ta osunicsu l Our iew goods me ber..1 sons, are beumu, "ana1 te mrpstelg tlliag i tbey dodt out muait ln the Faabloiable Top' coite vo are M"ing for And Our li» efai uit- niad pantings ccoeiiti of ail thal'e n»West. SANBORN ct CO*., Tailors and iaberdashers, ,aimer Block. b#'tVilI. -Illinois pr. j. LTAYL.Oft. o. M« 9»ovr Tuissa & Taviore. IN - 05*S.l0imiIlei,.U OP OS reedms' oe pu ak li Làbertville. Inois. w Dr. H;.- .B.YOUNG. phyliptlan sd Surgeon. l ur . - --Illnos.1 Dr. -1. ILSMlth, P fnVce over Lakte County Masik a mm qau tiL m. M a Op.Um DAM" P LibertyV'illIIIi. PAUL MaCOUFFIN, a AtItE n MdCouw milorai a. tic NOTARY PUBLIC 01110EOîE LAZE CoomEt? DeuX LibertyvISI@, Illinois. A1T@NNgv ArLAW. &.IRRTYVILLE - ILLINOIS., MAX LEB3EAU, ... FIne Cigars . . C&mvholeuk Md DotaL LI'SIYVILî -ILLINOIS. Oy OND &,Co., es Payable on Drnmd. ADAMS ~TILLOTSON, kindi of labS or cred. GIRLS AND KITOHUN 1IELP. Pasitiosa Taund tcr Tbo*e Diring. For furtbet partleulais addle.uas boie, sil go. cMW SI., Pure limothy 'and Clovef Seeda. -Also Red Top and Ken- tucky 1lue Liberty ville. ,.Uu~@U On, Le ul e su md or Coa7Cendidte Preomut. M Il i ira ie l dam ciEu , hb Ad« aeicB et là* CoamIF Castri bma,oeeern.4 at ibfliule 17 duIwo. lé vui PÉ60Ually0me ]h va~ idet pidome4p la leu -lu ai cop' ceadidais vi-sPee.lul ri»a.me lmb ibe atUo qmtii5i, M em er . saopi« aïkoq I.& »tous. mimber 09 lb. Gehi ê mliii OcMMMi..role Ub-SiiIle. D hibé sépaoli ai ebeau.an. R4iocd meeod Hm.<0. R- LYon a 9h. tireS Mr. 140à explatme dla4.9.théb IMilduu. s m151eété, ba ut n neilimspflm 4« a dramoflItiOad-. 9 Mmib vséoy %boaom lieeve "0. iP. ort aof1b. oiera of labo cousis'. Mr. Lpon va. followed bY 9- 1). b bMurllf, legtalitve candidate fram l igleuàry conut. Mr. tsilmnrtiff de- jarc liai Mlàienry connu wouid tri nBd vreseirem Labo Ibthionor ut bo- mag the banner republicanoounti out he iMatc, osi "ever'bodVlulatim" an w,a Cing 10 vote fur McKinley." 9. D. Talcolitand L. H. Brllrokv jus" &horsl )ipea.andi thon naerà ilOIon las'tue APOUO Q.amteleCOn.d greamin Poiu vuipreienid. ai@i receptic vwi hearli., Ut. rom ie aldat#ielàon lthie0 ecejellorf lie repabuicnl orklug Md maiiniaiag Iheïr Prestige ai bon- mer republiuim0co87-.110c"id là' mla legiafalure vonld have the Imnpor- uant duti of re.apporiOIiing the con- piuionml duatrioti and ti llà eie- tiai ébat gooti men tb sont tu repte- ucna Sb. people. ls belleveti Mr. Lion% record tobehoabove reproacla &»d leelingli gecointendeti hi$ geSon- lion I limthelegialaturo. Mr. rosi thon diecumieth Ie'lu- pealia aise, lthe monOi question, sud truste, bandling lbige îbjqota ina s&eipeIylhamppy andi logical veln. lie ,vi trequently intarrupted bla p- pianos, and hie ipeecla ront start