Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 31 Aug 1900, p. 7

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dnous, but Dp the Ris, CdBre faluln 4 1 Wiul . pro.ooes powtb, ana ta"esom:al dandruff. clor to-fided or gray hair, ailtee darlfcb col or of early 1fYois rnsy ckpcd uponif »ev t Uie. Ihbringu hh t o'the hait. rlth i. lbot Nssu& C~aova.LSDaBt »Mombtai til. tbasik ~pu a Imm sDWIflut=i. Jua"saidthUicmiikmn te bisue -r'dy. ec what 1lm dda' f T' r+ -, ailr," replieti Jantos. "yo're *-In, w' ater into îLbe inlk.' u0o Imnt. Jaimeq. 'ro -pourln, liii liteo te rater; sw.If anYhOdY U as >su if 1 put valer Into te nlt you <an -u 'tnt Co. Allers stick to tht trîtti. Sales. Chetin' tg bed 'uough, but 1>. ýTise ludio c tie United Blate6 Thero jare "M4(oludîansn u Le Uni- d States,. dîtrîhute tbîroughoui Menty-iive Stat e ndtiT-rrltcrilea. the irgc-SI annuLer. 72,(4)(J. livIng bInt Skis. Ten-lory, wItL 3.00InlAri- en&a, I&M 0la flouiL tsknia. 13,0(«J In lkaboma. 1»i2,> uCaîlforuta, 10< lesc onsin.5»Q2in0 li or nk, sud la North Caroila. Borcan pupen la superlor te that ef lther China Or JaPAn. ln Lotit of! iecI junlrW% itI a indemesjd for umbtreila ove-nsreofing andi as a sutstittte for tinter glas@. 127- m Cenuine Carter' s Little Liver Pis. Muet Boerbgnann e f V s M&Acuws Wm i Eu ui o st ýCl-I lu Ath Ady state Piet. Who Tien- purpo At ti force cavral 8751 Pulls,' Col. wiat the jough F'our taien Cap rate beton ln th the1 many terme ILlevei teen Italie bFaire No bei. nient their su.-I "S air close Leci Tlhhes e> bis-kL Unes tshow iLh. Walla Whii ablroundthtiCity andi ils tub- Iki lvlsions. A llub.e sîatL gale. whleb las guartit-ti L 11,000 Iaperal Chages.tait, soldier.. hilce ther artaleastîirramuntthe City on mi rides. B lat the vaia POO% station et llliiuto, tj~e terninus cef the railwas.frii Tiena-tain. of ai lbet.falloviml thrt intîcatet the chiet points in tht City.: 1, Isnperlal Palace; Ch 2. gar. of Great Punit>. 3, Buddhist ltonastor>; 4. 3Mouaiter>. or! &crusl Uapase; ts It, bIarbfe Bridge; 0, tht Golden, Lake-, 7. thé Gaite afi leveut S. Acdemy .of irat 1Rau Lin; t9. tht Aturicin and aitier Latioua: 10. Temtple cf Gloriotse Deqo- 1 ties; Il. Exaninitstt (oi'.cgc: 12 ObarValtryTèiwtr; 13,.Mnnitery of Long- Cmp fn-ap; 14. (rtsTt dthi-t Bonaster>. of Yuag-ho-kung; 17Ï. Temple o!Coeuf u- 2. cins: 1le, î.erisl lUiverial- T, C. ock Toirer; 18j Drtmm Tower:, 19 Temple of Ané Aident IDynasties. 20, Pe-ta-tac: 21, Cathalie cuhtni:22. 'Temptle of He"aen: Aut 23. Atar of the Battit 24. Bntithisa3ut nstiY..3. RioT RIFE 1IN pEKIN. Fori, vtghiimg and VsDtsito Mth Mis of thse Aiell- Fires, ghint sud dmmssen lrt&P- parentl>. fulloainuirin the rake .of lb. r- Lile! e!Pekîn. Thte Lonidun Delly MAi publisitea digpatchea tram lb.e Chimou capital tcclmrintaâbt a grest liraers saging lu the iperlal rity.. The Ban- sienacommander Lad declineto temcPt te tension ot tht olber generais flt tu violte the icijerisi prchcts, and tire fltgLTmw ax ging