'Twi~tUrs an CIAPTER MX dz ydndean Neas-alive anti site! sileN, aeet girl!" excimed Mlra. tmidnt lbotwee er iciblses. -Wbere oais1Z?" saketi ?feans, bemilder- I li theae sses" , by the dit percep- ons ot asklng Cosclouaniase. "Wlmre are yen?" ocliceti lrs. Rcd- od, fertely. "Look!" Audti ng ticesutidle front the donr, te bell tin lat4 doeuai everr the back lt, 'aheré il lare a nd Ilatereti lu lie rrent of air. Ne&, retlig agint Unr. iledmoud'at bremit as sic bu.ht hoalde her, ieeklng austin luonder-st the flur, the îalls, le eeiliag. the open door, andLie blac Oold beud; tiien auddI ' rclhecrig Mest evenlm, obsiiarnb doser te Ins. 9edronti. mi ba cra- ut orror, and look- kt aglias t ticheopening heoemîtithei. t Ticnxt~jemihshe horst out leugh-, kg' andtily an Impercepibîe transtion el le crylug snd sehhng, outil, eXhsta- id wuithlle outineat ef ernotone. lier ical ~ttapei back cm Mr,. Lledmonao'sa rt., br Py.ld* dreppet i ivly, and Wet binmbli fadiaain lu og. fluterlng igl. Ifither sio bcd talnted egain. cm $va% falîig s&*eep. . "Wabe! *aine, iloar Neses! for bmevns aine aker*' Mcn Ietiiretedmond n à leur ugosy of foin, as aIe rmesueusheicA *bat Dr. Sbîsu bad sasit about tiiopsai- le action et Moiral. No motbor ever ber chilit colti have shoun mre easnst ltitude. Wlion sic soaceedotiInn rouslag Lhe girl te nLte et em.o4wimsuee &W be wnet frght mouiti de te urereetsber1 tlargy. -.1 Tsking the candie, mie holdlt t&gai*g In hodarkisiaftote lie c. andtiPur- osly. Pt IL fal from blerlibads. 'Tie Iglt ent eut Iutamli. leivtng uleai in puinhte dsîkmies and ma sollom ring, Oins uie tall et à tout. la a deep meil. ame. op au the metsi cîndleslick %truckn the bttent. "'-Mt'blale *at yen lare eacped." mI. mud. 'Plihe peejgil muard Ina heror, cramP- Mg ler heU, upon tic four. as If te as.. b' sa2 t wi wl sk wl th ce th t as ai ai yq w in ti fr i I "Hep me ser m!- aiemurmureti. L "Toua mai -V jurseîf." tait Mra ~M nad, rttlg trouIlie oenosdont zei enfs by the timminaca. t as eagt i the sinît tht toueti 5 hr-r pingng te ber fot. lussg coniai- ,Qili ytc the man's arm as eh# matie a tber ai rapdir aloug thc pasage sud jdown tib as. Slni tiechllh falntly lit lia the luIat front i the aittint rount. Mr@. Ildmouti poiDuen ta the open duor. -He ment et liere. 1 a&W bis. Hoe tsi corne bock tu finish thie ork ho lie- V n. We most oslimthle ber," eh.e siti. fiem draumatie toue andi getrire. bhon paliitilac#, and disanlered bai, uer. weih P hIcusteti taetlmiate litao.'t aermta asiovercome the el ets lite nireoti.t. ced, the girl, mie lsd bnover efor. 40-we leur. maà nom uroulgt t.muetsa h of »"o xolîsaseM t liaIerI lle« fisgeru bmev. pomerieate pui me the bota mien the get dons-bmes Oisnmée . "W. are ae for tbc pmesnt.P' id Mas.Redmoudtetrnieg lie bey. ".Nom. ,ces. lu icr.. Thon., ait domsa and bel vaeî;W. have n me t a oles.. W.Metz pettlo mint me a re te do t once. Hé@es not likehi le hait de his murderous mrh [if ha getsa urotier chauce te muer Ou01."t -"lmrder me! île meult do t?" 'saik- 3.d Ne«a imtli a pibeooc quater lu berj ,,'Wbo?-rny hushant. Wlioo ti "Wlii sionil e?" "T otae ilmeecifronterae. Nemut un te the erinhoussoor lhe luiIf Yon ire. A man moult iBmi himseoi te aveud IbsI fate; do yeou 1 mkble wmuniti lsitate ta t tie tic lite of a girl lnaesatIf iblc tonnid a saee pportnuity r It it emed ho Nema aImPouesincrenll- hîl. iehal rendtof utantinlgs; but sic couli moi n'lite tiiat she ha a esn destinai te suri n fate. ',Dun*t yen hohiere me?" aabed Mr-@. Rtedmuonti. uiuh sharp impatience. "hu ai sersno se tranc.,' fsltercnh Neq- "ý.Ho ase Imtoermyrcecuti snntaI b' cliet yon. 1 told hile hat b.d lisp- pened te yen lait niglt-liha a foui, I reaued lb the moment ho let me, for' I knoum ust lie W. *rIas unessy ;abemîit I. ansd aler tliig amuke aheur I alippeti o n Bi elothes anti caenadeun leZe i.ec it ilumre, rno tht ehllti tteme Le Irurite, as le olti me. The liMp Imas liera. -hem. It stad& no, but Ler. mas no sigu of lis liavlug msilion lettons, and ha ar-s gn.While I teetio ornthora lu tiie sid ,mbchapcsed -on thp-toe thi omglitic hall,'anti uent ont hi Ue door ce mhite as a glist. Tien 1 knem ic had heeu doiag uou. sud I ucaL up la a-ur rocs. Von mre gole but jimt outaide ycur door-temari Ilie door lu the tower-youm abue ici on Lie rennd. At thal moment Lliaard aor ry. As you knou, 1 round tue dor lidIbed upon yon. N4om rbae u ai doult?" Naes& *book ber bondi. -Hie hall net Lie courcge te nuindar ycn outrîrbt; but le pet yon where Yeu ceniti mlot sove iiont destroylug yoraclf. 1He vaut cusi tiat le miglt net hmar aoui cri, intendgIoU1 cosse bacin anti openi the *door îleâ ail mesnt-ver. that Il miglt sppecr yen lsd opeutt il'1hasd passeti tlirougtuInyour leep. I tbld liai ef our i.itL te Dr. Soaw yeterdsy; that wulti liai-c upponflthte touelualon, snd treci hilmfroet suapcion. lie'li corne back presonhi!, ihen lie tLilubathc thing Ia doua. If yen maut suy futiier proof, a-ou amn open tiseftiet don. aud aci hlm tram ler. go up thics.taire te the pa- saga aga." , ieruseeas. tie spobe. Neama caîgit lier ar aDd lielti io, giaucing autcthe w indei, ament expetint toe ea a mhite, inistci face linbug hongh et ber. "ô, in," she faînîla- articuitid undor ber ireath, "don't-do't open It!" ",Nt r! He'd kihi me teubie bis crime ..