THrAT LITTLE CHRISTMAS TRE opeeed and Jeremcah citood there with a n big bastie la bis arme.i I T« Uc lItie Chrisa tres, wih Ceau- "MqInerry," he aaid, sud atopped, dieu I al aglow, And golden balleand i lver stars, a bright .,"WelI!" replled hie amaxedlaliter.f and ghialut o. "Wbat in creation bave you got there, The chldren danced aroasdfi, sud ciapped jereMiah?" ,i their bande wth «les; euui Minerv7," seld Jeremiab again, don- il Ad elt a Chili *as happIe? than the dc e hlpeeiy Chrstifiat tra. eigbpeuy But the bundie answered the questiona But oeil week, stipped at alle gs ifte and for itaelf, for i l al at once began to wr] l caet loto the yard It marmared ulth a fitile .4gb: -New, sure gie, cud at oeeend of fit ppeared two b iy Iis 1. hardi ragged littieacas; and at the ther end i, To i" eUight fr bt that lght canne op a taugied, golden head and a fi And thas ta bas forgot, ipe,2eaolfc. Wouid te abe £eV any liedmîe,2yc-l ae A Mot uuhappr lor "Jereamiahi Wboxe child la Ihat? Andp Bul Nated - Ted and 1Utile Fred Seau spled whant are ye odieg nilh itt"a It uhar il ]&y. Its the deuil woma'a baby," gaId b i"Hurrah!" they criai. 'A .stcàh AvOtti Joreniab soflly, end he came tiaarer the i ant-stltd sai t awOy, lire and sat down, with the baby an bis il And fr a a the A tcl-mas n Ta fiai the seais ici POlar bers "Jeremiah, you go right straight au' fi And jullEiisu."tîke thet child bacs ta that man," curm-1i A paakther cica heet their »aIl. lhe mandai Mis Mieervy. Tbe~ehou cpierrathward turned, and-- saliai away se faut That mo 0cr unknown lande there waved The anner af the fret.I The statf that proadly bar itE Waa the littie Christmast trac, Wbat afterward befelihwael idte me lanstt lau.I It oce ca 0me a fary wood. where elvez sud dryadae i: lE e ,sud cc anclo , rosi hlack fteed, Wth a n le ktgt atride: And once a dak and gloompy cave But wben. oe aday. there waadercd byWhr er u in bd.__a________________ re gged, ahlvering boy, drtgged il berne wlth jey. aA me-! tbs, ~he blsdied, WlIta wleome warmth snd 'bine And the cold bei-eroowes frgraui Wth the odor of th. plue. -Helen Stasdlah PFacile, la St. Niholas. A CHRJSTMAS LEGACY. IY mX JLIA TEUITT lImier ( 1. f-nHE nelgbborlood woull liave been W a very piesat ocý, . vetrý body <Said, if il bcd flot lae for the Beneona. Loeg re-.dcîî e hieneigbir *.-. i' bond bcd net made the pseic fotuder cf them. Jcremah Liesonwao eacrlkîr, > aeur-lookieg old mai,, us far loick au the~ ldet inhabitant cocid renienîber, sud i situer, %Mi Mecrvy, mas aven norâe. - The ter-y i-hldre were afrald cf Iheîi, aed made no inroada ce ibeir orcliard or tmelon pach. At churcb the people gatb- ared oct ie frnt ie Sociable grcupeafater th si ervice ma cicvr. but JeremiahBle - -eundMise %Mieervy lasceil ct ilce emid the crcid, sud bad unecordial greptieg frein eny one. Thpy ierpiy îd--- ,et "mix" m ieirneighbbcrand eilt- ter ee fille lmie thîl habit, t jinfel ettte break il. . -- e ;termisiaer, who preached in ~-'Ç" *the cbureh nt the crous-roadg, lodked ceo-n intacif as a brava min whee ha ep .....----- l proachai Jeremiah ie lewn and aai hlm for a bltle help towarde geîingegba .-- prphaned Murray chili-an le their uncle ' zIf , le Sprngfieald. Jarcmiah repolmed hlm (~ s. harpiy, ted laid hlm Ibît if 'rim Murr-ay lijitlke cuire oC wbha b me nteaedlC> êot cpeng it je bar rectm, b hlabd,en - dInet ha dependeel ce char-up. I "But n," bha ail itlerly. *"Ha lied t ' sta *qua' the çereec groc'rics le tcwe, ' pw hile it yeeing 'ues gromaeà p lenmansu _ Sboeat foksaggen' along the i-ced."