~AKE YNr[ ýENDENE Vol, VIII, No., 4i. The. almond; oyed heathen stands no mor a chance against the allied powers than other tailoring ostablish- a W monts against Sanborn & 0o. o downright value in everythlng pertainlng ta, a good suit or overcoat Sanborn & Co. certainly lead ail others. ln furnishlng goods Sanborn & Co. have ail the lateat creations In'Negllgee Shirts. Neckyear and, Hats. Sanborn & Co. won't stand for ln- ferlor or out of date gooda of any description. SANBORN &CO,9 Tailors and 1-aberdashers. Kaiser Block, O r. Charles Galloway. Qffioeover LoveiI'aDrugStore soiias FOm I$ AND1T05a1. M. Libertyville. - Illinos Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Office over Trigs & Tayloras. aidno. on Brodway opposite Park Libertyville, Illinois. Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTIST. Office ovor Lake couflty Bank 'onr: ,to ila.m.aOd 1tolDM. DAILI Libertyville. Ill. PAUL MacOUFFIN. AtorDlOi d Conueliot at Liv. NOTARY PUBLIC 0,15Cm WiTs L'A colIN?? BAUX, Libertyville, Illinois. BENJAMIN M. MILLER, ATTOaNIKY AT LAW. LlUEqrTYVtLLE - ILLINOIS. TOIIPHN ' BOK- suSMIL s. cateas MAX LE BEAU# ... Fine Cigars«.. TebacoO and Siokera' MterlaIs.ý CAgotsWhokleomdRti LISETYVIL « - ILLINOIS. MUT. YMOND & Go., LlieryVillO, Illinois. Issues Intetoat Bearing Certi5i- ostes Payableono Demand, Stanclard Manilla AND Pure Manilla Ail guaranteed. new twine Iawsst Pries.by CHIARLES STEMPLE. Long Grove, Lake Co.. Cane Chaire Reaeated. If you mih go bave yeuxr canese ars ro'.qalcd or tif p"roe a d graiebaud matn biuwot oneau do mo bèotr tisont $0 consil t M ml tu . H. parus, x£iubboU.Si*ito saph - - - Libertyville. 111. A digwelI" Event. An annual COacIlng ovet UP lie notib-shoro, aiong -'the fanions lboisrdaa drive, nla te hoInauguratati tu Sopteinher. Al the ssiet tam-ot« of tb. norhiaboe are te iota la the gay procession. The imitai ifair vili ho hoid prohab! ou septeniar lti, the daie o Sheridana dsoiug ride frouWinchsetr, sud il hbcaàIvo tdey avant. ib la expocéottd Ibors il ho uaarhy 100 eegat eqnipage u lUnîlowvisn tMe Motinlamadie tront tiseAuditorium Rotai. Th isel; ray ia drive vIhI cnd et bbc litiMorin. Highand Park. vhare the pari! vili ho etertanti over nigit, a hauli btug giron lautoir isonor la lie eveanmg. On. the secondi day lie pat! viiiviit Fot ithridan Md qiew csmin mant the O()a$- sde Clu itskoî"orSt, visreosuntoi- ainmpnb vilib irholva nthoir honor. Thé rture trip viii consume tisa part of gpester tise afternoon andi eveninq. The gaveruors of tiesaltes of inuteo andtigWlsonaln andthie majors of tht, ities and tourne f rom Ciicago Io Mlwaukee viii ha gueula of honor. This c!gchng event, wielciii rivaltisamnat prateuious affaire of tise kinti in Enghandt or tise outer»i itates, lesto ho givan b! thse iehrian Boati Day Asocation. organitdrcnti! in Chicago Christamu lindeavor (jainiq. At T'ueittiaa meeting of tise Wonis Chinlttlstn Endeavor convention, visicis lein taestsion at Aexadrin palae, London, tise general secretary, John Wiliila Boer, rendti bs maunai report of tisa societys vork. Tisa rapoit la part i. as foilovi: "No ons thiîata1IknoW of proves more crtaily tisa& (od inla btise übIir4tiau Budeavor movenmwnt thoan fia ramartable unarliatrovtis. In 1881, one society vils 50 nemhr, lu 1900, Duaiy 60,000 nocieties, wth ovar Ibres sud one-hM m illions of meto- bers. WaSuiii utise land of libm matvity, tise . Unted ti ites Of Amerlos, the