tu fal"ibrooeivedth le cloicel attention. Lobe cnli grepulialcns are prond of the importilt position Itelti and recognition acorded' iheir repre- meallve la congresi, and Mg. y-i cii oughi lai MOUeS l~e lie m6et- fait, cho piasped hband.54sud ex- preeed ibeir endossemlentsuda ap- provaL ne h»lAw lai bes popular cith cor people, balai bu bfme ai a -daeiaa av, Iheir inoaeed Pride la hie progreuandamiabiUlp le nàuuga, eMmd time MAgniiletroception ae- ibov wth viat aaroho villao iup- NoveMbet. 19 vwu an enlbtuiauiiomeeting, ltme bba eing paaed. ,andi ManY cere obltgmi 10 ulan. We"d"dqniglaithe candidates ip.*beA Vauccda and ThuradaY andi Flby i aghie a$ Graîalobe and Ail- % tonh. F011 BALt-The tam.knovn lot bear, ai thé 1. M. Saheeffer 'trou, one mlc .atoulbaiLong Grove poil oilice, I onieanimu 114 aMore .54 les aRea 'c limbe? land to iut river. ppîs 'i W. Il. soueavluthe nursery Mm, Long rove, ait. ,,.lBop$ à* tue C4rMIlNotice. mnsrSI c Mg.Lienuvcea to B, rad ~1 mu Of t of 1Poo c or del mu dl UN cm ou W 3.~Al~ oeUYffiL -, y Grand and Petit Jurom. The Grand Jurore for the Mireh and Ocleber terme O.11ort tare: OCTOBt. TERu. ravesl. y. ARCE nai. J. B. Duricin...Bouton ... A.broa Wall J. T. Crawford..Neport..John li.Lux A. Herma J. ....ot. Edin Wells W. B. Wesate....AMIcb .....B . J. elon CIas. O'Boti .,...mt.......H nry Dowe jas. Blarns-able ... Avon . l . J. Wbeelock H. J. Wrightî... WarrEn. . . . Patter jes. T. Idacs....Wàukea.. P. DeNWcmf -FW. Chu retlift.. aak BM..J. .oTleh 0. 8. Chan.....adin .... Wm. Hobau, Jo,. Duaininec.. . Waukean.. -Blitt Beco David T. Webb .... Wuleikaf.. .. 0. Hltein 1. v. Bridgman ... . .Nbioldi..Tbo&I. Xaoterson, C. c. Pratt..... nole ....RobI.Russetll c. H. Smith......Ltbortrvil....F. (Jroker AnidreW Stal....Venn ....Austina Ttlpp vred Kttirefer... Cuba....Oe. J. Rager 1jaouI Besé.......Ea...... .John Efie A. cagner ....... reant .. J. Aleos. Jr. MI. j. Buss... ..Wauons.... L. C. Prie IL A. Puent ......W. Dorfteld ... J. Catolan (). B. Brand..... Deeuuflet...RL D. Everett T. B. Green .D... eefiii.. .1. v. Palon The venito of thlrli-flive petit juronî J. A. Smn Fred Bauer Abes Paddock Edcard Bruce CharleKuebter Allen ne MIlieu Edvard Kapple Tboî. Butd w. C. Daliiol J. I. Banner . B. Btmng T. -9. Hope W. G. Lameson Robi. . Ingalie rai Brovu Jacob Martin Ifs Guel Mceselmf JohnmaConi John Q. Voles' ni. Smîith Prasit Davis jamea Davis Win. meler Augas seispf B. A. Fiole Juo. relich Jaccob Gloden Bdl. Wilmani W. 3. Brandi Wn. Bagimue D. 0. Purdp Frai Budoipla John H. sieabuin if. B. Green 1. W. Brooks. Geramas Caili New Pastor. susdop, mombfr. af tbe Germai zvauglil a thbrobuhircla 15 Waui kegasi, Lobe Vorent andl Liberls'vilb »aemble.ibeianieseim[piUt et teuded a « omit#. eV. J. Anderiot Cabiedonlla. Win., a Irieuti mmd lii. mai et "VBe. Mg. aser, ie reuipI Me. r.' Alideren le a mai la lb I PibMd I& a anammd la a dnm psao 0 tojue-194si Ui IXAMNNCFS Agrlcuilurai omlt% WilI Able to Lkquwte ail Iad hewuhmbM M4 g 19 bould not have bais»$'»d u aven i be Pir di bia.