Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 27 Jul 1900, p. 2

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OFIFICERS SLAIN IN BLOODI 818ereutSegroec tek* Lits lu Re *S*gAr-net snd Oua ufthelal ae S'affl1e ef Loqicisland SoeUr!. 'î Polie Cajilsin John T. Day anti Police Moee J. Limb ae-e deati in New Or, k"aur! Pqiltemen Angunt T. Mors ii -l lCabopital a&ufferrlg from ttret -«dà oetet wuih laiver-y severe, thi et à# fan -ncounter mitir tuo edpeî. ..te Ilgrota, Leenarr Pierce anti loberi Ï,a~lt ergonet Ilesra0. Aucolsanare a CaU. Ottreli anirwôf i altiede MurttPierre anr! Charles wiii tht: 1.i Iýq assiedi on a deerstep on Dryades *tract Wiieuthre efficeru approambed - - agrees they jumpet up uith dreevr aed Charles red ti eMora oeut trbelle, anti Pierce directed biis builetâ - uci.Thte fficern returne th lie.n »M va h t lutire rigirî thigh Justt ho liýte blp. litfeu tote ie talk, and Ê 1 UêBbjIeortined te shoot ut Chares 0" telatter dct, leeving a trailioh - Mo&d Pierce flnlly surrentieretl. #.btrtles stracited tbGenerai Taylor MdBr-onne streela. Ceptain De>-, Ber- imn tAucoin. Çorprale Perrlier ani I>i daur! Paîrolman Lamb and sev- kk « ther effimcra ent to a houer ire W" tenegro wmua asitite br bldieg qV4 inociet i ata !or. Charle, horat es et o!thte<on etftht fonrîh rorc n n é~erre ou tht poicemen. Tire Orst *W 4 w onred etiCptin Dsy. Soore Lambi M m11nortaUly oundeti; Trenrirartianti Amicae rtre e.Cbilstben fie-gi! tev *UsIxte latintht body nf DAi. AÙcoiu Výflknbard malter! le n aide rooas lu bàpe s e etllug 0a citet the nepeo, *ahdd net expose iriretf, aur! inally Ame ouee'here lu the block and te ft iehm mer-e ftiele. ,tW.e IIs m eià,Wff. Marder Bel Pise 8asPqte PI-OIn.L 0b*iean. an apparently aune qed woVrimu n nEr. Moe-lar-tits-siee lu Bqe-huton, Iowa, ube recet- lhé sleeping ern etofMe.*More- au injg lm. conee eb avîng ie aie mite lu 5t 'Lenia yeara -by tmritber-ng ber- wlth a pilow, le Ma. Dahlmau sair! thaltirhe ber- uibbrime ceapeiled hlm te con- thé I1I. e o f mental relief. He omeiardt te glve hlm over te tir. Thi as'ca enthe bSt. Louis nelifier!. Liter mord mas re- ed b1 no evdedM et the trrith cf MWaaÎ *tory rouir! bc fouedtIhere, as Jt mas belleveti he mas crer, " LUNCH 1le DLOWN UP. â* RgaIllug tvaxedyocoeutred as. h te thliteregatta, et the Larchueinî et.01bThe nanhîha lauumb Caare, eud operateti by A. B. Crmw, a reidet o f New Rochelle, qp thétMiddle ot Long Ilanur - OrMme-Crou und! ber son t andi mrortally momuadlng Munde-eda et peope ans, -ý . e 7 fer lt oceer!ed nthe.midat §ctbulng homemerd trou te Clem5teo s tesimmBlneni. -ti «sading cf the club, tu the Na .. 72'clinuati .. .30 40 Inu41 ldBotn -3 39 ....39 308t..Loui....32 40 la the saudtig lunthe Amer- -.44 3OKauaasCrly.38 47 .40 87 Blneapolia - 35 48 "îeeee "Shoot Up" Town. A4-band ef sbttp menm visiter! Copieer- a e ut rilng toun tmeely milrs *ue f Grahd.Encampmett.Wye., and oieU the loue." ritidllcg the saloons "d atoller buildinga itb hulleti,. It mas 4m .as à warninc te pronpeetor-a le leave -li 10lciltY, 'hie-lae ad aes range by - i aeepme. -1 PedrrEeli tenîp D iaahto MM jtire harbornat lPont an Bagq#,es, -ut ltbeseethmeat extremnit> ty fNt-tound- le%& *Wlth Part Of ber manIlety dia- 61101 I ilmliProbabi>- reqîlîre s few -4àýi to otekt thte eo-r-sary r-rpirr. Thre *Iay geay serloyegi>- dinar-eange thteaiipt glaus tor reacbiig tht fir eorth. M Bleuari Murrier Myst.ry. The bodioaeoftwtucunkeoun yeuns men VMire tnut beside tht Chicago Greut Wisite-n Rlaiiay traciset aI aannair, Xi. Bat-b hd bren $hot ln the brick or - -àw beatl. Tht thoor>- la that tire>- me-rt - "erd ou a truie and thronnef. > irZile i tt WIIOfer Miiation. PrtiealdeKiloiy proalueti Emperor Kosug sn leoffer mrdtlln t o pr- Sun-e tht Chinent Empire on condition AUl torelgeera le Pekie arr irs- encueti. Port-y HItateleigne OMMce The recignam ion er Prrry B. Heatir as O Atssistant Postmaster- Généralhba toacher! tire 'otmaster (;et-rai. , Mc Bob Lynches a Nere,. - At utHuntvile. Ala., lyncher Elijair Clr.'h sherif ruade a. brave défense, tSÏOine tht creur!. Entiàn.te tire r--ik---- i boy 1Nuo-en Claidle In alit cause.