largutnumber oQCb>ritilsn Rdeavor .oclet4eg. Tise enroliment la 43,262 Rociatlea. rea iBritain (aad tasse figure@ Inchido England. Iroiand, liol-m innd and Waes) cornes mixt vitb abont 7000 soolntieu. '-Garman! ha 18 sociotias, and under the sympathollo oabauplonthip o Oount liernstorc,'Cout Paumeir, Puto Pauni. Ped«riek Blecber, snd others.thb. sit a I adily con. qnaring prejudice. Afrîcas 189 soclties, vith many of their Imesbea luarr&lam atpasalng tbrongh lrylng tintes. As Ienlmv a188dntlng the Amgrlcau.spaumiishutso Itfl ay dutng the ilrtub-loet bosillitica the Christian Endeavor pin Maornes the uniform 01o!opposing toto«. May Cod baston the dey o! honorable pemSs and brlng the horrible war to aD end." ADAMS & TILLOTSON, Lusor Agouta. tarm Banide, Mechsislcssud al kinde of ialot secured. GiIRLS 'AND KITOIIEN BELP. roétlamîs Yonnd for Thosa Dsrlng. For tartisar partiaulars atdrees isahove. Libertyville . Lake CountY. Illinois. Friday, JuIy 20,-1900. SiiVM a aT ZI'JNCM." Dowie Cossueratgufala New Attenpted Swtndle Alnmot Cou- J lectrlc RB=4 Promotess Ambert Teamlo ite.sammted. bonfikipe. Lino W b. ut. -Dowie and bis foliovrers con»Mortd thaise it ommhttemple la tme propoesod .-Zion City" tu Botons Townshipi Baturiay ceiebraing the avent ih servie« tis a fledusschag, pt.!-1 ing. slnmg. su d a b(a plante Qa~t4 wu, atteudmi by sevotai lbhousid people vIso]we ea ouiosîty Dovie vote a mbgoiflenut1 black sik robe, preachmd.prayed and1 scoded.f An enormous crovd aitsdei. Nine1 excursion trains a oe uatroaChi-à cigo süd large numbers oumo train1 MUlwankee, Racine sud leschob-J aides bunirode fro tlabeo oanty,1 over O0ê people beigoS tse grounds.i Peope o! every Wvalin ,aIllte, ai AMgoansd ailcolora ve r presened Ia lhe tiron5. lad onoU5JouOUOplaces1 throughout th ise ou atepoted large sgne warnlng vlaitthr ia ie1 nu of intoxicants or 10bbsceo là strict.i iy proibtad. fSarrois of tee valet veto scattotoi iaboitht grmandu andi scores of svIngs sund isamuflIs ere1 putiapla a jiffy. A "boitel gaine ,*Uraeteattentio and siteUotirg heure ve épment in a gmmutas pbealo.1 Everybody bromighii r ova dîlmuet sud tiser. vere standson the graondu visure Ies reani.cakeusud sot drinks veto tor sale. Thse tompie site la à short distanceI nortis and veut of tic ressldéne ot 1.1 Nelson dola, la tise ismUftifligrove adloniqg it et thec stti sst., or banches. bad ibeau piscsd facing tisa Taisait plattorm. veronsMonds tisa pulpît. Tht ohor oconpiod tiss and tise bonding o! the several isandreti volces.made a Ulgisi! chorus visîci wu lad by a piano. At tisa Oue of the sînootheat swiudlea aver attompted lanlai o unty, vas a&U but ancotisf ily coOOSunitfld Wodnmday. Il vau Dot àa gui brick but caille tisaI sers' eite tise unvarY lu ibis caR". About 4 oatook Wednosday morfiai a mti acaa1il"5Oi~ Everest, White tise latter wua tténdng le bis cborse &botbis barn. 1he mtanger explalim tisat bdh baiov« bead of cetlle nts le tise rond," snd aaked il ho oli dr«ive tisan lttéMr. Lauceters pastillouttili sncb blanc M heouhni dna purebmsr a bo vas isard presnd for mouoy and saxions 10 dispose of tim. The caille vWe driven lu sudlte man vio gave him name eas Jain is i.aadeexpiaini ho boid bougisi mens of istock derier a Woodatockan"iGreon, but baving oulilted eai Fi. Sfidan otld diapose 0r tiomn. lie eiuimmi b bave driven tison fron Woodetook. Mr. Lancaster d14 nal wlah i. parofisse.but Richards linalily fred thée«N11e