jEWJN!IY ENDENT Vol5 Vine.. No. 40, Libertyville, Iake,,County, Illinols. Priday,« Jui 3- 1900. $1.50, aYçar In How le your-Wardrobe? , If YOom rer: now we can fit you out 1 .n pient.g of b#ne and give to your suit those4extrà touches" *wtiich are. onIble only where - we have the neceÈ*sary trne. Our suite and as u\sual, merit - FIRST PREMIUM CènMlid taik h oer.Our pricsm methe 1avril possibe comaisent wihsuperuar voria.' sp aa gcod honemt mew Ildren. 44 lear S4 bert r $hem. ternre 'y ber 11h ber .lbevty. hé von abm did l day. W7 Pur- evimaes ger. of eburcl Oc. site 1 bave eenir was s di maa ai the r bons., ta. mine Jfasled ne vas àb tva a. 09 tyvifie; ,Obi- publie Versle. 1rlise bave viti tend Thé. rum So , &ortes, tahat oser. bawaft md lb. lad." dreu. Thon %de lu i.., Il 1 cure $Omesn. Mblm aimer lockc. - - - Libertyville. Ill. 1Dri Charles Galloway. offloe @vr Loveli'*eDrug Store ..fb.ryIle. » Illinois br. J. L. TrAYLOR. Ifilo.o ver Triage & Taylor's. v ta es .$ l et Md le. to sP. m. ReulidesfflalmBrmdwvapulePr Llbertyville, Illinois. 0% . OB. YOUNG. Phyoician and Surgeon. Dr. E. H.Bmlth, off ice over Lake County Banki .u:dito le A. M. Md to IrP. M. ÂLy' LIbertylvIlle,[IlI. PAUL. MacOUFFIN. AIIotUEMd sud u sé laI a. t4OTARqy PUmlIC L IbrtyvilIO. Illinois. ýbENJAMIN H.. MILLE7, ATr@AN yeY r LAW. LISETYVILE -ILLINOIS. MAX LE SEAUS ....Fine cigare . . -obs<C05and smoera' Matehi. ù- igsVhohul Mud ReaL LIBETYVILE - ILLINOIS. Libertyvlle, IllIiois. issues Interoist '»éaring,,CeAtifi- entes Payable on Demand. St ard Manilla illa Ail giuarants.d new twlne CIIARLIqS STEMPLE, Long Grave. Lake Ca.. * Illinois Cae hairs Reseated. if yon bt ou mechairs re.qkated ' q urisrduabebaud md hamu iye Mâoas do no b~t t bn u iuemil or 4drem a. Lpay WAU KEGAN Bles sete .c.ssy 08Me e mma se car Rias. i.Worhiuglon Jadd, Manager ai ZIon lian udluvtemntAsocation Tnmmdmy eompielmdtIb m aur of the N. liaiaon Cols fars Iu Bauton awutbip 10 oh oamoI. Davishesd of tUN Chrlsla lnhllc Churci. Théeon-. sideratlon for tbe 160 amas3,000 Thouasude are expected la m"tend tbm consersîlion af Zion Temple alite next Saurday. The 0. u4 X. W. bus pro- vIdai ample mease ofIrauporiallon forlb te arici nemd il la possible thal of tohlb.speotal trains vl uop br. la car r ujWaukegmn Zica s""ion. Witb lishe sage cf lie oriumuce lu Mouday alhgini gtng Hajuas and Claumon a nlgil ai vay ta1 bnnid sau eetrie line lirongi tie Ciy, thm lest Obstacle for a Ibsougi elecrl lino trou Chilcago 10 Mlwaukee la reuioved, TIbis. lilîlle daubabut th&& t ho rosi viOIl be buit and Il lue taied Il vili b. lemsed 10 the ovuers of Ibm romi nov raunnug 10 Ibelimita of the Ciy front Mlwaukee.. Whlm Ibm Mil- van le.coupmuy bas kepi op s show1 Of Opposiion la Ibmhe asureI& partmd, on Ibe besi ai anlhily, tbst the ancceesaul COuPaBY bas a Comiplots underatanding vIth lie Milwaukeea corporatiOnl and the cars vin harua.