Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 19 Oct 1900, p. 7

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sa b Y Bomlbes end aa sure cve. A tet a*Webe iLptcW Maale b.Btaaa u inlu tIle story aetIbe m uint &ive* byit boa 1 yona neo hua.servant la anc At- lant. fJaiiljof a wesdlnga iibaa t- tend. Tbs et day ber sîlatrea nid tg ber: *Wl "Whi bloe, lov diiiho vediting go 'Ob., l, Misaa, l vasde grandeRt voddîlat 1eber ' mv!l Tvas"Je iubly! Oh,4 'j,.. ougit to ob gsn de 8v ah& an' dé apleud wd ln' suppai an2 do bride-oh, i. bride! dise hal onde oget hal.a'a vile velial Ovs ber, an'e raîflt b o aba, an' eh, l ývu jeuede mos' eleganit veddlu' IlOfi' 410 tb. bridegroom lok?" An expresion of Iidi agua came int. tie face or chio a. s ud.,sc- "ha, my, dat goodfor.mtbta',ne con iMtaahnebbab anme affbii! la-t lb Corise of a lavanuit la Liver- *pooi aestly lie tat va, dseiahied tbat emitl of t ggàMPauaealoly hm- yerted 10 Melftast tram lusaan sd tien aentIOav t tanglaniland Sctiani sund »I nidus frea islh egga," *SIr# id Chboabtut aUior, *"I eau 1« lu ogr dangiter' a bnd." -%U "Va d aile bold J" aahed lb. aid batWe *end suaiciouly. - Denver la pàuatodm me a ir ni fashon- Ail deatel I)ODfIfi va& M 4"r"bhase %alovei-ba1h5yke ai th.eatrike la Ib'o thrâotgebn Pamilie, wbo-lsived 4 ,t"a*hIei nimsa voe ia eperateaoeWM1, bdt Ii tipeh or atarvatia, asud thiue a- Cel- ilw.m et exiatence semaI 1h. exul boalasasmin, upon vh.m pubgboeitjil, aullel, bovs been lbïpnt te the vei'8 of_ baahrapte.v. tbrivfimg towa ae . becorn Mtagnant, eniluai Iravolei a *vnre ohen them, snd newnpaper corresmpondantsudY libor leaderat coattots tbe nà IaiMaPOr- tant elémentIt l le otnt0ultC 1l'he producitin0f1La oui O tCltesthe soie indasrr>'of the section. Tuer. lanCu farmins la Ithe nî'tghiorbood et tiéccul ierles. lThe tond ienr»"I, aud borren. Lt ba beas taipped ofai tahistand tted bill sud dm1.. Vas iu rdàahol a ect- tereitoaout, ssci Quie #Pportlii;a saitle- sment Ot minore, vritb h utb, rocau- lar coent . Baatom ioh mi bu"h show boy great duuge*rtrmod vork ba beau. Tbere atif. sf 5la- neau pg"mag a a ame hit bae.been In operation, for huit a .eutorY, ani in which the aoppiî la expOcetuel 0Ist fur titrer entarise te colue.' wie praieut M#.hcI'e eder for a strike vent lotoeffeettave7n lu the ii Lachaviama ami Wyoming yvfleys came ta, a sodis stop aexi Iwrk vaajsaapenlei la 'Ï e te. ohujuhulland Le- blgb iatrlota, ItleavagOniy lb. compati- hlvely amall Pantier Crash section tn fui operatlon, glice Ibm the .isourryeforts of or- gamiaem nitii. United Mine Worhers bave romaltei ta the. cioelng af tie Ina- jorit>' of the. rentalinug cahlieries, tie neiuiioo'hoed. of Tainoqua atone'escaPing. Strikere via iii iou tle h.meY On hand for au emergency. bave eut thelr living expense dowa t6 a minimum, ha>- litg notuIng but food. ald Utile of liai. la many iqutancea tbey are ahi.e10oOb* tain sna. créit trom iocal dealers, but the. bileitunot reuivery higi. Mderciants viho ait large ordere ont- standing viien the, trike hogan prom»Ptiy ea(eiei tluem, refoaing te make Pur- chas.. antil 1h. troubile eded. Commer- cle .travelera, eaaally -tiche bat Patron et 4kie batela, changol d r routes. a« tb.y eoll oeil notbain n lb. cool u-e gluas.