C. R. MERMAN9 JWeLEroi NO OPTIC IAN Libertyville Illnois. Schonlnger, Schaefferb Thompson Chickering Pianos Estey and Thompsern Oraans... DEALER IN, VATIM CLOM sSILVERVEA, "EMiY. MET MUSE ETC. UaVIRg bera appolnted Local Watab lu- OpeetfS he 0l. CM. & et. P. Ey., 1 il gusive a"aitention ta th. zepulrlug ar a.IL viiobsa. AU gquirlng guaranted. C. R. SIIERMAN, JEWELEN AND OPOTICIAN. Libertyville m, 1 lllnois. Shoes..1 For Winter Wear. We "iave Them.. .. At ail prices to suit purchaser. We can please you in shoes. Our stock 18, complote and our prkés Iower:>than the othersk 1 n - vestigate our dlaims before You purchase. Pre mium Cheese. We bought al th. fuit creMn premîu oes a the Biale Fai. W. bave a fev "-yonng Amenias,' veighlug irom 9 ta 12 pounuda«Ch. W. vautt t bm and I you vsut one o au iii have la ho qulci about IL. Pnomlum bhese tram lie &Sme.Fairtlinover lng lustock. Smith & ýDavi's, DEALERS IN GENERAL]WMERCHAN DISE- Llbe!tyviiIe «- - ItI Is r'ZDZEAN HE AD HRS 1 LLocal Items 0f nterestto Libertyville R.aders.t ANEROANGARIUON fI. 1 b. E o -Th4e Young Monu lia ag Club give aill Glbe.Be.~ls met am g theîr ftisi dan.ie 0 iuason Mto-idgbt.1 and tourtb Wedous pOo t b lEmes Hall. E. W. Psiumeaî. Adj. IL i. ub B BOiNt Tnosdy la rq1sratiaîi day. IBEEYVILÉ ODe ~ as Danul orget ta regiMierM Mhe Tovnu L.A. M. Ihegulaeomnnloitlaus MenudRiLletvlê and fourti atrdy& GnooBo».NDW. ]IL Un. B. . Pltion la S cverting bei E. W. PkHKWa. .sec. RO, AM&N. 75 M W ol eha..lou Orchard aiet M b oliving M~1atadtlr i±aroro~.WEun6roame. Bayes & McDogild bave lie stor. lltin udhba~i~ o *contract. W. C. Acu. Cerk. F uenoJas. LOMai, iArriy F lliD191PDISTRICT COURT 0Y Caler, Cbas. gaiiLsd Gordon da GS, Ne-ac m 4 lo8&5&3a151 * Scnck atended tMe imeesai Aniacb dâ»f"hmleha owx Wnova»%--. C.Tburaday. Ma. NAîT y t.a ror (EULUIMB1AO d %N. Q.W.W. vercoate manuImitnped by Hart.- aIL .t4E L ~ str and guaraulernd, train $9.00 to 315.00 il Goi. H. WlsUui. sec. E. W. PmmaKus'a. r"eu h n ndji. a . A roceptioan 9 of frmaia Pon evoBninga of eeeb .omahn #ood * a social viU b. lme bP6181 C.AZaà . 8 s. £:cr.oe-' .nmutTuesdiy eveing Oct. 11h, in M ETHODIST EPISGOPAL OUÇUO- bonar 0ai lb. rin09s ct trM. E. m. SumlaME edayMM720: 'en.5* P'10LDx. Everybody la aBat crdlally lu m:0 . n pa Loasî M Ue . P.,evited ta coule andi hep 4"pauud"thei noodns4S . m Pier laelnMreacber. Re vili ejoylit and doa yul avond evrp Snday as au u Whi vo are proesenl. -e' e- - --ay ..-.- 1- M eh- . ILM. DM. Pautoîr. C. M.à*st. P. TEM TABLE. lU EPtiOTlu»E10. GOIOIA5 *~m tu Pu nain Lakt..1 :04 :24 7:384 LongLak.... 7:s 30 7:d6 o r a y oa a k o . '-1 7 :1 9 7 : 3 7 : 0 L lo r y U lo . . 7:30 :0 0 : 14 odo .- 6:10, :10 8rCieo ' :645 1:40 9:15 Gozzo WEST ÀAx p ml.P m C_;_g. 930 rioer.:2- mrTIk..:il a4:021O LnLa .11:0 8:l7&LIS Ar N lpuan 1:0 :57:00 ABIIVING AND LRAVINGO Li OEzpor. uiT- VILE. 00150 KABT AU PM~ CýtC 1:3504143 Ar. ~ :0 Ubyi 52:43 Trains markod A run dafll'. B dsily except sunday. Only thiee veeks nov until eoclion. Mmr. Bd Clark voent ta Oicogo Wed. nesday. Thomas Corlet ho bas been «"laid up" for severul daya in about the sut aafain. Mira. Henry William in quit. ick, pleurlsy- and au abecesa ou the face1 beiug tihe "une.0 A. Il. Belany, à traveling salesman ai St. Panl, Xianu., la the guest of W M. Uevonson and famnlY. Frank Praline, Jr., bas been cou. flied tablabhorne for oeverai deys, sut- foring ih lung trouble. 