-k!Ih neu'betisthctsire hîntuel!. Wlmî should'h lc sono t rougli Ibat wu- dom? LHe tock lii gon. Who le tu suve us'? Wist ls Ler. to pravent hlm?" Nésas sutrieet shLicblindansd pulaid * t' do*ï. "ie emoti bs r uns mcet ail almulatoti, mote! the lump ihat Uder siatois miglil flt betra them us tht mîndcu. "-Wlat s#hal' me do?"asîketi Nessa. "-Wh t an me do?" ,-"Talle I-mIn eau Ime do? Tivo 4jýýumeiiagcimita s iodire hieLa?" "Aeyoum golusg sua?" Neataîholre(t, "I soi thblu seo! Wby. 'en den',it 'uppoae. 'aI top motiier.- a-t 0sba nothiuit ofjAcothuer lgt-lu i t> autly~ Piave iltia iade rM'IW "Lt an'L Ibehly. Deoa-en tlink Iruas ad as my buobaul?" _11 "O(h, torgive oie! 1 don't brium ual i sy; I as quièutnacrrad.Ilt mas *Itked 0 thiub ion moolti abanden me-ion lios, 1 owe mi lits te!" . "Thats all niglit. don't Mn. We've ut taelink. As seeu1u" it'ail gbt me'il abe Lie servant anti gotbthe tnap out. We %al it- w afe eonougi thon. Once eut- dde hilplace Ishul teèleste. But ubt amn I ta do uilh ion? Yee CAu't r bath te thgc clc. HtRe ulaI fud yen mre. you'l neve..lho matefe' iionhb mnu luy baidaon Yen." "Where are yen gulng?" "Oh, 'r shallgo te Londoin." "IWIFea het me go lIer. tee?" "Whît moue! have Four" "~Noue, Bat I could cira My liviag er.. saneli! "Tuat', ail yen bnow &bout IL.Who ould-ernploy-y70W witlienta eefereCao- Yliy. ao on, wun takre Xou as a ter- vaut mithent a ehÈrccter . "But .If I exphind blIL s I came te sies a situatin-" **If yen cam. le mevmiti snücb a &tory 1 tmoult %*y: This good-loobing yotng romn it is douaesernetliInc fohish, and un awuy front lier friend lu escuape the ueowqticnces. 1 sheuld sait fer the ame and addrcss ef Tour wuleba tseptatber. anuti Foye u tcdll aiain to-rrom. Tbon 1 siculdti llgrspl te il nder i Impression that I1uwss doiiag Yc.aa itinaela restorntngyom te Four tcmiy; and iea yun allai ou me for a repiy. yen moulA h muet by Mn. Iladmonti, mie moqd whisb yen or tel Graliene Towera by tic neit convoyammu. Wli en ou or, smpie chiti. mithout saine &6w of protec- ton ye on meitifinti youmellt mine la thie lions.emii ieur murat ememy, asat hils merci, in lems thon tweuty-four heurs trsi te j-neou escepeni. It Iso'l a day or a meek or a mitbithon yen muet keep out et lis reaci; a-enueut kcep eut ut bis reaci for liree long yeîra If Yeu value 'our lite. Anoun mynet-hon os Ilim, -ver, day oet tose thie. long yas milI me employed n irgatinng yom bsck-hack lueo Lie grave a-ou havealsippeni ont of." 'Wiiut *sll Ido?' murmuned Nessa n daspair. "'Plr" e. aaes" naid Mml. Iedmoati, turnlug bar back on Nm'ss. anti speaklng n a pieu, medltmblre tîîuaIlt t enrag- PdtihLe auxlous girl 1teliope-"tbr.c yaor! It soumds s long wmule, but tlig, e. y.a vueu pest. Au the end oftlibres, ycara vr, coulti anap unr fingers et hier' Blie btood i mieut smomiant, keepiug lie girl ln toverlsh uncertaînti of iiope anti tear. andti ien. tvnibig sbmupti Ounlier. tie mld: "Nen*a. If r ive yen liree yesrs of my lite; if I abandon lieuse, home, poeltics-ahIlthat as mnal uue$; if I leeparîlm mi vm existence t. preserve You frons mach a faite e tus Yen have pscped frons-,crls that muet heeet ion Unl Tour fortune la hoentithse racliou tbat mrpeb-ui 1depeuti on Tour grmt- ftude aftevuard?" "Ob. if yen knew mer' exchaimedthéii gil, clasping lien bandme. oasiS te finti werda ter b«i feelinigs. "But I don't bnme n. I knew notA- gn &bout yen. TY e i f a-on uer. te b.e trastet. l ut wien the danger le pan uIYeu fert ayen feei Dow?" .If yen neyer do snithing more for me thon Feu have dosm Le.lgbt 1 muet yet be alwsys--laluya grat.tuh.' "And "lIion b. ohodicut lu my direc- tien?"l "01. yea-yos-yeah Ia ahi thinga." Darting foruard, Nette thasu hem mrme about the wms, and pressing ber barn- loir lipa open lie, seft, pallid acthre murnaureti ber lare undi gratitude ln fooh- isl. brokon seuteuces. "Tou are à lîttle goose!