Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Aug 1900, p. 5

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IA Little TaIk & Son u msYou g«f fired o!fresil meMt.,Ve wmu tt t Fm1 lsow ,'*s cosumaltse hippy chège. Ve bave ,dhem ai2w 80 cohs4.ln Juetms"»U qusoafiisYOD0 motf.Nie s ued bses là o=&s.Egas14 cesu àdomo, Thon voban 5egem mucherai15 ces# «eh, Presil Euh sd lvdiy whiSt o&df% Do yot<knew bow fo cook codflehlAnd fo malte ce"lshb"U Mb* youv n$gor frouaMats. or Vofinotishe ltnows how. Ieuse"try orn ffef itingi&. S Ve bave »mofrne o!fi Ensehmde flilad-Prtiàuli fun «"sMni-Try it TRIQUS & TAYLOR, Corne to the, Pair! I wiIl exhibIt the Shoninger and Schaeffer Pianos at the Ex hibition Hall durlng the Fair. G. H.W Brigham, noted composer and musi- clan, who is manager of the Thompson Music Co.. wilI be there and entertain you durlng the alternoon of each day. My store wilI be closed the three Iast days of the Fair f rom 1 to 5 o'cl ock p. m. Whle atthe Fair cal 1ln and see me at my store ln the forenoon, -1 - C. R. SI-ERMAN, JIKWELIER ANto OPICIAN Libertyvîlle Illinois.1 McKinley li Bryan 1TS Have you got one? W e are sellmng them'at $1.00. We have a newV line of fine cigars, ail the best gradies. The "President" suspender is a beauty. Every pair guaranteed. Ask to see them. Some Pretty Patterns ... Vs have received s lot of nsw percales, prints' sad Gibrar C"ofhin dainfy -and up'.foodsfte patterus. Vs invite fthe ladlies teinspect filent It i no trouble te, show goods. Now, Gentlemen.. Dont purchase a fie for the Fair unsfil you have meen Our usv ring die, gold ring 'Wifh evsYfie.They- are au the go. eatyteadjuaaMid Stay i"plc.e. - Vs have a lins of. uattfy necbvear, the hast in toves and our pricesa are lowesf. Vs ainma forget fa mention cur lins of blaek, tan sud eoloed bld liait und %sut glove.sud mite. A ni-s vrictyý f tomin wieh fa chacue. Tiosse who read ouhm s and c(lit b veorfY tftte- meula usade tiiorein, tebtify tilat wé alwaya do juast as vo ag-oc. $ni~h &DaviOs, "tLibertyville - - - Ilnos ic U14*H AND TI4ý Local Items of interest toLibertyviIIibftèaderSI C. m. & si. P. 'ni«HT5. Ladies ô! Lae Jaide CemeterYa lu i1FWEa7T xlUES10. Association Vitl me"l 1sidAy afiernaOls A fi 'à ai _ A A _Pm J_ _Pm (go day) wvh Mlre. ,5ti. Nu.:~ ~ ~ ~ ýýù r.n .îss21010,î:a u Mw G race Bagne, of Evausiton, and L.:G[.k. :1 :5 47::1 miss Jeunie ROM..... et Chicago, are- lii" Il.- VU 61:16, 7:447 8146 rnstiiig ai lihos. liugtoi.'s. 1:ssIl'. .29 5 7!47 1as 0 2 5<) 4i:56 JI>rvdi , :0f:24 P-4 04 M ira. Nellie Andiev laijîlMiqq Ar 8 Imo.. :O901:40 :S 104Hepe! Clark, of hiolit Counly, Iowa,t Ai A _ lIl -p--are guests or L. 1B. Molle and vite. 1 UOINO CK --AU - --pu Wayne coiby, vbo bsm been vok- (ili:uitu. 6:0 18: 5 10 P l ng for F. iH. Keubkr, Of lraU lk llsrtyiIe... gi a s .s for soversi veus, l aIoai bornüe. rai h . 01 02 405Si fl1li IC42 gs 4: a". là M lrs. E. F. ubsau, vWho bas beo Lon 4ak 2.460OUM i u e dnbe iS J .Preu ArXNtgridi;i j" »M m15 &-me ibe puti four wveis raerned ob Aurona IA B A i Wednenday. A, Btivimo AND LEAVISEO 01msDEPO. LISIMI Mis. Haitie EltiavoOd bOme lineu j VILE vonoted liut veek tlaZ5»)ldy improv- oormii XAs? IA u Au rA ng. LUer condition lu snob 'ise 1l ablu Il - I - - to Kit up aud ber poUelvsfet recoverY Ar. C i se< 7: 810 6 assred. 