on. <1c5». Chaffte, aui t le asetet, main- tainet ibuthe icChine-me hlbaeaeldi- qustei> punibhet mInat>.. ant Uit it roult Le unwise tu take ILe imperii pahace. This explainsa the rthdrawal et tLe Amerieis alater rnehlng thr.e vîtes, b as rhid b>.te correspodet of the An*oeiatet Prasa. Tht Ramansune-, mri maînîineti that bis (Joteromnt ll d trenared waar against China. and thatTH OBDN therefore there ras ne ressor t treveltTH MD E hm carryJIsg hostiities lIote Ucsarret The lunte- tuaongioidt as tbe asyliu 0f t prerioctu. The fires gppeasc luc' Le su-, dia,> aud te Le caatcd b>. the Chuns A report freinML trsburg *&y& lb. Japane*e icitatiou there Las ec-ivet s dmpath f rom litkiu With th uer, that the hgatitnerté are ai1 liLtrte, Lut that te alliet fore". arc poaerlesa10 quettel tite-terribl ie c.whihla utakisîl great inroads in a thieki>. Luit portion of te îty..VTe odiera arceto fitiguedta e .. meater tite di.aa.romîs fiantesa. rhih arc threalcuîng the aihole ot the capital. Thte leaders et tht rebelaq, Prince Tituand t;%r, otiier, tre al in tht rit>.. Lut too c s- eurd>. roncëeut i be found. ustbougis tht-y maretiî,r curetai1>. soîghl. Tht T>.wgr Emlercg asOLitaOtllaau mn - kulowmi dirertion. A report f rom Pe-kmn sayis that Gea LitcrtTdh Las becs giren full authoilî tu gîard and defent tht ity.. Fierce l figItilig lp mha.o sait te le sallbi sing on moude tht Wasi. Cen. Linevtch's Si- * enian arin> corps bas becont prietirai- SCEXE Il LEGATIONS ly ino.iratie u acount cf thtwanrm veuther. Sertion o! tht Chinese capital, rheret Alh tht dimpatrhes point le oetfe tahat Boxer Lhordes. tht- critumanderswgre sonieabat et $fa egardiug thir futunre action. ail airait- TOSITUstELs DyFIX.NDS lngiirtructiona front Ihir gavernine -utm Tht fuceigu resitenta appear lu have Zhe.n Horrible uffertotof woeuin mtsion' lent ro Tien-tain. aithough the St. Peleca- ac ut liants of lioxerl. Lur>. rorreiontent of the Dally. Muil Furtber deta1lh- of tht brutal trestutent saya te mnietcrg viliioutnetave Pehin oril,(.-Tici ofirithîe Asericitu tlaudt lintil ucrutiathout for intemuil>. are lin- iisionri,,reso elfd ramnt ankuirhart der vay.. t-ci u-, tîiîî 1alitr lle iraseten, Berlin learnm tlItIthere hop been fur- lnorleldouna nd a htai7cari t Afleu ter lfgbting awcst o! Tien-tin, ihLrvi.ied1; un-r Iber bod, lifter ubieh esteg true'lîtciip ion thut the provtice shuic w uit i-I t.) îita th. %Miss Huston, c! Pe-Cii-Li tuantre effcectivel>. orcupiet also o! tIie- Amîtiensutsiaon Lad her befors litnde negaîtiusn wil berome ,.lulh trac tqiiel y a bliwhoie lib expoiet fusaible. part of litr brillii; after sufering tht'. I£MPEt4s19 AUGî. hrribile injiiru sho irax tarvet sud lop--r EMPRB8SID cAUGIT. 1 tri-LIforitNr-tt> . I..lIer iTOtre braunj s.ioc Tua Ato takca Prionuer - y iritieh uni hoIti ilitin atuirTi gun>.. 1the Allée. 