PHAOTICE DEVILUS&I 'Ut 0FTORTURE. SCJWsl4amI ietabu i but Puusimth - t ii u ces on Use ife ofitUs VW tbtus ame tue umont cruq ,,U* ideaoted teta earful torture o Su Ow51 pover sand tise muât a4 *r5*W evr enew forma oi mat *w*0obj*qta of, tieir hatreit.Ji :Womm ibbiecrue.IIi Uey are t sias. Ir tlsey mclî Igca là tonlirlug, ona mlghl wu a ererion. But tli 1mai gt Laît.Thejy tortU mouat*e% , irartsto mn snt etfcourse. andt the~ icia s aeep itequalli 'as I< -qgsnua. 1khere la sonetinsii )liisie lainthe mstter-oi-facti I~vUt>rh i liy aujeel a gD 1Wm&Mcifepain vîithasém11eu 110 i a maglaîrte Wul sent MM*aipdietn itay lu juIL. Tb IIb it5 vîhleue la tht' vi MA mmrglng vils bamboou roda 191» tl5Uan a mat-boit ai "pro aSWi fer trlioliatIl la bardt *%*W pUlaI"Ment, inuci leuaeI Xê IMetMioo la lad oit hardt t et e0g1101ah citroke. s pwoWllenIl la appil tho the «f go ftethe vitis often *WSj*uanit leu. of blocit comi ,0» baMWam eter a Chine»s 1eV vithout vitDasalaf dmpw a" .klaly omet§ C I f eb Spsor cangi -4m* torturé. A -chi 0*6 »sartlc pleasure1 MUt kUWei qulckly or that Ame lis l, tIe se lover viy de- s ay iû do net lave Uv- u, as A e BLtive 1matter premt'. risoliOn rteaceaa tppltn a. Thîs iy cos- 110W leita honnitut a crane, while the executioner wth a sharp mvord sonces o02 parts ot bis body. The torture soiset>In laits for a day hetore death mm&ws oru". enougb eitge ofi the colarcocul deepiy loto tise fi e- es a i s necit, ast ail bisuscles ie soies are, trama solro soit more tt'usa, pains ftaleabeginsaho conque: ia, and in a wetk abit.îg a maddieneit wretchs stumbie ait os court f511 aroun blaitly. veeapia nit yul- lugoi; i haugulsi. Tise bamaboo fumuistes favorite lm- piements for ChiasseIngtl torturais biarpenat lveri of banébO are luisi for countleas punises lun' coualeO waya. tudeoit if the riader mIlI fin- gln ustilmiaI se wosid hato moUl 't baveaonos tobtire lit-& lauuiOO -silver, ha vil bit isomat'IthlaI lie Cisnt'ao art' sure ta, do. 2e mout Mlu- ., pis ad manelful itooda ae tastick tmp aUronrs ail ever their victms uni tO litae ies lera ta fesher. Worge t-lU la the. cheefui practice of drîvînt' vadge-shapeit plem-oif *babo uoder lie lgnger ortlessailIs of accusaa por sona&ThiIs la doua alomly vllb a malle. Hov Tisey lrvalf!. Crucifixion la a commoi on aifpous- laisussulbut InauaIIIl la auly a me acécompanlment of olier borrars. Of ail punlshmaents lnvolvlng crucifixion, lie onet laI itelghta Use officiai UbI- nus. heurt lis mot la Llng-Chee. ILiug-Chee la such a brlilant ratult of lunoe to ouagist liaItlie xecution- ens arely asil the maun v is ltho stfer lita tortu0f pusiissmeal 10 lb. crase. .Tbey fear liaI the pain ironstisaI magil latenfere viti bis aujoyateut oi the ceai performanlce, wvicb la noli- Img leas thisa lling hlm ho taath vils diabolleal skIli. Thereore lis man Who la ho astfer itsg-chee genestllY la boun t. thle cross. Thon thera artives the exacutionar. An çxe eutioner shil- fui t llng-chee la rvleedltbhibglu ce- spact lu tht' onspira, muetas a suce... a flog- fut hull-hîghior 1laiedevInluSpan. Ta bungie luahln-cbe andt 10aile 9seiscl knova irons the rîctls eariy lu tht' gane liat ài Chi- lu falots, or, vagsait idiea baipra le, Iti lis bau suferad I thlie Uin ~ut las U pulis- ben tereoit. vouit bluckenlise ent- naîn ilonWe'ins..forever, sait mîgil even Inazsy- makebtirs lie ooxt subject for llng-ciee. , roucbi- Thset'xtcutIoner la receivad it vlsa I -~ '-.5--i TRI4L OP' A flHTIRUfBOXER. 