Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 1

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JN, IMEPENDENTt' Libertyville. Lake County, llinols, Frtday, January 25. 1901. $1.50 a Year in AdvancOe .... I i iî Itt ~ ~l~Sl ~ilIIion. ~i$omeons are as HIIgh as $î.,5o per Yard. T>M iletèis Way We WiII Start the Twentîctis CUtiify. t. We have eout Primtflte Ieone. reardi- f 'l f *,rformer seiinI( pfilet UOf.d qictly sahka riotm urte? pilit ý-itt"5' I tl.orftere DOver boter oppo«i iù ePrOftitiI' I!vltVt t<tt'.t 0lffur tetttnttic Z ,»gore lareia Dur -titre .11 akO OOIYti t. .tt qvee l!"vaiid te ce dO ia-w,-..Jring thsee omifing thittrt dtt'. bl iimr Down ut thi int,teur. Wo migit et .-11lt a mi. ft"a a tyllit tt[aDutst. - pmlued we ept o toet',k te.rlt eiila W tw e .relle ... 1, r' . --tifor ver arge qut1itp, t Infad of tw uO*$ a04 1* plise lcr,'te' -,r% rDriahi aI>..ttttlt .- t!-t 5tÏi gnh -9%'O<r vbh lcts Dtht w , .. îrge. run out Wdgggpiver Pt m1--ti .9 b,rogM UCSL M- i.Viot wlI ,,tt0tt.tlt - té bou». i tu Mt Our un.1 t. ,oeOlon Itheti- %V'Mit' - .1 Ourbr iwm Dtut ..i.",,ter W Gil UruOWDett Wtt, t,t-1,-ptt ave fesP nW ottii Caie--bsifo"t. ,Inot-lb he1-t 1 1*. t. l on «'0« .'r' wehave eyerft,t ,.tt .ta Au"e>tniby S WMe MMMa0Ia urW.ooen l Hu. mi&.d vil love " R C.t'.. tSi bom W ait» rdmoian- SANLJORN & C099 Tallors and Ilaberdashers, Illinois. Lb ertyvIlle- BELO ON A SERIOUS CIIARoÉ. M. Gannon Accumet! of Trying .to Wreck Trains. Attl ivestigation tîY (detectivOs Of tihe St. P.iti Rllay UOMPaiiy te leterilue who ad on varionsi occam- si<tts ilaced obstructions 0o, i t tckt near Liberiyville reaulted lu tise rtl (.t f micJlael (lannon Saturday tilgblt y (Constable ie, of Wankffln.t -,Mite" Gannon lua aiod anid veil kuovu rosidont of ibis vlicilty, and Mt une limje vas rated the vemtilemi farmner lu Liertyvilie tovnship oet of the Des planes river. Thialhofacest bim aeualtaiiceâ EDIt>PHiDICAMIÇT 5ERIOt't The charge lu the varrantilread that lithe old juan wva rrotod -for vilitnlly and malîcionaI. ls, lcl obstructioîns tîpon and acroés the rail- vay %racks of the Chicago Milwaukee & si. Paul nilvay Comnpan! viti intent to Injure that Company." Monday hoeva. givon a hearlng1 befote Justice Vanliumen, in Waunkegail, "à lies lu the coonny Janin te doanit 0f il1ooO bail imposed upon hlm. The hoaring devloped 1111e an i wvu contînnetl untîl naît Tueuday. Il guliiy, (lannon bail an accomplie and il vas 10 shlow iUrne for f nither Investi- gation by the dtoctîves Ibat the beariug visa cotinueil. NOW TUE TROUBLE COMUENCED. HOMES MVN IN CONTES1 Movement to Establiàh Depot et White'a Crooemg laeIefeated. Thora lbm beau a eontroyerny vag- lng lu andl abo ut ieliemville for movatal vooks and ail bécaunes 0 a ruovemefli to establish a deoai à a point one talle Wvst01 of lSplac. 