1 lis. Cîoper f tihe' British htîanîl mit- Shanghai reports that tht Dowrqsrgt- "u uedireetit o!fLtr ritiut ied sol Empreitiof China ha bcen captured ttu tiko anl letI iier tht bltttriug à b>.te allies. Prince Tuan. Who linsas un 1i i t the- mire>. utthe dles. Ater t cepouselber cense, iras also lakm n pt-h- Isererith diys of gony ansutarvatluan- ontr. Tht>- ers about oesday's jouTr- dit ai"tutti ierhcrelief, b ne>. front Pckltt. ahen te>. rcorttet il j - thetIroupa cof Tung Fuit Seau>., Whoe tere Thîsmnd IsaI. til ___________________________________ Tare li-iTnrilc ho.tla Mill e lîtrit atil Sitaciscoi. crl Chitit-ur îriny ha tii-ilî-îîdrircu froni em Ne.. CLuatî by te kiciuîî Fire iia li-gflia. Spatii. chonn iteti- ttc pliil allomie, ail n....are -kihîci. ti lrîiire tciiiutt'd thal aeral rne- ertuhlires ailîltl itîtnili.r' tltiurdrer. s> P.lytill- iii$200110 mdli of!"v - itTotiitylit lIdit-it, China. Loutet l>. Chint-se, -Cliitîr-.î- iauîhîh:o ii .ceYork Ladal fatail rowia îtliît!theie.tIt. Sang tin ma, kilcdi. The Katsaus ueat croilt Iis >curLba bt'cmt tithilill>.piti lt 78,t.00 btthehi, iiieîkiitg the- record. A Chnic-ueo wornaiuttettitedtutIstopi gîiiubittî b>thriit,nig ariai u1tthe play-. et-a andi table.. 1-1. A. F. Muittues, a ut e tinte hrîrare serWiary of NVc. I. wrdieti audtltn- Delitiia Coughla. 'tht- welitit't nan ii Tuledo ant uotrharesteru Oliu,'* dieti i Tiedo. iged 1t§0 yîsrs. eFor participating la a tiriple hynringci W. B. Brooks ira senttentdtc life in tI prisoninent eti Palestitte. Texats., Tht royal arsestal af-Woohwlt- han tu smiug'U> eu norere tuta end 3400000WpoTntîs w iburclug nti Iaylo$ vaete Uceountry. of amalilarru ammunition 10 China. .TheZUai»* am aid ber pvy becama ter. Preaidet tMceKini bonasrepritred un- .eljataitretips t~I5inl, vb'e-e they tII Frits>.. Oct. 5, thet ldîtenubroth- voerestade pioneatqp %îiU ltis.Li -rs smteacet té e Le hegilt aIToaL- ila réaL-atout.. Aria. or c ithe l An goatéîpost trous Ban il Jasa sai 5""'~~r' "à I 111t . mis&. ...L..À deu st....mens #Mour,- th Cuvait>, sii og*ýtoDoustaTeas l'himosaa dCbllîp. dvices f rom CbefOa. *tod All.. 21. »thast the alled fgrce lve com- ely routed the 10.000Olitee suldiers Snasitcd near n-tslit fur the aase o! cutting mi ru TitiOUi. te heaid ut a e o the iiixth lr>.. U. .4. A., Beuàgalige andi ajbq sud 200 lieue caviîr>., Theodore J, t ehargi.d iîpon Boxe-r., Who Lht deqieratel>.. CAPP4M uKILLiX ir unlIred were ~Ie.30priiioners n snd six tuwns bunnai. ,'rhe sllice.' wax tour wiaunded. 4ptain Iteilly otf attas!rF. 'îth ited States artilllery, 10b. waq killed ore lte Ivperial I'alagO, ivas itried the legation grouleda. Gin. Chaffee. Britigand sudpaMiua geraN sud ny rsviliaswaere preuoet atheliin- menit. filej.ane"ee epa Lave re- rd the 1'el-txang cathedi where il- nFreneli nons end faoeryFrench andi ian soidiers bave ba"In Jolated and deged twn tnoths. IrWY ,fournItbat eLad been killed. CHINA AUNT TO AID. rce of 7,000 En o Mote te DeDiverteil to Maoais. Ço mort> United StaicestrOOPea ie to senut To China unieafutMure lii flop- nts îîesaitmte soleilaction. Even .se now on the way pr %ader ortî,ri for vie- lu