%hon( ceu sacb a mulile Uoo -king it tlb. suecu order, mpout ûce Il LaI t0 p ta actions Cilah over Orgs»lE tion o ffletiComaie. >elegatiita Ib0 DOW«erile CenIs' le Tocn MU lT1110111117 0-i lii viii rbomei armes mIri .Caivé eM lainS c.uip U «O--'vu npi- led, iherebeine Do conte"l for Mmr 1 e offie. par circui Clerb, W. M. Millr, of For jetqg Alêaci. W. Y. Arnold, Vanhegan. For Sgurvyar, Bd IlAIg. ofciWi-id nak. For Coroner, 3. J. Murler, of AaSSeim oasd tu re-Oarimle Wih' coiEl aitrai ComuillIa. b. hladeIpieSSf r isntod facile «v ut"$ieîu *pçoiag 1). A. Graip, pr«»«àe chair- ,m outb Chentral Cosadèliead *MOWIOIIiug ibir iuprep uerOV o "ald demaccraii. A moioflVasmade tu re.4UhSiii a Gribiantdedmie th" bii assbe rric.But ai anuaber0 101118bev- sud to voie deolarll ibthe 11188011 oi of cer. MUl W. E& Miln«,. -MW ,IA. "de a momel t"l à9D. A.- SI aie ehileacaet MW m b.um ulw j«iScebetoum 1 lum*1vu *haut emogU e o imomallii." U~« a" B.comailS.e viW"r» garnIi c iala j. KL Orw aim'chie »n. Th. 81110 Ceairai Comtmm- buhi »M appaisd 10 lodefflc va~ihlUNh »ovemunt vu parmlmlbiae or mot. Ai atifl mv cxiiiusure ame Ivu Detoac Couals COMMipse. osul iaed flaiby . A. Gradi. lbther g K. Onui, lMe former gepniil1 mm lidcmceraI1,01be lU« UlbDui mond agion or tl I m s eIDem of ans Consn'e fflmpuBav IA»" and Morie re eirudvie f-1b uM.wl1.0iOS md MIe d 10111 f the cli bieOoiih Win s ffl . bo complets&. tar .t4Oi ~me emplo c the »iW Ui i m lb vesS Pasi The wetdei.lenseeliê arogre. Gridihfgl aIgo 0 elceen Wailh tband - Faxol. 1 e% lte intention autlime campiai le ru are aven the road betorste itreq Irae aouel dietance LrMM Walvcn %0 Chicaga aver lime Si. Pal ciii1 &bout 75 mile, vhim la t rihthe U Noutimceilinitand ilectrlo lin, bk je osly 71 miles. Thon ais1bcIl distance belveon Chicago and Jane vlle il canai h.Ignredinla MY VI but liai btteNorthveelera u ai TlMuuelipafteroom Ihere cvu bailgamebeceen tho Diamemi Lai.b and North Chicago tinas, la cb time Dlamcnd Lakebo byavon lyasa score of 33 la 6. Frîdur Itilvas differesandtholme veretls a Mp de- lemteti IbaDiamnd Lake hope, lime acors Standing 24 to . BICYCLE tIAFE. rindus'aiteruoou lImere wu ai excil- ittg bicycle race, prticipiktutu by ive1 r idera. lt ce for Uir es nalias, &baud-. somme goli moDdal hel.g the prise, whlic va« carlod off by J. William. 