M usi aalid .$20 ot the laultans le.c Ihie, yeff. Tho woaiujpens' Meeting at Liberty- ville Tavn Hall vas alà hOraagh ancSos ani redonda la lb. <redit 01 Actue Camp., Lake camp Farestier lOM ai Waaiegan lnisaed uVea oaudiateàl mb the mytoies ai the orier ami tloiovng -the vork af the .vouing ahanquet vms sertai hy 8he ladies ailb. Bayai Néighhot.About 300 ers presont inciaima rapresen- F ative ltgrn hvsnbae, Prairie Viev, Highland Park, IRussel, Gurnu,. North Chicagoauni Elgin, bésud.. Liberty- tville uni Waultegaa. The. evemimg vaumi ap villa a dâuce. A compuni libasaben iorporatei vlth $100,00 capitlstock iD thjgo. unier copdon ai Catalas mnIerai 9 prifgs Ca., vilh ailices 24 100 BIBI. 0mteus. The mev campai hum a .20 l- u! ud"aut vith F. Urabbe for lhe noutput aetbim apriug, tormerii calia Hygien. Bpriag bat nov ronam.d CatUm an pring. The ompa Iil éompuaudi"large01aprautiDal C0" M ao phsiôi&asWho hou 1$100 ubarué, Il and th. "Se viii bc recxmmonied. ti i thir patient@. IL la conasiai Sc b. the bes& ami punrei 'ObtM»able Mi viiwi be pushed wlth emsrg hi &Jki 01aflpeni., i Durlugibat Ray an infant chli of aur ueighbor vas msna rIg ras cholet.inianguni. The -icorots a gîi a p &aIl hpes oi r«ecvl'. h 8001 aChoi» a iaho aiui'aobitcs hausse, t.Wng tIb ena Iioureti it vouid do gçoi If ueiucotiligtla irec- lions. lu tWv a ys 11nté th. cili bai tunyiey rotred. 'l'h.chiid la Day vigao ansd llulah. 1 hate reom- menieis Iaremeyil tlgiîrsud have nove, k»Ou uav l a80-Mue. Curie lUxEs, BOOiiyailoeOi": SiM byIF. B. LN4Lav, bOrotlo. J. X. BaaUCUW]14 urn#*, ORAtbLAxm PuAu*Aor, F. L. WariiU*, Rae- tfe«, jaNE MeIEEaL. atua N torae O B. sou0k w Pr6ceamsk -The 12 ýl ý- 1 - ra Lake. -TUSbave boan mnuly mtrait "0 Imm.uet 0f ounda u" de byI he PeOPdltat a09lUA Minela t. hla piaaifor usmbaru m"d Mr Invilaius $0 leste Liâbsrli- *v et :h. »4 »»m ou, il etra in deh arive@ DL.ttu "ilS aet 8.14. ai Wii nury a bu" lamoh ihough MaIMrtii viii probabli prefar pBhOliE a. generaus bote# Pro- A Smai87 efichaciCon ventiofl. NextOuandai, JUIY 11h eai Ub«ty- li viii b.u lb.theToshiP 1§13- R ochool Convenion. ~120D M di inereuifg tl" Mdunipapera hava me rsuged and the Mou&Ut t I be ci unuanalimîurest and apiriteal mott. At the bottom01 MW Pria" igtrain appoer. 811. tioviflg: «-co. bd lp, a. anisudM. - u iot, amni. amd pEu: aiso proy botfOf )a05. BBr tu mini 8h.beW OU diuance Crowde ut Lonag Lake. ParUap a h.éImageaicrovi star at %y ai th. oouazy laBo. es bloval at cmouaB 1*sm4by on the 130 amr toue groueds of th. wailroad coan- aI. AÀeomiralt ..estiéeplaes l' ausbel t ,000. JIFl 4h a Oh~cua Beoimilorgan. ilio Nppil for tuiUpOIIiou fur ,Mo udiver . auaibocause aOfiaok as. Lýong Lak la 'beacliflEon. af, ah. &t papmat158pl«b. Îio t t eih.vsIt, itthe orowdi uln tdaiO POI ah. iiil piclle supa.. ail %emaclman., A big pavillonhu bea «eoa, mRU inis. oi amiuomt» kPrOVidmiSudi 1h meronl pien4mI *at$Ml*ted by ziaugo soleBies ihia«Millier, vin niably go te Long flake. hKillet a Delegate. supervisor Millet là. iD riceipi af ho commuiaion ehich appair ,revlth, froan overa! ¶fTane .8hortlJ" ta a 118*10 puauiei ta klOv ul% the vhy aMiwh.reier ai hie Iection a"m a oacoUfl8 for fila no ther val h55 ram bathe.ft mai h hrble i a pelugftli la attend-coe apa ta. D"Soagah0 ule eCouetOilloii à met 8h. Govarnor ami saIoyei a pluantchat, ID ah. course 0ai hca ay. Tassrue! saii hm howlit apponei ihat he bnne!r .PublOu nly orI lnois amislota "va adama- rai on ah.be boë of BupatU0f.' Sore oFlir. UNWee frimais explauem ta the Gotefor aiU *bout ehOWe Chrry Bouaoe,' andino doue dIm lorerao! la deairous of obWabug a 1881.or tiges "voea ger"fatrhMa vua" Bou.mene .follovtag:. Totti ho- ah...proffli5 shah Know li. thaii. itifgsos e aud d orlinof Wia i . Miller, 1John B. Tannerffovoter et eh*. BlaSeta ilimolm a" min Dbahuif etf SUsPpe af msau, do qnflssion hM ais Isuosiai.Doeogal$0l tha. lamews Nutriond Cugres 80U niai tColoreio Spriaga, Cola., Auguai11, 1900, vith- out «enseab.t h.eatuée. Joux RE. ToaisU. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. LonEnuTtULEJUra S8, 1900 Bourd mèl in rogul a touu.iaiih full hoard praom$ ozSpt Daissuni Procter.. Tha minuteof!aith. urnai m.e- jifg ai joue the Orb h er, rasil o motion cai Jiuni ndCatielI ulooi Bp- prateil au reni. Notai by Eubysai "h m baitia the = ma r i o sr uling a fr.eoa- peul be 0fIon ail! aMe .uperviuton of tue lire. llghi and Voter oomika. Niovea by Haaby ni Jat ébat M. 3. Brovn b. ttundei $1.67 fl et-!. Au voiu aie.y The tolloving bille vu.ra ai udi rotèeaita *OmnioammisteeVirai = o p r om vl ao r a b ly i a d Il v au m a t a i yC ré ami Sharnuath"t ai or- der b. iravai Onu 11 la.ourY ftoam Sb. roopactiie maila for mme. Ail TQtI1g aye: Boward Bai ..................... $ ma Bama0 A ...ver. ...............t ,A. P, guotbu..... .......... Oea. Datison Tao....... (ieo.Pe "... ............. a John PixLel................. -.....2 James riu..... . ...... ....... W lo . i lL e1 : ... ... . . i IbfL a" a..............le J. A. laoore...............: . freasa go.......... e1 ' WlB'ssr................ i1 l ndependênt... ................. The preaut'niB lpptotii ordi. n~uoe Mo 119 va roaiuMdlé WU 9matai by Sharmn Mi Juai thlit Whou v. aijouru v o ua n unW Tueidal eva"SngJUIF S,1900 80 laite Up the 1uMottar of .loleli lige. N. otai by mle n niermuna tS v a adjurn. Carria. C. H. aURE lerU. Babies' ont AND Cldren 's 1Lace Htis.. verY am n e Iame aMdiSlk DonnasImmLawa Salk Tuma OSbumt cauldid em. COdmhi Lace md Slvmw Hot&, bought at a dlucomt, d 40 oo -.. cea fai the tepdula r ecem m bisus m0 o ww y the best asutmmm cofdi...podo et the le breeva ad 0 1 nyvilhý The e son ho wamn.weath hudwnnlea"s our-we wamt te o w wats in."htil.m md p 80 duo w.mdaetory. WC bave a kewBbiWs'Capu. curaidover u.is h year 50 mmd 60e value.. wbhh ig c o outatt............................ Mo a un ofsolled blW C4@ at......... Vbkte Duck and Crash Tam O'ShmterCa&0 The Pailr, The Lake County Telephone Copauy ....ONNGTSwiTH.... The Chlcago Telephone Conip If you wa hai la a baws»Pup fr brigil aud iutolll.st Po> e sot m a i or et . l iseOsse iV tt im iss mesu sav o t e la e is it disbut L i. lnieesdouia lis boaS m. t e'mI . t bas pmouo.d uoeue»4ula1f61uss e eaprsssg bmbuE la i.ak.a78 fait tu ppomei. _______ mattere f ionalorUtvital publie itutu"s cs mon. sPare lu "s TRBUNE lih" la uny ether paper la th* e el. *or lthe. reaen. il la thoe meapapr Y«u aibouli*& d i. liartbeeutaa poiuem ampalu. .bel&a thesPublie. [te facltietsiWgaibecimE neye. betl eSi aed fe t en. vfa er în"tle tlb . 0a i Ma .th- m npaur su the 55.5. Et piSstirîe »nueI. s fair a W&Y" O .11,1.. ud tatl@ie ,sadsa ort 1.o P80eles U tile il publi t« t»lb.m - -o. PfllN Msi artisteuesn oue*re i f y-uama boer te "a,u.atiomis55DAELY TAIUME bulsm di onava 0fe e. da vielaoe Y" mao t,,»e b " aa-- lsaotnfmslue îvaglie» boS, sMd fée 8»4« ut alseug ae it .la helias .- -1 0 mimp. place of business? .nt to be up wlth the tlmes' yol si ve. The expense les nominal, only a few cents a day. ion, rates, etc., rte ~ . CONTRACT DEPAR*It4TI .ke Cou nty TeIsphotie Company. LibertyvillO. IIIIInOls, ; I snum '5ta WYJ" 4 4 4 4 j! j! j! '1 A 4 1' I "There are a few thing S in the way of John Bull en- joylng a coin- F ~ pW ie îtory in South Africa. y ou'1il find there is notliiig ini the way of your enjoying yourý self if you have one ofatir laimmocks jut bang o6. of our hammocks in à breety, shady spot and learnu what reai oomfort je. We won't icharge Vou much for the ham- mock, and probably you eau Rot the shady spot 'ithaut cost, and1 maybe a piatty girl to go with it. Besides hammockg we have lots of tuer hot weather gooda a ucu as etraw bats, shirt' w * ti bmens' uegligee Bshirts. etc. kLet us supply your needs. We can certalnly hsutt you. ~M. B.COIbIy&CO.1 LIbertyville, Illinois LibertyvIlle