Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 13 Jul 1900, p. 7

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( Copyright. Lousola Iop4i 1900) B, TALMAGIf lx noir traellin la Not'way. rbene lbe bas been dçu,ply Intretet i latht ratura pisson- ana anti tht quint social lite nf thast wmn' tirfl lant. In hfi. îlsoir* thiî veck lie urges, couîrary 10thue opinon ot mai, that religion in an active pinciple 'vhich rns contantliyfor thtea'lfare u01bWY anti nsn! anti sou. 'Ai% text la Luke xi., 1PA, "Bal in god" The Bible ila d tilnary uf the Sinet sicilien. It emîmioa-a, amon liiring crea' lta. torks anduii glea and toves anti uiicors oansd sheels anti îattlb; ainuil ,rets, sycanuIcs anti tereblittbaandi ponc- egrantes adagit mhngit anti apples; nmong Jeeiapastisnd sui anthysts anti jaclumîhs anti çîryopases4. Christ uses neistale illustations. 'ThicMilen Ibat lbe îmucks fut is sei'umuîm are de'vy treah; tie ravens ln Isis' diacoursmraiore not stimf- ed specirnegus uthini, bgat arn si ta' fron'vtng hp lte whig t11 he Ib Bh lh biniita te are net duliaoiut tige gis, as tboogh long caphrs'd, but ssuirni li the met net just brmmigbl utu0on thteImeuch ut Tibeia n bmu>-tliaI, whiminlaîtheîm'co- ration ot eueoutbis itonuus. lie luleks up a crytal anti bolgîs il butore bis congre- galion astuniluastiutinutrdivine grcet ln th eart, as-bu-gml1e aya, abat ire ai know hyespanluient. "Sul Ia gout"* 1 Philil ry tu, cammy>fint the Saviuur' a Itea Ii. Iis test anti lu the raI Place 55>' tu yonnthat groce la lihe mîltinl iabeau- t. lu OGlliia Iere are uines ut Sat, 'vth excavations antigunderground pas- sauges reachlng. i an tulul, 2801 ul4ls.Fat coe ngiygrouât theni' are chapelsandutiballa et racepilon, the columans, tht allans anti the palpta ut sait. N'b-n lie king anti lie princes conmit viffil Ibese mines, the, inoepaeisitilumni'd andthe lomy of crystai 'vtgla anti crytal eilinga simd rystailefura snd crystai -oinunna. ngler tht giare ut thetoluchem andt tIg Inp, -neeta word, of etystai lu test-dîme it But r00 nee t ltgo suacr se bat te fiadt he beniy ut sait. Yuu liaeit' oa lanud wich pnîdcaca oillions ut Ibugheis of Il ln a Yî'ar. sud Yeuggcant salie the uoraing raib train ant ini a feir bouts gel tath ie suit mine@suantisait spri-ng. Andi You lia-e ibisArlîci. moirning. noua and ualgt o your tjle .Sait bus ail tht beoty t thue snowillku. andl 'vtîr toanu with durabillly aildeml itlxla luautitul lue the balcamleye, bulunatter tht glîass-nu sec 1the stars andth ie dlnamds anud tbe wibte treea lrsnehes andthi glmm'stera sndith1elbriges oe te s the suns gints then. 'rbere us mure ar-ebhtclunml ln one oft Ieme empalis te sat thon Isis- mn in lugnuit>'lias evmr mtmougtritd in aun Alhamibra or et. Pters» Gotile berIles hnnumeable. b. lut- t, maury est trop We 'eeli wu the regardl- Lumter, ,t*re- eh a re- dAt t'eu rdmwa 1 lime luop vm t. o à@. "le st 'usxt gr. dater matie %ed,otter Pr' a son retoset ta taktesoit ta i thebntY. Tht estrstes 'vonit l, the lo"s 'oulti struggis with the air, slow réfvers 'vunit crawl thruth tebri be btisrt 'voui 'lutter, anti tht lite 'vould. be tnse. SaIt a necessity fur the litentf thse hadjthy1e grecset od loia unetaîtyfor the tO eof Aguin 1 rcnrkr that grice la like sait lu abnadance. Codi ha. strewn tait in vast profusion ail over the continenta. Rusaist sean. bulît on a suItcellar. Thoet la one: raglon et that coutry Ihit tura out 90,000 tons la ajeur, Engiaot snt Rassis.a nd ît laI M.hve luxiamtible ta- souries in this respect. Nuriryan d Bweden. white w'vith subirove, inuIte aitllsat beceath. Anatr4iayltlillgtl- 000 Ions annually. Nearly ail tb. nations rlch la lt-rock sait spring saitnemalt. Christ, the Creator nf the irorîi, iren 11e utteret onr text, kuawit Iw'ouldt be- corne mort anti mura aignilicant as lue shafts 'vert sîmnk andti he sprints -a-r boret anti the pumpa 'vert worket anti ibuer>stsis a-cnt gatheret. ne the gvam'e rot Clotinlaabondant Itla .for aIl lants, for ail agm'e, for ail conditions. I t ebits to tnuerlrd teêrytblng. Pardon fut the 'votIin, comluit tur tht sharpenttsut- tering, hclgbtea t- llght for the thiceut lankuiens Atoutid about tht sait lukea ut Soratoy tht-e arc 10,000 nen toillng day Jlnd p ggbl auîl yet they neyer exhaust thie saline treauîren. Anti if the1e ,0W.O- 000,00 0 or - mat shoulti noi r etout tu Guti for bis merd> there asouit be m'îguugh for aul-for thos at test gone la Kin. ton the muntierer standing on tht drop of the gallicus. Il Il an ocean ut mrnt'>':andl if Europe snt Ais, Atrica, Nourth sou hSouth Angerica anti ail the l- antis of 1the sesnveot down iniltu-day îiîey woului bite roor n eunh lueuash inul ruine up cii-an. Let nu inutbink thîml bis ruai' is mugi tough a Une for (lot te net upun. Tiiotîgi jour gin nay ha dotei aou ragima, ]etmtne tell 7Yeu that 5 om'sgroe lu a bridîge nul bulit on esrtbly uiers. but suuI-iedanti spau- utlng the avfîul ebsuim pmutjour guilt, one engd resîluga upuîm lie rock omut eenul promnises anti the othar on tht foondu- lions ut eaven. Pemnetrlus anre a tube Pô igneue'vihhJeinels thet nu ont aller hlm ever mjarýt uaier It. but on King, J-i tkatftht robe ut his rlghteus- nia.a robe luluot i»tel anud