Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 10 Aug 1900, p. 7

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A.AUL~ J VUMWI1~I~NTU TI1E iM M. but,# -««w a IWua',e-.visaIà hie itfuatleatgotSe 1r~e8 ea-iene etn 160»4'N-l lobi 1o5* tk ua40ttwle)té*1- - c euBtfld mual it ,51w ami b&il Ierly e- yeer Mid owams-l t.miu ,ga4d Ibe 4e stai. sksd pleasénly t4b hlp yen vas- kt pflyaillagý àue a -ol 1 ,m l onti7 goitalua 'ahI. laimper.: lg aheandaut sst the. oni- atorable, sa'- s ot Oregoia d 111gb tenm. gipiea'did pro-ï reporte frot&.4 legs indicate-, at sud thît sturily otsr he principal anintise Car- permanttntly corn la tisse prattically gaid hg raine orthe- pur- ou. Tlmrash- r delaye! iu nuit of tains t la quit, ex- nu continue$ w gem-ralinh Red river Drably In lte tg vheat te- e bas rapiîl- rth Dakota, r, muci bal mlnue.oîe a ,bok sud in e Blate tihe d glidei set loutbeust.r te faitrh, ai qualiig. her deiag lu ver, in tient- -ny sections. rkinl report- mru portions Sbeau a mna- conditioct ot trîcte It bas Pd raina. la nerahlg laid irontming lu tlnts Of tQO vil and hoil ered perron- ,lIrginim and t reports la- :Miaiug eou- is-filc by Nev Torke promiolas portes! troua and lova, pitensiveir portanit &p- rail neediug le Atlantic 'ENIAL ýoutradicts the (loeial I 'IL George- t. lie ssld i Louisville ad he es- shalie andi I bligit tie cea ve la stemneut of F vien tols y taise. He alked of lu ich be par- ten Ithariff y tali.ed lu s re-proveai. ou, vitucis ý ou l k-m Mn. nimediatelg f aud CRpI. idrlaed bins tlus and te- nt died or- wpoprlated of péens did not be- Sgel a fair l<ireover, f ritdes tbera Dov liat 1 sud tbae msied fligit 0,esnda-ho ron barrel SSecretary ils f Osasai- tant cbarg- amrant a-as 'or the de- o g that eaver as day oft1h.e there titi L re Chine»s ceh ut Bra- th1e mailing Iras menai- Yu the in- teere to igainat th1e su Unpre- of hoapi- -m>-," sad jacter vîli ken, Une Dl gears Do Germait. melves aud - a-I ever Four cour- the bleus- nantih'for LOS 0F 1,200 MEN. Ten Aure lpeq$ lw5.c Q ly Rue, IMagafeis te s otlx egrm Ius et a Ouert F~K*loo*t-WIah5 0s. et pletsea.- Abais l.vs 2estb te PWshla-Cislueséetvee-t aul Axe S.uijed ei sae »et wlf&, DIffltche reired Mondai viaaBhane- laI trons Tienisie raport a gras-t battit, betpea lite allies and Chicsse Soeal;a Plumsant. j> Allies Ict 1,200mais, most- Il giulas aud Je-panme. l'ils hii vere finsU>-deteateil sud foreed tu maie a diseederes! arstl. The Ametleau t,00.,mioer Ian. Chute, are lu tisa soidat of 1the battise ad gave ee aueeat aeeoaet rtiemielvea. pelitss la lise let rafIeai statioa, ebout aft mille é et Tiatia, sanroulte aPehin. Th1e Na"y Detasement et Wasisington en Mondai- recrlvai the tolovlins cabie Chton 4Ang. C, BureaNavuslge-lloa -h- lnteu--rilimb rame rapelts of al t 1184 moràIne, 0:80m. Ail ios-led sa-weaidt-l200 ct&a amiaus eni Japauss.'ise - OieeoAe- OBnraaNegesle.. Wagh- ali beai>- ud WCise et Paissas. dailgit 0f1 th.o et «Mon, lb 1jtou.phcil 'Ci"apeslats lu ber delermlnatilun te amid thé mlaistes te Tleulsin or t0 eaet the adrisi llcrtionul troupe lu hope tbat 11e onvardb iarcis met- 11 taed I ifthe members et lb. legatlonm aeturned over tu lue pea-ers. lce cou- munlication tront the tsung-ll-jmineii ha"t "Tt& Mre-l that a-e ued.