-Theimot forIvnlent are y Witt eve.mly, on tË, f bey t-koy etIlie -y -.Fiaand, nc le Npfe or oe tu beDry. b Thp-eat it ble ach rte a 'e t ob o aeytet, eas h cane. un pot t igeut arenuter, ont eeryfthier i h e mlght htiy atile lu $1o0,rO aua eddr-o g p rn i hdis fotueutteras hardy îmely,, heane, ai h,Of] earrydlie Cuttr dCier,<It e-ber atiee-nbe MProviec .mate i n ba re e tjear gaveeMrdatin. m s100,00 ata weddipng pet Th frtne uter nteuIdkoy, afdtewg r ars a0firriher! t te er s ndthetI. - rtsms uer-e homied i attheir- riepelilen A Tire Foi8tma meelt not receive thelr err Id leg daaher -han. It ail entier!lu the bar-e, eheerîru. beck recru. Uhe dîtd poor, un outrant, but uith mach et ber ifermer- beanîy left. AIl Martini agaola: n We loved tarie cher anti uer-e happy." il TIINK i[T AN1JREIL'B PARTY. -Dyiu0 Man, Twe Corpes aundBelleel* WrtclkauFouad by Indetns. Prom the uid region tur eorth of Por-t George, cn tir e ratcoat et Hudson fBay. cornes a eter->, mich may reveal tbe fate of the darleg areti e xplorer-, Als- tidree,,aed hi$ ompanione. Oeorp Reni- con, sec Of a fermer patter et 8Ç. Jehu'r Churce, hber etrned aflor an ibetnc of montea, rurng mhlch litue Iltwonas fte- urtiras Moose Fartor-y, thtendson Bay Coimpany'* pont on tht wet coat of James Bay. Betere t the last pariai frein Yor-k Factory broçght word that lu- dite,, mlii> ere heeIig &boys Fort George on the tct cocît et Hudson Bay. bar! toun!a va ua netlty et Wr-tckage, radians -roubj ne4tlqtdeatn the lae- gog h potbut t i tmEneto gfh I~é ried ui yet eeyur-e there anti they -termd te thtlr peet Vlthomt briieging faY nY'evîdence. etthteîle-ange ecclir- r-ce.. Hudson Bey Company othilal are iir-mrIY rvineedthtlit Ita1tht Aedr-ee Partly asd have sent eut e party guider! Jey thetson» Indiane a li d tnd brbg bock evidenue taesetabllth the ideetity of t party. DROWNS, BUT SAVES COMBADII. Revr i eqneRE lu inte Deutir ot thre tfdeavar. Arthnr M>libotrnee otCygnet, Ohio, gave bie lits le au attempt te savo a COMPanioe trou dromnlug. He,.vrlta thre, other J-oneg arn, woa bathing le il itou. quarv pond mien Ptert Elacheu gel lote a dee-p bol. and i crier!tr belp. YoWÉ9 Mlilbourn t rto 10 3 le'rt-s- te.,but lecea closeapor!thlmbout. the nemi. anr! thry wrmt doue togelier. Uni.- boure. trend- bimeit uhile lhey me under-. Elamben roe.ta0the surface et the aide et a raf t aur! mps drauu ont eftIhe watt-r b, the thtr two boys and was suirsequently reviver!. Young Mill- heur-re canse. rp under the raft aund aank for tht lant lime 1er-e assistance coulti rreehlm.G $BUT DOWN TUE ccoiE.rIEB. Aitl linon et OlIphat, lPe.,Force !te Cie» by Slrileoe-a Struigtraunera sud drivers.trom tbe Grasa$ Islandr! rine et the. Delaware aur! Hudson Cempany at Oliphant, Pa.. have torced Ie comPlet. shuldowu ef tht col- llery asd theo Udy Or-ok aur! No. 2 mine, ef the Conmpany eathlb.sutplace. The offcie refuse te conter uith tht strlkee-, une",îheY r-ur-n teuer-k. The triker deirand a »teeit ou a basIs lmilar tu thst given the Providence striât- er"-.130for-firet banda, $1.35 fer- sec- ond bande sud 81.10 for begluners, boya net le rretirve le,. thau 90 renta per day. Proe-ev. Alibis ilu Border Trial. At tire conclusion et tht prtliuary tx- aminatlon at Aireiu, Mine.. tht court de- cidrlto r-el. Jaese Hardy and lmer- Miller., aecuatd rif the Wise murertr, holding that thhor alibis, uer- conclusive, Young Mattlaou. uhoet mntiacion Oral directer! suspicion to Hardy auj Miller, uns belti for trial. Box Porter-y la Destroyer!. Pire destroyer! a bar-r-el and box fater-y O-neil by Her- & Demie, l inricage Tht dame, apreidte tht saloon ant i.s dence of Loui Ar-efîma, Ma-y sr-net anti Carr-ollavenue, andi thr-tt bousese letht r-ar et the factory. Tii. ratienateti ios 1V.000. Caught mitirBoia@nacoin. 