97At3>l AND FAtuLia,ý The varionsasantis dld aC insg1 buneu iiaear mamd evegp priviiogej provod, a gcmi invebtBiO5i. Fakir. vure on baud lu large nummberand a9 ecourse picked ups lituo -'emas maneî." Tite pool box ad a poor husneuan md betting vii lax. Bd.' Pss'ne ted th. peopla Se10 ior à atisl"On n md, bill nalamesl cf 1 ta dm105g hall coold not-baVe becu lmproyei upen. 9. r '£hoarduilan md debailvon pre- parai o 0amd dnn-iag th Vair fab upon BMeerdaors', mud Mu, Chmurchill 688 laborai ulningl i nInlneule oI the s iov of waivbch bh e areiai. Tb. mmait uialiho receli. le but poor mecompusiefor hi.,lime and carI, Mmd b. le tieseriia<lbe nom- imdalictaid grafllUdOof id iaieresid la the Fair. Freoides Mletbma vori no leiu lt"5ils, ai bave IbmdimrEcue mi-0,11Mas' voli f"otpraulimbat nuffl iheir ad- minilifablm evcrp y d edli cii lac vip.a ount Tbieliuteacloicabie deeliSe tu le- tereel IMe shbitoe eac pi. FThis le soit l oni lanLabo bu tulaeveri aafloiuing "untp cimre 19» marc heu. Danp reuom. and nol a t1 e eeiea arc, auimeiw. somae deelar.00 mclio mcp Mmd altentIca la Ilium bc B, B. races, chimte prIMais'obJeci aI 19 the li la bing largoiltmmad r- gleoled. F Tes'vaut Moremeneu la oc prmiam md lmuIn 15pifai.OMurs ne esApo, ",Wareo s Me lu*i t Tu. e a am receiple r for the tour d" c bu 1the 101.1 M. 2(M.30c The toal »OMWMM*MOurce.j Dr coure. B.eb"eto re preeb i rente lotrsmsu-- M Own-1Sg-e . are aos imbitieo ai-maU'7, mitner lteuai, dW' as q' loti1 vini undoibtml>eibue %0 pu ma expenai Mmd lime la. debweuaourmisi tram liit pur. 0 m'mmssa roaie aum$W sadii. 0 Perimli.lb.aufl dM S Piurdj îam d mm i' . boa.0» 'î la1t "$cViaue. s'ar, Mà& ai illnd UN» re»vcgc b &>anmd 17 people on me ps .Mr. Ppa. Oemsiffl*M W ~diat»r Timeara si'. Bu a0 Anin laau th.e rbibm i ilir ve fait, chul in MelmOsmahep c- eld.Thce aisaMMdhboget"lil vire Doia4 v W BIu«", ta meaibouwa bave benu.The bq Md ebeep cx-0 abiblevue ltmihoc. - 1mc olis la tue main lauitheB. pabita ceg. gl ig rdir, lbo! not ai nom- Thempmcaon ,t Wasiabe, had a VOW *Moe libil «i uies md cirfme., ami iQÀbtim machinets' duipàymi o te 1J el tob 0"sea ve ýa aiLie u 0 . ILM . I . cO i , X 1,v i Ouam, ami bewm -d1BirliOB01 Tlaroop la ela *ê*-* àwriif eir au. Thete car» lm«rce ac "eCh di&V, »dndote .exciMaln Ielme..« t UMiuAma sltaiied betarq the coMm i~D0004fl.UPOUtriPe.. S" M iUlm leB"o&, the lads' iloon- iii lo.raie Ico fâne a8iiatiThur> ldap sud rTila llrnuonanmd me "im adeendeti la a parahute vi AS ebehd villi br4aalim eiiInest. Nexti 10 iiq Iracc, no flur i la i W 1 àgm"ra inltereotMi Mb baion ace eo i J $1.50 a Vear InAd~. VARIET STYLMNPIE» STURDY --WEAR.,ýÎ W-0 have lu recetved the new fallilBn. of -SCJOOLSilOBs- Box Caif, Heavy Kid andi SatinCafboi sixes a tg 12 m a & M 650OSa to SLSO P « P *f SIns24 t. 2ZcW SM