Quality is as eisential asqa5 iy We aim to carry the very boit in &il lunes; oui Mocha sud lava Coffeos. eithâr 4 green, bovned or ground, are the boit in 4 _____- -the mnarket. 'We pay strict attention to Thora s* a our grocemy, as veil as meat business, aud4 * fi BatiaCtion endeavor tb epupwitb the times in 4 that yo are everytlîing thtt is nev. Irettlna t h a very bet ... Ai4' Iç Lowent 0f f-.0na Deliiered to prices. Va*tabien Any part of andlBrri.a the City frue n Beamon. 0f charge. 4 fi TRIGOS & TAYLOR, 4 lI il If Ilypermetropia Myopia. If sufering wîtlî aîy disease of the eyes cail on 4"01< glerii" and lie wili fix you out in tup top shape. Domi forget at the «a ne m to have hlm show jon hie fâno limeo ofm»v novellies. 66OLD SlIERM,9" lbertyville - .- lum Not Cheap SIzves-flz:- BUT ~-zgm--ood Shoes Cheap. rWe have just purchased 200 pair of fine LADIES$, GENTS', BOYS' the Entire Lot wlff be SoId at a F.a C. SMITH & SON .Butler Bldg. Libertyville, Iliinois. Ice Cream Vou can always get it at LoveliIs. POPULAR'FLAVORS. Pure, Deliscious, CoId Beat Ice Creami ta be had ataMy cs B. LO ELLI Illinois. Libertyville PICKED Up HERE AND THi4gf. SLocal Items of Irnterest to Llbertyvlleeaders ANUSICI.0831Pnous, utgae-Mr. Dan HBrrlct ba oriereti ruhbOr la ofem mntb.tiras for bie rosi wagon. U 3J. W»13, IL J. Mms Henry liravu, ef Clicugo, la E. W. Pàfl.mtuuAdlt. vsting Librtyvllo reaives. TTVILL 1*05e o.0A. F. W 1 3Ou i oeu second tir. Ben Woolitdge mi Wl! e moveti Yi .0 sB W ilotob hoirnenovcoftpa thte veal. E. W. PAImn nasB. 0.Preminco li>tg for 1the loto couniy exfair ae expected Soh.bulntthis vest. AU Ms. Bd. Me Donald tiMisse(lise W. 0,&cnw.Berrngton vtslted la Waologa u hr& W. (I Acîu. <ait.day. FnznPF. IuBTEI 0dUTT.,,p MIss Mamie Kuighl, o! Evanston, tW Xz= o 1. C 1te guest o! Mdia Dot and May nam MAI iaL'm r chauck. ZOLUB, DG r . '- .'V- Bd. Moriz, of Triplet, Mo., la lteé sncb uomth luom Ni. guest 0fbis cousins, . L. Doiis aut GO. B. WMUMassec.Mtis. W. M. Hleath. E <ISB ~ N. ~ .0 .John lioyfen 1,11h ppy ownen of 0 eungso etmoiivoein l prood cou vbich gave buSh 0Iv tin ,..aA . Mu. ! ek- ir.calvefs Wednesday. METHODIST ZPIRCU CIif- . .W.iluttler ltnto 0put ln a ~ iuud~»,,O~l t . ~ d4eâict walk ln front o1 bis .îon> pro. aneiiu SU. . Paie mesis vtims-perty ou Milwaukee Ave. d B, u " eal 7M 8 p .B ite ti n d a er . Ed o n a n ti F ra n c e s C la rk l 'f 8T h tire- dasid 11e deoleitrlnta, reday for s short vîit wllh relatives ai predlng .drî. Mluizton and P,... .. JI . D. .Pastor. C. M. & 94. P. TWUE TABLE. in EFBOT JUNU 10. 7:1rsn .. II57:201:0151>Vc8:30d Fxai .7:18 126 1:04 7:36 :834 Lo1LI.. :21 7M 1:01 1:38 :88 HiE yle.. 7M181:104 544:d belvle..7:»81 :0 1:36 8:04 9:04 odou . - 810 :a 5189:10 Ar. Chkn 8:3. 6 9:1 49 U :0 i:00> B_ _ i A B a - GOINOVEI siAneP l l Bondons. :'i .2684:100: b.,t * :31 M es co e sku... . 