4AKE OLNTY INDPEN.DENT. 1Vol. Viii. No. 42. Libertyvilte, Lake County, Ilinois. Friday, July 27, 1900. IF -p '- - - --ai-s w àw goev Yark; autela-, have an ec.mbbild Obà 14001 Bat hua Il i i1 auieght, B'M"a1, ilt tel- ftle"b e ub:n .00 17 tou et& kéý I.é &-limai sgplcplv MWe lits,~ C. Adaus le veli at VI1 ni t11. groci mRe-i point and ETvorably.î las An the. bo whoie iveto ai doubt of M nird ilie ce., odrlik of 10 #1UA Mach bina, Who wus dAs father T11oug11 e i, 111e inty than 8 of the' lad hem jear g beautif 1 hie WUe Ira. Allen Iay atter. lafmpiea tomr ae MI l4,vel MAX LE BEAU, .. .;muraC1U5,5 r .neCga . Téhoos and Smol1sruMatorlala. CigarsVholman md Retail. LIIKETYVILLE ILLINOIS. WRIGHTi DYmObNo Co0.,. Llbertyvillls. Illinola. Icîties Interest Bearing Certifi- catue Payable on Demand. Standard Manila AND Pure Manilla Ail guaranteed new twine Par sale et Levesi Prke.. Ir CHIARLES STEMPLE. 40-4d Long Grove. Lake Ca.. Illinois I WAUKEGAN.' :GAr u rt J. T. Judge the butlAn< roui. ostate mn, reports recet sals s bfooav: fbe Irittan praperty on North Gousesftsînoul, nav ocupii by L. J. Gunee,- 10 Connty Cierk A. L. Bendi-se; asud11e Maman place on Piret streot 10 Capt. Wmn.1Smih. Pive million dollars la John Alexan. der Dovîca o stimate oi bis roceipta thraugh 11e channela ai Moaince ils sdvont lanChicego tan years sg0. The 11ai ai tb. Christian athoiiociurcb mode t1e sitement ai bs grosrev- enues An bis recent anulversuni sur. mon, bet dii uatl go mlotolis or 1the sources oaithe11euome, tlhê amonut ei- pendoti or the balance bela by il.. Mon'laY morug William Poten, B. yard Rilchmond oui Engoue Taylor, the tbvue yotb, 'charged vtb el. log brasea ram air brakes on cors tu thet rairosi yards lu tuba City, vote held10u1the grand jury. Porter vas arralgueti before Justice Abats- wotA and bis baud w»s ilzed sI S1000. RAchmond sud Taylor vous banni aven lu bonds aif15M0 ach by Justice VaUODse. Recousue1the prapoeed Wankegau anti Foi Lake «leo ruai aru barrai tram entering Wsukogau via Wasing- ton Street aving 10 1the C. &kId. E. . . holding a franchise aven il, 11e pro- mter. aif1the 110w linohave adopteti a nov plfflsuaat1he next rmeeting ai the counnllilii &as&Ibobdy for a fran- chise avec a district.vhch, i grauled, vili gve the Company a ioop about the clu einbraclng the usnesos and residene d istrict. tod*y granuti as brokelin t Soth chal, frtach1e nsv addition, 1the Omlnact for wih vos noce itly lt ta -». E. Clarke. f11. chools mnuai. bth ho reMdy furo accpaucy by 11e- brt Monda u Sitpemben. The sebool on the South aie la10 bc.liAt on 1the sat aide aif1the main sboal sudi focing nati. The eaentath1e norte viliiaima bu but aun1the oeataide ai the main building sud ,ill foce aouth. Il vilI b. lu the mit ai a ciurnp af trool, a vecy presty ils. Thie Streot and Bridge Cammiltee As lookiug eraunudifoc o siteonou bieh 10 erect a building 10 be ueti ton a clîy bail, fine dopartment, tramip bouse oui poice beaiquacteni. The tva sites vbiab bave taken 1the faney aif1the committ. sud vhlab are certainly very desirable or tohe pu r- 1 pou 550 tue VUS55hfl u iw. , oua corner ai Wablugtou and Connty sîrset, occnpied