Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 21 Dec 1900, p. 12

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MY-Furniture Store 'ia overflowing wth the most destrable klnd of accptable Christmas presents. The variety, la large1 andl mtut ha eau k ha bappreclated. 1 aiso have a flue display of Toys, Games aud ...Holiday (loods .. Cen sali you CrQkinole Boards et ........ 90e and 81. 00 Basides I have a large lino of Boots and Shoes, just in; lDry Goods, and lu -fact my two store, build- iîgs contain about evarythiug the lîeart cai desire. For one week only, and for cash, 1 wiliI offer the following bargains: Waslîhurîî Superlative Flour, per sack ..81.10 "barrai. ..-4.30 18 lb)s Sugar............................. 1. 00 10) bars Letiox Soap)....................... .25 I1 Calîîîet $oaî).................... .25 6 Ivory $Soap.. . . . .. . .. .. .2 12 lb$ Oatm cal ........................... .25 2 ibeo Ja%-ariete Coffee ..................... .25 WiII Knigge's Department Store, Rockefeller -~I - - lltnois.1 The Lake Couuty Telephone Company .... co wNiCTS wiTMH.... The Chicago Telephone Company. ,Have you a 'phone in your residence or place of business? <fyuwant to b. up wlth the tln'es you ehould have. The. expense la nominal. only a few cents a,-ay. \ CONTRACT, DEPARTMVENT, - Lake County Telephone Company, Libertyville. Illinois. Who Burns, Coal? Nearly everyone does, If YOU do, just cai around and order your supply of us. We handie the famno-us - NQIW Is the tîme to ordor your winter's supply. It will be hlgher. WIGHT BROS., .Ubet-tyville, - IllInois.1 The place ta- buy Holiday Goods is at V. SAUER & BRO'S. The blggest assortment we ever had. Albums, Accodeont, Air Rtifles, Banka, Balla, Blocks, Books, Baskets, Cradios, Cellnloid Novelties, Carpet Swoepers, China Tea Sets, Ciuar Cases. Dalls, fIel 3odies, Dol Raids, Dol Cahs. Drumns, DisSes, ~' (lames of Al inds, (juns, Glove and Hldkf. Boxes, Hasilkerchiefs, Harmonicas, Jewelry of AIl Kinds, - Ink Stands, Jardinaiers, Lamps, Mirrors, Pencil Boxes, C Marbles, Necktie Boxes, Jtufflers, Pencis, Pocket Knives, Perfumes, Pocket Books, Toy Pianos, Pipes, Ruizs, Razors, BatlIes, Bleighs, Smoker's Sets, Toilet Caises, Stoves, Shoo-fly ilorsea, Safes, Tabss, 'ries, Wall Pockte, Watches, Work Boxes ,Cloek.m, Vases etc. etc. V. &uer & Brô,, QROVE - - ILLUNOIS.1 A p&3loSpnbieo esn adielea Our jllaa, Beom rlppictoed at Valtde. Thée ffl buiineui at ou taSion h iibie. b.average beiug about a Our akatfta aie brooding ovor tbe ieen lbav ad are vaitiug for colo The 0 Lasecial; the home of lir. Bergisca laitPridey erening vaan enloyabla affair. Busin eautBoel Eirdp haboom- log. Traveling, men galore seit Ica ample accommodations. If anj of oui buuler vus le di. pose of un Over uppip 0f iquinrala, wili Knigge lau eau ayurk. Luak .& Cook ihipped suother ýouuc- fugr load of stock $bis veek. Il pou have auy stock le sel, 01 Wua.stelatlb boy. Our uev doctor kuev visaI ho vu about vison he cime here; thea bol.. lu the sldewal#a yl maure ample pat- rouage. NexitSabbalb ovesiug Mev. Stro- mire vini commence a ierlei of dis- courie on --The Famoua Womeu oi lthe Bible." Wrn. Poaleona ha. neaniy fluiahad bI Uni1<vork of hreddiug cornufor the public, bsrlug been kept buey inou Seplember. Una. O.o. Hardeu speut ivo delà la Chicago thia veek, presurnably in- formng Sauta Clans of thse numerous vante 01 ber fsmili. We suppose lb. 