Tue 0, haW SWeP for il*,W 97w ktÈÏý c'mit le nrit f- L. i. W a£ lieà'boss rotoret bM &pe 4, oui -0 rutusimd t9 ered iitoy-topt 94 a livei>'cor- tb« adu w*ýb:t»,rq*or a rltgtfom. IL tOaSttate tii sution et' oi ipartisant trinSfbIL émle eoia 18 a teWvo b esroq* latS; han r freqatin iç jaref0etLag elunice, Tia. .ur*rl*bC Il a ta coubouul- hi Çlat4lan. ,~~~~~~~~~ bae*bigbrd.d fr- b laviai ntoo4 hp AÙ4 teapi- lie rails. conlctW# *mail lnriniüigF nisnioata beite ta imo t te ,'14-, 'A" î UtAilawyor lu il lium o*j'. *I mIni? boitW 1 OW0fth 10age upjanmd lt u cawrmge. som.tlus lu mut toreamd'st aaea&be.'n il çaae atJustice. 4altuieu 0,11e the Oier*adbodm aPmcVuiegliaM catet. va ppso-,las ton,,iaus '& b dbtbb e aai.for dtvLduala betloa,- turta of ui mal. but St~ ~ ~ ~ ~~mé cfk ta vaq.vbi ieMt. r 1.sproieaae lua hw abol; Mda me t4 samàe. edai r »y- ad glace -clvii ,a" ilMoetfmltlal morsIhaunrhi.laInSajana hotalitt b. wMue gond nlutg bet6d tbnt <luiDOMa- fflffliovint te th* rt mbowlasg i.nuni. ý( Ihe Grint irtai ana CPS te tihé pken. .281.2m -28MAU ea ntnadpolnt otil Mrus or ieiaaoçr le mark Wbelme tofluse - cdra " o et be fl vIl pýve me. pa *%u g snt-~.ldgeutt b»n bio ls. 1. Stomera sti.. MoMo Pelde M ie manie upai t ablés bupbo huma. T4» é% ' îhe maie uoe. bu ie te'B & bwesny lu. taneoou 's W , caawqmvu ptc%îWiT*7é,7oso :ON. 41 iebo% . u apa swla à #Ji, 16 h lu te ai py ii»W b"*4a ben,1MM1 Ob& lad laidthéliv dpe Iatennjtftnt'war ugmiam the O-mbe f 0498, lbel..beo. le tt iMl1n i <*a-en4d hI e~a, at' ~t4w rnatlat mt~aU ten ~lis1 b Smoa lt 0fchii Ileat the btis o aieilo10vw.' !*91' tsi bc l 9 chmp.~iai Wtb Iol li toilIlu si West I.* ~ ~ ~ ~~TWW ut g aets .VaIl uwý an-uip.eci' mat$", ~ ebu tpie oin fto hu aa ptolaahly itRlsd tsa ne lbe.- ê ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e O5.Stîeosalneu mli ba auY otetisn le ialt hav les c ioal a tle. 18atg. Ho lm«*UW umrd lIa tvomti ce-. mss. snoucisn .tcomuand t otlua t tbtito la m tini' fe pIit Oh rmange. Wimm . Booser. tic vandepelsdtirb>'boedug. lia Iab& vn-bt>'mueI given meonrsfor gîéepwoss.avlug Ilvot ~~*eS~ itantrelation. stdand <ieg b, tbeeWst'd. Owm, tehl e wvanotal i- lias tendi la thfe Entle t n orm, uorjm&mvies.MCois tafte4 itman tuango*ver Ou ces~à -h. u- va. gartieulatîy the-owiuObllicet tre>P. .lto n bOkmv4g tortl about, "Lady mater coald.be nttieoýthe ea cu"e - 1u13,01,rsmterta>' à cau- lIe- two fsamillesp <pro t unci otba. aiàW at tlugkld ea annt. Mil nives att Uimmaitanany oin »0 14M 0.1 Naot>'"sut me On. Obaieme ll. fu. lm 11a truc. -vîlel oi~ snt ail.-quleti>'; la ii tl lmi. W"s Sne et a - i» i nev. >'lieÏe - lnues .19lova. s'b* wua aigtl 0,o .*letotMoud 4a ." i oe O.u1 4*4 imt t tila vay: viftb UInr' IScçOyý' Tho. loyvor mre a o$ie thnaatmi, Irlîbo -!