by Boier anti]Basseà shape andtih1e Polabior pnapsrty, corner Washington aud Uticas mreels. The Waukogan 0. A. C. lurnedthe J1 tables on the (Ihicgo Oklauis Sun. dmp by ieféating 11e. bY 1the mcore ai al to 3. -The visitons iii pcsctically 11e mrne tearn lii.!bïdionil Jnue Sf4 vuen 1h0 doetelith1e . A. . by th1 scoe of i10 la 8 Vicia the exception of the battery. Klit n sd Ward vson i tiie pointa br Wmakegan vlle MNous aud Jamesd S111eralfonr1the 0511., lads. The gae m thu1e cléanet played on the. lacýI diamond, asufer as vnanglig vuonoonci, sud Me visila orainli nphuld the repuWa Sionmu A utiemeir gainai on Ibeft formrorvWS.t U!le(ien"the11 jlliSae Bugar 1 Relnctivolt i'040, 1 bisaItii. ,y à ie., k 7 moi A Haunted Apple Tree. ..l1 in probable I&bat 10 1the 1air a0- Douglas, of! Maachuetis, &aOue b- longs the reputation ai baving a haunted appie Iree." wvitleS amuel AS. Kingdon, Ain1the Augut Ladies'Houle Journal. -The tradition o01 the lown la thbtaafoui murder vau comited in the orchurd many lemrs&go, and tbat pince thon it hma been baunted by the spirit 0i1 he vie"i. As the sari goes, a peddler, vbcse customt wvas go »Ili gooau ram bouse 10 bouse tram a pa9k. laid down 10 rest- ai midday under a Ire tu 1the arcbsrd, sud before the day vas ended hoe vas found v1111 a cruel gua tAnh1e Dock tram vbich bis hie blaad bad! ebbed away. Sus. picion reated on 11e ovuer of 1the orchard. and 1e vas said go bave been constantly foUloved by the apirit ai the vieil M. la an attempt 10 escape tram ils dreaded prononce 11e ,novod away. Thon the apparition became a terror toa&ail vba bd occasion &o pue over 11e raad at uigbt. So'ptent vas its Ininen e-st&ndlng, as it bad a babit ot ding. under the apple tree. wlithone banU t I is Iroat and 11e aiber etended as lbougb seeking id, and uttering erili crIp that-could bce beard hat a mnile avay-t11a1 the location aif1the igbvway as changed and itleA nov a long distance tram 1the orchatti. The nid troeili bear fruit, sud the apples tram 1-ete 0beneatb vbichb1e petdier vaskllled are -aid ta 1be treake4 v1111 ced, renombln blond, the îtreaks exteiding fraiakin t'o Corel" wbonsas passible sud b.c eady -tbla vsek 10 open np v1111 11e mil's baul capacit!. The lactury la ta séart up wlth a fuit torce sud i viii n vltb 1the mmae fofrce Iht vas emplayoti befene 1the ahut dovn for copain. o fev montés aga. This lastram 400 to 500 mon. Itliii aote day and nigbt and *IllI poably mn la 1t1e plant'a fuil capocity vblcb bas nover becu dons befare. Il la cepartedt Iat Meusrs. Clarence A. UaMrrof, ais iaci, and hi. brother Pred Murray, of Dixen,. vil eneci a hanisome botel tu ces$ $100,000 on lte ito offlpici by 11e W*ukegm u e. Tl la' nudecabaad 1110 te building viii b "e tosries lu beigbt, aie of brick Ms tome. Ti viii heo aOQUal tae asmodaiseruai hored duo&t thlnt riingucux b.ing pimsud teu Mm tv*l v. .buuidrem. lWe bWim4e le aluni0emoin su-ops humbon el 14lev Socm ma the.gro 1 am-, TU! !LKTKIC MAI ENIUMA lu C. & N Elotrlc Buck of LibertYvilie o 10te?' Ai Ana Labo Bluff.Village Board meeting Mionay oeog,1te RIWIvRY oasnmillee prosontai a rsolutlon recommendhng coneoon t1e the 11. cago