00tWo WEST pU m UpAm 4hcsi . :05 f5401:8 lr. cbartes Chsurobill, ot Chittendon, ArLbet'iii6 e:0Mu8 11:18 V., aecompanied bY 1 bis nielce, Mise laB.B__- Mercy Turbie, la vIslSUg is brother 'rrai,iomked Aru dalrly-daIlvoxCOVt o. K. Churchill »& ~taking in thse Bundar. aS 'Indsy 0 j onoamp jment ai Obleugu iIseek. Ur»s. <eo. Peltion tu entertsinig ber latier, troui Kansas.v UmssDeoraonsCooper, of Palatine,o viuted vihS Mm. Rues Osborne ibis week. Flors Churcbhil la visiting bera brother Dr. Churchill ai Oswego. ibisN saste. - Uas Myrle Webb, of Mslstee, Mchgan, la the g"of a L. J. Webb sud tsmliy. Mro. tSidney Morse end fRattie Andreve loft for Bilngo, Montana,, Wdenday. The Ladies) i~ h IMWi . ** tus Presbyterian cburah vii meet witb lIrs. Doles Thurmday Sept. 6ts. j Wiii Haven, of Anderson, led., vlmted wtb 0. D. Havon and ocher Llbertyvilie friende sud relatives ibis woek.1 Prof. lnapip, Libertyvlles 0new sebool principal. and site. axe in tmvii thougb not jet locaied in ibeir home on Divisionî treet. 0. Van Horn, of Suherland, la., la visltuug vith Casb Ray, Ur. VanBloru la bore piuiarily te attend the on- campusent lu Chicsgo. H. Bl. Eger bas ordered a nov National Cash Itegister, of the mont mjodern pattern. These machines are at marvel uofrninpletenusssud Cosi Geo. Lynch socompanled by W. 9. Miliersud C. Il. Smih ttended thse dtimneratie seustorlitconvention nf the ltS seumtiial district ai Harvavd, Meiieury Couity, itonday. 0. H. sleaci yul exiibi aitishe LakeUouiity Fuir ivo iveive ral Keytoue sbreddeys aud bunkers for vbicleSbc la agent, and neeetly pur- ebmsed of lm nl'y tCba. F. Iteuivltis. 47.2 This veu-Xthetis 4. Panl rallvay cous- Pesur cii ,uviitise uuigbiiy elevation iu ibeir' yards diroctly opposite tise pamseuger deoaisund gnaded hano as te maie a geuile mlope te the rond blid. This yull hbuseoded dovu and amother yesr yl sford a mulusture pari. Flover lieds are ltelie laid oui and tise aurronudings geueraily lmproved. TIse Lîbertyville Juniors played a issus ut Deerielit boys Tutwday ai liertieid, tise content rouultiug In a score of 24 b> 8 lu faver o! thse Liberty- ville ulue. tiousidering tiseborne n ise lad neyer playod tegetben 'es a wbole iefone tise tesam vomi vas fair sud severslIindividuel pisys excellent. Tise local boys liaitwio batteries- Hloî sud Wortamu an sd ieiz brollierft snd tboy did gond vork. ,Mr. and Mmrs.Waltons, viso rnide lu lira. Hanlie's bouse ou Orohard sireet, monu thiile luesof t ii nfant boy baby. 'Thee utile eue dies rly Tues- day rmoruing trous dysentarynl c(>ilieaious. Thse 'cild lied beeû sdoplod by Mir. sud itrs. Waltera, Seing ision from the hoine for the fienilloa nt Laie Bluiff sn u@aua excepllouaUly brigisi baby. Be vas but sxxmrontbm oid. l' ieo finersi vas uedTuosday afternoui, burl*l heing lu Lakaide cemetery. Tisere bas beeu as(ielay ln cummouc- lug vorn uf excavatioun on tbc si. Paul rigbl-t-fWay, Isocaus o! thse tardy arrivai ofth1e sleam shovel nov ai vork. A second iemponazy bridge ta Seing erielî-d oven the aid bridge, te alluv tise von train te operate vben tise roudit cdit elevated i tuaiont Obih.1 Wiseu tise grade us completed bts bridges wiU be remuoveil Rad a 81teel bridge wvh stone abuimenis rected. l'raine are uov ruuniug ou the nov ismporary traci. Thesoloittraci issu been shsl te te ie outis evoral faut aud semai