0f courseo Haineello peupla vent the depos eaI Haiueaie, and if st vau ostablimhed. me proposed it wonld proclude mii posaibility 01 tboîr aven having a aion. The trouble vam preoipitatot! vhofl official.s of thselit. Paul rallroad com- passy agreed to bula a depot et Whibte'@ croealug if a hlgbway vwu opesiet! up sioutis ani moutis acr0 us their trackm ai &bat point. This Ta- suited in propeity owners in thâJtIo- caliby <ing« a petitou vIh the Avoni Rlghvay Commiamonfe for a n»v highwal au deeeibed. Il vwu Haines- ville vs. white'» Orcfhn< right avey.' B. H. Miller, of lhbertyville, and 8. y. Cleveland. of Haevlle, ver. ;0- tied by RaineelOe people ansd lhey immadil7 lied ebjeotlaIn their bhallI ith thea omMsieOners, noù the gronnd thsi benellt vould reauit bc but a lev prOpeiiy ov»etu adjacent 10 th. crosslng and that the road vwu un- neceuary. There tolcoed m»v"r 00 A vnv ,uv~ ~ m m la. ai a eveal monthla ago Ganion us.a-Th Xe flfl Dff tained a sllght ijnry by ej re o ~... FOR H E dV WatVIEIIIWU rom t e Se. Paul tracks, vhoro h FOe T w akitiZ, by à lreight train; eaI I toast0 oho cdaima, la any avant bis roi newclthe. nke i aa pratned in his effort Io10tetic VI.out of the vay, and ho bus ince de-lu NEED ~or the old ones 'If ixed UP?" mandait, daimaff"from the Company,1 i I ~- ny rics repaid no ttenltion to bisclair. me Ilhav-e ait excellent lille Of ianllj's pIacedl aero"a tbe track, appended to wbich vas a plece of cardboard on from whiell to select and tpi c aewbicl vas vriten: "If youdont 14s K Iower thaît yolu cail huy the' sanie 90041M fOr a merlons accident pay cdaim." A te local train mIme k the tle but no Te dangago re.uited. Agaa émverai horneono -@lices vari placed bIn the frog ait «~rIm~$bp la sornethlng you ehould consider. j nnction of main line and track iomad- ae MIN I THE BEST. lug to froilht depot. On a telapb pu pole ogemiby mva. staoked a varning of in i~m Ssimilar tumport to the tirai. The hornu.o sihoes miera diaeovored and removoid by a section hand . On Ivo other occam- s xloua tien wveoplacodt on the trucksaes Fred Croker, but no ue emted oc Ut'h - - - - - Ilioi. ucia matier that I tlhad not beau LtbertvIIISdiscovored a local passongor train vould bave beau vrecked and pougably i ôr. Charles Galloway.' a tom tome - oif Illereaultd. hPelet OMoeoer LvellsDru Stoe wachin 0auionbut faill o appre.-a Offl.ov.L.ovll'DrUtStOr t eud bien lnthe acci. Bt ]lat eek p.uUlaOMI T AHI 4 tu P a n cati of inobriety bis bo»tanda cg L" tvle Illinois. adm.itiioiie vere damaging and the c ililSdetectlvea arrcated llm. WlethorT lb-y liave ogtiior han circumotautialb ,ebr.J. L TAY OR. vidence 110 une kegowa.T /'Dr. J. L. TAYe L yOR. As (lanBnlicanant write tiis usame, 2 Offce verTrIgS is certain someone proparod the n -nouus--- waruzngu for hlm, who cannot be evonp vtle.doOfl Brotd&yopoatei'rkJust prenions to the lant varnlng, Libertyvilte, Illnois. whielh waa posted up Ion a telegraphe pole, near vboro a tie vas plaoed on1 MM Sbo'traLCk (annu nborrow om mrneiteka TDor. H. O. B. Y OU NG. - a gte tmof the bar tender ut the LlbertyvlUed Physictan and Surgeon. Stoves and Steel Ranges ý..«'. ug'h aveoemiace been identiftod 1 HOIL»D.TH E BEST STOVES beyond quesition as 11105e borrovod by1 aaaeaCi PPSiT LOa HtELSLO.Gaunion. iis other than admiuionu Gurnee - -- -------Illnos. FOR lio may havemd, lu about jil the THE LEAST MON EY. evîdenlce1OseaGant(annon, so fear Uas a can learui.t Dr. E. H. Smith, Ail Stoves Warranted. Laatveek a dîalmi gent clod upon1 (anuuob. pretendiug lie deslred to, OETIT.G. H. SCHANCK, 'tettie "witlihlm ien anuon uaid eu Offic overLake ountyBankilu ncourse outheii.converuatlon:i Roff:Ile overl'a.I.andGOftY I B.In atIkLIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS. '.1 latike $500 andIlyou viii have my ~eum~ taliA o' ani tto e.te.DASY ___________________________ haveoo wl. --Agaiun heociluroported 10 Libertyville. Ill. h u,-o colc ou, but rmmnt IAILIT lI cill go ou juat the arne. 1 hava Imm friencts."0f cours, lhe vas drnnk eaI FU S WAuuusD t ib()*tis conversation and iiardly1 PAUL MacCUFFIN, res1,ouible for whathole%d. Atoney and (CoiiisOll(I t 1v'.w previosens ttiîs (anuon novor NOAYpULC Highest Market PriCe burinaiY Onie buithingsef, and tuat NOIrARy UBLIC trolledIi k Hlmitoedneaa and OWWIOU Ovrg Loxx COTTNTT BANK, PAID FOR ALL IINDS OF native wit vill Mako Il difflenit te L.ibrtyville, Illinois RAW FURS g l e aadtm nlie hom lhl BY eounit Illch deodu no»n voci BY inuiaîane. tbough ail fe.l tha& if B110NJAMIN H. MILLER, C.L I g"ilie houdh uio. ATIORNEV AT LAW, has. Lem ple, tLintErTyvlLLE- - ILLINOIS. Long Grove, Ill. '%Nli Be Enariy Thîn Yeam. ~ DEC 7 te i*AR At a meeting of the Fuir Diroctoru mac OmBxCi.. «IL --ND a v ?ILSPii@NK NO940 aose. maa eaCAGe MAX LE BEAU§ F,aaursevumaaor Cigar Wholeule and Retail. USEAYVILE - ILLINOIS. %g'imT DYMONO & Co., -LbertyvIlllo, IllIiois. fir. fter thoroisgi considerathon of L MI-. LITClIFIELD, the malter SePi-ebr 3-4-r,6 vaeelise daies cisosan. et ire 1uUvIU Nhltt The apeed program vas arrangoti t' bougisleis uhject 10 change as nome o! . Sthe directoru veto absent from lise Libertyvlue - Illiriis meeting and il va. Dot thODghi advlsabie to mate tise decishon finai. Itlmh prope-sed ta have two runnlug REPRESENTINO THE races tibis year, one Tisnrsiay ater- Amerlan, f Ne arknooti, a baîf Mle race, besi ivo In Amerian, f Ne arktiree . Another vill came off fflday, N. J. a tbree-quarler mlle duih. Oliser tissu New Hampshire, o)f tiis tise speed program la 10 ho very simlar to that Of lait year, ellmhnatlng Ilanchester, N. H. ti.. two year ld trot. I write goodl risks of.1 F&rm1 eeydescription. bulesa opeewaty. aasUesed b! ecateding partIe., luny romiula té b.refusaI of 1he ummiinae.$0 paixk thse peitina. rharo ta rejoiellsg la Haineîville la >n»maeandti tb. de- eàtiens haM014rejolcing in preniature, w they loin appuil tram tise deolatlon rndorod and are flrm in their convic- non tisey yul evantnaliy ho succema- Ml. Futiler devolopment vii ho vataised 11h Intense intemiby Avon people. Queen Victoria Dhld. Victorisa . I., Quieen o! tise Unitedi Kingdooacf OCeat BEtain and Iroland, in no mone. At ezatihait pal lx iusdmy night endth Ue cireer o ne of th. variWa gratat muors. lier demise bal huin exPecteil far sveral, delà andi ber paaaInQva vaU ainulauu. lah. vu.mmroandby bar immodiate tarny, .inelling Jet grand- on, thse Emr 09fGeriany Upon au Insu* ppeof t4i Paper appoau n hiaio* eti Mi oateor, orne vleh vos nover quaieti lu Flue Condition. T[hoetillnnusiurance Oompsay baset ainone of iDe annuai m-etingu premonteti more anconraging reparte 0f tb. yeur'm business and condition otite c ffairs sa this year. The uecretury'u report shoveil the compauy to, bc in thte bout Suassela rondition i ha been fttra long Urne. The yearbegIns with every order and bill pald and $406 75 ln tush on hand. Thon hbu been but oue-1io8 sincO Oct. 279b, wvielcbaves Ibut nine, MOntsi more until noît