. lsa e-e.i -Nesw Opera ieuse sogleet OMng à*flu7oog ifermer of Eidalg, 4l% OW tTedo for s uedeom t 0» ahllS sf Ma1ttool, the rturls divIiu t lia $geItI. rluapa~s;Craaed Ikuor MA 4'epIt e occuants o!ltse lupi.ote t <terrer. At Junesvllî aggtW *âô au4lied a rock throoîh îssa09*ulsior, imlug a scalp 'owm tlm4p*oeeuaer. Scilling chanced 0 , ta iIrUItvaored lu' quiet inr, iau oedutn akife sud qimols US o0 ten thelie orehead and emel, 0<188 bIecoliiinsglu a na *îo. K $eésn e»orstuunbook navet! tcIi<romAà,sb ubîis wuld have liuJiAd ls berti. Orîrnan fogil likê 5sd05,but mn u "liy oerpos-ered. Tis e clsr tuolnt bhenla imybens. if.ZébulioenJr. son uora a rmer hlnvitisi uRéck rI!ans Couury, had nut taccisi anilcit tIer bis talber ba.d Bged asu rder for matebe s ceeuili, sa leIOW sge fo tus he J. W. Recnolde îWa*cbComptaay ut Chcago, bthje s'er ýwoisld baye, let 2,100. Tue tbre, mens uhu venu mplisted lu the allegud swlu- di, oca..'Wbops tranger appoiuîed tii eder Mos. as an agent. 10a seI ýwteb, e c.signe-I n crdes'readlug "*Six hit deséns" s-tes.4. fer wnIe he "was lu psy M27 och. Thse nert day lwu ojete men CamealnIo leAIver sud Cui- let aud the otraclibatbeepug. anor- Ar fon ix pied a bit dises atais..,or tal oetf ut ,lOh. lThesonuiastcned ho bru ulI wti Weeualrrtsud ttht.. ni en .l .nU fiss.uti cnlsbleo lu Parnell. l'h. ~ 68 4obrijlM i.. meesp t'ir ,hot auru e cMississippi laietoIors. uxpspionecla eOas Warka, Au ezlq 0W tcPlatse t» liaat- tao Oe jjBt edCoke Comanys. bleu muia or1 a tet . u-stos-yt. 111118 îm e.mort JOldUg4. sr r,",. As Wrrabila Ab cael psg pipes sud ut- osu fis'.te thc reuuiung portion. Th. 5... ~ .5..aa.sj1 ffli,,#el5 the Ilnsm.U&Butler, ftl eagine'. usa ~lyes cal st hou be sd hy fiylsgbricks ad imier and acverely burtsed hy lb. iaiolu $.e axbow rotstie de- leilled pltonsofuthle uurkamlute h t a mir.acl e Iht be"auped]imre, 'his uf rtheb..explexolou10ssid] teave &leai lu lise ariahier dror. andI à aidJet Sb lic roumi dis! lie sest. tAt Per*Lsortic jury lu tic Irrial o! orve L. learrey, Rchsrd Garrison. s og 4e eansd IssuesDigeot hre-I >dtb tWIsmurdes' e!fiRobert Carte, re. Umred a verdict findlng lb. defendants lyotmscsaogter, iRobert Coter II pea-e fos AieuMsrb 31. F.u W.ku la isprt il? decposes! [Wa round làa slouly spot uear lie Place Mises-ebe tellelent s"en ale. luoocspsly Wii th*sa dedants. Crcumsantill OtidenSof et ici s nstrôni. Neaus Oas Sicadxclae s mca. ý1br Vilae ot Manuunaisscllsd uner the dlove" etnaturalisea.ntaI tIPlace. * tieu dmago lb.heune adoecovered wpill &b*l a ucli on u beilit b ,0 0toperty. and es the drilling baninlaresed Ius de liehevolume o! <as basIu s- eîd. t huit a tords la applled sud le srs-nstaisare brulliauly lihed. l.village la.aerleuoiyr onslderait lie vlselsilfty cf pipariai tutehave lie goit ptpcd ums l es-nal«uRed b?ithe u- 'ents. T'he teclslon outhelb.inisls Lgis.. com't; upldng Mayor 1e-ut aud lie $1,00 license bas esusd muci relliug hnunle tlxpayars aud bili-leums :pel et alet, latihe osinion et amerut e Voff f vele t oles tlii question or Il- Leuwlà Follets sud is. salemn -se.Il iarl. au former attempt tu sentise a re- 1460"te l $m0. __ iThe PttnsgerGrand Opers ansou..et Pmct -uanuso opleteiy datroyed b hi. aviing ls ofu ut $ .. naorans'e PZO. -Tue bouse wus.nul compleled, Itresco p*aters belug ah uurk. ~ign e lir ie le nottIcucun. Tue bouse Vocid have hesta upened No. 5 witb 'QauVadis." r a-s-Items or liseront. Misaisippi river la bighes' han for six- i.. jeSua $5 ibis sessfon. Bas-n et Matilla yder nt Fers arnu. iduti grain. Loem$1,200. GIo. Tannser ion appinted Dr. George W eistes' o! Cilcgo.a tnenbes' o! tic Ofat Bur oleaili 10 ancneed Dr. I. While traikissg lu lier sleep Rebeeca Brs 6 Yeara eld.4fell froni the third ÏLor of thse Vendome Siale. Chicago, and , edrIroiInulrés recelyrd. Tié Touer 111 1Cunlnu rompanv bas t lie eant r e-bulding and i l4lP- siga tctus%,peiOtW5M,00 eau- per na. "Papa Evsporatlng Comipany lli oteve hle s coo. Roher Illesse, 12 iers.1.et Cim sa6 'sb u ultycfborgilary ' ID n rIt C,'t 0< V oline aud u'Ill îrolea- i Pdrt r**Rtpiemeary. 