China are le b. dlveiiid front r 4lîtltiuation and gent to Molinlla. h.I iii the caler proÏ$ùatd l'y the r tefltiîtTburiay.. Itîmarks, rs a Washîington correspondtent. a'. far tLe unîid States La oner thl,îe me of voilitar>. actiylITt7 i Clii, un- ýan uaemiei-td crI.a is lieis. lavnOg cred ita iîrinecllal ain-thle ri-elle Of fuste-r Conger and-cther Ameîecans St en-the iovertîmest la ordir to ob- in il% other demanda, r>ll. a- far au jSitile. substitute diplmacyerfor force irma. Lhina wiil now be sid b, the Unuited nteii ta mavure ta ber three desid- ta: 1. ietearatlon of ordf'thruYXh6ut th* npire. 2. t4eeîrinc for the-ttPrae afît- for m-rivanit nisouarles i1d Prote11ijeu for icrien commpercillIneevts. 3. Indeisit>. for lte otageî. suffered the Baperor mat EsapncusDomager. STRtEET. rEIN the foreîguers held out agaluat titi atRRA? BATSIX inrET<TN WAL. sowisz the tpoint of ,îttac ytheyii,,allieiforces and thanagh uhleh enîran- uts galned in the City. by Ameicans during the Boxer troubles. These granted, the t t'înrr States mili- try force wilile graditally retlueed un- f, comiîarativëly speakii>g, onîy a mere eriborîa guard la leit in the Chinùse empire. 1 SLrretary Itoot Faid tbaît Do more troops wouid Le sent t, China, Weause tey were flot nepided. %Vith the arrivai t Taktu of the Haneo,h and tLe troops sh clrriod Gen. Choffe, %Viti bave 8.000 aiîhable Men, wbich i e.î-euied auffcient for ahI preseul panîsoas Tha'rWrmtuy'i de-- vision asanul hascîl i ulînn Sayreom- neudatitu mate b>.(li.Chuffe-, luit ipon reporte rerelve i-utniî hM, avbieb luade lb apparent thltt nemare troojsi .rere utedet. Thc Lutt VI etoneiao>sae forChinas. Uited States G ove-taie ritilate Dxl finir ihtonth teb» ata Takn, Chiias md " t à Vogt moly il ailîl foc te ,w' bemi The Greit tEastcrn #nilwaY- Coma- paay'* London r-lîy terminus tg lte Lrgest termihiai station la the world. It c-rvsute fitteen acres of land sud bas eilitTe platforina andi twelIZY Otus of ra' l. Over 1,0<1 trains -i- siud lea'e the- staticontiulI>. dutitsg the outuntr s:ilT.The- piblishe-d gov-1 rmet reurnm suhw tait thcornî- pany carrnes a larger number of pas- sentiers titan an>. other ralhway lu the klngdom. abiouit 125.00 Pere Imk;aaing ln and oQt of the station iailly by train. iThe total nuttiter oft jatso,,ngers car- lied during 1897 was about 100000 ex.clusive of 30,M0(1seSson ticket hoIlt- er. ixhîil. estilmatIng ecrLsenait- Itiel boiter to Iravel tireive tintesaa week. irould bbtlng the total UP 10 11h,- '20,000. -1 Makersaof Eamdkerchiefà. A conîpnratlvelY imanîlumber of haudlierchiefs are manufatîsred la titis counatry. and tiiose that are made ber. are ntoRtiy of ltecotton and Inferlor allk varletjy. The finest ilk goodi Ère imported prluclpally froru Japau. rhich country st-nUitusnitonunli>. betweeii 17,- 000,00() anti 18,000,000 Jalianese poil- "ee. The bheatncairic article comas froru France and BBrlgiiu. an I linen itundkerclilefs comerin rotL 1e North of irelssd endi alto front St. 