*eInilt couquofl the aIehtrsd bei*ne gr*wdebd legila."' -. tIe' tWa f Itai fte'*aà an1ma- »Wer ' 50 1mitantabout hlmsalaie. At wlaa! Opr' liilurou napi %f*atlff foe trsl athieaveu- 1 e,0311, «lapa ~ be=un lS ' ~ ~ A pvt mo* ."9.ti. 'niaaaa9tutgcmpnses.- . on a lev TPWpaPe? seuves th*Ip à a cwla î viatbemate the oeq b1b serve a a "âintuk X#y. Tie cbltmai etougl - au Wiio lasaIL. and Il May ,i> tI.v. 1%or I theasin. Tb@ in * t*t a prett>' slPtridegt fat 1toma sot alra>'a put lfl Ils Mst WW4 b sopeclalv oc viausIl.he ' oa WBsg lkemuai thet. <cuan and aA&* *t ýosetovard the otlaon a I u aa spadsq reWaIonab !p euiat- e b*&"eno lae<.lu cailds 1.:1 ti a- the -«»"t gy.ptad mtrlsala a -)& 11,11 o la lare bla bwIoe will aiseaaaala araM t' il w xetapWeit lar i al- 19*Wdl0lb apponI aveat wu Cflettt.andtlit e oaa1 mbvflà tlS5 1 - .su~eOSUOSW TW: uùqn ts t w» i svanm tget alIDe bi.gar-caret foia scligrbut eootMafmu mite enouia elpais;dï 0U451 "FI eh* 7 miat Itohs muemd eou- netao"uet n **t li"Imn OlUa. Aiter rAk tI»7 tlu baa er by »usiadhaaual nia. 1 t 4nt lim = h. eo9tnh"lAi e- for me'OI" Ift we emmmlod bysbyagrièlsa "tha t»5gve tIlanop sudilu l e trais fIoma ttVlv anytllua matWeabout MY sisal. " "w ieagent tbnt »Mbrt htI..dope te S«getw toe mli acn te ssi a rSenda- tion m m Mviwfs. neaigel Il. Re'll ga i uethlftngelse, ioçp.-"-iupolle olc--PRKMATURE SUBIAL &JONAL 01moit 1115, au Deis. te pàs»ftat he Pmmtty t, Mthe lie ma., é muiveAl.. cen win Tbe torrar et boies boried alive la a 1 i foet upumw ef varrWni etai a înjpeople re *4wASbloa om iusi0e ab n i imbuet ;%aait tbl>fWqeni sli Th-tbs jbueppo ubat ait et"-"'u re-s ss tI t mI nun.ostl, itatier w paratua lhre lllustratu& Thèes hava beena ti" vIes lfto0tst'm bàv*p-O nouaiedthle persan dGant mWlt luhs -retlrnetjInter. sometîme. 'afler thae luulai bat talon plats.ThIis la, vere th>e atlll t thfelsapponatqa moult provo -itm<l.as it tormisa ameana of direct camnauulatlau wiltlAte surface of the posant, ati . gLvu warulaagsignal tle exiasamd oltnlm thelefonibu f0011 f.sly -reallaet"ettr ofetthe.itaaa- tlon.. -The InOte oS operattiÔ18s 115151 a pair ai contactloints belig attacee ta the unier altéOfaithe eofn ld. In cloac proxlmily ta the hantsanmu ebeAt. %1 lIaI the lgIlto ovsent viii conte the pauta ît tejndnt pîlue nu ~rlodttelrtla-teto tart a bell rint- 15;'a e l. urface. lTe vIres-nrine tlrougia a tube inpasalng front: the ci,- cuit liomér ta théie u ai Is tube ai- 4w,& celtl«o f niran md aiseapro- et a nusa Mma oCMMuunlcam lç 1h lâbw bule erman. or t Alez U~W f utie ,./be og ofaiPIdlaelpaAa la reâpouiti. ie for the tallaW%49I ibrîy art ara - 'ajl, sen@ afJutlice." Ie boat.It giars. vIlla a paper upon Iaaet r l>ae mu st aIIlt idll% pnbpler. ,it lie niInttci7 4.cribet hatil the 1sf* Sud goba iesof i s ui>lects. Utali ol'a a mtet ' I1. 