- nlug tralgbt tIhrougb 10 Cbicgo b.- foro lie nov files. Prldmy nîghi of lest uel a sevona tr. rugui lu Wgakegaaà. Wind sud ligbtalug played bavoe;. Darlug Une nlgbt Ibm Vini lflitdte roof trou Ibm grnd 8Isai at the vent ,aide ball grounds, e«rMing time. portion on Glen IHock Aenu nt Inlulathe rosît. 'the damage vIl hbe . oelof reptme. Ing fla. Llgblulug mrunnItUN barnc bolosglng go Jobhnsud Jo. licf aet1452 Wasbington sreet et 1120 aurdmy uoaiang andi Uns building and con- tante ver. autireby consumi nill- lag a basa1 a m iau ie indrod dol- ars. Thm deparimunt did not gai ou the couac untlltIbmbuilding vs be- poud mmviag, Ibm ruau bma&bout s mile, lamerons liroe "Onutheliacty voeablovu oves sud UV"rsipersane report tual lie lghîtg 1struey tdr building# thougi bs i dionti cteh ke. ta Cbicago sImd kahdilnslalby1 kîllîd mi ak Erb a lest andi mn1 ycouag umaand son oS nx-Aldermn E2. W. Êin, Tuesday naigit oaI lasI vei about 8:25 oobamok. The terrible me- aident vas vîluessaiby imani perSso a ~ ~ ~ ~~~~OI tubra b~~ lm ml a meeinlg a litskme. Abarge coad v4a miibmdeoai lng tfor the 8:30j train ta Ciclago. Thosadof Man apprso&lng l rain vu e bai sud as tbmhe adflitvas mon ai about Madsea strmet ormsine masusual, the pmemer td bla cssla the oa"l aid. of, hibreakse. Il vas, houever, nal lb. regniar train, buta mmial, and ouing4u$shaasiof lie rogular train il VOUS ibroaglia tatIUon ab a rate, peniaps 30 miles ami our. aMr. Erb vasu intnedlg géllng ta Cbicsgo. He .md gat i baila lutle. ceaier or Ibm track vioa ho ivas trici by tim Plbel. WIUn saalspeni va lie train g)ing liaithIbody ug fibarjd t0aa point Imnel opPasite tUN valereponni or about 150Sfeél. ,W" tuIb0 vita -u picleei op, li9.Wvi eSSto. lie vau ludmlî-anîl about 1the body and blé 11401 asbrn>kmn, mou MTIOJ TA I~9 THE F Ir~ Coilies Next. itcbedBattd 1BetwveOeffSliere ud ioen Keeper. Thé sldiersabai76. Sheridai mNF- lainai Ibslr unsvcSy ropgltau fo creallug troublu UN thei"intl# id lie t'art, vissa a ravi of104-mobbmd Jas. lnitabe'.s @Wlmacemd nemarmu Tburedmy algièt of lest W"s The rial vus towy th e sitl aI-a bravI vbtbqi h plaé tua1ii sbaS esmulisi lo *oe9fiuna.*oaweuo0 lu UNe bospls siv i eu l~- teom condition. L le .~ wentmang; a J" s iOiiie 4,1»b .M enend mIe mio bie 'ThU*Me ulgil lhey 1ued 'op % là@ UNbar sud ordred drinks. Buzlable dished tbeaop updi 4tb mas tsemfl UNi pleol Ibmeglosons 1p Mai Irev IbeM et bis bond, lbrough UNheklugglms sud vindovs. Tbe proptielca rémhsd fo a gun snd ired a sh09, bati be- Sora srybdy vas burt, Iva soldter. oavred bis anad bold binawviii. 