*" maitiMm. Redmeeti. patthag hem mionlior pîsyful. "*A littie goose," sie added te benoîtf, "LbhaL ahuri yild me many s golden egg." Anti r.calling the fable she bhese erc stars Ihat ahe lsed neb succeeded in klllag lier gooe. CHAPTER X. "No une ho@ recered no mani rewirds anti cmmendutiouu front ber Msj.aly's judites. magistrabesansd liankers as F. 4Iifftia!"le lia ai selilmelf. sud listetatement hia appesmed dalla- lu the niemstipers mîthomt heiug dispabrd -«li sny oLhr privaI. deecive. F. Griffltha mas seuted n blu lmghlla respecableoffilce urittug a iOétigm mîcu the door openai, ani a gentleman enter- ci, with a certain reluctamice that cham- acntans- e icpereon ubo gs elmlpfor '%he firttmeata a private lnuiri ageeci. F . Gst'tho rose hou s tat, sud teci hbit upnîglt bhbiis desb. HLiasa *quaro ssan. miti a military cut etfliir sudwhîsinera. a trace et lb. poicmnalu tht reduiese et hie nucci, andi a suggestioni o! tic isuier ln the tmmulng deplis of bim oies. He oiokied capable and bou- est. "Mr. GrlUths?" ai the risilur "Vos, ir; tIat'a rns. Taire c mentsir." Tiie visiter mas a tllu, elderly, gray- hiîred genteman, with a saiveu face, a fair skin, and bilneoyez. remmed illi partlcnîsr noasboeu a e-fttlug trar- ct nit et gray. Griffih* moulA have ainiutfer an Eutllsl&nuubut for biis prenunciation. "My name la Peeen. Ilve ln Cepen- bagou, sud I cm in trait troubl." miia the gentleman, giviug is card mllh a "People genenalhy ar lu trouble wbema thbey cone to sec mie." sald F. Grifitia. choettuliy. 't's mi buainess 10 gel 'aux ot of it."! "Ton have a greal aIt-nIo! aiperionce." 'Experence. ir! If 1 tonit aloi yen ail the cases I're getlniatus haok," layd lng liie bandi on s Lich folio ih ia teck- ed capie oe. ut, '*yo'd ho snrpried. Thcre's nu sort of trouible tiat îin't got ils hstoni hbre. I mîy say there's stance- ly amythîug lu the privato laqulry lIse tint 1 fin t im xpossible te do. Nom, 1 dure sai lt' saoreting lu liat usy yeu iaiit me te do for ion, ir?" "Tes; Itinlatîat, i ml tel ion ai." "Tiiu's ngit, sr. Do't ho afraîi ut glving me tue mina- partîculani. Loch tîpon me as c bInaI ot ioer, mie muet innaO ail about bis patient befoeshlietan de bim ana- good." '-"lat is e ," Peteagn mi sai gaal confidence. "I am t- uidouer, anti I lave one daugiler sud on. an-oa o. Bi. tie la rera- dean te nie, ter le fa i.gdMt son lu' ailthinga. KH e otment', and methiree bave isen traMel14ilseg= Europe agloete ie mpAn, iscausse y son he contme t amboot and IL t WiiLi ho aboulaI se, soeeting et Liche hrd ail peeIl *ag tIse desririit et bis hi buat ami o mine Uit me sIouimaime la.i a ous.dms. - ueo099e s. bi là heurt that haedWnôt tolI me. bas lett us ortea te go 4st alowl, ai s'be« wltiiunsis theus avesboe away front us." "Altogethor bo"s beet earrylag ocasene- chat sort ut mydterieus." "Yesu;lielias carrled eofn mThis morsu In£ %snc1 Iad tw hlm, met mîtheot feur an my heart, 'Thie ln the.Ist day et our bollday, Eric, tc-morm.ow ire go home.' bis face hoceequît ite. su ad cemnlg ou my sîde, hq teck beld et my band, treumlng ver, mucli. snd said, 'Fatiier, rou must lesîs me lier.r canuot go liorna,' and then lie told us whnit bas made hîm No strauge; ie lias talion in love with au Euglluh girl. 'My son iesDu louger a chuld: 1 cafluot-malle hlm go hsck i wth tuf yet lunuiany wa's b.lle lsuo l'mpie :liat I dare Dot Isave hlm la this vaut City slouo.", "You dou't test 11ke »Mi.lng dcwn ber. rourseif?" "I have my butins& . must roturn rery sýof." **Ycau doult ses yeur mai to takîng the. foumis fernale?' 'I do flot ant My sou te ma rriylet: he in too.ioanof. Bat that le nit*¶mlug. If she inls good gil. and lit tu o emy soi' mIf@,lie usîallmarri lier. even If aie refuses lu corne to Our couuntry. »Dut I muait kaow tuat; 1 muet lie sure that ithe la good hotore 1 leus.my pourbo- "-Ah, uosv rin ettiug lato Il.t. , ses mirat icu isut. air; you trust me tortind out uliat sort or s character tisis youag Party la.", **Yes r muat kueir thnt," sald thoe ld if slin la ood or lied. If 1 show mi son that ase ia uot good, thon 1 link respect for hlmslf-reapect for bis ulster and mne-ill load hlm tu hreak swal fromt thie terrible Iafatuation." "Quit. se. air. You shall have s fuIl Pud truc scoimut of lber. AII'you have te do in just to tell me lier ameand ad- dress." Salins thus, Griffith% fibed omut s uotebook. sud prepared tu write lu It ari luiasnesa-lîke .aaelty. "Uufortunstel. 1 do net kmcm the Dame or addrebs." uid bMr. Petersen.. "Weil. 1 suppose me cen get the. Infor- mation trons îour sou." "N.He. knom neoluore about ber thisu I1d&4 .zeept thatlie lias socs ber more ottea. sud settled la is mid that sie mut ho good becanse aie la beauti- fui... "ýBut uam 1 te uuderstand liaIt the youug gentleman lias fallen la 1e.wlth the parti mithout kaowiug lier Dmrn or minére shelie" "*It le se. Hoelias neyer apokea to bier." (To e ho ntlnuet.) SOME LITERARY lIERMITS. osrIWell-Knoun Autiiors Proes- a Lite of eeln5lon. Gemalueflot lnfrequumifly prefers soit- Inde teaLina noise sud buath c f lie cil ar tbe pleutil ts fadniîriug tImousie5.ds. one oft tie monl slnlklag Instances cf a literary celebrlty living the lite of a imxtsIusl furnisbed by lire. Maxwell.1 bun Mis M. E. Bratidon, wube aIso. lit-Iy sene isrousl pnblîclty. Tbaere le Irobaihi ne living novelist n-busc inensounlty la aa losela- conucleh front lie public as Mica Braddon. Very feu people have au Idea oet mal liea lent- cd novellet looksa lîkefor tii. simple reasonfinatle hanlsenever altomed lier pliotegrapli ta ho raproedcd. For tic greater part ofthle jear tie resides lu ber bouse at Richmnond, sud Uhe only recreatomi ul indulges lu t4ies thc fort eofau occauionat Visit In tic liciter on a pictaretaler-. Bmit one uevcr sec, lier mevemefita clrcu- IcimaI lu the nemapepers. ae eutie wihirny ceiebrîtmas, sud ber name onhy appeara mccaloaalhy. aud lien ln comirectlon midi a fcrliccmiug book. Ccnnnt Leo Tolstoï. tie ramous Bus- slaun nvellsh. la a nemerkble exemsple cf a pensenrt-day geul lng dia lite cf a liermit. Thia san routely in- fuses for lie sake ot hýs prlnctlea, ta oeupy that social position ta wirhieu woerba have entitledt i lm. lustead et cnjoylng the ielgbite et aci.ty le Bt Petersburg, bo is content ta lire ln se- chuslon smoug lhe pensante of Russia, working bard at sauailabor, s eli se mtentah. 