88 ta:1 Î_ FOIo 3.698: .19 :1 2 AUX!VING AND LXAVI4G OLOD ICO. LIBEITf VILLE. GOINOKBART àmAN AN1A 0:87:18:§@ Ar.2M <11 :88:50 :48 00130 WR»? p m puNÀ :48010 1:48 :1 :18 7:411:10 Trains ,arked Arum daliy. B dalirezoept Bstierda SSuadar ouir. Eduard Strallon, of Odeboit, là., calied on liboulyvifle inonda tis week. Mr, and M#@. Bans. of Chicago, are apendlng 1aide veeS vilà P. U. Cieve- land.1 Fred Parkbut delivered the tiret oucumber. of the ea»On at Safford'& factcry luet veek. Fred hie vo acres of fine ecuinbera. Ruai Osborne la aguaea hie pont ai beagofman on Averi'e train. John Gray là baggage andi expnommau on Klngsley's train and Ch"i. Baboock mi laying off. F. B. Loell hm duecovered a formula fur a preparation tb keep fija fron torturing esaisl. Fermer. vho have bried la declaw l obc11eexcellent for the purpose. [S in not expouive and an application luite three or four Henry (*]canon, of LaC(rosae, Wli., vialtei l tb hia brother 1. S. Uleason the tiet of tbe eek. Mi. Gleaon lhed not beou la Libertyrille for over1 Swentylilve 70MBs, bavtog llved hr as onealime. and recognizod but lev nid landmarke. The editor acknowledges5 receipt of a banuone and elabora"enegraved Invitation Se th thlnly.fourth sonnal ocanpmnt of the Grand Amy of the Republie lu Chiego, Auguet 26111 10 3011. Doubticue al -je editora" woeo ikewlee favored.1 There viii be no prechlug service4 ln the mothodiat chnrch Su.aday ugrI. The churcb la closod becaugso f tbe camp meeIlugeat 0ePlalnee. tlunday echool andi Epvorth Longue viii be held a s uuai aI Junior Loague.1 Soriceà -minai.. Buud"iyfolloviRg. T3h. building Commttee for8the Mthodist Paraouago reporta 1the total cosl of mine as$1789.57, vhlch amount bae Il beam provided for by, subecrilp tions. Much work bai beeu doualed not figored la Ibis amout and If an individuel wrv e bomt a 111e structure the cost vold bc over 12,000. Th1e attermoon mail arrivlng et 2:31 bas beet. discontinuaid. lereafter thero vill ha but ivo mailledaily-9:311 a. n. ad 6:30 p. n. Hovever, by s chanfe in system 0of haudliug 1the mail1 on trainesud lun(Chicago th1e 9:31 train nov bringa the mail vblch formnrly laild over outil aflornoon and arriveti at 2:31. The, nov service ls couse. queutly a decideti Improvement. Bd. Applo! bad the walk lu frout utf bis place on Mlwaukoe Ave. rooveti tbis veok and a foudation laid for a tIve foot &&pliait valk. The. village vlU put lu au &$pliait crosalug ai JauociU o! Miwaukoe and Newbrryi Avenues vbhich viii maie a contiunu i aeplall vaîl liontMr. Appley's south liono 10 E. W. Doseuberry'e uortb lino. Th1e Lake Coumaty Telephono Goto. pauY tle ýprospertug and shows a dispofition te, keep abreast their busi. noie and the aimes. This week a nov coppor lino viii b. put ln 8o Bocks. feiler, ev and larger polosaunpportimg ton pin cross armeaireadyhavlng beau eroctod.' Foîty foot poles bavo beau ordored ta replace those ut prout lu une lua8the village of Libertyville and vili support moen ton pin cross "rua elevalad saaiciently 10 avoid inter.1 forenca fiffm éther lines vhlch cross undor. 'A nov cablego li01e lnkotallod Iasdigg frocs M1e central nie.. Over 5I#> 'pOM eow onm tehe »and Mr., anti trs. 1Fiant Manou are spendiug a veel aI Des Piainot, la aîbotîdauce apon 111e camp meeting. Mary Lee, tisughter of 1ev. John Lee, Iormerly puelor bore, viileti viii tirs. iinbnli snd «Undeion Liberty. ville acquaantancee luit veek. Mise Lillie Morse loft Wednesday for an extendeti visit vith friendu and relatives at Earlisy, tMagon Cty, Cage anti other !ova ponts. Thon. Coniie lte foundation la ,fur an a8phait vaIt lsdtng frotu 1the etreat vaukto10and auniebisorne. Conîmactor Bell, of Elgin, In expeoted hers thuswveal, vben h. yul lay the several asphal vaits &bot ttovu for vblch foundatione aere ealy -ami repsirnoame of bis fotuier work mt just ai