3. P. Hoffnean, an oid-linre coutrreit- e. une arr-ter! by Secret Service Opera- tire Borne at hie iedgings le Phiiadel- puia..'A searcir ef hie ap-rtment, dit- rloaoti a lerge eiîrber cf brigua hait-dol- lar-s, together uilb moitsa nu tier [par-- nîcernulie user! by cnunterfeitera. Reere ExamulîegTeuneusee, Ae invettigation et the landiian-s anti Othe-r kindreri mottera iii the State et Tennessee la being madie by r-tpretuta- tiven ofthlie ilcers. Itlal reportedt tt a tract et frene 7,000 te 10000 aer-ta in dr- irer!aund easlee-n Tcunessee- ili be gir-rn prefer-ence et exaIatien. Aucericà- Beys Fluer!. A son of Gee. Joseph C. Brecireritige ofthIe United ti ats Wur Deprtuett anti a conrpaelon nmmcd Burgienti of Bal- timormer-e arrenier! t gSerbrcok, que, fer- crretiug aditurbance. und! wte, Ouned. l)eatb inaCiL1, Rond CollIiien 0nr pereonua ilier! anti man yothera more budy shaken up in a rear--nour' o- lision on tire Fifti avenue br-tnch ofthlIr Brooklyn Union Eltrateti Raiir-ead la New York. Tht victiai of tht wr-ek ian Walter- H. Yonag, a brakeman. irive Siroîttous Foud. Belon, Coltonneer! Point, MO., on tire Misissippi river. tbe headira keetn 6 - O NôO X NINI D O13 INTUB SUN, * ludlanaB bot th"- wPitipine "W d 11 = te tortore. "vice, ut PIlpplnes, imrttasbomne a$ saeit ! me ette Anderson elute os rakBrm auj Hart-Smnith, by lFil e 'Dujo i Vîéwtocapse Ther mer by 60 fIublcs.Thor vmes. rellevar! a urtheir irou.y at pair! ltins.îrIpree o deever stlteh otheir lotblt nd ni7 a rensecqlIve day.. Tby mr aiuti' je the-,mo..Id-hie liiet amer!t e ur.l A --- -ret.a__900oethlcket. Tre-tBrour anti Smith manager! te getl ofetcilu nu un!kilibt bele b.aatt, Theibre r w mode hiftten letat isbi sud goe 4-te tht Amerleena treepi. thty teldt ti ýt ator-p, cf belag star-ver! nue]- tortured t« r-îligne!ays, ai4 the offier sent tue cee e tpaules et aolrlt»rm var thei. ulsandti r 4 APtueertiheur!n. Alter tht Filipinot er bar! bren breugi4te camp Smitirebt aui kler! four acre ef troe. FALL lIN GRAIN PRICICIL PubliUe assueThmuk Danaege ta IL.El. Dais & Ce.'s met-ly vrevieu o Strar!, aya: Tfis aar-p fait 2 cents a ln uheat ad 4 ets lu cern appeara te 1r-nOrdt pubie conclusionsal ter hoarli - uebîevld«ece, officiel andi onofiiel, r- -garr!ia the. ratent et tnlue-y te bell grains. The. ahîpuenta go ou et a quiet a anutimoderato pace-In ircet ues front Atliantic Porta 5.66J1,»0 busheis et mireat, adonc Inoîrider!, agairat 6,500,38lat year, f roue Pacifie ports, 1,@91,597 beahela. tatteai~t 1,,0 laut year, aur! le corn, 69 ~0(8bubae, againat 92909lest yt ar. 'aillires tor the urti have be 231 lu tire Ueited! Oite,, agaleet 145 lat year. aur! 27 lu Canada, againat 23 lai Bt-0 NAVY TAR 1% 118».L @per shed, *mftkB au, urqie ensd , .Leiemebelt Dettoyadi Theaseond ir0e ofetmystorlona er-Igin ulîbmre six montrsai t tie Chnleteun, Mats., ny yFard orcurreti lire otirer 1night aur! deatroyod lie eld apar- aier!, ont ret t l legeaibilding.Uher-e, wlth atv- renty boate aur!Jeunettes, a nucuer-et aporeanadr yard cuind r!lie tapmnait te baebeon plseeon thle Topeka wulUle tru daya. The historie Cutter- Alabamu end tire enlires 0.01 snd cuttera erthle OlympiuaurnUd the esal barge et Ad- mirai Demey mare aise burutti. Tht leu i4 estimated ti t 230,000.ý Seuls' b; "a Capant&. ru a dense feg un lie Irislacinnel the Compants, en route froinuew rk enft. Liverpool. truci tire Liverpool bar-k Feu- it.ol, on"ifer Nem Zealcar!.uir!- obipa. eutint ber- lu tuais. Tht Bmbi tessi am leloy. Seven et the' reu more rearuer, but I la bellevedth le othet eie-ion nembeca ut tire alp'a Company, lnluring -lie cuptane, er-e dromutti. Girl Demnsde lier Liberty. jem"sMorrson, mie usa helnmithorit hall et Eldorado, Kan., tor the mur-dec et Mr*. Olin Caatle, applird te lie pr-- iratcourt for- a urit of habeala Corpus, rliumlug Ihat abc la nniaufully heir! te emer for imorder- sud iaI the evirlene la net aufficent te acaon her te lie helti mitient bail. Oue et Ever, ive Divorce&! The iloat of the court year- and the tliug np et tire eembee- et tivoe-ce Cmureld diaclasetsthe startlleg fartt liaI cnt out et erery Oive Clevoend marrlaer seems te lie a tuoiure. le ciller morde,, fer ever-y Ove murringe, eue divorce la asked. Tu Invetigale chiai»selvaie. W. W. Recill irai beecaftu by the Prealdent a epeial ceurnissiener- te pr- motel te China anti aseertalu the true con- ditions. Be ulîl bc empouerri! te r-pr-e- 'sent tht Unitedi States u iet re cuntry> il Mleisttr- Cenger la detti. Two ttonds'ed Pe-ous Kllltr Mount Atrime' urar Baudaisnu, Japau, mi mvai thteasceetfa roiccnimtds- ter-lu 188 ias &gaine br-ken mIe oer-np- lien. Tmo buetide!pereon e ue-ilicti or lu uroe. Charger! uli Maeianugbta-. Charlts Hciîuen, raptain erthtie yacht Idier, uhîiebcapsireti ia Lais Erie andi maansd the deatir cf six peu-mena,iras irten urrese ono thé charge et marealaugirter-. S uai!. orite.Chîtea'. Enver. Itusla has hendedth ie Chiâesc envoi, at SI. Pterburg i PaSaportu anti re queuter! hmbila ]aethle couatry mitir tire alcooler-scf bit missieu. - l'ire, auppomedtu t <eof laeediar> origin,'tiestroyer! tht. oltibuilding et fSt. .larlati's Catole rChureir in Hermituge aven, Chicage.