- Se Jeremin uab euaihie herses' be a towtrie home, for ha bai bee alýent - gaverai days. Mite Mleervy wasinlethe ~ - If kithen wbce ha arrivai. 'l'cll, i'a ime yee etc gilin' bock." waa bier dry greetieg. "Y'ou neede't- mondereif yen fiei averytieg ai sutc. su' savane." "Wb'y-whct's ci-eeg?" asked Jas- mlab. "Wcil, lin hefret place, tbere's tbem ~ -- m eorers tbet se let camp dowue ytihe ~ prlng--the won's deai. Shae ps bar led tiismorale'. The manc topshébe as , si ck wban tbay cama. This ougbt taeha à marans. te ye, neyer ta let campera aRille ch thie place ageie." mSe as left a widow. ce' bar brother was laki' ber bocs ebere ha lirci, awo Pe çotld tpke hi-ci-of br," mue Jere- mIahît ex piaealioe. "Taka kear cf bar !lHa ai't gt eusa enaugh ta take kear ' himscîf!" ralert-- nP - >4 nî4 e r~Ihvy mth score, "I1 wj'hl b e'dbltch ep an' go aIng, weea-Çer bat ýýLOeîI ?ôkà houghtfully ot cf the_____ wýlwr"thea laflces nuattrae ai th. fot f the b iii.,'Phe canvsa-oeri'i "I-tas goee. binervy," sali .Icrcaijah wagon cas stil dwe by theaspring; ha frebîr. *"He's been cnie trendeIneor'e t'ul ccci t see the top ot It Mixe Mineêr- tee heure." b y 'expeetai thst b u cIsImmedineey "A' ehera bava yceau euwih that go dam e bilhli aatlrp.qaat th camper baby li Ibis imai" '-'ve bean lu the baro. ?dnerry.' con- feseaithe culpril. j e cp bhumilatioe. 1t-1 hep' a thinkin' I'd coma le pcetty t Mise Minervy cas bilaid wieh righicoea wralh. Bel the baby seddely kickcd j mnerrily at bar eith both ielt, irriggici a dowe tram Jeremitb'seare, andit h a 1- lough tbraw ber armea irouedtheie ck "Dis ia my doggie!" she tai. r "S'poti' we ford 'er, NMiiecrvy," cug' geslai Jeremioh, wlth caution. MisesMinrvi muet have heee rery an- gru, fer abe merely %sood an d glarcd ai Jeremiah. But be noîlcai, alier awhile, (bat Mises Minai-n hed gece ta the paa- try, tnd hesoftly rubW isbhieed. Heur the baby Icogbed, and klckcd, aed aIe, and ted an occational hendful te Brutue, eha dd mot cure fCo rhiagi ted mnilk le the leut. botuteieuf ih ta ber- fui readilees that clampai hlm a geutle- mae ai beartl Befere yen cauld think, the baby, and Jeramlah, and Brutus, ted JEEimuAs fATUD A LestiWKoE. the fleur, mare aIl drae w tb bread and _____________________- tik, aed the strangast thîing about il -1 te more oa. but ha did nt do so 1111 late as ac iaMiss Minervy dld net Say a I that eveansg word. And flezana ai oece, the baby Jeremtab stayed a long time. Duak laid ber golden hea agalsat Jeremab's eama, and dark. At laut ah. heia re ogb sleeve, and wttbà aleepy yawn, ml*ah'se"a-a bnffllng step, as of one wet off ta dreamled. ~,feeling bus lray, trsenlly the dace "Ai'î filfonny? Bbc aiafrai of i., Miirvyf' That' wbat took my eyes the minute r Bee ber--for sh. Ieaet out î' tha wagon an' langhed rlgbt lu l face!" Mite Mlnervy torneal hatlly swAY; and 'heu he uotlcad ber agale she, was mak- ng up à bai on tha louage. mhe @ran !ooni the bondie of elothes Chat ,Tcra- mah had droppedai tihe door. Then, u'ith a pelnf'ol flash on bar face, se cent cvrcJeremlah and dresaed tha baby for the nigbt asd laid ber lu the warm littie bed. Jaremiah cas resec and cas ele-ays peepie, ino thal other room teo"e that aii wtt rigbi, or geitiog np la a violen~t curry unoer the impression that ha beard the camper'% wagon aomlug bîck sif er tha baby, Aitat comeasligbl noielu tha othar raom cakanai hlm fi-cm his frs1 doze, sud ha draicad irmaIf tuick- ly ced tec k Mies Minervy by surprise. "Anytblng wrahit. Miuiarvy?" he ssked Brutue. eareevlag *bout tbe yard, lia baby abrekleg cii langbte, sd Brut*% disgraciag