)iJTY 1iý Llbertyville, LA.ke County,. Illinois. Frl4y September 28, 1900. with our Prices with our Work ,with our Promptness WHAT MOIRE - WfAT MORE Do You Want? Cai You Ask? Our effly det la b t e matawmoe,-Mmd m l maobhmVt wldh pUffuImgm Pairls tyle. PFimd <ut Patk. Thats e .w.y m w. a out dodu&a The hasefod men la te"m som a$o dut. wbon ", b««- i aus ues *tub. be a- mils la bus der of le hI.e Amm- ber hi tmIs ahwvd ý a mue. t1 fa- .a Ih. 10paro. kChartes OaIIoway. i fos *vr Lovel'e*Dru*oe rtylvll - Illinois ~Dr. 3.LTAYLOR. over Trigga & TayloriS Mue asroodwBy oppoi@atr L.bwvilles Illnois. r. 0l. B. YOUNG. Physloliâ md isurgeoni. --- - -Illinois. SB. IH.S"itb. lIe ov*ié Li eCointir Batik LibertYVIlle. III. PAUL MacOUFFIN, ,&tttam.7 uMl ouanfom atLav NOTARY PUBLIC etville. Ililinois.c A I M.MILLER, *Wvotrgv AT LAW. WiYILLE - ILLINOIS. -Ilno e. qu#19se.. e nta. v éu.Cwgar..... aau., dMa" ui a.0%ai Dlabor ascro. mios bu frTILoe BSirng BM414 lia iad au r# tlnwôthy and Claver 8eeds. Also Red .'P and Ken- ticky BMue, SMu gay lot OMe MSal mupaga lath. Opina RouesTueedmv eveang, Cala- ar SU&. Tvoofaithe party'a ablest emtes latuhUn ah, viiiie he .te glys aldrua. Mr. O. Donneli, aaml- mes fo or emrof Smt amI»AlAoney OlummeeM. Darev, of Olatoaa.bave pnomieelte bc ih. M the prnaou Joba Alexanlor Dowl uteba quirol &bM t $»mmrePiaces ai Bonbon pmopensi. Tbe pie6ce la question aro SMm mitefl iahy loce emméaIiof te esester, Md uh.Aunm acc.ard teaat. Th* e001CaISMOIRMM aa lthe laid fan ê $11 tan e .110. 14telaar- adcl se.pmllaela, s- 46"hrrn~lB'Ia.e - b"is akmy. Ailbut abtS M ocf th. e uay PlO rqutrel a muro e epraporty et thoe ensa Congregational churcli bau bull aourel by BR. »amms. TAIe State Germm <Jngregatlana soMeY AIm cntributed,$3U tovarî the puroha,. pria., teaving bat $M5 mare te b. ralael by tho membors. It laum ue sd ,o tAIOhe congregation, cn la a ahort timeo avalbe ov plae of yor. hup on ans ai thoprethient atmo la boire. TAIe Belgian leo.Iauatry,, la a »Wv lun ir Laie cauaby. laa" ve. tho VaUiega B lgion Rare Compter resvol hrae VaImabie animale tram O&USlInandalbave purchasol tvonIr mare ln tAIe West. Amang tho latter la thIe a.lebra$94 huai Baron Pemiala, on oai Fanhala, an imporuel aimal WrthI $150. The. b"ie amniguimenî iroui Omliaomuslà vorti 100. A bigecodigmeni tai200 004g0m lapre, purahamol li oetrai Elai arrivet uWsuanla-104 w"e14 via tAIé Anue» aExpresa Cer- prW «amw»ver. senStaWoolitaci. ThIor abuatl-Ue.m C~hi""aei1r ioairote t gohab. aqumi leal nyl thia counhry.' M. 0. gay ler, oSNorthiOlaicg, li avuingfor thePassageofia au- aii. mince 0 beoars the viago board, iroppol a 5ev remaria vh ilaicab Sha a moniorator I M cStemplat looahing hor.n. m i!:4.1 taler. assaI tfC. T. ilcynan, Sammrly vitAI the local vire plant,Wviao ni a a rce tract i1mdaI thileplace miroagir la Savon et havlng :the 'au ouiltaob g.oblagi. ver B long time S.. Fhoilby(Tue omnpany. o et lv"ul g0Onohab beau esoilmg a aite mnur OPhiaug, mid 1bolovo ah oeiue n e noutcma usv 0»OOd enou atAIMr. Bapabai inhi1aId for Shah purpose. Nov ht"ho Ia pvemidlhoS i big coempi.