'liceen- resI tIrft alites l in lis Ans. 2)and 1 .n l aveuportasd Rock Islandt. Chiie5*5hist.dé yea'of uttae, où ýlu us? ta rork ragstsruck by a Nort-i ýR*t tAWS Wtrain ai a5otct'd d hm splikIlP Theve masxsaiheny fo ntI th ote sut ti. olsIminupnohubly ~d Roi: »" lbe train autîl Il:uwsxipou Maufacturera o lltonwood lombes' bet agir anr sd rêisfirged lie prices' made et Chkagts uaonc0t. 2. Stocka mere ~'poste8 readiigly short aud tuture les- glig #.pe*Sesm flot, proumini, orini t. ontavoribe reathes- condtions. jomeptaIrso ~alis, àsrennessee neuspi- Ir =h5 -sSt9 thilaiey outhl* ide qisi o4t IQueyrit1'bils skull fssd lu, As lielbody mas dresscd lu ou 4 la thleaJt liat Taille tel jlepouen suiudou a &HiandI toppled ot attdai-ettrv du.Teillas urute ar lb. sinp4 QsjutRayItaymnd, Tula 8ir District Court lu.tpïý dpl~e Johnbi. Sniytii tories- tetmailtraiu At QWauIY., - Tii. ltan 0«. Psiauer tauglitt scbçOt l oJi ~ çhoolbouge n'est Canton la 114rrY Briltts 01Chasrleston uWM haI upid su sohbed out $4 by t<oUIM AUs At 0Marine, lad. "Alunt" Mary Ptnkey, Ouni 61 s5lle Opuntys o;dest residents, died suddiisi et- Harrishurg. b New Christian Corels dedleited at Towes'. Président Parkeir,, Uueilà. II, Cuilege, presidcd. Barak Eud a da -ba omne lu Jollet. »Ie uaxbore la Terespt la 1812. #Lad cause to lIllnois lu 1881.' B. y. Buck ofuPeerlt,# OUM Appoint- cd luspector general orut ,tj lion t01Ter- cran% ofthtie United 8ft0w. Wns. 31. Kius, trX 'velb»àtiOl@gfll4 IiL fitalli' lujurcU wbtie, altW' fropni ii- nule Central trala At Prcatur. Chares Andreu Johnson. 02. tbuught te hW uciltblr.-grs touit test lu hie bed front Inhalation, of gs lu Chicago. ThomsusO ourtacî, "couaiter, 33. *» ron unrby acisao suri Eastern llui. #01s8qclire.s sud killcdt Marion. A. P. Dme à Chicago serolsant,wu kllad es fOsyla Mle, Vls., byfaili front tise balle a disance ut 200 feL W. 3. Ligoe. trave.ig colieclor for the Wrcsgti fins Ras Comany of et. Lomisdled ntthUtieii.Hotel.at Bldg- A job lot of luttle islands lu lhe Mi- #idaippi river, opposite NSuvoo. sud erue e4 by 11ancock County. ucre receutli Sold for $",. Joihn W. Wilson of Kiausndr wuns e- quitted uf Uic charge uf robbery. He uraonce a trafutaofuthteiBartouville bASpibfu thtienuace. Bore.cura ine and six reari old la be- lait; ablled 'A.: sold.at Adair. One -90i 'sold. 5.M00buchlsansd another 20,0W0. Pire broke'oqt la thc uoe'th scctiou uf th, a, W,@ OC th le lhoms teeli Cow.. psny' plant tu Joliet. sud destroyed thast portA..ont i strUcbetître. ule.luitesaalirecrssi" gstation lu Ciicse almordprs rascinéls receut Atrequireameala for landssuen iwis jars. nsteadot 10 tu25. Rural delivery routes Ashiejr, popule. tien ..rvd 1,W5, ecriers W. J. Allea Aud T. C."Orave-s; Fsrmntt0u, popisia- tion »eeed,102. csrrier Alex Brown. Dors bave becu plsced on gpard ai tise entradSta theb.Chicago Monte Cario jusI deished htwire mile" from Cicago on tise main lUne et th Iiunoe Central rend. liosgompsry Conuty Fermer@' (uslitt ri-elecled: Edward G~rimues, preaident; Artiar W2re. vice-presideut: E. C. Rich- ard.. secretary. eud W. A. Beatty, tems- Cicaego aud Alton Comspany ulil., with- lu s yper. expend $1300.000 tapon lhe re- construction. eniargemniet sud sefittiag of the genersi machine shopi nt Blooni- Iugton. Tic warehouse sud the storerooni ut F. P. Watsou & Bro. et 