gaaranteed. Th1e Chicago, Fox ami Geneva lates Eleetrie Rond Company have secuisi options on ilitgt-of-way deired haîveen Lake bluffa"d Libertyvillo vlth Ivo excepion* snd satinfsotory araigemeuts are aul but close iln.the tvo.ese@referred 10, andi in Ibres cana vhere il viii ho necesary t10 contieno. '3ey are: Bobi. Dady, John Cousine and Morrisca saiste. The tandem century record over th. Libertyvllle.WRWegMM coue vue amaihed BOuday, George Ilanksm. heimer and Ueo. Hafbert, of Chicago coveriug the distance in 4:53. '3hey loft Cicago a& 4 ooot tàia the noga- Img sud aI 8:63 ieschei tbe termitane of th1e hundred mile run, ioverlng the record by several minutes. Mn. Athur lIlkley, or menton, Mich., ta speuding a tvo Wveola vaca- tion vith hie parent..,tMr. aidMma C. C. Bulkley. itla .tvo ati s hall years mince tir. liulkley veut 10 Menton and openeti a lav oilice. Ho la nov attorney anti village doitk for tbat tbiiving village amd bue succeedet Inlumalutaiulng a goond praclice. ien. Biohm Ibis vek oid uhis saloon property sud bustaem go Peter Peiges, of Chicago. tir. Pelgea tool possession Wednewlay. tir. Boehm vini retire from th.slnon busines anti peuding the eneetînuof a roai- douce on bie property aontb of ani sdjoluing L. B. Rebhanda shomo, viii v18b hia fanuly vîsit lova relatives. '3he prio recelved by t. Boehm vas $7,000. Thero lamlie possible excusesfor the large numbear of able bodiei tramps vho daily Apply for aid lu the shape o! something 10 est, of '811e Liberty- ville bouseviveaà. '3he miload con. traccors havlng la charge lb. cntting dovn of tii. grate i et 8of towa are paying gond vagon te a11 appl»img for voit sud fluuibiag bonrd. But vor 14 o.t vbat thoee tramflOna "Say, tir, Edîton," exclaimeti s promnia"t ciizen a dsy on tvo &Ince, -.vy dont Jon cal attention 10.111e practlcalftty of property ovuera bov- tug graus sei slongaide the ioadvsy vhere the village bas recently eut the veetis dovu. If il would do no luaa 1ev yesrs the veonds would ho 1111.4 ont if caution laeltaton 80 prèeont their going te eed, snd vhat au Improvoti appeamance o vomîibcogiven Our etreeia." Th1e ides la a gondi one. l'eudlng arrangements vilh the St. Paul ràliroad coolpaay, vhereby vahar nay ha secondti rot-heir tank, it bas been uecessarygo0dispenae wilh h11e &troc$ eprlitung service. 19 la hopeti th1e compsan!viii acquiesce teari.. queit thaï; Mm. lamvey ho alloffl 10 flit ie saprinkler fromtoior .upply, andi doubtiesa tbey yull ai thoy have vater going te vente mc striiing lteir doving velu, vhîch teeps thei tan ul , tilg avay vltb 1the meeffily nf pum plul ai befome. At the Iourtb qnarterly conféence of tbe M. B. chnrch lait Saburday afternoon ibe foloving Offidenuvers eleoteti: Truatee-'i.C. WjlJri. L Bl. Gray, 1. J. Hoyt, Jacob tMn, Stephen Taylor, John Cater, Bi. Cook, 0. HIayon. tevarts-J3 Y. Manou. B. a. Smith, Paul tisu ouo, 0. 