' 1 jr. Battues , seti mme w. l* irsa ellua Na aft« qp* m- ln vmnfer ani 9p. la, tu UMubv, aMd eotcwjuaf efuularegW&a -w4 lsa utorce throuot tic coi- oiftt . Eeehlo a mai01 ce ne# àieýfe te crae gi-alers glace 1181, IiÀ tdlIhsf tic pplille0mpiata u»tMpeuaI troiugh theic rnewsaocsta MIbtIah*Municipal întluortgéi mt Uaeegps lergel>- àa a cisAty i~ tt festéltg wluoutavenciasiý,, 'vbmr tbW, ootu lidecane fpqn" e *es Bo" l &eteuns etuyla. 884nis, am ny veÏU-40-0eboums ai m81 cuped l iii t»en. «aents « Mputfe ltor thbr ocaens; tudale chou »Poo .a"I secwMte ti t ten ohivespwla siephu s o ndle delt mue uc-es sllet. est opon vache OM:tte vit ont ddiut aud t lestiu *»bth lst ewyesntmat sta s W*eo gavbeen 7 te led A id lgi wc~uat jitor ilug ou -mcou- Wis gsvsst3r-s$gh fôtt F*Atp.ÇWO Uec~c* thq Peu U>sh Places, AuBe, and louas lie et Maur John Sierin. - istë preintative lmeasMuu, fte %ffl 1««,, a membee cftc 1et m ~ ali er,**dincabinet z =itosdi et kW f»OMM cein Waîht- lugtp oo Mady porci . athle,78th yesr et il q..Mis tItid4 been expent- et Wo soe insd àand lIdebg tmeud» gave hlm fiebommou a are *04attention 10 fhe*u.& xe h*aubois aas o ettit "0 «chbd*l nasu tion, lmci- < iéta secasti gttligh *< Mines Iote Wbe h ad sagrltfer the.alntyeur Seiiretsr7 Siie9nA*' deatiecurreui la tie hlad*mets ll anK atm-est, whichb au h b e etii$ Uhyeqrs ago. The sec- haw an alaaii, bv 0ai est i ce. laWuunfoq, alugi lacosteil exten- r sivly intest ige ienu t e tutine. -opuger etlvo p atm ti Wubis ealith ta@l ta enSI aille. dollars, moat 1*ll*dc lis' luveil ftiannelet et wttah lcstep c~~a. timer_IvesLments tii d1 fansgr blitt Uaaled, Ohio, n.UbiIla lsposselda, nuiti' 48.41185Xn»rWv flaC e b"A diposelet ilËWie te ii etmura te Wasington, Mit he$rusa hiuépot becat 14 robuai lapl ue con liy cira pear. lu luaic. ýGs Ile s Sa piasre p pte &Ws au clsoln"atwest indies la isucyci a rriuimre aii Wlborg. di noeulaaier.a ttack icfpueu »Mieb blh isnf poveal fatal., Tiens hip Mt W"l fêteraraie . m»un ssbed at Uoostiio. front vWibplace reporta cagne -,$ W b lb. liia l stiaht tise weli- k0oun tites="a bât i ccnubed te, the iseause. He ràakyhci ieer. sud the t4"W>-ecew&0,due erCtic Unlitel *fai" goïeusueite hdig ils.bsck te the 'United stgtec c e e titaulier Ohcu. us Iuthefi. idai>- et sautiage, sud lte ua ftdy hindel et rt 1"Fur'5 ma 4 stéaieqkgasué irs strooeg dasegh by «auer *» te fisif bis boe ave. récraawe reaui, brongx bllt lbrou la ipse & e a tfelditur- 49 tic boiêteirm. Asyl b>-sutumu lbu MWI egwume. in V-e4ceecvut inesta"g çà lent vinter ea isabrhaitW isihl lm,eia, '10,11flry oa C. belth. Tie *Mit>- veut arIn lutic sommer te tic dl IU- esotea a et as O.io. Tberi WMs tièmre ii a short fime vian Ui. Oeram, clim e icati lad 'iccu ver>- fr111, iaI. iNt vwaxa severe bloIr te ils fefflvtry, front ubicàlile neYer ful>- mosceI 1M e malokeli Mansfield outh tidlie of 8éuoebr. uben he flitauel te Washingaeon Ifevi» mucit brelkes auin oailth and suinta, but fer a ticslit vas ailleeIommec about lu tic c"e