3Mount Vernon, vith ail lhiS contents, ucre dentroyed by lis'e. The. Insu la$M.000; Iluursice about $12.000. Kankakee police retused lu, show tise fanerai lu be beld la churchh ecause tb@ 3-yccr-old asofu Robert Owtrousky hsd died of diplatheria. Beverai cildren have died ot diphtherla there. Janmes Bolchos' aud BenjamnaHoton nelgubors, yrsidflgg ln Sbclhy Conti. vrre. adjlabd insansd sent to the. asyluni. Luth -ena]ont ticS resu througb religions :xeitemiat. The. WsesauBulletingays liaI John 15arwel, uged 90 years, uho died at bie borne laje ob ler Couuty s feu ssys ago, owne-I 21),M0acre, ut gond fatalans tylug isr4vly lun Fulton couitiy. Woaneu sud animal»is md in a Pente [at thc LIacOluParkek a Chisgthle other day uhen a dos. tossed on top of lhe cages hy the ele-phant. uas bru lu plecteaud devoured hy terio taf. rDavid GOddb», as estpley4 et Alfred 3$astex aweli d-o Edgar Couuly ferm- er, disajspeared Oct. 6; su did s valoable boreé sud buggy uf lapes'. Ooddcn uns ehaUy captured t aw sr'ucevlle. but thc stolcu property cooid not b, tound. The. accused uqsld have hbc" relcased lied he nul weakeued sud exscted à promise* tlum bisreptors tu ha drîven 10 Vin- eenues te bld bis arreetheart fgceueil If he masde compiete confesion Thie drive wu*a mode and the lover. klmsed escl oth- er good-by la the prenS of, lbe girls fail. Tieu Oodden re'reraled ihe uhere- abouts nt tié ris andI il us recus-ered., Mr%. J. B. Lu, ite o0fammaena ity faerer la, proseculing ber hngbaud ou lie charge o! ulfe abundoument. aud Laue'.moly defenxe im lhe sclaire that lira. Lau. ste tnbu ac. Whilée nul definitély $tartesi tii.lindsao! hebis le's abnorusai appetihe. Lane guys iie rould not raise enoiun b.is.ften u nfred ber. Orow- las degperaté. ic torced ber ln aigu swsy ber rigi t 10Ilsir proper3-. gave ber $50 sud told her lu leane. Tiie rite leaa sniple-nsiAdetl crenîsîre sud mie obeyed. Bol when thse msier;us <ne and glarvation sared her lu lie tace ah. had rLaue, srrested. Laue uabosîpilover le, lb. grand jury. Chaies iarrder. a plausile young sien. arrir;ed st Bellevlle andset on foot à tripette enlerpriae 10 rais. flouera by peircily. Heeconinued nsany outhtei inerqhbs tataIi. sas aisîcere and car tonds outlomber uere haitlAl lu the aree ut blimoderngreenhufli. uic us tu llaehblosnB'lua .Rffyatas'et ptofis., On a certain iliglit Harrder promisesl 10 ..ttl4 for tise land, m«lerlai sud rages. HIe adl oiappeàe.-?hè ceitredo bc- camne auspiclous and the materillus 'eauled tway by thi Ovràuta. Tise Imm- ber Mereaft u'bo stoosi. for lhe usterial bas tise fuconsptete hui* e big ha mds snd lb. police are trylog In locale Hans'- der. HenryPotblsn. s. aklllesIaud Frank Robinson, bis brother, usa uerlously .iu- lus'cd.lu a ruaiasy aicdenit at Pana. Tise bro>thm eru uce uestiy fsners. A boy b scoomgePaulcd the metac s aIm MAMY l#PEUEiKT pAlURIALO NOW cON8IOBRgo SUITABLE. Thea Important V011 lou Sa Popciar ne Ilver-ralus tbst Are Tialeu et race-Brlie Mer Plan Goun te Sai lier Tait., NIewtout etrresudaseme .1.NY differcat nil> Sousîere!nths- -bic thîs ululer for lin bridai dres lu, wuibicsafter il& one.glorloue aercl own tii. ailewus a a nacesa Possession. - . - bu.' the ueddiug àiplicuous fur' cher occains n lub useutable fo r thlis. ansd ItluIsà lordelreellun lul whsite. But alter thut la .sld, tise - hie! ebaracleris- i.otnmony la lb. neil. Wblte satin laotn sed, but ehuMl, tyllab r. mhite milice lu sur ucave. white dli. muli, lausi, tissu or chiffon. If tiie heavier uaterlals in slken weave are tsed, they are au ighteued by the. insertion uf lace Id sefa'U, It igulres and trailiig design» folowing tbeBUes ofth ti.figure, that mailps... uinobvl- ated. Af sotte* stufs arte erpioyed, tien applicatons of heavler materlal are add- ad. Iu. ether case ht oiit Aa 4I l get- fectus ad a shimmer uft boken surface. An esquisite quality out doth. delict. ns sili, wiîb a soft: leamiug anin id wilb satin, i.e satin overlaid wstls lace..