Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 3 Aug 1900, p. 5

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-Plckeled Nightingale Tanigues and Smoked ElephanVs .Feet Are mt generslly caci lu stock by <reors, Ibereford vo do Dot have Iboni but Il 70on vout elther or bolb vsvilUty aad ge& theun fot Iou. We eatty a MlIl stock of Fsncy omi t Saple rocrlu, buy for euh Sud ssii on a amail margin. Ulve yon jour money besk for ie asblug sud if yct vaut s»y- lhlug net geuerally corrie by th. Irai. tellDus ad vs viii. getl ilfor yon. ilemeqjhet tiI; Ou. Ptie, No Les., Guatante. store. TRIIS 4 TAVLOR, 79e 59c 3Up. bicyc LINOISi han.+ Otto 4 W c.ks and + PICKEO UP I'ERE AM' THERE a Local Items of Inteu'est ta Libertyvil Eb Reàder ' mummmummu.umuue.wum.m.....mmmm..m.mau.~ I cm PNOM RTiAvs RECOMMENDED. and OUARANTEED BY Me' B. 0CIbýy& o. Ice Cream - -----z You can always get It at Lovel's. POPUL.AR FLAVORS. Pure, Pelisciaus, Cold Ros4'.e Cruas o te h ad aI Myeet. F8.LOVELLY Li !v- rty vil le L. JB]. Wsa. . FIE muute t nd econ au ofon.W.M v ýl 1. ' à - W.LMB C LAusf.. F~~~~3 PI8IUT10087 IL &. Dix. Pootor. C. M. & la. P. TMlESTABLE1. 1luSF30 um maS10. 001U RAST àAm Au puPM PM FOI Lek',....1:18 il" 1:06 7:34 ,:Si L"nu La... 11 i1.» 1:6817:38 838 inisllk, ..- lie U :46 18: 46 Graiake. 1 :20.8 12:0 1:150 8:56 lhrtyvle 1.. 8:-m 1- :1 4 8. 04 90 iion:Iout Me 4.4:0 8:10 :10 Ar. Chkimao ... 0 0:9:40 244 9:00 10:3e ruesro m usai8:16 . L»Dig 4ake....1:3 u 4 5 am Ar Npe'rsnt»*i:8 S Â551VINU À-ND LXAVMNOOflDEPO?. LlBXRTY a0150 BART A "'w A Air.twrvlle.8511 Trains aarkéé* r» "Yli. if dliy exccPt suaday. 3a UMKOUlw-* Servicentu mui hou. lu letbodlat cburch Suuday. Smith & Davis ilote hb but osed Ibis veek so ellov of lavoiclng. a The Laies Cemetery Aociation *111i 38.01 Sbis lriday attetuou at the home of lit..Aie Davis.b . lir. alKra, J. J. Pogleous are te- joiiug lu the arrivai of a lâne boy baby at Ibeit bomne, boa Sslurday0 nighI. t BorD, 1telMrsud lMms.Bert Autin, l lionday, Ju17 30M, a girl baby. Of v our»S ort Itebtting op cigars for the "boy$."k liorchal FPrehma trlmmed op the treu abon$tlova overhanglns the sldevaiks Ibis veek, niaking a decided J. B. Ailanscu sud vite, aecccnpanlied by miss Haaei Batterffeid loi& Thura. day for £Jinn sd St. (Charles, Ibis sats,lot a 1*0 veeks Viil vttb frisotte. lira. Geo Elnvooi retutned recent.- iy froaniWrlghattovn, Win..,vhere $h. vas lua "tendance upc. the fanerai cf bet elatier, lits. Wm. Kellogg, who dled et Asfiani, Win., Juiy 201h. O'bet l'aigu, of C'hicago, recently of &bi* place, wa u l own Tuesday. lir. Pag, i. counecled vilh the J. C. Hsckell ilddlty Hardvare Co., snd lis macb pleasod viLla bis position. A numuber cf tb. 11111e lke perpe Irated a surrise upon mi"s enio Wright Ftiday alIbI and enjoyed a most pleosat eveaigg. A dainly luacb vatêervdl..tohlch tbcsé cdli-7 gregated di ample Justice. éu. -Wljlur drives a nune oosiag cuit, recetir cquired by lmt. Wh.lher Mir. Wiener wlii enter, bis hors. lu thefLà. Oounty Stabb race -nt tbe comlng fair, or al, hb.toille tu