- The.litheabave been emahe if attisct audiences. and auni t lhe at attractions cancele tei ldates,10to the f urtier détrimaent of thé otelkes'pers. As there waentIttle rai tCa b aaled the coal irelroade hit d 10lsy off tie creva or »Ont 6et heu ceai trains. la mav tewna it le n.îw imposible to ebtain cent for domentir u-.e ot aaY price. Appels are being mode- ts the United Mine Work- ena organization for funda for tie relief et deatitute strikLers MAY BE "QUEEN 0F IRELANO." C.nnumlo Vauinbitt Likosv te OCemtpi Vit»sBaloiTbrme ina rsi hal a. The. Dulie of Marlborough yull mot on- likeiy saceci Bsrt Cadogan an Lord Lieutenant oaI land. maysa aLotndon Pa- per. lTh.'a vite. vie va Miss Conanelo Vanderbilt. il. ebould hic prediction prove truc, ocupy the. vice- rgaltiroe ofaI relanil, au exalts poil S ilon, corropoming t0u al held by Lady Curso n laitdla., au o o. v Goldyl in ihtliita Cial marriage ia a protection agiinsl suicide,' lieBOSa: "Sînticlico show liai suicide l» largel>' an tie lcrese.. The intercace hilci soraq woîîid draw ia hat progreas bas toîled lu jrodoe bapîîiaesc. Itinis ue liai uauind hagrowyumot-rerestlemg, andt lat iii nultipiie.hd dicea and hegitenêd aaîirahtiouo tcere bave couec auev Sources f ýut tte'untl. liutlie zen- ral tact jrooilv i..chut sensibilit>' hac i. proved stttislicoily thatImarrjage 1,aree ii isliaiî tceS lu safeguard sg.îîî-t xsicide. wiite iotc la ta eecial>' productive ouIL i. *ig lI no doubtito 100 otthle diillusiota of I lote. Vel Cie limense muinrity of mar- ; I g ragesare bajîpier thon o bnci>' lite." Of lie relief ivur it Galveston, Se- piet E. Baulo, Secondl viee-pre.ideuî of heRed Cross Surie-t:. sali: "go fatr lier. ha,, icen dounttcîfer thc gond xsut- ferern about $1.(M.000 ) cci. 0f Iis amosut$750.0M0lbas ben doualedito ' iilvqston. Il iili require ever>' cent of Iis aaiii l 0 itup deilan amipY tie oxpeases of ilriiatung the musteriais donituan od nolii W vi oit- lfIfor v- * W construiction ot tic 4.(100 hontes detroy- e. .The. brokcu lumier tuat euc iecx- traeleti frou lie débrs laflot worth lie eofaitic laor ueessxar>' lu res'over l. Iloveyer, itin, utlerly, lupoadibie ta tiink ofetbnrning an>' part et il witiout reînov- Ing t'ta soue distance troutlie rs'main- tmgs buldinigs." 'Koao Takaki, Jueanece minister in Leuidou. sayc of Ou. emprens lowoger: "Bieé le tie heurt and sont af China. goB longt as ahe ilves. su. longa aie re- moine la Chiina. viieter tle sapreme pe e ithkeo tramt ber o 00, aie vili aivoye b. tic groaiost force, thie one a baT oil wtestora1b. reehoustd ili. Tic didlcnity .uil'bo te gelay eue via tan lP. peak for ber. I tear liaI tie tpfiuenve I of LI-Hong-Oiang te nov et exîreutel> Emporo~Wflll ug -th El Bse chefs abouti sufer for, thei. ithlofthle OCist;taùàý sud h leane ayk: I alto long for ceoiler vtinstaceforthie gull. vilcialtes god .vroptc donc, and vlioffers inaail terel#ners In Chblatse- imclt>' for Ille oui puljri, and, 'abe a Il, for te freo e ble 0èf thbir -relgioo," Wwingot ot reoeeet'AcqdiMdUm!uidat Polit icalý Maps of the United As Drawn by Campaign M~fanagers. Statea la WBlu <lai g oçami Map Are Clalmai by' <beDemocrata Tic mape dt.played b.revittil murale Che Slalom lalme by tie two polilCeal parties at tic Narracher election. la lie itepubilean map the States ciaimel by lbe managera af hat party are siovu la ilack, and ln lie Deanocrafic uap the. Statex liai pmrty heppa' t0carry are inarked asuer the àcame manner. lutaht" ebuwiug onl>' lie State wiich lie part> managera think te.