00f 10 ulmiauaion of pain quickly. fis a muIs nt sutfer a liltUe more, and a SO.More, undit leu a httie more, eacb M@i I tht vay ha mahes bis de- V*t lait long sud cas keep a whoie abba of vrolches te charma hlm by SOlr slom dylot' ion menths. If ho uW lii. t ence bisfunn mould be am Ioo won. M»li gangue. the. la femmei tote eep M Sagoy ai tbe penilent up for 90190M MI maduess or deat-lient bis OUffoIagu. It ia a deigbîiuiiy simple tblRg-o Imple that tbere la sothînt' esil terlfyig shot Il ah fist sigul. rel l i alarge irame aifmuai, &soflar la thé middle'. it veigbs 1119 pocisSansd ha se mate that -bu lSeitu a0stl s sanneck. e lochWeS I restb dl reclty on Mmbd tthe e uch e nitouthe s«>»0s shuliter, a" 1 e ocon- o4al It eMOupe oaiteit evon k «» leh. soc Mu lie volgisi lisewuthéband".lu amti- tAw Je"a irD rtus unden- M a* tw eVIoMdf l oua littie murmur ai approbatjon, for bis4 record la us wmdl kept lu mînt asuIlite1 -recrd ai nu atbhete lu Amanica or au. - land. Ho bows to the blgh tlgaltaries undithen laites one of is svorts iras lie svocd-carrlec rbwoanasfollovat im. They are vandeciol svords liaI are ust'iythyIelng-chee executionere.1 Sometimes they are isundreita a ers1 ait sait bava recorda se long and Mblody1 tbak a porsou vîiserves mlght vol sisuiter to teucb them. Thtereeco-i tiouer dois net aboditer. He.kmua irbat tependa on is ai toucb.1 Sviitly lie swins the groat weapon acount bis brait tilt il vhistlei. BRas.- fieot hbt It la reaty for busineshoueap- proaches lia vIetIm alaovy. Fîtil ho feinta ut hlm, undt vthitrams. Thehs ha makes behieve again. Soddenly i e swrciahoots lu wlckediy, and ont' oi the rlctius's t'yebrows las slled off se netly t-hsp it scarcely trams hiood. Nov begIns vonitorful vork-monter- Sful sud chevlla.Is.1hmay ho thal lie condeisset mnsn bas lcouthe' subjeet of great inperlai mercp. Iu tlîat cas he may have been blesseit beyond comn- pare by bachut' bis sentence commutait au t-bat ho la ho be kilet lu uuly lventy eilnge, viereais larteset offeuderi sslght bave licensaentcuct'd ta die ouly after aeventy-Sve cuta or crus umore. if the rîci u rty lucky. lie aWÔ,d vl b-ut bis agosvliftly liaIthe oye ucarce. Iy can ioilow t. At eseis itrohe »se Lpuaiofthse poor honitbody mîlu fai1 ta She grount. Now Il mai hi a siionldite, Lnov a piee ci tht' brast nom au amn. Suddcitly lie lait cul la mate.' Itlel ahralgbt eathe, beach. uni thei. apan e us t o ultaitendsth le apfft'ntugsai t he msetcheit mas But Use spectacle la uat enfled, Tise ereetUbluer nomwhbu-ho lsemensioe the corps, udtla s isdaea m it-i pasesoriths avan, eaebcareful. -ly shudia l uit ans eurir e g, Whou Illng-chee la t ho b a long opera- tion, aidthlis viellaslesho dle ocly after -longtortu",e, i llcing omettisa el toussa séloviy liaI hait a day <lapse beSane the condemnet a dies.Tise execulloner kuavo lest visst ho cul vithout IlBhI unit hoe gaeto varitas cafl(ilyyes imoult a surgeou. Musle. spd tondons ai S teréasafr#sIp tram lie bodty vlilitae r blute ai lie mvord, until anlyaiteaitini frame- i 5ARI1NS tan COLLAS. yack remalusa taI . bonlas ful Ilfo la il An4 ut tlis terrible spectacle lie ChInes. gaestelldlly. vlhiant au ex- pression allier et plasursetrleutiing. Anale Ihneluû. tortuarét laIla mueb nuela ho suspend lie condamn- eS mavilSblabis io ownla a pit. AI the botta. are "U...etaSansdit aU hinde of loutlssome reptiles.,vishh vnlis vîilu a iev luches af lie vle- til's face.Bore ho la leit nainthes torture ai lie pousitiageru, liirst ui reptile bite.sIi iseu. LIVING BEYOND ONES MEANS. Irena Threosahtheo Cs'dit Systans, ho toe neus, sud of Hope. Dr. George 0. Lenituen. luaun article on "LivIng Bayant OnWs bMeuns." soya: "Semns oas bas salthlat Our uhiltron ittireta begvisons vs w bave off.