18#hlnatebed t;t»e-haaà1et ble vgclW e the puba- llater; "Raeinesat once PMU et ai lae te, oW bugs, I bave- f~ 'tbut tInt 1 bave dou " fe In on l1*9lfo5tleec. i trcni about blinanli e aloit. alter 1 -malloth@l.puater te yeù ndLut looffl st meu lh e roptadlffl 'sut malt 1 boadmate bIna tait Wvot làn lacns vi.ln looklut u» '$ta.iIaojtd aïië aluîteuio ireatonauoIt at bii le igbl." la wex let tIti rats, bat 6ý vlan tisai Ha. Ms ua...aM ..i.-mste Il ut Trial., Ma la stii AlvfaI ares MnP, - Uth"i 't*runtu. VIlla tlhe apiri tu waW Tiat -was ake& ,Thé, laayoas casavle'v wa i-o ~biably the OR- al eue, tint gooni de44",annla t'Abra- hea. Wh iaofaitbfaally obnaerrd tia#, 1mws o -ipteul, «.Qua laitenriet eotaaal life. 'Ine probobir etWPcton t u jai-hv %bnale "e s tateniont deraîr te slumwuepart ef the law-tiao oral trand ur narl- Mnc--ud sou. nihit!eti«btwoeu thit attIc rirten 1l1w. Th. irbworht>'ut tic oa rîlnlion a na , rae tanunt wtý >aadnatic "ortSway"tanriath!* une. .loas ua n ti h e qaîe'n' iek a u pqte quastloue. whicii waa a hablt ho otîca. folla-ed la u t- in niaiiatalea-a-lke St e- rates snd other #rn'aî t,.ncheaa. lis re-. tors the lswrer ten the liw-a magler %trte. The pîaissgn' qnnted. foaune!llu Dosai. 0; 5 andi L. 110lI: 18. woie pro- «aly as famtlieur te0 aU 3ev, s *lte temous *Heatr. <0 verao.the Lord ta>' Quit la ocnet." e., whnan t.auxbt te ail elldren and n,'-nîn'l un nVaa-na- Jesan s »Umos that the lac-yen la *lu- fête. Iouga knowîaag Ibat llia.'luul- tItle. be uswem h masil it e wi i * ad licou an boucat aMW. l 14 ftp~b, ta j ddpe a olin; mItl eylliors. Som@e- ltuIms tboy are shanaod Isto abintdgeaing tloir abjietiond. But nt »0c vîtha lbe Wling taeînstlfrhlanselt" ab"uli le ralo liang te jun'tity blouncl. ne vIa neo oly wvîllg hbat auxiona tlascorp îa pollit &antMRtitis mAirabbi Who but iailqà ta gt ranaialy laIs bie. Toe question *'Wbo la uy neigiar? mou t alho naweredlua nworn.forile )rt*d se n anua- si ta I iggntea'd lu caut, gdu lie $p#owo&a.ilIe selen'om o ces. mJPUais nOver Inugat formal palToà- ophi on sweeat-P. anad wteu bc to bah d sut-laprob'ealnn ho wsIe ' n1tgoauluc-ou- crelo tom. Thereforp ta. parable. wiii -tu r-4aaaakalv ynmprt'beaasîvQ. ' The î194mt #eut thae Leitet ugîther n'p- .reefnte& liaenflfel.11 -an.'asta nnftha* OR- tint asl igioem cmarnanuznc; thet' înieçt bing one- ut Ilion. wlnomiui.aerc- luIn te 'tel hth lîe oôft'ng of xasueniesndi -the <cattiet ofut rtuerttl. e'aihol"l>e Ltr- Il. vas ome cf the, chasm of temple nissit- ants or sabordntets., Th Tic C aritnuawa .re s arabiet *y» tie.Zewa as s Chjuanasa.lu I<avâda or a 3ev lu Oe-aanaay. T iNli'ui-etit na A1111e Sacttnews for fLtis t.) nmette a lta- màritn ac heliero of lai- ibm-t ston>'. néI.comnhitec"ana of -tto aîtrn'n's 1provision for the îravr'l.