air su" la tabe short rides trouand ASl aAMAIA AND 1PoLIIIAN. torIes ic1Me CaMse sMd Titres limes, .7aatiomed for PrevIdeaL. Juic Sheman u-res huminLancater, 014k, unir10, 1P23. wicu be Iras I pes o .1il fter iliel. ieviug a vijlow su" eleves eiilaDeniii Ouitlyte houme- stead adi au lngue et0fÇM a year for support. The famll- Iris brokeunop, pul mic fthec-r« u etât te lice viii selitives mitMmMes.' -omurentatued VililasbidesIl r. He entsai * chaodfor à r -twa, sud lun181is fatier'i esulot. Jon Sherman. a nuerueist *,f bgmt sai eg. teek hlm, eIo he nti effored te Prepele flue boy for KSy>on Col. ge. B eayel tiareorlotir leurs, Wu et fie nad -« fiai *» <ave 'up bis @eh"olandi begau ccv ai a 304m" n l tIluproveett ten belag mile by tbe Statc la the iluakingunt river. la lm bc w ent tae Miuifli, vitre.lie utale ihshome the tajuahder of hW lige., "ad begesthcenufclu'n &. Bsesas' admIt d ta te W e h, t las tr-da blsfjda,, ami a»on mode a uceesa. in 184 le a arrled Margaet Steumeft. Kr. Sherman cmaitsdet-ste Mmdea.bis Illst speech tiCI" la 1141 la lm4 lae mu a e dsl e rt <e Wig cSvenflea lu FlbllaMepba uluiit usmi- %asidPreeldeut TA74L Or. f mmu.vi momimaiel snd dectalnm et the - taries, and feai ils etouup. Thé lighutj ~ve aver iebalJ"utbaee mae au issue. sad on ttilaSirms. asu eticafed and sielftte aCc.*.res. la 18M5 be pre- ilel ove, tbi iri Iepublime ediven-, tien ecer bel lai the Otite «t Oka. Mr. Oieruima lsa"bis lirai. peech du1 Congrs u n1850. m4d (rom fiat lime ou tuoit a prominceut part ilte affaire et the Roue. His Seast Ilaeiatl speech w»as made ilu MK luailmlie vas rc-eoted. and again i. â@600."sud it ever>- ptos- pe of being elected OPesker but resigu-. ad te go te the Senateluin 161lu lace tc Of Salmon P. Çbuea, vbo redauged te 611 a pls.nLnon.ceunt%. beu the ver rame onUrM. Shermn. eut ta Ohio té encouragée enitmcndtt. and far a inolei servel as a ceuatecervitiont PC>- on ttec star cf Gqn. Patteraou. Tic congreaclonal ileoblenus of the neui ,tour yeens vere bsuuklng sn ud nremrcy i quesionts, sud ln the debates ou these lir.Ohermau en o a prouuinematpart. Dur- lut thc .tormy perlod Of ttc reconsieuc-i tli is ited as peaceanaker beiveen Prleefdent Johnson snd fie Ocuate, but ste cveto cf thc civil rtlta 4ill aupi allierëiÏ ÏiouaÏuctou eau e or ateilg bitil>- ywith theo malorit>- et hie Party, . 'Séaior Shterman '0 gresiesifinuncial i eclevemenia , . ii la nection thua ti rampWt.lo N.Sieri'Payu lusi 19M.' After a'long Sghi ie secured ttec t pabgetofa bill pretilng for thete-re- s plon O etdfPei.uatMmtmenta,-Janu. lu 1 ÀAsSecretarir tibe Tremeury Lu p 't: cabinet of Psi -det 31re . W Miertmias aiale te sec the tit lieome n, * I hrmnraetuealte thé Sonate etif rit eal f isservice ai Secretary ecfht lTrnarjy, iaIrcnmiiclan active if 111011%er Offiaitbol>- outil hé wvs callelb- 91th b elt-o e cit o> f Utate, al lctsa mpoirtat p $Otiou lu Pefesitn t1le'm cgtibimlt. 