<uently. if they fan procure the elegancisof lite la no Othéae vap liey vil>secure liem.on Rue egeit lsysteomaunit pay luterast on a eut-throat chultel muorlgage, a fore of dlames tIsaI moult banimt th le Rotscild&aunit leai tho a punie ou overp t'xc n thule voclit. For 1h la uitact liaI lia poor psy fur bigben foe thse accommodations lioy re.lve lias doah lincis for thoirs. Tise ualusul oulceo e ai llu init of ionsekeeping la liaI lithebleor falua hbladitnlabis payatenla, la annoyed hy duas. bor- rovs a tnillo tram a fieoi ta w Un e cl dayV'sd aI luit abisistuas hope, palit.usautnierontsud princpaL. '*Inlhappy contrait.was tise course adoptait ly a brigbt-eyedw-ife lu Chi- cago. CaMnglauth le-houe, 1 ceusait- et, 'Youn home loohs very pretty.' ise repliait euupiatically, 'ItleI.pretty. for vs bave palit* for arerying la IL, Thon sait ld me that before her mur- risseracltuteddrequestait hen ho se- lect a carpal unit be vauli buy It au trust; bat liaI t t uetir nef uaet unit msuret hlm bisaI lie bore fSoor vas goo" enangb for ber nl ho catit ai- fond. ta psy focrvisaI ho pmecaseit. 1 exclaimait, uave' unit 1 am persuadait tlit 11110 ana bad ue a goit bisi- nos*ma afber buabaut by tl itme.?' î-Evsngellcal Mensonger. lise TMe of Bella. Muny persona suppose tisaI- lie cary- lug houes 0 f lie bele In a caliatral cime tapent cilly uponlb.e elle unit lieuet0fUs the fenalbelle But a vniten la lie ScIentIldc Aissa1eau suya thal lie btusla gavernit hi lie pro- tubernt ring of motai on tis a ungs ut tht' bell a Utile bsckirans the ei. Tie b.ul-iounder vio destres te bu- part a parbicular toua la a hall la veny careful about tise tickheas vhlclhah gives te lits ring, unit' Iis dimensions are calculate inluadrunce. A Le iLoo fnuoolaBHalr. hhci Q D.,fuamsa, .0 Eàa. la lie possmuar ai a Ieuk of Abia- baes Lincals<i bar, vblc-b wvuta tram bi bout mast butors bis <leatis, The lock wva gven tiMma.Lîncalu ho ber tinter, sud la torts b7 tise asstuh MmnsHarmon., wose buabani vuu amoatelao0f theo usunyreit Preffleul visou bolS veneu nslawpers la 11 nais. Tise iok lalong adsut trlis it black, wvilS Brai satr boeauni tliea. Endlagof a modet'nu ove-'-Aed -ne 'th" wèvoe dIvorceS utm: ui lay ll $ver Rf«e NOIR NEW&. olxty-olgraPll Fairs Mai l bir Dates -Oms irReprt on S0ate CharI- als-Legat', Contingentt ipoa Ab- etintm 5ofrocs Drinl. Illinoa isi yesr asuithie dates bave been - ieclitit pon. The' ist. mi lb.eCOunty, place unit date, isas follavi: AMains, iCamUp Point.Sept. 4-7;RBot'. eidere. Se)pt.-4-7- Brown, bit. Sterling, Aug. 27- ai; Bureaui, Piiveton, Relt. 4.T-carcol. )jl. osi-lil, Ast'. 21-24;. (Ihsupaiga chsiupaigr, Asîz. 28-31 sud ut- nomer, .Asg. 21-2t'; Clark, NMartiagille, Sept, 25- 20;,Ooes. Charleston, Sept. 18-;-Ceim- herlanit, Greanup. Sept. 6-10; DeKsib. Ssudwith, Sept. 11-14; DaWitt- Catou, Ams 11;Douglas, Camsargo. Sept. 4-7; DuPage, Wheaton. Sept. "-; Edgar, Paris, Oct. 9-6; EBfilabmWatson. Sept. 11-4ipuitoiî, Avon, Sept. 4-7; GeI- latin, Shavueeiava, Ans. 28-ept. 1;-' Green, Cas-Ojtiii. Oct. 0-12- UngacchLa Uarp% &n. -24; Henry. Cambriuâge, AhI. 20-24; Henry, Kevanee, Sept. 10- 14; iroquais, Watseka, Sept. 4-7; Jack- sonp MButiliboro, Sept. 25-28;. Jasper, Nevton. ekII.18-21; Jo Daoris, War- ren. Sept, 1-7 auj (siens, Sept. 25-28; Kue, Batavia, Ast'. 2831: Kankahee, Kaukakee, sept. 1-14; Kenall, Yack- vIlle, Sqept. 4-7; lZnox, Knoxville, Sept., 4-7; Lakie, libertyvilit', Sept. 11-14; La- Salse, Meudols, Jîly 17-20; Lîvînaston. Folrbus-, Sept. 3-7; Loan, Alauta, Sept. 4.7; Mscouîpln, Caîllnviile, Oct. 2-5; Madiaous, Highland, Sept. m-0. Marshall, Wenona, Sept. 12-14;' ýMcDoDOugh, Xfa- cossu, Aug. 18-17 ait Bushsell. Aug. 28- ai; Mffem7. Wooîlsloek, Aug. 2841; Mcelsn, Saybcook. Aug. 21-24 snd uLe- soy, Ang. 21-24: Mlercen, Aledo, Sept. 18- 2Î; Ogïr, Oregon, Sept. 11,14, Q51, lia- oiselle, Aug. 28-31; Peoria. Blasvad, Ans. 21-24; 1'ermy, PinvkniYville, (Ot. 2-5; Iait, biontirelio. Aug. 13-17; Pîke, Grlivile. Auîg. 7-10;: Pope, Galeonitu, Oct. 541 uasi, Clear Cceek, Sept. 25- 27; BUdlmiiOey, Sept. 11-14; Rock Isait, lain, Sept. 11-13; ScbuYler, ItahlvIll, Sepe. 3-7; Stark, Wyoming Aug. 2831; Stephenoan, Freeport, Sept 11-14; Taaewel. t)u-avau, Ast'. 28-31; Uniou. Annas, Aug. 28-11; Unies, Joncs- lias-,%tp. 11-14; Vemuillion, foapcahou, Aut'. 