'boy@ vin &soon be smoking ton cent cigare and vlsbiug good lnck and happlnema t ta on. visa--MU toa e p." A acet enjoyable tlme in thse verdict of those o soattendeS the Christian Eudcavor social ai thse pleaainlborne of lir. and lira. Bergisoru. We expeclt Frank sud Auna Cnonk- bite borne front Beloit iis eek go @pend tis aHolidapa. Hurrah for skat- Ing vison Frank corneiborne! Our local section men have been vorking et Koîza for thse lust few dapa, vbere tise rairoad ooupaup hua been onalrucliug uev tricke. F. L. Westerman olaied ieailote lent Satuiday, isaVing peul about a jean vlsh the Eockefeller people, couducl. a lini cliim gnocery sud general meicbindiao store. -He lef t for Greeu- vood Tuesday noon. If jeu are lhisking of buping holn- day gooda look ovor tise stock of wil Knigge and jon vîll bo bard le suit if 705 cannut tSud visaIyou -vant. Anyvmy riait lise store sud you vil be veon rapaid if you a are lover of lbé auieund 4besutif nI. Juil becaume pou try 10 support the aubool do net tinik that your intereta end thene. vieilthtieohool, taire an Atr.itlnAuthe leaciseri and echolgri sud Atua meamure Bse. ibatthingi are rua rigisi. Let uaeaIl do visat evaua le malte s good and acouamîcal scisool b.fore ve kick Wbeneven you vaut jour borsea miod propeiip or bave auj repair vork doue ueillY bY a vorkrnau go go A. J. King as patrouise home iudualry. Tony mpm aat hoelascompelied to do busium a uh abbui, altbough bis credit te good ai tiese ipptp boumai. but belieVea itla htAe boat policy te, keop oui of debt. This la a fsrmlung coamunuty ajil our proupriy depondi on vbat effeuta faruera. One 0f the lblsgs &bit interemleansd affecte lta mla laie. but Whou ve cmu belp le botter Oui con- dition. et home by paying oui &bire for neecidSimproremeula, vo hould do no oven tisougb Ibis As an ga of extravagance s a r au lb.alite aud public founde are couceîuad. Every good citizen la no doubl lu- teremled li te movomeut iu Chiscago sud ether large ciblas tu cleanse tisem from vice sud thea avili tisaI tend 10 creale and fouler l. Everj suulaane aboud ho reudered 10 1he paiesaiWho bave undertakan Ibi great vark- Most Of tise avili pring from iguor- suce sud poverly, and At la a disgrace le Our loms of social lirfeand lu our asseus Of gorarmenl, th&aI lie vealtistar va becorne lb. greater la tise distinction b.lveu clase. crime, ignoralice aud povoniy lu Our large citiez are on lhinlcrease. Thebe moral vava. are Au a mepaure ail rigbl, but tbeir effecis are 3,01 lailg. Thare wili &lw&pi bo vice, butlthlb btwap la nol le driv. Il fror neuaplace tu l0Socelu anotiser, but tu lry snd educate tisa people sud lift; tisem out of tbeir porerty sud degradalion. The ol1saapAug, -au ounce of preven. lion Ai botter tissu s pouud of cura" la applicable ilu B05000 NOTR8. Our &choc]lclosas Deceu ber 2liaIfor a vacation of eeu ndeys' dursllon. Whil la le bnder Rockafeller trou baring a debatiisociety Ibis vinter? A good play by Eockefelien talent vîi b. givan neil moulh. Watcb out for adivrilsemeuli. Tise &hool Bulleti, a nez, uouiist "001oo paper, publibed a% Waukegau Md ddercted to tise luloreite of tise Laieecontj puplie cisoola, viln b. euttoleauj addreui for oue jean for %50; lu club. of lrie or more, 90c. ErerYcue inteiealed lu the velfara or the cause of éducation shouid uh- amieh.end kaap insoucia vils every public movernul t further ourinl. tereattovard the tratiig of youth. DIAMOND LAKE. Mr. Mitchell la undar the car. or Dr. Gallowey. ,Obu. Tatiar la ou thse slck lig I vhs typboid fever. Geo. SaIs vaut shopping lu tise big edtp receutlp. Henry Susis bu purchaued s nev coin mirdder. Niue quelle ver. ienn aoutb of tbru, %long tisa ruad, lu aitSlurda. Tisey mre source in Ibis counlp. A yprugt daugbu*r mriwdet aIthé bome,01 K. taitMu. Muni. lutiSoSn- dey. J. a. Hulebineen, vho roomSly puiebaiuimmralnd Of Wmin uisa bu comlmed tise ereclica01 a bouse The Sund"y leba OOlpeOplhave decidcS mo"tuk bave a Obnilm iulerlalumen enoManou01cfprersiling aflokai m mg tbe Uttle fo. Whose tiseîlub la tAieS outI t muai bave a rail but