- prmia.t mi Ibm lu mma in*mm à* Sm pro wau Wu ff $Lb&asI o jt ja cW aaIwPaé Bisa n uN=. me.1aJ bu itmabolm om 1.gylW0*1Alo £m*58l«, !Iua 130th igplow3tim M U7t9 b- demnes0 oalam. Tb* 1%Nuupw.- t et, Wi1 ItoU, of course, k1*13.0 Wl.' oub "d: oi*- ei rgnw au chi aeu, po n alibe s the vm à" aLa PomaYe. imUtlyea- *m te- 0 the «du t bot ipsMé U iPrC* ll*orméa *ho Vent " SI". afme~ fow obromai ornwhi.alb. Des kt 4lgei& ptq*gbly Ithetalmud .0 le bi I da aodaiblNmas il wm the& V*U. bfd lm. Bopum o ourtla tiiSaISI èb Pé mme buaa m a obrl bremIË4 Thoyý legmi.a"Y"gr me iu ai lbaim a4. mie lb"w mat -,la mpv..m04 e-Vot lanaton lm l.m.t apa il t1 0 aube euei een * lt l b. blrutad Ibea laughm v<l a PParyU mtbabha. a cg porlla. k6. "t mu im mld* eOrihOpr goR she 10 r"l & olat. S.BeOa go - --g 0flieotl M& Joplisu10su 4 be voeulimlabO mY wy, fbe lg b the e woëm maes"Dg 11*11Uropolimn.ar db*D&LwtI'hllli Pm S<OC ba aat. lu kv. o f %ýs P.- gIip1 -1 a oadiio a wrt boa orè en" e fl su <vu e bu mo&ý 05Tb$ laytm ii w#*vp yWreoa4lal IDle o ia eWgw10 10*0e hodquat.ra of Odmoi f bieh bolso le M 1be au m ch itIDcWiWao It Napp«edila, a Drusg Store. My e lam M4O&.&& f«a aU mm">Muoin W cua rmcha- cd oasl I S.Y.u-a a" nelilaaour01 g t tvtu It à e«me b" w» hiend lu.it aed 09 a bv a boole. of Oba*àklaua'.00gb P.Medy. 1 ùsm IbwIa véry goc& reouà*maoSiiforcbât0 Iemeir. DU1 forW l bY. 8.L L LibLlbry vil*, (laafm.auPa cJu Euq day. fSrme slave monm asa baud aMd lu maay boa. es lmae ga0-ealose" la givbsPM tplce t'hIo ui1lai rouge. Agma Illlis me fe the uoéto e h. ousAl. Bomber ltI lu OUIe *1 trau on moe çt prerefll il sookta a slomietfcoure mm 0 o st ltaI the obbhtmp blch bais 130.50OU of jas aul"mSm«oraretla gfl oadi- mite bdeeaue tgbloil n a1e A tgwopam roporW er dieel o»o ulg»i theo dilor Mdbei 4.01.te cet cOlt a per lIai waa mllroy fau0ob l ss m " »Vfr u dufaeol bousles, mMIf a"y »objcton Mbe pipaSeat 10 proseue.mina, Md sh'ýthe b.Poliose afoldmd àt tat mSce ug111r tound motnu"g but a 1318* ahee. 'ho editmo f b.pager oleep uwogl&WÉfkagbt. reatlag Ibat ho b&4 pehtel mthlng 10 offoai sur. body Mmd tIbl hipayaiOaa ontirely ati.titcry. lios -it* " A mUutsS.rslioecongregatlon su om t 14 01 l.on -ta punchM.bym 'books, and 9 uap a. bc ei .ng offeet thé aime by a- patent bavem l. oigamdDO bonehu... Provid a liy seul Mai0 Dli'.. . B.bc 4osll o uert their sdvert.e. gregation. J3e vao lated opuimre- neivtg Ien" » a d, tu théMme.. $1 CO W.MIN, ho eu Soawà&Wlie diuribolei the à ho to9rtum d roqu.atim nshe 0-des i omtlo1ahuaoi~ru119. Hie obarinuamy b. ianglaed oR, s--p bea the sag th, hymu:. ~mle ie oue opp.. 