'T'he Preabyterlan Ladie' Aid lSa- ciety viii meet Thursday, Oct. 18, et the home of Mrs. Archer.c Wiuler Underwearckst E. W. PAB. nUST'Sv, 50c, 75c, 81.00, $1.25, and 3.0 Halloveen, the lime ai ail atber lime. vben aupernturai influences prevail, nomesthie lant dey af Ibis mouli, Oct..lMat. Mir. Allernan maved hie lawniy and houseboa dgoods bore tram Madison, Wi., lit aI lardaY. Tbey yl oc- cupy a coltage an Orchard sîreet. Miesa Lllie Mrs. relnrned hame1 lai veek tram an exlended visil vllb relatives la lova and allier points.1 Sie vas icoompanied bame by bar &inter-in-lav, lira. Jay B. Mrs.. j Wil arrive in a fo eays,thie Me Mllan als, ticElephant iBrand) eaI E. W. PA4KIIUSTS.1 lira. am'l 11oo.1»Plncked a curi-t oily ilu foyers liai Monday; tyo, dlas growilg On lie "me stem, on a daik refd itheallie? a deop salmon pink, varigated vllh yellov. W. E. Davis viose recovery fram aa gurgical operation periarmed a mantb aga bas been somevial tediarislas raply regalilng bis trength nov and halles ta bc up and about ln auoiber veek or n. Graysiake bas paased au ordiuauce vhioh provides tbat Il village Prison. ers may ho required la do vork for1 tile.village under the direction ai tbe marihaIta liec allowed,'500 a deyona their fiues, excluaive (i board. A B. Lewin yl remove bis photo- grapb gallary lioanovwquarters as acon as b. Mau secuts, them. The ereclion af a tvoatory *0104an on rear af J. W. Buler'& bulldltbl*ollres tbe ligit la nesteuttbatbO oaaolnger do hui. nons lu bis ps.i~iin Wm. Walrond sf*4lgs Warren1 bave . eich pnroi»îîâd a ne oBstong camptng iuglelot.sie in theu r -1 spective sài»l5ti.' Vif are quit. elaborate i. 5k1. %a d add muetb ta b. a4eo..Affer libilb.emcie vilia sgne aiout JoB ae and ià vill ho e~ifur you te varry lesti yau do moi eMonugb et E.W. ?*uguass. valta. o. ins ho w* o» taman" more iheli a bore living eui# 'bis blsi- ness 415 mot dosanoby vai*<fc r bdi tacos oco, bhm'. Ho muai ass.k for brade and rmv S& tu ani sithUla1« botet b» maderaadverilsag.W 4mw peope tu the stores. P'eople -as euonsiauy 04 the lookoul for @Ç o ibtees dommdsont ss.ê âmel arnha*~é ste a. t Oloz1à00 Globe lecied aRbora Wednesday ulgit. Frank Appley us. advanced ta th. affce ai predeni. Thoseeoted voe. Vice ProuldeniZ,. L. DuBais; Commander, R. B. Eger; Lieutenant Commander, Julus Tr.ptov; Quarter- master, C. R. SMI&Iti Our Milîbur» ecrreipoàdont vrit.c ai a ad occurance l in t h axlet. Il appeaus liai Uttle Vida Jamison, daughier ai Dr. ind lira. Jamisn, ville plailg about t yard vas billon by a mad dag. .Sble via takan ta Chicago for ktsmeflianA proiiably la élime ta avert fatal result4. Tvo dogs vert misa bittes and iii lb. mail dog vbicb firai ippeared vue &bot. A musical andlilterary enterlain- ment wviib. givu at the Unan chnrcb Frlaiy ight, Ct. 191h, unier auspices af tb. Rpvorli Leigue..A progrim, ta ho paêrtpittA lu by local tlent, assisted by Prof. liion, piauli, of Chcag,im been arrangeA. Recitations, instrumental and vocal selectians viii go ta Imieup i de. îligitlu nieveninga ,enterislnmonh. Pro- gram anA fardier amnnucement lu îneit veeka piaper. M. anA ise. M. B. Colby 1.11 vith their danghter EdiU foi Los Vegisl, New Mexico, Wodunday. Ums.