20-24; Warren. Monmoutb, %e1. 11-14; White. Cornu., Sept. 4-8; White-, aie, Morsiaon. Sept. 4-7; alae Sterling, Aug. 2831; Wiliain. on. n. Sept. 18-21; WInýnesgo>. Iluckftri, Sept. 3-7. Wooitford, El Pasa, Sept. 10-14. flsint. PubilIc Chaiies Tht' qoartemiy bullietianift-be Smb bourd ai public cha-lt-les for Zone 30 shows a total lncinue for tbe Iiteen State charitable institt i;iofa $701191. a total exliense ncurred ai f512,3610. Tht' out- standing iuitebtî-diiess et tie close aifisce quarter vai $18072. Tu meet t-is tie institutions hait inu the'banda ai local treasarers $2,51.00)7 mcaIsuitnd 24,790 es-. timates on ctoual of apprîpcltioss un- itrava, ta vlilch la adilei $25000 on se- cout ai ordlnsmy expense appropriations dus prir tu thse carrent quarter. A cous- parisan ai t-be Iabilities unit arailable ce- aisurees ai lbe institutions ta dote abowa t-bat t-he surplus Jume 30 fon ali hieu vas $102.725. Tht' aumbeofa Insutes at the' heginuint oi thse quarter mai 1.- 220, ut tt'e çiose ai the quarter 10.251. suit tht' avel-age namber ituring tht' quar- ter vais 9,810. - Tht' per t'a pita St ai malutenanSac.grass vas $3).4-4. Deiuet- las tise receipti ual frein the t'Iat'treas- us-y, tise net per capits cvont ta the Blute vus $34.81. The avoaunt airaappropria- tious la tht' NIat' treosry anticaw at thse heginîmînt'or tht' quarter iras 02,- 800,r.h513.i; at tht' close of the' quarter, $2,264,511.58. ____ Would Revend Teummruce. Tht' milai tht' late Judge Proutiis D. (flent', bas been flied for protuate et Pana. ani praves ta hoe an îterewtlag docuimeat. Ht' tires ils a-lie $2.000 In cash, suit tic basevils aI its fumnais-. igs. duis-ut ber suturail Ie. Ta bis son, Alexander. heq giveîu $100 asnd bis lier- Banal belouginga. Ht' leaves bis motiser $7,anuit ctinepheir uandtulecet'$100. Tie rest of the' estite la ta lue placeit in the haîus ni T. 8. Ciîapmau. uï iras- teirbwo s 10 gire thesovn $100 eacb month. if hie ast-s for IL. If hie marrIes lie ia ta gît $200 per nîontli. Bat If lhe drinks or iningles witis vii associates lie la to gel uo hgIp ut ait. Ifho b- stiiinâ irasn liquorsannanrcotie ditîugî finne year, lie l% ta get l$.000. Tira yeurs t such comsduît wII rllint hiim $1,50'): threc year-, $2.000; fouc yeasa, $2500, und i ie yeari. 5.00.Allr ilat blIt a areceive baiai lite prapecty la Ciltiatn County and ailirenteanaujprofits theru-from., If hie continuues ta o v for anoiher ice yeurs andit cves $7,0110, the otiler bal! ai ili ~~lirisiio cOs~5,tieti l tuetuver e _bint. *1 1, Pana lHal Notas-i Gus BiOs. Notuimal gsa s bei-a disovereul on tht' fanstaifIl. C. Comrtight iiu Shelhy taia- slip. tFariniera lu thuit ectios are piîisîg andu asîogtht' uns ut tlîuim homles.1H. J. Kusiey et cobonibis, Oiiio,.tepresentimit the' Grent Westernu Ou Comîpany, lias leaed 7.000 acces oa la the neigh- bambî,oj, asoiyl ut- ouncegouda cnutlaî, laog. it- lapralioseittauluipe gai talSt. Louis and i itensneditte pointa. yacht Imp ai tise Jackson Park Yacht- Club areckeit at NMichiganCity. NO Oune vas .ir,îsneit. Pri n ee Cal vin, a prominent incses- ne- sldiot' in Culi-n, died iras ic ecffects ai au overdose oi aconIts' taken by misiake. Chartes A. Shamel, assistant attocuey. of Cluristialu County, vus pisoset liy oluint' ahat lie aupposailit ert' usushcooms lie hait gathered on bis mtier's,-tarin acar Wiiieî- tueon. Physicisalé xpect t av arc lite. A Pi-arian, Dtnt-unit Ercusvie train %trumck Miii. t<ott sil Ogvechilîtres lnaa carniage ah tht' Nelson rosit crossînt', Mattoon. killlat nt'neaugbten, 12 years eld. Tie thers mlI refover.