hearen lus- igpeanieti, snd m*chts it ouI tu thet 'vot a.thh il lime esrth anmîteyx "Put timat o!W'a r il sn! bWenr il forever." PureRasoir lie Surface. - AW.ln, 11e graüetout (liisike sitlui the va>' me cun' te tit. Tht suit on the surface' bn ainut Abinsys Impue-thal 'vhieh incrusta 1the lbncI>' Miiotahue anti the Softh Agierican pampas ast inllI- dhis; tat the minets go tomn through 1the alattaandt hroogb tht tari iabyrinîhs anti ulng ly galieries et rock anti with torches andi pic-kx-,' fButthein 'va>'un- tier thc ver>' fousuitionuofuthé11eeartb. tu 'vbere the sait lenii'sImiakes up tht nati,'oa citîbTogeto-ttht bt saline osîîrîng" nilie eurtb buige usnhiner>' goca down. hoing ueîth beow tieplh, teptis bluin depth. until froinmnder tht' very cola uofth11e noîua. thetsaine 'valet aaîîîiies'tht aquedtuic. This 'vaten la brougit lu the surface ant in exposeti in tankis 10 the suntfor eroporatiun, un it la put la hulera nightillî ealeti, anditht mater avraporates. asdth1e at galbersata the botan ut the tank-tht wonk la compieti., anti th frtant la matie. Bo wîîb the graeutf(lut. It la tu ho pro- fonudi>' sought stter. Witb i&H the nou- ceutetet tuerghes ut buody, mid anti asi ire monatt ilg fqnIl. Nu Maun aumbles se- eltentahi>' on IL. We nati te go dtumuta the ver>' luicnt arats of eunnestrin andso fathta1fint I. Superficlal exploration 'viii nulttuni itU. 'iVtmuet trlre anti implore asuditg muuslh 'e strike the spring tuamina 'ilS living waters. Theu tie m'onuet eruporalios heglos, anti asutah tht saline waters are expuse t u tht sun, tht valuons SuaI a'vy. leaving sutblng but the pure white sait t the beton ut 1the tank, mau. -ien the Cbistian's soni la etiosedt l the Son of Rigbttousuuess, the ripons ut primîe agidseliibness anti wsornliuesa ot off, anti thece la chiti> left bencmlh Pitre wite bolines utheart. lieînas in the (,ose 0f tht mat, the tur- noi'e in atimictiBaing troubles. eirned b>' smuttéd tokers of dsrkness, quicken tige eaiiortition utf5,u'ldhness, sut tht cystailiiîttioii ut grare. sweee ofutReligiou. flIanee gro nulbeein tnongb trouble tu bave Ibal saotk go onu? 1'vastmaling of Ari-uotie. Whbo sit there iras a fieldi ut flumera in SieilY ous ireet that once a himuîîît. comnig on the truck of gant'. rîuîoî ia that ittl andl aas beailtitret hi> tue pî-ctuînm's andgls altht ti-sel. Oh, 'liaI ir aots uight lacoma like"a filel whietu the Lord bath blea-seti" anti exhale ,ou fiimguh of the sireîmi-sa et Chriaiagi haracer that 1the tomndslafut Iptalion, comniug on unr track. might lbat Il antigui bowling backwith duiitoinznenl! Bugt, 1 tenant again. that1the gi-sec ut Guti is ile 11e sait lu Ils prtaervaaive uualit>'. Yu kIni tIbit sait absorba te moltoce ut articles ot food anti inft ues Iben'ith brise. m-bu-b presenvez theu for- a long white. Sat a the p-cal auli- guîtreator ofthIe 'vorlfl. Exptnliienîers, in prestu-iug foo, hart t-led shgar anti .moite anti autgîght jars tnt everytliug chic. limaIasion unsh1e moid tiaantia Chrst's 'vont is ali 1e agmagealire, anti nîît 'ilii admit Ilat as i giet pceaenva- lire *"sat le get. " But furth11e grâce of ont tht earth m'unît have benome a stale carcansaong before thîs. Thot grace la the uni>'presrratîve uf laur, anti con- stitutions anti literatustes. Juat as satin as a goveminent bassIis sit ut dia-lnt p-seec il prales. Thteîîhlosopby or Iis ta>'. sa fan as Il l a nuaguistie lu Ibis religion, pumîees asait eink. Tht great tirant utrOlit seboola ut leanning anti our institutionsa ut science to-day in, not more Leyden jars u anioulne batteries anti spectroscopes anti phiiçsophicai appactu- tua, but nore ofthIbt grace flint mili loaeh our baen of scitace tht the (lut ut the niren athte(lot ut tht Bible. Ilow strange It la that in ahi their rnig- nuient sweep of the teleseupe tht>' lai-e sot acta the moraiuug star 0f Je'ans andi that ln ail thelr uxperiments mitbh igt andlti he bhave sut seau tht llgbt anti fet the watmibot the Sua utfltighto'oos- nastal Wa'vont moi-e ut thtesutlt fGuti'u p-uice lu ont homes, laounr s'boulis, in otîr cllegea, ln ouxrsocialli9, laur Cbhstisnity. Anti that whi-h bas it wili lire; that 'vbicb bas Il nutll ii.ilr umolainu thetîenulency >ut evem->thing etrItîly tulu ateticion anti teali-tba religion of Christ thse omly preservative. Mg susimicc Is une ut great congratula' tlugg to thogsho havae'ithin iteir souls Iis gospel anliseptie. Thisags il vlI pre- serre then> througlý t e temaplutionsa an! eouriowa cf lite andt tmnugh the ages ut eterimit'. I to vsut menunlu su>' that pou wiil bave p snooth imue hecewmpou ara a Chrlï,ian. On lime coutrui.' if pou do yi' tiraboit tnt', I yril promis. ou a routhtint. Ton toeh dtrsgiman teua- m iy'a counry, and theW irlltri' tis double ap bolh fanitad'te cMt Y« 0off frisa pofur soure, o tlklie& Thtt was yot {wag 'wiIii»M the «Jato pbu si »M ho b Win? 