vomkitîstise -ont sud fIl" la nov lu progreffs. Tise nUsenoui; "drunis" about tovu o! laie ieep the marahai liugy nIgbt sud day. Llbetyviile lsa'lsandicapeid by Dot baving a more comrnoloU calaboose. Asghis but one prisouet eau, be lociet npl tlime. unless tise couciliamber (an caBot tiszougis courteousj) ia couyrted, tutua a, whicS is epetiedly doue. Aujma visi, deirem tu gel out of the cousi zooms sud doost ai sid beu sbamm of iniseif. Tise village prauaticalîr tunuiisse huard sud s uIgbtVs lodging ai# punisisment for beiug druni And disordetiy. No voudot ibere are 0o maj dnniy IlASiany ume inaua f se',ai~'Seaçm. ired et ilisi epanemeist $bej bave but *te 5kic àvu a trai1 dooe sd 9go ti daye EevnA.gtebute bornedluMon. village, afier au absence of a littie over three jears, ilas JAppley bas beau wiib relative@sé5 Saratoga, Cal. liboy Corleti, ut1Imbe Park, lova, accompsaued by hWs bride, la speudIng a couple of weeks vith bis parents aud incidenislly neceiving tihe con- gratulationsa oftise £.bertyvilie boys lu excisauge for goo4 uagoa. Tise aunileellOO0f olîlcers aud busiuess meeting of-Ibe local W. C. T. U. viii occur Mouday. S-ept. id, ai tie home ot Mrs. FrankisMason. Ladies af thse orgsuizaliou sue roques"tu hoS premSel. Tbrougb su errer lu laivweek'5 iue vo stated isiexaminsiion of pupila from otiser embuais sud pupili deariugg tu"tiespecialu c'animationsu, would "aie place ou Sept. luisÙ, at 9- s. um. It sbouid have wead ient, lai. Nearly overy a14 salier lu tovu bbu attendai thse Naiti" lEnca-mueni ai Ouicagdo ne or Mores'daja itis vw«14 sud not a ew bave no& mimied a day. Ail are entbnaima ati lS ieir praise of tise ovent, lis compseno«ansd magni- tude. worsi ever ezporen0ud lutise county sudth ibeusner luavisici tise brute creatioiljeanuyje lateyoud descrip- tion. Fermera reportt4 llit tlseY ca acanibeiy work tise boumes. tisougls pro. tected. Covs bave greatiy tlien off lu yild of mlii, mcmi af tieirtUnise le- iug spent i tgitiug tise pons. (uijet ody for Use fair. Spenit a dayortwoatibeti it i u poaibis tu do no, yoi5 maY lbel tIsatitxi vlI nat ps tu do so. but il vilE Tbe uie la nut losi. Oid frieuds wll t>e met sud theiseb-ciige 0of1110091114 wonld roat sud benetit onse even if hO aav no nov iblugm usure. Thora vil] lie nov ilsings tu sce usabundauce, bovever. preveuteil A Trgedy- Timely Information gîvOu lits. (100 Long, ot Nov S&mitsviliO, Obia, sived ivo livos. A trigistlni congis hal long kLepi ber sake overy nlgbi. bshe bat tried many reusediesansd docors bu: steadilY gvev vuPrse IlUl urgei t t Dr. King's NovwDIscuvery. One boltil vholly oUred ber; aud$aie vtltes, tSi: marvelons Medcine aise, cuneilMri Long oi a severe attaci of puemulu Snob cnre@ are positive Prout of l. po e 0cure &ail iroutoisaudn iung troubles. COiy 54Ouusud $3.114 Guaranteoit. Trial bottles trouai F. Bl LovuLL, LibortYvilie, ORAYBLÂKI PKAIRMACYF. Notice. FOR SALE- ise tarus inovu to jeans as the J. M. &Ûeioer tarin, ont mile soutb of Long Grove post oafce, contaiiiug 114 acres sud ion acres 01 tmber lançi aloug river.. Apply t( W. »B SVUAPVEI, tise nursery man Long (Irove, lis. -vd lSept 14 Cross Creek Lehigh Coal. Worth ten per cent. more than other ....coal.. I arn taking orders now. G. IM. sciANCK, UbeuIrvIe -Illinois. K The best place to eat when ln Lîbertyville. Attendants