Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 2

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le" WlWtu s iMlotnt..,aud ,7k" 11",It" t iining off White Labo- 4ýt W West. fr and others tramttireà Efto ufauia, L T.. brng re- t-r~g réslah outragea perpetrateri byi Ineb ldians known as the 8ak whosrc zrrsgauj whlpping ý,emore couservative Indiaur. They - ýh«. revlvad thc sucect Crack lawa sud1 p»4 mizipg falirnirpapers froua Indien& rp ve lied on alotmeatai. Tire> Whap9 r*Uadj&"i who file aud tbrctcn ta ct1 lu' te cars Of filera for the secoutiof.t- Th .18S akeî1crod are verij W~igtue otber in diaus fo-rrentinir I;Cto it. peuple. The countt7 la à"aid tire lna.urrectioni'ts ara iium $0 tue tceth. coiletinir heR>' fines la tatle and papperty f rom the conserva- Ua.A titacisment ot the Llght borne- s»-ý gt tise Snake baud rode latta En- Uuahi daposteti unslgued notices lo the1 %eUevlng effet - "H1ickory (lroukd, Crack1 icaplta-To Wham It-. Ma>' Conceru:1 l'mm iiow on ah Indien citizen@ emplo>--1 tM white labor shallire fiaed $100, and : = ýrfMceVe 50 lashes upon the burse ~r;als, Il peraette rating land te ý.qo>.taiut&.An>' lmprovemeiitu madie1 -cWqek ntion013by whtc meo shahi <*Utdand become the property1 Crt ~e nation." TO «"70wDBCKA"M~AIN. 'Xdeikà Bandit Pile Bock b on Track -Ona la Casturat. > deapaate attesnpt was madie b>- a et train ruirberu ta wreck tire over- M&express oser Kesrney. Nei. The IMM" plaMe a large pile oft rok on Uic MOk ln order ta wreck tire train, avirih lwqotdte Ibav ha alarge anaoet ot Ume> on board. The rombera secret- tb@mualvea bebinti a hla ser tue rail- ltoL A pedetrian travling &long the came open tue obstructions, vas Uss4 upon, earl>beaten andr rb. e<aIIidba morne>, amountlng ta $150. ;*«ftoi thesu d rau on te 1r,'nera be gave tue eiarm, and a to hold tise trait. Tise posse came the bandits andi capturari one, tise *»WOBT FRMWB TERN UNION. nmo"wl court Decdus.thet Siate CaU- ffltl'ex Cempaay'a mcie i liubiser>'aitue circuit Court bu gïuse8MI>blaaded dowua aesofutDn- tbUW tlpertaisce whcn in a writteu opila- In o ds#ds that tue tate f Misooi Pb*âb>' the State Board ot Equai- lad ne, right to tax tire frauchi»e Ç tqi We#fte Union Teegrsph Com- g.Whsn the Statç Board or Equal- ~ tat mat the Western Union tura *0 vaYiistio flitbs ""set t u ~ $loeny> wblch tie huard paçtîcai- *M M5 add thtsOte words, "And on - paso.>, $Y2 IO.tlt as tg t S5 rrasist Uatu'.aa ftmikesW ak endi glaire. ti otwegb5E Steamer Talismanlad- viii aguz from Demerara, vhile hrntler anchotage offL&is 1111anu> at Nvtovn creek ta dis- tmk vbat be suppogeri to bure Wm3. sni i thtie outranee 10 e5Dt rWsfs.. opposite Backveli's lai- a*&Ne Yorjt barber, andi knockeri a r lk busla lber lsttam torys-rd, throuagh i o ie quiciri>'filetianri sulk. e Wrecks Tw o aens. NUm Carre Nation. tue veinais vis *-ÏwuO dtue Carey, Hotel saloon in Wl- %Odu Kait.. a tew veeks ago, s&gin led b-.4 5* of temperanos vomea the othen r'. isaoos viicir vreeked tivo saluons in Ii* Douglas avenue cand vere juat en- boobtihe Carey saloon tu vreck it agahu 1- thtie pohlce arriveri anti took the - - e to he icstation. Etivard VIL King. K.iug Erlvard VII. ut Englanîl la the - sU)r of the Brtis Empire. and officiai »$tMation iran been racerer b>- hlm tu Mi ffert tst lire is expecteri otatuke uri 'c 'h rensuo gornment aitiront a nra- Ustsdels>. ___ PriseS la tslsue4 by Robsen.. '. The R. Fatlier J. Lcnnert o Ciicago 'v» wm aylaid b>- tootuarain luNew Orleans a" tarigeroui>- stabirerinlutire bsek. Uc iMStered thre tontparulsil a drrk placé. I1ai vere thrte la number iad all ue- fflucerton lMau la