'Ke0t bj e p of God Ibroue is .1h dmtcompletai u vallon." . h. w,%i.tai Matais. When Goe. Geatry of Pensssylvania tutti. yu"y ago. I last a gooti trIent. lie Impreaset me m$gily vitlo the horrors of war. In the elght bouts that we rode together ln the cars lhe recîtedtu10me 1the scenez lhrongb whlch hie hailpassiin lhe civil war. Ht sais that there came one batil upon wbleh everything seemed ta pivot. Telegnams train Washington sait that th1elite of the nation dependeti on that atrugle. Une said to me: **'L 'veutt lto 11111 battIt, air, wltb my son. His mother anti 1 thougbt everything of hlm. You knosv how a tatiser 'viilfeel Iowart hi. son who i. cîisnlng op manly andi brave anti goond. Weil, the battit upened anti concentereti, andi il wasa w- fui. Horata andi ridera beot anti twinted anti pilet up 'vas awfjul, air. We quit Orint anti took to the point of the bayonel. Weil, air, 1 dldn't fuel like myselt that day. 1 bad prayedta 1 Gosi for strength for that partîcular bat- tle, and, 1'vent into- Il feeling that 1 bati lu my right atm 111e strength of tan glants." Anti asu11e Governor brongbt bis iai djwn on the bock ot the smnt il fairly madth1e car tremble. "WeH.,'lhe @nmid. "the battit 'vas desperate, bnt atter awhile 'vs gained a litt1e, anti we mureth- et i) a litlîe. 1 turnes] round ta the truolîs apIahsouted. 'Come on, boyai' and 1 sutiîpet acros a adead soltier. andI. Il vais my ton! 1 ssa ntthe firisl glanco 11e 'as deaui, andi >et I dît sol date 10 stop a minute, for the criait batcorne in thét iattle. Su 1I mat got to'vn on nîy kugees, and l Trrcw ny arma ornoant!himu, anti 1 gave hlm uonegooti kisa antisauut, 'Good-hy. dear,' anuI aprang op anti about- cul. 'Conte on. boys?'" su itle lanbthe Chriatian cogflic-il la a tierce 1igtI Eternatl sgeoa &,cm depending on tht strife. Il'aveîî la waiting for the bulle- lins t0 announce 1the tremendons issue. Itail ut %hot, gasofu sabser, faîl of batlle- six, grourning on evèry aide. IVe cacii9t: stop for lois or hereavement or anything euýe. 'iiîione. arcuent enabrace anti une lpving kis arr utter ur fareweils anti te cry: "Couse on, boys! There are ,other lieights to be captured; thereý are oilier toes 10 be conquereul; thera are other crowng ns bc'won." Yel, ne une )or the Lord'» aorgeons, tL aiusi bint 011 lwo ort bres'o onta. bat lift timm nui'. igalever they 11o. I have been toIt there is nothing lîke sait t1 %top tht bleiling ut a 'vunt, andtiasu1 taise, bis saliut Chrixt's gospel anti pot it on the iacm'raled eoul. It amats a lit- tle ai liraI, but setý-tht bleeding stops, aud, lu, tht lIç'h corne again as the flesh ut a litIle chilti. "Soit la gooti." "Con- fort une ânother witb theae wurgls.", SHO~r2RT SERMONS. The Jews.-The .le'v have given ta tige wrn tIs art, ils culture; bave given tu tht avoriti tbe fBraIgreast dec- laration ut indopendence; tliey have sitooti iraI andituregnost ln tht hlatory ut clvlUizatlon wlth such men as Musoes. Peter anti Paui, sud Jtlabas es'on gîven ta Cbniatianlty Christ.- Rtabbi 1. Philo, Hobrow, Akron, Ohio. Tino 11orces.-Two forcesaro alinsys at play 'vîthin min-o-nt atretchlng out1 loto thetirnt wltb the effort to graap irbat gondi Il lh tupposodtalupases@. This ire cal sdcaire. The aitier enjoya posaesion irbena cquireti. andi lovlng- 'Iy treasures It Thia la calleti compia- vency. Tht powettt 1retrain Ibhis gratification ln humlllty, andi througts il ire are pres'anted fron overestlmat- lng tht gond ielh we posse@ss.Rev. ïsather Idahony, Roman Catholic, San Franciacu, Cal. Envlronntnt.-Havlng suffereti train niaay Influences anti many hiait trutba, dur generation bansauffereti gnlevously fruin tht orer-emphnssls of environ. mient. Multitudes are tige slaves of their surrouidlinge an&i the vidimaisof teets. This magie word. environient bas, go tu speak. hYPnotlzet 111candi left thein poiveesta1 assert their wlll. Carrying 'vîtin thcniseia-es the poir- trg that. If assserteti, 'oulti make then tht sons Ot happluessa'anti atrength, they go torwnrd i wth Igoiret heods, sud, aveary and dlspirlted.-Itev. Dr. litilis. Con.gregatlonallst, Brooklyn, BELONGS TO TIS COUNTRY. ..mei su#ad "AmericansO' Have a National Signifiranet. 'Aimerlca" andti "Amerleans" are jternis ut national limitation ln the use ut unr nelghhors aiready. says the Sut- urday Evenlug I'oat. Tht Canadlian may vail himseit a Northi Amiican, but nevur an Amérîcani lie keeptusIat naine- for bis ueilihtîrs lu tIhe gouth. A 'Mexlu'gn lias bîut une senise for tige wor uni ierleano, liy wavlihlie desig- blDates tihe gman froîin acro4s 1t1e Mal S", ie.i~.tîgrungliout lte whole cusni1lîiçiît, w-o are glu' Americans and o(ut ooîgtry h .tmetra lis tht usaige ut î'very lueoplle ut thet wuesti'rn 'orii. Only aniosig uursulris, andtinusau ln- herittî nce truîn uî r pu'rlod ut rologulal. pollii's, lu tie aîgy igesitallon lis 1the 1malter. Anti as wt, have far more than tIhe population uofguilte test ofthlie 1continent, lu say notlglng utfirealtli andi powver and ti ler elenienlt n elgl, the naminDola nulîgit. Tige father ut his countr'y tay tulrly dlaIm 1the salue riglist as otiger fathers ln numlng thte hilîl. lu' fils fareweol atitrusa lie seîîgus luhave anitîlllateti sanie sncbi confioln, anti lie Inys stre'ss on lime national naine as a bondtiou union. "The naine Aigieriean. wigich belonge a toyotîln your national ea- isaciy, mnt ~alwnys etitîl the igiide of îmtrlotlsra,lie' soya. "more tIlian y appellation dt'riaedl froin lovai distîne- lions."' Whuat aias delijite enongh for hilm shoulti do for us. Stevenson-Gets Second Place on the Denticratc Ticket. PLATFORM FOR 16 TO 1 Imptrlalism I, la, Nweclaredt 10Re lie Psamt lsut, Sutionau Demor aîl Cona'emtlogîNom' lte William j. Brxan b>' Acca-a mation AuisI Saaget 0 Viibl lienon' etralo-Rsoltteam Adî,îted Wth' onultht ExperlesiWigh.t-lamperi-l lemaithe Ublaf Issue-Trusts md i iut- tarisiDenouoee-Cnnvemtiou'à Des. mnalle Close. Kimia.