at the fair viii ha givS ea rsunPaumesàIfde- *kilng tfa bave the roundi tis sud take your mula t fils iloeL wilee 700 wOl- fiai the lieut of seryske sud su excellent bili ...,of fams.. R. A. PONTOW, Prop. W, A* MAM4U lit ry le id o .. eau. e e te,£. A. Pou . toe, oit Michigan. The aunouneinent ot W. A. Damne's retirensent, tram tise hotel business use as a surprise to Liberlyviîans. characterlsi suddeneâ. SatnrdaY attomnoon tbe deal vbereby ho irans- torred thse botel sud mioun business, rrplsilngg, fixtnres snud gond viii t6 H, . .puuiov vas eonsuuinâted sudd themm saieveuiug 1Mr. aud lira. Donean bad movéd ibeir persanal lielougings luto toure na u0. H. amlth's bouse, giv- ing lmmediale possession $thie nov propnietot. Mfr. Poniov cornes trOus Eseanba, Mlcb., sud miii injured vILile per- formisif bis dettess freigisi COn- ductor for tlhe C. sud N. w. railroad bdfolloved the, rairod buiniess. Bis vite undersisnsthe botel busi- Bu tilorougbly havini issd seveta jeans practics.l oxponienco. lin. pon- to" ba not as jet arnived lu Libertyville but wiii assume ber dusties s boums lu a 1ev daja. AdOitional tuinitnre vil ho iustaiiod aud a tirsi elsus hostolry mauutalned. Urli. Edgar Arrnstrong. af Chicago, vii asist Mr. Pontov, and -lea youug int of piesa- ing puruonality and sure te vin friends. Under 1Ur. Doeanosumanagonleni tbe Llbentyville Botel bas corne te bc roocgnizeds ose oftheb.bout lu the connty. Tue service Mss good ansun botter menu vwu attafded by isotels lu tovua vltb triple Libertyville'a popu- lation. Mr. sud litre. Dunse lot Monday te visit,(CbicagofriendasuMd tib lu the lidie' national encempmnt. Tbey expeot te retutu Use latter Pari o! Use veek, but visat their future Plans are la uot kuovu. LîbertyviUe Itepre.ented. Dr. J. 4i Taylor, Who reeeiod -tise ludomaesft for coroner at the 8 epuis. 9liese Caunty convention Ilat Frlda!, and vau declared thse unsuimous oole itisout a disseuiing voie gives Libenlyvlll repreneutation on tihe county ticket, viic recognition, la of course pleunlig to onr poliiisnd citizeu5. 0f Dr. Taylor suucb rigbt be said ttai onldredouud te lis credit, but commendatian tromx au ont et tovu sud diainiereuied paper la perbaps of more aval. Thse Wcuoka gos DeUtyGamJeselspeaking o1 Dr. Iv~ E - ~ READY 'FOR Are child fixinl got 1 tlîat' need 1100L - - - "lu? That in, have you got the ren ready? Ton io one they vili vaut ig up-nov clothes, ahoes, etc. We'Vo the, nov clothes sud shoos sud thing8- VB lîov ve're ready. So if your boy da a nov suit of clothes or a pair of do the. rost. W. guarautee that you vill be suited botb price and qnality. If it bappena that jour boy' in a girl dres i foorn isaI vie i me m. s o ho lde ado.. o yn t M. B CoIby &Co * hVIE vant you 10 à. omei aud 5e0 our nov lino of ties. We have ail the latemi things in correct nmeok- veari the newest cnloriupgaand utripeÏ. iV Our lino is pouitivoly tho largeïst and -moat up-to-date te be found in Libortyyillo. About the evellest lhing is the nov "Windsoroite." That ià a lie and ring combined. It-nmode no tying, is instantly adjusted by the fancy ring and ie vorn by both gestleinen auddlaoles. We've got lots of them. W. &MsO have the soarf rings that cau be used with suy windsor lie or ribbon. Thoy coma -ini two sises, largo and small. Ritheir aize 10r- M. B. Colby & 