>-bave s tensona- ble chance of carryiag are given, the vilder ciaima bing ignocod. Tic reemit Eleteas votes ciaimeti by- iepalcans, 2M,-; electoral votes ctaimri b>' Dem- ocraIs. 283; came vo:e» lsimed b>' enh, 132; ttali nuier af votes, 447; necea- sary ta elget, 224. States claimsuI by Repuhlk»aL Tic States laimed hy the, Repablicana, with their elpetorel votes, are se folinva: state Voe tite. Voie. California...... ............... 9 New York,.................. 8 Connecticut ...................6 NorIA iDakota-----------------. 8 fleavare-----------3 Ohio ............. ........... 23 Illinois ...................... 24 Oregon ................... 4 Iniuana..................... 15 Plencylvania.............. 32 Iova ...... ................. 13 Rthode Isand................ 4 Kamsas...................... lu oth Dahuta-----------------.. 4 Main ....................... 6 Utah ......................... Maryland ..................... 8 Vermot..................... 4 Massachusets................ 15 Washington ................... 4 Michiga~n.................... 1iWest Virgula ................ 6 Minnesota...................... )Wiconsin................... 12 Nebraka ..................... 8 Wyoming.................... 8 New fHampsbire---------------.. 4 New Jersey ............. ..... 10 Total.................... 20 Statelimed by Democrats. T1he States clainic b>' lie Democra, witili Ieir cieclotai votes, are: State vc Akanas................... Alabama ...................... Caliltonia...... ............. Color4o'a................... Delawar ................... Florida ....................... ('eoria i........................ Idaho ...................... niiluois ...................... Inîdian-----------------------. Kansas-----------------------.. Kentuicky ...................... Lotisiaia..................... 3i:icyiaiid ..................... Mississippi--------------------. Mîtu...................... State Vole. Moulonas....................' ' Nebraka .................. Nevada.,................3 Nov York .................... 3 Norh Curohîna................ Il North Dakota ................. 3 SouthiCarolinu ................9 Stouth Dakota ...................4 Teunesaee................... 12 Texas ........... ............. 15 Utahb...................... 3 Virginia..................... 12 West Virgînia ................. Q Wrunting...................3 Total .................... 283 States Clalmed by Bath Parties. 'The Staîrs viich arec cairneui b>' otu parties. vuSit heir lrotoral voteare: 85gbe. Vole. Stale .-. Vole. California ..........----....... ---I9 North Daktota ...................3 Dielaware------------------------3 gtittlDakota ...................4 Illinois--------------------------24 Utahb............................3 Inditiiaa-------------------------.U15 WegtVirgiaa.................... Kta nsoa.........................10 Wyoming .......................3 -Netuiosha------------------------b Total ....................... 