- 'Ciyinepodm'i - il'utiar J. Bmyan iras oiiiuateti ton 'c-sidetiî by the Dentocra;iî national oSiOnlin aIS o'cIoaitThur.,îtî> -aeung, gfler a dii> ut Immense ettioiaauu. The ,-on leitiin badt tiresessions, hitth ulîroar- tous- A Iii 1 f piattormu w-aiaduptet uni oi i ruiliain 'vas nantît 10 tig etagi- WILtLIAMl ZBNIISIMYgtv i. isg issue outh1e1etcapuign.'Th- cunven- tiâou then ailournet until 10:30I o'ciock Frhday norning. It wa amter Ilî 'clock n tues Perns- tient Chirnan Richardsonu culledth 1e convention luontrer Tigtia- yBisbup titennon ut Kan:"s City offi i.d the' open- gag prayer. Tht vather %ga, couler anti the girenl t roii- that pus bel the hall heard the proceedimaga 'iblu mure confort 111.. ou Wednesday. Aftt'r tht' lrayer thene 'vas go mach nolaeî thut tht chair- man bai tu appeas!fot ortim'c While irait- ing for tht commIttet ori ri-soigitons 10 report tht convention istauidtti speeches up seva rai unonsameag % hmu oi ent <loy. Hogg ut Taxas, Aiem. iuîukery ot. Missouri sot Mayor Rose oftMilwuiakee. Trhé résolutions eonmlte i g igfot yet reaty lu report i reecas asas tsktn ustil 3:30 o'cluck. It vas nulou til 4 oriskthat Chair- man Richartison plekedtitt the garei anti brougât the convetiotlu i ortiî'. Tht résolutions cornnittqre, beatet b>' Sêeualr Jones. 1V. J. CsntOad, Semtor Tillman anti Jutige Van Wyi'k,-puaheti their wuy to the front. M. Tilhnuan rendi the plat- totumlu a voice cuil> beard. Anlul a tourrit cieera anti app~lause the plttora 'vus sdoptet irîbotut dissent. syneaii of ghe t'uatforuu. Immpraisu la lielît tauice emont inm or- tant lsse umniete'fore the Asierleu tepe.ggnassgît ieragsent ailiosg lie cnt the u gi- lu aoppused. ia- de p cadence la ptroîîli t1ht' Filiplaus. r ea r oo cm tii!muiegoau he clade boaie tates ithoot injystu i-e te the lighaildt sut.orut1h. Unitledl itatmugiandth thilIe eou seuO LI:t enpî 1 îl 1u-l s atoccl. Mllsbag. t 'vi urîîtautlng rus!, la heid bu threuien tghu îlîriifes ut the Pucple aud tihe stVtiiy et a trieie eruguenr. ëStrietc ffnalocion or lt monroe daîrlue la demnadeil., TihetChicago plst'urîm mfif tan lareiffirmeg, witum upectitli-lualu ifayceot rýetcois- -sgt ut tihe ratioo f 1i; t, . Thea Portao itîgo M1iti mutthe' Iepuubian poibe>' luaUsiuanre mu-I il utied. Traisa re harged rohcbbing th@ , hein aalI)rtèdatuii1. rlied tai' Fre" traiet te a 'f t- m t* aiosrti-eil. ThtelIlagle',tiH il1,la ndeuusuud. Thc mmestetrreu'->a ii-îîîs ienoagotut ai ha bat: i meâsgnelua ith l of nIthtentional canls. Thtetcbt'ire ilt ainatianal haut notes la demaaded. Arbitraitio m i gt-it i. lige Meas fur set- tilmg laàiaral duggl ie.sud s dep.'r- ment ot alion, us1h a it lus lhe cabinet, la Lituecali gesInma- praoiet. lua-od.r. Thte ,,,r ;iîi i f i '.acsgua cnuti> mIe Uitgedi Stmîar t-'t 1m,,ed, 5usd mIme ttui l'aueefimte tmuai ml-gig-g Iltatumisoil lui btît uif- NeNaiueico. AMi- Syn-pathy la -agi -tforie B.t-s bu tghcir Prnugge for 1lloi, and uhuibimpi-iiith'. itu'mlumion aond rpeiAi - reentinit tulies arc itemandeil. uiîuaiîafîrIj-'-ilent aamce oexl iu urdu'. Alabuuuuu.î itetito Nebrasaka andmhW. D. Oltihguîgi i teuiu he naine ot W. J. Bryaîî. '11 - -u tutlovn'd aa lIt deumnstrullo Wi-ithe enthusiastu bai-giun for imiani>- t\%ii i ig> inuji-s Chair- man Richgardisonuiu.r t ui lomtidtiguc- touuIy toc ocet. lh ,ulis luit bhi-galo pomer ut heltrinu'Dgi o g. mît intttua, anti 'vus nt migtil tari-g >,i iiernutesa bal elapsedt honthe 1-ili hal guitiideti andt laucoîgrggiuuugmi hmas tici- ronce mors., Tht noutiigggmi vsa aceonied b>' ex-Sesator Whiteî r ut i iiiil.1). IB. Hi1l1Of New r ik.S-iitîcanieI of Vir- gînia, Juulg-'hmuu oig f Imilnels andî Others. Theteuc w is tgaulioua, mmiifi exthe convntiomnaluîîîîI 11titiuiy. The Preitentl al ilIt' tauLtssrfly i Ib 1 andi afrome il as elibmhizunneui thetnome ef arrnu. Ou t as to 1the ml of the kits* -Ibeý snml'e"'for te ieoprtsieny- tb'*'ers vîs'ioou Oiiuus. - - yOd lesilodilitas at b",rlmlsy waasthé oreof tme Conven'uionm tAnd .trMrding- peilacasnge ca rli ~ep 'it-1 i ualeoteste, e t test 'a Theleth tit. R eloe>oeme a k aul lh. 90,000 semIs wer MW5usd 4those1who aPoersd aftr that houe Jammnet the alie" andi doorways ontil there was flot space for anybody ta even maire a motion toa ad- joun. At 10:45 Chaurmas Ritchardison, wltb à sweep of the garel. eut off the $trains of the band,. siowiy tilleti the confusion, andi bronght the convention te order for lite third day's work. Atter prayer the caii ut States for nominations for Vice Preaitlent iras beguu. Arkansas Yielded ta Illiroià andi Congresâmn uWillianms piaceti Aillai B. Stevensona nomne before the convention. A btrit ut appiagise Andi great confusion foilowed. Minnesotga presenteti tire naome ut Chagrles A. Tonne nd rtet demnstration %vos reoewed. Then Senator (iradi-, of NeNW' York, got the fluor dt namî'd Dgisid B. Hill. anmi iîagg'nd-orîluM bruire looffl. 