mvet. Walter E. Bayien. a stuilenttn tire -r Pthneeton preparator>- sr berri. as druara- ed wile skating o11Aiiitonerrer-k, riar Kingston, N. J. Bill nesudanti sme RIve. One mauniras kihicti audri Ie itîîîre-rinb a biller expinîaiiinttire Ohio Full., Iron Comspany- ln Ntew Alany, loti. Tire îrop- set>' bau.i» about $10.000. Tkm.. Deatiaru T-e Ras-t Bliser Peterson aa'. liietiin a ire st lie Commercial Hotîse t Kr-wanee, Ili. lv. otirera sare ueatianti tvo a bSn>hurt. VIctria la.rîcal. QeSen Victoria of t4uglauod la desd. Ro ut ainnes. Kiltian IgidinDe.aud. flanriome Elk, a nuter i oiux Indien, mm ritidieri iitir bnallrtasb>- ser Inin JMAMemeo sent ont tu brita hua to tire e> u Gcura. 8. 1). Th-rit,d ltt upoun .roin uîhu. El k nut Inriirn iieaýwfn tvo >-crs nand sîa br eer @uIcide .t the Iresid. BUlvard AM. Bai tel. rarrtr i s--.ît rrt 4uwr. couititterisr li-lt the-Iu-rtr - IaisFraucraro.. br .ir i~ rtil -t bugh tiche ,ar. 11, ia, l;.-ta - RsdsitioOnt ia Reblelrron. DIsaffecteri t rn--k i ra- tfIle inake band,-,bore bîî-îî ilirni cgluiii tie country -:irfarmnî. I T., '%V&gater5 l inaurd, iiplinand uîîînl ,tgg gpeaeeful ludians. Ire.rr- r IWPle bave applieil u tih,- t Ot authorities tut protection. - hatla ln Ciicazo Pire. M09MaPertinent ibuildilng, i brIckstructura t Garfield 06A"een gtreet. Chicago, W la re, eauslug a Sou. e ,0» movasaiurrust t ~ ~Iee thonberxpaim I.! Il J GRItEN-000DS MANt NABBKD. . BRemett Arreesitd bWPestai la- apectons ut Atetava. Pa- Unitedi States postal Inspneeora have arresteti nt AlieuitoNs-, l'a., G. Baent. alias Brans,.chargeri vitir usa tir a mlle ln a seheme ta derud andi ot coOOtaar- teiting. and wvira ibieliereri b>-tire 50v- @ruiment ollicers ta bo a memnber et. n gang ot conuttereitcrs and "green gooda" met, irose heitiînutrtrrs are lu NOW York City, andi from 'about scores Of clt- culara have ieen sent tirrougir tisaCorS- try ibviting farmers and utirsettuta<ttd1 lato the scireme. Tire oui> wtns amînet at tire commissiauerts a Il~ vas Postotlce luspectîîr A. C. Do», vbo said tiat nome limoe prerlous ta Jan. 9 a letter vas naiiei ta Lawarence Wheei- et of Haucîton, Imd., s postolice clerk. iavitiug hlm to bu>-$3,.000Wortir of green goatis b>- pa>ing dovo $1,000. The letter vas unigui, but contalurer the direction: "If yon eate tu engage la thia businesaseuti a teiegrsm. of whlch tue folawlug ln a copy: 'E. Aa>uard, AI- letovu, Pc. Bond Neai cictrie bet No. 122."" Wieeier immnediatciy report- cd thre mattcn ta tire postailIrlapeetora. lie sent rthe îlegrsm, andi@sausreceived another letter vhlrnl> aahed hlm , 10,o t llentovui to reosve tue goodi trein a mats wohtntie sirokld khaov Ib>- lb. p- word "D&yton." Tise ltter vu siO4d lua a tmp idobkot IL. Erins,' Unr In-u loseil a neir $1 bil,. presumabl>' as a sample ut tire btes turnisheri 1>'tire cooceru. Thre bill, howverr. as genuine. lnasector Duryca veut to AlletOva uDJ14 represcuteri himueif as Wireeier, andi soou land Bartrett la cuttdy. ) BRATEN B I RANSIhT IEN. ChilcagoTraveliong @&Imam"s Uatatly Aus.ulated inli t. Louis. Donald Me ian, traveling manutar- ttrra' agemt et Cisgo, utOpplag at tire Piautcrs' Hatel la St. Loisb,. vs heaten b>- transit Mnu aut 40 hq4llt hurt tuat ho is toofineri ahiis a m ide ph>'alebana'scure. Ti.e assili -. eu iag ta the vituess. m'as eatli l vr rauteti. A policoMeaiier et -USO*dwhi> aad arket treet suiv it, but marienou effort ta arrest the offenîlers. Aecordlng ta IMr. MeMila, an ageri criPPle tried to lecre tire car, Nio. 076e but the tcou- ductor diri not gire tire tolp signal surt the mats pulilcî thc register tope b>- mis- takre. The couductor