Local it»ms of Interftt to Llbêrtyvi Little Talk Vo wi idi if ~~ - IGUo È & éT'AVL. a.1k4m 5 TN4i I-SPACE The chillY days this week made you think of Under-. wear, the warmer klnd. We have some--just ln--wool and heavy, cotton, such as are usua.iiy sold for haif wooi. We bought right, cônseciuently are selling rlght. Wi have just received a fine asso,tment of Tennis Flannel Heather iDress Plaids. The proper thlng for chiidren's dresses, l4e a yard. We have a few pieces of wool dress goods, whlch have been reduced from 50c to 35C per, yard. They are bargains. The newest thing out ln boys' and «gis' school h ose, al' wool foot and extra heavy cotton top, ail sizes, 25c pair. We have so#%e of the lateut and prettlest, designf., See. them. $nilh &Davis, -------iaui:ia-~ a u. J. Viol. .. P. W. Pifluav. Adil Gacfba ho0»»mu». W. N a1WeO~f~< .fi 81010.Xa o wU 1. lt .W day cf am ,S UM. c Oic. M WuxClam.o eu. d4Y at isUSp. oý . CLAmA L KILSuE ood. Mreeedi 'u R n Pda IO L IL p m.j . M. B k.P. TTIAm. IN KEPPEOT 1170110. Npean..11:0 :10 7:* - .oSW .... :04 1:18 1it 7:0evil.. 8 7 :487 8:40 s'i0s IL~udul 8:0 :A eOIoc air Au PMiP - M-Î-0710 ci Cc: *" 0740 4MB e 4oÇ &M AafivIGA il) LEAVIEO OLD aile?. 1110W TflLL 00130 880? lipu R Ch 1-..810 11 1rUOtvJO72582:C5 - a A _Tralna martel A Mn dsily. ildolyep bund&Y. subioW en*8the Mtoisiéconfer- suce 7Yeu. RM Galcwai la paiuting Thbac. crlett'a redolnc. Notice change la Ut Paul trne table, aid ion'9 miss jour train. mi"s once Maiele vialita ltives la £v"naon t ifrèt ofth9 e eL. premel, 1th Utile son of Mra. Lott. Prosine. ta verî 111 vllh dynoutcmi. Rlay Hubhri epeul o ev daims yul Aurors relatilves lbe 5151 af the weol. Mr. Athur Blkley and vile have returue o t elr homeoIn MeKona xlch.1 Mr. Oea. meWain atlondlng tehus]-I nem umatIe!. lu the viclulli ot Ido orave, la. Me oxpocis ta hc absnt a weduesday a mu arrivai ta, relievo B. k Duiola, wvite rcigned his Pont- tican a gont for Sue St. Paul BMalrcad st ibis placemoule lime glun. tr. <. FIb#g bu a ceintita pint C. p. Averilli tva bonnas on Nevberry Ava. and tlebonbne. owed hi Mr. Avarli au Division streot. Bulkiey & Leo have the centmo71taor the bick vork ou the addition being buBhteuJ. W. Butler'*Moptro building. 1. B. Gleou v ili do the carpeuler vork. ' The uev soke -stock ai the t Maroni focary la a&boutcompltai.1 The manailfll tta impstieugIY wat.- lng the arrival t ofnes peciali boutt mahileri, vheu th faaiay iyvlI ,tsrt E. W. Parkhaut bu rierel tva 600 Candi power aucoune ara illumai- namtoi bis sntore. The lceCoeuuiy Bank aise have oue lu thir io.m. W. 0. Soubora la locai agenitfor the Sêlerai Libertyvilllmnsa alendel lie litote Pair ai Spingielditus veok. locy Wb 1 policeman on lhe prounidOa. llond inla lt h. dMride- parlmeut and Misses Dot bac aui [aura Disuenelbolhavepoctb» ens scoralea. EdnMileu. IsLe. Beau aui John Llmberry are igilI Plans fai live Cottagea te b. erretel pu te yndIoate propelli a t.v Ilundre fact souib-wet et the brick tactory have beau oaepied. iloht. practor, W. T. Mto, P. P. Dymneu and 0. P. Wright are Itersootolnluthe entorprlseaou, the boudings# iiiDe pusel ta, cempitien vti ail possible dlapalo. Aready somo et %hem bave houa renti. condtticumi on iboir ceitpietem ai au eaily perlai. Tbm Cicago syndIcts wieb la pe- motlni a nov msnufaciuitg town colibi- Chicago IuIlidad, meai Boningon Sis cnti. lu bout Plot. tOuas et Sue stalýtofh propcu4l «&o liionanthe