<ires au ides of thse posi- hilities la combination. If euhroldery la ued, s luisikie of silver in Dike- 1 to show, and une exquiite efects a"e sccomplisledindlucrystal snd ail- ver. T'he beut taile dctatqa that ncb effects sbould be delicate. the gUnI ut I froating ou the panue. or dew on cobwci, flot s clsnit of spangies. nor a thici crust of hesdlaa. Thie train of the present shkirt often fol- Ipwo tihe noterai asweep of the. gonds frid hock and hips. This incus that the train la a thiug of tracé, whlcb il connuit b. when sbaped snd ied back. fume bridai dresses show hesvy snd élaboras watteau sud tlsoilder trains. Ail that ls a nisîter oftatnte. While witb the. simpler trsin dlgnity sud spiendor ni he missed, girliohues ansd lhe car. or lhe gracetol licei of tise figure at the back are retained. A few gowns ready for eariy ululer weddluge have slghtly drsped trains, but *the tendenry li to s- centuhte lhe figure unly by liaI drapery usi ch cornes fruinithe uàtni'al i s fl theii Bo, witi certsin limitations that should fot oppresanayoue. a bride ,ouy plan ber gown accordlug lu ber tante. Rarely have tie *'muots" sud *"jont'àn" beau lamaharrassiug. Tihe srtint sfhetèhes Botb têI sé muff pui pl ictret bure,"ai conideabi.faer Bnldesuasde' ou repginore va- s'ted. sutenaeau isasl s irl nets là aimed et Iberell a cus a sdeai ut tu] notions aetals 0b hp berdeca atssud wreahb.beud als. More pronounocd arm Grautien drapad robes frths ie bridesussda, lii.' bride dréaelng ilu ctaalè fasiluaé. Herrdrap- eries are inodilled te permit tise addition efthle veil, but tic rdesupsd' dresae* are ta be oioded more glYlcIn;. thle drauluga for the bs'Ideallld'grwus ut knotiser approaehinggffle %%,Ie ivdln, a princees robe of lae à$ehipped ,ver âIls under prince a * atent et e11k. TLP on- des' gown ulli b t dEidssl Lnbd. ,tisaI tise roup ut brdesusslii'sOl Iresent A softty billiant rqaibeu aecl. Bride#- midsi are usall gowued lu elit iter ma ust oung or ultb slilgit drut. Lace cnpes. flouer mut ansd floue ats aara suilabie seceasorlea. Uusaiy the. suads are gowssed lu delîcate 'enlora rs.utsoi. al-wbite uCddlnga are bebsg pisrirrI. tb. maida as snouy es the bride. Tire bridesss ge#Dia nia;, per- ieriaps, be liked lulb. swuairlitaI doess't nmbke iestmmer, Sut il uouid laiet Iis page ful ot modclm lu alsov lie permiasîble tancie. mach more f iii;. The left-iand guru put hae ras "-s; ple, gm-eu erepe de ecime, very lel ' %- yeus- is'oîdered uthbtilt threate. 'Next tuis la a pale bune figured s11k, 'sit baud triais miug of ivory lace cunctad by garni- ture ot black veivet. Last usa a uh"t brondeioti niade . nutriple skirî. -'On enci portionofuthlb. aNt Wusabeautlfol aunver cmbroedery, sudt lit sgpeared ais au the jacket, vilcis-ai Over a gitieres white organdie bodice. l'ils last gemu vas for lie niaisI et bunor. GosIteste demiandea ta the- bricle0 motier aiuuld route no more of!Wiesi lu ber sIlire than la cousistentî vitis a look ut gradions, matrol digaly. l'ils lu trpeu. mi wealb.e wedding pattakso ufth l.chasacter ut a pageant. Itapti ut coor asdt ichaesoft natriais auc nat- er. lu whib sheoba nsinduite sufeY. Purple mtUlisry sud deep bueneae suit- mie. ok0rcvnvelvet brocadlacr rect, satin olsl inhly ilisis! uitblace sud velvotle la s andsome ciiolce. Bri- liant color lu satin nu; bewrmu.canas'; or ses green being permi@saIhe. Accus-d- ing lu tic formallby o! the uedlug. tie gown lu ehe«cuenU for a tsll-dress