vorau', lire* vilsoul food. Kodc:ipapupoli Cire 'digest sat pou ea$" 80 ébtisF ou cmas it ltiha good fond Fou vaut visile l la reuioring the digestive Ooo go l ieallis. Il lalhe ouly pré- paruton tSisldigeste a&U kinda cf fo. YB. Lovmjrà, LAboMtvlUe; J. B. Buoim aGre . .L. Waaru;. bus. Eookeoler. WARRENTON GROVE. Jobs iugdale bu bought lb. Kel Jun. Calîshan bu purcbasid a gr net 9f laud. Hermant utcbiuaou commenceS vork ou bis houne. Mcday. Mr. sud lMr%. H. Huteblugon ver. Wankegau riaibora Sundap. Walter Drov, of Waukegan, qMpnt Suudiy bere vils Tbon. Dmev. Wmn. Spoon, 0f Waukegsn, calld ou fieudi la bts ie linity Sunday. Qtut. a nuaber of Oui ýcung people and some of the oideî one@ ane prepar. iug le attand tis. M. W. A. miaque ball e arse. hliday erenlug. LAKE VILLA. S. 1B. Li"tela borna for the violer. Rer, . 0. ard bai beau riîltiug lu Iowa. Bon 19andin trasaacted business lu Milwasukee.lutsat suiday. B. Mouldeubaera baby bu been quit. aick for th. put veek. E. Bradlley transacted businesi ln Obicigo Mcnday sud Tunday. Joue Kingsley bus beauetai oîk a# Maislon, Win., for tise lutitwIo veeka E. Kapple and fiumilp and Hirry Gravili sud famllp spent Suaday vith relaivresbon.. Mr. John Peigb, of Cbicago, va. tbe guest of bise Kiugsley famiy is. firat 0f tise ve.k. Mr. and Mia. Frank Jouas have beau on this* 1l, but va are liS le report thbea beller. Mn.. M. Dalrymple vautto le Oluao tise lut 0f lise ve.k for a riAI ilS relatives durtug lb. holIday. Jos. ltovllsg speul Tucaday vits bie brother, Obîs. Eovlng vbo la qut iteiea bh oa.meir (rapauke. Tise ueuk-tie social et RoteI PotIer lant Tburaday nigisS proved le b. a very aujopable affair sud a~ette he Epvorîb Longue betveenii .dýseve dollars. Thie Angola Om Ber oalyMoi Tneidaj vIlS lie. E. 0. Sisea qbo. vls a gond attendis... Mcirqmet ing wtl b. vitl Mi. lisa P1mev il Mf. W. of A. eleobeS Officera an follova: V. 0., une"l Dougloa; W. A., Lji.Milleî; E. i., Fiak limans C., L. C. Manier; E., Fred HEmISpi W.-, B Mouldenisine; B., Job 0uakm. lMan., Jas. Kerr; Pisys, Dr. dEmer jamisou. ThonR. N. of A. eleeflol.d crm for the euauiug Yjen ast tiir luat etn ai foilQys: orSus J, ppi x. ~é'reola Il eb1u ies Rite lMaurer; ERo.. Burlet Rapple; Marsisai, Flore Kerr; Ohmaeior, Etnily MaIson; lu. Seu.,liry Dalrymple; 0. Soun, Eliza Parrov; Mn.. Margaret igiller; Del.,Florence Harbaugit; Pbyî., Dr. Jamison. IVANHOE. I. D. Welas@peut liat Sudij 55 houe. IBr, l Mr. aud lira. Athur Eilla. a iniue poutid boy. W. ara glad le report is. Frank Deta ou tbe road le recorerp. Meurs. (io. Y. Jaumaene aud T. H. Docker vere Evanston viaitors lait Sslurdaj and Suuday. Misa Lott. Coe bis snrived boa. from Wisconsin to apend thie bolidiys. 5h. vfiiiremaIs outil tise ailhuery seaaou reopena. Mm .Melalea uaiated Mr. Joyce JO tb. store a fev da"i liai eek. We are verp 5Usd go report lir. MeAkIe es galing slovlp and hope ise vin b. able go bo around in a ashortlime. If aupono h bu y nova items tbey vonîd like se have lnered, pleia leave ibom et the paont oca, box No. 4, sud vo vili ose Nias lbepare pubs- iishedlunlb.he oi ueof tise paper. &lvasib. ureansd igu pour Dama e tise Items, 1n o auj kuov vitolau sending thorm. lYrorn anotiier correspondent.) Lait Sundaj Mi. Nicboli' chilS vas buried lu l'anisaioeno"teorj. A. E. Humon apel a wveok lu lbl vlcinity diitlbutiug nursnery stock. Miai Bolton la barlng <ccd iuceSa ai a cinvaaaer for murer plâted vare. LevialHuion la alaplug vitb lira. J. Djkei, hbe Anut. and altendiug ascol. B. Pnoctor bu a b.ehvag NMers. tllnich and Donfler as hia place flxing up for vinler. -WIM4 soueM Mud .vugpboty lataoulta ugeSIare rmatao54 t mut t the Brlgge Bonne, Obhago en MOUIm4Po Do. 31, 1900, iail 'oioek Tb* omiaitteé appobtud lait vin ter lBa mcider 