à 11llvake.eleutile IWBAlvy Ooip.ny in ce4unrufor vliiab 111e Vil- lage shsil cecelve $12&W0 In euh: ThoeOrsi conesulon iggoîtedlas tha& tue car aampeu'i franchise lie estended te ilfy jeaos. It nowlas iventy Yom1. The ther an mars Pu:ling pro- position las tintéa nlglt-ot-wsy lbe grnted 1the Compnyli ià1the villsge Iram 1the voit, juls otthet0fthe1 doa. il vould' be aver privais properly vbAeb the1ecompani l e amiue. The eutrance las uksd for ta enabîs 111e Company 10e tend lis lins te Llberty- ville. The mater vas dlcu-dedta iegl,.but déflmite action vasdeferred untiliManday nigil vhien 1te meaAnro yull doubtleas go throlt«h. A algilcanfuture? of the rqlien Il tbat thé right.of.vaî uto 1the vil- lage froni 1the wusa A Ientical vitb the. one prapcsed 1171theChicago, Foi sud Genevi 1ekes ilierieroad coin- pauy. vbicb boldo optiona On a ight. o.otvy boteeenLaboBluff and Liberlyville. Msny have uussedtrm the. ralthesthe . &.19-M. eoctrie v"a bock of Uic seheme te bonid a branch te Libecty ville although aiflers et that Company bave empbaticslly denisdIl1, aouit criaunlilooks nov m. If th11e.ompenic e er okIng n coul nuctian te obtei a right-ot. vay bel ween the tvo villages, vbich they viii bave ieomplisbed vbeu 1the franchise askedtfor Ia graunted 1the Milvaulges iectre. erWaly .botb compans -o dneft con&empials separme is sand Ibai »01 Mlwaukese leetuio le te buili 1the extension lasthesmail$ifusible of 1the two propoetiong. We trust »Coh la the case and aboui At proeno Lbertyville Wvn velome Uic anterprise vwit enetànalam. Wo bave couideced mauy and variod rail. ramit phatoms sud wyul gladly gree$ one flt ohcoeied u unelest mYstcri. tW. are n msors oof aacomman, eevery day electrie raid, vold of lbe fillsansdfor the peuple 10 enloî elou thc limiAci onfidme e 1o teePro, Isco eratahice etant m111 - u - k %th a 0 xpomot trom rbmwhe Win in iglet Assure their confidence and gadi Wiln. 1et 1". e. stuck lu SBadlItil.. Major Davisnu, ai Highland Park,1 Who siarted oveland for Washington,r D. 0. vi111 au automobile battecyt vraIe as followt ta salHighland Park friand: ighland, loti., Jnly 21-Camped in the seudilis of Indiana vaiting tban ncv ire. Tire ilov up shortly alter1 lusvlng Southi Cleicego early yesterday.i Hai beau niaking good lime &fier1 ieaving City, nitb deiayof asfev boira aus accaunt o ai a. Mt snme sreteb- es of baid rond, but oarrlsge 100k t1 uiocly. Expert tires totnorrav sen- tng. MAJOR B.L P. DAvinsBoN. Th1e mission of Major Davidâon, ai 1te Norîlivemtlern Multan Academy.i Highland Park, ia la diocover the pou.s sibillties ai tAhe automalille batry.1 Togoîher vAtla tbree cadets ho made the stert for Wablngton. Ths chjute othie batton' leaka frami Fort Oheri- dan Ibrongli Chicago, Taledo, Ciove- 'lim, Buffalo, New York City aud F111. adoîphia <lawu ta aahlngton. .Owner Geta Cattie. 