for $»0 a bead, vhlcjspropoitton y«, acooptod. -Mr. Lanosator nos havin tise monhy told bise arranger bhouldonidItais Up and drive 10 BonioflisMd borrov l-Or bIO eoomin John Liuatet. int"MDbis cousin hit d &IVdrivn 0tise bani né Lîbertyvillo. Blebards acoipaie tise gentlemen Io Libertyville vhëes thse Lanoasaera igd8i"taiiy 1014 B. B. Hillier tise ai»tilqm d ver. ptoupti! a4aymd ità 'aay"Tisyty hon tiopbofled 10 Woodutock m'sudescer. tained no snob stocIr dealer as «ros wus knovfl thse. Tey teiophoàed te Wheatou but s ne isati ver baud of lllcisardse to s«d hkevîse at ft Sierdan, vbsre t wu vasatetiho b.d than e butora.shepreneentilmanagementy fisdr in ed ite firo iWo shall excel. We are certain the prograni t<j ha announiced liter wll attract more 1 attention than ever belore. We propose to advertise notbing we cou vnI fnlfifl. Reoetncommunications in outr possessmIOn ldate tiat Wbt ýft -10411ho possible to advertse witb cSefidenSoe ,srrj e '..&m tion that no better prograin was ever afforded at a connty -fair than that we are prepariug and ve ask the people to do'tiivlr sbire and get l al interested lu lia suecess. The fair belongs ta the îpeople of 4ake County. They in particular are beuefited by it Vout good wll 1 la essential to its succesa. We* are not qute ready ta announce the leading and spedial featum s but when we do ai will be pleasesi. September 11-12 13-14 art to be 1 red letter days in the history of Lake Connty fairs. Vou have had an opportunity to judge of the îîwrit of the speed 1 prograni, which bas been previously amnoced, aundme may add it will attract a better casas of horses than have ever before started on the 1 Libertyvile course.1 tya careful revision of the preminni list aud adii.mig betveen 2o and 25 per cent. thereto we have assured a larger and better diaplay of - exhibits in ail classes. lu fat we have àtarted ot ta make the fair thia year the cimin ual l ia departmeuts snd attractionm. We want tihe peopiewith us In our endeavors, We waut yonr encouragement and good will. Again-it is your fair. By your unanimous co-operation it dan bc made the greatest ever heid iu the couuty. Let al iend a band tlat there may this year ha recorded sucb a succesa as beore -bas flt even been anticipated. Vomr Truly, W. F. MIlZI-R, Preident. frout ai tisa plattotu sait Dovia tise9 r.ii0v." Jane ilowls, tise eiders, - over- aers, deawscn, evangeiuts, deaconesaa Afbo thtie unnaipmoigrm nof praylng, singns o!ihymneansd antInd reading of tise sriplares isad heen gono Ibrougis Dovîe daiivered theo cseorumtion sermon, dsvoing lb prinolpsl! ta tise plana for lise futura A processiont vusformai, isastei by Deacon DaniaelIMORS, acing asu arsisailfollovod b! acterai aivwari mou carlng tise hauar 0f1ZMon, su AnSiomriaiag, and su EngUsi fgag, vhlichvau carîiedh y a ighlander je kilts. Matis of bonor carrlied.tht streamei ofthtie Zion banner, lait llipvod lie choir, thon Dévie, ogSrs thteZmon (Dards, lthe Junior leeanties sud tisa linior 1BeventIes. Tic procession marchsd tibratlimes arundsitise site o!flis. temple anti tkia mterai tise incioeure. Theo format consecratlomi service then iaok place. .vWUTiT MmvL S mIsE. The templ io viibc Pub up ou a spaoolno feat square, sud vissa coin- ploudeiniibco300test higs. It vhili bo la lise midle o! a rervé of M0 araandwvîli ho arroudai db! i gardes sud purk, Tise adtlsluisbatlon buiinansd tise homes of use oRcers or thé chorch wivi hoeracied vtisîn tis taeommra. Tise remaluder osthtis aot*efflvIi h davoticd te factornmm rouldence ansd boulevards, wviîciyl ho unier tisa Juti*tiitom f Ilis. gazerai overaser and Sbitsisinet. 