Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 20 Jul 1900, p. 5

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IL oer USVN mnIlu. * + ':î i lii i tucryte*r eti l ulity lor oa sJava Ces quait 4 fê green, browned or gr4nd, are the best in4 fi~Thaels the market. We pay strict attention t ýrh*r in a our-grocery, sveli as meat business, and * atitfa t 0n endesvor ta keep up.witb tihe tianes in* * ât:'Yuar everytning that in new. * <hoaeat the Att king* Ct@0dà Lowe or freh sDoltvered t0 ... Prions. Venatables Ani' part of and Brrie. the, CityfIa. 'T' In Sanson. orfhage TRIGOS & TAYLOR, + Ubeutyvm liso ll. PIANOS* OROANS. IOCK31 have just r e ce i ved a complete lune Nvie ot f the newest Novelties. 4HY&Oî Cali in and 011 see them. elcicleLi 4Î C. R. SHIERMAN, Libertyville - - - Illinois. Not Cheagp Sos,-umý ýBUT ~~-Uzýood Shoes Cheap. We have just purchased 200 pair of fine LADIES', GENTS$, BOYS',9 CHILDREN*S S4Es~ The Entîre Lot wili be SoId at a Bargafth. F. C. SMITH& SON Butler Bldg. Lîbertyville,Ilîlînols. Ice Cream You can alwaysJ get it at Loveli's. POPULAR FLAVORS. Pure, Deliscious, CoId Beat Ice Creaim b be laid atai y7cOM. F, B.' LOVELL, LIbertyville Illinois.1 Gih a~ ikMyluie« 0 or ahA me lWawsion" OICKHD'UP HERE THERE.' Local Items of lnterest to Libertyville Reader. l W ia o e g. oa esJWa . SJ. IL W. P*AMUuaa. Adi. WýB LU. M.No. f" X. csmf oedr o econdi o r1 at r it r i i r' ar w r W..B. Basa. W. n.vs. t L. W.oA. el dai aI mic aOZ^-Z#od 1,iw J"nt Fa f. Wx rosharware W.0.Ai. a i ,U. erd. duo H Wzu.. e Hll EO BIB Qpzlo. thrd . .1A EzssMBU14aDOI ô.e1%. OrW. W 2c; MaIaUnd lO:O.. noal:où? OeU . at. EW&One.stI :51. dayZLIO a AMP. No. qustion rB.N.rflA 46paene éoey 4M dai morng. ucrdâ m suaUgb&"tl . E. ir. Paio C. 14. à*sa.P. 11811 TABLE. ln Brun=T Jung 10. G0Fl40 £"av ANA In m r iV pu Fox Lake. 7:18 11 :473 3 Long 4e 117 1173I Urayetakie... 710 :48 1:2017:60 If:.8 fldotou:t1:4406 189:10 Ar. chlmg.... sou 1:41 :44 9:(x 1.:00 B A B B btego E 2:E 16 :1 lbeonnt. s i 6à& 4 *U 486 te :2 Ar Nts.pýrstnk, u*mu'- 301 11 &30 A - A B AaIVflG Io SaLERAVIHOOL»D uPÔT. LiZZaTr. OOINO EAST AWANm à m . 6 :1 - :90 Chi 000 Ar. Ltbertîvtitl B Bl Tnin.mavked Avendiii,. b dnty eio»t Buridai. B lundionui. Frank Applea la ilg bisa annal Umi Ethel Weer la enjoylng a 1ew weeks viel;et i Ake. lire. 0. Hv Avenu land UmIsa lari Jli e d"ehday for a mo,,fh'a vwia lira. Lynue Oolby wias oonhned te ber home vifia a neyera col séVOrni days fiais v.ék. M. B. Coiby k&(Co. hda toflephone in"stllédan talr store Ci»Isvagit Thor aumber la 29.. Umis.Clara Botes loft Wédnesday mornlng of lait eek for manextended vîslf in Milwaukee. Trlggs & Taylor are having the Infertor of ibeir store palntod snd gvalned. A. B. Lewin la the "artilt." Max Wortsainn snd famlty occupy the. Calvqrt place on Milwankee Are. Mrv. Worfsmaun la manager of the Adams teeCotuapaiiy, or Chicago. lits.Lait, a Ofov. Who habeen visifing 0fiasthepont 1e eks ait the home of Laar& Cteveand, refarned f0 ber home la Evasion Bat nrday. A new Fairbanks vind mili moîanfed on asteotalfower reptaces the old wooden lotit and foyer a& ftae oounty tarin. iB. B. Eger