1Hill aliei te the ialform bdlesid (radY snd rieti li toll phlm. hut it wss ggs.'leqs. Thi. ngiginirof t Hill aliost stampetrld the cujnv('gtlîo. The nrotons scenres of Wei- ncosay. wlii i 111wns th1e cent& 'of ln- tertiýt. w're reýtebut the New York Igloo ,l-clifled thetnomoination. Thtemon- veît ion namîgm'd tev-isouoan iti euice, gifler a thrllling cogtet. jonen a a irman. Tire national )eggî,-cîtie cummittet, <hose'n by tht og -tig, gg' shortly af' tec thejtij.rgîgggegîî t of1hiýconvegntion and ur;anized bly thp r-i leetion ut ail the old officers, witlî ttireexepiigou tire treasgiger. Tige Oiûii olieri, who bit chacge ut thet 8foil cmanîgln or Brygin, were: Chairmau. JanwsmoK. Jliof % r- kînai; viee-cbairggggg. c W~î.~ illiagu J. Stoigi'of Missouri; sm'cittacy. C'. A. Walishi of Inwa; argî'atit-aî atriii, lutin 1. Martini ot Missouri. convention Notes. Altaca goals were au fait. Wi. A. ClarkL .aâneeéred nnslho came ID. andt hî'e were cries of "Hil!." "he fgrniture on the piatform was aulti ut tacrtion by the irin that ownud it. 114higan cagne in with a goldbi îd he bounner with the arma ut the State uIpOD il. Tig a"s o ggnttige plattorin was Ia iret cousin outighe jain t a bargain coma- ter. (os'. llogg ,of Texas in huilt like a gri/ car and wore ten yards of alpaca in hoie cost. $orne delegates wore rlbbons, whlcb reati: "I do nul lire i Kanais City. B@ gota 10me." A picture of, a phoiuInx was oatont endi ut the hall ntid a potrhait of Mr. Bryan Lit the other;. f Tige convention hall waa d(ecoraled isrtt flags. shirt Waiftgg, PRlM leat fana andi Postal ineseager boys. BiAbhp lGennon ot Kansas City, whu offmretithe prayer. tiecorated the steeple ot is egthedral with American dogeg. Aritouga had nanilk-white floug un it£ standard. Il iras the ogly unufilcial dec- orgtiolin the fleur otbth convention ex- cept that of Hawsaji. The gavela used by the temporary chairinso and aieldeti hy the permanent chaigman were the ordinary sort dallied with hy prealdents of unibtrumive debat- ing ioriea.. Wlile tht rally of the standal'da u1te h llattigri was golng on nmt the nlght ses- sion two îihotugraphers worked incessant- ly ut flogmali lghts. Borne delegates thought Ihebm,kimu meant a celebragion andi cheer- id accurdingly. Ilt was a convention ot shirtaleevea. Il is mi mxggeratlon ta say that nîne-tenths or the maIe pensons in the convention hall Wednesday atternoon and evenlng wm've coaties%: and more than hait were minus aaisteoas. Tht Fourth et Juiy In Kansas City meant ai ggn in the banda ot every amali boy. There 'vas ni prohlbitory tiroclama- tion by the Mayor. hIlank cartritigea, sorntimeir thgîse with bullets, were ex: ploded with ierre racklng promiscuonus- fiess. Gallias a Lunch, A sadiuookinig gentleman, lhke a sort1 ot i-em'-iibrellredlitagulet, wth a painful expriession ot tact, entereti tht tedffe nqis utfta counti-y'bolet tige uther duip. hiug in bis baud a sal canis- ter. "Loul ,aititis, gentleman," lhe utoli, sorrotsuiy. "I'veut hito a gumnsmilu abolitlu gît soiiihing lu cal, andthle man hbaudut] me this eautfposa-er. jle salîl h îouil go anti blow myseîf up; profeselimitaî augra irtre tnul aantet noir, theressami mmy>'fint amateurs. I pietige youmui n word." saIt tht tramp, holding- hue (,ait ivrlbn an Inch ut the grato lu whîl- ir ie m'as burning. "l'nt au gitii-tîalelI'vIe a aisnint] lufollosa bis, tdice"* 'Par- yogi glo l?' agitIhe bystandar, i inkinig mît tht' tiowd. TIme îîi-tîd 115-t>' gaie a sud. g iieiit-lu-ug , igîîgu'cluî oi,îandîh osseti lte cuion mb the' lne. rute i-ompnluuy illd, andtinuhgutiout i-f tht planmu ibhl hl ietIsnK , en î'uhie>' utigèdItabouit ten miunlts lager, ttîm glt>'Obeas-was niu'ig burin- Iriss>' obi Ibm' it'. Nul Ho thge gitimis F-ouîr w-ecg' embut> anti sei'mraî lont-beun Piules lan. Ilauiu t Nwssgone. Uhissin ,'s Boitoe. A Cbgonan ierctgtntlibt a Calonna toan, tiot lbumu'img liiq ustomens b>' mtine, giemi the fuullmîaang systeîn for lt'Ittg tlts neciut-,: lied salun niun - ----------------..$27 0 Minontmuluaibts' ............10 10 leaI Freîî (r2 W'ihkers mai. ........... 01 25 Laine Wj: 0 23 Fat niait------------------------9 251 RIed 'vbil,-ra--------------------7 50 Stei siiiiiiggig......--.---------lit 0i (telt iglil mui---------------..-----(tu lui the ast Itoft hetutquuint atore- hcecpen hbasa italul tilui t fA uierit-an slamng,. arlc1,,, Leverlluîlesa. expres- sive. gThe warilrul iîkeutgcm'm hguul trI deuIl>' omt beImuîul iddtu Iibvoarah lai-y u atinteg. A Thi;et LugrI il Up. A Itllr' ml~miîli tg 1 argeiminuuaon î'arl r-tzgthe ihi-c uiru t uutfuuid i hm- soift luii ltiî'li ilîI il-arîhug tout- alepujs, ua -i .li'îlfi l uehgind a ag'g-ccî. l-r' ili 7 Imu8 S ugnîgîck tige eldeat tiaughl i'tigl a temsotn mugithe tpano. Frow 8 i1) 1 wt> 'hik tu egut tuugb- ter lii u iut lvlsiiti l'om 9 MI1 11< tu'ok gtih M'oluiad itt asiejla 10 tsil 1ou I 1il ltheuthilibi'son luda t vusoili gn t1wImilote.' I Il ail 1the Lnalleca and. sstura u'enlle anti stutieti u etrîîlittttug imîe of pimano, alihu. llgtm'e andt aiimu. 