le $tSIJpiwpar S2* to 6 catImmSL35 to3M ,aP pIr « 0. aau Oe - c s ude. . a doeil * é@ a MWms. 1 . ik i u i 1M W evagw -7 REC0MMENDED andi GUAftA#TEEC M. 5.Colby 06 iMr.. mai11 socne figa Mary man Weamm num M..Siaubt ingiadmiaboom& Gevnansd Goeis JeUi. -rabilof ber eUW,àot laisebo Prom Sairdaiî. uecqe o urma S cbls han ~eglmua vo clip B. loilovimg sbliwm strouma OUI "0fMM" Sbr frontl N pag e ader aai m buai; u Ms ZS.fl ai d miS "4u n li the w « 1 , v b lc s v u t or n~m ie a o àr olm " mar s mmUval laDeer. Fb* asi purm ~ber ass'resbni c te Im idalS tia e..s,..h.i.ssTbmvbobm~fi ~l 4ia oul Bndured Doale'aAg-,i-. s.ueic lveacfEvuimm s Garreloo tiaSm f Ban An oi e., Io à@ I~bYI~ oa 02 vfoM dovs chi &Adalacii ls'Au.MaNbma. ~ .Oneu~l slsaevm cblob beuee a d for pom îw Hev utm te U OW dp cicoài emed b.enMdiciac egnleO, dceonViWue 4a Md *a0e'lh dtiih; but Dr. KnO c iioofverp ice.A"mi M aemve for oCattttEpifou vhdlls'ured.btm. IUAvs'im bul ela10FL This amvloui meilcisete Ue mliCslima,5.ba".pruiid e canumpuip c% gha aMd 1041 0"1-d 4w . nlaDeeaeid, oS cl b eb &il Tbrci Gbe. Mmd Lmw lonimisi pmic. OOoM4 id .91.0 guatal.d.ais'5<ili--*arsbn w" upW 1tmle1bcMmhitrosFAI 7. 3. LIMMkI4 WBqIuI eol-e B LlberlpVillc.GEgo"Aof F*eaacY.. - 94,W hm Me oirme a sw5Ws.Ma lii sde va b..NuVeia~ S.83 cf 1Ev«aSMI' l» s ~w cxeiiOêS., arn blls oasis iei eciosoftheb. ilaie iii be pierceti by te Une sud à counr nov Mificiof soeaivin b. o0"7s @abed.Undreda 'ef boaands i o Umm rvl0isi h.gwougtcélaie Mj t@i doevinaMgie ammer moufflbaand em viiiformia no aimmilipansaI. ge of time rcad'î petoa. 14vWi bu poaienieni for ihe farmesrantifor lb. As à grester portiin cf B.erighl. .vap aoulaidc cf Washngm le 10 be .urcbasid cnlrgm and ai the road bai ,ougei franchmiséi 1or asaly illieil route apon the oonitry hiigbvaii i la noL béliev.i lt" the projeol viii ha deiaad la mmi vms. Flae gaule eau Icanîs' iaa. Theî are ai îllaci: Labo Catherine, Channel Labo, Labe Marion, luif Lake, Petite Labe, 0004, Lake, Cedar Lake, PliabeLake, llpperaitik Lake, Graiu Lake, Fox *boe, Sun Lake, Deep Lako, Oroobeal Lake, Hiastinmgs Lake, Baud Lake, ailimore Labe, Cbitlefldett Lakte, L)tuce Lake and Gages Lake. Thme tcwna orba[oulipaed as' lie rouale are IlpatiliO.icornera, Gagne., »atmug#3 Uiîl, une,Lake, Milibouru, Lake Villa, Mans&Oile. Fox Lako, Loue Labe,'Atlooim, Oregan,ý Channel Lake. Fil teeu depole are lu h. erecteti, lociaged ut Dhll.ubeck's Corner, Spanldinggl Cornera, Ourse.. (frange liaIl-Beck . 