1Re cures noting for riches or rann, aithongli hie Toistel fsmlly la a mealtiandam pomenfal one. No multa coulaI le more severe. aud nigurcua lu bis mode et living. Cotant Toltel pro- piares eomit meass.chopa Lhe mooti for ble tire. dîga is unnpotatoes, sud cran maîtee is omu liotn. Lt la very setlm. luded, tiat oue hca% new-e; coucernhng Jules Verne, irbose norls huaédellglitcd mIlions of boys ami grea*i'up peuple, ton, for tihe malter eft tit. The Frenchi novaI- lut imas alwaïm beeu dhnsnacterlzed au letng a mort neserred mac. dtallklug ilt-tavcnernýeat luini nyshape or forau.Ile bas neyer sought pnblenec- ognition fnom lie. bauds etis ccntry- men, amdaI îlieugli Freuch soclety ivouhd. se le epaak. recehve lim mîti opeon arme. i, préfets te live lu seclu- sien mîthis daroted n-If. lu a httie bouse on tht ontskînts cf Amiens. Jules Verne gave np traveling tan or tuelve years mgo. mndn-lihLthe excepfiou cf oecastoually î'lsltlmlg ln Parle te s.. is sou rarely gees bayond thae lendarles o! isgardon. lu a qaimit part et London reafles Dr. Samnel Stlles. nom lu bis eîgbty- firthi yaar. miose bocks lire becs read riaIddIgesteaI by millions. Hie nasnelise been en long famile a e erylody t t Il mlii proishiî surprise nmany people ta kncm liat ha la amlii orking. In is ealer dais li e skuomu as a great trareler, but fer thie lait tmeuty years is litelias ban spent at home wlth bis metn. lRe la extramela- devbhed te fils mvite, maklng hie "chaýh"is home, ami enjoa-ug is dtchling yenalan a i'ery quîiet and »aostentationie mauutr. Dr. Srnlhes la rathen averse ta helng luter, iaensdfi tg smainly cwlug ho tiI. fotactithatone sahedono iarsauni namu regitrding the autIior ot "Self Hehp." Influence et Da'enea itBuens Lile. "-Adequate sud leccmîag npparel makeu a stronger Impression on tha peranufIL claies han on suy mieob-f serre l," irites Thomas B. Brynu. lt ereri basiness man uow gohng about bis affaire la germient@s Iid are a lit. tIc beeow lie, relIltlbe hMif presemitablemoecniiliehot0otited mlii tics. mhilci taly -' tet this M£tqu- mneutt lbebasinea mot Id iculti fetFa audden amumoo utahl. lsnpule et - ne meau pr*portonay- Saliirdal Brea- lug PonL. célis du , 4~eu~affl î nid sud bave, Corne doua from geaermtiou ~' tO'X~* ' te generitioo. go 1 look apou iOU the beautiha of 1he naturel world as the bain' lenaes of our royal fanîlly. The iooruing breaks fnom theeanal. Thle mista travel np, bil above bill, momintein-above oult- tain, Oetil 'a ky test. The furestsaore '11111 ef cblrp and bazz and sous. 'Iri'e's iaaf and blrd's c-iug limter ,vith glalunes. Houci makers lu tic log mandIwa-nk . agnat the bmrk asu irrels riiatering oni the rail, sud lime nuillo! the Inunvi'lut o!f a clear skj'. makle you feel gluI. 'rhe sîlmi, uhicli kiudleâ conlamgrationsainîîug lime Cajotiezo!rCloud sud sera minaret'sud (Ionie allumé' stOepS a paimît thne lily (Coi)ibt, LounteKIollch 100-Y whiite' anud ime Iîîttereup yellow andithe ceN this dinceursa Dr. Tamaigî'. aho f,ýc-n-O de.Wa lnrss h doinug hs sre bieild141 it'Lgltf)rtevoyager oer lb. apnedors il, pagass;gtirosilitueîcaptîals the ilor ielfor lt forahephad oardWho t Europe., shows that tiare lau mliilîglinr bure D an;tear! Ligh for the o I iguity mior more hIlustrions sation thîmi domneat luîiîislownur! Liglit for tche bose whieh the Chrisltiiaebas 8a Ctnild ing .e.-, and btli lai Lantdforat- ofGod; text, Jndgte VIII. 18,. 'Eachue captive! sd iiruifogr teamou îud uaofe reemiledl the ebildran et s kiing." ehildhood and for the dina vision ot the Zjelis sud Zftlmunsài ad bi'în ioff teoclogananlun' Liglit fur qou's coronet batle, Uid <rin thei raeir 'ltnathy aud for aomiug girI'sýuaadl,! Lot there rere a8ked syliat biad ai Peopnle 11.3 munI bc liglit! Who«e fnormniiîg lathis? MY tite.The agwredtht te eule ie mrnaîg.Touir mrniog. Our Father a royal mviesrsalce. "»ach nuei' via. gare us the piclure aud lng it on the bled the ehuîdren cft a ilitg." l'bat de-aky iu loops of fOrc. Lt ns the heirloorn of ècr1plîýn O! People là actltnel. "'nors our family. And no the ulght. Lt ia tihe are stillirnnny iho bars t"s.applennrance. fulluezi. Thle mista frotteashore te shore ndeed, tbay are tise ses. sud duoiglters gicant like satterad mirnors, sud Uhe of Lord Aluntghty. Theugi uowv in exile, ecea, entder ber