- Ilestir oCel aîBaker-. Coi. Adiamu . Baker. prraideot or the South Rend. lni, Wagon Compiany ladr a pioncer citizn, la deud, aged 70. BARRET QOAIIa Cileg-Catîla. Comun te pime. 93.00 te $8.30; hinea ipiclg i-neet. $3.00 te 85.25; alrrep, fair teamioite, $1.0 te 84.25; mirent; Ne. 2 reti, 'ddc tu lOc; c,.re, Ne. 2. 380 ta 80e; cals, No. 2. 22e te 2&; ryr. No. 2,- tac te W4; baller. chie. creaueery, 17e te Ille; egge, froîir. Bc t le c;petotaé, 8$Octea087c par hualiel. Iutlnnapolksa-Cattie, ahlpging,> 83.00 te 8650; hose, Choie. Ilgit, 85.00 tea $5-M obrtp, Comunnte prime, 83.00 ta $4-.5 uetNo.-Z 77-c tea7Tac; crn. No. 2 mhite, 89e te 40c; cals, Nu. 2 white, me te 20e. et Louel-Catis, 83.25 te $5.85; boas, f30 r 02; abeep, .3.00 te $4.27); Vibet, No 2,73e. te 74c; corn. Ne. 2 rellor, 0ne te 89c; rate, No. 2, 23e te 24e'y .Ne, 2Z t e 55C. Cinamîuuç-catti., 83.00teu8$.25; legs, $&W0 te ».40; airep, 82.00te 84.25; whbett. NO. 2 780e c. cocrn, No. 2 lui"ti,44C t ' gEt tNý,3mlxe, 20c te n>e; trio, t0-1 01 BC. %'C ro"'-V '>te,8.0t 53;h , 're ,I ir of a. ýd te h !t n là OWNESt MINIOTR fCîW 044419A MESAgIE. Duopa"oir Beptet lLamllen ns ,t Ceatllqllin"hefroue Cbague" irees, - Dis 4iIggatc BaletCas Pr.- vent B aley8I Esamea. ý'rcrn t4 j ogation, nutier cOntuoe4 ebot and *aboli roue Cineze troopa. Qulci relief 0agir ca prerent geeralimaaa- Tàa dlspatth lu ripher mua recelvet b>- th*q tte ilepae-ttnta eWaalrlgeon, [brorigh ObtiensMinuster Wu. Frldey Mrariine It mus tutti! July 19 aur! âbofflti ti nialer Conter was alh,. lu Pelao iao lay 18. Th* folilng la tire satemont -luttaiDtiertt.Rslii mbm bî tLe Statu Departarut mlth regard te .D- lrs h utinabmo Oouer' caelegr-ee "O ri lIb e Ibset Feke, la salid te have been anhieclo fonu r' b thtueraryetOteIt ioriel- taluhuinan torture, by the Bazrte-,b maotte!ahe -!mennegof aaîgti!sommant oe.hoemas givru tire coup degrnre. Il Minuter ong"'r-le th. Stale np ttmnîla asserîte] Ust h. mas bealen adrca dragged Ibreugr tht atreet, et Pellea an - - thon lir-eue mb a kettîteof belilng mat- or. Mme. deo lrsc, It le roperte!, ai« maz lortmree l c-tirerrenmere horrible eretty tiren ber huabaur!. TIRE O0F WAR. -, Chines» Army l lDahc aeer! y TIen- lat'e Fait. - Accor-tlcg te tire Choe-Itee morrtpoe dent 0f lire London Daiiy*Mail the fti of Tien-Talnba a b edliiearteeeithe y'- Chemewt Ualtirey are atrking 1er-me oh poucrae. Tht Shanghira correspondent ci lire Dully Mail &toueaIr-e that thé Chinee oMc4ala are theroughly trigrt- ented by tbe falitcf Tira-Tein and desira - leopteneî-gotiatioea. ____________________________ "Tlieretor-e,t irecontinues, "aitirongi PaixcrCuire.Ill are amure ot the horrible Poia mas- code. Mr. Wui tnterteok tget carcre, evetry clleloi doun te the humbleut thi, into Mînîster Cong-r's bands, if ire retainer irai bren smore tea ercy upon mfas alive. Hoeiras aucrottittinludelng tire pealty ef miroitale exemeitiona tâte. Frlday uorning t.e Secretary et ahonidth ie deelila Irak eut. Tirey hep., Statu rereve! Ula telegraru trou tire It tirPe monce beguti ecotlaîena, te enaulgserai at Shanghira: "Yomîr li- stop tUe a4litari oerethoua andi thut mut gam mas for-marded as raqueaîrd. I 1eton migirt cool doue."1 seuil yon lbe rtpiy et tire Tsueg-il-Yamien 'TIW Tieu-Talu rrespoutfnt of',lthe THE CHISEf FOREIGN OFFICE, PEK1N. au follous: *Tour telegram etftire loti day et thia moon lllth of Juol)rorelveel, anr! te efftary ot- Blale's telegran hau beau hauder! te MinIter- Conger-. Herewitir Miniter Coeger'a reply te tire &oereîary et EInte, milh pîtat fer-- mard.'".. , - Tirefeoing la Mu-. Conger's reply: ..In litlsh ltgaion entier enlinneti sirt anti $irelfroin Ciuse Ircepe. Quinire.