1Tic reptab oditottsini vii hoai- icucito romaIn for Ivo 0* troc Jra gà loasn sd St l4.probable liai mrvicoeswbe becomdui5i110it Oh. 9suiuhss t hqbu In tise. ipeautiime Richarde havînif obsarveiltibier pracauliona quielly Sis inatif lun possession of sevel heai of cabtli anti a, billf sale for saMe visris cet bhlm .aholutoiy nuits- Ing. Rovever tisa rigihttil ovuer la nomentsriy expectedt 1 tura up. -Fîre et Lake Bluff. suhmmnir residemmtt 0f Laie Bluff for- got tise plessunres of lhec col remori Taoatiy morning and maie a tutl. alcmpt 10 save front lire ihreo cottages la tisctovn. Daspite ail thaîr eforts thea structures veme humaitutea groxnd, aMi for a tine Il vus liongisi iua! otier buIldings in tic neigihor- bond vouiddho datroyei. TihelOre origiuated lu tie cottage 0f B. W. olornlib, a entamer tesiiessi, vho iad.beeu cleaula ubis ioua for oeccupano. liovora bakts of rubiiabohibeau piacda M ltutasc udsnet on lire. It le %tShoui a de- footivellue oommnue lie flamme bc olier parts of tise bouse. Tiselire vas Dot ilsoaveratUUI unt Il554maie cosietable iseadiway. The opiqs 1. piacai a$3,000. Tbc h cotages visiels sare hunai vsre ovuet b y 8. W. Cornlish, Fred Meer@, mnagar of tise miivankee branois ot Fairbanks, Morse .& Co., anti Join W bite% ,or Englawood. Wissanlise cry 0f ire uasoiadedtu l ti&setebliotnb vssybiy Jo»in an effqrt tbh ave tié Structures. Waterimîis veme brongilt roi nenlgis- botes botlmisanti a vdu effort vas mate 10check tise fumes. wion tii vas touai te bc imposaible tisa mtle- lio et lie rasîdomis v*m humai lOu!i s avlug adjacuatwtnref. la SkiA tuer suboceoei 04Uthe "e vu »Mes" lli te ibtia ectl go quletly bave lis promotars of the proposai aicatrie rosi trout Lake Biuff te Llberýtyl basa sagcd la coummomtt dtph"s"tiaI-7u belioe 1project bas hiSsa lroagi. Simca ssaurtug liaIt rmwho ie ught of t"ar proposa isbu bom divigai *This vcck lic attorney ame rigit-ot voy moult hope te ba"e asuréei option-S o.ulineoookry property. go.day Aterney Durand wuvast Wanioaflma urigdosolpioma of property may te oonde.su d weraugite arat its ln ivo or tirea cassu.Tbat Om.project hbu boom dropjrci tu à miatahe. When Inter- viev" Mn afiaiof the -oMIa décarel mphuatàiy tic rosivooli ho blit »antOM ~préparations ver bolugs mcgstallm r tatod Vauiable ocmaaous bave beau zoom"rh thé icSt. PaulCOýMnpmny viseoeby th sai ma-y bas sgWood go aiiov a er 'sa a grade ovar thoit trucks. Tii.me & bit "Taing 10 sl àpasiadmiveau bava te bc haUit u et ?Si aoi btra oces- ltatlns a largeo uilop et moêt. T io compq y vm lth irmcise à Wini ho uscsaay for ki oempoter 10 ,Inottoic codeu»muslsproosedIug o mleure aui îigte-t.ay bemorathe lOt et Auguat. Tiiis oué thepublic vii liome oonvluoed of tisir go"e lm aà iet raisreewei te Oonaty Clark Rondes by Preoliont Es"tonhis monpruy iaias 1toapi flthetiern- chias reously gmatçd It by tie Bondi 0f Supotvlorsait accSunt 0f certain oonditiom a l the ordimnsc. Wii tis eaui of obteting a modiflouo et the mui Osttltheiaoompsny vili beau Mgei framéioUp isétone tie Bod et aie maiémestng vii vl behohui ta September. Tic franchias értrai Sb provldei for lis compamy Iapg Il. tbocksaslong the public ilghviyi Boudent. WUI lie Mli et Oraymake. Tié seeeutive aommitta o0f thc