glamme. comas nmj with bhey sali yet Corne te thm'ir lhroines. great tides, panting open the heach, sale- There are furnily'Daums sthasund for gliug, as it more, fusil sud lire. Th~e ecalti or patriottse or intllnigence. The po a lusGdfrtrwn uh Dame or Washington amBong los miii ai- a ChliIght tiirougii Lie broken miudow rays repreet patrletisig. The, faually pairiabis Cbesdteth ikl of Iters. iietfnd oscfelieprItolhschid se sctes s iglit front the otier eshore uhicli of ltto. Th rai], f te Rohïc ind, oands this great deep of buton Pain ae signicant ut mesli, tise lOýo. ()f $1(1,- amnd woe. If Une aun stent Hire a goug faull 0)0tJJlu 1848 flPuttIng tisen t 10 "0 brou- sud panured f rom brszeu Instrumnts luit veuiruce, si andwtlmia atomfe 3:1vt.. heY lliheaveu and eurth ii iilgreat barmno- are loaued Itusa 012.0hOt)l. Suintes nies. the tenon la plaintive and mlld, $25AW0,00, Astris t anm)1Xtsdstaladies; bentoitlite tiinone cf Go&i seud- ,En.laud $200.000.000, estithe, itroke of iug ainlier soft, ameet volcerof praiso, boeir peu on the o omlmiiig rnm desk whule tha stars listen sud tiierien. No nhilles erera-thiua fronts tie Ici-tu OCite usother etes- moresweetli gusrdad the the Danube. TliCy open tieir hundland uick.cradie tsinoa sdi igbt long9lta SPale there la mac. tliai t>1h ani ihee*ia matcher cf Une ski honda ever thie weary, pease. The Itomnofof > tiosin, the heutsei meigeart. hefi Frahne, lerso e ruait the lnd bonsthîs »hack framed, hisek tsasselledpicture ~r rethu.gresie and Gsvlnîîa n, of etrie ulgistIl le the eirloolnet f unr ire jutertind are hous'Lb. imist o bl e nily. .Ours tha grandeur et the spriag, areintrtwnedwit th hitor oftheir thme cryatala oethLe suoav, the coral of the resective nmtions aymbolic o! imparmiI bezch the adora ef the gardon, the har- But h prarh.'o! a famili ulîeppotin- mue ftear tial, amore rcb mund more c'dî'a'îve-the The Royal Bonse-et J«sus royal Imosîse otJes, cf ut hoonte Ln violi' You caunot lier a largetetate in one !umily lu heaveu sud onieserti s nanuîed. memulus, Yen muets lir soverai malins IV. are hlood relations b7 1h. relation aronU04 it. 'Ple famlly property oft Lus Iran o!t the King. muet stte aereral mslks tu get any ides First, I speak of our fîimiiy usne. or its citent. Let the fii amlk hi o nniid tVhein me aie a deaeudaut t o ,mc 0mis thig e.nth. Ai tiiese allaîs. the bar- grealy caeirated la thé'hast canury, WC, rens that msve in liens sudthe cattje look et hlm iti profoussi ttîc...To li apsture liemu-idl les.nmuulsîuss tiare lied conquerorg Ikle's or princes in aud Une precicua thinga hldden boneath the aucestral liste givra Inuler te the ftim- thaulmm im e croma ef glacier .liey cent ily namne. Ln uUn ie mes a King aud ia au the tact cf the Alpine horricane-uill Conquaror. The Btae lithLb. East iith thes-e imbes, lies. fisauds, these Couti- bâton ut ligit moke up thseleruai oretip- - ucte, are aura. In lie second waîb go ira Uhal made musaiisIcbîrili. Fromnauon.-the street lampaeutflicaven aud themice lie started forth t. conmuer ail a- ver trmdn'bîuig off on every aide a Wlder- liens, net iî trantping tbern niowu, but bras et wo!'ldi. For is tiioy »biue. For by lifting tianta np. Bt. John saw vhlm on us they saug t a sBviour's nativltv. For a white herse. Vs'Ien lbe rotureu, lhe us thai mili %,hW loto hine and mith ull net bilurthe mations chaiued te bIs their flsmiug turches addn te the spiender ulitol or ila irocge, but Ihoer the et our triumph ou the day fer mhieh ahi aînike uf the heuef s isee nnwihte cav- other deys wer. made. Lu lie tiird walk alcade tiut brîngelien te the gatas in go areumnd Lie etem-nai City. As ut ceur trlumpli. ier il, iiacb te the rush e!f is ciarlotu aud the ueddInt peul cf iLs greut tomera. Lusster trams ihai' liS oeur. The el ofl t euven bos struck 12. ri Our fantly riane takres luster frent theie iigiboue. We look off upon tht star liaI he.raldet imtand th. &Pear hbat ciapiets wblcb nover fada,the eyra tuti plercenilbis alid Lthe eromu tliat, as e neer meep, the temples tirat nover elose giron ibrs. Lt galbera fragrance frent lie lb. hoved enes liat neyer, part lie pro trsmibinc enogt tte hie cradie sud laaersthtï:isorerhalll. the troos that the Iles liat flung liair sircetfeSa btenever miLlion, lie mWlls thut uover tan hN hile sermonsand the box ot alahoiter steat captured, Lie sue Liat neyer sots, unist broke ut bis feet. The Costumier at i e cars, au longer gise, îand cide oui Betliany. 'Ple Reiarractor iL Nain. 'Plis eyes ami exclsio, 0Eie iiat net srts supernatnral Oeaut utlItethselda. Thelie er ear beard, ncitier have eatered lut( Bevieur oret ou 4&d and the ccllje ofthule heurt of man lie thînge mIihGol anotiar. The. aorse bis froîri. Thle bathr prepareti for tIent that love bh!' sunlight ieaqasile. 'Ile -npriugs omma gAs thea. lides of gIn yris w. buavet( is breath. Tue enrthquake tht sttp o! retrent and iiold faut lest ire lho aepi hie foot. 