- Ilef only mue preveet geiser-ai masacres." ThIa reply waa lu tht tate Depart- men's baneaanti Its contents uer-e cf Connse Oninomu te Minisier- Wu. miro teckr Iltirer-e. Il maa regardeti by lire tatDepartadt et sgecuine. as forger-y aremed unuter lb. crenmotunces impos- lible., As aoon us liielsIer Conger's abilcgram bar! ireen trunsiateel a cabinet cenurcil mue cailoti le tht oMfe.etftht Stmrt-tar-y cf Etate ant i al ot tht cabinet mînistr accessible mattilesession. Presîiet MrKileey'is ral urus of Minialer- Conger'c dieputrrwonmas rndeti hlm teInstant bireltltrt-etraie ut Can- ten, Oioeb>- tire Acsociated Presast-or- r-ripondrcit. Sceieg tht bulletin, ire gave evidenes rc0fpleasîrre ut tteii e. Laher, Wmebe li Blte Drpartmet'a satîcact first veaciret i m. atding shrergU lu lire gennienena et tht ceus, irc mas mort-"viibly grtiti. 1 The t sIte Dpurtmenl iras r-tp-Fred a neember etftibipalcirte trom for-ire gev- emnmeula relative tealire Conger diapalce, and is ofroa Ameriran. offiiainl China, inclur!lng Conul irer-ai - Gondt- nom. Wiliromt exception tire>- tiucretiit tire acrt-nity oet hec dueîntrh end adi-ace various Iheories teatirowIt- lelut-k oft t- nineneas. Tire enlietbîidru of tirean- amers leItîes a disposit-ion net lu more tire relief expetiltion un tt-e evidence fer-- niaheti b>-tht Conger dipatru. - CINESE IN BETIIEAT. Ileeatel ut Tientin by AmerIrandur A brlliant duemir aminsI a lar-ge terce of Chmneteat tTien-Tain mas mutin Monda>- mor-eing hy a detariatet et American te-ceps. sgtet iby tome Engijair foleetrs. Tht objett ac te captùre a balîery et large caliberracniomeir md bote, do- inig greet darnge. Tire AngIo-Amemlean- tropsehar-geti a large for-t acres, un opeepace, aur! mer-e exîrenerte lu abot1 but peoriy dlrected Or-e from tht e eey. Tht>- dasretiSoto tht fort. and alteir te: gagiegzteChnrat lenaaIeha rlbandto-à brandtigOtht puît tien te dligirl aîd r-canin- I ed masters of the tfort.j Eigiet large modern gerunert- aîctur-i e, logelîmer- itir carte anti ail tie re eeca sou-les. <rie iattery wun Immediately - turner! upen the firgezenem-, mire uder the. meil-uirec-tet Or-e sufferet ireuy locse. Tht vlctet-y mme mon lean le- eredibi>- short lime agalat aun cetr-- mirelmingli- superlor tee-ce, enr!. deapite tht charge entier Ore.andt tiigit le thre teet, neltirer tht Americans Dtr tht- Bril- lait lut a single malt. CZAR OMO 0*4ON PERD. Great Ruseln A irusu Marcbes ou tire Cheinese Peoutier.. Tirer hundrai!'-thonaaoud Ruasitu sol- 0er. tram tri yatloue mlltary districts are en rout for- Chna.Wile uo inter- motion in giron eut as tec the dtinaîction oftaIis force..tIolabelieyin- uSc.Peter bur-g an early, attaci on Fekue la con- templateet. Séveral atcong lRed Cross cer-Pe milI ihortly be dl$ascired lu China by may oe t osmem. Therear-r at pir.s- eut 4M0 nolllar-y amaulanet. le perulon mili the zitoe tro uce. Pr-lace Cà4hohevltg the beatio etir eense's tiepat-tnat St . Petersbur-g, bas laaoeti an erdarte aeh uepapors lnul tslatebdde lieu ta publIai thle Dally Nemi 8379 lb. aiien htve Isaneeldi Proclamation nnnouucing tiraI Ut.y ar-e Dot ôghttug Choua, bol only tire rebris ubo ihave heau geilty ot ultacioaOpen t toreignera APPEALS Ttc uNCLE BAN. ChinaueAsietire Uitur!Ststee 0tM. Icai ait mitir the.Poutre. Président McKinley reçmqetiMondai, urbat pue-porta te b. a direct appeal fr-em tire CinesetImperial govoreimeut te use his 00 gffices le extricahe tint gevern- uent frontirhe difilcuit andi danger-eus po- sitIil, eincr lbas be placer! as à reuit oethlie Boxer- uprlaing andthe ten- suing hostile altitude oc tUt great pou- ers. Alireugi tire exact toxt efthtie apileai OLT) MAI4C11U ATR. -made by the Epro tCia t France, un outliied l n the cabie <is- patchea 0frSMrnday. ba(l not'bren mae known le Washington, it a belie-vrr tient the erddr-co luthe-Pregitiet la aim-, lar ini terme tq thnt comemuncation. lba tire cane o e Ir,-teîd Stutes comuai- cation mas made tirrorîgl Miniter Wu te tht- Stute Deî,arlment. FOREIONERS N llIA The netlonnity ot the for-lun e-ment ln China for 18'0> liu astollows: it"Ienuts. 18118 rms. 1le,-. ..r.... 213:5 2-711 70 27 Britînr----------.5112 *14 401 .1 tGerman----------.. I 4 i 11:5 t l'reach---------.1,183 120ri 761 au t>uteh .............100 lu10 1il 1 ilecinh ............ 128 h11 I.11 wegln ..........244 44 2 2 iteie.....10 16- 0 a 191 3 AustrIn------0 2 1 BlelgiM.......94 0l ItAlien ...... ....124 -17, Il 0 Jdpsnese .......... 441 r-le 1U. ai Ilortugîrele-...1421i W9 1010 i Nore...........42 2 <() <J Nentreat>- pouerr.. 2Z> 2 0O-0 The total nunmb'r of renhlea. 