put np fitsev wone. Prof. 0. E. Knapp, of Duqeoin. Il., and vao hau been engaged by our acsoot directors an principal the. comlug yen vau lu tove Wadnesday looklng for a deaislie reldeeoe.' E. W. Daasonberry hn laylng a tiye foft uapiasifalkin lefvont of bis residenoe. The ilthage llauied fveety- Bire loadi of ledatsn for Mrv. Dnaberry tsai fia.e valia migiat homialatof0a proper lavai. Toiepbonea vere plaqad lia B. H. MIlex'. fit offIop and tu fiae office of fias Amerîcal Macaroni Companay lia the brick faofory buitding fiis veeIl. Mr. ltUera 'phone ta No. 26 and the Macaroni company's No. 28. Adams A 'f'tilotson, labor, agonis, of Chicago, adverilme in 8another 0comme fo soeunrs belp for employera and ponl. flou, for thons deslrlng. They are rollabie and by addrés.lng a commamn-. nafion f0 iheir omfullttiparlears eau ha hou A couple o! Chicago gentefen- arrlyed ila Uberfyyilteliondsy enroute bc ih ho akea. Tli aoyhd drivefroin t he city and tbeir horne "piayed ouf' hore frout nver exetilon wvihtoatended tu aggravasean aftaok 0fci ittc. The horae denplfe &attVo re iteîry Brown coutd do for If. Tise service rendered by Hiery Harvey lia sprlekling the busines efreete huasbeau no mfisfatery Usai reigldants on soafiaMlwaukeet Ave. are solicit4ag subscolis among. flamîr elimber go enable iboma to have that porRnto f fiasAvenueaprinkted. To the bulumn iatheservice fi vorfia f vice vbat If conftiaem. Blader Twlne. -p no -tw LOI Ummaai MInJelnlVaille la vinittu; Chi- cage fr1 endue. A baby girl was bora f0 lMr. sud ise. L., E. ltay T nenday. Ilamnel Price, 0f Chicago, vitltd vIfh h ie brottiser James and family Mondey. Tb* MotsodiFit ,iiday nahoot heud fiaoir annea pienie et Dynoe* Lakte Tiaarsaa. Wayne Cothy, lia acoepfed a posI- tion vi Ir . H. K nober, propriefor of (lraysiaos teading bullIness bonne. Misse n aWattsandAilca scydlare boarsi the train Fiday noon for Ciclago viaufé f ey vii i vsit amcong friendisanad relativel.. Don Mois la home on a ivo wvosa acale. He teaeésfor lif. Faut siaanfy $otalte chargé of s braucia vholeude bionne or thse 1luloi Drng Comupany. Thé Frenbytcrien AId Society will give au lee crFaem social ai the rési- dencen of O. F. Wrighat, Frlday July 209hi. Oonvsyaoee teave the cIlurcia et 8 'clock. The LadIes A id soctety offihe M. E charcia yl i sold e alaviasocial on Trlgga and Wam'a:'em lawu Fvl.lay ove. ing Jnly 279h. Ice creautsuitcelle vilI bc servcd'. John Rellisn, ofDlnmond Lakte, bas sold bis farni to Athert Weeiuk, of Chicago vho takes possession nexi Aprit.. i.Ieliii wlti prohably coule. hock te Libértyville to ive. Thé Amarican Macaroni Company, ocoubla thUe brick 'hsiory la daily expictg severat car laids of m*éeiiner., Two or fianee min are employed "ctleaning ep" the bnling. Rabifls~vehela resiOM!qg papelar la 0evvillage. C. F. Wrightf bun rnbber fines en. bIs surrey. - Max Lelsasud Ueo. Wrightf maclahave rnbir étlroitbuggies anebhm Dr. (aliovsy. Orfreigiat service la gresaty Ira. provéd cf late. A vay frelgiat gcos fa Fox Lsat eavery afernoon ufopplng afLiblbeUvie. Heretotore tho tre4gia arrivai ose Mi h couid net ho de. livered iuli the fottaving dey. Uns. CeflafMasser, of Sheldon, la., la etopping vus Libertyvllle friendu. Mra. Meus la on ben way tfabrhanme le lova, itavng j ut returnad fraie an extenied vili witb ber dangiafar at Sitrlsd, l'a.