4is lie etligîrdc A' ÂgstIOM0S ou aceout cf ige «amuI11 ii lealti, suaIl mIce htindfle bel taken lit- il M PAtlu public affltar. SI tL%.ED IN A 11QRNADO. torenode stftuck abiliethait a milep '«ntet u Lodi, Tqzti, ndayevning. ,%e> c b omp4 v1 0 "-ynrde Uaïil ýïth rèrw .,~sle i flOT WAN4TED let AMIENIIOL The CbleessGirl Balsr Vie la Pas- usina ie s ms. A Chimser df. besugbtate Âneriesi fer tic sPupeeal parpese ut.bongso-id lielmavary » sent-Aa*ms IeOUgê»1 -jar fie bail la a girl, vi l" b"IuAS Abafatle »Wt lu Sac'Frc te authagliu a goed &od. im bas a]- - eww icume eu- Veulea* W' 15rei tape 4W fa c m cebe fred *amola LMuY &* us 4eW. 14 hu de- lerulaul eAseual but 1ev? wexe V flousa fat Jie bre toticelit "i4011"h f4'teolen 4ate. 'Ibey oout sud ils Wbaci acrosa the PaiSiee osmaiessud liii caunot couipel amy-esce IoanetaAnlent distane nurse for ber. Se, for ic eprescutsud outil Once Sauta'eofflcals canSund a Chine. cann vi -la ig a trip le the Menes tidgdoe-vlseh cill moitlie tom nme Ligne unleas tie Chinsese van ehould end sudealy'-Uncle Baa wiyll have te keep is lîttie charge wrapped up lu mel tape. Tic baby's ame le %louq Tut Uo. aud osicla mot 2 yea ru cl. %Yobody kuove juil wbo @c la. Sise rame tebilA country on -tic Aasr ta Chines. vwousuvho seid ich. vas the chbild'is aent. This taui' "*«ae la 81 Meind thsi la tic vîfe of a Chines merchiwnt et VirgIlaChyi. Ilie salIithe ciild'a-Sirotaisbal flsih lied la Chine end that thbeve ver. pu relattrcesieft fthere tia nts!Ilcar. for'ber,vilci vias a ccny pretty and touing slie, but the edîcims ie Imot hellece h. Tbere are -mua>- "'anntf' vie htug Cblu-e *uk-ec" 1t tis couutryr for noo-tier pur- pose l ite vofildibm te Sud a market tor them as soon ast ieg reuel amnarket- Éle age. Amn, tesides, -the Ciuese im- mIngration iseditet "tUe provision for tic Importat ion or Ifed" ad "uupb- cIra," gemuine fleuri the eaim 0of rela- tloushlp mi" Ise. Tic Leuiveusma tf ,vo>- Cimese vrho have lbved la t iis -coun- try sud hawe jmee fadt h'erne for àa riîit *au Dedeatimie sinleusis, theira o- leia, temnlstansdthse hem belle ut Citneee tparents. mnsy be éligsIble teu wi-ý deuce Il tias ee*ntT. CSAZV CRinINUtà lsitREVOl. Attuek geemon. et MatteaveeBsI oi ensafeva Jicapo. (Isue o e, amitat ler c capes a Ithfe aaula cf New Tu a ite 'oceurral nt te Mati±eatSu Oite itoap! - fer luvrue' criminaiv Samna>-ewcnlsg, visa lar#e1! im~y cuf joau a-lualas »Mi a la for; ileri> W'itiu crocker-, chairsauauncb othu-r niveliles s e eceul la> bande on. the>- overpovred tic keeper.took troua theun tic kir, and, affier uuîeeldug lo.., toutit ilci- va>- tea te Y*e r-- po.fwg mrkeepor anafMm&agttcelime. Tlien, tic>- pueldlov»a a eaiey iyen "or. ail, scalimux s bigt ssiI. endieaeredLüta:saise tuwr va>-te thc outille vrarldL Uceet thes'alun. uiceedlul .uking ilicir escape,vvtlle, lthecithera uvc inui> repulse.Art. er being lueates ucith chue m'hiie s"lotng fie wuuls. lu te oselc, eceral et tic keepu-t-v vere .nijuurevi. cr0 or>- ri Onai>. Thte mes wte got tamy are dealicrate, but tic ditl- unlcs ire conident ft atic>-y vraiultîmate- y ntcht