stase.. Wm. Atldge, vlan bas been cm- ployed lu Sobhanek's mail, fell rtra laditer W eduesday mornlng hilie olag aahaft. Be lreck on bis face, culhlng hb i p aud nome.badly,neoces- ailtaîlu a physilsus care. Lile Blanche surdam vwhite play- Img upona swagou te vbick ber father bad ai bîcbei bis Boam aidpropsred le driva cul cf the yard, fel off ou 10 the <ronda, breakial ber coller boue. Dr. Oailovay atteuded ber andi aho la dilg nicely under bieam.. The Liberlyvîlo Ladies' Qnar $lotiql acqurtol mocre thon local fame- llecontly lhey veeengaged 10 enter- taia the District ERpverth Longue onua eleamboat excursion from Chiago ta Mlwîaukee sud Choir troui tons ve recelved enthumsstically. Tue latrge namber oft "drnuk sud dinorderly"'mon upon*onr trotelor laté briags t10 midnatr1ke expolriene vb e lb. I.Paul grade vas exteudc.d veut. The one ambition of the wvorage ralîresit Jabote? seema 10 bu -le-gel drant, vblch lhey do de .ttguiarly as psy day cumea. rB~ .&lvGlip tîan< l . tb 2epf1blicau ai17 at the Audtorium, Chicago, Wilnoeasy nigbl and huard Montra Vtes uddrthelbVterait cllub. lNT. NacouffIn vu bouoted vit1àascsat on lbe pltorm, as a guesi, cf lb. lHamilton Club, vbich atendait lamabody. aldr vs Irayela bacs ri 07« toc 4lbertyvllle Ladiies* Quartette viii tender several seieclioas. Recîlallona by gond elocutillisla. A Oblcsglo or- choat&.Sasa been sqcluted for tihe dauce in the evenlng. A bail game belvoon Ivo pro.ulnent Lok.Ooeunly nInes for a parse wsîl U1k. place lu lb. afletnooa. lte! resbmout vl b. orved on 1h.groinnis. AildeUlilsaxe oo>spiebe for oneorfthebm utpieutes ever helfutaIbeantital DiamondlLabe suid Fou should plen te enjoy the aoué. Busses wil b.ruu belveen Libertyvle and th. <knds fotrac- ommodatlon of those nol hovlng theit oea eonveyaacea. Prohibition Conventiou. The Oounty iProhibition, Convention vilii beid at the LibevtyvflllTowa liall, Sturdny, August4l, 0, 2tP. m. for the purpose of piaftgu i nomnilon candidat«eS theb. ollow. lifi eounty oMicem 'and ta elecl doie. gales tu the Senatorial Convention: ircult Cloirk, aiBtes Atorney, <Croner. suirmyor. Tbe prolbitoncandidate lot Con- gremauC']. D:vidébu, 0f Mlghland Krk.mI'd«dreta te euvenIlouansd V. V. Baomes, o! Laboe Bluff, 6andidate fot Governot, viii ispe.b lu tb.even- 1.e on lhe Street iflvs.tbetýptut. If aotla e I. ova hiill1Y iforder nofIt e l ve omillse. L.lbertyv 1gog --Ma 400.1, ü , H p 3 i .0 Speki f hsppers,"mauJopeu utys: '-Ot 1 voaed 10 tes a tillaI sqmnreJudgmutal i'drathergo 10 a uevsp o Ooe thon s coure Justice. No ma vhcee lite l a u, pure sud Juet l araid cd aIl l evapoper pres la Aaaerlo. They axe the but deblsitve force in the coalgy 1se day. They, bave punoltared more sbamu, and go fax aoo onctasi1 my lb Se brubesoff sud lot Bbem go. The ouly oses 8hâ1 viiibe. butl viii b. the sbums sd fbaudo." Arthur Croesby vlalled Liborbyvlie relative* Sund«y. Stleeilfot ÙM e ebridge ou Buikley rond arrlved Ibis veek. Work où the lit. Paul te'bupomay grade progreeerapldly. Johu Boyam a hlpped the lirîllima besas cf the seson Wednesday. lits. 