1h, renlder of the gang pruceoed t a teur Ihings op ln géaéral. The itr la? of b theloan and adjoiniag reulur- vines, eUàowvilci thé ioies s8M lu thm mébée. Dlsbms vers ibravu lmh us in ldovs sud vbeu É*UhJl the 4obiers vers malinI viii liUmm verkélhs place iooked as 'il ihbad boom vrecb.d by a cyclone. Tbe rtoo f.deupemos#excllemseut lu Ub. tillsgc sud p.rsou% thelie oilly lied la sheler êuiug Ibm diminrbentc, for fréqeqntui sieswere lrei Ibaugb nobody ses emtlouly Injure&. A tisis Io linxtmble's pleceshows ait UNo Windows Io be brais anad Ibm voilà ndceillageup«Wiesad down are JOuI ofbpblsl bales. la mu lIerview James Iluxtabla, Jr., gave bis versioaaoaitUN miair, wviaiu le ta Ibthe lita" vbeu UNhegang af mldiers slcrmmd bhe hanese th"aight be sud bis 1*11er mch prosured aCab gu» sud Ibivo bar-isuders revoivert. Tbm quqrlel veni upelairs sud befmu holdirng UN fort against Ibm aiteol.1 14ien nl relaflmd h. llred tis lirm1 aboI, bal abois bosga lyicg lu rapid 1 agis?, Ibm gang af soldiers aindiugJ mrose lie mre and siaoting revolvers. Idirmoaly nobody vasnbkimcsa r1 aas co mraed. Lisais Mifflble, dangiler or the proprioer vas stalangBur àa vluoC Whou a ballet vhlsed by nadd imol- isbed as foyer po u JtA m Ir ehow. 1 Whon tbm baluAs vaslw progress lthe belifemd Party iebepboned la Un. pus& goura bar rolalcroementa, bal nons Cor. Bsn. Tihelire bell wva mmcrang la bapai of gefflng aid troun lb. i re- meu, but noue iepouded. âpeaking of Ibm afair a eiisen »Id: .I& was 80 bot, snd bouleiers, 40 lblck, Ibal verybody book la Ihe wuods. The sIiýeet becama deaerted iu tbm tviukilg of mu oye. Never before bma scb feeling pre. velled lu tbm villasge. The scîdiers as- sort liable vas nt aut&, Ibai lthe tvo meu iraetmmulted ver. druai mcd unable la defenid tbuus.l vte.' Tbm proprie%ùrý on lbe oîber baud aerise soecdimis triai te run Iblugh sud be rebusm ta lot Ue.. Tbun the malIen s@und&. Tbe pont authoritles are endevrlng ta dîseover j qat ubat mon obk part Su tbm riol and tbmy areý ail ta bc arrested. fliay aMr. imitabl, vent 10 Chii. cago la sec tb. commander aud report tbm sfaîr of Tbarsipy - ngis. Tbm commander tld air.. Hitable lhaI*b ahofiistve protection sud içpt bis promia . Prdsj nlghi at varions lalmrvals, a munted guaad tram Ibe battery and a gourd trai theinantry cmilld nt tIbm itable place ta see U auj distarbacce vas in progreas. Ev- mIying vas quiet. Tie protection vas doubUimsagivmu aMr. lHuxiablo as a roit of tbe report ibiS tbe lofai- tled soldièrm er.onla blo* np lbe salon. Mfr. linuiabls secured -warranats for the maeofut ergt. Viclar M aller sud Privtes Quinn, lMarrer mcd Michel and viii Shériff Grfin ho yont la thé tart sud goltIbm men ubo ver. tu errenit $ue .for bavlng tabon utr ln lie distinmace.. Mr. Hulblo wu prampted lIbis action by au Inisu. vivlo-Ib Gsn. Wimeber, coumndas of tbe dépamentl ocibhelales. In cesano idsiarbance by soliiens lu timoen ai pua.. the civil auborii.p bave povef ta prçmelthusa. Mir. Nuulablée nlmagea bis damage ai 15,00. Aler tIje modiers are paniabaitIe viclim a 10hIbmousièngil vlilnsé-for damagesmde ta bie praperty. Tuesda, morulng Privata Quinn, or ibm 11511 Iufliy, svorm jnni warraute tor James lintUablé and blm barteuder, Iolan. uharglng lieu viii amnat vith a domiiy vcapoc. Pourth of Jalj nigbb ie famii#Y af Jas. eésclmjusi norti ai Guru.. 