à&la passbleUlb lai Mai bo iully cousmomateand tie blg plant The o sa 9AIealtbvIiitaie ieps ta prosct ,Vaulak p eo ram intoottiai h mom"i#po. Thoyl baye deoed Shat aiI citisens bo'proporli 4vaocieael exceph in hhaee omuea viire racaaiahmaibeau periemnol and 1.auhllb'eVidosoa aofuneh ta Preoeutel ta the membora . of the bairl. a cn oler te b. certais- muttAIls medium ta maie, a auime 'oSfsPaer qualitY Put UV lS ir- lb AIhhenanti i . hprocuraI ashth. oUmcefai o on- nlsualao a itAI, Dr. baby. ual rviii be iortii" séah0"ptlhoPlaesilaa viert he patiopt oua par, sud vhom Bach osaue flrt vqt maiw h le" revrléii b u ptie fee Tein han bue Ibi o JWr*M tré, ~jr~ CODURN5 IS fl Go~EA Democrutie Peettoni Comapr- mise. No Ilgit NOv. TAIe acional Sght-btveu th. (Irali-RoBaslMomntaMdthe Gra- ilumnuilrovd la t" Domnewete ranis, has rosulted la tho qplet- ment by tho Démocratie Ulula e utrai1 ommttee or Mr. HNry CobelU, Ot Jaiq Prus, as ota*Mmn«oSthe lais Cony Deoceratte cammihtee. saadersofS" i iunaunuwVII remomber thIe 6sa tpuhtlahai l this paper oraimieDeomate -CaUES Convection ea hiici Usma ors vu a club as,$ta-tAIe et imtc sal* OonuayCtinra-conifto . Setter finally bing roorrelt a hleBlte# oomnif the oide. bethar Gra4,'on Orvia uhoul hll theo arnflet chair~ Man. At the convectian thAIé, na Mtctîcaput up a uev counqy oauiilta vîtAI 4. X. Cvii, o ai Vamoa, bM chaimman. Upa raU Il 51 10wu de- lared thenew cammUm te. vu b lo3ted. The.OConnor crowdl n the athes huaIdamerthlAe nov.vasout ofS ader, tif 1). A. (rali vu abeted la1» le obhmmamahp for a peni of 0 op yesres ad tAIt Ohol01 ommitte vas-Mitl la paver. Taua the nacter ptaaI. Usai ovld clalneltber bhaltho regain o OmtY omanttu viSAi tho cadi: egar4 ilopreenaure ai bath tao icsI appenaitl beowe thoeate commiWe9 Thursai aif laah ylk. Ail 'vo a-a halhcL viion D. A. (*rdy leufl hia ruigaatl4oui.Thoelé eoimille reiuaed %a recopalaoMr. Orviei, aorat.o ing halaesho wu &a mm te e <1 au lalependotPritAies 4aMli U1 Mr. Gras1j'a résignation va coq*"e and immodlahil thIe ooauuttêeNFp paltal Julge Cobtu, of Laie Peoret1 chaimmn0a thee uiy e0mtes Md 9 sdtah t1h. oam abouti e- braoo &Umilmehalci lie b#»connil. tees (tue O'aeo m aomnitte Md UA Demand comnllt) *v vanula tavr,0aith»e réguai n oila (O'Conaor) &Mal vIavoul vok fan haie electin ThusLaie Oouaty bus Be largoit eosaty acunitirne St rshai, mb i r am eaplatI,9hau thltre mon- : The 'dm&"s etBe MM AS eOi vhIli. lua s4qm seftedinga o. préau. aaubainei tavreatBe rg démocratie iaotu>-mach on t la. at liat the regular momince bc giren conortel suppart. Challenge Demnocmata. At a récent méeig oaithAe Mpub. lian Club, of NorthI Chicaga, it vu votaI ta uend a challenge ta tho Demacratieoa uny oommitboo ta have a dobate an lhe sulijoot af -Imper. lallan" t Woodman-haii Prlly aven- ing,llopt.SSth. Thoiuslbabes li b. Mours. Y. W. O<land alW. H. Andeoanmud hoî viiimes$ may ta Lai. Oaaahy Déocrate Ihast ho couahy cammithâ mai »Bdon i aana &hm. The débat viiihbcSfo.eald everjane la Invitai la attend. A Yoaag Lie Mmdl. Thorons Atklaman, agel 19 iuars,e lied uit the home -ai ber imher ah landauS, Tuoalay, C$eps. l@h,_tf ad Mra. Mattliov Aliloasa, 0yung big social uatimuly domise