assestouent, vhleb vil. probably ha very ligbt. The Becretary ahowed lu hIs report onie year &go that Ibeir los amounted th $2,642 20 hafore the. tiret io!Jaumtj 1900, vhich accounts for tiaitbigle asmemiiialii iis jtear, it belng almont double the average. Tise Directors adjutetd 27 different luse durlng thse jear wlth a total0o $9,306.96, one of lie fosse@i&aie amonntlng t10 $2,554.45. Tise grovîli of the comPauY ha. ber a gain of 27 policlea fur tIse yaar vili tisa total number lu force Dec. 31. 1900 1,74ô, thse amount of inrane bali $2,584,800. Tho Seretary wroto 477 policiei dutlng the year, amttuting to ove] ont-hall million dolla ris l2instance. Deage et the Cuuty Sentai et a5ts Bidm for puttiagin a&City jall are 10 ha advertimod for. The planu provide for flve celle and a police ofilce 10 ha erecid oet of the proent City build- ing. Tho iinprovomont vii cogt abouit 11,000. Albenrt . Murray, son of Mr. aud lie.a. IB . Murray, of bîlca streai, <d aiet midnlghi Sunday alter a veeku llnoam vth pnenmonie. lie v-s 26 Yearu of age &ahd bemido him father and niotiier, six brotthora and three ialeru survive him. John Prîce, of Jeffermon avenne, vas boId Dp early 8atnmday ovenlng on Waei Washington treot near St. Jamne. Thse thleves ecured nothing. refueâgIv th te M r. Price'm vateh, an oid famhicued miver one, nd ucornlng go0takm th. change ho produeed ila r.- sponse 10 the mandate "throv Dp Jour nsaufled glianpoeof a murd«otl Ioaking gua th"aI auasovail miderêa Tisa achool hoard helil a meeting Mondaj nisht, froD vhlch vas el- clndeil repotters lortheu local paperq, sud vby no one oan tell. The action lookm 'I*ad"y" 60 »Y the leats. it la presnusod thse meeting va. calleil 10 camaide, thse dvlaabillty oi compul- aarj vacination o! acisolata tthse publie hoola. But thothle doinge of tise saci olboard ane conceded te ha *public property end tlsoir mxbitrary action leu inprecedeflted. à cme of urnail pox lu zepotteil aI Highland Park. The patietha beau iIolan d a sminci quarantins viii ha mainlaand ton prevont these prosad of the diseuse. With amali Pal on both aides of Waakeganand ilhlth ce khonovu 0bave boearemoved trom C. & N4. W. tramvins wici passoed thxough bers, it behcovuecreeldente of this ciy 1I o a. e tlbo udliprecantiona as are d<heebmei mol fienût by lthe mil Profesiont&0 Inalire tlsemeve. &gain*& the eliaum. Adam Bauer. one of! lAke coulil7'U oldeal mnd heut knovn reeldents, duea at à"a homo on the Milwvaukee mail, r ear the York Honte, Saluuday aveu- l ng at di o'cicck, from injuries ra. tooived by failng on Ibthe. iole» paralytlc atroke. Mm. Raner hail FUIve lnh the viclnity for vory many a osim. Ha va. 63 jeaus of âge M anii ofmuzvlved by a vite andl Ibroe chaldifn, aEdvard, of this clty; sud Uoa. and Hlenry, vho lIv. ai homo. 