ChiagioundNorth appto.ah.s I. the. aly nezi ion it.a upoOl e abouding operaticai viiil u eriel taorvari. iThesndi. este lu oat b eendeetolIR aMauMa tmli le cloue a public rosi. îî vIto echange 11e-lcèsam cf a cri~ioctiig tWe refwyMd wt ' bums à 0 ool~mu "-'-lv'y Idd E.Nulb>a tdb«qfflUe bmud, ieitive tcfuse 9011.la Europ e f rs. lmsang 1 P-- Gkranipq ô"la V«gib. vitebu cul fored ib a cenerfoimanY ve-», Il gradmaly iabbmÉ »d d105h la Mo The affcton 0in . abic face. Eu r"M in 1, emie=coIUlO5e anditlon, Pence t nly avallin 910 ami ev. G. D. KcIma, ieceullly'pesta of thm Prebtfousooy, sud Mli Math Ê .191M, w"olest yearta'g* the pimovy paSlaeaiuroi-ho4,Wv mrriel TUe@clq Mr. Heuver la nem ptai of a ilOMaietenoI, iU Tme gae 6peefts te arrive inaTAI eriyvle for o obut alay, llaturday. L-.rp l Eglnd Auff. 12tIWO. le f- Sbull or »V kt lui 0 Wed YW Knu Md Nais, v oi 15 folcvugDatte @ml, c*Mo» Me l iar*'o .I Mmudianghtrof fM .abeouireaD. M D>"omd 100 lgMdunbouWevad. oui uamiE. Wlles iao lsce- Mdoy» T IL Wi. i uleue. oi thi bTie viii ie ma quietone, avm one lie ove! girl. Wma. Grasut, cf uringlan. soliotai fo ai 9.Woodw.àMoilon. Asocaion, la colini en uauabersc-et Acme Camp inbte intauats of thol insurancora- «xtendai emy ta membis et ibm Modem Voodmen, aau e oulai à VilI be lnteOd inluoarfg of the hoeofift 8bOo erived. lied a Si. ovrubailuVinesI ntuaitt *e, Ton charte embr vere enriftel. Oe carter maI lar dont ai Cud . Lyn la r ai dent ndsalicl. Smtouacrmttc al ei trgai pio auDe aeai flbléb tar"ng h.cmirau. Il iof.peonnub tain hella inmeing 1 lb.pl&ovu Mohoail 00.611meetvig et VT'ou ero muls4 t proulOlVdem'Coan- vini spck. imnit by the lut Rock iver con- berencu Win, il la mal, Sau. mauy lgeihodit maters ta roueaitShelu oi chargea. Tismchange ta th.elime hit ma" aise railla. the mumber ci beopo mi eiders, as mach- Of leu ici viii h. donoei bm *9postais le- balung tIroir charges. ,Ail Mafs ill h. illcrougbli diacoseed eti iemeetinge0f gb. Rock hiver coufereme 0 o b ýld as the GOrfild MethodiltOhurcb Chi- cao, Oct. 3. dv. berf oui B. le e t ra p lg ibe Wod- rk la Mhe store room 90 Sehocuplil 2. W. Parkhnust inu àucaoSDov lIav. Mr. Prhuuit bas aidea me voij hanisme xum o fr his Iratai. Md vmiPlace aooi gala Seté"veei. Kiniipofehe 5e atb eofMUn. Dr. jgt M ber hOme lua &Ukegai. Ore vu uu.iveril ora Oui lge, when cme laemc vwon bueva bluigll, .i.me.MUn. Lgb$ ring the ymn et ber rsidemot s vua premlmil oneta vw" Br sood vcii, o prime maI01 ha agicus .«*I10endami lu ndeormi soito tou people ce have 1ev. motel sevicu vI» h.belhainWait- iagaMa tla flanoeu (Ioday)>24 2 gocI, n musaflieuaiberljîliie I vieaiy in viiattend. lm signture 9011e Beis*tereRep.u. cem, oui evSmmanc, 0eo.LInchem. phacsii ugit 9h. moortocf Labo oounti are net diuatlafei vmt the nomgin»uatione0. V. OConnor,,et helVidere, fer mInorii reprecoutativo lu She (1mai 1Aembly rom Sthe eightb disbltritRle mys: "Ville 15 la tine h01 ot 01er baie venu bave prefrreisa Lm ai cni Mau te bave sorei Sue nominationl. v. o--Pt 91 inevit.ble sud vili do ail lu ar POve ta »Mre itheeianoot Mi. O'Connor, notvitmuding he m lulmonibel boua t10* WMOehQtadc hem auke- gan Ibt au ludepeudellt democrt veuld crry LhO cuti Uke a bouse an, ire." t t t a I *8 AtIh lt1aineswion oeth1e Board of superyvisera tn Wankegllent i eek, fi vu vaied ta appropliate $75 toria a Frmerniiuut, tle bbell lu Li lm ertyvilie, prolab]3 same Ualu Fb- t ruarj, aiibadgh te daimeibu net u yet beenset. The affai tete ba con- duotel on a moeelabcfllc Maae Iis d y001 9105 boeooforO. Gool speakers are tobeprovilnd oi ntertninneni et superl oret t urtisbol. Liberty-b vne busiss men iwlll Se Interested ami 95.amaunu given by thie Super-. viscra imlsed tc, $150 hy aubsrilptiln. J Frther natico oud partiontars vilI p- pear Inter. j. w. Miller lime" heen amnoyed far eeveual yrs by b)oys al«Uaug melons frpm bhW,"gardon. Ths.7r erei.