8. Wheei, W. B. Davis, J. 1L. Taylor. iJanfl Lee, C.'W. Traylor, Wm. *&Woond, tirs ' Go. Vowleî. ]ItrIct. Stewad- Panul MaoGoUlu. ltecording 1Steward -Dan'l Lee. SuMiemt mosey vwu roporled as subecribedte 10paon inb. tiebledmeas on 1the nov parsMago, T3h. Presidlug EIder declirsi Ibiste b. Ob mo51 ommond"biemn4rlt. log or the Und la titI. diainie, 8ev.' PU, vau malnày ivff 1 ru It's a bhard' nut to cri 11 il Umm inlaàa 1ev dais. wS. Dymomd, of Chicago, viaiied Làbertyvlllo blond@ 1the ares of tiis Harmy aliova le erecling mevoral tempora?7 buildings on th1e endicate propersly 19 vhlh t0 houem the labore aI vcsk on1the et. Paul grade. A couple 01 Mr susdit 01 machiner have been piacel lun1the mevfactory, for Mm1 Amoican Macaroni Company. Prepar1iiouomtiue for surting up th1e Iaclcy. Th1e Chisio anEndeavo, BSMaY viii give an lm oveam social et the ranidonso oetiM . B. _Rein Tuesdy Juy58.il vaor «la rabfy it l v b. hold lu1the Preehyterias chuoh., T3he floueabtmonte for 1the nov steel bridgo ou Balkley red vere com plotaitithis vrok. a"stilfor 1the bridge la expecteti daily. '3he bridge vili 1e conploled aud open te, the public by Auguat 158h. As yet the village board bas moule Do Auraagofmomte for elotrie llhts. There are no applicasion@ for a frau. chien end the board la consideriug the advl.ahliity ci municipal' 'ovuership, lavesigatii.g lie probable coat. etc. Jay Morue ad Aumon Woeler, vho nmre menithe silice veun 10 tiely, la., vhere 111.7lhait purchaeod a genorr#i mobeime mbuaiest, have traffl ieu sodit and gond viII for a ham in Dakote hicà they propose in voit thenselvem. F. C. Orcisth Retîre-I Bac- oeeded hy W. a. Davi. Arrangeinate ave boom perfecofft vhereby W. 3. Davie pirces.. the intercea of?. C. 111811in tah1e alm of y'. 0. saitsh à son, Mr. 1Smith reilu.ng Choas. Smit e junior memberor f 1th oi &i oclines la th. business vhbii viii eafler b.o eodualsd uaier Me. ra me oaSith11à1£DavIs. MoldoWe te lcee iii 11e0100te permit of lmvoloaiig aMd intorior lm. provemenis. Mi m v loot basboom ordersd andtinlaprobab lit viii tale merai dta.beloib bualmes. vi resume.ader 1the nov maitnaeent. A Ivo alory addition l in10bcoblilt Kt reai of lte More aMd the baie. ment entraisice aaili.Ug ut front la teobc ronlovoti. The giron viii occupy th. front boiemment as a crochery deparlment. As a lerger Mad more complote stock la te h.o sursiedlie addition la roasir laoesary. Mr. Y. C. Sfith, vho retireshms boom luth bumin«e ime.18. Chas. Smitht Md tMr. Davie no" ino introdue- tien n va prodiot and vib 1the ew A -'ciearig ods" vin 1.11e place allathlinvolco et vhickt Ume astle proposailteu ispome of mandd &ail c aMd ahelf worm .1.1, viticit lie mev management dodute vili ha sld at a figuresouh onn 0maisIl 'move.' Wnltea Frous Mid Occan. George B. Raidi.vWho loit for Europe a short Uminoinitemaig $0vlit the Paria Exposition aMd paesirhlyle Boiy Laad viole a Libortjrvufle friand the. foioving letton vhilo on bord ship, vhioh vil prove lalerestiaug ieadinglob ie mail!acqualulauos in t"i village: 1 aq a long vaY rlouxnd ant êbut as soon as 1 gel there ibis viii bcamaledte,10 ou. Myr plana worked vatt la Chicego. A lae Élue train vitb doubla h«edr took umeron the Deerborn lit. station to Detroit vbere 8the train vas carrled over the river ou a ferrn Saiti Wndsor on th, C. P. raiiroad. Pueeed through Toronto ai 1:18 and resueet Montrent la 81e attleon 0f the %o1hea. 7 ooioe6LTh 3e seenrl. Wva uti10 le s appoutina bulalangad tintli mvIl. Miontroei la eneer Plac. About hall of Its inhabltuspeat Jrmcb antifoiow 1h. oliirctlha ctons o! ibe place.iniar 10 thoseeIn vogue halo,.1e cil, ypasoestloto Enandi banda. BSalivaicromina signe. the postoffice. etc. ares vttben la Englleb and French. AIl public OMO"iaI. etc. bave 80 speat bcth languegtes Co aeconnodate the mixeti