132 Thte Ieputiicnmanager'a are diîPo«'l lua seo autlte ttotiocrrtte daim or New York aItililinois, aoui hiey also csuiui Kanisas is cerîtint. Ontie oilier hani. tie l)emoerrlts deni>'tie tieitulittcîtuelitu that Bt-> itiwilluose 00>'of lie f3tali es et outhle Missouri lie carriesi lit 18W0. and base theit loîtes ou changea ln thieEast. peBYAiI.AI4~0,TEDDY ?4EET. - Exuheugo Courteoleaamni Ruilr> ah a tativai' Cidingr. Col. Bryand suGay. Roosevelt met aI Eash Alô, II..l te otiet nigit. viere thcir tai stnd sie b>' aide. A crowtl of 8.00o I)c'nocras nidItePîtlirn vit- tît'sed thc exciange ai greehitrît sud cheered impartioll>'. NM. Bryaroue out on bils cor pinftr nui Gav. Rosevet came lebils ova car piatoru. Tva banda ver. extënded lnta hdank. but oni>' Pager tips cîtuld hréy renoli. Tic distance vas aiu greIa agool hanishake The. crovi an esci train vioil la courte- nus iceauent 'ofi cri aler. 14r. DrY- mn vas la tihet oai-liamoani se vas Goy. Roosevet. Fînobi>' lie signal vas giren la cart. Rome. one sioutei: "£Rer rail for Roosevelt." Tii. pe-uple on lie Bryacar laungia. Tiepcms a voie: ,,Hurcrah feu Ecy#1," And lie luagi vas9 on lhe ahier car. M. Brysu wcah niè- yard , a.toosevel sotivari. A guasf imw e ,a'sa Aile, Onr, 14, ChiüaFo, tvas ilici by a train. French vIne vilI ho cieap owlng ta lie grent gratte erop. Fred Berry, l'itt.shurg, Me., kilici a mouse, lu i ovn dooryard. Tventy natives lvii. drovueit ad liosqsabla maie boucicass ia lie floole un Intla. It vms eaîimîîeî h at 16000 Iroapa %rouivinler la Pekin,theie ruiaforce ibig the irgest. By .ýa vote af 32 tlui1the St. Louis (o Pre&b>-lry hb., delied againsi nny revision a! the reed. Tys i clhhlren ut George Sharp, Point Fleatoats W. Vu.. starled a ore viti icroaene. Bgothdeadi. Morris C. Curtis. hirea, Ohao;unce. vealtty, Waïstslobedt ludccli t a dance b>' an anh?ovapersan. B&le»$4 teacue nere, Aiglon, La.. Cnt Ma wieapsle'a lroal, i'ovlpur- se b4, end a beal hîinite 4"&t. Zones, t Jegahlan aI Obarl< Rvé been wrWslg )1tiýL 1.4âe ] LyIdia E NË pouud is' Ouring,14 lit la soi: ai orlua4 tlwyer Who eu overcome a woman*a rejuctance to tell ber ase. The Dletroit Wre. Press trl, ports one or mnny tallures In Chat Une of effort. -lAnd wvit lamFour oeeMadam?' waâ the attorney'§ questIon. *.ly owu," @lheanswered promuptiy. 11i undersand that. Madua, but boy oid are yolr' "11 lionflot old, air." vith Indignation. "I beg your pardon, madam. 1I n.u flow many yearn bave you passed?' -"Çoue; the yvars bave passei me." l'How many of them bave Pnssed *,Ai 1 neyer heard of tbem stop- ping." *M3adoifl[you muet answer mY que$- tion. j vant ta knov youi *e." 111 don't know tbat tie acquaiDntfce ta deslred by the. other aide." 11i don't sce vby yoti hisiitltPO re fuglng tnanboer my question." laid the, attorney, coaxlngly. "[ arai frj vflh toit.o hulad 1 vas, if 1 yere 05h04." -Bat nobody wouid agit Fou, f1«e eryttady knows Fou are oid elliffh t t know botter thon ta bc asklng a WO=nl ber age, go there."C And th,. attorney pasaed on to the. tost question. Peppor Starteit Mie Fortuamo. William K. Van Aien la a Charter inember of the Colifornia Pioneer#. Xe il nov 83 yeura or age. lne vent tu, San Flranciseo tram New York lna1840. "Wien 1 lanicO lu California tram Panama." lie aaid, lu teiling boy hie laid the. foundation for is fortune, "I bad but $1 lu my pocket 1 fe1t; quite an empty spot ln the. reglon of my stomach. andl i knew. thattu 10 ItI vould take the whoie of that dollar. But t was bound to bavre a square meni. Wien my dollar vas $etint. tiierefore. 