17.103, au lecreaneetcf3772 0,cr- l»1. Thettatl nuber- of rnes, Mi, aincee f11 ir Thte Ilt.. A. M. Bar-iont bas lete choeto îrenientote th ecru loosklî uemlunry fer- womee tu Cintiureti. Ohio. Tht MisesreXrlou of Nortdmb, Coure., have given *UO,O0ta tohe Kingaai,(0. T.) Coegr-cgatlratilColiege tlu enti a ehapel. There are 2,300 cburch bell ringera lu et nuber letu >- Englii diocese. Mi& ter- comea- second anud Devoir tiird. Thte R«. Rober-t J. Burdette, fore-er-iy keown wldely sa "te Berlilgtonu Huk- eye man." bas resigued tht, pastotet et 'tht Pasadenai (Cal.) liaptiot Chubric -Ltt,, trou Roee oCatirolle preistea ln 1h18 countr-y lauimte that Ar-chblahoy Cbappeet the, Nem Orieaue ae, nomý ha the Philippineo, la tlbe made a cyU- M'KIIB EIEQ*pAefT'og 01 TH1E UNITED StAtEs., Preuidont OOUte Meai. e udee cas' tsin Cueetît to p frtire Peevosî it Wer ita Europe uni yuere elo thre Celle sell umpw%, senetary or Otite fHa> ionriti & fier n uon bander! le Mleter Wu lie repr- ei Pressident MeXiuisy te the appeal frout Emparer Kuae Batu te the Ulelie Bttn to à aume intar landis endn -te bring about a elmelilt ftire proâUIl troubles la -Oblua mthqet mur beturemi China aund tht e ours. ,TIi. Pretidout rouaeta te aet au mridlale or ratier te att heur! doffice, ettht United Statue t tu bring about ro-operehlon hi lhe pow- Id ers mAtir China forthe purpose et curry- *- laseut tht PclIIemy ethînti!le Oetcry It Baya ncote et July lb. poutre. I B1Y ecnseetig leueat asiniedîatot. the ad PrepIf!ent ii laguued tlut )Miaioter Wu it anti tir. Cinhnranthorlt" slu Poiu are su acting le gond! fslth. seeretary Moly dlia le nul cren cequire aur preot troul Mîlalser Woual âtthteqmutest fur mtdatom mas -genuine. He uccepte e tir art the% if mu»efr-tsed et tht $tâte DeparIment by the Aer-iited diplomatie reprearuta- tire et the Cinctemupire as souilient guaranty oe t Iauutireicty. bMeucubile efforts wmlibirepnshed te relioeetht alea- ter n ePt-île. le The position et the Clmlneseas tey )t o0îmîd ike te bave tht e rIunderatauti >f il leitiet tire Impérial goerrmeel lias Il Et Do time participuleti ln tire acti-foreite t- iubreak or le n> uYttaeki uelite tmie- laers er otillertor-elgnera, but hatdoue *ail] U lutsPour teresitraîa ndtipreveut b uri hutris; that tbc taking outhe Tuku t-Orts b>- the pe-ri ux nsneat et mri agninît China.finri]tint ltt. tmpé-rial fgev- n ernmelnt la Juitilied la régarling wiîh an. pleintire Motivrez orthe- lino-memuirh. havlng pre-sioîfisy tiespolicti tht. empire ut ttrritory, ar-tDow SMsnperted ort ereiings apolnuiç 1e eniarg e Uirterritorial The United! Slattes le th. oeepower tht la net lerspectei ot novitieg Cinese tertitory, und! thixtart, lait-n le cane. tien mith rer Admiriai iCempIT'i rctmîru te Joie iu tht. atteik on tire Tibutferta, la 4uve-8ta bmrearonsn he- Clinahais spptniét.ilutire Y<îniie-iiStaes tta r-- dearor tu br-ins about a pe-ar-etulni-tit- mont. Tht. ucderainiiine upon - enhich tbé Prt-ident coîîi-nt'in.p ert la o'mtir-atrnd te be that tire ('lin"én,- t reve-nt urinil. a ter as it la ulîhinils t'etr tedorienS. lr-ine-aboisîtht.e jeitc hImrh thé. United States annnlele-1iîauniq ls dr-î Sec- -reter>-liay'» inti.Thee-are: "The uîr,nlcg lit)of cucnimuiintiun mitir P-kinccd the r-encule ,ut lie officis, mieslonarien andi other we-cau e "The affording rtahil pfflnihirproiectifn t.vprymbt.r0 jeCib lu Auéi-i-i-n lite anti Propu-rîs. "Th- gîînrdinc andlprrur-î-ing rt W e ar îe le .tmn,:u eee **Thé Prreeti-rn ofutthe otîrencI of dis- orerx tuleotrrorfvinen ot the. empire s e u l t af i t -l r c u r - e n c( e u o f s o i - h i l ff r - t e r x ." Thé Onimtetthlire ol)iuj--î mili have te be necnieinhçi neoiereimlnai-y teuny aiction hmy tire Unitedi litoetes ili-sire-ib>- jthe Chineseoe ritnmcnt. CENSeUS 0F PO-RTO ilîco Tire Idst etleir Penmntateîloft Dur Ncw Poeesseion%, The retite cf tht 1'erto Rlcsui renteo. tairenine Ontobr rlan, chou tttiret loi.1 aand bas t2il.lrebiumu.Wiîir apop- niation er 2it4 tin thtenqure milr. Porto Rit-o in tire muet dencel>- pepilteri part of our ni-m rcett-noe. Ti-re isg.eot reesion mehi- îr-to Itico ehuiId have n for langer prflltioli, in proportlionete ar-c. Ilan Cuba. Tire ieiaml mas almîrys tire tavreud icutoftire Spaciir. 