<' aq"nem Ionbave ungil?' "Tes 1; thereàlaM net micuso deot e-I so slilste-lieujo." fWml, oed aiyou vere rushl te de&*sudcou daA" iais tu e rme EUatýPîw4 cls ric1 MW he-a alst w'iStbtise genagntMsiegRUW <0 ron reiluoped over -tblo pie of bricks, ab isi nit renovint ig bsbld tau.,. emteu!dlthea-orS gainthe lb.le-t oe wm ilOy #Usd np. Alb lerfilme s-breakhlbaibeau eomt" ue ofthie stationou l be- e& ad the Dneilday alter the »du O h fie break ba bs-osse a d te Pa*Kid4 Mi. Tuciser chantei te Pâesa the Wall. Alter ooMing tilgeu vu lX. % uutk esiv bàt lnbai u ht, s-aille agent qulcil>- rail over tb. singuélet et mous>- and ticket&s tolon. "thoa eIl' as ir I. Tuciser. vilen the agestari dculded. "Rs i;notblng ise., 'Tlit 001 1 mdiMri. Tueker, taklng te l tise liltti>-appearaaco f lthrouai u4 ste-ieunei e-glance. "I fearad sente - u alstolon gour broin. Penhape Ion baev.cet misses! l; 1Itwillisent!Io yn netsa evate luiun. As esu istifof ut tssort oet aulà- ta- auon vLcb la pometlinea-- ailulgsaMibY u "Interlr" ,'Our Dumb Aximais Prlnte au incident cmuiniu- etei S>- a Booth DIakota minister. Thé clirgyman lie-d béeau sile ttne- eltve ea Indienuboy 1510 bis tamil>- tor e- tev Pèeehaaud bad couetai la -kéwmp tAie lad if ha dii not prove te blls "tisemachof e- savage." Hlforai me-tté Se sprtty>-goond boy, se much se -SéIsme dey, as a g#«et trest, lise min- Mer Cavahilm a sgnan sd ld hMute, US.. aholiday and go tiunlIn;F. 1Tbêlud*u sbook bis bei. "lo"ih *ai&, qulati>-. "Me belns te Baud et Mu'cy. Me Dot shoot binae or animais, oui>-rattlesuakes. lTse Iniditer bie beau veny fond of ln4g hastogn, but 1e saaeha dorse mot car. mnch fer Il Date. Pattnt Blartsa s-Train. A lied occient li reportes! froinLep- zig, vhleh la entirel>- attnlbuted le tthe speaklug sud Imitative powera of a Parrtt A vargfiue Jarrot inhiiblts a cage sites-ted nr the mitrtlug lplace of au ~electric car. Fron belug constantl>- lomer the conductor il ha.sIe-noe-si 1 Imitais them 60selcilus-t lb.e olar day th. drIver, on bearag thei. ramu-e for the Engllab "Ililght Ion arm- set the cardaRge lu motion, cousings u oh lady te fils e-ai&nets"n conaumme MIsjuy. la theis. oa t -Parro e spemnige ferthe saidijuria? Tise Darrms-anW»a Verso«e. Mlarcel Monier, a French iterai'y insu spent à cousidergbie portion or 180la u enextenies! joune>- lrongb Chinza. On bisvs>- tront Pelaite1Tien- Taa lie passai troni 1th, village gr Y-hii-Wo. Harenatarrison of Chines hunlol trouapabiedbeen ststioned aors lue ontbre-kofut 11ewivit s- -Je-Pe-. The troupe bai been fergotten b>- lb. Imperti lmlur>- authorlties at *Pekîn. Bince lie>- a-re iuinped dovs- theaftnot au order lied reaches! luein e-ninot à cent of pay lhiedbeen distrib- utes! &mous theu. Wb" 0Dotle.ChilidwenDrplitk? Deu* or fle.. Rat. ten Iriai lie mev tocs! driab cliei GRAIIs'O? fitle deiclous sud nurish- lai«es b lceof celler. Tise mor Or-luO yu t'le echilrec lue morei ealh ou instrihute throngb liait aystem ., Grain-O lasmad of pure grainéi, aIL a-euproffrky praparai testesfille l . ho iz grdes'ot coffee. but css :boli as»mmch. Ail gropers nU il tle Very Lttle Opace "My parentîs me-g coule beta-cen n, elle fe-lered. "'If lue>- do,"' lieaxciaimeil bold>, -lb.>- muat bc prett>- mmelu." Andilha presacîl ber amliicloser 10 his me-ni>- brens.