1 The savon iead ai caIlle vhich It vas atternpted taoe»Il ta John Las. ater, ai Evereit, as recouuled An lut veeks INRPE-.liaiT, bave beau ru. tuned10a1the igbttul owners, Meus. John Ronsard aud Mat Burns, Who lve jusout h of Woukegan. .9 Mir. Burns dizovered bhl bas ven devcnl ta abin puatlo Weduesay mocing anti trscod the catlie ta thee Lancater tari. Front Mn. Laucaater'& description ofth11e mmiiWhoa rAod ta ol i hm the calle tMr. BunsinAsiAn oaed tabeiieve bim tbcb.a farmer] euiployoe, usmeti A]. Davis, Who vas dimohargeti a coupleo0f veeka &go. The caIlle were ovued jointly Iii Hosard aud Burna, the latter beiug the lemecof the Thon. Dvysr fotsmsi PAve Points. Commnence Work. Tie Geneva Lake, Bycamore andi Bouîboru Itailway, vhiab vas lnrveyed sud laid out tramn Morris, lit., ta Gouevo Lake, fla., lutentaimer, bav- luig bean sli 10 dm Ilinois k Wiscousion ItailoadiCoampany, sud tic uev compsîîy baving 8100 artioles ai Incrpoation vite te aoretmcy of 1111051.1.recenîll Itoiaucan seurci tao i 111111erosi i11e o'builit. Thc k0sx eaopany bas amgasimlel~..0. oSee, nd wyau Snb*1lime hua boss ceemeamod nenr M05 i bAnnIforty lêam s Sd a large of r« i 0fmaux bcng 1 More Nowv pws Oit ia Cicugà e t. 1 Prohibition Convention. The Conaty Prohibition Convention yuli 11ebeld aIt1the Lbertyville Town BaU Satnrday. Auguat 4. 1900, ab 2 P. M. for tic purpose 01 placing la nomination cadkiaesfor tic foiiav- iug conutyo&oesani 10 eiect dois- g aleu 101the senataci C onvention: [ Circuit Cmark, biaiâtsAttorney, Coroner, SnrveYor. Dy crger of the eltoontive commuttee. 1YellowstoneC Park and Alaka. D Extendsd tours nder th1e manage. meut af The AmoamuTonnaIstAu ocia. lion, iBeaunCampbell,.lGeu. Man., lm garqpsee.aUding, Ohi-ega, 111.j Pullman lleqOpg ad Miing caU tus,. bicSgo usda!, AngScMMM if IlleaW&10 P. a%. VIa Chicsgo, Mii. yankee &It. Paui lay. "ieu tide s&I e ips uffl vecyw#mts sure. lime.a. H. BaannGsuqca àpeausuasc Agont; Ohi-cao.Ii. Aàq.j ADAMWS,&TILLOTSON, Paem iasd, MachaIqsa uni kuuda of labor msueda. 0 oIBIpsI pouai sur Thoés D"Slrng. itiu*e u ussIm 4m» - sé $1.60 a Year ln, For these hot days at prices that a on the pocket. Comfort is what you want fir Style should be a second conside WE HAVETIM QUEEN QUALITY SHOIES OXFORD HALF SHOE Specti Prices on Many Ufnes For,»0 10111Have à-o 1 - - - - - - il Webb Eealdencc Fired. Tuesday uligh of lait veek Uic roui. dune. on the arifore f Almond D Webb, one liait mie vert of Hickory vu totlly doshcorei by ire, vhicb vas cloarly of iiieediarY origin. tMr. ýWebbs tv ousm à. A. and Jamos 'and Îheir familles ooenpy t1e place. About 9;»80 c'oock 1the famila£hbord sainebody 90isAis andi one lime il vu beiieved the labof 1the door vas trioti. Ail the doars vous aOcrely loaketi aud uctelng vasa ugli 0f the malter.VTe, members aif1the bonns. bhl cetirsi a»d vere avahoeciea mudnlgbî- by the crakliug of -Bames. Bp t1e ti»e 111.7 enu ail arougei, Uic tire b& a"mch ebprogrena. Tva ciliren 0f Jake Duanu, Who erevisi- log their amt Nu. Webb, veco sleep- i ng tna route lose ta vhere the tire starteti mndi vhentbey vere ilnaly braughi out, Ott, tieLson sgod ire vas unconscions, being averoome vith @Mokte. He vwu 010 for about a dey aitervarda. Oqs, six yesrs aid, vas ams nearly protral.i but vas able t0 vaik out. The dam'es bad pragresaetd go rapidly thu" nothiug vas savedlan 1the hanuse, 1th. occupan ts birl ecup- lng vtb enougb lotîlig $0 cover tbem. As the building caiglt ram 1the