hems. lusdemailv for Muo-dored itailaus, sux libe pameuut cf An itlenii>-te ttc famillIes oethfefotun italianx tnt. vere the victimsetora smoi at TâIîsIt,. La., Abouttwoireaurx mgo. A repuort front a %perlai agent et the Depaitisseut cf Jus- ice ean>-Yeiutabuivhed tie tact titaftich mtiere kiîcI t>-the mot aud Ibat none of tie perpetrators cf tiecrcimte vas evT auniel b>- the SBlasulieriticanof- withnaning the nepresetaaioni cf the national govermneit. The toveruor ef lAuiisiana ttise on Investigation te bc made, anti there veres 'bme procreeings before a grand jury, but tie reavuit ovi hit tic national gorernmeni fonnd liantf oulA te tuaise comie sotiof relaration inl atvrr te tte Italicus gvermtnt'a Cep- t'acmtafimn. sud tc>- vii Lake te forrm of an làdemnit>- for mci of ihe persons lilel n-be vire ]tisoin citiamua untthe dose or th-ir leatit.> silskfr'on tihe Wras. Paper carpet 19 bbe luveutiot of a mlan t Glooccater, . 1 Englit syuudicaies are i>nrciuaslng Penasylvanla cool lande. Statehool tais biccumade the raUljlng r>- tof oh pol-tiiflu ýAnittoute- - 31 rz Le-agitr- tas cemiluel tic mpe- ai 1tbe4;er, Westinouîome. itgg Ad'-Iroaafefeuomt'ifee s is e'aisi N~ew lthýork e rtmsit er s Jue * shown lit* tegetiis W* i aisée of the mnare a es sel cagisera i earsfeit ingpe Botte tef hawe lied ont. Tnp' ldictie., smcth"I 1 te ieight et the deuasd fer eurae 1for erop-moviMg perpesesbas biesPas, red. and with goli Sewing te lfsu' Telk àR large volume tom sbath thce sdihs ma z urope. the otl.k sgppenaasflt,- bic for anotie -psrâof .<easy usue before long. fl*ibsa beecsomsudit turbalneeet f oins amaccoanti 4f the rien in rites. but Ik las lauleu fisc la fo- nir er Ym asud tlaette ts diushms au a ethnie bbavise uconequmuaiL The stock market bos ibown a niee cou- > dent feeling. lisdtng treuugbot tic stek has bel c eie ad tem baÎ bec au important l . te sentiment. Ont- iiders appear te bc omte more ceming [nt* file market . elsemae boesume cW developments a he la de situation. Re- ports Indicats th"t a good volume of buat- ney« in movlng. iaihongim it uppeers In hb unostiy for immellts delivery. and tiere- fore of a ia i4'usuih eb haracter. Ciicago-Mede* se ommoditiesopee. ulaiively deaif J i. te Boarfi of Traie show deelinessbmee li.iî week. Otvris an exception, Iutdafi losing price heaIg a iridé igbe-, iesa ilmmot Iteludcl l the. generai itatponuotthai article belng toterned by caeeptinugi dreinutamee tiat bave n» conneetioa ftih thete rain millets. The latter imid eztremely strong. cbiey 'because 0f.munch ef tht. seasous production havingaumffered sert oDs dstcsiira 'i quaty from the ieêvy Pa al htperiled in the North- wresf 814ertic grain vaeut. tiua limin- itblgsthc uyjdyof thceipeculalve grade. Decilse ipricer 0f vat was nfot due f0 any incI change lu thte genenai niarbef surou»dings but to fte graduai worklng ont of prî.vioislly szisting couti- tions. IStocits Incommnhcial bandt, kept iacteaiing. snd fbe rate of formera' de- lucerés wira'met pmoniing for auy