occa- sion may b. open at tie lireal. Tien long loines are wrm ii lou leeves. Thbis means tiat feu restricbions are lus- puued. But one gonu of tulsgrade ag- peur@ here. Il Ule Lu tht- stilllpleure, sud uns skecied iu purpie satin eus- broidered deicately witi uhite. Buffle ou eiirt 'sud hodice mer, edged ulit back vemvet. andanwite mil fichu ai- most filied lie ueck. There la a uotlcealltidden uprisng againet fSe unIÉ»i*,s-m and urtollnes-yez. aglineu je charge--o! the lallur-madc drest ab!y have crme to admire, andI a lt of noeies mas Ire -xrestod. Tires gouns are put hem. Tirs lir a sc s Wus cuitiruedeloti, rili kilt iain sud 0. tee plest u match. Licre yoke and col- Ier, and triple rudie and revers urthte goods moreochies' bodWét trusssrinu. IÇêt ls s pale gray camel a ir ri rmmed uith black remvet in ia olds. tiny baera sud bIt, sud baviug a deit- oke of back ieaded net. ILestlLa s non greenchenlot timmel uti stieri baudse't«uhie utSiUC ni ADWn-sM sADE nsAGA.NB 4'aILrRtICDÎ TXrI LO5MIIPn a bIndes <oua thai wusaremarksbly bundaunu, yel la au; of lie pointustut- lestel ab-tnalgpolel -.oulwd- ha cbani0< lu sut Ils uedter's Ides.. As galed t I u viWeiite ullu psi-u cSu .an mlmli ici trimuslng ut le 4 J gint ?it M7suad «r r Tu vîIwfe p. lte s agp a= 1 loti. If sucb tsslucls WUIi ait. head- way It ulli h. hut a short tune beifrr fflour.-ciboe oasniost savàtrled the. drmmnakee's product. BuDoOned. "Sin la*0 utrangrsIon Or tise lau". Uri eSt ;Ohu. But a Bbgtosi U1qIaou stàettigâdned t hi or Supastur fa». pwoRm IN mAw's ^AitIIL OA lobasli. UM lbad, a Caittv.t$e Ynkee witlseh strange rs" John 3llorwin Huibard. ut West Ha- OPERATOI ven, t'unc.. stalks out te citirc evcry MAI fFonday arrayed lu a ,fiuwIng white robe witi a golden girdie aud a bonnet lslioncd atter tbose wuru by anent COaftrvàcuC Jowlsh preats. Ou lie ourti tu Jly Arrives ai snd other paîrlotie occasions Mr. Uub- tois lidial bard appears ln bis trise giury, for then asu hur.. h. dawns npou Uic tartlad gaze of lthe suisner boarders ut, $&vin Rock mont T'ocna gorgcouuly arrayed lu a robe or red, cosI opergtoi white sud bine. tb. big cool Fatier ttubbgrd wiabes It recurded vItIu :t bric that lie dom. nul uear i diaphanous th atitbrst drapery beause, be, wisbes te excite the PrI#Ste vulgar atteution or tu provoe theUicthe Readinig warld thut h. in the ouiy ceai genulu. Ccsfercssce ËÏtber Hishiard. Ho Us a philosopher, cSode te tlm a soldier, and a poel. lie veara lh. wuti.rs' coi strange drapery beaute lesya le bosa lThe. ftu. dlacovered that modern Ideas ut Aies, Itou Coapai arc entireiy opposeid tu lie lonsisteMcy i« claee. and teaching outhtei. eriptures. TIere- "Il hon tore he bas luvcnted several neu and pouted 04 original costumes, whieh. houever, h. absout pri deciares are mut eccuSrdlng tu the de- sdvauce sevlptions given lu the. Bible. ctirei M uilasi, Ur. Hubberd says ot i ressons for euisgse wearlhg bis robes: "Gay colora keep afiolc tise rnd lu su excited condition sud Aprot siclude ail poaceful andI iuly tiongis. tumber.a souequeitly on lb. fiubbatii 1 wear a uthils suces wut nhe L'adj reston lb. ai tion., nsoul #&nm cour" ument Ieno This appi uhici là op penl. Tlki - thc atrikers r eudlng out t couterees aS a- aaitlob Jo;,r-_ o iii t Krtowr JOUX M L UuuAD. lonsg robe ut white. dchasuad simple, ulithsagolden gisdl.. Iam tien ready to coucelve sud cosprehensd lbe true mesung ot a churci service. I bave lhe Bible for autbos'lly. lu hevelations tic angals uor. spuken ut s. loties! ln pure white llnen. rît i <1:41..outgoîsI. Dan- tlI and St. JuhnIn lu utes'violou@sawu ,% certain mnuclohed la i lnen wnues loins rere girdied rîti fiua gois.' " Mfr. Hubbard la organtaing a aulety in be