1 looked about for vork. Beeiug a lot of sache of pepper plled up lu front ot a %tore, 1 made a bar- gain vith tileir owuer to try tu, sell tbem for bhan. At the-end ufthtie daY I vas W0lu poci<el. Witb tili 1 atarted la haylnt; and seiling, and laid a gond toudation for thé fulture." Mfr. yan Aien te nov one of the. weaitieut men lu San iFrancisco. Vrytn piearatona imply dee OP dry setare; th.y dry up thi biretidiW *hiohdsoett e.membrane udi duenu = obW*gftr Motsoseriolwtroeltba Stubalmts, fumas,amnobs ad an 10 " V"wbloalss, a-oà- -am kt" * y% (basin ila aaittesoh aa omdy Md III, au seio or enaliue hai amay -à Lmni. À trial ai,. vill b. mea. adu. ElyEsoiha4 4UWaurm ait., N.T. The B11113 sa vibouie .dmsa"o oirtas r o5nasm.a MW7 MJieprai iss agatlu lO" at"nsoiMd g % pu- 'Wonîan'o Waik on a Wagon'. Mme. Aima Keldseth. vldow of a journaiat, ha& for a wager traeid fromt Christiania tu, Paria on font and atartei witbout altier food or money. On the vay aie crosaed Svedon, Don- mark. O.rmany and part of France. $ieo valkod Ivelve boure a daY and at nlght vould cot nt a farm and offer to work for ber board and lodging..Dl- rectly alie bad earned a little moneY aile staried agnîn. sudt la turu ae mended clotbes, did! vaablug.aud arted as gavernees. BUSigeBBS OPPOIITJNITIES on the line of the. Chico o "rat Wetern By. la Illinois. lova. .Minnesoto and Mis- souri. Fira-l-cata upeanagalanrwin lovas for ait kinds of buaineas ofr manufacturing. Our liaI includes loca- tion, for Biachamitha, Doctoral Dreaa- niakers, Forniture. Grain and Lire Stock, Bm>-ere. (houerai Mcrchaadiae. Hard- wareilarneas, Tailore, Ceid Blorage, Crearmerlen, andi Canning Factoris. Write fnily lu regard 1 ourrmie mente*s. tbt v e aiane, Ion lntei- Iiigntiy. Atidres W. J. led. fudustrial Agent.,C. G. W. Ry., 601 Endicott BIdg.. si. P'aul, Min». Table-TaCk. "lThey say the-er--late departed." salitthe tirait cannibat. indicatlng the dîsi before them, "vwas a very iearued mau." "inldeeti." replieri the aolher, helping himueîf for lie third time. "then ibis la lruly vit the wbite men eati an 'Intel- lectual feast. "-Phiioadelpia. Press. Ts'y Grain-O! Try Grain-O! Aah your Groers to-dai te, show Fou a kaeni GI[tAIN-O9, the. mevfood Sric, aitoit"eathe p lace of coffee. , The cbidrea mai drink Ih a-ithout inJory 4Ca veial ne eadoit AU vin tryitilliké il. GItAIX-O bas liaI ri.h oesl broyanio Mocha or'laya, but it Io made froiD pure graine. aud tie mant deiie atsomnach r.- eive i without diâtresa. % the price ut cole. lie end 25e lier package. Poli by ail grecera. Anotiier filui lndgied. -Bo that oid miser uncle of Yours la dend? Weil,.1t suppose you te botter now that hie ,sn't here ta scandalize Faur family by bis nlggardiy way of fivias.", --No, confound hlm! He didn't ieave aaythlng behIal t., show that lie vas a miser after ail.,-Wasbington Star. Moave Tooue Gool Wiadmtii? No tarai laecomplete wlthoat a wind pawer Mii. rt punip s water. sas w od, grindu feed, chope todder and varka giladiy and treely every day la tie year. i n th t econnction vre ciii attention tu the alvertisement lianather coiumen of The. Âormotor Co., tjhicag. ýl. W. advis oar readers te correspond vitii hem for catalogue and tfull articulars. «Il saw a funuy tig lu Coreets on the atreet Yesltersty." "What vas lt?" --Ailrpt-lit ati.