- preistichacontinue« "mai ho doter- mi*"e1 %la-taah e boyasneoneMo eaia lihinsoî tainbis"-melon Potch 'luaeiq mliiiand ftegy a short watt licoovuimia faim aaati0eli orae susg M4 vhou but' a 1mw ot ipotveum helveen bt*@MelIani the laéruior Mr. miedicehard a hoawy elei ivice. If over Ihere vhsm ore tfrîgite lbdMi. Miller bu not ment hlm. Thb. pieu The boy lma marchai" thIo bous. vhmta bic di.comatoturim vu Irîber r ejoyoiand ho vs. oorpelied go teit vI bsCampanOlla vro. Aler pledighimaeli xaeuuta tiapcis upes MrMiîio*b ilroperty again te laM& 4acut hoe MO Sudorquent of aMr. iller bismarntla Ili»tteli. se bOoG itwtulte~ u §&, maplg 14lI04.. The caimtiV ClesgvmaaR. -~Au oId clergyman .90 bail bell rare lu th. deptbs of the ccuntry ta. the gpestai psart hibislite baiacocaic to couat bis blshop oE a certain mat- p. l.duinangwe1 te bin bibi. gM oielv.an iffviioall 9.eup the mlghi aithb.palacé. Pmr 40or 60 yuacho0h51 uaaiticallj' lad thelits of a reclus., oui t vaa arin mamy ccgltaoiics ha ho laldel to tais 9h. jouinei 90te ther lvii. Eo arvai jugé la Um<'to 'looitesa s euliowlslcobho weva 9h> tu D lébo @"hlm t0an. c.mpony Monte .e ow Wliem ey atureMe 0tbmheouc%" bm blcho:, tn- narbing 9he1 if vs. quit. lime ihuy wontop stalrs, lit a éclai M aboI bis gue*st 90bis go=1. h wlm thon J"s 7 ecolock, ad, tboubh *0 aIl olergy- man ihought li wu sâthai esriy taenMe tire. @1J1, sdmiulng th. bisbop la mh uimple habit.. ho preaeIfler ibc.L Sa ai ju9put ocute ieu gbasd lin lova tao l.sp, vwlahlngbbal âdd1tur. Utile. monte tua.wben sbooming C rang *trongh 9he boom, snd imoU. aie bis car. Qlk a tbought bo cprong <rom big bel Mmd, shouilul "Pl et thebmtop of bis voas.rushed oui on t909h. lauling ju* in time te muethebmbiécop, wlth o lady un bisgsam, moing dowkt te inai, Thbe moquel ta the ctcry bou nova, bqoa ivulgod.--Citihll Ubsasno $«tetoa DoeuS 80 LPliobt. UAu r"Mrepetaman inoys. Ili on enthodisiilcNew Orluns unIer. ilt i J oucta as # villa beli n the ai, Mud thoefâmi troma theno»w1bs wuoar ns i e 0 oi e lad"êà& Stand adomOl-à-"saIetu à£t hm mark ad h.a tria-i hlc.wystuMy rangs witb s a alibe IoPo ai smokelacc 1jaia. aMi You à abusne. t5lulah wblts 4ce* u nl. Moant9he. hui4 lri ,ke.hWU& 'Un owmlinl apr a m ople cetilm" 1vide and cavual. eltlogsMd la MaM 11km a "*uch f' 1%»tthona Mythlni adu IlWitb tb. cli taeblonei Esmlngia or ilpelgffllmabinthe bulleS bu lbe appumanuof a long blool w&i "à 1 dm,%i boy vby tio horailieb.sia iffécoe s.abm opliglission p10- douté by 1h. ulialler coMbe!. 1 bav boairdi«m people 4M. lIi 41W hulai ounha Min, but therax a ry U7Uu oi . mm. i. 1&sil depende can gott êbeh uigt vevyla À Afew tut eltber lm im e .