4>alls. Switz scIant. Japanese ahilk sndkerchlcfa arc wrnh front $3 Io $40> per dozen. while the imported uilibttrîra from Brusaeias oeil for (romn $5 Io $-. p rdoyen. andi the- cotton produet iiantfactured la 1'eniaylvanla anti NewrJersey mn>. be Lad for .14 cents per dort-n. cknta on the Iiatonàe. Thte jallitonc la oulon-coatetl, andi the layert; Vary ln texture from anoir to liard ice. lndlcatlng that they wiere flot ail depolted under the anme coadl- lionsq. and lirevlug conluniîely Ihat the halatoue iras flot mnade In onue opera- tIon, that la. tbe atout must have been matuta lied ln the ntdioaphere for turne before it grew tu its full size. 0 alid MsdaiÀro*rded Waltr Baker& Ca. SParla. Ang. 20.-flic Jutgea a: tLe parla Kxfflltion ace jus: awarded a goit iednl to Waler Baker àt Co. Lt., Dorcbegté&. *Mais.. C. M. A., for their preparatiens of coeunaand ehocointe. Th'is fansous conipan>.. now the largeat manu- facturera of cocoa andi chorolate ln thei r-1.Lartt h- ruithe izti sud he tpoitlons lu EuropeasAuri.Th a tLIhîrd mirard fraiun aParis expoal- tics. .eiageat Caunon autise Wortd. The largest caunon in tLe vonld vaa jaken b>. tht- Brillihvicu idla vas eonquere&Th ie cannon vms est about the year 15100. and as lthe irork o! a chief namet Chulti>. Knou>. Khan, of Ahmeduugger. The ltie of te gun la oltet i> î vtIt set-as. and la n favor- lte plne t oc Brillih officers tu go for a qulet accu-day smnke. PubUe Reaish Ast PubiehIrMarais are mhrays enhanet aut inîproret. sud Disa&e. Sicknesa, Povert>. and Miser>. ameioratet or mu- niLitatet, ast doctors' blha avoidet b>. etiocating tht public ; uapeciail>. Uic ynung ruen ounautijetacof vital Importance con- eersn2 their lihysical meit-Lein:. The Peaboy MIetivat Instituts, Nn. 4 Bol- rinrLmît-eet, Boston., Ma., has duneno- hIe wrîîk fur uakîn t liron gh their great tuttîral pub.lications. whieh have Leen rendatndut lutteaitb>. ras..ver> ruany, tlsonsantls of people. Their lent unique 9-aepamphlet, for osoen anl. entitieti llpwThsef." Shanhd Le rend lty ahi tht men thronghoat tht band. Senit fret, faaeti. on recehpt otfI6 cents for postage. $ent for it le-day. An OIt PaRpyrus. lThe ebd mnylug that nothinif la @ver lostla hatnexpeeledly vi-slled hi lb. ce- cent findlng lu a toisai at Luxor. Egytl. aihere It Lad mIn concealed for 1.800 years. cf o papyrus coulaliho>.tientl> pocrus t.>.Bacchvlldes. a g-cal Gm-tek pt-et. ailose airltlngs Lad aiLoîllydia- appeared. DES? YFOR TUB UOWELS. NÇo nuater rhat asy>ou. he-atache toia cancer. youn cul neyer getveill util vour bowrhm are pot rigbt. CASCARETS bsbp nature, cure you mrithont a gripe or pain, protuce etasy usturai muveruents, cosl you juit 10 dents ta stirt ga.ttbng yonr LealtL bit-k. CASCARETS Canti> Ca- thartir. tht genuine. put up lu me-tai boxes. ecer>. tablel Las C. C. C. ainruped os it. Bectir. efimitations. Legal i>eceslou a to Orchitis. Orriitiumusl bhootm asthey are a- vertisedta thîe Englimi court of ap- pt-ashi ai dectieti. A man wihonoghi