£&ti lu compelled boas. aorilnng trouble ta removo ta a country iaving a igher altitude anA ryer ilmosphore. Il la hlieved lb. change vili efect a permanent cuie, anA ih.y villIDnee. sarlily prolong tbeir My iudeiullely. If melisfctary resulis an ual bc at- tlued Dy golng ta NevwlMexico tbey viii tben go ta Caliornis. DUci CoMie t E. W. PssxnrnoST's, 31.50, M 3 2.0,-25. Work ai prepiralan et thie Amercan Macrani factary silil continues, tiaugb so fer s hi.building ia con- cerned aiH icin readines. o tasai up. Somns maciinery la yol ta o instiied. Ai Brai but 11111e belp viii ho requlred as 1l la lhe purpose ai lie proprlelora ta hogin Operatianu vith a 10v machines.suA increase Ibireaipaily as tiey ire abl. ta get thteaptclaly aUt machlnery. Furîbermail aithe machines wvan utamaically anA 11111e sklied labuvr vili ho required. -The large presses, a i ilcilb.Wini ho sovoral, are ta ho opettd hy bydreulie pover snd a grail imouni af vager la tago cnsedt la Uicmanu- facture of ibeir prôducts. The deznocrallc raliy it the Town Hall Sunday ulghl vas veiliai- tenxded. Mr.Oa. Lynch inlrodnced tire1 a Ur. Long, af Chicaga, via spai. lu a forOot i mauuer, diacuasing th, "imperialsm' lus.aKt w»vg foi- lovai by Eeniy M. Coburu, af Lait Farcit demaciatte candidate far senator. Mr. CoburnAvot more par- tlCUlarly OUn "mperlallum," and bolb speakers acored the preseul adminis. Iratian. Mev. Ragera, ai Belvidere, apoke, brielly lu bobaîf ai C. V. OCon- nor, candidate for lie leglalture, and dofered maklng bis iltnde d addreas oving ta lageneas of lie bour. It la proposed ta bold saoher riUla thie nemrfrei, ati iili imo Mr. Ragera vAll spemi il lengli. W. A. Sliav, lie ivil ouginer ia vas airded ibis cantriel for citai- liabing grade leveis sud îuking plot ai village lan ai woan assiated by E. L. DuBala. The conîruel price for the vorn $ 325.00. Iu brlnnguen malter befare the bourd It Avelaped that ta seemi grade leveis and a plat Oftheb village vanid ost about $250. To Mecure sevor grades sud plan. tan a sever iystem eat a fture Uime vould cool naibe 325. lii.g518w .pianed flb ii fwu vsamnldonalan.* Urne as il aboula ho a rsi avlng vauld ho rude bhlithe village sud liivssdecli.A lu conuequ«ee ha ave &ailmibe rvey- ing doue ai nce. Hi@ ts iiiinduisa a map of village abovzug * mahmudi- visian nes, sreete. a"i16a, imaro, public buildings, aitrge, oaltr praies, sevrer grades, soyers catch =,s~mmn olec shaitanks, main bydreate,, valves.laver Mdi tank, pourm aiioundm l aill$cmati .e p i ciste.E i.f. abes a complaet elcfPlana Md apeoliemilees fur a vaur bri *060mi a pdcliii, legetiair UibPro. bW01 ddde»M4 teawa. bu Tri Uniot theys laya. lm Gaaviy laquit* Si ufr wM dysoniery. <as & Taylor recentil ecelved a Md ai choio es buter trmheb )n Stock Yards. Cans.quently