11. P. àouser lot for Nortbvcd, la., lioadaieafl a three veebs viosi vIlla Libortyvilierelatives. mase Bila Dow and Wlnuie non- villa, of Muvaukee, speatl Tuesdà vllh lir. ami lirs. iBarry Oleason. Thie Prubhylerian ,Suinday sobool vili bridaà plants nt Long Lake, Wmedss day, Ang. 8lih. s ad on liraI page for particulart. lir&. E. 1.libbard, of Anroga, la hors In attenu n ilon ber daugbler,' lirs. J. J. Porgeous. lir@. Pogleous, vhose condition vas extremaly serious the liret of lbe veek. 14 mueb lmprô*ed andl ouI or danger. Tberoeajual enongli of politîceanate go keep up Inteaet. Wbo'll ge$ tb, nomilnation for States Attorney là of monti nltrnt g10 cnnty politiclaanud vbo'iI çàpîure the corouetsblp 10 Llbertyvilians. Dr. Taylor tecelvus muca encouragement from aul parle of lia. couuity andlais csndidacy for coroner mees a ila asing appro. ballon.- Litt le StelaAndrews dled i faon Tbnrsdaây, of conatampllou, aller a lugerliigilimus. tellawvasdaugbter ofIlilo sud liaryAndrevs, wvboh dlied of the soia. disesse vithla a 1ev years. ab*e Uvod villa ber Uoele J. P. Clark. 5h. vas abou t loutneu as di ige. The lime oI holding fne" bas noe been onnounced at lime cf golng to pree. W,. A. Deae alftendeit a meeting cf tue executive coMMIte. cf Vbicb b. le a> melaber, oethIe Labo Couuly liepubicia Couitte., lu Blackler'i Hlall i aI"aeFrostliouday. The. commiltee lSed the date ofthb. epub- icien 0ouveâiou for Fridal, Augs 941h, 10 ho heid rAILiberlîvîie _Tovn Hall. B. W. Brooks, of %Wançonds, vss eieeted 10 mnemberabip of lb. Coaly Commilles 10 liivoamcey oansed by <luBlbof Robert Hmrsoî. Fred Le.evss drlvlng tires oov acrasi hlt. .Paul lracba lilurday morlugaca Ie jnctonoft h. nid and nev U&nes vb.uAverils passeger train o'vetool $hem, klling tvc sud breaking a Mag 01 lb. liird ccv. Fred bod opoued the gale leodiug fbonia ian. alougsideof lrack and drivait thé ccvi ounlb.eright-ot-v" vb.u'tbe train bore dovb upon thoma sud belote ho reaiised fi lbey wveohurlai sside vllb the roat neled. ileiay Kits and Ueo. Davidnon owaed the eovs killed and Loy Lyon the' one baviag île leg broken. Thetalroad company' viii selîle for the =ale. Write Good Ais. M. B. Coiby & Co. bave von more $1bUa passing notice by thelr catoiay1 -de lu the INBE3'ENDENv. The Rodera Gracer reproducaes their adis of July Otb and 13th lu minature villa favor- able comment, Ilacîre belng lb. oaiy unes of a large numbor reproduced go- escape lala critlelaja. M. iB. Golby A Co. certainiy mako good ne.of their adv.rllslng space and our reiaders have come go realise thal there is alwayî somnetllg 0f boeeit la purchaHers o 10obeound in "GCoiby's corner.' Mystic Wî,rker. Plec ECombia Lodge, No. 131, li. W. W., of Libertyvilie wili hold Ibeir fireI anuuslpicnic aI iamond Lake, Wedneaday, Angut 111hràt. The. oos- tmiee on arranagementes meugageil 11ev. Dulton, oI Wablaeda, and C. T. Heydecber, o! Wankegant,a speakers of the day.t'ie Libertyville Brus Band viii furnlub muaie and lhe The average cf hums lite, asoordlng 10 lrofessorWarren, cf Eugaad, la about à33e.00»nequartdiepro. vious 40 theoNp ofti JeaN, ou.bsiI o. fore «Ouhing le, sMd thos ho pae Ibis mgo onloy a f011017 tU.51 Booami. Isif 11e h mspes, mToeveq 1,90 persns ly o»7 0 raneches 100 Vflmci Mie; Io every 100 ou17 sMx re. tle. p or 65,»a m me mosot ela3am0 lives 10 60 jeots.Thu e o u n«t .0. 