5M. ubjeoê cf ISp15rou- ioula mou m M Md $0 4k pou,. $bd vithdraval et the quaranlas 1111501., la propaemitu report Wh&& bau beau doum rnlabhepoeSséau roocmmemdwviaiougbl k be dom. la Sb* future. a. B. 7à«3114 See'y 0Ci. PRAIRIE VIEW. E. E. Lmmon, of £hoalrleal lame, ln viaelhlfglluis alocality. Mr. .MiX. J. W. Flîlman bave mored Ato thisaDow houm.. Knedler Brou.' MIla i. uaing bigl snd day ko keep up wtb lise ordera Bois, t Utir. M amChia. lauden- dort, a boy baby, Tburaday incrning. lira. ELH.. folije, Barenin Nor and Jobns StadUffare undea thaieaire of dotor.. Tise Bundy mhool la luureaning tu allendance. Belveeu 30 8" 35 mubol- ar are erolfle. lie. Johu McLaughlîn u areturned from a veeks riait vltb relatives at Arlington Helgh$u. Mien Bue Maou ratured Tueiday &fier a veaks riait vltb fionds and relaives a uChicago. W. Bobrukamp bai gone tg Valparaao, loti., vbere he vill attend uchool the balance of the vîster. Tiser. seems 10 bu mucb more Chriamaashopping Ibisa pian nuual vich Indicalea piestj of mouey to be speul. aud tisat people are enjoy ing timou of pesoe sud plentp. Aller tbe rouent UIfihiliofi ow u,, B"d aud Har Mitchell b.d about moyen houri 01 ras] @port, aud lu- etdentsliy ihos tveultistree rabbit%, wiic la s record breaker for tisi Weddings aem lgo be tise order of the day In tbe lowu of Verno, ,and lu tise rery Bourfuture vil coccur the mirriige cf ibree of Vernous monl popular young ladies, 1,0 of tisem 1-8010ool ma'î.sud lte vonst olitis, ihep areilikelp le mtus else.bue f or thei 5ev bomes. InhIber parliculara liter. Heip launeeded a$ once vben a cougb or oold uay nom beooma serious and abould be stopped et once. Oue Minute Oough Cue quicklp aurai eougbi ad 01dms adlb. vonet Ceamu of croup,. brouchistli, grippe and4 other thro.t-aadiugtioubleu. 1.B. LOVIL libotyrile, J. E. BaacummGuiee, y. L. Wmaux, Rockefeler. N~ORTH NORTHF'IELD. J. iait vW" a Chicago visilor lut 'O.k. Mia. Lillie Camper vas a Chicago vwator lait veai. IMalîtuPiage la agaluailtending Sehool la (Chicago. Mie Lîllie Bacb vilii abat Mr. DM«icuet the Grove achool bp leaehtug tise imuios. t'E bay s BeyWouling veut le Obiego ou business snd shopping expedillona lait veek. Tise Uited EvaugelicaU fSundiy mubool yl l v. thair Christmaester- taismeat ou Christmas Eve. . Te. Ivo joungeat chlldren of Mr. and lMru. fHeuîpTrier ver. qulte ili tise peuat Ivo eeka, but are conrales- cent. Tise Evaugelical uburcis vil? bold tiseir q uarterlp meuting tls w eak, conlinuing ovar Suudap. lier. Veil. uer, 0f Chicago, yulomia.. The E. A. cburcb at North iNorth- fi.ld celebrates ils Christasufestival Mouday ereu*ug. Silugg ill b. reudei.d by the choir aud Julia Ar- solda vil? play the 'Violis. AIl are ooîdially lnvilad to attend. bond in pour nova Items vben they à»e fréaisW. don't like le pubilaa bUt ler lb. child cas 1.k,. air- rnge aller the boneymoon i. crer, a demsthafter lise vida, la maried agfain, non th. notice 0f au aatersaiu* ment vheu thse job worlk la doue eise- visera. The mombers of th. Erangelical chuicis and Sunday mubool vili bave tvo Christa tiIe..on ChristasEva.. The vlag îl . pet i tglng .54apekiu ad l. vill ::U4 tia l at ln il gladdeu lb. eoarli of tl 1h11.ouea and bg unes, loo. WAUCONDA. 1ev. Datles la movlug lule the pur- louage. Mr. ioula.. 0f Barrington, wvu ou our atreets Tueaday. lins. M. 8. Pordaud daugitter Lyde veunt le (Chicago tsui veek. Sile Wynukoop, of Woodatouk, vua Waucouda cillez lait veek. Jus.. Murray hu a reued hbu farus and vîli more back tle Wucouda. Mir@. L. E. Hughes, of iion, le e- pecied bore Wedueuday of thii veek. Theom viii b. a ObIséastiee lu the 0O many people have got ko thinking that tbq ý ~'buy cheaper of the D:partrnent Stores and houses of Chicago than at home. They thlnk their home merchants charge mom e* reasonable profit, and lui many cases 1I ami sorry tka it Io trn&. ir <Uhg wle Oka» Ail I asi iht you deal wlth nme on the sane, that~ you deal wfth the catalogue house and giveux121 same amount of time ko get the goodo whlch lfrwould quire ko get the goods from' them. Plank down your money when you order the goodb. 