's Tvo bnrglariee occurteil Satutday Lnigisi. Tise restiance of tMr. and Mns. B. W. Book, 318 VWest utreet, vau en. ers. Hook vu ero Mms niHovrhood ud ven re aheelu frem tisehouahom 7sud5 10 10bs5. fron the blime 1h. : 157 ve1.:1v. the nghoo brohat force <its themybose boftIs wIndw ais jmutisoaideof te imnd cared h sovaide ofrthneaibouse andtotIe value o!f flly 1180- They ranaacked tise bouethorongisly from cllai 1 w grret and 1oft by the rear tloor, mev- Iug no clev 1tu seir ldenUty. Mir. your ori Book la confidens that se cau identify your hi hi@ propoty, fhonce thero hi some t hope of recovery. À ev minutes earlher or liter tlseves entered tlie EGAI home of Mir. and Mrm. Fred Alden op AJ ' Aâh and Elimt mreeta andl aecurod excellet jeveiry, ilivervare and cioting cheapes amounntng lu value to a oonalderahie aDm. tr. and tirs. Adosi vent dovn Our chE town eurîy lnuthe eveulng and visen liesses they returned tboy founil tieir hous represei ln confusion. Cotents of Use bureau onI&Hf& dravers vere scattered promiscoualy thtougboui the rooms. vhicli had been carefntly but isurridly searcisod,(mich hans of vih b ere weddlng proenis> ail- liccome vervare and Jewelry, iuclndlng a pair of emings tisai iUndlbeon lu the famlly for tuliy 200 yoara and veTo conle@- quentiy tof prioeloia valueas au Isoir- loom, vera takon,sa. vere ai8o a Dum- ber of articles of clothlng, the thievem even cttlng the plumes fromntiRra. A'- LIBERT don'a bat. Articles of elotlsinfi ideuti- b ied as belonging 10 tMr. Aiden vane 1fomnd near thea Tager reideuco on As Lmreat and at the tiasonhe Temple, The N vhicli vouldI lsiicata tIsai tho monflied à nartis and escaped Iater lu the niglit 9 vis Use C. & N. W. Juat beoor r andi trs. Allen leftthe boume t10go A Cani-ai dovu tovn Ivo trange men vete &son band ioiiering in thea ueighborisood. It la bl5lisjprohabi! #btisI hey vatched Canvas ( r the houas and miw lnaovuera bave A new lir d hafore rusning any riak. TIoy ais- h toethIrough a rear vindov vhich welI tt bey forod vitIs a --jlmmy." Tise ofluor va. Iihaeret! ith cigarette aclub& )t nd dropm of gruae from tUse cadi. vith vhich the plandereru liglited 1W. their way. Later advices convay In- formation Usai naavly ailU theilver- tai vare stoleu trom Moeurs. Book sud rAlden vau recovered lna apavn sopFAi t 68 Jeffenson treet. Chicago. The WilI1> )u gouda hati been pivned Moday by a yauug man for a total aum of t$.75. i Their valua va. clone 10 $100. 0. Notice. I wiii grind coru and cob Tneemday de Weihsee d. i aturdy of os ee; Fauixut .! otie, l-Id . 1SÇHANÇK rt o Dg le or paid out 113,24401 duriug the 7M. Thse offIcers viso vyl adMtsiater affaire ts.year are:O.0. Stepha, l'roaident; John A ialSecmetary; W. B. Stewart, Treaittrer; D3aniel Leus, Oscar Wbltmore anti Rimer Polock, Dînectora. Pregîdent 0. B. Siephana vu. electeti delegate 10 lise Si-enh meoting of muttia i nmrana. aoin- pentea at Springfield. Fois. 121hn. Lady for Deputy. wisile mhc vas appoînttil nome tUme &go, il hu net isertofore bou pblicly by annolincai that mine &u&a Dotaford te nov Dopuby Circuit Clerk. This ha the finstiie a vo-anbum ever heiti a oounty office ln Lake Ooxsnty. Look et Your Label. ItlamTvry important %tiI v u Bq acribet examine tIse label On is paper tlisaveek. The Hot bus boen Os ooee to IncluSe aIl paymouts up te Jeu. 1211 ant iere vaore nomany changes tha ve miy have made nmre mmises Look ai your label, andtIlIf l lu net cornect, noiify us at once. Help Furnîsheti Free. W thon yoD neoi a faima bandl or labcu er 0f any jkhnd, romomber v.eau gel tbem for you, and it viii chut yje Tel, tain 2438. 117 S0 Cabal st, Piano For Sale. vo-Avis i-1). Chicago. Mait oel a fine Davis uprigbt piano. Oak case; but little umod. A% a bakr- Quality and not quaiity mahkealDt gau drm.