out a leomoar e i 11111e canmuniti ta vhioIi he bâti os- dearol herseai b ber many bemuliil tISoaioharacter. Fanerai services areo ervel aetS the L'rluroy charcii an the NII th l thIe badylaid la roat la the o amele adjacoent. A largeoconcouru aof frianei gatherol mUdliaenel vitAI amrovig1 hearia ta tho lut ai rites andthua wilih bada bave lalav.l the ie Caer laden camiet ta the. grave. ThIe Chicago, Milwaukee & 5h, Paul lalmi vWi oi i luar Bamseeles1 Excuraion ticiets tlaSUmits at iiSatA Dakata, tau. ian pluaUfotailBe round trip, au Oahober 9,.1I0. This wiii enabie partioes ho riaist li SCna Bell Expam$ashob llla Mitchell, S. D., Sieptembes 201h, te Oclobum 4. 1900,- inclusive. This exposition la hol ta lemuaitrato th. guet agi. cultual remauros, voati, atueposai. billliol of ibis iirlug ".ath.'Ae exposition la bll Ina moaiuty decormbol capalace vihlfor beaua mn Aarily be.exoe»llAnmywhere bi %s buIldingo ateoarrnmhurs. Thon are tiiausula- t ers ofaicheap lands 1,la in i ilmth" al u, BUXa tho preda*'au a iahat abat*. rapill incétée 14 ~pria,ald lie bel mng nt thia Mm P~lOs 110hflsa amy attractions. thaý lIoSI amtueenamilb h-liaboul .mepgntulty rs4 $1.50 a Year In 09, extra"uinry Intoru Mlouiiw-wW w onmn. Tho, Heavy Cotton Underwear, The* Fleece-lned Underwear, The HaIf-Wooib UndIerwear, The AIi-WooI Underwear. carments to Fit amq Man Wonuan or Chiid at eddly Iow Pdi. October Torm utQ C.twilI open Nest ItjuBy bTii. October*0nm oaié$o ;"aCouat3' -Circuit Cout apem=Ma ndai, Ba& e othing on tho lO adacket te .aw@ited vith mmseOMM" intlrest, 1 han Judga Danut ,*lUin os t 1grantlug a810w trw t0S. lCruegoe, b omvicted oai mrdb» viue. an asateoel ta lte iupUkomllaut kArgument. for uami fflgrantag B a no trial vers 1.04 l* May, sud Julgo Donnur tly tu»o" à* h vanl gcive bislé *el0 Joune il& rHowever êahthat UusW again Pont- ePmsed tAIe natter MW* Omober, a4" m oosequontly vill, rendW sbée oclaic u«riag thIe eoeing ton> prabably a I ofcourée opinionsa hilru ata ewh.ther a mevtrial 1* le grantel, gbut among MtomRM-' M bellef la Caneras I viib. ht ug rDonneury vWi b.eI eproeel.p lng as lthe Oetobw la W"ie ofeltthe praDEouto l &gain be Sa"dlby lMr. B<**er. If St autit go oyer luu ,arolu Mr. Taleoi, whom okmur mm Ph.~oo- Cg statesAttorasy là 0etisl.vini ha"e abusre ait me ues. 1 Imaeger bu bue MÎàod in lthe apsty jau gai or, u»0.e ThIe Octabor te,. vM ib. a bUsy oft. Thmer."0 arety -'awe.'Cam, Mer daciet. Tmfsme malty.al "fCammon LAW."osais, 41 vhlCaIveu. Mr" mmonuèifsboeugh rvard ék thWb" are allai nmmv gua bringlng *eit. houaumber orp kouam huadred and tWrelie. court Wall ocavoae oda! lu "B roramnovatd, ,ro à iand r. iunahod, M ardlet 9 Meappoint. mom". The jadse% ob* adthe Jury bax have b.em ahsiogllo the vent aide 01 thIe irontu$*M5estranithé eGut i ele, noV mauhê eavers the suac,the vindowoshaM4 bera trootel h1ua moRflu étatl O.bm*t laac @rous igAItsudaéI AI. atrihrnlof aiho roombu au m b o eloanel. The Judgoe» oa superbl MdmIle lavas Jury room ham boom amllarly $Nom& l.Boa aparhtinn ibkv» >eua lepelpaintelal t- n> o.Theovof airemodelanin ad turuiaugaacost about $1300, -Ifflda'tLitre 1h. Our