Uhmedi by trisaMng Ilke, a pup- "*We'va had! ont breakfast,"sait! Misa Mlieecvy-oh, tbat exltant "w." I "An' I'm gokg te tous as soon al'm doue," sai Trami., "N'ot-net after that camparl" cri Mies Mnearvy, f alteriegly. "Ne," replisidiahe uulaibng Jmrmlab. ",r don't tblnk be crent that way." "Jeremlab," ah. sai, with a strange note of appeal lu e br vole; "omac Chrietmas." The uittle minleler aud hIc elfe, lock- leg eut cf the clice wthai dey, mere amnazai toa" cearemiab drive op te tbe gaie eoi comte op dia walk with the Sîîringy $tep ofc Youncg man. "I been a tiekin' about that Murray family," cald Jeremiah euth embarracs- as tube etartai back gîîiltuly front the aide meut. "A ci-wao' chiliren Yeu sai, of the lîuty'c bli. ddo'l yec?-an' toma cf 'cm habiat, "t wus afruliid htbde'i ceverei ber milybe! An' yen wtnt le seni 'arn u enaugh." site suappai. Ibeir kiefoike et Springfield'? Weil, l'y Jarentiuh ment meekly tee!, but noi brung aiong a check-a 11111e check-- ta rdc-p; and le laetten nbonr i-ea iiN raicabidtrailai off and lestitotîlf renyli: Mirs 'MinSrvy egain. tnd ibis bttt thea muloter hbinl by both buude limaebsitedii ct taet fIrnthe liltieanoeil nostyi,,g cencthine that ,nile hi, bai. oeneeas moilsesmethint about tht "I m-cc efralîl l'd coverai ber tan fatbai-Iesic ntehe ice. mueh." riha sud simply. "Can't Yec "Wlîp. Mi-. Beusce.," cied hi* isife aleepr. eIeinb" "m-bal gaad foi-tune bas happeuci t( "Nol a weuh." lharepliai. i-aming the iî'ii?" maols togethar tnd sttitint a blaze. 'Yes-mce't Il gond'"hae exiaimaid i-a "Nijier cab 1. 've, beau thinkie', îliantlp. "Sc Ibat beby bai oct ie in] Jcreeuiab. l'Il ga ta cork makini'hber wmsgoe'l Au' look ai thut delles font stick eemcthutîg îo-merraw. I'va gel a lat e' il uct o' that buodie, Tbay'î they'î thitîge 1 coue x over fer ber. goin' te ha a a;tickin' au oui- cbliiulc1 "That'll hagi-att," murmurai Jere- boari îo-nigbt! wVe've jeci cama lete i Minh. hi-gary, Mievy an' me. 7Tbam camper, "An' ce eught te gîta ber hattar lait ut c baby!" chances ct laccein' thon chat ee've Ha tmci amay with a sodiepn irsh e bai," Mica Mlnervy cent an. "To'v feeling, but at the dace ha lookai bnci gel te lake boit naw, Jeremiah, an' show ced îi-oelalmed irsudly: nome iet'cesl lne asehacis, for we'l "An' it l ci'lc&i-aid cfneithar aneac eteat the beît ous, thera la by the lime us!"1 sa's ready 1teua." "My, Mînervll" exclalmai Jecemiuib, A PickaDlSauy Plaint. le ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U hapeaatzmnU hIllan nacis me' civil righi.. "n' ll'. enaet.o ochc" aiMis ne white fols% gauler mule coma tcmc, 1 "A' l@ bo Ony fo be," nid ile'Caese ma ah us, an Chrietmas nîgtî 1Mlneevy, kîillet wllh enthoeîasm; but (MRs cis o febtt by Scnta Cai. twe'l want a cell-tr&îoei clas ef gacut -Washinton Star. tmen for bar te aelect a huebeni tram."' r "*'IlreatScott Mlnervy!" mac Jece- Hi. Round ef Placu' smlsh's feable ajaculatlae. "Diekia, iiyen gel nYtdiion Chria' Jeemith foudn ber dia ucît mornntmcc bagues skates?" standing ln the dei, le lhe cla i lter "Y,8'0n; gai lh' cooup."-Cbicago Re, f untbine, ced wctcblug the baby anid or. jluge& sithe tcaiar ue 1 T rtllV bstb et~ II sa O iT he or t»71h HalTe jwt= ulaf1 nie noir waatc.soeklg bo, A trumpet aadm, A ad" ysconi tau latber-beit. Sote. a c i a atno , A train of Cer1s,aaM4n etac, That round l heplayrcous coM, 0A firemaibat, a aIuitoi aldU, And a police patra. Hie spahs cant a Noah% ark, IVltb cultals c score, »And hea ibtat Sasla'll brittahlm ihat, Thoagh lie bring sothlit more, Of courf e. .' Itte .marnabelIdigbloeds. A bcntmer and sonn. teckc, A waiah hat icIche 1papa'@ dose, A catiee and a pickate. 