'Theithuie tag- gi-nu îuîut fi-uot iq-iîigiiti lt!'g-tan u t liatît b f 7,015 alling aI theS' test -For utnîi-eys sale. havma Ueîi.d ui, til'gite bme a et." lio,trealta ni41 milesnDaru oc OCCURRENCES OURINO THE cinus has been otuankizat tMount' PAST WEEK. Our Frais Takes Viral Frizes ln Paris ci -Traima lu Colllslnm-A Frett' Ro- maie Enta T-il, Farmens X illed by Il Liabînina Itabe Foun nulluRiver. 1I .Y. g'%I'.jb. liiltmgîaîo tti ii i S litgi-migii-i .4i-oml" i tie Iguti-l ci gimil îiii gu'. , vilm;1 ifhe htrejiim tl. gui ii gttuc ivtalé,iii - -- la Il.- iiih'M 1mîl'salla imi.. -l'ot g-li--glg-nh,-um ltllî *- > i liafi kg-giliilg i il li- mm l i tg4u4 1ii h In; -giviii- -i g muthgît ltinois il; g1ýitîgtn ii liIi hgthé j 1lg g-îggg'i tibli t là cl- jryi.lilmi-tglglit i mi 14 rieo gi yiuaag .lm mml - lt hitgio liao githig monde p lutini i gui i ll vl til nuggagî , ll, t igjg ilt. it livit pldn tendu gîf lig a otmmî- ilyî -,m - 1,~i hOu-.tongille rt. ilg'tm' îiiitiii1, Traina Cuilde Ni-rEuazin. thtelaulmmu z ]ig11 mu-ril .11the Noruth- ,a"cotrn lahl ira> uîmtt ii,-I:lt t'im il- aa mil, ulesmgiglle gît Iligiiu. T'eiii iut trîminugîonoutiii- gmant .g iu;mklig .a iiuc gm-leuu tigu' llimgktugid iai nm tîtuuim t Ile m'ug l c' iitligit' l tgl-c. g g i h il. Thrueiligii-tul-îgi iine idsigecul gano left ilu mmii. T' l'ii -i l liîîîu ilu iegglt-ur 'f ot tîi tt. a ii jîmuuil muia'nd imglnit. juiry.- Eiî'i i M igmttfutelle' itoca-ît bl-i-icjiiiiuii-îlaul iale'mlto iibsll ice- 'étalé. I:liuuhl id EnutlhiZug Iglmé,Ihlet' sair,, ullut Nggctîgmruinzîîîim-l gu the uigillu-4 lami %%-;esiiitu lrt. Suý,-a 'îliisn-pi-rt bcggk.-.u itidl h i oit uul-iillt-iijitrugI ýSi- elitt>-ire passt'tgu'- oniii tii raitué ittii sîl-imuaiimury "t iu uiiuautict un getuiguu eggiagkouugt, auî a greatitr fore oîutd have blîcowntit!t train tu tige bottoin. Rognante Endis laeas Narrinige. l As bni'ty mutnromance ast .viels ca-ccfouti > lna fictionî culgguuggmteti nt Tiuugaagtîm N. Y. recently ihoa a uuringî' asir-h ctgseul a social sensuation. (one >csr ago 'Nfias lI cbel hKiirr lmmîta îroi iituînt agui 'veaithlo, uciety lenicer. agîtiWalgter L. Wiim'y outeoi~uga, Ill.. nuit in Yellowsatonge National Park. Il saa acaseoutovluigt Bcsh týsiglit, amni lIe i'mmiplt' kîlul uia cur- responilence aftter islîcaîRena-eut East. Mn. 'iiey aregute lu 'iltmîi'phiflas au tielegate lu thte eublicuuo nationsl con' ventluîuAndsuitgok a u 'rmma'aî. Tht Sianie-utorueavéîueti brighlti, anti a wtt-i ding waas astily arrangîi-4.Mn. )iley1 la Assistant casbier ufthlie Merchants' Na' tioaîl Bank ut ei'itg, snd with bis bride bas lait. on a ueite tritp. Ligghtnina Kilts Tiro Vunueem While nt work in a lieighbetra irbeat fieldl James H. Shaw, a farmner tree mies southuesl t of m'lhlamoville, anti Henaichet Bouk. n tarin bnd. 'ent lus' estantly illet hîy ligbtgiog. Sbhaw anti bis hiret band 'vurt ussing idirntiMillet in cuttlug hbisirbeuL WhiIe ut 'vurk i severe thgnderluron calmueop, anti the ta-o souglît abeiter noter a Irce in the feldi. WimIie 11ey tre leanlnt agaluit tht trunk ut the tree t il'vs Itruck by ligblning And ithe death ot bath met, ce- suited. Returne te Psai. A ehea Aller an absence ut more Ibom twenty ypamt Davidi Wiidenmsn bas retnruedtel Bm'llevlle te psy dehuls nonîcacteti by hlm hefore bis deprure b>' his fallure in buaiaess. Ili* liablîties exceped bis as- sets by more Ihan 912,000. Hie then 'vent lu Missouri andtiengaget In stock raislng andt trning, In wbicb ie iras sucetastnl. An agrement hns het adite betwenen Wilterman ont hua cemitua'a bY 'viich thue intcreal on tht agnounla mult be canceleti anti ha munît psy tht principal. Twu Be"m Killisi b>Train. (,eonge retersomi. ageti 13, anti Thomnas Mlarks, ageti 14, irbilu' aalking borne On 11e' Baillnoce ant io 0Suuthwettta Eailroadtmark gfler a ilsilay ot lire- worns in Malamnt, ai-te inutantly killi b>' a throuiîutreiglit train. It la soli- posat that thet lau ung lxis get tua-n lu retaitmifeu' minutles anti teli uval asleep.- muerder Due lteu Eiugumtau.t D)evehupient% ntth11e inaitmt Ibelli ut the bodty mmf a imîmit fîgunti nt Ceniî'rvilIe lulhestc that thet luu sî>-ltibant fE.S. Vig-r out î'uea-iuulimiandtîat1e mas mugr' dured.A.1 ugg>' riîm-î t> rittetu lu>-the i-migung i,gtllut li-i -tlopmciit aitb a mauiruiedaii uîmuuî ilg if t lu i imsarttibus- bgutd's duremnt iktoi tiMI. Loit italie FugggutiDroarurd. Tht' lut-iitutuli idtîh iiit- OfCtthggnI's Friut. ai tmîm iveixi- aii l ii,) ulgrîliut Pair- bmmcay. , gggtgg'gi irugmu Iiuni' Al1the gîmighulîmr iliitîil l1 ii;lit iii the ietids. Tige ltilghui*., Imîgmi, i> in t-cigreith 1e Vericiihiîi rivmr, l uili' triîgithe Friant lugii'loqu i gv1hlu' lo.iii iiîhgittm avhngarail- en ît i togCie ,tr(,'t'-giuitlndluoiîmd. Sîn e .en Of intecesi. Premittett - Itiu vilI atti-tmG. A. uit. elluî'guneit i('limîago Aug. 27. CutisKýamuiki. al it t.edemal miner, was iustatiiy kuttiol hintige $hart Amt Mia- sa-taua by tliii' fulhiug ut a battge roof. Thomns 8t111Y. fur i'xitieen geans elgef 0 et it Roimu-titummitlmit immi'lsmlnuîb t bis bu.nli'. le aitlu lîmlcfocî li 1853. t-angui'!ltcraw- a il i1ugijett'lier- chiaut (it Ilgi giguol aoIlg uyit'riously tisiit'îPmImni'ui ii. iii gt hu iii11bîgureturu- moi lu bis homne trogg îi rgiii. BaIiu mlfl il u of ha o