-Philudelphla Record. A oomyOniois Firt Professlouni North Pois Ex- plorer-Yon look -oncles!, comrade. Second Professional North PoIs ex-z plorer-Tos; I tear finit sous dey one of tissrelIefexpedItînna Io Coing la dlaever 41e Pole-Pnclî. Th1e Corie of True Love. Bhe-There la one serlous obstacle bc- fore@us. He-Tour parents? Sb1e-No; but mu> little brother launu- alerabl>- opposed 10 our stiachment- Hiarlem Lite. Do Tour test A."e sd urut- isait.loto jour shues Alena -FoVot' Bas.e- apowearte r efeat. Il rkmies sighl r neW aisues teel easy C uras Ce1ý Bulons. Os-olien. Rot and Bvat- 1.. "IAt si& drujgiats sud - shue Waroa Zbe gamle mnt VEE. Ad- ires Allit B. Olinstas!, Leltu>. N. y. The varlniles of alampe uow cun-ret lu the -ou-Id number 13,811. Carter'* luS lus goo"dandse champ Ibat no fainl> ca - irt.tpu i *bé ltiaet . la goura Carter@7 Caution la a ver>- good thing 10 bave. itlit, ah oul i fot ha put on parada. CHICAGO '"REDS" ARRISTED. A EIA' ~L Plie. Privent Auaecbiàt *mitat Approvae umbert'sAumss.aeo. Anarcbg tried te coma ta0 litala Chi- rago agalu for a t111tiehibilie naday aternoon. The eCort entlotued long enongh 1taecause àa net Inulb.ealet lu front of the West TwelfîIl Street Turner Hall. Tii, riot lasted long mmoaghâl onlg for theapolice lu gather npUMg. Lucy Peransnud <ump ber lu s patilwagon. spsb Abrihant EdeXstli( .eut 1e ralled. "*Bhame," ta0Om&saisClament Pfflatxuerli.ecu'ise hi vas itppssmd t h. a dangereuxu uarelaist, to.dÏij lu IPo other anarchîis, sud, vilS Ihbabtch of fie ln'tic twagon, tu go gaillupinsof[ tu thée police station. Tiswasial Ihet rame of the pnoposed celebration lu West Twlttb Street Tura- er Hall of t1e murder et King Hum- hart. A huudfnl of policemen at &Uii thattenus ueeded, ta put au end 10 the plianaand hopes o1 reviedt!auarehg Iu Chicago. King Hunmbert% assassination vas ta have been celebrile-l vlth a big meeting. lira. Parsons, vhoae baud, Albert SECXUIT 61?STATE HAT. Partons. vas hauged tfeeoutplcllg lu The folioving alatemenîl aas alven the. HaYmurkça masacre lun1880asd Inglon, cMaiis t a telegram ta0 the U who tvas, wvlîhlber husband, ouneoet111e Paris, Rom. and OltPete,---lurg, and te leaders ofth11e anarchis t en, wu& ta Deptrtmaut ofnitUlue, Washluglou. Au haie hueez.the principal speaker ntthebChiang liaI thse .IOistess îgît lie saut und meeting. L. 8. OlIve>. another oid-f i p 0f Julg: "Tii. etnoî maltch nt et marchist. vas le have made a speech. or trenîmenat o et i oumt tiret hart slmonettq, the, Italien anarchielat.ta le gr. Mespouhbl t« o their protection r.s baye dlscnssed whut 1e ealid the maste deliver et Tieq-Tsiu pre-sneîie* power ta0 s r lusisted on. atroke ut Bressi iu murderiug King um.- This message vas delivor-d 1,y Minster hart. This meeting wax as b ave for l'o itaneulnqsired viether. "Ilf re, -QcmmunIes wtsthaord 111ee rg uhatanarcbg wasflot their goveroueifs. Silcoold lic arrauged tl pending &egt»t .1i deudilunChicago.. The police set about tu Ta th.. nqlrg i ol.ln el a demonarate lta1the anarchiste that an- nul Gsri Saèlldo liot thinDit I archy vas deadIin Chicago. ULa te 11e11r pqie-aa. -ee ommunicatio mauded s àmalter et ibsolote rigitnd i meut 'admts talit i posfco. e 1epower ta HORRIBLE STORIES friendmhrattitude bg deuig lt lNo negoti mernt shall have pet îhe dpomatie rept Told by Natives