kuemn us the 8. O. G. G.. ubIlci mmas the "Sday Ordcs' ut Gurus and Girsles." The. mollo of lhe S, O. G. G. le '*A Heav.uiy Sihibati," sud tnbemberablp la open lu ait. White one object outhle ordar nil i. the prueezr nation of tic ftahas auaIday uf vet 1h. principal ubjct wulîl he, as Mr. r Houbard msye. "To briug togetier ail ofti tb. maie sex uic are dl*aatiUfed uli lb. ungaltdly allires uich eutillacoi- Delà lie.l umn.!' COURAGE OF A GIRL Plie ClimietTb.cuab a 'Bus Wludev f sud ieteppet Raa 9Wy Tau. Misa Ada Msyo RaîIey, wnu preved ' ber courage lu Neu York recently by t climbîug ouI ut au omnibuesud top- ping a runaway teain turnes! loua. by à runuken driver, la lhe ouly single daugiler ut Ms'. and -lira. Chartes L. RalIey. ot Lexlihgou, lKy. 8h. rant-to c New Yuork lu vIsit trieudusud-1,'as le-ý turulne lite 51 night ts'om a sinuS?.l accumpanied by tire. girl frieudi and asi male escort, lu a bus. Ntilg thal tiey wre. olng nnusually fast. mise Ralley looked Ibrougi the. nindow Sud XE"S ADA MATO RAlLBY. saw tier, wais nu driver ou :tbewX. The men witi them. a il aiemte~ get ouIt theback way fell id 1 îft on the rond. Miss Ralley saysý 1't wï%- F <ed- thruugh - i.- littie ladw,4'u reached the drlver's box ta Rad tbMt tbe Unes were iylng un the#whlfiie-trec, 1 lbed over the dasbboard and .jet tlng hl ofuton@ of tbem msuagoi to tirow thea Qff-horse tu tic ground. I tien juniped down nd md achil thelir lieds before the hurse could regain ils feet asnd beld tiieni otil assislance reached nie." The Baby Was Healtby if Honseiy. Twu trlshmniwho d flot seen caca uther for a long lime met at a fair. Tlsey liat a lot of thing a 1tll enci other. *"Hhtire, t's marrled 1 am.-" said O'Briens. .You dont tel me s0." said Blake. *Falth. yeî," sald O'Brkn, aie Il'y got a dune, iealthy bhoy wiicithe neighbors any la the very Picterutf me' Blake looked for a moment et o'Brlgn, Who wna flot, t0a Sy thse leat. remark. aile for is good looks, nnd tien said: "Ocis. ucîl, iihatts--the hsrrt.m se Joint as tie cbld'a ieultiy7" PSy of Paris Policesmen. Tic policemens of Paris, generaUly youflg, abie-bodied muen, receive trois $22 ta $W0 a iobli, nccurdisig ta the' lime. ut service. Oniy a t.w leculve over $25 a month. VIl te». Preoct. j'mont tii beaiee *coa te 0la ouad. allaisaàt i ià'@pprprte presalefor M ~ p groobi. sevedlIgf la bad DRS ACCEDIE TO TTVE DE- NOS OF MINERS. siau AuruemsaC-Wl11 Aboi. ai licais ut Wagea and GIn. &» ut Ton Pur Cent. erauce betluar tise ladivldesl rrs sud tli e 'pseftetttlVca 09 ai-cssrylug comninea ulih ing about tb. tarmulnatiln 0« wtc ceaI aIrike wu sbe la i Sue otPrealdeut Rarsis 0t * Bailuuy ConipuisIPila- se escehilli ussecret. Tue reellted lunau agreemeut lu oe deusmnade hy ticesmine kdîpisia aud Reading Coal sud ny ai pirelsaned tise tolinu- eut: by, Aildraws lie notice Dét. il.1800. sud, te brins actical uasitosnity la lic or Vases lu thc lèverai ions, gives. notice lia I t îead the operation. of tise seaie, ull psy 10 pet Cent ou Beotemberusige lIi 190, aud thereafter natl notice. sud ul tae. p mln. employas any grIen- hici tbey ay bave." lb Vaisiy Comipsny, In uic.. Uig tin sa a ise lu *peua- mSed ti.t Il uould adopt thc lsa aulhorlsedlu tie sixte- I4 by lb. Reading Cuompany. es lu the Scbylkll reglon. berated b? tise Lebigi ees- is meats anl th. demande et is and nsstise ImedIate t.e atrlke. mueesent cf thse acllSof t Ie ti Pisildelpbia wun flceivs 0Ps., ultbdeonustrtous ut believs ltnmea»s s speedy se' ritah better usgei. cala LEOP1OLD. At Ger a. , eery L . eey was ftusnd gullt7 b, a Iursoft SU"- dering Williams Goctial, 1115 puisiSuo l3 fixed etI imprisoassegt Weelige. At tIUc requeal ur Youtsey'x lawn" thie Sitr nient han heen