ugc, îli'ti in the .'lm'ligtlgi ltuuu -i ýlmgiitul lu Chi- caige.mi!i'ou- ils ayitig ail I luto>- pl.itl tece'itly Andmi alot bigmuomi t la the. band. Lockmaw camuuu'îl1mb I aI11,0 Suigimii'Kerututt Mliiign uîîglittis1 cule bu>'jtguiac t- rumuithei ovt'îinaent briilge liuî'g aigu-u tomi-k hil Iadhand Dauitm put-t. liii Ibodyl>bau mit hmengirountdtias ytt, aligiitlis tuoil> i-fusi' to believe bhlm ulemît)ii Aîî'lli trouîublesli' rcthouglt1t haveu'beegi reiiîinsimlu' for lits deatht. The' aest ite- j.rmi - o tei tisil Ar- cola for uuauy iy gîtrevcailei foir guign thîtugu 011lîout-o tîlot uhîr uigt anti tam' mgi- teoii il id ulur îroggcty canant lie estijnt,.stu'io, on mt i cal lflatteidanti aligigmt sa-grl iltos. anguli' a tretllien cent of 11e ladimmminoAd hîcoouim i ur hlereleti lu the' groîumu.m NLiu'c . i>anforlb utf.boy 'viiigo tu Weuýt l'ouint uîîitîuî' m'mmu as thé ap- lizucggtuh. Mui ciii'omutliehtt alîl ncon' 1giut3 luimîulis ls Iim-ii'lui accOre tige ex- 1urieni'e ami. if guu-,ibli'. ii'st phtet In theu' xùii uIîaiono lu ho hîilul aI the Aiui- enîf - iiI .tîi-bb. Iii'g'ue Si'litunng anti George ("îu îti'uuuolluinitante crssiuig Ibhe ralluosui irîgelgsAretIsaIplaoe t ont of the mouti umgtecm, idits On thQ rosd, kiguia sa C.ulmuumit h111ibthp a Pasaen- gî'r trntirmalmil liatilleul. kW%# Y pgon Griaebb uîsîigttsud laug * *bg adPige go thal Ibeile a'ielvey']wdoubt> guIar îles. D. X. J. Dnwln., virt er ss~ C'hicago iarchdiocýesc, tutti trans heart Ii .1ltt i Warmi of Sheibcyfle hai aseM' pineiiitgpublie adminlalratur of M'illcmm hlagies nf Joliet ws atafli gigo àî iriiji abus aisof >eet ho toil. Ng-m4la en. sotgeon. gênerai, L N. I;-Li ai l,,ig.n grautei itave et absenat fori t%,., gmsitb. '%\'illagîm 0. hlrowii. telezrapb fier -gitlOgiti cd sgic.i& Iî--t ChicagobcU# w2a-in of wîtaogk. Fred Ktiiip. 12 leurs Oild, ofOM 'il-I .truck igi the Imaihîy sa &rai gohile lîls> iC, lie iedtii-ml 'l'vig lîghgrîrsian-eeinigîred ln an uitIoge:igii in- tige powerr balise et hîmgîio Trai-tion Umîiulgiagy in Chicago.4. i-î-lnîîior. ut Chu-agi' pmublie ex- i-il--iit ot uny uthor almitar tiogit iimgrigg ben 1,740,775 for hast "air.l I c nig- ugkiggg in forîgItden teeut uisy utof tie Ltoîk lIsaditi ilwaly gîlgit. Soî,k(,r8 iii hodisehirged 'w%6 g1,igli t. .ol iillîîn. whiie hoardinga a d s nt Qmumggr r. shipct ilgiifeil heitti Bai-îI. lth ot bis legs w'v et t anud lgi ig'd. A. A. Iras,. proprietor ut a brber ut La î uriinge, shot bigîieft trough ofat ,-îmii tjealoi-y out b Itt dh-il igi-taIgtlY. KigigigîtllRgbinson ut Charlotte, titi frggmm i Chicago and IlIon train 'vag i-to igi Chicago autd Btomin A pothi-î'illiverntSIDecatur han.iW restegl for cntering a m inug 69tIIIIf' .'nlericîgn Federation ot Labur anti Mà igîg a distîgrbane. (iggstav Leuz. a prominebt YOnag gmau ut ora leading: QuInry li turr. as -drowned i le divicat t raft imi the Misisisaippi river. HImrry Wiliiina, on of a Wu rongi iondrielor, 'vas kîlieti by Cr hm'îiîiagîsinst 1the coneretéero0'ef* Naîstoritim ait Deraatuf whIîe tivlWytm Dr. G.W. Eddie, reputable phy Pana, hasbeen hunt 0,cer ln tihe as $5 .00) fuir the aurder,,ot. tii. daumghter ot John Brockleaby, a.fru~ acure F.Munîof utChicago but ainardemiltht contract for thteé the neir amdusement hall anti YMM* of 1the insane hospital nt xKakll5e George White, ageti 7 seara, VW$# denteiiy abot ant i litul ly Artle, tion, a plmnate. at Joliet Tht o buy 'vas playing with an ohd whlch 'vas supposedt ie h uil"lS. Capt. Henry WoOley o1et h *6g vation Arn, elopeml wlth 1fl-yexr9 ma Markett the tonsestle ilabis ieaving a 'vite andti wo amcuil ebikMq hînti. Tht Wooley asbtrials Tuai., sevenal mnutha *go., the' girl cousina wilh thefis. Thy halr mn Saiction kg-ny work for yena. sangsguoianti atjoinlscg conue passeti thugh tht tieut siom t'venty-aust rers. Tht recordcat tation aince 150. 1li a uIb. 'veather bureau, showsnces gat lu- nonîha leua rain or anowrh~ 8.94 inebet iga lthe averale fer b twenly-oae years. lan Zone lion 'vas oly 1.45 lncite, lihe for that month la twe.tyaài lnt wbleh lime the mmi. statnwt bW.n4.w0 loches. Noti 'vondenful ahortage la tainaid, éiala nu aufferiggs amd cropq mon. tenurd. Christian. OCas&, Macoupin coualles are II inodbà dtion. Three mon mamie a d"Iaperatà availing uttempt la roab the esa*SuI Gflobe Laondrr' Compuai ln - The-y ovenpolwffl~, bimanti sà& thee omployes of the lumdry., anti William Kranse anti JewSa bury, and carriedti lme à 0 a ripper tout,.liera thet 'lie. 'vere et Iluarcharge of od1e,«f *0 men wàile thet other img open.1t1e sate. WItha dynamilte the entier dtinoi the- bloinu opta, botthlxe a charge 'vas Inimret la aom. m1aaW th lmé r ont ser the $&te wat qtt bbooti. Bither thit or sonm an e'E causeiltiIens te stop inlai, MrWtbi-u tht innier dour ofth11e sate 'vas net 10 ul a esperation by nly obtain emuplu»'nenl because of the troubles anti hait crautti by the hast noise.,tGegie Smith et Chicago a edtu ludru'vn bis 'vhoie famllyl Michigan. Atten mi strîîggie h treul bis aaite on th1e figrther ,,e a Taa-inty-seveth n tniPet hrcufr# 'vas iibouit lu roll lier 'vith a -al amu igîto Icive imter. irien twv9 Ut lu 111e cescîge. Barrientioti hnd*ï tmintrggclion 11e kept tht rescuerîs t by hurliag aîulleYs ut atoues ut t- -, whiblg h îe gmeugrepieti 'vlhie wtspmfluu It aas nultunutila. wagonu ut puliiengen aigîniti thut lie wax 1 lotigeti. At a reuonof tht Tinpson aI theSangamgu river. BprimlgBl Ge(orge Thonupsun, iget 19 Idsem bhi-t blantis 12-yea-omi npýss Thumpaun. avent tidi-nt m ~ urth11e porty garruwiyesua fate. Mrs. Thogopson andti wo Fret anti Fram,k are bmatlngun et when I-t ungîrat aas capsised ahirpoul. E. A.Tompsonc, tahe the boys. aet t Iu 1the rescue ai Freul un bis bock 'vhen tht'tire gogiît igithe ecuities; andi the boy Iran-iuanuer thge'atera. 