out- tie suad provlors bavicg beeu heri dnnlng 1theighitte Asconcluive evîdenco theehome vos set asûre. The scatiedghl that1the Webb cai- dune s ubrnuai lun1the mnem oity provlera s.ehbard about the bones of Chrlstapiier Webb, Chet Âmm, and James Webb. At 1the latter place, a vateh dog was aroused and th1e ma- rauders ficai seve rai @hatsat it. The yack lea ghbét 10bie 11101f coidenis of the iaolih. Iu canvermtion ii vlla reporter T. A. Webb aMic "It seemi Unit saine- body hmbaesiatching1the fuera lu oui vieinfily hen they coceivs thelrch 11.1lm bpsy mont for .1111. Fora olong«"ias very lime paymenta vece mate reports of atmpted rob- boris bave berau srd. We ccevd can checla Tnssday andIt wu dentitios. la oder go atoult Qumi11101 the prowiers ver. about 1the place." Mr. Webb mya 1be iii immedialely rebuMl. There vas 1$1000 insurance on Uic building and $200 on lse contenta, pl*cedlan lhe Mljburu aamponDy. This cavers probably about one-tbînd A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT 0F ~--LAP DUSTERS.-.wa My stock is complete and those wv chase early get the benefit a large assortment to select from. Chas. Kaisr, LIBERT' Y'VILLE, WORK ON mmAI!UmmERWAY. Pcv Rlize s.the Magnitude of the thudertmking. Monda s gang af men and a numbr ai Aqusu Vers put 10 vairk building a tmparan!grade on vhlcb trooku ns 10 1e laid durlng progrue of verk ai cntthng dovn the long bil ouat ai libort".iie by UiceBM. Paui Eailway Companî. The tsmporary gade in Io extend fnom sa point non oua lins aiUie Nord&trMnd* tarmt aa PointJus&t o af Muinqs Are. ou thc Bond farm.lu Liboryville, a dIM-oncof ai rly tires mles l i in take until lbe middleet iAgut go complts Uic tempocay grade vien M"coaL vOu onthe big ont and 8OU vili À Mt ofcve tventj test at top cf bill of inolent vlth ion wtviruoi aMaflil of tonfeet aslove« oint uor Srade viii enableoaur roers 10 itorm Mme conception o a i niuenastaakt e.pOCIAUY when sl lae oniderci the 'Ont and SU exteuds a distance af aimosi titree mle.. A newat..l bridge la 10 replace th1e présent vooden structure avis taoe- rivea iid vii b. tan test igher tthe icbridgenov la Dne. Thc force at yack on Uiceismporac grade Ale being i uncossitram 4ay tu dar as il la possible 10 ascuremmi. The contracter n eharge usn a mm one Urougb 111e country, thile'vea* viii AsUMicuctiotahics flty menandm tsms i possible, somme si par edy sui that Uie vork vonhi luitwIo mantes. Four tsmpoary buldiug bave bien or are boungconainucisi oun1thé Sundi. omis . property coivenieu t 10 vhoe grmiesnseaievomI, and comprise ook bouse oud sleeping oomparmc.is far *a1elaborers, 0f vboss 300ane 1011e emplored. . - -,'Twixt Life ani Death. The *110,5 la ttillUe of a'uev entai otory ommuei -anthie une or Uic IaoU.MiUMu. A mcml briWlaul sud aburbing roumnusle comprisecinl ibis wouderal nmastarpie@ f fiction. The anUice laecelebraisi toc his mkcioriaiitY aMd dextrons esving af plot, connterplot MduIn. aidcul,sud in teis igerlâil gitory he hma effelelbisessuai graphie poves 16 la lte fluting reetuS of un ei of a bsuituI iomgagir, lait au erpian. V» han Imperiliet lontme An ai devdo., simpliur MA blve, ivée tu vivi, reUele