'l"henI aJnsusé, u. libluas Fruit l'eais. J. W. Stantou, os nîlcuvnmv, fil., m prominoni mmber of tlb.Ilinloisf litaI. Hartîculural oclely, et wbioh b. le theérireuref, Les *«Moed a Imter trou H. M. 'Duulap, a mémber of thbm Siete, vbo in et preusul co- neactod vilh Unitued lâtesi xhibît Mi the Parie Wuld's Pair, -eannesning the vlclory et tbe Illinoia trilla Ibai are oi& éthibtioa. Au excerpt rou tbe latter foliaws: *,llnois applea scored àa tripb lest Wednasdmy, ben lte jury arisi Illinois 18, oui oS m possiblea m of lô; Missouri, le, mcd New York, 16. sixtoan pointe oct of tweuly antilles exhibât la a IvâI prize. Ba" ehnum vs Lave, vbat lalsrinai dtemporary compctilas, ubea prises ara avaudid sud no far. .IUluol ias alaas r pris. aI eaob oee Aumtrqoe Gema, sud Englisit are empbmsii léeted àa aur fruit, sud c- -h 1 soreral limestala luabonuI epOrIW cs Maliburu MaHur t. Gao. Doigo f M illburu, i-ave la Waukagan Tuaesisp wltb a l«44 ai tarin pioduca. lttpplug la trouS 01 the Kennedy resdeace on CoaSuy streel h. liai hie horse.. SA etramt car passéd and Ibe basse be. came trlgbteaqd, Mir. Dodge soisbagIl by Ibm mel iviti valu effots la quiet Il. Ib "m luula aaried up aid ag- glag hli ii ,Il, lampai onla the poraji o Mr. l(edp's boue nui- Juif bi e rh and creatlng fliden- able damege. Wti 1Mi. Dodge stilO! ciicgnng ta il. tbe animal tatmd clown Une uIveet.1 The avuer Waompelled ta -]et 100.0 Mai thé ifimaiherses omuied Uns nigil. i-fl Wam augil n»«W ibm maurinerO llaày-md Msdleuu issus« si lkea lc-emlde's livery. - Zs legs vers J"sely ointi ville the -buggy vac campbslsily dlulsed., "' Lau ý%4 & uba arav iacsérc*ýM i cnd moe r s fià'lo. fiAt wbach vilI lq bp-hpp *Mnay 01 the mon Wvoaucae te Bay City tO vark for tUN mmay vl re- maiunlliaI sligidborbcmd,,«4»y eau a9uuae mplOEasn.TineY mae saber and lndestribus sud ibil, ad a veL came tueauyrcSamniy." Banni aof Revlev la seeslas. Thm Lake Coati Board of Eevlow begon Ils labora Mniai moraing. The Peraonnel aofihh onnile: Chair- Muno ac SieBad orSupervisais, Miles T. Lausy; Coney <iIer, A. L.. Ramdam; a! £&-Mayor Evains, ofaI liien Park.. . Tie, lIma for lobusngobieolcus A 840. dmes*5eul expires UNelirmé Mou- dey lu AegmOuS aid I«Bm vl complueeMîlelabars al ta lu Dplss- bar. Barna Buns at Wadowortl. SslssdaynMainlg ahabout oce lgblaluga si the bu -beeu g la enry Graves, lu so le il* ai Thé building vsmlwu siinpm Ibongh the tîllagors voriSi wili buchéas. .-Ail ai tie excepling actaral laus af bou ver savmd. 1 WIlI 00 o lachis.. Ibm home haitmllpeut MUN 811 roi- méat of lnféalry, skltansd at Fort SBeridsu, leha ç,g"dsslo th le PhippiDGfa, oeternfbly for servie thora, bultasilUy ta serve lu ChIna viere a aires Amulemuarmy se ta hé orgaIsa. Ths iwcpabaiug aidoea bhome irons Calma dParla ltoa me la replace lie renJs no ersmviaoare la cItasb. Tie Wowthatira ta laesIi annhsy villesifor uMeall. So li- it hedeukide l o *Pow i iutubeto troe 'ntae okIS u .