- Bivard Muara botat nitkilleit iim brottiir-iii.ism, Jebtu Eden, at Niantie. Eden %vent bouse intoxicaltdsuit vas abuaint' tht' àmibers ai bis iamily vies Mactin iinîcerei and ordered it bita de- niâut. Eden ittev a kuife and attackeit Ils rother-ha-iaa' , miereuipon Mactin fIMtd IL)QP Il it-h bis mrevover. lThe buliet ti-uck I'dlsu b n-'hie -ltOsea std b. dieu vihiiasu houus. Thse Danioctia ut Peorla unit Wosh- lugîsu have purchisi'ia lsage share aif stock ii the Peitn 1,1g11t. lieut and Pows-- er C.suuîscny, asoUnegi compaaY, bath nf Pekla. amouitn tuta$00. Josephi Taylor, 2US Hirock avenue., c>Ileeeo. vas *truic* hy a RunA Pt train t Joliet. setalrisg uidere hInjuriesa bout- lte face ond baonis. Hoerus remeved ta St. jogephls iscpftl. , ele xpected ta avcaunvsles -*L. Tfl..a pa t IS,ïeimea tram Val-at Lh* eObav river wthu Tht aai euçaeuln of 1he Naionluali Wlalnté ~sg Agac««flls vl hfhld lu ViiaoSp.17-21,. ppulstien etWukaaa941.f5. ,sud Patka ttalapproaces.0. A nov botel la moitera style la 10 L'à bailit on tb. site of lhe Windsior. deitoY- etl ln the reeent conflagration at lilooii- lagton. Tuîe vili of thec)le Levi Oreaitorf ba beee iled i atPokid.Tbe veal etati' la valued et P441O0 uanitthe perionasl pIoPf cr17 at 0142,000. Jeana Brookert, ville trylng ta emulabe bis coaspattons lntetfet ata inmiag, wan itcowaei t utKewaee. He won a well-keve yoîîns o. Tht' lie. 1R. H. Pooley, pastor oaihe ib Court Stret Metisodio Cboccb luRock-9 fard. bi been calici tla tbe presidt'ueyi of Ueddlng Collie e t Galemhurg. c Joitge SesmuntaMilwaukee deulei thlb1 rlgbt ai Lester J. Bar, s Chicago levén-1 toc, ta royaltiea oat are cari used by theil Nortisvestera rosit. - Thse suit Indirectly luvolveit buads-sduor tbtiusauds at dol- lars. Klm Lua- a Iuadrynsan aet6S4 North 1 Panlisa street, Chicago, vas lnobbed W_ beys becanse il vas saéid be bad two8 Young men prlsoqers la liiis bop. Tb@ police round tises-s as no trutb la tise Pire nt Quitter destcoyeit Ererett Wl.. kire's llvory étable aidtfour borsea.e Wiskirche's lois la *7,00, Insorance U2-t 000. The. building wan ovaed bW'lIt. 1D.t and J. ýT. Leusley anditva vîluet t $4,000. Tic buildinug. vblcb was insus-t edi, te a total lo»s. Jahn Clcin. presideut of tht' village boardt of Tatoua ndsutoaaof tie mot pronact ad wldely kaown citj"ras. of that section or thé couuty. wisnifliteat-a ally kîlleit W' an Diluais Cents-il passacas- gev train. The exact manner la which buit eath vas causeit la net knowa. 1 Homes- A. Kensyan, one' aitht' Motà promlueut eltiseais af Dwlgbl. dîit la I Chîcago. Mr. Kenanona poutisastes- la j Dwlgbt for seventéen years. fe vas the Mounder- of tie Kenyan Newsand untBb- seriplion Company, unit for the leit Ove yeacs wus Manager of the Leslie B. e-, ley Coîmpany. Great indignation pni-valla isntig sparlumen over the wbolesale slaugbter ofiliast la tie Kiibvsukîe river. (ime Wardpn a Gtes Whibte bas lbecu luvestigat- ing the' malter suitlu or tht opinion thant litme or name esqually poisonuis aatter bas leeni iuispei lttebthe' hieant for tht' îîiisposc ai killing th# Rab. At Gardten Praiie tons o ofdud it Ii'ert' taken qat ai tht' river. Secretary Egan af the' State Board ai Reati Rsye W' hleasrembeta asetouaI for tht' report given out lu Chiesigo that tiere are nov sosie 2.000 casesor msaipos la illiniois. Ne Information wblcb vaulit xrraiît s repart af t-is sort bas heen re- reired at the oilice ter the' Boarit ai Ilesth, unit tie secretury isniflie opin- Ion tbut a mtutaire aisaute sart la ce- spousible 'for the Chicago sce. Mmlvin Jones, Sam Bendier suit George Dobler, lahatrers connocled it lth te IWal- lace ciresun. iere arreitedin lP1eotrla, eharxed viii robbing and utteaîptlng ta monder ont' E. L. Lewis, s young coloreit mou front Streator. Lewis s&y& tbey toIt hlm tiey oolitcmpiay hlm. but when èe teck the icous train hhey cob- lied m ni f 0 bulxat hlm ors-tht eaitn witb blachjicks outil onconîclons aud tien tbrew hlm tfoin the' movlng car. Thse fermer% la Whitsidc County se- p rt Ihît Iheir cattle are gains blitd