'ark. lth eavenly mugies .10< S1084110 Veo«e aek kSud aild-two for ri ieod bad tnn.mmm al nd 10for oblil." a--.Theo anera cf thegriltteathem ta s.ujIr~1~,t. merioaam im lir.ehiag machin», mOt WhOe.latt$r Wma Imntuof the tâ=a.1IMlle north of! mhod for Mlb. Oral lm Ita eso, it ~ii a oia.rVaudécidat e.h a a iauifield4cal v4p ain ce n #0* Ilii. mihme,. VU n~4~o.m.oreai4e <004runeng Older. The job lilniah0 lin lauir.mi ht.théuMchine 54 i'uetoino the ab shen, tth,a Iem*nBSoo0f ail. $1ltam in theulb.orner et th. epuar tja - * - s r e n o o a h em . U n d e r b a i %V u a » - of!ee , whiclh ah.esau ndeavoting o ketlch. Oh. had beon ounlime nest * umba theme aomol wujo "ketbououe N Bw.. ttficre shen tal'boita and voaleym ime 10shl. wb-nlMm Lm bepante, tis MdwvbqAx e V. I*v. ~ îddlers au t1eiae an.d MUo Finand The slnd lion th0 fan roSi dbai feathara Malaoal 100ok her.10maI1, 10fiunSy but 1k. 1ime boy ointlb baigmec,ý ýï, ahd et a@c tald as ber POOL. WIJR$ beu aot Im olmhte scie shon th. avilI cylluler begmu 10 chor cpi Suas cmii nel h finl rgUemmIROB& tesfomnd the hall su wg.niuwartamnjured. Thor ras at aila eb« ai 0tlia ber eje, bus ttah.wu on u rn»l Do ht et gel arag lityoütlwant 'ttiee you. )suit likaly jt tIO - Cur i lgî.jsa -oaitu «SaudaMives' time worum "il t OancbesxI bu ."IV bîgjos»t. Bel tlitsaIn eWImY l uuire àh.ow m.4wa 'Oflîgesllon andi atumamb oit teoal - cv.rytblrnag me ai lia»ft110,- Il 1kyb- dlie é eocei.W 1--à à 1*07t tldet ajud g o p se IleMa hsto thea crowlb. a bidiVoun b soat" WakoCm.*Il. OooM.lI forlte astobu mm 0" baVe tu adireet ité J' uW"a nd, lt.écais 4eIn a "P u % Pu"e"j woulu. dli oth1D 0" do.ne v. me' bu vabol at4al alMuIWedby a prompt verdlio tWhl va 1. elb. faitrvarila. qpl Ulmloou id.toth. jufr? b. juil»I.' T4bie <oll00 la.i giIo s i e pro.0.otl*4 marnae ad l~a on lgIUhuam L-11e eols»lainaïf "i, 5 a8I. MULil thé PaIe Wela Wi.01- WI, 1Mytmii1Nieqme t blu %é, i n.o iacako the «udaI moU t b. epsmo f aidrume. the jury lauabv.rfmolwrvbe bdiduo Dmwx, miVu. .Il dce'l uuduald- Ils i ,"ab@ mai, haitlmg bai bacws. sth a PoUla déel yu S et lto cwth Mr.. Brown. Mmd y"nnid ho doaped l Seuigodd .$Tbatl mg rghL" ..Batl mlm na iv$ ablule laserilt «b bjeal came 'op agea, Mmd 1 boni <yu mMI bat ho Ibres yon op la Itl ookoadl ith a bard peoblem, but ,vitb. teaid ct a almag diqloU<moa Wh, ible halI t rlv I-Olo *Biudi111vuomIst. the MeW PemMenObouse wul*0 i omamt ai. toam in l. 'ab MW»uarueoiahm- V»sý om Iner bemal t igeJJe& hlm lqWbitovqr, 1orwcedymndsie?" b.o.0161lasl- D ill looW las Ginge rtbbâht baild. abs ye *'Tora a dérned p.sty ot o' himm. Jon mel" bub hauely grosi. IlWhy i n ry thunde i dls you tall mé, Obo paruocWotan -army ahaplan" -leveland Plain Douter. 