'The f saSn ashore utfter a despénste inth b' ahnlooiTige cnher son rescîetidb> tino fisibemgen. Chicago nie"s are' negotlating for pgrî.hliise of thu' Wluktl hrewing plut~ Erery departincistofth11eilleuls; iOomnpany et Joliet la noi r nnallit 2.801) egetu u 'rk. Fine lanlige sale uft he Allas4o4 Compmany nI Peorimi mtaltruyedh.. andt a large PartieOfuthlm bonîtr. '~ ITt'vonti take ail lima, wilh an lu- triage-ment upon tteuit>', ton an angei ut (lodta tell un-bot tht giorlem lu a sait matais. go 'ith 1the gi-ro utd(lotiA ýis perfectly bea-uniful. f ba era n i amoth out wintkes ofcetrfnonthe bmow. Ihrtbave u il tmaenu ai gi-tmin te-el ament Young &gain. I have sean It lft tha toouîîlusoudens anti put ala- kle lanto 1th dallee. Sulommua tilacoereti ls *haapeutie qulilties inhen he maki, "It.,lamarowI o the bones."' Tt helpe le digest the fout and tlui lgif>' tht blondtud Iotu inth pulse* anti quiet the spleen. sant latet ut Tyntial'a# prmyer tet ofut ieaty iranso, putting a mansila opbilosnphlcal hoaxulal tu lea experimnteul tiglon by pra et, l kectis ina te vel liaI hae os not ueedt u ho prayeti tut as an Ivai. 1 ama apeakinit auw ut a h'uthy reigiou nul t ftho morbiti religion thal ails fer threa boucs on a graretlune resding Harvey's "Mmltd- Isations Aung lthe Tonb"-u religion thiaIproîpers b inà luadtistage nif1the lveni 1 speak outhlie religion Ibat ('hrist ljreacheu. i suppose asben thal reigio bas nunquitreulthe 'vont thai dis-ise 'vilho bsugiahemi and that a man a bon' tré e uan oftlage il ii om lu truam bu- ne»ss ail su>'; "i tatitiret. i tblîmk il uat bc lin.- fori-me 1tul," ad igualhuout une phyicul pout besremî 'ili havt bim. But 1e chiler beasity uf grare la in 11e suul. Tl tahem that aicig mas bard andg colt agît repîlalaetnt i nnkes il ail uner again. It pouriiîlon ouus i"anIse mia Davidi calin 'tîuu- hnnI>uty oboilluue.- " extirpatta eseryting Ihatlnlabuterîaigun nuleun. If iuulous> anud pide ntilual andiror'vi-bttiîm'îslucI abouu, tht>' ont uhanet uI nuitavea rer>' anil saS-p. Jesue thi.uws ugo'htaotefragrahge of s sormîci-gai-mu-has le come ntal, as-- mu, "I an the nuse ut shai-on","anti ha eîbneg t i atb the gtiry mofa mringg muornlug as fiesanys, "A arn the' ligt" Oh, bonranpich tigt grace uit fur the îluru'e Johns! It luolk John Bayon. the fouaImouthei, gandl rutde ha Johln Biin- yan, the immnortagi iIi-gom-r Tt togik John Nevona the hîgîtel saitor. anti in itue initst outhlie hurricanet-L iehm erg uout, My >' other'a oubanc uerey oîon me!" Tt ol ,John Suîîuneciltitram a lite ut sin ant, lus the hntutf a Chris- tionjunaker ot etige louIs, lu-t hlm lto the igulîmt tIh ahrons elil mith 1the ligit ut that Christian eloquence ashich charmeti tluioftis stu the Jeasa 'v bc 1eonce de- spiset. Ah, yotn ay segrch ail the ent ocer for unylîing no beititul or benuti- tylng us the gruce ut God. Go ail llrongb 1the deep mine passages ut Wie- lierla ant id itthetundergr-ound king dao ot ait lit lilsatt, anti show nie an-thînc no esqùoale, su lranocendenîiy' beaglittl s Ibis grace of (ot fasioneti anti bang in 'ternal crysîsis.- A Noumtasstof LIte, Agals, tramo ln like sait ln tihe fart thua I inla aneesitp f lire. IMati usu Imeat perlat'vthout soit. Wbat are Ibose pall i aus the trnpairulies' Wh'1y, ibeir,Wei-a atie thene b>' tier ant huitaino ging 10 anti COM2nl way fron tht sai"iat." Chemiitu antiphysi- clans aittht 'vuritioven telilais Ibot sait ls n neresty out uta. And au 'vth the gi-are utf(uit,-you gimurt liae it or tic. 1 kana agp-astnnyéipeul: ofut i s gu mu-ne aturament, a sort cf aioulduc stiap ndociag a sîdier, or a light, fpltiti iesîcclbrought ln aftcc the grl'iiasl prt ufthlie baaqnet ut lite ha set, or a, uetîcnlu 1 e taken nttem poaadecs sud iutatciphistra havo taileti 10 mn tlbehg waor, but ontînatill> a mèrt auperhluity, a string utfln &ruant a horsm's nocc ablie 11c trai. (h onhai, anti in umualut liing hlm 10 trawIl u. Bo ,tac tront Ihat, 1 tiecinra 1t1e grate outGadoto10beftise ratI nadgth last uecemsily, Il is foot-,a'e nutttko - or 5I5rrs lalo an otnit7 ot lea clit mlg'vthot 'vhicia vae freez athe rsstofluIufte $rrt. R je the Plu>k, andi lis kW On é' 'idais .ee,î S..... L. InAtsheîl,. « tus Ohow-, à lu lime grut 0fS iu the hait 11bu tre- suagm lin, g. - 'vm vei hore- ThOra- Germana. cana, 10,- 1000 Ital- >ORT. treports sAtecketi llaidrtota e wor5te- Robent-i. Sgarrison drivén off leil Demn- sdi aail- . 'elL Rut- nukraprusit bu recuit- ion drivba Wu bers. ea bal>' 0. tillp irith- amI la ex- 40 hotes et. Lo»uis "rad fron ah betiiot- ruai! Ase-

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