Who Have Escaped "Ommunlesilen vith reuP4,cîlve goverumest front allia.liberty. W. vnld uneeMari [À earneotiyt friCh@-iskticluPlace uhemacves In frieîxd4gcorjmuailca Beiated sdvices tramn Pekin, risah.Slon. They are assuugs a pvyrepoui POO, te Shanghai.saYa amesseuger a-ho Tee"a-fît eommunncate this infrmriton attanaPted t10 le,.Pekln vus captured« amemdilng tadeserting Chines.o0cers, DE WE1' SURROUNbED. sMd a message sddresaed tf0 "Any frtolg commander," urgWoIng stant afid for for- Lst »WI 0< y f >lor eieéN .ima eguers, usfonnd. It vas undtedbut in leur ReItbs'. lJGen. Christian de Wee Ie complelel>- snrronnded nesr lteiîuierg" says a spe- ciel dispatch trou, Pretoria, "sud Il is impossible for 11k- farces t0e e-ape thrOugh 'the strong Briishb cordon. The Boers asy they a-hImakte a stand at i.luebadiodorp. 'mey sre short or sam- mSullion and food. tien. Hiamilton, by the rapidit> bis movementa, prerents re- entoeements reaching Commnsdant Gen- - . eral Botha. [t appeaî-s that atter th1e train carrglng United States Consul Slow, and flylng t1e Stars aud Stripes w«s déraîled et Honigaproil, sautS of Kroonstad. coucealed Ihiers fired, killiug four. Manr resldexpt.ofe Pretoria have -been sent intoeaile for harlng behaved ernelly or shametoîl>- 10 British @objecte betore or durlng the war. The terme ot exile va?>, ilu oe instancue reachingta-wen- tg-five jeans." The Lorenzo Marques correspondent of theb London Dail>- Enîregs, wiring Saton- - day, syst:"Transv,îoýl advices deelgre (-'eu. Baden-Powell w, v ounded, durlua a neceut engagement at Rnstenburg. a-heu the Boers~ accor:iug 1tahteir aç- caot, toon Ôle Pinis:erÎ and captuircul Chie niBis «f111eChiesTHEy SHlEBIAH 0F IERSIA. evîdently senît ont about JuIn 25. Tltesa deaieriing olicers lefI Peblu Julg 15 The Oiental Potmtata WhoeLife Wu& stretes ere then jnmmed tith anarchie- 'Rmeeneiu Atlemu pedieu-Paris. tic Chinamei, a-hune fiabtiug amontg The. Shah of PerMa, Mnssmr-ed-Dlu. tLîemaa-lvt-eliteraily reddened 1the guttera folloved la 1he tootsteps et bis tather, with blond. Th1e>'ssg thera are 16,00W Na#r-ed-Din, wiio ta-h- made a tour lu troopa lu Pekin and 8,000 at Tungtsun, Europe, has been visiit11te varions Eu- and 111e> hold al the treetu vîthinl a mile ropeau courts. He couiludad bis tour bg or the Ielptions sud bâti burncd sud a vîsît lu tbe Paria expîosition, sud il a-as ohîndoned the Cheumen gate. liera thal 1bis aisassinatlon wasa ttempt«- Vicero>- Lin Kun Yi and Director ed.. Sheng bath officially deelara 1dme inuistera M afre-Din. a-ho la 4Truea of usle, are held as hostages sud tisat If t11e la tb. scod son. ut hio tather. hi@ eIder allie* advauce, theg elî lihe klled. brother,, leint Governor ot gltires of horrible barbarities continuel Ispahau. [He vas uoiuînatei as the suc- in- com in. Two French--------ns____a______New______1 Cba-ang uere bhume s alîe.Dm, Ting, a-bp gradualeil from uan erîcin colege, rerelves! 