*4 'amli ;~p~~qibas REDUC3L>'PRicï On ail Summer Shirt Wal 39e Kind ]ededt o........29 50 C ".... .. .. .. .. .. 39 75 . .. .. . .. .. .. . 63 SLOO' .... . ...... 79 ., 1.25 Il "Il 1 . .. .. ... .. .. 98 * 5.50.. .................... 119 Colored and .White, alil ncely made.. MIIIi1n.ryDq tmn...5 Trimmed and Untrimmed Hatsg, Floya esM ail Trimmjnpu'at lets. than eact. Jiý ilUnaPe ié Mayor Gôrbio-t 164* Puren réent. je played lthesa a' lendotetlv suecesufully apes40ided. = pedlmr ho he de sflinggoode ta tib eliy nonIm1, inàdcuces The mayor, sMiq g lverai 000. meucd one oa*,:. 4r u a vwgdlng bie wv iE>b U MeCity' bun lâie Jlonday si Ak Ihey ,vefl nirolllrnh dou 11 " iiau e.r Deerpeli aveu ut a5Wmvsgc Thé wagon aaÇýumo ere qatI4 ordlniary, but 8W.. éo~nt Welm hidden by aniéW~ oer. Tb# linellieul mai.î, ýaliely re*ý lzmd &bat thé uisa s bave boua lkN"g la casernI * 4bat thesconuls. baud reffigh% ow4*&I vas vagond», for béer WqouIô ueelilgbwood snd Waukmgan are siia hé vonft amwle lions of 1.k. e rnti The major salai Beltrver 1ifhktsMd bis- Mone d oldag gsI ýta drinkiad tbm driver, Dol kuo*»Ug wbo the buyer vau, rempoudmdI wlhMgly, bandlnag over IbiaesbaIlle. The ayor tben iiled lbe driver by telllng hbis é wu ,under arrent. Tbe béer yedéle* W4e au sIiempI tu siart bim bornes laSrici, b effort Slled. 0duOi f lrver Ae mon1 "ah lb. sMd ille ho bld tirent hoU*s tui bmd lui.thé limes f hb. agq9we ssu vl ie tiothe 1V«« ru- limi~t b driver, hdpm I ' ànlnàsment à prairaled viIb '«W4 aer bis'1cm droppeâ ibm lsea àW1 u ilsalMd mMloulmm la bise * blelhi.enulire cargo vwern a ut.. I Mayot Gortoam 4 âOS lieSalk ct the lova. The ma"orla %of au olisi- lee emperase. u4and buiene favarmd lleautug séUdM ai Lake Pur- e", bustlie bellvué*ie la eutoralng the. 1mw. ilrowued Xear Wheeing. John Deuls wuedrowned la the DesPlanes river a mile norib of Wb"ellg Thursday of 1*51week. H. vas drlviligmarneMcansd rode hie bornemtaibe river nt a pint viere thera iasadeep bol% iUbougb b. bad beu arnedIbiswu as adangerous place in enler tUN river. coroner l<niqbheMau uniq uesi, AI vbieb the tacts la tise case vers lmnand. The jury wu5 compofsi of Mfr. Sisuger. rrantMaalel, C. WlI)i' Chan. JUin. ldvlsm It y. B. liobddt, vWhovau a viitén$a tbe drowiuj' *bowed the aircam. stances as toliava: libmid lg*l ~inlg ln a hnbl te milddle of the JIer iisblp'IV ho b saa D)euil, ride his hurla iqs the vater, maklug ià awim tinapo four yards tram bis boat. Huddqêbolb hors. mcd rider dsasppearedbueatb Ibm srface. Tbey came up and Deuls loerked 1he rein and tM, animal ndeavored 10 go lu shore. As tbm boratu rnmd ihm rider eemel tu slip frosa lse bock sud veut dovu melug- ly la under Ibm animal'. bèdy. lie camne up once more snd thexl "Dit oul or slght. 