thrcv tire crippie Ito thtictreet. atter strikiug bien iu tire face. Another ageri mars, standing on tire piattortai. dlcurrredt thie conductor'a bratalit>-, vhets ie 'aas similarl>- treateri. MeMiiian esîledth ie cotsdnrtor ut covarti. Tire latter tirreur hlm off t Waiuut treet. Tireatire conducutor andtietr- mats Jumpeti ouniim, us dîi tie creir ai car N. 1t64. McMfiîian itsvi taire tue matter lta court. BODY 18 ROUND IX A TRUNE. Sgna of Murdan iacovaeut lin a Box on ul; t iver WhprL. XIia body' ef S msavi ii bis tiroat cut ad bowlng piller' marks of violence. vas round la a trruk ou a plile ofa ida at the buikireari of per Ne. Il. East river-, Nev York. It vas ideotliidtvo boura later b>' a vomnan as the body> of Michael Wiasbrger or Weisabeig. uts Eut Bide Hebrer, vira vas empio>'ed b>' a jewelry firn ta sell jeireir>'ou the installiment plan. FATHERE la A VIENDl. John Rarrue Set@ Baby Ror 0e0 a ROI Rot teve. Tiselittie taira ut MeOlI, Ohio be arousei orer a horrible outrage u" a'a 1W>ear-oid boy. ia uteptather. John Barrus. la undric-arrest. Brue a cirarg- cd vitu vbbpping the cbirdt-itl reat back velua appeareri on is body antd tirco s.ttltsg the baby on A botat uove unol holding it there unthl ts body w as ler- ribi>- lurued. Serions Celibson of Cars. Tiro cara on tire Union Tractiez Com- pau>- unes colideti ou ahilgb tnastie t Ciresterfieldi, bctNeen Manucie aund Ander- son, Imd. Tv a rsra ere pictel>' demolihrgd anrOvIe passeugera severeiy injitreri. The Muceie car, con- talnlog twenty_ pastreugers, beame groundeil on tire trestle, tire igita golour oui, soulirhe oii1iatsenaiuiug. Big Coosl Fini la Moute. Tire report of a iluonderfultiri-ven>- of coolinlu Iartrolpir Count>' auj of raneffort an tire parrt ufthtie IMorgaunrsyndicate ta bu>- up ail tire mrinresalo ,igstire sprercthon 200 uâIes ut the BaltimareAndahi ob tailiranl, birs come to Wirecbug. Wu. Va. 'rier-ral trade s grerati>- excteri. Falla Off thre routa Bide 1. Tbeodure Boliger, ua <lirlago uusiian. 71 years aid, stepperi from a Southr Bide t. train, mibsedth ie tation piatiornianaar feu ta tire grotalor belov. a diatancee ai tventy-fIre feet. Hia nos. vas irraken, bis body>- as severel> bruiseri anri ho sutainct]inlternailUljurirs. L.otei by Jdli Rnurglsr. A brrgiar raraske th ie bouse or Caiier Fred Stiiivsgaa 0ftirhe City- Na- thonai Bank, tet NulesOhia.fie talked to Stibin-agon uin a joui moud, tirathlilo bim for thre plunder. He iockeri the in. mantes lu a rum nd ieraped wsith dis-- moud rings, ac a aIdaud some mue>-. lumps (ini Britdge t Desth. An uriciientified > orîag mou committer] suicide by jumintg troi, theire lle apa>- of tire Eads rtideligrnrt St- louis lîtu tvi -main charngel ufthtie Misisipii river, 100 teet beiow.-'ie'ocui ia ai iere ad apprîreirtly tntîîîît 27 yenrs ilti. Ihirter. urnîinlaa hreck. Train No. 1, tir esiive urt ilier un the Unoan rcu -nN ut rurtnkei tna care a utileca-tt f lîrnuiru, W3o.A brokun truck iuttorutlire Iruon rar n tire t rîiti iitchetd i. rrî i -i't i eruoni rer injureti. ttrriv Kahn- .Canre. Manr, in uhii uruc:tPeul c-tati n-t, lirafor seeksma ttrirnrrzetroniiers iuiiana4 saut uiefitnjrth tireýr,, ir inu juil it'aira CrurntF.y. ui î li-n 'tanle suinla ui,-s perate ein i foi lite andîl inberty lite, 10 Indianu Girl Itrrne t a tr. At Itrazil. mn.. 1'>tîtiia Iou igedi 19, ville ur n inurîtbrenu k fr8in lu îreMari lier gttluire iu on itiire. ire 'a-o, se luadui lurutcti ti lie d in unOshiort time. Thirteeg Years for Aivord. Cornelius L. Atrord. Jr., tire detauutiug s-et ol er oithtie Firet National Banik. *s» seutencet inl New Yrk ta tirrteca 7«n' imprsonment. Tisa amotunt 0 iis istaleation was 300,000. MAWEET OATO . ObîCAgo-Cettif'entaomanto Prime. $3.00 to $50; bona hipping grades, $&.00 te *5.4; abeep, fair ta choiee, $3.00 ta $4.60; wlent. No. 2 ted. 74e tu 75e; coru No. 2, 36e to 37c; oas, No. 2, 23e tu 2ke; rye, No. 2, 47e ta 48e; butter, choira oreamer>-. 