2,000 lashes but rafumei bo re- nunre Chilsianltg. lis several instances native C1risiana vera îklnnad alive. OFFICiALS 13EM-EADED JULY 2B. iheisaiCons-irua 5for$-L4 Plng iama- Master et polinia A ipatsh trou Sfhangb a sgata Directr of TelegrupheshBeng lu an lu terriev confiath11e mIniy of the secu' don et ta-o members ot the tsuhg-hi-ga- men, or Ciinesa toreigu offie, tor trieni' hInesa oth 1e foreigners, sud adia th. usines t lue officiaIs sud 1h cIrcnm- tauces of their deth. lHesasys lue tc tins of Li PAug >lmn's vretfi ere lin ChiaCheng, tormerlg minîsterltuns- àis, sud mura receutî>- Imperiai directon- zeneral ot tallwmys, and YuanuChang. -rebe mieen doiug gond a-en lu up- 'resslng the Boxera.anud iad oupported the efforts of Prince Chlng o..-a ,the frcigner minîtersansd restone order lu t'ekln. Forc is 111e>-incurrai the dis- pleasure of Li PIng Hang, sud, notwtll- staning 15dmr high offie ast members of the tsu-lymd be>- 'tere lai ont on Jnlg 28 mnd bebeaded, as a vsrning ,to oliers. sole, et Carres-C a-geto, Amesicen Bulphur Company, New yorkl4-plte-i *5,000,0, iiiseon ha reai>- for-business. COMpROan poay esor ta the tirune b>-Bs father, sud succeeda i.umiluthe aumimer ut 18M.(1 a-han Nosr-te-Dln died b>- lb. hani ut an assassIn. Muunffr-ed-Din arritai at Eri- van, ln Rusais, ou Tinuda>-, Me-g 24, and at TIgile'ou the tollowing Moudag. The Rlusslan populace receves! bis majes- ty Pith mach enthuglaseu. Cotinuing bie #toee»0, Misr-ed-Din neacbei Bt. Petisbung at the end et Me-y, e-us! nm <i5bWausav. - lb.>-. ha wu$ e migifl o eeptism.Aà - le-m u -aeea te thie, M ont at thse Stars Departent la Webb- United States eaises lu]Berlin. Landau. > the United States minuster nt Tolîlo: kee 1-lu repiy bta asuggestion eof LA-qrang aer sale accort to Tlea.'riu. provIded thW1 kii. their e.tary eftie replied on the Uiéit, et latetosur arrangement regardlng disposition, vine free.commutcattou vlth Minister cas- st$ open 1he Chluesegoctumeut. Power ta Pruteeî and te open communicatiou. This te :rlg>%oduov, on ffie 318t, te Vicero LAU, Who tIf vi etblised betveeu h<r suad liAt tb. povera sheuld nlot adyucee ourPelio ne sent eun1the lot 01 Anguit: "Coodnov. Con- ie nt tuahit t he proposition of Rari in vitb our representatives lunl'ekiu là de- Dot as i taler. gince the CIlnese govatu- ta give communication il pute Itseil lu an as- isltiOnas feSmadvisalile outil the. Chine»e 10v- presentatices 0ft the powers lu fuli aud fre n And 1reuloed & ai lnger te theit- lîves and t1 advIae the limpertai sothorlites, nt China atSon aud eo-operatîon vllh the relief aspedl- iuhulltg lu aeting otherwlse." au tabthe iaier of--Foreign Affaira.,* R. T. Reinîselmen. a San F1rancisee. inieger, lslking or th1e Alaskan froid fields* "The output of goid f rom, Alaska for th1e present yeax wiiI flot ho less Ibm $25, 000,000, snd 1 would net be turpriseil t re a"il ar lu exceas of those figuras. .'eor- Il. every steamer nov brings front a s.uar- ter e liait8 a million la duet. and th1e heavg $hipînents bave flot get began. 1Abolit onie-third of the men vie are r.- stuning fromt Alaskaa lus gear have made t frt<unes there, and onlg .a few eofliteau thavé been etat efnauclal Idlue icuse of lieil venture. The better menus of trnus- 1poitntion sud the incresed riumin-r of i iople there ar- making conditions )f lire 1eaelier iu the gold fields, aud 1 look for even a farger number of men ta try a hasard of new fortunes next geor in the fur uortb." James T. Howe, of BueumeAKyrtes, says that1the .Argeninue lepubllc ie surprlsing tbe worid by ber "best crops: **The area of <wbeat culture lseisrowiug every goal. The soli la ver>- rich, nnd