are.elilhg saineprim beel the"e birs. B. A. Poutav te lu Et. Louis Ibis vs.k lu attedauce upon a conven- tion ai tbe Aulluay ai the Brother- hood ai Ballraad Traiumon, aie belug a delegate. The Ladies cf the Lakeside Coentery Association vini meet vitt Misa Iuabel Clake, Irrldoy, Octaber 101h. AUl lie membera are requested ta b. prentasà mette»s a1 importance ai. tacamte be- tabe the meeting. E. A. Pantawvviin s"taltvaPool and a bllilard table lu Uic rOOM nov used u a dining room at Uic Ub.rtY- ville Bt.l. The tablea yl cho br. Manday. The dinlng room viii hers- aller bhonautlesecond fleur ai the building. Unan Leauffe airts ai E. W. PANEx- uuusvla, SOc, 75c, Uic, and 31.00. Mesubers oi Libertyrille Ladge, A. Y. aud A. M. vbo attended tbe fetlvitlei la oonueciion viUi PeutbMua'er' nigbi sa Wank«egin m mcunt af vbloi ap- peurs "e b rut page ai Ibis paper, ver.: Dr. 9. R. Smtb, A. B. Lavis, B. H. Brown, Wm. goe inge, Chas Kaiser, Gao. Bond, B. W. Bulkley, B. B. Miler, fred Snydam.0 Warren Heah, John Le., Bidon Miler, M. Poster, TbamasaRuassi, Jud Masn, Anson Wbeeler andHRarAdMaou. Mr. and Mns. J. J. Jamison recently vislted il t friends lu Wlsconau, and duriug tudr absence a couple ai youngstors poked tramin theipple treou on their plice. aU of tbe appes., aome six baga,vbhicb tey lok ohe eider Milliand dispaod Of. Mr. li- aom la uaturiily very indignat and oteflpii piaiecullng tne of tue. boys, Wvoosceausta b"aebera lie "rtng leader lin tÏeaiair, ta "y nothing of varions other escapades af a diapicef n nature b. bas 0f lits bera mixed np la. Farbemarachba ceaeçgta o a virtue, anA lie ron min for bis 0v» good aboulA ho pun- lahed laua a v~l timpr.m hlm vitb thie fut he conuot vllb lmpunity con- t"ne lu a career no troubtmesothle public anA diegaoof .1 tahinseif. la a conversaioln vll Mr. Auges.. 1tino, under vbcae direct supervision the macaroni prodnat$ta ho nanufie. tured -iltLibertyvillea neowfctcry v iii ho mae, muai of iniersi vas léorned relative Io macaroni. He bas bean rala.d lu Uic bnsinesand As ta- miliar vilb lie evcry deuiL Hoe daime liai il prenant teAniertcan produit la inferiar ot latwvilci Alamported sud Il la.Isepurp« ostaMakie jua sncb mocioni a-thlbItliana, Ger- Mansansd Trench ar vont ta cousicer thour principal 1004 osas lu thir 0v» canules. lu the fiaft piai,4 specilly prepared fourinlasecured, trou vbiob aiU atrci baa beau remaved. -n It la claimed Mtaofaial cereài icode the macaroni la lb. Purent "d mont nu- tritions. Once th. Americsanpiaple came ta, realise ils meille anA saroe. ouled ta lb. mauy jorma lu vbicb il May ho served, bo hlieve. th. de- minA viii ho gresl, an Il bas proved lao ho la communllles viere Il bas beon oxtenavely lInraduced. nee daims the aoiy r«aiygaod macaroni la nov imported, but bis cornp.y vill mmnu- facture mstas gacd u article once lbey begin operatians. 