nrrested usail put ]$F*ben- ary. B3Y liaI lime, if bis mentatl cauS lion bsas not improved, o i.ua bAu re- for lunue;. la lie nieabtiiae bha lea50bu Ioulned st Frankfort, sud lanlt.e'sea»- ielobie attqsOeys'n fl ace*- Appeal. Periapa ut-ver lettre in Kenck wa z Odubt)easaneyer bt-tare wuns aq s ttred againstal sman uhtIl ýqpmnlt h*5decision us. heiré la stupor, mure den, is *111 cisasse grestiy agast bis reAIS The court rmu us crowded. but q 'It YoutseY'& attorneys ucre pre.aaat .iT* prlouer'as &W fi ,tber sud a siasiseal 5,<ni otier rlsîlons uIrelu. the stck tone3mai De tise court rons. Tb# verdctprodueS'* a teartul scelle, aus hey had bees elu liat lihe resoll uouid b, acquittai. Tout. say wasa ameuisat iettcs' Sat[1ln*y1 tboogh.sînable tu malt ire i»f auda- stood. He wulli bc entenced b, j"Ile Unîilîl st tise ncxt ternio!of c4at ,A nuw trial ilîl based for, snd failai in Ibis, an appeal ilil b, talion. CHIRSTMAS Box£$ TO GO PSU Oit. ir Sidiere Parvins Alari4ýbe Be Catrmot Witbont chastes. Cirlalm«asckages-fer Ameo" U aU dies serviag sieead uNi h. D'suS* hy tiheguverumeult reeet *elis ge ellher Ssu lFrancisco or Niew Ywi.ý us don.cilut year, sud proed p Those la charge t lhe srmy lriu boueéver, say tlia saders uofbac - , _ undcntand that perlséabile rtleitp.afip* aç fruit end pince pmWdligs, and&&U Phckages, suai as presarves, sOi>j be lucioaed. Dcxes abouid aot cxfeed t*e"-b* or thlrty pets*"da lu uigiL . - ' bc plsiuiy mark"d ulth s th,. a psuy sud refflsuut utheis maifrn sent lu osre ofthle sup.ulatea4sWs Umited statu. srtea rufflrs srvlo.' ether et @an Fraucisco or Né* Tort. '7 As trasport hav«es Neu Tus *0* ', PhlUppluas un RNov . & sud Christine» packags..but lit u twt* fifty dais tu rnske htriep bu r voyae8arusesti. Pacige lïes t 5. Press or freigt cUnrg.a slid b pald te flan Francisco or Packagtu erodiers lu Cubi, »dmati Dicôo boum bc ont viasr*fesKerbL la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Arc 1.e'u i epeVic Ii5t0 ad e e ha Viandera, uho receutly marTs-e d *~Uiiît-os Gabrelle ef Danaw P4BrimAmilt là ti som t09s Ing' e y brother,Plae . reniouflsatd iarht out incesaac i l e Î9 mW 4$ MIONT PERION IN TIHE PLAMES* t Wutt lie l e 1ev lbITeA oueme noe.mta leigit poison. uere sitier barudor e. h~e ttw .iDmcsted la S a fsc uAe lhree-"OY vnik. luvener trame doubleteement bousé, 45 auis u5%~ Hismher trust Neuw Yaffesr0901d heu tts e5Mhb Wedisseg rmoraine 0f Chais. Wac' oulb A*Ii.lis temIiyutr ix, onlir isa It stutbs4-yeer- l1834 ud b. sema old il-I Pantins. are alIme. Vsaa throu %udi esrvai~ Ie éild ont tcfa scoad..tory wMiudd's bu i sud PolicSsga Peter 111a24 eAutbit Boisertc, It huý Ss<ed& sv Tien Yam eeced, lira.Anas19"e baaisae ilb. Wsufepsm vilsin a 5 orribte fate. 11W calâbt rI gt insehlma tfs, ha«4 la caughtf-cmsud ales. un SinUSI**-* lestâme. ea*6 liin usepe, la tMir t ftbobdeS fs-salle c ees and h.,,luIemb. hues fisove tiens haci sud aihe baiA1 l ; efItorapidly goiisg f-s ut eIls ber fate. PoUlecusMu tgitaid .otxrmue , dse.DfiiS aaise en Ivo persaoueaicm b, stocke. iu éferloa aI Mdnid sa" ese* , Tuhoua.nnain sleb h .es«ttloe a&- légaindur aehs-gabsr eurred us a ramésebile frame bc.u i adrddIai' i vlch fur mauy yetra basheu s. - acis ansd ""Rvat.sad qje mari on lie BUs i de. bécfaseI.fcuisgdusaltroés.'an KILI. AND CAPTURE AMERICANS peau couvâes. 7b5-,Wr ansd progresive lTurknis 51 BeAsbmat attse Twmtp iterl l oir"Europe, reaeint 1h.