th1e average yieid peraccu la tram lievifi ta thiren bogheis. Iu competition with th1e United States 1the Argentine lleî,uhllc jp etnia advantage Iu soine wigs sudntai dssd- vantage in others. Her wheat fields are close to the seahoard. making s lrnat savlug lu land trelght, snd abc baszeap ilbor, but the ocean treight rate ara excessive. lt coste nearig three lignes as much ta seud a cargo of whest ta Eu- rope froin the Argentine Republic as Il dose f rom a city on the Atlantiecoset of th1e United States." William P. Ansleg, oetFdorence, Aie., te i Washington reporter: "*The negroes do net waut te louve the South. and the white people of the Sourt are just as anxlous ta keep ftes». 1 have had a large experience with the negMo and r aind hlm a necesslty. Tt mlght be tbat afer Ta generation of immilgration sud 1the grad- uai -change of methods and characteria- ties, 1the white people wnuld be able t0 peforin tbeir lahor, but at prasent the negro la s nccetaty lin1the home, n.1 he tarte, sud lu everg hraucb of manuel laber. Iu My opinion 1the solutio'î lu lu th, hands of 1the people of 1the Boueb." Esteil McHeury, of Ot. Lonis, 'sga that the Ends Jetties are reidy t0 a b taken over hy 1the goverugacut: "The' Mississippi jetties are amortir the <l'ou gignntlc engineering teeorf the vorld, costing lun1the ueighborhood of $,OO000.l and making a 26-foot channel ont ot a stresin where there wos formerlg but eight feet uoftester. Tisabas made of Newv Orleans a port for the largest aunn oceau-going veî,aels, tehere othertelse, oWty the sinsîlest of cratt could bave crosaed 1the bars." John B. Knox. ot Yuuktou, gays Ibat s leadiug ludustry lu South Dakota jusl note ld klllng teoives: "There in & Brute Iste providiug that the counties shall P67 a certain hounty for the pelle of voltes, and a nusaber of huînier% are making bit money ont e991the business. Ths mien I knoW lu about len day. ltilled tnougis ofth11e animal* 10 net tieniver # 1,000, aud allher huniers have douae q*ailgest ,well. The erasada sa riddlng tb iffitnt of poires, hovever, aud Ibere, la eat îemuh.- eomplalat about tlb.pméeypqi ont." Thm ttetOW40MM séthS-t e-=ct t1 huma ettai* *mrete bi db«e-d, CubÏ aM M à. acarons au- Mme Thée e joP§4« la a mont ap- bahuInt t i'i te& Wlatber il cau b. flred la ead alwraj bas beau a debat-ý eieq»«"o. Causeare ctai tebeis, silegmi marvelou ees 11eva beau et- E hwea, but tuis dons neît to s-ny appt.- cie-hIe exte, alter 1the tacts lu tbe case 45et thse cancer ls pre-ctlcuily incurable, OeIt gelsa eny sort orfhaudwuy l lsj W'Et5 alun. Tte causes oft Ibs diseame hv lie= nosemperfectllg ndçrstood Ibat e-nY effort at preventiou vus worm, VPgetdbhià tbnunelesa. A Erench alentlat clama s teblav-e dlscovered cancer germas lu wood, , ad that artisans Who -ou lut ood are muci more aubject ta 4W th lams, ait isings being conaidarei, cri tbau Ibose wba bandle moal other me- tornai. Hling once tarlai on 1111. lIn. oesaearch. b. found cancer germa tu os a-u nd vegetaîlon of variou. e ao Ilinis. Elm n sd vîllote treeasboved 4e greater proportion of thase ger-msa Seaother a-oodi. .lun11gb altitude$ U 45 where tref. are Bot common, tory ý8wcancer germa were fonnd: front *il ut vlhl t appearsaI aw. e-y h-oaet ~hton tbhe11gb rond to tome relie-hIe 44couclusive