imme- dicte amelloration of ibat dipeoroteument to buhi speculatica. Weiiier was tacortle le. am early moyement cf new corn, VA&%hle ilrendy belng nid iargely fer freeling la the ter- ritory of ifs growtb. Speulatiotibha ai- ready been drives cnt,« the deilerico 'of rn for thig wdcct ~Menyti by th Imosvledoie of a coneutmtton litfe bande of the availa hie centraci /grade, and the lmprobability tcf ubci th e crop bielg lu condtition te dficontracte for deitvery titis iii-,' f December. %far- %et for heg products ab in lesccia wesés condition thvo Lut of cs vo far ce concerne<i te nipulatlve tactîe of thc leaders lu the trade. * Delly fluctua- tlm nud genercitrns fthe market hkave been irgëiv in'lepeWt oîf tite ne- n'il Vecerning ainles,an4tbtet ontAil- crs imo made attî.'mî,u at trading humd t. yucca bllilyvntthe lntpatiluosor tii or tbat leader in îJo' 'peeulaîiye market. CABINET SHIES AT WEYLER. @PnsinOnicIs iOe.lau ne a Resuit ot miie Proutiou. Owi ethe îi),ioitmcit of Ce. Weylcr ascaIptain gemerai of Maedrd f-40"" Dom, miistcr of tic interior, snd Semer Gamit, mini.ter 0f agriculture and public werka, rexigned, whcreupon the entirc imlst tendeiced thiîr telgua- iloa. 1e Refnttcpt summoud (en. AîcaiîîýïK Lrmer mnir.m i war, wý fora i a "*itmivry. Tic nnt r i ninister,- Qen. Linares, appolnted (Jeu. Wce er u'iliout ceuuuit. e s. > cati. tient set- cmn- the un moei 'icre rieme bis bave De- Tb* omm fous tbc ýon- mine. Male alr fie ýpoli d ibe la a.- lIes len-- seof > te - be gIs men- "Iri romi i lias Mid ov hu put Do" le-t bobo- Par- eN6p 4w w, *rVcuiâ ut î tinte ai a -img, e"ane ft Ïc tension o iserves. A qnavreig band nimy be r. sponsible for tic siagle étroite wiak wiii @Dolita weeWs iwork. Hoe mu«l bave an eye aimostIlke a mnieropcope and a very déicate iouct; te must liu an artlui seul and as îkiiiful a crafti, Min as le a watcbmaker; he muat kuw how te mode], and draw, and he muet bave a knowlelge of citcmlitry. te an te remove offeudIug spots. Thc worlt là erecuted la relief on mny kItýds àf bard'or pt-clons atenea, but essentiel- ly tiec cileedonic varlety ct quartz aud on sheill. Milite Fousnd If Bad Walking. la tic course of tic terrible marci of thc Irlsi fusileers front Dundee te Ladysmtlthéfie n core muehtfa- tigued êwln te tic rôugi jouruey Orne Man lu particular $taumnbled aiong ageif wiibins la isi ieep. Anuo4Mer pau cal. "Mra," salI Michael, *"what coug- try let tis warcmnrcbing cicrr?"1T», Natal tableleoul my muan." was tic ne- piy. "Bedal, air," sali Michael.~ tink the table's tmcl upside do 1sdweer-Walhng-0,r telg- "eY Osain-Ol m'y Giaum-Ot A* FmouGmeft to-dsy te @MW F tGRAIN-O ,ti c may drink Itwithont-Inj bhai t;hat rchseirom ,las. m i astroe Isaiah.T. mettonmcrywbo cas lu ils Youith a slave of lcfcraon Davis aud is aider brothen , lpiDevi,iafonl- sel a colenY of negrooslaIntic Yaioo Xiver Vailley, la Mimlisippi afier the car. a"dbiela Dow *Mayoel eft thevil- lagO et blouet Baron, thécocûter of thc calmey The negrosu owa SZOCO acres