*, tUShI0 ILSt.Of .ui* arU" àii.b at"11 ih uai e £fTuea douai oWatt. XSOvve, w. lavebem wlw oqulppmd 9 t 9 i0" 17da"ti ..ma 4444 Mise lach i1mb».le teOeing béhaol lu the hua b iuiot. The Epvooeth Leeffl vii givo a llity oud maient mntortalumellt Oatobor itb. C. IL Ohermun. luabeen appointai 10.4 voaiinspoctaifoto he C. M. a P. J. Bocielmon 1090ud VeInes- daY trams a W*"% vst wit.h tva bors at Plpentond4 Mima. J. W. r1, or abicngU>, visitel hic father, K.M. X" im Wmuk. Me bu jué roturuel troc à tvo maulie' vieil; la nlm Mise. B. J. flhOiàMS.Wil Higicy, U@. E. B. IheribU, cof Orsysahe, and Um WMiiaue, Golumbus, Nmb., vere visitai. et O . 'orimnsud amly Tuenday. L. A. dweoet wbu.mcnd~e~ store st Moudot, o i Bda oe 0pavillon, for soverai &MWule uai te mae the ventaie pao,<ietào0l up $hap" ihe am of 9he vomi., A platuitmw*m ionpean EiOU. Dhicsgc, vilbg-tà IUbMàvUe meut vomi. Ail lube 09 havini tholu pisnce iumldi USiSleavo Word ni iherman'. Juv.lyitOtO. Oving te M0 e v ýtuain sobeilule lskig offectlatSei a change lu lime of arriva of,-th Mmorulng Maiu acoured Moulai. '10mev reachas boe ai 10:41. Tb* evounaimail or- rive*st mi*caeme 0 iherolct<o, TELEPHONE NO. 29. III1oe~ W. have the bet 50c, Fleece Uineds ln Lake County. Thée goods ar finer, btter f Ieeced and flh than any competlng .....lne .. W. are more than willing to have our Ma~ investigated and would be pieaaýod1 have you compare o4r goodb wlth those' of other ....storqa.... Can we proWôtuê'ftfWrer-test for.buyer, and.ý The Fair, U.bertyville k. ~m - -~w- POPULAR I Pure, De11.c LW0* 10il, il A ovrsevJ d.5I, .ta Mr. ý 7 7 ngtive louane lasookon amd here I foui cOite at homoe. Mrytrip throuab tha Oontiuout ef Europe vu enie phics m I Mdne, I am goîllus raidi ta rtumla l a fev dais toMY native iai. While on lb. Gominent 1 managlt. to ou eoaellns oif, rmano smMY. Thae la gomcmuahtei, am 1d no éy places Watloo vu omo pme wblob lateresled m» maeh i mir cher u0" 1 amnmrri lia" 1I " sta hw o leshot a lime. The cre"t bailes Mdla Ooally ceeula ou day but s latdyitilmd. mai sceumia of 1h. battise.eOU. toku t am at Ivo dai& MY trip dowvmte, b.ine ibcd îtfrom Mayenue cOamamil b oBoteran <oflad) vu a croit psseurs. Thore lasiati 09 good sesuery an both ides ocf la ial tressa t keeP oeswaako nWitndud il,. À lime of ralroa peral ls isriver on buh aide sud a godc biercle pat ononceside, »e lb0 »avern bisbuc pick of aovrai nethodo and Moise of travel. 1 waBat Oaterbury let Sonderansd 1- toaded servises Lm4he CathodraL Xci hava doubions mlada sal &bout this quaih o itr a" mil& mrokablàe io. luierdai 1I voever Windaor cuis. sav tb. a@Me aeclinDthe b.Qmnueeilsz- seption l'arlcm d ail selleries. Aise ber stable uhere about lie Somes r kopt for ibe anciortaern sd nobl& 1 hadtite pieareocf strohins lie àUtivhte pony vueS paflt aOeen'o chair a"out vben site Som for .1,aurds iaboui lhe Park snd esatie cnouada, 1 vaIkol 0ltbrcue he5.Crysioal S ae t Lonlon ais, dore sMD. AisOetitd & riit 0 Gremwioit bu@rvator ndsudtslj aat b, the tweutv-four boeur oiek. Il 'wau1MIS ociokP. m. îVlth ]FOU i wm au1a.ML) 'jour oainmce"od Gao.a. M.o. New Stylesi*ln',Floôtw o m ».vMeM Md ciou. Tb. e10 tisSu our box cl .bcuIVAW ceehi w.ore, havi ama bu a onobby @atjl1"0 8000 d ..... Bo»V&1Ys' Clo»V t etng.y la oIyu s p at buia Md e M&.. Wbshui lmuw boy l , WUg w liSSe ai vh *Mbe 90v aut, o bou M Ut M.B OLBY & O., Underwear. UndrOr vreatr la an the w 1%. l isui obit 1t orlueta ihink I <f our needs lu tus 11ue. aud eo hal ve bave ta supplY thou. Oui lino oet nuerveai fer* tli la .zeplienali mpise. Yen wii l ini that ii Iladu oyory style, ime aud q«uty, oui 91.pina aretldvml than ye oqVUld P@7 for the s"mm gra e evier.. o o 'r Pt Libertyville, on lXe lk*Vei ssm