-rarminsa',admire- en tané i net on!>' ddtwobcnhCoiula ut fpaild otiacia tu du tîte rpât. Thia, t. ivtî i vy. la the 'lae aluiianai'> laîirit-do 'ail 7yoica ea -ith p)ur cen hannlu nînA Cin- moneor mcnuilicd>- one to do more. Neat Llîcu-TIn'll'f.-au f, TblngmEile. from 1the Fingeirs., ThejkaI t oftli t'n -hi in Lwouteu 191 nath' lInge;-. ta un lte îainreaaai t. lnladns a;! iireanl, to-ut nartsa tnd naoeailcake,;n. noler> naitndapar*àug. wlaon sarned chiole. <s .1,nainuld bla. elîber bot o on eîn: hlleae. wla1hn't nan be izntlniîlnd ttt-- i;prî nnd'dlptnd lu MaUt or 8ihui'e; ollnîu. te wiiicli a fork 'shoulalt t-er e bjut a y mori' tlan a kulte mnhliaii n- h0 a-Jni o aaw O>'tea's; sttOWbè4rhen. nialien etrel with the glanals ,a. asî ba'>'oia;i!d lie. are nil faris, uxcept I'r'ee nr l tzml'ort or Canometailand;rui t t c il indi ex- cool laerianoanSd Meons. But iSu lIa aine -of île Ilugera, grenater Indulhgence l 1a bîlaig elovu. antI sou CnutOt. If 3yoi îtte'velbred malte an>- i-r>' bcd a:tt- -tait> lu tisad:rcî-lan, emp"Ctl:hy whea the ln<ev-rbOWl saitds b>' you and the 7'h4 lowager Emptesa of China vas E llaere4ilesi cdu thu acriasion cf bot nix- tlcth ia uibldayà fgn lottrutlug ptu»- tgslnm ia M lbheulaaiseas of Bngid. tudAgtumrlea. Thls cîasliitenlof a Ccp>' 'ce the Now Testament. b"at nd ulvr caver, nI*d l)Cloaeàtu n d dmilver (!enlIaI, ibarfl4à ert futl.he driatan W'ceofetChîlfta:AOnue Cuver va. n gold V pla nbearlng tle Watts,. "ol>' IC!aWé lof imIvttin." ,Thé mubntnrnbern uuaber i about 10.000 f Tbe Ilanols of the ,worid areetst-ý tuaIettô uaabér nhdaîit,14,wtua tnta1l lakgth ot 1114 ula.Tuereaut nbout 1,000 rnlroad tunnela, il aaab- Rosaueglattels 10 canal t»Um andas 40 ondit tumiolx. vitla aggregate of atI e bcatt3510 mitas lA.M4T~,!eb59cIl If rabdo jt mua.tjvot Anmd ,an N. fuie td>h fulli no*ar it vii umoitIbina ý.tIiço au n St* uneif you roiueed 1 laa' 51W t*cIm" Dh '"Iay bni i t o _ bIay_ a a II"-Sl . n dme,.Gotuette. lmo-ltxcme q.. hie ou aa -'Tb"o[lit have ta colti on rau <e vive Up Yoar mtchni nsy"Tt.la WbNVt do yian thini oht tia ceilSnaa"' anked, iii. Brmbulavod, "la s&que&- $wana te » uàr W drpi rte g naIu sa Y*tt «& chalcIMYTttdgrphet onute l o mat e:r." ma4c4 m.aan the t. 1r. 111 let jota outnt MIhlae #Ald tt. *,Qdgas tahopammud àmtene..- ýWiaaîla breoU elei il (,or Tauamyr" 1.1.1 tie taaebet oUin baiater oan." vanthe, logk-ai but uet pecteil reil. -Tihe euakoa lulia th docik reoffle me or a poor taal-ployer mud neas Cli> tant Ubarunion.'