population. IlLe wasq. dqlaysd 1, data- by au barsdrli tdovu fron the Aillese& and lodue lun8the arrov airaishiemaklurilgt impossible t80forue a 2h19 irough. W@ doubled bait and ram sround the nouahsud of New Foundland. Coulti me.snov and ioeou the shore su cud wgea1hed moue. ttaibns u.bottu ides of the golf. This In nitd sommner va» cuite a novly. Voorth of Jli vus e ebrateti on board hi the puesansers. The Uuited Biaise fiag vas onu rled and saloted wth ton aboie ntsonon. A concert etai ulubIand muaitgo"ti heer completedth 1e duy anti gave us sonethlng 80 thiat about. 1 vas seaalck sud tit vern mcomortable twiee. but St prient am 0IK andi hopo' 80 gel la vîthoot f other sickuoe.' 1 hope ion have vrtten in me 80 London. 1 wiii wrIte %sgoon bul am soin tbat 1 vIli ha onabbe 80 give -sur fvether add rosa than that lait wtb Mr. JteAt. Plans 008 nettiet rot. Wili arrive tu* Liverpool ou Thunsdy and remain thora a short Urne looka over tbose womderful dock$ and shlp yards. leutember me kindîr t10&Hi iurlmg brlendeanad halleve me Your sincere friond. Hot Weather ÇIoC For BOYS. MMout25 cf thomseSmple Blu eViii sua$ Boys Plad CrashVuh Suit.. Ago U1-14, worth SLSO now............................9 Boyq' Soidier Suite whhlomg ponts............. flOW ~odd " duc om mcrash1coats 50 =4 .......1 BOys' lmesCrash Kam e au s.. .. ........* * Boyu e rcale Vas loSit., sizes4-8 ......... Crah Hau tl& Boys ............ ... Boys-' Long and Short Sieei, (Jauze Under Shirts ln Uibertyville - - The Lake County Telephone Compaay ..CONNEOTS WITH.... The Chicago Telephone Comgmý Have you a 'phono in your residonci place of business? If you want to be up wlth the times yoù a hi have. The expense le nominal,- only a few, cents a day. For lntuf on, rates, etc. wnite.. ct..... CONTRACT DEPARTMENT. Lake County Telèphon. Company, Libertyvlllo, Illinois. lThe Beat Renedy for Stomach - jsyed ieu. 11 aemibeau 1P. . DLOO04 t L aIbv omi the ding buelmesu 1 .0me1,o for tvenly Yea»e-Baihave aald nmoi 8 r= 4 foraus montheVI ail cf the proprielary metiloInqa of1 'ir«» 0i9 aSorou bis I0 note. Amont 1the entirslUat I baveth BcI'U£EB nover I" louabinte 0eqoal ohbais. Oued tiI la av# d*a berlaino's colle, ChoIer anamiDIatb oal ué ~s l h*bu Bemedy for &il stumtaoh anti bow.uol. OuCrs garahb troubles,' %*Ys 0. W. WatdIl ci S5cM by Y. a. LOvWbL Coloaùnem.Ga. '.hlabumoy, 04GITLAUPAXA 4.6meer casffes oM choiera mon»tu My lnaulyMai 1 have reoomsoed, aMi o mcl uadrd o blofU.!le -l. N Store <J. 187 Ouatiam 1tit C *er mUé A>Mto e Il asOSIilFq bre1 iu~aplosam! arik s Leg. 0 .000 .s China la a pretty bard p Ontlfor 111 h civili1 ed vorîid to /t crack. Yon D hardns 80 creck to try licer lime of ** grocorici than ours. Ton tnov 110v ilt e vheu YOU have aomtbing nice--somelblng' tht You are proni of. Ton 1111e 1te]on Omar peoPOs&bout IL. Wall, tbat's 1uMaoui Bi Vs. "aprond 01 Oui grocery lime sud vo lite te i YOU about IL. Duriug Ibis hot vealer 708: ion't lite 10 do %Dy more cootiag than bmess- frY; You vant onehiagthst lea areai! pre- parsi. Lot laucaI your attention 1» OUF i: lime of csitem ani crackera. Tttere iv agx fieeh. MAudthon lu canasigoodo lbe, saimon andiusrdimena atibaketi boe am misMu lobster for lobster mlati. Whàt'a ien on a bot day thon a glass of coiti lemonade. wsI'Yé got the lemnm. AM. mCOL.BY <&CO.1 LIBERTYVÏLLJ3, ,PHlON E NO. 29,.