a Luth fur 8100. aibitlis as toit] ,wouit produire a irhite flower, and atter cuhtlrattng Il for lin >-ears oh- biuineda itîlîîbhîssom, Lau rerovered $250 anti coîts tram lte veuttîr. .TelGra,.t5.fliTsi Grain-O! Iq. The abs,. tiietoesaous the bouse chersOGerge Dewey was bors Detauef 2511114 test, Ile as itceupled br thé Dewey ftlly otiallaer t «th 0 thé àl. duinBf toîhir. il tir ame taio tht possession ef CapTikaa dwart Dewey,.hcold asiu lt ie rsat owescastocupantI.. IlG(ordon, Esq.. la thé esommer ef IsS.M Il,- de os asait te !ts preaitsite la the foiToctg Februar . l80 m, shda oecupiiiIl outil the prétMurii, Ur, soudlin. tiordon are uafairIlis ta Tein cartft e 1111* thousaudg wsh vieilt tiisabris.. tise bithplace et Admirai Dewey. A recetllettes trou T. IL. Grbt a te h runa Drus MWff gCa.,, Celaubas. il rfai'astfeiinws: 'ltle la iig«teat satisfaction <bt t aad myseif ahie. alter a au tîntt nit.Wt rte yestl#ubTcmasser oetiié goot iar Persas ha dotMI ! ele. .-Sbau»basa roubied yul catarrt Imuchliddà» . asid r *Fugué*a bas a COor , a nousual c«oa of DW 1h.waafbr if rumollo " UuW, end uoesd ass h1a0aS" COmM hasftThe. droopila rt a t Ibrim mu ai bt a* matit remiea susdailla i, ce bai teassesta. sa ipraie lsaot tue nb te ietoW s POI étr ama Addres,Tii.Percsa Medie- Co.. Ccumbis. 0. fsr ibook Jooun lS"OficiaI. There la a gooti story tlid on a promi-> tient ollIiaI tof Aleghany. lie deules il. butiTs truliL la vont-Led for b>. an- ttht-r well-knowfl offiiai. 4o,'me dau ago. the stor>. goca, tLe former officiaI LaPPeued toulbe goîng ta ia klreldeue an One cf Ile prominent tbloroughtnr5 irben Le Saw a man hurrylng mroas te etreet '.lth aerera pieceaof meua wenring apparel ou lanrin. Tht inan was walkIng i the direction of a icag. on neaàrby tîtat belonget ni a enistitU antd .dyelng establishmfent. it strueit te officiai T1lîtt Le wotulî have ane cf bis spting suifs cienued sud ho ballet! the mans.«thlnkinir ha was ln charge. f the wagon. Iloiever, the feliow proved tu ha à thief andi Ljust rolihed a Lallmecitlu a imeighhoriug boardlug- m bonus, Wben te officiai crIsd out to hlm:. ,,Bay, matu, aveaat wigh you woid bivt eleens" the. thief look ak titi situation and smv tint heieLd hecfl taket forlthe driver oft te wagon. Re COlI>. wst over and got thc officlal'a ~ elui. The thief vas well eut of agbt hefore the reui driver of the wagon ce- 1 wc>dir. why Iltat Aq turneti andthei trutih ecaine ko.- men qpuit th* rdàp WoUnkb"~ Plltaburg DiapatetLon <>s d bxowfasàb t C haractes'isticaliy Topuy-1Turvi. enou t*0* L#bor in China varies lu Itu emfette!proPm acordtag tu piace and, curtouuiy naike On mi% bm -b Eutrope, see te10vary lnverssiy wlth i wjoum là te lemperaturet of the climate. 