*, "lio, me?" -'9 gffl -oc" on mi manl fIe-bt Tluan-iier4ith On- Aàlbritalahonbe: Liwy'e-Well MatIn.. let us underaenuh oaI dler. Wbnt de raitvant a dlvoftc torr'rait, cln-CnIgea eue vo? alm our > dellarmT'-Caleago 'Traibiune. -i want yan ta nde-rotind Ibir dont 'watt« My tinorte tnug; 1 net." **'Diat iou a ltn.wt i t le nI*Ay» Inore: (iaeou eoeOi'lbn font Ithon ta tal sant Io yuu tmauagv La ai agla Yeu cinso ot?" Dik-'i reatl idat knov; lgt mau baPP@nd" me uddon.'-. Tawn Toplem. Porter (ut the 1,5mb country faiwar, Motlin. la vefllts-but dreani mao- taoe-"Tlas mit-punt alla. a'élock ihia v U s mtant lo-01g8M tlmtant o'ciock. msud therell lie no lumbt tîratia.", Nlbldh-"tr~la Smthé uaost e9thosi- sottemens over golf 1 have jet mue." ,Ioftr-"Wbjy, 1 itld't liaI >st ho ton TrncrIpt. - bltier-"Illdg't 1 tell 70a1 sot ta toueia the preerves witbout mir per- mlauloua7 Bgo-'-Yeamuotber." hotb- er-"Taen why dldntoi otne te me, sud m*ltme?' e-Bcum at ed ome."-Ltfe. Dlplomacey: Ceou-tker-"Wbnt 1Sm. yaur age. niadatr' tia.Nnglatao-, "Di3d lte vomna next door gla-. ber' âge"Cenau-akr-"*Certay." bitt. Yolgborm"WeL l'a Io. 'ýeirm 'otugee thon $miae l."-Chlcaigo Newm. A. trithfnl lnu:mssPlnlnfnue (oataealii-ButIf 1 laidlot mil tlai mener. do j'on thaîuk yoaa told .1111lie happy' wttb nmlue' Mr. Seolarox lan- tled, but equai ta tht'eangcy-- a-a-aaplay lenent the word fot IL."- Brooklyn I.Ie. 1 ~ .Ieauglitat beatai trl ug' thd Ae ma5'ial«ored bouan; "ann> of 'em *ve4bgito lur pande."'Tnere van a lrtef ilence. The oleea o f-tin lnuanuce agent broke IL *,&bout laina matir d t i e.tta welghIt ltThib.uiU- 1! aikot. «"Not ovet tei," ti.plled tLb unnanîsbed lanker.-Cievelnnd Inla lit.. irwn-ituat bu golog bark ta the city at one. l'v.huit tire. let. téra 'toain y humbaad la tvo arq. )irm, Orny-"W#yy u liner 'dearl 1 knov jutlo10v w ou fuel. Tva wonld lieapllpy gttte bnt iae! 1 = ll' ana iraie aboas boeom inq mhntlgverutgroreauaile."-Brook.- "Pp md t tio Percy.- "vhy don' "Wly itItoufpecla lauglaed; "hint coul igeado a u sCircua?" "Bbc nalgi lac the toug .'#Oan. I benad ber tell- log gtmndma. the otber dta>.t iim couil vint you around ber littil. lger' jumtaes easn oilg"'bca "i <laità *ou o>g.: iet meSa90w baby jratber. n"e nains, egd 4-jrald Miar- ghu: "Wlay. doit, *bat do Yeu Wang villa one?" apihelbut moler. 1"1t .it bIn ta wiauel arasant ýdl 4l ip- hâv-e ga'erai, ditliefart lant up4 naid atbe motbaat. "Yen." rerilldtheil, tle- aimat-..but tie, are aimnyt gol4tt 'aie I h 4a taedMa>' bu lai t1deuv viteIdana.' laaüeb 2 the,0ant tia js W', i . tliia.u sot thèsel *nlî a eiigt-ageas(il ao 4liav - ti-J ,o gTb am th1 fua Pei 701 .Wt re by ms hi th 1, o- ehi f54 Pl tel 'i b.