8L»94 , ruce Lake, Milbulm, Band Lako, Labe VIlla, lionepvll oFx Lake, Loon Labe, Anliean d Channtel Lake. The central pover houàeviU h. bulitaM Labe VM itlh a iub.,lalion nt Grne,. Time enjine roati la10eoolA about 0$M'M. nne-u>tlba aIf vicé, Uiih bemalera capitl th ie remalimer 10h. epet op by local Ptcmotenu. LIlel time parpdie %0 bue g pmdng earl lu oclter mmd gel t.estime roadbed la abape betore cou v.aesOr,iiOM la. prestins Wîun declarta mthUe enlire migb.of-vayilenov-e.oured exceptiigtg hal portion tlirough Auiocacd aa srlp Ivo miii.§ilengl9b ceai of AntiOch. Il le probable lime Antioch Bad vill pami a franchia» aSi eteir sext meelimg.TFeb ilp Veut ef Anilch oamihe bigbvap viii oua- l@i be gp»midbp the Boardof Ssuperitetrs. 10. - 14~b.rtyvhlle. Late CountY. hini.Frt4,!Septebe21100 iýý U Lil'à *e MR BUE LU IESN. Waukegan-pox Lake Electric Roud Sanina aCertainty. Atla receaI maeil et the wau kefs City Coucil a ttifibi vu VMald the Wa*e<i-1'0Xie,aMd vemie iy lp ait.mse *i0"lame hetidan llad, over WaibIUO M*Ol, sd by Shodr mci n Behec000201 mm~ s 9h cot ob*acle 10 the boniig of lb. road la qustion. T~b@ route m ahovu by the engiiieUr a 'rcd in Voukugan, rains West on Wrnehnglmou iret 10 1h. id Lllvahas oadi Ihenc. north am w.tlrl te90Spa~$ia ogrner.; thmernie iiliBJ mnGrand avenue road - om ua., lasui h mehihvar dé tb.le roi hem a $eV heumd yWmiit of Me lb. lwothèes ee b uoal rua du. viiiollovim a pvivabe rtabslot-vay .10«- lhe arnooUlia mmoie mDe. Plane, river; ibmag flatou Westi %0 lthenorthihu a md -ol higvabout oa.4b11 et à muei auoet pf roe's Lao; fol- .vilag 1h11hlgbva.f h.roa rais nmt thelbam" ihliat os Avon. tcWmibp, osehalf tati mu9h i o d9 e vajdcabihe ouib lime c Ubm oSwlp iv. Mliii 106" lb.0 Thom ouIm M Brtiaia nd Lahe . thes viii 1»LaLiteVin lla aiathie sceBk sonoviai the WlaeommUil ew lia rigkt 09 vap tg Aniiochl Ibance vii in pre ie of l uyv$0b ie emrof L., Avenue sud Main me", Aaioebth. Me oliowing laxe Avenue oma haItmile vusiAi éiebso a" Oh lvY %0 Ohiamel Loba. 9h8 peaieaigudana lrom lA"eVisla abraatoh liuevin be b@oit laU»lbw lgvai.Oid" samu&hem» t6"moi9haorl a"i iom h bkva i U4burlh of a mile ihem a aprivat. riche of vau vii go L*baiWB limitai os slb, iibaii cf Fai lAbo. -The Une be u Ihir becu proà. peiei tam Cimna.Lao. sertbv»i toeW throumgbWmilin, TaMIs Liae Wimeaiin.a di ban", 01 swqif 41 mil, a _iWSiv &$*ebot* b oi wâ it Mmg e.m a togulw $20 00 olavi. te d10cot-............................ Sic * . e n............................. 75 e, -w *sa.e.............. 1 have sthli a few bargains, l ra bhat camnot b. replac.d wheni proseit d se gone. LiRTYVILLIE, IL., Ntougt £siÀ'ASuBHWD No V.Us. IS. d", WAUKEGAN. iLLIW0I1. TgLePWOMiu. te*' A Sohool Companion P«, Otanlgruler, p.iW holder, silate ponci and Isad penoII f ree Wth every pir. d étét ln order to makeroom for our fai stoio tlovs w. wIl ç los.out at Ile» than- cost ail 011 and sinstes mi*t .0wit; mm fim' Iwo hm mmy stylm m wqI 1