'Ple thîmudcr the wvileper et bis off sud drcwmed la Lieeluitioas of glud voir.. The ocoan a droe on the tip et hi@sicas sud tliankogirlug sud triumph. finiier. Heaven a aparkl-uon the besoonWliat Uhnak juofethtie fasily proper et lie love. Eterniti' tha twiubllug of bis 17? Lt is cousidertd su lionor lu marri oie. Thie universe the Il> lutdonst et bIe lut. s fumlty uhere there in gresi chariot mbcals. Able ta obra iineut- mealtls. The Lerd, the bridegroos o: break or biset a t empeit on dremu s Partis and 'heaven, affres 70u is her uerhd or flouod izmlasit3 miti bis gieci. and liii band,saying In the, ords ufr hln What other tîudly naine couiti ever boiut Cauticles, «"Risc aop, Myi love. suy fi: o! sncb au ihlustrions personage? une. aud conte swsy. Aud once bar Hencefertit swing eut the ceut of arme! iug put oa ny lbond Lie signet ring e: Great famsilles wear their Coït cf arma lis love. you mill ho endomed withla on Lbe dres.oon the door of lie coach, the ualth o!ferti and ail the louer or ou lie ielrnet uhan theY go.ont teofuthearan. baille. or ou flots sud rusigme. Thme liste Famnli Homnestelsd bersldic aigui la sometililea a lion,-or a Almost every farnîy lokbo bck to i dragon ur aille. Our coot et arma., homeited-some country place mier iriingi ragtehut.'.fe, sIaih yen gi-oui). Vomi st en Ilie dooraili ho. a Cres, a lamb sandOîint gaoint lYOD n eard the footâleps oethle ram cii ami a dore flyîug uvar 41. Graudeet o tlie garrel roof. Yu amantest the gats ail escuteheona! li evpry bathie r mtmsti Yu 'rsnsacked thc bain. YomimanIa, bave Il blt o momny lag-the dore, the lut, the. brook. Tu t;brnled the or cross -lie lamb. moldwtî'u L fuùiwmmiiinie clisrd for aplples sud-,tli e ilghborin, lu teP5t gondod dh'f'l.îiâtle, 0 tiot n-odi for bute, sud erer£thîn aroun, lie fdlulicoul or aions shall hoéniglit tlie old liomesteanl la otintefest Io you. 0,cr. my lircaît. itt uli the world mai, hall yeu o! the old hornaîlcad o! etardlity se., tint 1 lookelit, teic Dore ot the' "I i oy falhier's boeaare mini mau Bpinit and cluug te the Crosansudeli- aus"Wlen me lalk of mnaalos, w pended apen the. Lamb t o ld, uhiclithiuk or (Çhstswort sudi Its patIt nu talleth aira>- Lbesin orthel wjo'rld. miles in circurnlfereuce sud'its conserva Tise FumiUy Surirows. tory tint astourishes the morlînil*tsgalles tas or art that cunîsin the triuunihs o Aahamed cf Jas, thet meur trieud, Chautrey, Canova sud Tliorwàld8eu. o on mliuîmy bupas or life depemim; Lb. kingsa nd ituacai mimo bave n-aLken No! When I binaibc haiis MY galas.- tasstateli huile, or,.Ofyliq ever tie hatli T'hat I au mure ravreebIis Dase. er. bav iitniub te grenuse. But ail thi NexL, 1 appuik efthUe faifir sorrmua. dsvehiug îplaces of daies amnd prince» un It trouble cornte te use unember et tire qucemis are as uething tc the farnily ni family ail teel i.lit. Lth one utenu, sftr ston that lsa aready swîltlng our arrivai the hodyi luoer.d lut. tha grave, for ahI 'Ple baud of Lb. Lord Jeans lifhed the pli] thse ratatines te Cornte o the rergoet> the lana and sungttie. doorsand plmuted th grave sud look dpniiiito th. Viral those parka. Angels msîk thoreanmd lie goos ueareat the. departed cimne, Lies Lshsetofail agas. 'Ple poorash umarn luha rie i t Iastlthey have ail Loobeni house Ila smihlosaire sud the. hemeat i loito tic grave. Sto, wilîc trouble and bing, sud lith etmeu ord lic îpeaks i grief go domu Ibreuglitheha ofeton.eauanoltmand the shertent ltre au etei sentier cet the faruily', Uner go domu ulLy. throngli thent aIl. Thle audneas cf one Lt toou a Paxtomite bud for Chai le Lie saduesa cf ail. A Compjany eofIper- Worth a covei'lug fer the, mouderful flesi sous jein biandei aroutod ou electrlt bol- Pr, VictorisaLcgia. Oelretctil diametai = r; ti.he opensons it rneOais of thie But eOur L.ihy oethle '4Lle &hlrir e liotouci tii. hattari sund ailtise circle 0o sIater trorn tlie Iast and Iln thc elle teels the . shock. Tin.by restant tt rcu u AGnishaîllput furth Itls lu glil.mate-nil sud paLîrusl relationsie C. hm mieaven saoi comar t100 life, me stand se closesoîgelher that wup et Ir, sud ils arouaabaîll ho as limomna trouble as lits hbLlertai ul feciLie thillthe Pnhre mbild swauag lefore thi wentun ffte et. Louis e O, caer . Charleston. But perhaps once a leur you cone together et the old place. 110w rou wake up the old piano tht lias been élent for yeara. Father and motter do neOt piIy on it. 110w yon brig ont the nid relice i1114 urmmat'the gArret mam Open l od morapbool.çansd shout and Ag aud c(" snd ltitk mer oid times bud, thougli 3OU u iy ho 45 yeurs of age, oct as thougb yon were 16i. Yet munie It in good-hy ut the car Ivindow aud good-by ut the steamboht whasrf. But how ivili vec ne,'ntt he reunion in the old family l:iiiiii¶uofrîevn I tl ga agood -hile f .ine yoil imrted ait the door of the e-v grave. There wiIi lie Grape soit Mary v aud 'tenaand ('harlie andL .izzle and rI all the dnrlingé of ymu oimueehold, flot pl pl anod sick and gasping for breath, g as when yole saw thoiemIsot. tet their s eye bright with the luter o!f heaven sn u , their î'ueek roseate w' itli the fluai, o! g eeln.'