kuowledge upan a mb )5set blihha bufili lth b til et medi- cal »dentiste for cmaug geara. qe-een Netalle, The spamicorrespondant ef the Bat- - larder R*eetel agrade bas telIen lu 1111v* eilis Quleen Naalle. nie s-w ber vîuth lbuig otfServis-sud 11e Prince à et Monteuelegost lb. Cathedral s-t Bel- -' grave a-hep Iben-. aas a requiem tor tbose who diei et Komevo 307 gears a pao. [t 1e asys, lb. Klng'* appearauce jkW > SM surprtaed me, tloat of bis motber lo Oimout overwbelmci me.I 1s-il expect. ed great heaut>-, but nol sncb Iran- aedent bhauasnt s IIsIlla e-bee-utg vhieb uo paucil bas been aeI erpi duce, eni wblch no pan couli eber boe to d eserlbe. As ah, atoed teISe 1, sandwihs la »0s Ce-Ibodre-l, dresmed la ieep mounnh ýîIéThs olec fMt for 1the requiem, a"e aore a isathetie aaascmuuofo1 gaplesion for vblis mon lMy -n WU "1 '*air Ilvea;lu thsaeftrnoou, e-nIae bal- oalsithelb.pae-ine na blouse etflgbt- bue sli, cbuttIug lo ber son sud Suent, aboi was.e-Il vIve-cil> e-ni. apathie, en W ud0 ondomer e-tt UW dense-cl-o tS lo apLus their admiration.. Eut il va.ust 1thetieater, lua-bIo re-m 111itlia 4105i, that site appeared Ment Pt I WOI 'àUÊFraudas sud the glove 'r-un a vue-e- S., l agass-leeni te Me, W1 hor pSuo venudnl e- it verytblug t10 gratlfy ber vIiout om gIigtent Whie? *atBses BMI* vituM Iwgx L d llà ...e bock . u<sU~,AssUM caean-g ttirlhe lieÀnlne, put up lun-mo hoxes. eterj tabret boasC. 0.,4O, sis sa l, Bepare et imllatilai Parte-Ila I oudertul WbaI e-eu mous pniee a-omen eau ps-y for e-Id« fdut-nucomfortable cottage aI 1thes shsore. Laue-Wýhatdi yen getltIl fr? Perke-W4tll.1I antai ta mia Vite eni tam»>- bapy for the go"u byatgroeers, Cleverton-Mise Peterkiu la golug tu h. msrried. Wbaaf1 shendamiber, ua- propriate for s- weddlg presant? j De-bawY--Oh, maug bahdoesat vaut. "ene* Pamait g Mif ne Mdose b ovel aisdey. lh arie taa heslliiy ihis I la.csssarg Acte s gentiv câpe liter su d lneg. urai ileh beauo.PrIg- am ud 10e Bad7 Plactr at.reetheaste. Klsaing la unkuowu lu,1the AustralienTh aborîgines, 1the.Mpories, Papunus, andTh -PFio* Cur, for Consumption ls an la - @VR If edline tr congibsansd colis,- Ait 17. 100 . Ofesu Grov. N. J,. Keh, s There are more beautif nI and costly-<E Ilîlustre-teti trade catalogu eslaued la C Ibis country, Iban lu an>- otber section of lb. globe.-T BRlU'* Catarrh Cure, I It la aatimaled thith11e numbar 0f GerMe and thelr ,descendants lua1t1eN Unltpd Statle la 000) A NE% lieno't alwans bava te. dinh to fean-lb. bîlge jumpe., tfInstance, T'h. fozndation of ever>- stais latisé edc ti lIaof ntbDoyels OO.p forever tabing hmrh do IKative minerai, waters, an ares, The way to pureopéo msi, sick headache, dyuipopoi roubles ls to take IaxaUvéd iver pil ýyoiI ca" buy, yer'i euis will iimevOr Abuse' They am -lana, he y act gontt MW luclng, a rnttoej o.1t ty uutuIA. CsuMMadsv or the Jspieus Por*slu Cias. ai1 t e eBitte Departmet bg blniar Wu Balurds>-la suspplemented 11>-tle aûb- stsac et au imperial edi eommnnicatei 10 Oonsul-euerai Goodnow b>- Directo- GaneraI Bhlent, Adcsiug that arrange- ments sre *titilgeing on lu Pekin for et- corlinig the siiaers ta Tientala. 