cionf inge teat calora 11evthe vi te r iPtereaiti bcaety. Itesidtl,, Klsalng amd Legllation. lu th1e good aid Colonial deysIt wu the. CnUiOMfor a lady tu nesve 1the priviige of kiuing ber band et mousi- ung sud parting for busnnatimata ti-oda; a prelrnly oucu- ougb pro. bably Dat one liti ouli fini favot tu this day of 1thee qitîofthUe oIs Then, tola te Uietqueti of Iingsa girl gavse bndietoa sfriand, ner oheek 1to a relative, sud kept her lipe fer ber loyer." But Ibere wu alvays bnuybody arounni ba vantai Uic mattar oail ineiuregulafli by lay, su lie'legMsatnre bas been cSlled upon more tbMs oe landifferont states 10 onusider. 1the subject. Union tbc DoiqneBiue Lava af Conuecticut Do mother wvn alovoi 10 kishec ohmi ou th1e Babbtb or fmtiug day oxcept nir bcavy penaitisa.I vnu ithint Uic lut fev mounlbauan appeatbas gaie out for bhe repeai of the lav *icb. hua malbeen ofore aci th1e Nulmeg Biai. Acoorduug 10 1the publie prosesiislav "ftorbido anueagec ygJing man 1tglie. a vifilng Young girl, snd evon goes. 10 t1e iongth of docainug laI à a Mmay Dt lies hig ovu lawfnl aponse On Bnnday." Womancs' >ihusCosspaon. WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. On your hands, and a big one too, to find better values than you get rlght here, ln our made td measure clothing or men's furnlshlngs. Backed up by the cash melces le pos- sible for us to give yoq. the best, for y aur -money. SCi OU1 GOOOS FIRST Oi1.ST UT cir TiEiw. 'SA NBORN & CO., Tailors and Haberdashers, LIbottyvlAlo, lU. Kaiser Blecti. Dr. Charles Calloway. Office ovor LovellcoDrug8tore mu" PRO5U Iwo$A56" $P. m. Libertyville. -illinois Dr. J. L. TAYLOR. Off loe over Trlgke & Taylor's. i tu o a. ;n.2 10 4bd . tu aBP. nm. ResAisma. on Brcêdva opposite Park Dr. H. 0. B. YOUNG. Physiolan and Surgeon. Gurns.-- -- ----Ilinois. Dr. 9. H. Smfth, Off ice c wer Lake county Bankt lur..; îto 12a. m. sal to àp. m. DAI LY Libertyvalle, MI. PAUL MacOUFFIN, Attorney and Conunsilôor ai Law. NOTARY PUBLIC ornez OvEinLAECourc" B"14 Libertyville. IliInQis. BENJA^MIN H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIBERTYVILLE - ILLINOIS. I&CHANCE ULOCE. uit. A"10TOT tEIqcpON NO.40. . ou,1055 on CHICAGO a visitai t Buuisi terlaluci Chder Mll Notice. liaviiqg purcbssed aof tr. lieu Lotts bis aidm.? ii, 1 amn prpared tiu grisai ppe atrmi plac, oueehaii Mlle apuntb TELEPHOMI See Our Shoe Bargain . Counter. Mil e2-50 and $3.00 Shcles, ail go: : e'AC HR: BINLMNG TWU We have an overstock icf twlne which w .out at cost to "'Cash Customers", Plymouth Standard the best twine 'q market warranted to ru, 600 feât- poLlfld, 10 conts. Good standard twlne runs. 500 feet to the î Bicents. PLEASE DQN'T Ask.us TO SOK rr S I P *US 0w ýP ON&M~ We will, also close Out 011t Stov0è, line Stoves, Bicycles and Wire C".' mnotto le to seli1 cheap for cash. Wla. cater to book trade. ~Am Shah Meoh Nets, 75c and. IRond Leathor Nets, body »md breast, 40 Ioi n n n n*~ 60 » Colobrated Vaguer TomiNet&, pr..... PliyHeSe Cover, ..... :.......... .... stable Sot.. ......................... Extra good bargains in duck stable sooets ........ 8 Nous£E STAUbLilmegeNOV.e1 resiaence ul &n.l. 1