'Ae..vdlu te Pwebe. u*Nov *1.at yp'velot ycur spin," «14, thé rough lookùigmom. packetlog ibo rosai, "you.mtghl sait me if 1 souldn't 1k. aornethlng Io dinmk. I -Ton bigot, mir," .temcly repliei site osmai cof the animal, '*$bat I Mid in ml advertlaement 'No quetilo.m a*- ad. ' "-Cbloago Tribune. "I iii regiuiaer for another piae et pie. ma, I ad a prm.cocn. oblen. "M.Iy on, yoo bave oeut on. thought. lama bellot'0f pie down jour tiiront Thrm lbb o uMau" fth dib duove ballot box la this famÎ17." And tise 1i1t1. ftllos bMm& aoeud On~ IUpai itheul mvi.l. -Goume Ut» OMIr Aternative. Utle Dot va. very fond et Bible etoitesu md ne day after hei mothber bai red Ibé, saey L*t'wife th. mahel. "Maa, wvhm i 414 mLot do *bs*rndblvl1èas u rolw fuinl a pillai "lWbatdeoyou thimb ho did?" aikel 06 P$itm tilt pmaoaim êa111 saln. 'lV pos. hI Ws*l umi d boulai qIl5<ë' - neyin ptumnpnes. Ë umniCr %as frie4 -yonr, food-works; wititer 18 cOmInig to by your breath-nulL ,Eall isth time to brac yoursel. 1But weather i. ticky; lok out 1 Look out for colAs e"PO,- 1011).- SScott's Emulsion iCd e. ~ rOi is tbe subiest 0 helpe. i is foo d,-,thOe eaet loolntewold;t is mIi<e than fooýd, it helpe you diut, pour food, andAget more putil tuent from iW.. Don't get idt~n,' there ls Uiiyàin pinuape,.LIta '!9=anAdul"d. Naaak '40klainentorlatnfg' bis Mr. m&;'XM »ooadaW«ea w.boni sair Vis 4*w . W. Narvir. B. 1. t Ibeebiwttnmed l èk frma the Dort, wboe ho bal. pâam a' umrfca hippy pm*04f ta boomeliby boy. vbo le noir âugal Wei" QcE.ý »-. G.white attended fl eraous Ià Aatweb tes eek sud SUr. Wito vlted Iheir parents t ai o o ab. We hava b".m tntormed Ibal W. N. Emmon, hmaa rchmmd aul lhe. proper.- ly St IS .place belongtng 1o MUa. gard. -'This(rrida» ee'nfug, lb1 Laites') Md4 focldg vini serve,&a obt b i aupprlu lb. WOodm.* Bail ftrou3810 g o'oloob. Çohrlue ,lWly, Ïwho hm.boom hpre Witb bit umo &H »mm, " rton"a-tu hi$ home *t'Wreep"#r il., i1m oa. day. Mr. adMu. Ptohering enter- lainai Nalara.W. W. Bail Md J. '0. gauchleyl, born WOllavWU%9941.8,lmi 5ï. The Giambe le malorcklad alopped-imaofat-itug lalurdoy, bul il vilio émieaoier moath IO dry1 Mud bars vba* worb tMon baud.. Blsoaser d. Whitney gemme1.. trou Labe 10 igqdeq avenue. bave beml grad Mmd graveled the put w.ek. Ûlher aireels viiaiab.graveled. 1 vffl. Bb. Harvy, O. Waa. bora, W. IB. iglerandMoN ablMe Wicka .11.54.4 tbe Sonday sebool eooventioa et LbortivWe .0Ma week. Mr. Hock'o aintga on Conter trool, wbiel w* kilt biG. 1. Straug loi 111e uý'w*4sr u em 84omoytt «M«tu, $Ad-Mr. WffDAa, Who i. ena ol'»4 e ravpttomo k mVoi bu! tmbit b" the vImb Mt Ulof Mr, Pim, opoo0a laroéMdmd e. Malsilo com. Osto; 10 mou debv, à"m ipeka i fl çmie u U M511, but 1ké ma" ungo& botorme y siu, mal almti ouvi. aI a prestos. Obol suarocemaol aIit .