.tial stimuler. t tVhat eclnnsLing or bands! What etu- F liracings! What coulons together of!ll ut to lit! What teurs ut JOY! You saY, .4" a tlionght tberp were elle tears lun heaven ." J There mont ho. for the Bible sas that t *'Uod allait wille them awsy," aud ifle thore were no tearà there how could la f wîpo thein asway? Tly csuumt leuteare of grief or teurs of diqappî4)ntmeut. TheLY p moet b learsaofot aduiess. Christ wlllt corne sud gay: "What, child of heaven,Le In it telemach for thee? Doit ilionn bireak dowm under the gladnegas of this re- a uionu? ften1 Wittll e ptliee" Andi. with lis ôÎhe srm around nussud the etber v arm around our loved unes liemshah ld r us nie lu the eteruaj juhuloe. 9 vWhiul1aspeak, aûeaf yo with broken i héartâ eau hardi! lbolt your pesce.. Tu e tee as if yon woutd speak out and say: a -Oh, blesaed day, ispeed on! Towsrd thee 1 press wth blgtered foot amer the. desert wsy. NMy eyez fai for thir weep-G iug. I falontt fromn llteuiug for foot that, wilI net corne sud the sonetfvoiees that wiilto ppek. Speed on, oh, dey out5 reuniou! And then. Lord Jettes, 1w flot c augry with me if atter I have kisaed thy blesmondetta true rouud to gather Up thé loug lbat treaures of my hieurt. Oh, 1w fnt mugry witli me. One look at > tliec mre hearan. But ail those reuuiousa are,' heaven eucircliug heareu, heaven. évertoppinx hInven,:heaven commngîluz with heaven!" t r was-at Mount Vernion snd ment luto i Lbe dining room-lu mmi car tiret Presi- dont etertsiueil the proulneut mes uf thix sud ether lands. Ilt ma s yInter- "etins spot.. But oh, thte hsuquetlug hall (if the famil'y mausionet ofiLlili Ispeaki 4pread the table, aproad Il %vide, for a great multitude are toat bitt. ILFron tha Troc by the river galher the tmalvo manDer or fruits for tieat table. Take the. cilusters front Lbthe envemly vlueysrds aud proeathetu lutu the golden taukards for 1that table. Ou basakets carry lu tbe t hresd of whlch if a man est ho sallanoDe- er hunger. Talle aIl thmeaboi: tors flaga of-Parthly coaquet sud ltwinas Ibon amous- tho arches, Let David reme witb bis ltarp and (Gabriol wlth bis triumpot nud Miiantm wi the timbrai, for the prodigais are St home, aud tho captivest are trac, ai the Father biath lnvlted theE mîglti of lieà,et sud the.redoemed oft eath te come sud dluelt To Save Boul.-If ira deaire teSave ioula me muet do as Jeans dld--place cuirseires lu toucli witb the. sciallite or Lthe outcantan d the %lune'r stid ir ltiien back te pure socil l Ile. We nXi 1place seule lu a hîglier snd parerIlte-1 4 Rier. Dr. Brown. Methodist, IeW Or-1 1leane. La. t Lzdeted te tthe Jew.-Tbo greatest Ilgft or ail for whmch thie merld la Iudebti r ed to the Jeir l te ecalogegua.htii.t 1 a tirent commaudmeuta mmih more given1 0lute, lhs koeplug Of MoesceonMount1 il Binai in those pontI dim agea lentgne 1. y. Upou tilem reot the lame et to.d« 1 0that govera the. relaticashlp of man tue mau sud of man to God.-Rabbi Ladse. Philo. Hebreir, Akron. Ohlo.1 0. Hercdltary TaInt.-Tbe heredtary y ts.lnt le belug proved te ns hy science, as tieology has neyer succeeded lu proiug It. No one doubtu tUs:theilla1 of tiie druuklta spassed te bis fclii. rdren. Noir ie oses the talut cf tliesi cfrflot only the great progealter cft ti. ,f rite, but of every father desceudlng te I hie chldrefl. Therefore. wireshonld be- .1 careful not tu dlscard the tact, If me do discard the th0orY. Wliat la the irorld'a condition sud the. world's ueed? Every- a uliere there la the %la cf corruption lu the îrorld about us. t lu a prnuciple *of moral pcrerslty workiug lu huma» S ociety. ,Covetousflesm. hatred, oppres- ,dSion, ljustlcc--theale, after.ai are sud. lier things tiasu physical dlaeaee.-Rev. rDr. Lelgbtoi iWllilams, Boptist, New SYork City. e LIte bas ne blesfllug liko s prudent te fripud.-Euripides. The amlty tieat wlsdom kuits uot, Sfolly may easlly unle.-Shakspeare. >f Be more prompt t0 go to s frlond lu ,d advcrslty thau lu prosperlty.---Chilo. i- Make flot tby frienda toc, chesp te, tii.., uerthbyself te tiiy frlend.-Fuller, Be flot teefe ourth frleetcfhim ire bad tinte beforndooudat them.-La- rater. Kludred ireaknesses Induce frlead- tslips as ofteu as kludned virtues.- a Bovee.. te Titat frlendahlp mil uotcontinue te rthe eud wieli la begun for an eud.- Quarles. Purdhase flot frieuds by gifle; mien r.itho ceusest tu gîve. such wmil cosse to 'd Love.-Fuller. 1 ltI le best te lIre as frieuda wlth those ýk ln ime uitl whom me ivould lho tu al hi eternty.-Fuller. le lie la aur frleud mo lovas more tian ri4OIJHys WQMH1Y 0F OMkýi REFLEOTION. A t'leaisant, Int.a.eîlsto e use . ive. Lesmon, end WbA.rO 0MiU FOumsmi-A eairned aund VCbOCi*0's vilsw cf the Saine, The te-sson for Sept. 2 la tvem 13@b 10: 1-11; 17-!»; , isoîilject la "The. B.. et Siunt Forthn.'