-1 Mr. J. lareulberger wva svialfor hère telatter pari tai lt veek. EHé gaid haocalgita t fty-atx Pound atur-, geoan p la Fox Lake. It fook elgU f f Pau if te. Jack aaym lis Du Ba" story ehber. Mir. and Mr@. P. C. Ilew oxpetennced viaat mlàzbt baye provee a mens serlous accident Ftday ighi WhAle driving over thé bridge on Milwaukee Ave. near thse Stanetit aie a t inHit Day thicr borne beomsiefrlgitened at a couveisaee standing le the brook belov and shytngf. ptuaged off Usa bridgé carrying buggy and occuapants vifb hmo. Lucktly other tisse a fev bruimes kir. and lire. Botea *ers unlnjured, aithougia tbe buggy vras bedly demolisad. The local ordar of Easfern Btar sud their friands f0 the nmber o! slzty went f0 Fox Lakeé lait Fvlday for a daya outing, sud tiaey oujoyod onea ni the most pinant eveuta yef sdded fa the catander o!falammer occurrences la Libertyvitte Society. Wh&$i vith bcaflng, ltblt!g, bail, gamea, pieute dieaers and dalgiafailasitude o! quief grouPs ee4er spveadlng branches o! atatety ote, naegbf van Ieff ta hi deslved. E<1. Paye. nmpired a ré. markable bail gurue. diafrlbntleg honora eq netty vltisout regard ta merlf a1 pîmys or ptayora. A gains héen ladien of tise Party sfforded no end of amusement and Dr. Ualiawny mv fa à& lu bis capecity an nmp ire, thaf there van sefllient canse for --kicks" vaia. -ont wiacb any bail Rame vould ho but a taleome?. Prof. Knapp vha han beau engagea ai principal of Our sciaot comes iighiy rommmendet. lHe ban beau principal of thé higis sohool ai De Qeoin. Ill., fias panstfour yesrs heno ho issu glven the greatent satisfactioe. biHle a. Majeer, 0 oudity, hicia.,bhanbhaie enfaged to tsocia fhhosecond,,lufer- modiste rooma. the han t&ngbf fia. fifUs grade in the aed City sohool the Ponf ibvee yeas. misa ttieihWho bu iaugbftithe primary departmeaf and vho contl'Icted for Dait yaar, han vritten and ankéd go ho rstesaad an ber parents' heaifia la auch aelle dsI h impossibte to teaci agait e notyoar. ilha ban givan excellent service sud tise achnoot areooisaocepted ber resîgnetios1 ibîaregret, lu bermstad &bey bave engaged UMis KatharIne Newberry, of ltfravberry Point, In. Min Novtslrry han fauglisile the primary depaifieset ai Btrawherry Peint for tye yéaris. hlém liArihelr, of tise lInat intermodiste and Allss Fearaelt, wvis solaithe 7f b and 8Uta grades, vili returen exi yenr. M t -Storse I E Stock H W Pnlcemb Schanck. It Saved ale Leg. P.A. Danfortit, of LaGrange, Ga., autlered for air sonthi vifa a fnigiaffia raunng more on ki. iag; but vifea ftbat Buckleo' AniaSaflve wiaoliy *aead if tule «Miy. - or nieffa. 