1 kaau he'd like a bIcycle Wits ceai euhher lire.; Agi-ami big Mribtai sonrs sp blgb Ie rdeotly desires. Ha s1so mante a "eIboter Goose" Wlth preliy plaine..k In. Abit brasamearunon teeciea Sorne auliava maie eoifs De doeasicétntePovecy mach. julia feu 11111te ibitu: A poodie dog a iahbbyi-ai, A tile bu-A tha inlts, A fcab to an I1a-- Onît a feu ibit. bolthbsefeu Ar.e eeylhlog ha sac. CHINESE NEW VEAR'S FESTIVAL Carensuasani hat lasurata th. OrIen- tlAeulvarmary. The New Year's festival cf dia Chinpe, said te ha the mont complele holiday tac- son kept by ses nation cf the eartb, ie celebralai wherever a cingle Chinia les founi, shather il e 'ieor Naw York, crutes Belle M. Brircn In the Womano Home Companion, dinecaing "New Year'm Ceisiontele the Orient." IL le t maveble festival, Cuilllg an top date ha' lweee ,Jan. 21 ted Fa-h. 19. l'reparar lieue for the great holiday beglo meeki bcfrs-btud. The accumulâeidii t e nîy meeths dîsoppeacsasc, if by magie. Ecen tha Chinamiu hintehf pases throegh tbe rlaceleg preciesA, washlng bîs rlotbee tnd balhieg bis pacson-Ibe latter bt-ing a great eveot ia the lires of atefw, mneaIt occur. bal once a ycgr. Btuildings cf evi'ry dec-ription cre eluh- ornaly decoralai. llamrs are le greit deand. the favorite heling the Climat. narclealus. The pi-esprit cf beppines for the reer lenici-havai te ha in prî.pertloete q' Ibe îucwWc et fiower cts pi-dcilaus from a cingle bull>. Luioîng the ciosieg dayo of the cId yenr China aisrealu pratient a lîîîy ani sel- mated aceae. Shape ci-e threngad weuh ciistometrx eugerly laying in large lila- tities of fooed, cotbing cand Se.- Yaar's gifle. Da4,îormancerodîlors ere von hiirryinog le aid fin. aedeaymrjng te tai- Lie ibair aic<,î er oreriding tea mat commedalle î-îaom a&Il debte must ha puidcr ce-tli-d je tomne satisfarîiryueon- 1car bcfore the liesypar dawes. l'o mort thèealinbiliiîes eboîîeeperc citer Ibeir goodq ai ucebeardaif prîce andifaiîllea f nt'qeetIv part 11h ohd bite cf bruie a- 1ao crioidrelire tni valiolle orne- ment% for as151M pllifcully tmeli Noils- grace le eqeal te bcbng forci coi New Ycares moreieg weuh an cepi d dbr. On the ochar baud, tbe cradilor isb aies te collectbis deblsaet tibla ime may net press them again fcr iuany menthe. Hie therefere purnues hj% debler fer Iuta the nlght eonîlingi bis searh Imb the New Ytair's day if nars-csary. Thie bee mc! do if be iaris aelighled lanterete t ledicata that ha e ieuhi engagaîl le last nlght'e lbusinessted but uat diacoverai thal the day bac dâweedý Cleelstas for tb. BIrde. Christina. ia celehi-alai le Seden lin an allent eknawn bIbte United States, ted the celebration in net avec tilt Jin 13, ce "twenteîh dey Ynla." A vry pi-clIp fectura of tha Cestivitles lu thua iescribed by MeI. Thome& lu hfis "8wodan cni dia Seaes": Oue wiut-y saisern, at Jul-tida, 1 bad been skating on a pcetty takre dire. miles Crase Oothenbnrg, On my way home I ucîlcai thol et averytrmer's bousee uer. wasai-ceaiin dia middle cf the iaeryard a pole, te the top cf chich wae hounnia large. Cull ebeaf of grain. *'Wby le tiis?" Icai edmy comi-ade. "Oh, Ihat'a for dia bleds, td itleawild bird.'lbey met bava a merry Christ- mat,ten,,Yeu kOeW." Y'es, eILla; utal apensant lea â-edea wli ail dowen with s Chldten tu a Christ- d.mas dicaer wituln dccc. tilthaho.boue§t 8,caleai aloft a OCblm« aadrierfer th. t Ile bird. thetatulit.h e d an ow Fe cithont 'NBATH THEIl MISTLETOU., in2 to a- ly k- 'Y a ra of rk of et- êc* t- asti se mistlato.. 14- - -î-