000,000 labhllts, sud cf gthons33 333,M3, or one4bd, die overy Feu 9198e-I7daW. 117m0 eoqbout, sud ou evety minute, or orne per mecnd. A disobaged 50141er receuy te sursied front UA Philipapines telleaa " or casbirtblealausoogSood 6 bé st amis mpsay vus rmng. fltsm a long sud liruéomo aooutlsg slip, lu vbieh mu fthtéb.mou bai lotsteh geaim paot Ieirrveriqg apparel, vhs. hoMv ou a eoia Ue la sbi tgouass of asosidoe. eadjola. ilga bigstmo c*b t N.v-I gond shirt. bon« out t dry. As h.obà" et tbe tUme ouly ball à shît te h10 bock, h. proceded 10 bolp bimmeilta10a vbol onu, vbetoupcna aVomen ai me out of the bousm sudlaid glebrum, lu passable Egeitit. "Tisa viii aî fot Uzas on th. Juioment -Da6." "hu*dm," bo te~,ld411ifyou give macb long coeil it 1ii lale bo1h sahirts," vhlob b. proceded 10 do. William Olp. a tarm band .mpioyed by Peter llatletmn on theb.Hhrlow tate,»Mneam auclaire, vas kiied lu a peautier tmbnet July ttud. Me mw a sot cmoomlug up, evldently, and slsrled bock for dme farma, but dld nos. bave lime tacb sb heltier belore tb. storms vos upon h bai raiseid tb. kulvescof bis barveater trolà tbe <round sud sMU ha h is bond oenIhe lever muiung ste biade, wheu a boit of ligbtanag ilrjaek the trou or tbe machine. Olp vuq. stock 1ud aud both borses otre killea. Whiie lb. botees ftell ogelhet uhe. klil by the stroke, Olp remalued lu bis mato u 1he machino eoed. Whfl b. vas round ho vou slitlag boit uprigat ou lb.t machine. Oae baud rested on lb. machine lever, vhlle the other litmly grasped lb.helas.n Thintle Couamimsooerm Notice. Nlotice la horeby gilvon 1181persoas boving canada tiole. ou &boit properly, neretiUIa" mamosmust ba ont or dstuped amo t loft to propalor go bte sai, uder penalty et a nue. 0f a mol lui h lnm»ot more Mms orne huadr.d gammes. This molloe apprs ilesaue 10 pou l highansd zroalteitilidetvfslta Town of Liberbyvle. mbighva cmmis. odimetsbea abletg$for tbetaitbful performance of 1hoit iubotdiualee along tbis lias. ife peaaly for nou- observance et the - aw lu snob case Crevded fer ralireoisLa more severo, lbbeitag 111les iset 1os leu thon lifty ammmrelbm Ivo buadred dollars. Wu. BÂamm'. Th"s*i Commiaslcuer, Tovnship of LibetyvliUe. Aug. 31. Cross Creek Lehlegh g-CoaL. Worth ten per cent. mare than other ....... ', .. il u - 1. 17 I The e e g Chiese Question e e e e Overshiadows Mi otlugi of the day.1 The oxeUuien dry goods dep over8hadova m&li to equal it. No matter Wb von psy boe, i &lvays sure '4 quality and depu vearable <coda. --Wb"t ae yFouvalIsg fort" .01 a Imm e auo lan v ho b.d pol i h moser. -"A teespt.11 "Beemptr sai! the 19av7et, "vieS do jeu bmov about recaipwlaOuiCeaonundertani lb.e amuve 09a receipt? .railthe aîure et ouesMd 1 vini ulve.ilB lejeu." --s'pose mambe me dle; me go te0 bbe; mme liaidlbheame 1"ad; Sme ou 'posll. Pete; h.oaY 'iRbmvhuB 7" venir me ay, 'vs'lttoet Mlu,, b. «y jeu pay iavyetA. 