19e ta 20c; egga. trealu, 18e ta 19c; potatoes, 43e tu 49e per btruhei. . uIdinapoi-Cattie, i.' ppiag. 33.00 ta $500; hinge. choices ight. $400 tu $525; ,bsep. common ta prime, $3»0 ta $M45; reheat. No. 2Z 74e to 75c; corn, No. 2 whrite, 87c ta 38c; nuits. No. 2 white, .5e ta 26c. 1t. Lotis-Cattie, $3.25 to $580; broge, $30) tau$5.0; sheep, 33.01) to $4.25; wbent, Nu. 2 70e to 71c; corn, Na. 2, 35e to 36c; nain, No. 2, 24e ta 2be; rye. Nu. 2 50e to 61c. Clcinat--Cattie, 33.00 ta$4M5; hoaga. $8.00 to $525; aheep. 33.00 ta $4.10; whest, No. 2, 70c to 80e; corn, No. 2 mixeti. 38e ta 39e; enta, No. 2 mxeti. 25e to 27c; uIc. No. 2. S3cte,511. Detroit-Cattle. 31250 ta $.6%0; hoge, ,P.00 to $5.25; sheep. $2.50'ta $400; wheat. N. 2, 77c ta 78c; cota. No. 2 yellow. 3&e ta 39c; cats, No. 2 vilte. 27e ta 28c; rye, 52e te 58c. Toiedo-Wheat, No. 2 mixed. 76e ta 77c, corn, No. 2 mizeri, fMe ta 37e; Ots, No. 2 mixed, 24c ta 25c; rye, No. 2 52e td#Ue; clover seeti, prIme, *$6.00 ta $6.50. Mllauee-Wheat, No. 2 nortieru, 72e to 73c; corn. No. '. 3Me ta SOc; ost9, No. 2 wh-ite. 26e to '27e; ryc, No. 1, 51c to 52e; harle>'. No. 2, 59e to 60c; pork. mess, $13.50 to $14.07. Buffrro-Cattie. chalee shlppiog steera. 13.010 to $5.75; bogs, fair to prime. 33.00 ta $5.40; aircep. fairtota eoice, 33.00 to $500; laruba, commun tao, xtra, $4.50 ta $6.00. New York-Cattle. $325 to $5.25;bugs. 33.00 to $5.55; shorju, $3.00 lu $4.50; wheat. No. 2 red, 77e ta 7Se; corn, No. 2 45c to 46c; oasa No. 2 white, 31c ta 32e4,. butter. creainery. 21c to 22c; eggs, West- cru, 22e 1 :ne. EOLffl ENTIRE TOWN AT BAY. Carpeaten Terrevises alalibAnk.. fer Two lIae.. The taonof Englisb, Ark.. on the Pine Bluff suri Arkansas River Railroari. vas terrorizeri for two deys b>- T. M. Craig. a earpelrter. Craig met tue train viici arrireri ln thre tawu the otirer eveaing andi drove tise eugineoer anrd fircmanr roua Pheir cab. Armed viti a gunu.lhe retira cd to alhow tire men ta rêutru anrd beiri them nt bru> ailtiaht nigit. The neit moranrrlie atteuniteri ta kili seveui per- sons. Uc terrorizedth ie natives b>' shoot- ing at ever>ting tint stirreri or inoveri. Craig aicpt the foliowmug mornior. andi this sione permitter tire engiueer andi tire- man ta get tlhit train ot. Five men seluer andi houari Craig, wba la iow in aI l. IN THE CE&REAL M5ARKET. Reporta fcm ArgsUutsd lis e Nth- wsir Rob Priceseof Ott uenÉt* Eraateet'asas-: "It is been a veek of çhbitsg streogth lu the cereais. Ar- gestne reports irare beets deroteri to a"steblng estimates ut the export surplus tu*s that countr-y. Northvest vbeat re- ecîpta have aise been bear>-, randtise su- calleri Wall street rtterest iras beets te- poteri to bave been iquidatlog. Car,, receipta are aiso eauendr prie" are lover. Wlat, lneuin fl our, sipments for the veek wera 3,330L.154 busheis, agiust ',911,095 lat weck cund3.061,000 lu tise correspouding wieek ut 1900. Con exportsagngregate 5184,550 bîtaheis, Thinike tke LeavauothtBana., Lynch- arts udI<utDeConvieteri. Goy. lStaniey' of Kanans breviacri bis delartle. te Immedilutel>- citer a rowarri for tile appreheasinAnd ar conititon or an>- of tue persansa auclating lu the hu- log at the. staks ot Fred Alexander, tire negro. nt Leaveuvorth. Tire tovernof hari deeideul tuat he vonirioffer the t- yard, but deiberation an tire