<lk obool bolut m ilurdoy. la folios. tmg CR01. s Wugse om"1«the eA- t«g jear: Local mmgor, Poeu lJoa' Oao"o; gSocrolarInt flabi.Kmao. Mmbai. oflte' ozoomlive ommtait aeMb.»Oo 146; o man.e, v»bc. The C69"e' Sapuf'op Tm mi ixt en=*lnsa bcel"tmlocrokilf NOv. 10. r.W. J L. Lavis, Lasmeenovli.,Va. write. 4-1 am ail odol Drop.p.la Mu Y laaypau.amcmg mm*r l~e 0 aieto aMd audil su y*% te0a upo W me0 mood. pue igyo« do amloei yourmpcaabeGiu iiarsrla omis pn.sae ure. y. J3Lvar r- r Halinesvil le. ffW'!Items adver- bn 0eo. Battershall. .2 caus 1W Bamn ................................S 2 Sols Top Sotch ahbè for boysa imes 13 10 3 ............. 73 LadtisKIMl aboc«, aie 38ý.............................830 Oob pipes, par do .. ................................O03 Ne. 9 granite. mme .....a............................ 23 Coýrrugated lbHuas..................................O07 sal ingle hame................................. 9 0 Dock anit pada...................... ... ..... 23 A2 bar. Lonoi amp.................................... os Dewey BZIii ..... ....... ...........................2 HAINESVILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. 610F ff luPOLIICAI-PAPEft 3 m-U- î,voaUog $jie kcmo alm aw lerela60 lbth w f* ioo4mod 1 !m Y o" IkIESOOEP*i J LLt landtoit Patoy Pia' I. leithomst £p.dI Literatum t ai 18 uei; MLla ti tat tite *eut-îga suiesv THE One, t. o .Our la iny ..... ...... .. . .-.......... aKàai7 D$eu*WW -busbeea iedf fl an1 sd '*intor barer., "lge 0# MWa.V. M. lily. luit arl.- mst. Paul, a u»m of M.u'î Fur Ovoeeta udLad"e'ColsrettW. *Knovsa go"tbing she ho ee...it and il, yousould bc, n vueyou'vc got to conclun ad e ine fueêi' of Watohe, Olocks, Jew.ly, 8en. I àlo haudie tthe rescent Bicycle, thbu ot made whcel in 1h. manket to-day. I>ont go by sithout atoppisg. Il vou't do, -amy haum té stop a&W is mai do a world of good. C. B. Sherwam, of Libentyville, viii ha st ny sto. every flad ud 4th Friday of "ah uoutb te mouise sud fitl eo. G1ve Hlm aiCail. a. B. 'sHI3RMANI GRAYSLAI(EO ILLINOI8.ý Winter Wéar. * The time will soon be here when4 you wIll want an overcoat~ Suit,4 Wool Pants, Vests, Shirts and Under- wear. 1 have a good stock at 1w:* * est prices. 4 *K«' mndl toy'du* cmt................63e toSZO 0 * A Dow stock0o!dram.9goda........... .......ose ta Sic 4 f. Shoes, ali l Knda 4 nf ewo............... .............li . 78C $0 sa Boye, cm@10....................9t 0 '0 Groceries, ail iCnds.-at Lowest Prices. 4 unI iolarnosab" gm ............ .......... ..... $1004 1 lb uU e t o c...................je +.~ * 1 lb lýCim C ol. <0 4 tb or drk ................... 3 7*0 N" . 2oa, pacet ............................... os . Pre4lIItaIw v. q *t Urn o« mat t'ae. - m 4.& GAAYSAkH - -ILLINOIS.i " a.gl«YO Dit.E. Gooe*1 anA ByêI -i. sud. Thisai - se imadYmaga OP-UN