BUSIESS 0 O TINrlIRS ou -étaur~glet4 Escs 9 qâo«-t--u. u« netlacludes wa die srek lacksnlti.g loetors, Dres. t. % uuë8î' avit gGrain aitd LiceStock G-Wl~c~i~e esds.Bard- iûmCuSterage, 9OsMeRiU" and Canning -Factoris Watt. hlly la regard te ou M tanuat ce usyadvie&W, tki Numtl. Addrese W. 1.Reed. fd.sli AgentC . G. W. B. dlMadiet Bidg., A plhg Olmat 0 f twelwe pernes cure teàsgrea t - ine fogeti«er ecry day, but neyer ii «uaacilu tic mm s..oser asanaIthe tabie.,it ivouhi th IaOO&,O0 ymmrs tý tie rate ofram dinmer a day, and tiey would have te sest mmsetic.470w,000. 100lînners lfethcy coul ga tirougIt &Il tic pouuble aragemcab 1bývhIci tbeySeuld place ticasevus xCel0o- f ia, MIea 0 utbhé kiu-auaî t.latiay, bas bue e 1tIs ieadlug aiieyq4r-said bh »dam lesnremesinluthe IUnited States. greas: maw iniserers. Théc Oil&go, lMUu'e 4ua t.Pui èrated biketdcSoeiiiugthe mcort mu4 tsllla<etflade@ 6-te.swbie4ýiflbe -unt teeMut ?UiicaUc e (las. . Béaf-' frel.Génie-aa e~ Agent, Chicago. r iiitv e-mei stamp scksine upoât- à4f. i__ _ 7Philadlhie ua omansMalus& .0o11- fortable living cach m u m %W "1"lg . Plantasb tol.t" WbOe w csatuy trésidents cf thé db y close titeir hiones1 P-'PermteaV .nspendî ie uthecu »mai' the saaide tieIromn au@mli g ets iheir plants animula a 'ie lier cou.- servmtory. To nfely ail points de tbc UcisI î States on aleet aial ticket offlces eftitc ChicagoGreat Wester R,. ansthieireit sud third Tueadays ut Oceuber, Nevem- ber sud UDecemb«eaitithevery 1ev hume seekeca' rate et 4ue face plus-1200for - the rountd tritp. Ickesgod fer retutu within 21 dmjit date cf sale. Per- tret, Chicgo Wht lie Neuant. a bmowne-We were talklng of contrili- an Denog te tic camwagn uaiuui t I oxz &sc-lared he'glaqly put bis liauditla bisi peeket .Toc-ne-Yes, as a mensure et pree-u. fiMessonoue <of .the cominmtteegt flacire Iu.-Phiiadelpila Pret'. ljiby's Food Produacti at ilh. Parle aupeeitlon. TihétlrcamilPrix 'd'Honneur aud ivo 1 oId soudain have heem awarded by the atsoual Jury et Awardv aitLits Paris Exposition, te Lubby, MeNelill & Litt ofe Chicago for the punit-, excel- ancesd superiority of their canned food&. Here lu Anierica the "Libbv"- Brand hanas sws becu recognised as typicil of tic itigluest standard or excel- 0 lence attainedln tehe preaeévation*ef sp meata.andi t iw. théo lefctfaiL.90.( producis of LIMi>, MeNel & UAbby btave rece *iel igiesi avarda at ever- exposi- tion heil la tihelUnited States dnriug the past ici decades.li RecmCatuncis Neil-She was very popular at #bure tbIs sumnier, I under.qtanu' leat the men neemed te 11k", Belle-Yea: the dealinîr cent at-mund bonîii dat-e for tee creant r adelptia Record' Dos)" r 's ms a s u rom. Tue asesim 0si m au auey a lbO u rvodslasada of a weak wcraja h orI To *talqise cf gwhy ubedrga so00,l»-*-ha4th S» Sh BOUS~ i~LUUL if.faow sW s a Yw tbe =qmm md h* drenouabwa OOUlm too lS*0 ~A. "-1h UD.A~ I We 4np Genta pachap ¶ttt fgh Surtwo e.m Over ula cI *-r tm-euaalbleg '4 C« .1 - ~ -1-i - - uit Ina eguamxt. Ir4*~m. J- t-