subject hn- duced i hm tu change bis mirur. ".t votld ire of aheocteiy nu urse tu issue tirs off er,". sairi the (liveruor. ,Iftue guilit>'persona were arrefted tire>' rouliri eceesarliY have to undergo tue firt trial ia Lea- eawortb count>, end on aceoutao f tue preacat condition ut publile sentiment Ît rvould bta absolute>- useleas to attemPt tu prosecute suybody> there for tire crime." Tire sentiment ofthtie Kansas Legilature on the Leavenworth mol vas reitecte intr Chakllaa Mrehead'a pra>-cr: -We reisi- lue ve have becu diagracen in tire eyea of the wrorid b>- tbe work of a mob. Bave us troustlsslesessnaod niake us lav- abiding itizen.." Wituio au hoor sitar eoavealng *a joint resolution. iutroduced b>' Scoator Carpenter. urss passaed hi buth bouses, detronncing tire Lerenvarth moh. RIRR E ETJROYS 5BIGSTEAMER. City of Louisville la Bistueri ai Boustona Harbor, Mbb Tire Graham & Morton's propelier Cit>' ai Louiaville burucdt tatire ater'iq erige aithUe dock la Beuton Harbor. wbere she vas laid op for the arluter. Chsarles Southvorth et Saugatuc-k. the vstehmrif. was humnsd ta a crisp. Wircu the fige iras dlacrovered 1>- persona ou tire dock, tic pompe in the vesrse) uere vcrtklig sbovlngi ' tat Watchmen Sontirvartir irar bea ghingUthefOre aben h. met lia destu. It la suppoaed tuat Soutir- urortir vas firat oveF-cuuue b>@airke and then burued ta deatir. Tic seeauler li heels orailsuieri anj voulri have Marie bier firaI spring run la twa weeks. The boat va» bult ai Sagatuck ilaM1. virco uhe vas named tire Reidi. In1M9 thre eraft vas rabnUrt. andti ulce tirco ha lK-en nameri tue City- tf Loniarille. She was 177 eet long, 26 feut heuua rateri Al, eand valueri t $100.000. TireIoas la fuli>- covered b>- lasurairce. THIRTT-9SEVIiN HUIRT AT A FiRF. Ouests Loup tront RodasandOut Win- dows or Baruicg St. Lent- Huret. Tvo personas era ucrionsi>- injureti sud thirty-five others aligiti>- hurt as tiere t- suirt oftàalire tuat urueri the Stewart Hatel, a tvo-stur>- trame strucrture, ins st. Ebuls. Fort>- gucirru bat tlirircloth- lut, as the. dames barigaiued such ht-ad- way before thcy verc av.akeneri tiat il escape except b>' the windows wa ucsti off. 8. W. Carr andi L. Bake, Master bridge budera for tire Wabash ltftilrOad. i wbo wera the. mont serioosi>- hurt. vere rurned shoot tue face, bauds sudftest. Noae viii dis. The thera teeitSd their Injuries Ljruicping ftrnm Use Windows te the parement. M. Cant uaveti iis arite b>' wrapping ber la a wet bieniet anti lcapin.g f rom a wludow. Sire vaont lus- jured. TireIonse vasabout 310.000 Landalda ln Wa.bilngtou. Henry- raina praraile i StPttllman. Wasb. Svcral thouaand cubir feut ai carti orn the bill broke tonne and slid down. Atter Cuotn about 150 feet it strurir tireiros.etfC. 0. lerrili, knock- lrac t from litsfoîrudatioun andcrr>ing it scveril undreni fort, leavitgit iw'itir ririge hple saiitiag ut an angle of 15 de- grees. No lires vere lest. againat 4,397,4311 rat vevk sud 3,199,- Kîieut b a GOsa Slave. 312 busirels tua aaeek a year ago." Albiert 'Miller andri bs trieud, (Carge ________ Rose, rr re foundtidea inlu led nat tieir ItOR RURNS4 A PEiTHOUSSI. rocumaI 1320 Fîftistret. Northwest, Wasingtona,ri D. C. Deatir hati been catis- Oaahi Ciixèe .Object to the Lecation eti b>- iîirtalîîg iiirrrnatiig gos, tire Youtng of the structure. mne rtvhsîgtre ntccr At a joie hourr tire otirer night a mobutrt-at tiio aali heatins store anti faileti 500 citizen, mmcnd tire pemt bouse, itu- ta iglît ire amre. sied In a remute sectionu of Omaha, Neb. ____ Tire intmtes escapoît ibto tire adjacent iirsr- Airlei by Carsestie. residence