'ynasptai if .boit salve la the lue .Cure ,p4q L . Oc» UNe. MLau lm - - .. *5.f si. Peul Comapny Planning Extensive Improvement. m. W. àam-, generat land agent for the ei. Faut ratirosd van la fovu remntiy vI» ïsveral enginera -M', upretminuryarrangisanta for redualngtfiaebivy grade on the li. Paul rond beiveea Llbirtyvlle snd Randouf. lBe pirohise of Meisis. Nonduatad and Vauner a atri p of land fbtrty4vo fest vide parallel viti a nd adjoinnag the conpauya rlghf.of-way sud nagotltafedfor other manro, irys of land oatheegathe acuel pusbhsnsa vars fottomie. Wodnasday demi. were class a erby fias ompany sécned&Modilica telndou houa mîdes o! f ierprmqt rigi.of.vsy f0 Malte If the standard vldfb, 1<01 iefrota Norstrand' matlUe ta LiWiefyvMIe. The company proposestu putf 300 min ai vork fia. Brui of Auguit cuttlns Avay theahmbImuim amtof Lîbertyvîtle, BUlug la nomrtia. rail- rosd bridgé sud etevatlag the bridge. A tem eahovet vîiàho used $or excavafing anda mblyfoaud yard. of diri are f0 hé remoyed. The tank la a atupendonaoneaand vîli reqotra fias large gang ta o eapoyed ountlsnov files. A large number of tern iyl Ibo roqnlrad and vilte tise coutractor ln charge vîiibrlng nseauté Sh lm ho demrecs84 seenré moen and teama here sud wiii pav $4 par day for man and tens. The liref gang of mon viii ho put fa vork next wveok ahitffng Use tracé;ansd preparlng for tha.,sbig gang of excavais tu follov. Wile baor i. Adulla a converga- lion sai that If Vas Inévitable f haf fia. grade hé loveréd asviaen fiai dIvIsIonuvan la osion lIbroUgiatu iaeévme le I vaspwoposeol tu run frains fraie uiastvllle t thUee y le forty.lve minuites. . ne sali fartai, thaf if vas oai.y a méter cf A fev menfthsenfâtlifhasexisting survai lu &heueweMeo..l, we -11ho stralgbi-. oued, es Il voudiba ImpMvalvela O=- saquence 0f fihi qulcia serirelo0ho Ur. Adamasvan gressy pioad vîtla Lihoefyvi. and deelarea fthi 0t. aut officIais van defeannsd fado ail la thaïer poW fagoladue. a sinay gravt for Our Vintage. vici ho lays in boena fa bu ana o!f the hosf points ou fiai division. la coiusatloa vif heasperchane.'of lied abova nofeai by Ur. Adatas, S unay héosi ia.e io eroasdpeople souued sseavry destrable coas. sli»am he fiseS. Fanl aomy. If appéers Me eeitoaria oud peuple held options on fte land iirsi by fthe st. Pautlaompmin la onin w0idais tiasir nlghi.olway. lau enof the etecrf m-P-7ayma lgtuAi rigiti. of-v&YaF 5liV fsitsud , »«ePfUR optiana on praperty sdjbalnut$&ai ariginalétsact, tise Sfk Fait oMpazy &gr*" d0ta sow a gr0de rofla aMd other dostrahi. caaaisaia.aa.Tbh etmerus adiUaare icmacha elte over fiaslr gond fortune andfth. dia- pelling c01sMr pomalibli i a sugon. laie byfias Sf. FPal Vompsay. ililPMviMicis il Cid settlers' rinalani are grovlng le number sud tlernts. Thora la nometàîng tu remlniacenca ibat taohe@fiai deepsut and best faailug. in the aid as viii as the bauger. Aurore tateiy orgaetsed su Old Set- fiser. Ano"lfon. Henry Cooprider, aged bui 18 yesa, premmnfed himlnaf for aàanarriagé l- ceus le a Ka»ia couuty reaiafly. Tha probafe Jndge Informai fia. Young mmn it hef fia. o nt o! ig falher voud hé rmqulred, vhineupoufiai boy preeisithfia oiwlnoe;u *'Jadge, Sir-Il turia fae boy ton. If h. maki a bure haoeau ait on ths blisater. Lot bhlm havi bis, papars. Youru truly, Albirt Cooprhder." Ie oe adjolaitge0uonny fias other day a men anksd for divorce onfi9. rondud siealavIte ouli net gsi up eariy oenongia fu et hie b"rsq&ss la a honounfar pifliqu thQIf