in lrgnuee aîîh nit thut tiey arecaunable to finit a reseity tient ilI stop the' éprenit of the' malady. Tht' sympteals are et finit soticettîle when tht' iyes coimmence ta %voter. Thtis laits for tisee. ityî, vien a white substance formsavec tht' cyt- hall. After this peculiar focrmation the p:ipii taras ced, nuit the' formaition disap- hi-an front tht' ryeblnl. Icarîsg tht' nul- mal totully blitd. Afler tira yeassil the' csptivity ai a baud af gypsies, a lre vblch vas a living iteatb, Elmer Morgan, ageit 12 yescsk, vas ri-scuei ten miles nos-lb ni Belleville. YouaigilMrgan w as kiitnapcd frouan Suer- pligage it Belle Vernon. Pa.. In April, 1898, and front that limte big lire basa becs ncit' roundodiîraîlgécy and paln. the L gypsien lreting him iith tht' utinost cru-s eiîy, wiipplng hlm îîntil hi- coîîld not stand, ait stoaing teini hesides. 1Itîs sereasawhile he vus belic wbippeit brought about bis cescîle hy farmera. Tht' oîîthoitics lbave noliieit bis relatives. Tht' businesssportioni af Aions was seriousîr itsMagedl b tire. Thêt ice tart-f cil lu tht' Tocaqoist vagoî fuitory. Tht' lice toglue gave onttutend thé- latmpq then spresit capiitly. tukiog theT' 1ocnqnlst bunilding. the- dec trie liglit plant andI tht' B. H. Senti; tore. 9o Sott's lois lab long beon tloperutuîîa. auj was vainci' uot 5l45.Truîiiit'4 losa-as *4,000 on bis fnctary. îite lie aloasned :tht' ligliting pnt. The' total lion% la about $15.000. Tfle insurance is but $2.100. Leonamit Hunbuugli. an oI ma., dicit lut Baltinmore oun.Inly,4 in a hottée he c- cîîpiî-d cloue. ,Cauccledin bis r<.om vas iosnd $727 lunlIait andt six bhant;books, wiecs sioweit tatirc. Haraî:hhit $10,000 la bal. lite ciaeo ainei t io Isouses. A brother wa foîînî. Edward1 Harliaugli. a lirickmaker of Mechanies-1 beurt'. The' lrotieca hait sot met for1 years.- Frontiniiformattin eonoaîneit lu lettecalht' icwyer %vvit able ta trace thse brother ait vu-u teta echaniestîrg unit hraîsglt hlmu ta Biltlînioce. Tht' brother iaviag proveil bisléiteatlty, tt' uditîîis- trator turneit orer tht' ctat' ta tinm. Mmi. Albiert Peekhom. wite ofasps-ami- sent fariner noir Tou'er 11111.-weot ta loirs, purcisaseit a cafin, a ehirous unit anmec laudanum. Friend i t: kcharge ai ber anit preveîîteit ber frais committînt'b suicide.1 MJrs. Mjartha Cevelad Harrisan, wie1 or Gearge B. Harrison ni Blqominkton,1 diiaitsuitienly frast heurt diseuise, igeit 57?. Bli vas a relative ai ex-Prealdent Cleveland,. saitber lebshai, Who survives - -.---.~-~ u~ m ff 5*V« . Men 5-Sa mS 1a i la tw Po~ l7uZt; - I tbobo 4Nyujbat thesk«1 laO$W*0 ime maacroodOMIcii paesae o mptyViIe AfY ie otio.pao l eS ôý à g tise Me m narx 510 i ~ ~ ~ UU~o8 l er iuntli slutse lois eta le. Tise t liS ~t@n gl lIrIIrbr t hie t'ait et #W 4Ma-m te Ol p laes ey, Dot w tiermplicaTh e isa 0f Belo mado beOr notchse cross-bats. bulmps. etec, isa bulider famQuseProst tIsat tbe loch wax once imBuily aud brought li0- providi. Thîsi being lb. ais', itlel ,Cà". vans. uisuseil . VAluabià reasouaisi. 10suppose tisaI nt oae tir» arders from oti@' se2 iO85 hoAMAFli»ithe door oi the palace coulit net. bave "pYardts. Bse imade kitOvhD t hebeauopenait untîl thé eiky aitbeau la. vonldt tisebiltY of Pacic cOua"bud. serteaitsattise lmpëeiaflte Us. dra er.300mlles tram Amoican #rou in s ack oftise boit reasoved by rai- fteldac-to net outly equal lise ehlaO*lng op go maay bans. Mditplu viîci Ïients o e tenlrvale on tisa Atlaile hait fullen dova loto lisetr places open canal, but ta suilsaseln -«ey détail f the key isavlng beau vithditrv warshlp construction tise lue achlèe, ________ niînts or the' sbipbulldexs Of uuy coiu- £A OYCUIST IN SPAIN. Comlug out ef the yards of tht'Iri'ng sensor thse Auoyammoste o wàces M. Scott Conoy at Ban Francisco la la Bmbiiotsd. May, 18M0,&he beat ail exlatlug secords An odd asoi