1Gco., Libertyville, inîois. Corduroy -Knee DU. 1. L. TAYLOR. Taylor says: Dr. John L. Taylor, for Coroner. ti a credit go the ticket. Frous the c-terte of excellent and s orthy aspIrants for the Place a se- loction couid not have goe n&inas, sud the rivalry vbich Sas culmsnaied lu bis choie ban beau vitSout lnissruony or friction. Dr. Taylor là a Youug insu vorliy of thse place; l a mn01 the bout attributes, sud by constant sud close application nislug tu su en- viable place lu bis profession. No ranli eau Se touud vitis hlm by op- poneutg, polilua or oiServise. lrhe People taoi)eclde. Ai the liat meetiung of tise village board s colmmute vas appolniod to luveetîglo d of proceedune noces- ssry go calllug a' speclal eloction te yole ou tise question of a bond Issue sanlcieuit goeuableibe board to oet su electrie ligisi plant. No doubi but tise eomiui lu estion viii subuii a report sud recosmndatious visicli wîli. If sccepied, resuli lu tise calillg of a apeciai eiciiou, aud It vili tiscu lie for tise people todecide vixetiser or net au elecirie ligisi plant under municipal ovuership la desired. ,Ibie la certaiuiy tue prûper vay. In tact tieora ls uo nilir, tg Seing im- possible te inieresi prIvais ludîviduala vihs vould erecl a plaint. If ibe mesîîro ladefeâiud the board viii, cf u0oessly, bave te resori te niber tisu au electi ligistiug systeul for tbe village. If carriod tise Plant viii prove seif-tasuiung If properiy cou- ducted, Of thabhberelasDO question. Howver, the menuts of tise question yuli be tborougbly dlsonmsed le61016 tise usesure la auitted t0 tise people? If it le, sud aIl cau vote lntOlIgesstly. Former Lake L'ounty Remident. lirs. Siaish Wallon, daugitten ai Michael Johson, or Nev York City, sud vitov orCsianles Oliver Walter, o1 Monmouths couuty, N. J., died ai uôoH 0f lber grwud-daugbier, as. J. 0C. iSeMleld, Alsiciua, Fiorida, Aug. 26tbi, ai tise adysucet age of niueij-twO jears sud ulue m'nains. Decemasit iibc rneembereit by oiter roaldeuts lu tise viliitY of Olimer vhere vush ber busibsud abe liveit for severa yeairs. suecvas a distant relative cf the, f3cbmRack Y aiiy , of Dîbenty vineo. BeWt Twi» ae oncorunisarvulters. .lis rHIE KINO THAT WEAR5 liard to got anythiuy that viiil ait yout boy! :Weii Ibis viii lat. iade firom Extra Ilevy Import.d Cordury, l in" bruvu md han. vmo awd uni tel pair Winl outîset fwo or IbrS er 1fleduliwt Mw Wm C" Simes4 f0 IL The rsgular pri s SSW Wb&vi aosai'W 700 c eau y thent acordini toe wIl S i rlarged»set 6EDUC d 7 Libertyville The. Pair, You can alwysl get t LOOJ POPUL.AR PLAVO Pure, DeIIsctous5 S e u c lihe I M ow Libertyville . B. LOVWI.L, A Miniator'm Gocil Work. I an evers a"" eto!blieiele, -ag gai à battie or cismbsnla15%BColle. bus chioera sud Disitisosea iuedy, " -meo tvo domse ndsud ssenuinely oued, " says 11ev. A. A. Power, uof lSSit *ý& Kam. «-My nelgbbon acrtousib aiée u vau Blck tonovor 1a v1oe", s& Svetu tbtebotles of mffedibiO m . doceor. Be nsed isrmfrlêkg etl tour daysvithout ret, l*Me~ lal anoiber uocter vis lumleilbim for snme daya sud gave àbis40rg4belleme eu hlm us.o neimo1reg ~ e, no.bumm bovels wm ulia elb'ht$ q à"ba beau rowaluget d value.NoêiS.Mmt im -pUaauM&0, a* + + + + + + + + + + + * + + + + + * * suai- oiseau ý -9 gs goodF il PHONE No. 29.

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