district. Tire ire tiepartrutt tî,îurir Jaîîîîs K. Aaguire or Syrruue, reapourletianti laidi ut hue îf irusc, but tire N Y., i.eivi-tl a etter trotta Audrew mob leaders, tirouit-irunitoîskn-d, stouti Carnr-cr strtlng tirat if 9Yracurv- 'outl tîcîr grent!and tircateneil violence if furolir -r gorilacatiota urut atrce tri lire water vas turaseif n. andthie linilti .peurI $:ti.l*lhi a yesr îon t'. ilrary ire iog rons onumed. Thisiratire tiirti Iet rorli ere ueCil>- a buildingr tire eîst bouse burueri in Oumaha, tire citizîna airof uii wîr'orîid ie $200.000.T'r irr-t>- jectlng te the loc.ation. - 'ili coml j uuitir tirecondiition.. Four Chîir-etsDis ru Fiasses. ItocktrlllWanteu et Bosse. Foutr chiidreu ut Benjamin AMiller wirr W. W 1to-kiil. specn-liCommission-r urnscritoeticatu near Aiddieburg. lîî]. uf tire t itîri StitesttaChin, iras beet. Tbebr ages raugeti tram 8 te 1 yerr. resled.Air. Itockhlîie viti-iranl la Miller iradti rson cari>', ighteti a tarotiantidune tti-thieire outhticadministratian te gang te tue bai-n. Tire hsrp euploded, h aveirîur li Wastuhigto, viere lie nl settIng lire ta the houase. Tire four chul- be sble 1tu atiise tire Preaident anti Sec- tirtri urued ver-e asiecp on tire second retur> 1h..>-on tire Rasicra probliun. fluor, and it vas Impossible te rescue Ovrrc td tEniElsec. tireun. _______lu Ne, llarn-n. Cunu..fHeur>- Ie Itoot Sate Riovera ltu Indiana. war'.foun ir eless in tire suom lisa baudhs Sate blauers entereri Freder-ick Coats' Cteint a brrttie ut etrrislic aciri, the store t Pstricksbui-g. md.. and beuconteti f rluhirh le hari smaiiured. Hc open the safe. The explosinn reked the la the tiir-t liemail viose lite iras building. About $.0 in mornge>'anti Ion sscrificeri in tiru veeke umirug tu notes vus taken. Tiretstiresale crack- serore ni,î-tal strain ad insuggita. ers stoleiç arorne andi buggy anti drors of Ex-GovcTUOa Mount. aira>. ___ Ex-Gar - James A. Mount droppeul deari Vue-allure FSctryîla Brned. of iheurt ralureet iis roui la tire Deni- Tire Sadusky Fllurntiure CuMPaaYsS mo Hotet, tuinauapoliu. fHe retîred inu tactor>' t Baadusk>-. Ohio, caught lire tic Gorcranor'a office ani>' n fev da>-a ago. lu tue englne raem sad the establishiment Uc bad Ilîsco ell sud destu vms mirul>- aud contenta were dentro>-sd. Thse bou unexpr.ctcul. la eslmater i at 50,000, iluace about Rfsst aaR .Vnel _______ Tire Ohio Stats Boar ut Pardons te- Kilts Neigihbor lutOcarrel. tused ta interfera lu three atofiasglyn William Porter vus shot anti killeri b> H. Frerreill. lutire peilîtelatiar>- nouez uit- Magoes Smithb asr Dualgur, W. Vs. Botb der sentence tu ho electrocuteti on Marcb meut vera turmers andt to veeka sigo L Ferrelilvas courieteri ofthte murtier tirere vas a tinarrel ietvcen tueir fatal- ut Expîress Mcseager Churles Lane. lies. Siuce tiratl tirtemnu have beers enemies. »ristow, 1. T., Dassia Rsbbed. A di,.patcb girea mealier- details ufthtie Salasr Paiti Atter Fosty Testrs,. holding np of the Bak or Bristaur. lu- Tireireirs oftftbc late Samuel J. Harris ,uan Territor>-. b> Outlaws, anti tats hanve jurt borts autifieti ot a chiina t f$« tirt the preurdent efthtie baok iras siot lîint due hlmaseupairi balrauce un bis ire tirias anti ntrtally rrauundel. 'l'ie staIr>-, visen putnster ut Coluimbrus, rutieru gut.uawn it>-attie bank's cash. Ohio. trous July t. 111,tii .ly 1, 1866. toIltta o Aienrac,.rs Plti.Ch..