ie illsged thai har hlusbad mnred'so Joad itha"nlfase amlypar0thé fia.egia as onta n004 go ta sloop. Thé canif grapfud the divoro. on gaeial prinolpats vifiaaaf prejidlos ganmt iliher aide. The moe.Ifat hst-a man vairs a frasoruat .ocitiy badge lu nof proot paosiive thaf hitelamfaiframi mper. faccins . Semny bava hic fanits, but fias mm W ho loves -iglaftmlty onougia f0 jolu aui peurana. Ondsr laorder -ta guard tibsir future fraom vant islaa boter -- th" Usie vho carma nofiig foi the futurs of this dspendent upon hlma end lUve a camo f vhaf may ho tu ara for tfa. soiea o! the fumrmoa 0a! lauïnoo ar the voods aes coaetered a fougia proposition Ithémequaok gram. vhlia bun isiei roat sud la Banriuilng. The pouf la laid tafaihésiasp lmporfed froan 0fe hacuatas.fSoies crutdlis is aivé vt Ian sdthe rMae-adinm isand thone are barderad itfia teMaEDS. Pesta of one kied or suothen soea ho oui daitny. 19Iinltpotato bugs It la quack.agra"s.- ,,~n~--7j The. Presidential Fight is nîow f WhollWin? We, can't Bay. lAhatever yotir politic'a arn, youl'l agree with us that oun groceries deserve to, win. They vill too. Wlay Becasise they are best. Let us send yOU a stick of Gold Modal or Superlative flour. -Wc've juat- got in anollier carload. Rave yen sain our neW 100 piece dia ner setsp Prioes-1u.00 aed 12.50 asnet They're pretty. oul DL B. COLBY & , q For Boys. About25a on ousmple BessasVilà o4l latW"ll we me suin 1crlems basa hal pok Splndi nakeprey clot, sres4 Io a0 Ba"ra Plaid CrshlaVauiasuit.. Agea 11-14. uwOt $1,50 nov ............................ Boy soldier Su&" via lm£gposta..... Baya'o ado& d ,cl om lse rscaste 50 aMd. Boys' Percale Vai uit.. aizea 4-8...... Crash lsat «Boys. Boys' Long and Short SIk (lauze Under Shirts 1-11r The Fair,- Ubertyville The Lake County Telephon. Cou ....CONNECTrs wlST.... The Chicago Telephone C Have you a 'Phone in your .re place of business? If you want to b. up wlth the, Urnes have. The expense' b non only a few cnts Fer laformatiom, retsa, st, wrls..... CONTRACT DEPARTMU Lake County Te14phone Corois If vu toidaof ayougladyn.t mots dte didaone goadacMWhvia e tsigiasofthaoiwsonium fhau a >116 msd a haif frai e srsfa he biblil -exitpting fraterail bgone bot iia se at fôn fte«smmi flwa a e n.four havai centhflomtes froma exacafInu hai mV" thiti or bom ciovim le han sbo, ou tva lautors houder dies. The sala*Uth" ,*'iï sias vans a fliavgarter, Bye'bridesu b oi a fnfsrW.esotsfyTitis lafaadapisiw have vorn gantera fan bar sud yet in ta provude a fend, vaMuIaI matsoI4 1mettes, W*âý* noiialg bappeeed. Tainh abhnu p fraie WW 0ta 15,0,Usa vi p>otsof coralisatefOU&b@=e a haimoc Ia nd 100kéMprsfiy lu It, fraiepoverfi Mud vaut %W depoeai vMWauflo. Tho 'but, lkik f..liairose ofaier, ah. 0f fhb hade via.otbervis voea u o*od ofa, ey*uge lemalned iloomb ilagalie. But re. prsfcty Ohargsmoq Rubbe ralllrjliluîlu me syubs asie ari f" ein fa $76 privais Oasrty. The affat9 srly UsoW«sani f m. andS : elver etio, u*0 &ho hba bai proteeaht! vian If nana la thm O W bu iTapi *Boum in*Wyls4mS 79c 59c 125 001 35 wo Boys.'o Our; 94 1 a..* a".

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