éwvli a Asaut Osrseevmre by Viliplue. . Osmua nb.as ,arelat ivut1 - r A dela*mhuof twenty mn ~.or thé crsiut oftimI nanescplig l'wny-ou-lis régtment, white -agehast wreei.Turkey (s Ilila la repalrlng teleégrspi uires Oct.,10 aI s'es. lunscommerce. ludustry, s point nsss- fan Josa, Nuevo Eclis ptooor mmlalugTh& ne aac40 lace, rais de Luzun. uere est upc. by 200 liaI lie tmrinera cRnuut-p8Y rabais aud uer. onerpowe-ed And seat- tie produets et thse e ' tes-cd. Sfeais uthelia Ascalcaus rs-ehes!caI.copper, trou. Icsd,!Indv flan Jo.., but Ih la probablli tais- alu-snin are uuvorked iccapset emindér uere ciptured. tire laus. Eurepe'a day or The eneif purprtsad a party ait scouts miii tic fultau ganaul long b et lie FortY-tild luantry 51 a pointnad rien tisaI &*Y coume lthé I.e tire. miles Immol Tsklohau, Leyî Island, dlssppeer as a diaslns-nf actor l kliug tires uttise Anericaus at tti enl norsIpoitica. voller. ,Tue escaped sud gavea is alarus, but thes. ecy aucceedes!in la evsdiug tbis'punancra. Tise nativepo. China hua takou théic ntat~i lic. of Tsk!lohan iad consfplsed to sur- iug negotlan u lhhécPntiter prise tisa Amsresus. Tisaiodles ut tfiecsetîlement ofthle S'OpII5I dia! selfies *ore bdlir mutlîte!. f" thle Boxer revoit. s-ue LI-Hunt-Chsig baye l Nsrried Atter Fltty Teans foreign envoya s c rcolar nule. Tia culinatiou cf s romance or fitty a sit for lie iesiaing;o< yeur*' stauding was wltuesued la lie Tisey expreas regret fertbli couuty srecorder'% office e an saos City. outrages sud concédé la ad*4, Mo., lha ulier day vicu Shermèn L. N. lisbililY lu Psy Indeniulty. Fot.,ai t4-,- sud Mm ,Liaitl. -Ba--esuatiou cf hostliitee s -ti4 ber. agent 61, ucre nled la marrlage. ai of lie pllied sri.frac Ms.. Baer 'sien a gis-iutof 18laught rejée e icproposal.Isa- -01 nlrf sctrol lanthe East and among ber papilleauli -duliesfolles la; uns L. N. Foute, s farmer tour yes i. note M.. nue - s« .»L hs' senior. Thé tuo teil lu lov, sud be ades', Insista tisaI carne engaged, but s quarraI nsesied l aIs uabyauee 5 *A tiens. Boli evutnssy isy ar-led cer lie leaders ut -the tli parties ans! bo t ruck out esu otbe-. main ntisliesi. Iia, va' j&boutis fý ze o Ms-.. Buker'q bwh o ,. jo g orilined-deot*uds ot G «d aan nil5î s ayea 1r late-Ms'.Foot.eniay delay negelatiee. ' & toat is rite. Tben Mn. Foute learu.d :M.:'~ lie uridresof i s auelicart ut long ao Te 0i40u I Ocrg Som sd opened op a correapoudence ulti lie Tgien eat b essia,.. t, i ;e -pe reault tisaI lie; banc heen marries! ai dos-luilie lest 'walhhoitis lis lgloi isI. ___________ dvlccltrianc pccitiug.AI th ise He0avi Sent ence fors Whisky Seller. limé b.oqj #tccÇý PsiiVtssiW Aý Igt. John, Kau.. for selllng whisky laite thIM pu he ieSerlisc sied, insvlulation of the prohbiory lauv. Chas. goveru 5ASl'ept, It la feare!*etlisatrn Ieed fo torty-nsse mnh a ll. Hea iutb, sut is dcstlbila csmfiêhee- canut psy isafine asI ud lnder tlb. pect utià aebont. lime, .laithe Pr*,*- la , ave te, serve il o nt te r, s-te ut e t..ot 5la4d rel tions let uent i b i k b s e i e 4 9 0 an e - O c r w l , ý b u l « oaiï)d 50 cents s dsy, isklng bis total J.1an ai Naruay tie desth et King OassE ' sentence ps-actlcmlly tirty yeus. He un tie aceslsinut Prince Gottavua s-up nouvcte ca tuly-luecoute, le, aliosuanInternational ealssily. Tol la sav Lise.Ti.ulrmntu oChnaIr Tue Psuiibltranistn' apecial trais.. mer :iemnt01th i irq e turins lie counutry,coue thleparty ~ smsPIc Rislh.aloeu a day feor at; deys. mulae et Count von Bulcw us Haï lun many tiaussudeairutomn. le 10kwpolitient eveul la Grmmyr~ 5eeu ~ ~ ~ b wnudl i îîii o s eek. But 9 1Flsiv bre Find l te iciit* f Mn« I csetbd beusunic.gex~et D>., il long-toutinued rate&. mial ru a s »uncrlit r Benjamin Cross, an lusaupessmaîte lysa rIpple ietteet. osw fin. tae filmf-a.bon", aI US.Jobashue, théc sr Germ*san*Ca$eI4 VI.. sudl us. barbantte desila lit b een recunii u i f unx Catholles verseug jubch4,j Kaicer. UH.le, 50 FiereauK Nèr&o en a ett auuai niuaýmwal 2941fri AqÀAI-l