ambition& 000517 seat la èeze aiter "gol thINq" Heo aboiapu- couragai dthIe alumrvaLno. of ItA anivorary ofthe oinancipaim 01 claverr in Anierioa by negral of i l. cousin andI Muis, bulled t taire ph»c la Wankogm lait vasAI. Tiie local papoua lovotil caluimua t th, "ong avant," vlicAIvam ta attrat 10,000 people $tablat olty. It Saak place sul nçv Waukofam la borry. Rarelatheva&Y a local Pawuo putaiQ: Waukegan noyer vanta anathm 0ol- ored p.opila barbecue and oelèheation of &ny aniv.raryaof1h.e manal- patianoaialavory. one eveat aià1 dulption.laampli auficlnt. laImt a$ la mare thon oneiugi. Laie oçuty haunever been no la- 4gracedsit aà beau by thiià.eblimg as ondfl eaht SI, neo ppla.e open vwuiltéth éeui stand hi aper- amor vanl olmoulato porioeally, *"Came o aie. Solows, vhaVa the muteor, im_â»o7 uo byta gamule araunid Intel' Taie pieuteiaaail over ana Waulagan la glao1tg, 'Tahspubullib ouam1- pooed upla li ging Contribgo.a th. unVU aryhv, hua rape, M and Mntri a tageeaj-hmbea u oldor- aly uapaot an a rutti ffteair. The smne.castral oonmitteea elt he Rlblicn and Deocrati DPe vers holvink ue b hnkiqerult 1 $ bu a gruât aluir sudsent igné ai 9litir but .apeaorsaIbore. Ail wens &vaY tharau4hlW Uheutol. Juge Iroosthe Proa. Thoev loti rkWorld Aimapso au- apeell Oaaigaupplmeans l, e iaubama iMna. The Veid haim a oh 8»lePage EucîspeiM Volunte of autl lniormattis>*t4h lsiue, patae d1, aethS-ela M al? Map ~ IOMeladdition,59a extra eoui te 5moot the Mto. mouta of @$pttn for aptô4bm IIUMI »WààkUo. Th t a ci a lafladPreidom -etn- jar bmx*tng ttailgver q-81110 tbe qaton oset .pB nu, a., ý%eo 0~0,er 1 -et - at public »$t7 é ba ,jSP4dajý 1Chicago-rez LIds. Comany On Dock Agala. ThIe Ohioégo-Vex & OMM arskes 9 lecirim alw" Oompany la damion mdoL Aftt.a pèsiaI of Inmugl. at#wihi.tiey astame k lite but aMd luaamanor à"at ame aithml mimyoS porpoee. 1Tîabmd" f 1mat veek tva opiona 1 om:PUeOeUV boiongine ta nms. Nanasal Mdordutald, betresa LII- ««V» à«- l8.uox at. expire&L OS. 1 eaia s e e ompay Veraon hai b nir la he daellenîmme 1h. m "am o f apeel purobiapriae% vi"ttomdmwvasacceptaituMd luda gival e"empaur. kQuestosesaita prospect@ 0aihe epreUSl rosi, th"y vote Oempiatila esseag 10 voulhbehul. Thoy : ave beu delieibehomme oi the. un- avouaÉbie abornes of a prorinat i ove, latl"s omlepriaetula Uniqe, a m -that aommen mvon lhm .a k& th isa euutry, aggroer voh vg wmpronoml th a shootlime. iAil rightfi ia l uer carbel" b es or apumff bebvoam-laie MUS aMd UuyU ailies aMek Mha sk-S a.tce ophlaaapire, &~t ipuiohmet tihe landu1@1b. ho a"eby' The.eanialmeeting aofithe ks couaty W. 0. T. .u. shm-l Bt the Oamgugalohalohurah -ah Grayalake sept s. Tb* meeting vu Osil konMM ah Il oelaoi by the. Prumilesté,]gra. Oraméby Thème mot bing mmay pruam&.mIeà&ti.#-Lm lus et have M7 bumu "slii.mamniglit as crevéIo tlute thes aiterma, If cavd Vsàa hao kmm ae a «mer meebtnghua smaulg." Thiavu dlmethie meeinbubot"led h Nia. Drues, af tise<irgn&Mo euda, Mal r OuM m psepnut MM" nl amimald meayl bai part mealmg slasà very halptai Mdl labtereeluqhmu. At il .'laio veailounelfor lun0h, Mal li0 Pmothi n d ma sewmiheur vereomiejl. Th.eee m e S vu ailai kamIe et i a'slae farnthes ahom eeie.