1h01 iomey? Wb"aIsem du? I baho receipt; à ba 0haI aiU ove ot i 0ini yOU." tbe lafleat Ividie te cal.h. ltae formet vîlia: "-àland speelîlato omn loug aad effets a garmW& bi g prise for part ofie istn. The lamer soqpl sud 3OU la pald d<l o 0 ild the bargalu. thé papars 10 be mais ont at lb.sud of a couple of! vuks. 801cr.the lime la up along con.. opeouaterNo. tond vaut 10bUv the ebolo fa nts a big pries. Faner bites sud vgtsmbe.- 1 dlr iuhm, aMY Sm h: lathlm off; No. i teluclsully cousette $0 Iis. Ne. g2neyer shovs up sud the farmer Je cet SM6. The cIty et Chimago nev'bas a pop- julatio f ,,0l000-labablats. This mses Ihoit iIu M e bouder. cf IbsI 0187 are morep 10 1yls liUv. la oer he b lte et 6160414 g be-. sots, Ney Je",VlhaWsbi; th" ter bue Me aiel ogteru peoplesth-a ccepy JM«94 ArisqOs clogai!o, Delovaro, Idbo, liatue a"d Orages combined. The.aie .6.759 ,Icbumao sd 4,400 Stalalui0 the o.n.u. loer tou"i SfBy poople ?esidig tu c~ à" 0 a oxtyml yeus tau er vsau IlB visba àPcl>uW tou cd ever tomillion., 1.50 .80 Shirt Waiato;.......... $75 2* ... .. ... . M-B. Coby &'C Libert>vlle PHONE NO. 29- L Thre.flgAoàsv unpacke.a Plain white, MN&-ý YeIIow Rarthen Wara. Qute a for prospective bUyerC as we the»se ood 2 5 per cent. belowr trust prives. UI4md Ovud lertme Di s.............. 94"De"p Ydiov hwa. ........ 24g amv eaT«oua et........... vue Cu" Mmd Smem&po el do& ...... Thil Viimer simmerpu bhan dos....... Pmay Dscormted D(uner Plates pu Uhalldox.... UohondluTu CaPs, fer isce .......... 25e Dup e " o.Dliw.............. 16j," cbMuet Fltta'., w-uth 35c ............. Pony Deéotd Saiefi Plattes.. 1 Mmd ......... Poney Chia Sau*Diéaper st..... REMEMPER, aUR PNiwCEBiidewïl 45 C ents for Pinté. 50 cents for Quarts. 6o- cents for 3 Quarts. The Fair, Ubertyville - - - The Lake County Telephone Conpaj .... CONNE[CTS WITH.... The Chicago Telephone Co*j H-ave you a 'phone in your m.ide Place of business? If you want to b. up with the tUnies you have. The expense la oominal on ly a few centsa-day. Fer laef osl , rates, «IC, Wulo -...... CONTRACT DEPARTMENTO Lake Cou nty TeIepbne ýconpsJIY, LibttrtyvIllle.ilnois. A Mluistér's Oood Work. if hob" ba 1014 1Imba a sove agtfci Ubillom e. col oa M er rt aube d«Ad.n *1fo.aiy,1 1.' cf Obambegiem'.olle.ami Ivo dose.and4 s. aUr0-0&» de4, la Atts ce ny ey. A.A.1ve cSu - wus slk for over a *tWeem »0 Idochr. uen osd tee&$cg le.the vu~â amn taklng orders now. This veet ýv. vausto toell you cf some buW We've got a lot of remuants of priais that bave beeti ai from 77e b 10c. They3re mâmily short __ Iengths sud vereo ging to ssou them for' Thoe priaI. are not old, out of da te, ahop «on goou a bit cf it. Th.y are ail nov pattorni, sti4t1y up~ date and are exceptiomaI'bargaimataithe prise. li ov oseo hat iwe've doue 1te our shirt vaiste. itively viii not cmirry auj over to eitext ason 3au* the prico ju hall sud Ibis j is v ay tbey go: 11 -111 - Il îl g- . lm

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