extremely sggravating fur chipe of ber dais ou ber trial tr1p. obstrnctlonlst 10 be rechausd it insl ehovîng a maximum speoit oi 17.U tise réaime of Dan Altoaso snd Don kuots per bour. Calos Ie the creaklns or tant Ou Tie Oregon veut lot active ser vice lret-elassrends the tila Doual ormid- dsrly la 1897, suitvas tise cisief vensai able, but met ln thse montalns. visent' of the Pacifie enstaqadron visen liere la flot one only. non auy foyrer eacly lua1811 Capt. Charles Bi. Clark, of tissa tventy ofi hew, la a long. eacr. the Xoasteney. vas gîveis commsandot 0 enetins procesion, h becomes vex- ber suit ordered to10sal acoonditCaepe allons. ItlaIs ous. stil wvieon. ude- foin te taLe part lu 1he lmpenig icendlog ont' or ollien of the giailous battît' vith tht' approacblag Spais I noufltaln zig-sag, yjasec .a itoiseor squadron untIo Admirai Curvera. Ivo of tht' ionstrosis sîmidieit about That voyage vasthe mont marvalous tise ronit besoalli sou. exploit of Ils kainth le bistony et soa- 01 sumn vîli behIkeiy to goiug battietips. Acide mous the tact cycle. lu thesa cousnres vitsout a liaI lbe Oregon Ie the ouiy battieahlp braite. Even thes. bovoven. 1h gaIls that evt'r roueithtie Horn. the voyage Prodlotousty to pull up lu tht' ver, iid- vas prodqctlve of -mal uprcceiteed 41 ie octasy ime aiterdlie. More- sîisl.vemeots l'or example. lie or*. Ovor, thors amy lbe a very puefouni Sons enoplete louruey irons Puget ravine on ont' aide of the rosit, andit i Sound hoeOSait Key, Vna., dont' laule omevbat more tbu.poWible liaI ffltby-oue days; covereit 18.102 statut, lt'e oxeii. eavily yaked liongs tiey MUl.e5r 15.,741 nmutîcal mlles. lhe long- m art.157yiyeli to10a pannt tigisI the est voyagéeoves- made by a battleshlp. cycle. Tben anylisg vsy happen. Sie steameit 4,726 miles vithoul usait- iroms itlofaiont' seau of bealful UINITED BTÂTES BÂTTLESHIP OplEt;O.N. lng a stop of any kinit. agaln creatlflg a record. She steamed Z2844 liaots at a uniormu speeoit 0 thirteen kuolâaua bjour. The total number of days ahte %peut at sen, out of the elgbty-oue ce- !îured te inake the voyage. was tifty- uine. lilarting lu perfect enfer, the great sBilp arrlved on the' Florida coast ln ex- actly the' same condition, ready, and more ready than moit ot the ahipi ah. tenait thece, te go lmb tihe battie, ichere skie outtonted tht1Ieeteit of the faut cruisersanad did more ezecution tisas auy other veisel engageit ln the' de- Mtructioli of thbe Ipaniap ia letbarIffl usorslig of Joli 4, 1898. The' commander of the vessel at the' time she grouadeit was Capt.. WIda.I The' Oregon welghs, roughly speaklug,i loo0o tons. The' range of ber four 13- inch guna la tes umiles, and t tey bock projectiles welghing 1,100 ponde, pro- peiled by 550 pounda ot povdec, vblch gîtes ttîem poweÉto plerce twenty. seven Incbîs of steel at 1,5030 yards. Hec elgbt elght-lsch bceecb-loadng rifles andt four six-lnch breech-loaiting rifles complete ber main battery. For an esemy tliat ventures witbls cloue range the Ocegoif~bai a uecandary bat- tecy of terrible destcsctIveness. The body of tiIs monitor fi 3M feet long. nadtlie extremso breaitth lafiW% feet. Itt hprotectetb, a aide armor 18 Inches thick. The armer of thea 13-nch turcets le 16 tacbes ln tisîchess, of tbe S-lnch turrets 0 luches andt of the spousons 6 Jucese. The 13-Inch bar- bIttes are protected W' 17 inches of tl8ryeylzed sisal. the 8-loch' barbettes liîy Illes. THE OLDEST LOCK. Gliraotic AncIent KeY Pound la the' Ruids of Niveh. The' very oldeat lock ln existence la one wLileh formerly secured por ftise itoora nf a temple of Ninieveli. Il la a gigautie affair, andithte key to il, as Large as one man cau conveuîestly carry, resslsds one' of the scriptural -passage wluera.t-be qtophat-msakes-roi- ecence te sncb instruments belng car- rled on the aboulder. Tihe