-iveOdPlain ýétd.and -la 4Tii Ve eamure If treuilr Aue. 6, le». luo Pilz IM maN -- 1 an fat!- kiduol tme vmy a ,-taeJaurybaevat tireS sif'l bave htdny ami badis ruble.. ad wu Ibaebsm w a . doe u,0ât ouSm l ave boo - dam AitoJ OMM do m MW o mfa masi LydtaNr. IMI ' MIUq compound i mo- gIo ~,i' lud aMd 0»a »Y Ibaie nM ft b vi*Ut!ho for snmta eaît prmnt. Butor. ais, t5mg jor* a- U mM"i a"lapesuon Y"u meVe-M.aor. olu d atei Dmt Mt ors lpp,»dami di"mamiete daa bIh viti auyjeu. I!ili udeJoy mefoata&IL. ovh fIeoneau ao" b. gntef a nog = i o bave doue for Mt.YOu ae M ml Bwm%,fier jouis g Y lbun ima lou Wanmaf, os c-I. a- ,.~t. of.iffla I.L iait- Tva tilonsani tva inri i f oui' teen uogroea, Inciling 285 'voni4i bave taken degrees from nttitutiona of ever>' sort. Ail have beetteii-t-* posting, oni lettera fram bait of them report an avorage assesse aci viîom ot real estte et «M. Wbas Do tCh SUdraem pesa? Deat gIve tii.. te&or muse. Rav YO ieIthe newov ed *tH oail GRAI,01 t ledultons ami nooera tog, Mdi takea lie ploce et cnRsé.. Tb* more Grain-O jon cive lthe citidren the more beitallo u disînibute thronughther systema. Ore z-0 la maisetsaaila and wbsa propcriy>pnpa"i law s1hii tie cible, rain et cae, lbut Doute about %as mach. AU l emrs saiU ILsU ad 2V., ThatlItemete flarlaig. "WiaI au indifférent air youag iMar- madukeGis bas! "Yea. jPiIy be's 50 rîci; ho, voul make a gond trest car couducor."- Chicago Record. Lasso a Famlf 'Jiediain. Ahavea -Je bovela éecdlila uder te be heatity hua la aecmaaiy. Acta gentiy qun uclilver 'Rad kliieys, Caro i hpndirbce. Prie. 11eni 10. Âmong ithe apolia lakea iyJMda Maeecnbneus fram lthe Byrlaus, vluom ho defeated lu battie la the year 160 B. C.. vas a quaatity cf alik. TO CITES A COLD IN ONK B AT aarmi lh«lia poe itvacarefa ta as reoloble Onapoumi ge fem4e : and Wb aloualj massaafst lea ltroueIr ais. he standing Or v 5e' >P t fme, so thon1maéiý bout Iventy miniM. la the aiblhtvh 2 . 2 2 , 01 , 0 2 = . 0 r a EST OScIS 8H01. Tii. officiai exectlllotir e0fhlb. Bla- ai Turkey unes a aithen cor lu 4atran- glilig persons ordereditela h. puitel deti. Piso'% Otre for Consuniption la an la- fallut emediin, for cougis ame Wia- N. W. Samuel. Ofean Grave, N. J,à..: 17. 19W. __________ The aize of eeu b rmsd #a silli11 tie siikvorm, ia sonstvo-uÏdradtà port ofuIn ch llu dametir. - FIT~. Ti heuibvansu icooou le, 0"U o i hta 1% incbh" in iemth sd or& e curter'* 1" aa têtejadnusm.nt 09tb Untedn imitâesUuîrv,UCandmut nau tbea salhimg ralreade. -viol "Y aire.avis dace?___________ A iltti4leglorair lma adangeronsa tlllng Drink deep or tete ti. apring. -oe AilgoMalseu'.alike ta PUMJAX FADUILEBPSD'IlS, s tbq sgleeef fiers at out, bolltng. Poli by i*tUlt*., Why dom amuhlOe utcita - aLttactionfor th e i faoUSu eniaUmstasll. 1V 1 0 A maan% COR" t-

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