1or avecntlu.enrnieîs Bibruin Invite(] culand- Ration. fLuenwü-;t-e liuttrii gratis, wml, ilry lant-t. and msrttlrn nen-t.exempt traim dur-ct taxatiron. Tht. iterior, tligih rery bil>-. lmWeil enlugpttr fer ainur l ieu-min. Most ut the land la on- tel by tht-e nntry mand tsaiitbuidrîr.e fruit farnîn îireiominatlîg. lîcmgirilmi-re are mnc>-nuit altéeu poitestt, n l ma large and it-au fermn rilsingRset-ar- u bacc., andl caille. Tht a irn-e on why four--Ottir, et tht. poplin ele riet.ri-d irhérrural ulinuricte neul onlyie mt- fithliv,- in the- ton. Porto IRien In nîetaiIdY ncountilry of ,îeiiîllfarmr Tre IIind IRlatillizgrouicy iin pupiatitun.sBliet- 1897, tir e lirty lini-ere-d fi roe 120 ta 21;,4 tutire seqiîre j ie. With gondt governmenl. mire nu-huruin, Andt arg.r c0mîîrer-îi iifurfilii ht-re i-il It- noum ins c tire deTr-lnpm,-ct ot Porta Bi-o. But nul n t<-w illîere-ers hébe-lut the Isellend aspoul ulai-ouumgh. Thrre lm litîle lrimeitietanleinrr-l deneity evuîltibd d-a, go 1riée l'hiic Brevîles Ti-llor ferr-lemaNilte lue rlilg outîit .Tohinr Biniv cii ('tr-i«iliher Rlt..AN- tutln. Or,. ert-killed b ba-hiillr 1t1-.. ieloiion. Benirldetc, furmia bndi. B.Lois, fomneul iieuii un strect car trou-k. Perhaun - mirider-t. Dr. Natliaiiiemi t-vr, Fr-ankfor-t, Ky>., la îmmieing l e Ncc-York. Foui l ita>-fcîr- eti. flt nlt there .Iîîcr-. 1 Thebt urofr t navol constructionn lien- s deelte Io te r-îumurent tihé Nnvy De- partWt 'Mtire îurelmnse ut theht imare t hai- t ,31l.hernnoe i*, ~mprrrretl g lIollanul."tire disposittfin et ulleh %-ni j ieft opeen b> Sei-cetar- Long wheu bt- r beugirt tht- Iloiecti. s Join M. tReuch. préslident efthtie Uniion Traction Compeiy r>etCuIr-ugo. bas qrut- l lîneel laestre -et reilwvu>- e'meiseenua 1 plan for a huba a>-horelievr aIrett truft- r fe. Il inter-es an eqieni ar-ing et tire n rxalnes betuten tme t-ad traction nomin panies. Tht. FininirAtnate busl dr~,sna memorlathie Czsr delarhi lia Inabl- lty te pronulgate lire Impe-n re r-lp r-« rae-ting Besaiau lauguage l lfaet-i aimi grtinsArt'. f# ahll.c te etfis~rro the. Poilu botr u O ". sr8 e u oa: Joung 4-,ulted U§ate 80niîer at Pehit Joue teuaef80 aonrfLDt tf Ma 8I lut 7- b dm Drillia menue :! elta petent rallraitdtrou non T"alaiti u8S-Slîeation nt Tien Tain srwa 5mel. Joe.$-Long Ckeowafflpoiiuborner! aund 1wentiu0 natie ~Cbriatlauakàl11#d. Ut i-BeaasoftbClarllne Çqanle n l o.native couverte burued la la- MaeUrn d etfe Lu bjth oMtprme' e Jue. 14-Natile troojie»pom adivanc.eto ,xcolumu. Juenlae-lemoln eg8 le l'ituer aI-e lu Impoer rt apea$ ,pott t O u de »Ii.wd te pr-errai eatrnce et 31184 Ifierua Baron von Ketteler r. g celalin. Atuerican ehorchea la Tru * Jung 1?-Boxerset eriait dbebiîd rollet fore. AUl llproete.tufrlgo buildiug% lu d P fk eki t r r ed . JUDO 18-Urinet. ln Tarin fort..Oe on o 1d leto, Aille, reply and captuert&i. aJuee -Jeliet force imiter Brltlsb Ad- Smirat Ue-or r-eporteit outarde l'élu. Jue B-etîn reporto ltalion by ad- 0u1 lerso,-por's tre ffeor. Emparer sld te 14e fied te Maneburla. Jue 21-Tien Taln bmubarded by Chiure. AMerican eneulttodestroe. - Pekln tu orle . lare. 31un- 23»-141.ffl, IZt. h slie ner betweeu Tien Tain aud capital. United r States. Alirel Kleva talesfer rt-eu- 1 foreenOts et Tien T.i0, Jeug »&-SIthiMnand ae bedred tinter States, trae.with inciterSert thon D)ewey hadetl iangla, sent te TirenTain. Jure 25-111911 theulanlalles;tondait et ak*Aillee enter Tien Tian aller bard t a -erorhelloFraphe: "ea itrous gare. l dpr..esi.' lune 27-Itiote et Wo Choi. "Kilt tor- woCr7 ef boxersî. eieud ev i oa rerpore! ta have brir! eut atteerridaysagintlhorde, of Cblaeae. lit ont rfachedlPetitn. lorced lereturn te Coust. Jue 29--l7nted States hatlle-ahlp Ore- Stou, beteilrîa tealent cf uer. trosdo on a rel ikirly le iles larou Che Tee. iRus- leue hiad#r pioeas troux Oeillh etsfolive. ,Jettr80,-Wo r crîevelat Wàliten thals irgatione at i'rkln wre Dare OU une 2. littera îven tu-euly-fmer houritet lei,.. but ratusrd. t'uited Iltteqagalges Admiralenrey 1 teChiuetnaval commnand. Jniy- 1-Take dixipatch mayl: "Ai lega-_ lion@ bernei! excrpt ihoe rof Fraude. <1er- many sud ploint. Von Ketteler* denih ciriad. Hae"4 a les wce hite on viet te China»,l'oret, n <li-e. Jeu l-idire «f reliâf roîneen te renel 1 ,jg , d - ly rererîdt luaLenrin. The Kîiar rnde20.00 en 0 arenige hia aiex- ltte,$ deih. jely l-steore, et