exact words lu thse passage referrei tet are: -Anit the key of tbe bouse of David 1 willI lay upon blg shoulder" .. Thtis enormous key te the lock fcom Niaëelé ila aearly Ibre. and a ball!ftes lu lengtb iaitd of the thleknesa of a fo;uc-isicb -tlAiiif 'Il wa foand ta the a ruineit ebasler. wVUg a large wooiteu door bhaitposbd o mit.eyed beagle la îLe <eath ai tht' cyclaft lsselt at tht' bandes oi lie freazlididrivr.n As ef lie ores, as of tht' mules., ihîg. ziitled andi Inexperleuced homses, auit oren lie t'enenslly piiegmtile common tonkeYs of tise lusd. The cycle la qîîmie as likeiy au Doct tlaexcte lu tilcm &aIa feeling Of aars akîs la suadncas. Wt' vrlte thîs vIlh an ý@peclaIIy tt'uder recoliectlon or Use afettors ei a large wages ai gocit unit humgasbeing. draru b3c four mules, mai vIses mtook hhght muet graceiuliY sisler tue gen- lie stimulus *of aur useindious bell. Tis 1un oshie igh cod behwt't'uBurgos ifd Madild.t;lIl *ifs a petnîfylat' calum hpy ut firsi, thougb lu tht' ent, hsppily. It dit not mean athbiot' vocy serious. An eatu or Ive ireitht'Smartby Cau- tîlan mou of the pnty, a good deal ai tugglsg wltthe lnd of olien mules ai moul as the ters-Ifieitfour, saine Bobosunit Pmran te th iri îglu irons thse wmn undt cidrcn tisus surprîseit ait cap- alzei. stanRPeseta Or tva irons tht' cyclast imei for lhe hrslaas 0f the' YOsngaîars, vtb ail lia regrets ha coul t sgsliy--and that vus the fou taie Of tlia mischiai. But the cyclîlt subsaquantIy reilecteit, mti a eurdilat of th l Init about tie avfui causie- queuces f he ietsauter ht't happeneit on the edge ai a PceclPlcp l»utaos tht' bordera of a vhaal-tl,#1-ChOam- beru' Journal. -. Vaine or Noes.e The ceommu slile, long causldereit lsy alLbot ttp # tupià danht'y aiues amonr the herba of tht' Boit, bas ai lagt came IXlu t0- m, sind OW standseac corited a hlgh place asling lie bouse- beid romoitles, A eannaitBohîmian herballibas luteiY Pablîsaed a pam- phlet ons netles ant thein Importance, whlle Pallier Kst'lpp singe thea prauses of bierli iumplinga smite vls noettîcaà as nouolhnt'ast wbalesome. na cou- cludes bis panegynie vits liii prescrip- lien for the heipless cheunsuthe: " these iriseare sfechut' iiom tsluums-- tisandtcaun nohangar 11041 auj rem- eity for It mli or at-îhe tht' suliering part wutu f resh aeftles for a lev main utes.dully. Tht' fear aiýtise usaceits- tomait rot vl soongive a y ta loy ts' ite remunkable hesilng aefIC1y."ý.BU£-'- - ta Coummercial. IL. C. GOU, supenlntaoitOfaiMatchs ln thse paient Ville ut Wusngton, bs. cuhêne of about 4S,000 motels 0ftBai- ted-Blutes Invroitlone t-etat uring a P«W- *È omaelag over a hunitreit UNIVENSI wi Sil I 4 the ady rlulverslti, elI lstltortiq brara lnus Mhos. o f 1 lccaîlm te ons datin Who viii1 gardng, te, "Phu*. il tyb" la vi 7*ili bave . Ing theusse ýommercla ,Mon prelm Salell ta the abl unique dej The blgbe every reaj jevol., opp' Wse ln l -choofe t0 elasî-vorh student». teneta or cbaracterf. slty., Fýrty.5li causé of R mttiton 1 19he Pbs Pbonogt are exIxel practical. graphie I play end aboutai thi o'cloek." andt iuv4lî one May site on th late risini e.-U bird ilar exboi At the' Pr blure mer the kltcb. fur-tht' im *At a cerf 6'nt: --Pl la limei * B'ee t-bat emptled.' botter." gncb r( utitity, il anj dire. out tIses Ledger. ChInes. spoken 1 bai one 1 a hsoitrc fera to t dialect. giiage fe inakea Il lingua e itarîn an Wen-IliI tIve d ic 44,449. Tbey ar phonetie alphabet juga lion spokes i ferent n flou an( gender, iwo or are xtrIl opsil, It la k electrifi Fuggesti gavant. ments tian of 151[k jro pecatur, lue In ' of Sjik i to prote of c!lls Asky package drink toi chilitrenl veli am Mocha wvilail ceises Ia wess- ant' ver Tes&- itaess't Wise- Base, i tigit c Cocas. iug Fi stures, Bar isutert eartb. su ahut lisve la Tise Gecinl Veuis- Creeq Ceai- .- 1 ýlý