* iu a Parie A&i-u. abjete o Ait>-c. tirety.cunîl Moses Fomit'r Chase, 22 >ears aid. aand a t jcuruofth Ctyic hi eIr to 35ff,000. la being detutiuedilr u iwrluoufuse-nith leave a ravirai meetn-tg asytrm i Paris, Fraqçe. rnd i Iis tathîr. anul irti-nîl le regulrrr irorbir ycounili a prominrat larayer of latsvette, Inti., is îîîrî titin.. S. Hanruter, lsidyt Itir (fIlw ar, takitng stops to bave hlm broogbt brick Irrî rtdered hia resignutiou. tu tire î'ited States. Admit. Tukine 51.3ao. At Banda oru lkaevn Parties. Johrtn Shrerlian, irba sntbeen lu charge nîGeorgn Aexandier camne ta lisath of tlîî-troe>' urder deiprtment ufthte b>- baing bonclitrneti b>- u part>- or par- liC us, ba, postaffice, vas arresteti îles unknovu" vas the substance of* 8 aloil tornruiiy atcusci ofthIe ticft oft$1,- verdict re-tdered b> tirs coroner@ jury »L ias contessed ishiegurlt. tbat &aiuthetrccage ut the inegro lYncirei Cs-ri s NtnuSt aree. técently ct Learctsvorth, KRUi.- At Wicita,. Kan. tire caunt>' attornu>' ey b D eandby laan OScr. ia dismlssaithe nalsgs aga1inat M- . Fcanek Kesteta"$ ' *elr4 ea rewas *olt Carne Nation. Ho aesy.;ie i ustiti et auti 0ed git buisliaus1I4 amas Cit mtire defenat la muels pirsi mdU pe ie u> 3Po"i& a, SaIr hur lienbo~- ti tl 1 0 il b a ti M . luO e *seima ta e~t ke s lwWwldh huahiinctleo r. cap- ay-et ad laat s*"*Or* sud un- ethér propose. to bravent the i.backulstng or dbwbLar~4 emîtloym - Other b in t lie !eflov* diMcuien la the w4t e*t- .0Vô 0f.waget tram %wtm stu wbom I uashanda have tranasrred tiieir prop- 7et)r. sar to pirovide for' the paymeut ut wages in luwtul money. tua bcbg a blow ut the trnclk &aresu. The Hous recelveri a ommauniention fromu the Ooveruor an- nouruèlng the Appoiutmut of li'td n. Rowe es private secret.ary. Then It pro- cedcd teo chut scrnte. Speaker Sherman annonntrtd thre foliowlug committee on ruiles, of whie c helivl aws of the flouse thse Speaker le ex-oinib obairmen: Allen. Bush, Mueiler. Obamiberlin. Crafta,1>. E. Sullivan and Wilson. The Scoute ln tire uuoruing aient luto, xcitive seasion. and ou motion ut Senator Smnl loouk uth ie appraitântot madie by G(oy. Tannuer dur- raivction. 'Theicappoiaatments vere >'.finymed wrrbout oprposition.nad tie es- ecutive session then arose. Litte 'aur- thy of notice va8 tranusacted.- Semâtor Hall introduceed a bli rcluciog the mal- arien of the judurca ot the Circruit and Su- paerler Courts ur Cook County from $7.- 000 to $rb.00 per »noai. \Senator laler iutrodured a bill reriuiring the manufac- turera of procens and reniered butter te label il es such befurs offering it for sale. Seoator Andrue offereri a bill ei- cluding f rutt the provisions of the ilu- berltancr tex law ail legaries ta charita- bie. educationai snd religion@ iinstitutions. la the. Senate Thursriay moruinr Sen- ator Meeluan prcsenled a joint resolution of respect tu tise memor> of the Hon. Scott Wlke. It was udopteri by a rliuig vote. Feuuator Dualap presrented a bill makins unappropriation of $75,000 for an Ilinois eihibit nt tihe Pan-American exposition. On motion of the author the bill vent te aecçndl reading wlthout ref- ereuce. Senstor May hltrodncýed a bll appropriatins $96,WSOfor the toaduct ut thie expenses ot the three emrployaient ofie" la Chicago. u the flous Speak- eonmittee on raies: Speaker Shermanu. cirsirman; Alleu. Aineller, Bush, Chiam- berlin, D. E. Sullivan ani James P. Wil- sou. Iteprr-ctitive Joues of Cook lu- troduced asbblliliereaniug tie compensa- tion ot attorney-s appointetd te ftdin-u digent persroua accnd ut crime te tire foliowiug amaunta: lu cases ut murrier net more tban $100; In other cases ot tel- on>- not exceedlng $50; la casesof miade- meauor not ezeeediug $10. jtepreseiwta- tive McCuilough preseated IMl nereau- lng the salaries ofthei Circuit Judges ont- aide of Chicago tu $e,000 pet anuur. Rcpresentalive W. Sullivan presnteri a bll amendiug: the revenue law lu>-pro- ruding a penalty et s fine ar $'2.000 or lu.