1 nterssl ilthe b.Cias si.tua" teusinluWashington lice-day morning S>- lie recelpt urt lao dlspetches frein "V-al osicera t Chfuc. repesting un- oficai bot apparsuîly rellabie reports s-f active and extenstive hcalllllen betveen lie allies! fonles and tb. Cblineve on the lin, beta-renTieunta a"Petie. The ipatehes indlcsted thet the relief coluinu bo incies! lu inearuest sud that if a-as meeting viti dciermiued oppesiti-su. AIlh'.u,g neither et 1the naval diispalch,.o mentiones! the oresence of American troupsinlutic reportai engagement, Il waao geeuralin assumai aet1t1e War Depart- lment that et least a part utftien. Chat- tee@ amili army vas on band According te informastion lu possession cf t1e Wac Deparrmient, the tua-n ot Pcltsang le t lie besd of tîdewater ou the I5iba. hta-eeuelevea and 'uvelve. Biles-,b>- road begond Tentqiu. Il luao viliagt: f ut nd Isuto nsiderpbie asite. bsat not waales!. The river et th,% point la not Lavigabie bg sngtblag tlanger thon n go»I k;setenu lsuneh, amdifAtlestbonghit tuât tie Iroups prohabîynt ne,itheelu -smUslbotte, toves! by lue ns-val iasences. The ceuntr>- e»qlougl.rrrlt-e Pekin anal tcuhJl lI-' ,16w, alluIli plain ,Èltnoot Impensable for teheelei ve- iles lu 11e Pet season. amnd ter quite a iigi state of cutivation. It pregenta ne natur al defenive tentures, and 1the Wear Departinent knevs ne sîrategierea- sou a-b> lie Ciumac. ouid hbate mode a stand ticra rather thau et sng other et the domen villages east outh11e walled tcvn uf Tuugcboa-, viere la slorei îîn Immense amaunit et provlalons upon whlcb th11elctg et Pekîn a-ould have te de- pend lu casa ut siege. Frein lie tact tist 1the engagement a'ýted secen and a huit heure, itla ar- gued! In lie depîirtmeut that elîher lie Ch'ine, must have been betylly ntveueli- ed or that there ivas an Immense horde of thêta to su stubbaouy eotest t1e ad- vance of tie 16,000 International troops. If waasfigured b>- militar>- experts ihal o lats Ma .200 bies! and vonudeil on the part ofth, alles probe-Mg mearktt slois ut tramt lire lue six lImnes as man> b>- lie chine"e. Free- coindinlclon betivoen 1the foîr- elgu ambassaiets sud thelr goveruments lasait lu bava been ostabllshed b>-unu Impera)i ec. Au>- mqssge that iiny ha sent, hosever. muat net ho lu clhei-. Anothen ioatuatlon lîrovidea for tlhe ate deportation of the toreigners frou, Pckin tu Tieutsin. The Unîteds! Bltes goveranent- a-ilnet eensenî .to the te- moral of lie miolasters aud tociguerx front TPoilu until lier. lea sfree commîuli cation S>- the pua-erg vlth teir minlaherw. Not wilI this gorenument cousent teo com- munication lu plain isungfe alune, but lIista finat cîpber Messages mliit pasb treel>- bel veen Nfinîsiter Conger and ontr State Deparlment. It la euiphatlcoîly statsain 1et unlesasncbr messages are es- c1ansed thliitilai Btes connût knawý beyuud question thint1the messages a-cr- net. Sgrbiedud boli 11e United Blates governumeut sud the uttulers inisies!. Thffe seagas la b. no çiubt abouttleie safoiet>-0fthe. ulusters et Peu n for thé1e prenant, sud liat ,hea-hIlromain a-haro 111e>- tlîl b. abe te pratet Ibemmelves and will net 1e aieed tle accept an>- offert 0fttae ines. geeranat b. es- cert 111cm le Tieults netii tise>- be-e be aommiunlcatio-W"ê tisir ge eufns. l I1a*st»-ts t if 49a th1eJaUtalonal1 utr Liver., me, puftely vcpibli 'P* 911 the liver, psu d tl v a a tg

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