8CHOOL NOTES. Umis Ethel Plummer vit.d echool Mandal. The report carda otoielbirai mauib voie given ont Mauday mornlng, Frr1- day hein« the lutI day aiflb.he hool moti. - The igb ilboal Literaty socloly met Frlday sud hesid lbe ropot ai the commlhtee appoinlod ta drmv up a constitution. The report via accepted anA the folloving leaders aithie divisIonsaiflt.esaci.ly wvon ppolt.d by lb. prohdeut; section A, Bouleo Bond; section il, Addle Miller; C, Clama Boiséansd D, Irons Triggu. The ti prognal iii bc gluen lIva o es, COct. lSb, by section A. COUNCIL PROCEEDINOS. LiBEBTtvILU,0Cr. 6, 1900. Board mol lu apecilisession ta con. Stirutlnilze Caret uIIy Your old overcoat. Noion -bo r uai t 10018; boy frayedand vain tihe oSen are; boy a bUtta» 14 gone b6e.MI liere.. Look@ klnd of taugh dAos't l? Itamay dot4o vear part of thetmýe, but yau'l1 oertaiaiy bave tea have ài nvova.. Our Uine.ofo vwemoatfor aU and vint., la superb. Ail handsame colorsanmd cutlal the latent stylos. lanSU vays equai the buit of outom 1usd. lthin-but the prile.ln *mucb lest. Yen iudeed, very mueh lms. ur ont a1 busineesasd ve gai lb.m ai a priai redicu. lously loir. W. cm"sei yon a nie. Vai reay looking overoiut, buili forI aiiee fori................................ .0 W. aéil on a a botter ont, eulca q-Uly, for........................$10.00 W. bave oaibesabil31.00, $12.00, 311,40 andA..................................$13.00 Whou you ase b.qns.ty aorIbhm coite yauill ho amacd eathlb. lvesa Of Prim.. If yon vaut an overoaà, or inluat, any- iing lu the cloibing lin., lottnushow vFou Oui une. We knov oui puces vili intereil Yau. M. B COLBY & CO.. lllinos. Libertyville Sweaters A Sample UIne Omly 21 do=a uuutsdMW&s, ows*am dYM6i' Swatrs vryflcAul IV@m a"o The menssSweaters Co=*lua dobo Nay, Grecu adYelllow Stipe&, Grecssd Red 5frlpms The Boys'Sweat e uclâ à cy 0.1er Combla.. tionsms Dlck Md Yeliow, laà Mmd ]Re& Muoosm Md B".k The LkttieUloiW 'Sweaters cameila]Red end VhWc StripeS Md Iled Mmd DM"ckStipe The pri-ces are ONE-HALF Iess than.usual prico8, Corne qulck: they are golng rapldlyl 1Ubertyville The Fair, aider pool room ordinance and mlter ai accepiing bisafer piatting village and esiabliablng grade levels. Pull board proBant ,xcept Corleli. Maved by Jual and Procior that uclion taie»n@4 aIiet meting relativ ta accepllug lilenses tan pool roam privileges ho recoolidered. Carnled. hloved by DuBois and Procior liai ordinance Na. 126 ho ptasad. Ayes- DuBilaunby, Jus& and Pracior. Najs-4iboriuin. lioved by Sherman anA Proctar tual andinauce No. 126 as road be amended ta reail 320 ft ualtab, iutaaofa $15. Ayes-BHanby, Proctand Blier- min. Naja-DuBalsansd Just. Môved by lianby and Sherman liai ardinance lNa. 126 as amendait ho passed. aiied. AUi oting Aye. Tht folloving report vwu aubeilîted: Tour commintite te vbcm vu. re- ferred thoeinitier of eclding on MAs, . preiculed for platting Tubas, tOm' U betvi ment liaI tht bld af W. A. Sbaw h _____________ modepicd -sud the on Jkmtuie coninaci vilMr. Shar ta do ihe van as ïiiplate là,u M i. If. E. Jusu. il. ; Procici, Moved by DsBcis MidProctor liii report of Ceante bf» aeaiptd. nail 1 votei Aye. Novi bylaëso mmd aab uarme«. ira ho aijam" <laIIei ~jg am.:H*4 5014tu0Be*. IM, M %ca et Cm»Omkco. IWa'é »o q Ice Creamü You can always POPULAR FLAVORS. Pure, DeIiscIous, CoId Beut le Cm= e ibd' et My ont 8 - liii overcaita tram1 CbicSgo munf Who ln galug a i 1