1 wel meet each and every price they make, and fxm yon the same goods at the saute price they offer you. 1 don't aàk you k Lýake any gdd where mia"e4 made lu ordering. 1 shoulder the mistakes. If any- , you have had anything corne wrong, you know what a,ý littie job it la ko get it corrected, no matter how will1ngt fim lm tk do so. It takeB corresponde uce, stamps freight on the goods tk get tbem, exchangad tksay nothhï ofi-19M of time. Some people prefer ko buy goodm away fromn home.b cause they ffeemi k think the farther goods are lou away from, home the hetter they are. This klnd of I can do nothing for. But the people who wlsh to the dollars go mait as far as they eau, 1 eau and 14 snînething for. Give me a trial on this proposition. Brlng yonr loguîe with you.Iff 1 fail ko furnish the goods, doni, me youir confidence again. I don 't fear the resulte, ls CneetJluytWWrn MIN mvPrépulis l The whole trouble ls, that ol<l slow coace redit. of it lm so slow we neyer get It. No maerchant e goods cbeap on that plan. The dollar invested linod day and 8old for cash komorrow ean ha inveffted Iuna goods the following day and the sanie process of sale u i b repeatail. But the dollar iuvested in goods today *1 sold on credit komorrow iS DEAD jilat 80 long as you (tg get it back again. Can yoîî wonder why the cat. bouse bam the advantage in price over most of your merchants? The catalogue house won't trust yoîî, even d the monay lu advance, with no goods in siglît. Your marchant ofteu trusts, and often ko bis sorrow, event r10<) per cent. sometirnes ha bis profit. Many times a saeming profit of 25 per cent. on rsold ko a good man turni out k hae merely a Bmaîlli on the money invested because of slow psy. r Treat your home merchant as you are cempe- treat your catalogue bouse aud I think yoîî will get results. Hareafter I will confina my credit business ko Sixty days' time. I believe if 1 sold go"d at priceS enough so 1 could afford k smeil gooda, at sil Mouthg. year's time, I would. soon Iose ail of My cash tradeà the other baud, if I meet the prices of cash stores have k wait six months or a year for my pay, 1Ilo"e Hereafter I wiii expect a settlement once lu Sixty.d cash or note. Please dou't ask: for credit if you know self k hae indebted ko me for over Sixty days, s, rimpossible k sBell goods chap on long time. 1 will give a ticket witb eaeh cash purchase, with Fifteen dollars' -worth of tickets 1 will give cents. (Remember this dloes not include -charge" t or receivad on account tickets.) When I buy for cash I eau buy c4eaper aud-all waut my trade. But when 1 sell on, long -time I1u*t on time sud pay time pricas. I halieve the tima bas corne when a merchant aither got ko quit selling on long time or quit business, I have decided ko quit long time credit. My store will ha headlquarters for Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Ols, Varihes, Window Glass, Paper, Bicycles, Wagons and Buggies, Binders, and Farm Machiuery, and ail kinds of Pumps, Gu, and Fittinge, Tin and 8Sheet Iron'work, Pliimbhig' 8team Fitting, Guns, Cutlery, Ammunition and a, Sportiug Goods at prices that long time houses cannot Thanking you for past patronage, I remain Yom sT ruly, Libertyville - - i-- l 1 Whenoulot Bd a uoolbng aMd ee-Moday sMd Fqeuday wfM . Mg< animPtic1appîslqufray4B 5Ma unW r 1

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