brade on poires parade! ihr.Ongb taca.. kije 4-Oor lhieetud foeigueri rrported k leIn' Ieklo. Cli,,r-eCbine, r Epreor reporte! a @i- c ie. l u rr î l id te a e l-Ce Polin r . jury O-Uile lu ecritieariilaua£f Ton Tain. Les, to date.,&t1. Jury 7--Couflitregreporta oft uleler tofety. jolyig-.egationg au"nonoc!mafrc on the 4tb. TIira Taien xll bard preeed. tOne bue. tirai lhoucecnd (hiue..srroiic-1ityl>. jui ry -regoeciter, ruche aud murt* fer iga«ak. ji-10--nomhirdment ef TirenTain con- tîn e . Circula r note ta o rv il China tis in1 absolve nationfeIhu . joci>-1-Ail for-rigneri ep.rted te bave tort Tien Tain for Tata on the 4th. GJrile rtro .ferrongre r "msnlerirc..Chae- caller of prinlu Unlvrqty reperted illrd Witb hi aruaml>. Jeuly12-perifl et Irgatiea er. The woent feare!. in,, g-Ail bo bîandoffl. Itpenla "f sianihter of Conter. bie famiy and Froueb and zagilsh hiiiitrenflrmei. CHI IN ffUNKS3 Ail the principal Citirez luthoe empire have. telegrpb service. An ar-raniemert mai made wlth the, Iterniae teigra&Phau- thoritie4 le 1M02by mhlch, rommnuicaîon mua vsaibhed betwere Pekin andi Eu- rope. The Chinete do net drink mach lnoos lcatinglUqeor. The nativedl tkr ast 0f aryack, or mhlcb rie la the.ier!la."it la ouly once diatillid and la et lou proct but when str'ngcr spirits sr, reqi"Nt thia la redistiliei. anti le that Ate t'A keoo u a amehu, uhc eusiathrive ~ fir-d. There are feu irrded ame,. ien cvho bave gr-undcbildrre nhiaer uer a nilx tache, and mule>-teke ativantage of tire priviiege andi are culîrd "o1d hair men. The. for<-ignerix with mustachri, whîn tbry came ta Chiena, exciiei muh corions i17, andi the unur.uai airbt jnetilied thene le &aking the ages or the bo-artird men. The uhoir empire bat oni>- 317 mile of ralronti. The- longent lice in froin Pekie te Tien-Tomn. and. theiice a bnnh ,Liaik-Wan, 300 milra, anr!the- otheri trae Woosung ine Sbargbni. Itusaisn now building 1,400 mieteot rond, B.l,- à Iium 7é00 ail",, and Chiena a building-, _.errtitz e qeut-a Ulino o*è170>, ln-1 Gr-onnd fias been n;urvyed for2,507 miles etiditiocuai. Tht postai sstem lof th,. empire lnqet;'I ln a primitive condition. Il ln car-rird, on entier tie direction of tht mieleter ot war by menenut of postcure andi roue-i. ['bere are 8,00WOffiesa for pont carte la the eigbtpen provinces, and!- there arr 2,040O office, for runters scuttercd over the empire. Tirere are alto mrney private posal cortrir, aed turing thte mînter he force clestome âoffce eMain tains a service hetuere Pe-kmanti tht ocîpoate. The drama ia populnr ail oe-er Chien., end when a religionsa eiehratlon tnkes. rince brtorr thetlemlie of a tot a theut- rin peerformance nnriuliy foilown. The otage la erected in th@ Street, aed le front of tibm the peuple gatber andi helen for oeura ta the decrînetiona eofthe actera. whose theraentaenie81ally et a hialerlcal ebaracler., Thero are net 111111 persan- ront theaters. Actera and acrobate can be hireti cheuply, a nd! ut TerY dîneer lbore atTengertaiare invite! a tbeetrical perfoermance il artulOfethUce -ttrtiznat The couda et China are poqr. Ouly a rug are paLVrd. and fer that reooutle grenier part et thet Inde la carrie! on y enaus Of lb. neeroua cauala a"d Tht Le hit.. Mion lit mitir ai fittînga; 1 hrait a der tin lb il. eregifs; a Ictructir airuleti w Icone, ah, renient b ofthtie ha presser! tl conemtm!d Higir Bei teraiet gr Three yen mitb a p aur! a ul endeavr, Thent -prose-ai the Prote the geuer ,stage, la bdy expI Dy saine * utieunt i Vlmar-y f ae's et t lo andt "Oh.1 la iis r-i --It uas à acer.1 -play ho 1 Milly ta niy tlu Obêherr oni>- ber-f have al lom.'1 t he play- the( ia treui. I Ma ut long. A burryinj coutosie hert]r-i e ens. A yet. ot a tiler- teeksltm tate ef tht crl Applaus of the 3 le the cé cueille. I ubether Tien M ofta a i Ceeds,4 rigir! M %Juemady sud ires ber-ont @celle, f lit. T or, for- gela ire Everyi * bas tie Thre lasd1" asg bo l thIrongli ,tonly.i hosays and a i le taie Mis oneu hI selfvi ary Sb dleance presif figure i -andi oct-re-eà aing douev Whul 1 abridgi The the ter- Nesa ireatat atep h r-eddie, contait Tht more 1 tie anu Tiry c Shepi, to ibe mere à ver Om gutitel loit-if 7- Little brr do part 1, lira or foi nigut ext-un -si, t 311

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