Laie Couty Sodicru und SaîloWm BomeonAmmosatonmet liehéO. A. BA. Rail l Wu agdaatrder atoeMo Yairuet Orysiae. Wodacada aa Thunr .AUg"si M sd 23. Aul thé, tombera of tise osmtis ver. pressai uMd user.v s. a mnnt moui a.aiim tuSm taor 0f bombeu tise rein. Propouililousvar. mb- mtaid by Grapihe and Waooadu, sud lie for=«e pue vus dacicil opon. The generai onttte. ot arange- menio vhio bas pover teappofint ail mooemsuab-commuica ia: B. Pomabuki ., Y.. Hal sud J. W. Acier. ai of Grayabai. Theo ooumnim on munie tu: Ueo, Stewart. B. L. Fia«i_ ad D. L. Jouas. Tis ecoiniittee on speakers la: lBon. 0. A. Partritie. J. a. Knigista mid H. W. lMrva. surveyess et Work. A corps of engtaaeuroprecontiig lise Miivank e istre Rihiay a Ligisi Co., busbecs staroi ont on lie proposed air UIne otenueasg. John 1. Ileggaprésident of tis oompsny, in quotai as sayeg: ;.* Wfiave ostattaimgnera on lise prlitar!surveeon t$ka ev tonte ttesa g 42d Of î ilo Kover thée groumd mimdtallvisai va vante1 do vili thai lina. Thie ara e erY" routas va might 'taie aMi va aro ukimgsunrveya te doternine vblois le tisa mont leibis. The mon arc ont nov, hsvlmsg dstrialn ivo or Ibréeamâe norti of! Ralo eprobeot a route Ibrougist10 Oteag. "-Th roie tainoRacimeto Chicagot ta pous te the vaut 0f Raina, K<ooba sud Wankagun, sMd os vhieh Ht. Bass eZpe.te thal earieamcr iWin eqeul lie lima made by theo heu i*WniVdntntaBure. botu*sud colts 0f9ru. ltyoink, of pourtuLaie. Tise ocaion o!fibaeonflagration is Dol kuova, be membonftefttamlly bing avay ai tMe Mme. Besidos four amaok$ of ay, Jut ide of tise isarn, machh"almsd ha! masi4 v coasumedti, 00yonng ibieraealec hsiug coumei Sa tiesaivage Si£mca. $1.50 a Year in À For these hot days at prices that are on the pocket. Comfort Is what you want firet. Style should be a second cohsiderali W E HAVE TliEM QUEEN QUALITY SHORS - OXFORD HALF SHOR SLIPI Speclal Prices on Many Unes For 2o Dii H4OUSez EmA@iII4EO NOV.Us. 1548 ýWAUKEGAN.'ILLiù Ois. TELIPI4Oftt Se. Our' Shoe Bargain Counter.,. Many ~ S2.E5O and 0..00 Shoes, ail go'for SEAC1I'il BINDINO TWJ W. have an overstoýck of twlne whloh ws wiâ out at coetto "Cash Custo;mers" Plymouth Standard the best twine oi market warranted ta run 60>foot ti potind.,10 cents. Good standard twlne runs 500 feet to thepu Sicents. PLEAEONT A*K 1USTO 1300K. lin. Stoves, Bicycles and WireCIt motta ias ta soui cheap for cash. W. 1,% cater ta book trade. Mm1r1 LIBERTYVOLLE. ILL. W SigNets. body and ou. Tan* . ...................I Roud Loather Nota. body sud h<e. 40tui n p n n n 50 n r. L n n n 60 . ~ a n ilan . .ag............... StabesSheets.- ............................ Extra good bargalas la duck stable shoots...... 0 A COMPLET E ABBORTUCNT OF My stocký is complete and those who,. chas. e.arly get. the boefit of a large assortment ta * select from. Chafls! Kais.r, LIBERTYVILL9. - - - 1* Orderei To China. Tise tipot lallaiom t !tise FIi fi Itai i tatus lafaatry, ataliou M a Fort Sherian,hu recolveti tise 015151 ordertotégo teobina sud preParabon ar elu îgmaie te have thetircopa tu readiDau. About tiresvecks la given dmli Umei nwbvh ltheprepartions vin be maie. witiiai Ivoeu thle - nsuer ivo batalos 09 the relmut are expacimi 1tueinta tromCa D. A veeka rsmtl ho aBoyai tie nd.i~ tison tliatlrr ogmea l l tr o Chias. 001"mel RobudtiConola csgeet O6 Yfout ltte PS M d lE SOL# ANTUEWS ,CATILE. OINS dOIT!ALL SUIMOE. et»A 8" P"»O m__weriut.- ;-t- - - d%à% s d%0%1%