îL., BoxI18.Lhflly.Wiwa.LttlyEatcl7BSr uisha gaIn Atiresa-ORite$ Itvon pilla. lB. LoVUn.4l4bent, First Olimpse of Spring The sewlng season Is at hand, and accordlng to reputation we are now as ever First to Show New (loogls' You'iI f md dlsplayed on our counters to-day the newest and freshest spring patter.. ln Toile du Nord Dress Ginghams, Percales or fretines, Embroideries and Lame, And WHITE GOODS, in the famnous brands. stich as SEERSUCKERI PIQUES, DIMITIES, PERSIXN and VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA UINENSI LONG CLOTH, JONES CAMBRICS and NAINSOOKS, ail priced 'in our Iow. safe, fair way. HOU*t ESTABLISIIEO NOV. 26. 108 WAUKEGAN. ILLINOIS. TrELItPMONE NO. i» RELIABLE RUBBERS and OVERS to fit any foot. ar * Binder Twin e.. . 1Im o taklng orders for binder twine té ,be delivered next JuIy. payable when you receive the twine. at the following prices: PlYMOUth Standtd ................................S Os' Plymoesh Manik ........... ...... ...... 1 wIli guarantee the price. In other words If you order your twine of me noir, if twine advances in price you will get your twiii. eight and ton cents as per contract. If the price g go lower I will meet the price on any tirst class t'wInt, You willi,see that you are running no0 risk of getting bect as omre of you did last spring. If the price romains un- changed or decline8 you will get the very beot twine on the' market at the lowest possible price. If twine adva»u4. wbicli it je ver likely to do as elght cents for P and as the price has already advanced à cent I cannol tract for any more at this price. Yours reepectfuily. 1Libertyville -H. Bm EGER,- - 111mb ITTAKES Co m ifact rg I mfl mtS TIME AND We have both, and now is the proper' LEATHER time and ours the proper place 10- leave your order. Here are tbo nov is the lull before. the storm. I a few weeks w'il be crovded with orders. If yen beave rder nov for March or April delivery you vill have tarnes hen spring work opens up and it wiU b. ýo uit your own notions. N we can make any kinul of hiarnes8 yja i a. Ve cati make them cheap and good, also btter and nt, thon be.4t and superior. XV. cani build them rthan yota will buy a poorer harnss eleewhere for. îeap hitrnesmes ai-e good., W. guarantee. ont har- as 10 stock and workmantthip and ta b. juil aU nted. We are uing nothing but No. t oak leathar r'tt elwsmt harnesses. We nover furnish cheap work- ýp. That is of tho 'tuperior kind on aIl gradet of . Corne in and tlk it over and YOD viii cartainly a sutisfied that we cen cave you money. Remember. NOW IS THE TIME. Chas. Kaiser, YVILLE. ILLINOIS. qew 2Oth Century Cash Store OFFERS YOIJ THIS WBEK as, Water-proof Mitteiî, jUSt the thing tb Jle ice with, price .. ... ... ... ..250 Iloves for.............................. 100 !e of Unîionî Le.ague Work Shirts, fuit size and m ade ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . Feit Boots and Rubbers at reduced rices-weather against tu14-doîî 't waiit to arry a pair over. Some Men's and Boys' Seamless Shoes for wear that cannot be beat. Watch this u;sý anti when they arrive cail in and me theu5 E. W. PA$tKIUrS»,o / At mol M mue. 1 1 ;.of %.- -1 ýÀ

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