'At -Ne..Sl- IJ iJ Tien-tiuan nd the northeru portealit ganaAfatc laites nuch longer ta bat sund unload ithe lent-anumt cibS cargo titan at tht ports of tLe Yang-tue, catetiMda116à ed f04 MI and the Lumaadry cf the oilshows hajdOanus jr; 111 1 lena cars lu te nortitern proirluccuthan jg wtw d e*1rebq' 2 Il dues lover dowu. shouson w Bait'a Calaash Cure tut. tOMM w inom tio boi if, yo Vue 011 engines are supplanting the water wheel ln Palestine for drawing water from welle fur irrlgating the orange gardens. PUTNAX rADkLECSS DYN pro- ducas the fasteet and bngbtehl colora of any kuown dye atuff. 8raiab hgirls wbo make the famons fans of Valencia are pald about 251 cents a day. mosssstthTie ,mstea. fIsu The man who takea the world au lia fits Il docan t take It » istom. Teon package of GîtAIS-0, the ne fuoot drinkt bLat takes tht p lace o! cnlrer. TIte have .wffor.d agony rbiîdren ta>. rînér, t rîthout injurY Q au#ý ceht1 ai Uie aduht. AiltaiLo trYit lb 1k.ILfe 75i GtlAIS-O bas bLît rh bst-at Lnîîwn eOt 4vy My pgg *yae mohe or Java. bot t is mat frein Pure grains, sndtbhe inost delicate storuae'b le.-1515 a W#'iDa f relces il stîthoit distreas. 1% lhe price of w» hpoe!».V *me And coR e.. 15e and 251e per- package. 8l04I b>. ai groeers. Ia Isg The- lestrel.- kuiwi.lh dS ia Nattnatistîti tecanet- ltI te kestrlnd DISE droma a .a la _( ofatettIu sut-h wondt-rf ipowersp > s.w e v ai ut t.iglitao t ttble iat tset, ainouse mlin eu hha Itseit at sit utIL biclitt lun te nirthiatl I lviahbe tu Tht-nalceti #doma poaN< a glane'@ FamlilY otlclte # aué DggàmltO den ll,ives îLthe ls s, ari ta>-. tu order opeeuM .aa Tu Le eaiTh hi neressari. Acte geubi iin tLe ier sud kiducys.- Catie 9199E w~e de fggg, Pl#* sick hesîItiehf. Pirlc 25 sid 50c. ha*- tI --y--- -.-j l'a îLe newIr lebrttts lhumaa. lfe as5eh. 8 eW<rWy iteu miitde att-r ht.> he Introdutiton otrI9iMok Ly <f* U * ,igR tîto Ilîn Islandi. Tht cranîbaha are V eal ua.ap galdtu taprefer niait jpark la rosatnIman.f u~ £.d~gva I do mot heieePiSO's Cure foc COn. D 4"ud MW I*f eunlptiAn Las ma eiiîiai for rouehn eutd 1fl5. eu 5*7 à ait coîts.-Jiin F. itîî>cc.Triait>. Springs. do *MW v a,.,. heu My lut.. Fe'b. 15. 1100. -~ SaIt tiihraou0 a euahl Ire viien Drit.llanotwev a il au p*D Iug ste-ak m'I prev2cut blazlng frota Mg &MA MLIftNl- d inpl faUt. _____a b__ l b r , qles, Grnt aBlritLitin mporteti 1(;,(M,000' tnt-at hi uodia(iY ,9OO000O)o! tgga s n n ,,a e Tht heuvy speculator alw"s trigo a' grent ilton aDY rLié.aneBd Moulte, Papoa& - --- Fn. BSk and WrlU tlsgPpota CASTqO.R i jA oer toruaba"nmi bldmBill eado4 Stalte.t an The nsidy m Atm Besau w6i& t e fsefr *Thé ois,* - urayinvormt0 Gra*ig Coute &AI fllstated boofltu i of"O mm th d=rig f tickets wM b mid mer to Nebrushaai nott f and me fût themodhup. ticket agent about titi. P.& We labo thefluait ir snd %lice It nsunoue cmi ~lhcam Ie tw aroi cth suices la bey - oPen*tu teuaptimig fresuuadi lu tch ci,tir a villcagme. lu u eaitiCL t aciur gerl. T i d~> la sati> ofor îL. efulsUt'îa.S . fo yask. re aredo tgus4 give îr sth. inst.un n sieMaie 'mi. r*609l4.Wns Agst tiara trtS.Insts t ptota , - soaIt 0, tc SBilertred& vero ta in5. t. air4Meeu a5~Jsreggl p ae omt uy ut uied.wv #i a. N. V. o-o

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