-t ;:deu text; Th e1): likli*2. J.lîooand the 410&. pîl et, ilnc ow traveling through be nr gti called L 'Peao. 'aiot o! thoe *fld$1 lui fcn'ely thwîîuUe two districts. 4114 give f.'n fnlc mii îfocutttioD C1eeeenI lhi. iîclod tla iy 13of thie other goselit F"coi tno9kCh9: 51 t. Lake 19129 La s0 'abolit tfim'linnsti' lu southeru Paotbàq6 andmn.t of Uhe inldeutsa mnd disecoutp 'iere n'n'iorded Ire flot meutioned et u ai P th,' otiner gospels. Luke therefore en te have lhad access to nome source ct ha- !oiirmsioiî an t. the l'ereaa sud lot. lJ- len minisîry net accessible te Lime Oth*- (-rio. rit ia foctuaste that hoe lied, suies thé pausagea giveu ly im Isalcue inedu& mci parahles as the goed ftmanteS, tha niuety sud flua, the lest Piae et iÛvi,, and tb. prodigel sou. Thle preselet lee sou la unique in -uifa r as casns hie 4II ramtions gîvan Lu the seventiSMd 11 report on returniug; th-agb ad~ gives, la anotmer conoction l<Matt 2ùýùO) the edeuuac amsofethLie uadwla. elties andi thei. eir et tb5Ak5SlVg after the returu cf lie sevemmty. "After these thinga:" Aflr l' Galilee sud hoginaag the tour 16 seuIl,. Thugh .eîsalied sOd~n set hlm face ta go te jerunalem Lh~ 51) h liedne lt go tiiore dîrectIl ir et; once. This was iudeed tiehe nnlag*'t the end, Unis juuruoy, but 0see aieh i mouet elgae bef or. thie final sceleu, thie timo misait ho frutully apeut. i Gll.JeS Imbou -useul nt.te tm.1oU' apîsîtles on a former occasion. ffl h te-o. wilh sornewiit situair diretum * tîmose nom gireu, sud lisi had pofl lu uuauy villages, hesllng the. sL& iioroldiug thé goopol. Nuw, la ve«~ the sherta-nad tîmo sud thse wtdp seveuty mare sent. Tier. mai sot been auy epeclal sigoiflesuce la Lb.ix* ber, mmich mas, as aL multiple Ofut ý sacred number acee. a favorite 406 amoug the Jewa. T'Pli prPOsié fet a- tour la, dîstinetlY utatod; tbey W*MMt lf n.hfore bia face into 0,cr! ettyAi mhither ie himeif oald conte." . wer. tcprepare the Wsî for hlm*ri.0M'7 ing bis previeus teaehnga end a tie peopile t. readinu&Se.B.YMgreeie_ rîrel lies bl se ue cipr.gawa. --Prsy ye timerefaire thé Loid ce eà iiarveat:" file situation mas vaatly dw eut fron t b&t mhii Preafl t*«e Chirisian lande;and te Uc P6pll:* e tii. verso te ordinari Anmwee fflW alties la hardiY apt. The -Iahupst% >ý tco fem aimntstevetyiYhierA t e* the greateet ucnft lu mniais7anan &round as lu net Ae muitipilkctlon 0 cial repreeentatlree et9tth. »nousmulhi gîten te tiié ers' lu conveutioual relîgieus but graniter seat o'atthe part et t sud file. Ia Pec*eand- Jules the lier of boitera rsW edii.-a *retatlely-veysntWU cnet ofMume mou th enleal the gospel 10tii.the u ltela listet. Lit la noeidp"umltàlah tands t"ky, , ia,- a th* le popuist'd Parte e ft e e the". places. lb... le eîwi t*« readî &allale. ~Tierle *9cga ouglit te dace te pray et .praYe b. la almà.tdinlg &Il Uit hieaOu laie tih arveafild ti.he rova tandhtg r-dY te go. ci= si ither pur»ert aises:" ire ne lt ge"ord al tembisenarles JO ail tInsse.%a direlions for neveusti s 6n d4L misain nrd-rup c ireoni tMraý busts andi uramney -Ume bqt tw evr ownsuyere Ity lnsamdtr and abse spectable trtvel:t moUd sevue la*' sholter sud fod *itbii, s., mu, renteaier thut L'snl 1toll.ws selà mies. il. corrled vitih pW utremari articles as he me mai ho assied carrled a pM mouc i t i uea e lam s. "Pesceb.le uthisl huse:" lit la lie disciples were unit hoteoNet mauflers In tii, urgenci e t01 "pence te this bouse"mas ti. d utterance or gretiag On euterlag IRs Z juil as "pises. honote Jeu" Q oriental "goed odrnntus or '"bOw do * du.", Thle serrent or Christ la Mot te W bound bî ail the traditious et tGORI 4ý1 queta: uiW,.er ls ho lu dlurege*'4W amsll ciaurtdessOflirfe mhicli belp t M01 mute klndly feeling and l tleot ià rougli PlacesaO et soi ttrcOairsaý "if the son of Pee e ho tIs$au. pence shaîl. real upou Itt Liii 1* a ___ acteristlcali onieutifl expression Aà of peace" Isa amana ldIote peuez oriental conc-ives of bis greettng 80ce W tig coucreti' pasing over'inho a I or a doiuostic circle, sud eltI.r receirfti or, Ilatho cae-o inli liack at bim. lu OrdiuayInu*~, Ilght paraphrase: "ILf the peuPle ion greet ou enterinuA, avillage anus'. 4 teeu% and iieapisble, your allia thernt, ili ho s bleaining Lu ail; t rapulse yeti, yoîîr blessiug Wmli110g service te tbem." The aYmbolic satet Of taktlna or 1 duat la nD o eb" undn.roteod sea exwr,ý sien utflImpatience er vultvn~ la airnînithe, muannmer in wicthe pies, are lu show that hicidlsd tb 'Z tiien regepousil)ility ton thee stety .. people ibo bava de.4lhoratelr 01'9* them; s waroimg and an appa ab e« "-Rajoica becanse your usanes a"e la huieveu:" ther. mssan mais lie tint the large poera e"nsihtet 1discîpk-6 miglit putif-tbmient )i *" theis apirîtuai.lUis Thb idenci ly fourni repruef Io e .I i $eu, et humllty thateet IR feu leaders lin Our UAd" naeed te klsti' hl bite cati t bie Iii.! 3s Dot mobcd rleti Parts noyrai bf Lb. ta hci 'omet eurt; Dit ta a bas four ilnes ms or le lu-