0 The body was fonnd iu aboutile1. t.t of vater. My stock is complote and> those 'Whop chase early get the benefit. of a large assortment; ta select from. Ob>as. ,Kaiser, La 'y Lom rernebe. verSants ul 11*5 action» re4u*ta *0 b l1sq~mI vers luegllsd aotv drn aàlr po" boma*Uulcue brick iteihonIl bMulg W O4mlataubouding«sMm. Thorn Vt ta oemiilUe inSan d ho sicesisilu ta uiaiug the aboy* caup*> setk perpos. Thé ait*et Mm UN imly vas ai Day cary, VIs.. sd Ibeher usaiLame Cou87i'peuple Vont tea mlsIeirfa r- inas. 0011 lu rejWzua shot lisue mgo, ftaacWV M ebarsslmm d &Hlouadlu deaua.isI4 . et me. abir in vblch thouesD& of &A"bo auy doula Vj»« bdbuaidrg Third Bubbis ,~?à beW Tala a BanI jg l Bay ciIy 1 sm S Oomeu MWb de sàltl sa4*d lThe no u-« s.jssbngu 4 l Imm is n th soe 0é l Wlsseiule .momgtU lme bu mise. Tie aidtc iel. ouuty alisebsi qusUa -the emesps V.a il"bmbsusa Wo a mdlosé 01.meisny,bomr Mmrs Sîver, mai,»*s sab n% , q.àk Harrison. cullmnraaulara " tkg easobsione à b astouai sth ev tatne abSa y, lemrsiter sud aMr lauisas mour" &brou Mcvogn frona Rad Wiag sa"bac"im -et"edgoade gla iscly tram vinem tbéY ver. shipped la0 omaneinI. "Déori tierézdicrwvre rsai la àéaoh hegoa mbai Uthoe r remali muNtüi oudey mrna,50 MMa vi& bon la lu heisrpéb veugesanCeathoir brows brcmghl inds of legal m»4 olhm MauIbou UNS »6»c. Thé rooma cf gU, saIs veMsabout $wo0 Md ewj mnongb la caver teib " m a Mi ANsIOCu MAX% TNosLuls. . A.G. Wallon, Srmerlair Af louit &ho. b.M"c via eld the oompsme tbm car1bai or mscbinery for a sarné of s&échboahemomaced as agaoinât Ihe Iberlif oS Piero@e eamusi f oUiaiug bIs godll. ir.Valsasvia prenntas the " .but dUi soi a ibl -elin UNe praperty. Marsovet, b bld Oun Il-blimsl l MY hoan t'on hiee hl@ h ca 'pq. Th 0f tbis s&Mount UNeompnya land buildinegsasd cassies ft Spain osU. talmi 1400,000. IbhebulWioIbis rMi emtI.,. exlendicg ladniosy d,,,- yard la the coter aiStUN mtm a dellullely upvard la »UN»Vestues_ sniiabitor -Weili d%îgglnbéby sd for baon âasnsioabute-ail ibis bas been sold for a onsîderailan oS SANBORN &CO*, Tailors.and JiHaberdashers.bc INKU NOV. twi'na ta tho fgct that à-mfinu- facturing çonéern desires,,Imrooe3 diat posesso of the largo brick factoFry n..'Libertyville whiferi1 hav tfve çarloads of farih machin 1 Iarn oblgoci ta remiovo same. To 'aill who order m6we rs, binders ork-farM mahinor'y 'NOW 1 wiIlltell beoWIc'ost rather than rent sto6r&", room for saine,, Order bfore -th machine>, a removeid.If yon wish- ta get 'the benefit of-reduced prIces. LtBERTYVILLE, ILL. SJd et Nét&75e md ................ B"ac Sting Nets. bodY end bess...............I1 25 Tun . *. »' » - .*-- -125 ]Roud Leather Nets. body Ïad bresst 40 h 1. 50 - m 5,n ~ 50 » 17s ,, n n. n. . n 60 - . 200 CeWebd VmgoeiTessa Net&. peSpair........ FIyHas oiia............... .......... a Stéeb gt................................7 Extmr good bargalaisin dack stable àaineet ....I G -t, HOUSg*S1A~. ~GAN, ILIUNQ JA- Ký-