ý OSt *@ee rptea aR&uiy mtueqtug con»@#Olo !tamIF.suwemm 1lMe mM ti*aie IImot élait ve aMamy relation. Mer pper vu Voir goai mml 00W ou moama diameo. W@ v ere thon tavonolby a itMg by Ur. StevensO pastar of lie Or@sym Ga 0m. grsphimal aheroh> mAU Vit. A.p4merwu ruai by lir. Mstua% ci Gurnue, aon "Rav We0cO aisOur Unian Mare Attractive tu Go0 Me Young peaple bh o am, vb$* vu Sailavel by liacuaulonand lmarnevery helpinl, goal thaugiite braught aont mile, vhich ther, vusmore inging, and upan a cordlùa invitation iran MUn. Valle. oa1h.Louis@ Shepld Union, lé va, 4doel ta hall the Dort aont«ersmoith hem ah hhe Vola, ohurciiil Dcomber. Mr. Stevens ade a shiort prayoral, prananae ie henadiatian, andl hue c10001 tAIe firaS caneren. CaNUrUxnvux. To Improve Court Hoae Square Ah one ai their sessions lait veeik ýtAe board of supervirs ovoted far ho lrnproemnet aitAIe court houa. aquare. TAIe ounty'a squire lu th. haut af Wauiogan hma beoon l Ils uflimph andi log vitAI lés aurrQualing advisAI t4i weà1th,- standing ,ald genalpro. gresmtreu vbich Aa hractormne tAIe omîy tAIrougiit lés histary. But ti.condition a b bcImprevel. TAIe square la ta bc grad ad lurtel ald ohangal tram preesml appear- anc. ai nogleet tlauan anamenh ta eWaukugaa Mmd Lais eounhyual the moton of SAIe board wvIiib. applaulel by citimem 0aitheo outy. Prom im t ime 70q viiihier os vAIm tavuslaong tAIe novwextenIos e the. St. Peai ramI aeexpectlmg whea the through service behveeen icAlaga "maiSt na le 0inaugurtol.Aul are obitiaus "h-o bo on mAe Main lim." 6 eiè. la a lamper on their «eposa laps If Proint Earlinla l vihOy quated. In au Interview AIo la mileageil tu haveasil: "There la Haotraila the. ramr hat vo vill buiouicaro», i 011*1Lamlino hiraug i Jsuvlje l Malndalrua the. Sat m*ll and througil psengsr traians t PM ft ab ver it. Thon trais viioctimue mr r«via MNilvanise, M ual» #ovli;e viol «itendl oameSrhithanuuvew* Madured Dmteti.Agoies. he sulese41 éyeIra., Iol Full line, af 'FWBRPOTS. In order to mako rmon for our fail so stov« es w IiI cloSe out at, les. t"i coat-411 011 and gasolin, tto v«. Novew MO oomm b v, w. bmureMd 011> OU& idk vea rqwiat$20 O0 d a. t dmlat........................... so * Sn Sm .............. - M S S .0.............5 1 have s8611 afew bargains lnbvi that cannot b. replac.d when pres.nÏ is gong. ME3 LIBERTVVILLE, ILL. RECOMMENDED anciOUARM m.31B.8.Colby C smetoatic Uail7. The mai<dan% of Ohievh noàMa. IL KMLorm ',Mi boum' troubues 13a3. nmsa maure viin ilusues Oiel2O% lIAIUS imus of thoeouplmn. Everybo&y lu ifteuiPy. VI laia Md me f l.ori CAler mmii Notice. R[Avfng purebaieloa, N. 1MM La"u bu aa ia Mps amis e e. h~parm fl éia p ions Somss. WiII rent my farm of thre or four bundred acr»e ltuatd nar, Prairie vie* ta' reollable j Party. Pl"b Vie . SANI3ORN & GO0, Tailors and Ifaberdashers, or Block. ~Libertylvi lie. loii oeh hoy Veri wma"ou. bd sion- brd. ThIe loaa uor re oi tAIe *. causal Mr Mumes I.o taliet *wl, vu Publie- lh Yom toem*. 'geoit maprovel et halas fia' bis, rt muy 5m bas ormi a WAUKEOAN, IJOUNotS.- i lov.,s. îles. TgI. 5>501 'dé ýr-w,,l un-l le- ar