- prisomment In tire cuul> jail nul exceeri- ing thirty days for refusai ou the, part ot the proper>- orner le liaI lpersonta[ prulterty wireu re,îinsted to do ffl by the proper officer. la tire evening ShelI>- M. ciionm vas noniaetil hy I th epl.irau nacubers of thre iA-gislutlire lu succeed hiinaseif asutUnited States itentotr. Renu,lr ('lloin r--'iîda nîsilrityr(if tire vote r-ast for Uniterd States .-Sentor Ttteeiay momning in brth Itrnnchem oft tl.- Legioiatore. The vote lu the Su-nate vas: Cullom. 31; Aleciiulr-r, 18. lu the flouse: Cullom. 79: Aisebuler. 6-é. Senator lAie Adams, a Democeratie member, war abr- maut f rouitihe enate. The lteirnicert abetees lu the Hou"e vere Hughes or Lse niad Miller et Hiamilton Count>-. The Demaeralic abmeatees vwere Bouse, flan- nu. (iriggi>, Plitar- andl Robinson. lu tire Senate Cttllonî urs nooirateil ry Senator Glardîner aud Mr. Alsehuier lv senator stringer. Tre same offices rere performed in the Looue b>- ltrr.rcurtrt- tives, Trantman and Dlenix E. Sallivan, renireetive-ly. *ri- toinigrirrt rf Ibill. duibieti 1crtireIlbby as -olsifrietirs" matte their lictniareu.ailrarau e. Itei,- rerreftalive Noire or Chic-ago led ail rival,. 11h. realt loii r ,altg for aur îfvemt iun'- riort as 10tirth, ut utof ai-( it on tiht t'lîivago fn d A Mtouou ari a roiandrsk ut lhat ti ilatter t. nimiole o- oirr for 'r.îraiîî,- ma. sdutelsinra .l-Pro an i thorut r trj-tion. lh. state Metropoube. ,.tn.trtu.ttnin DIutriet ut Columblia ot I irt int rai1urriiststuntauut a oftir- olrr i' tir randiai rtir ooredipiuu, lîuîT 'eattt'.ter-' Union <hit'tav liu,-kla-rt Jui, ofe uf 37r eut uîr M2 tîuskt.u , larînîr & iKetirr,. st-k .rnirn lruorse u lrillituni,.ii-:ni. flrriiuur- t-iu tesier'.. rîrli udissolve îînrtrrêrutiriîî, ir, uni tire-uoii i- . i mur; ,lint lu tirh, .iu- %laroir riilorlr irea,rt rnivniio,.tSiuillrtruetil Brcu- o-ut ulii-gurl tul-lut AMis. jurr ri uirlt nr' n-lit -iitoi Hauiikiuiutnt. iai-i ii,- 19nyiirsnl. idigot -ai laurt u f ini tl'ortr $.05 Su-rrlu rfite, rnîîuratuus inr Irig r - r l t>jqirriatrn l'an r-oriiuîurti. i,- trtulir.,f hr m riotilut suti tu to iî iirrho ,. ul'lrr, ts . rIr .--- n.i- i rrjr iirttr lnto iiruriliihi rur îiuu -ffer utsi tuo rrr n -iir] t tenIr 'a ir tué il-t-tspnu i iis-u rfIr.,tiîr - A'. r rerrout r hir fuitltinIaerr-ur inu ,mnI..r ittî îrîî r-n i ittu-,rtu l'ar-. iftre-an -ir.rc ir-en, tirfatrityilis r-nul>vv". rnatritnî or ut .u lt.t. Iurrie Ilikinn n us -Cir<eh co ut- fur tlpii u-- , lui ul-fl maurîl iir. rt $5001» 11 ar ir-- -t.l te otf ruirr W '. utiinuiveti mu ýr tQui,. u %liýilurn ttippn-r. No iviidroinNovr. S. 119Mliu-v rbIn- .ir ill tri 'i, iri, utîg prurhurly *:Iill, iutrt $4tst051 rre rnrr i .î uni uit trsrruî& Erlivistl P. Nu iý. iviir at îrruuntti la Son' ft li >1fu.riuitig ilagi-î a police scrrtlrtu-y four îroîet> rt Eliiitr >,îr iiirriii itîtrt caovr-tenttl drring tIre mui rrr eknblui18194,,(lted fin nuiiair ui-tile linîtif-lt lieair it r athi bis ule, -fr-ntiilie i ofru-itnu opterr- tfinie 'i.. i-r rintfi rlilu riétebil 1itret-r lul, for- iitnii,n11lir itiu. li. gt. Nye O .nu uilii nro iuiii rutiiîiroi in.lnN. A. otriueu n 41; >eu l-aon. undrhitl it-n a nunier utonfrr ofu ît roîfruirii ugr't i-r ul-uutir lire 1niep nt'.rîti-uut for i-leveu-rr rs. otfIu rutn \iuriu. oitrl nuijrrnliltu n Tire thett of orer nu t(lui.oSftga r, 'aivluluanluitioluriruI rr-ktre'.inr-ut. tire>'carrieni sur ir-t) u iii,-river in émail bouts, let tire iittt fi-at uif C'icrrgo roi,- Tubea nd TisaI. sers. The uuitrr ir,. strîrutr-unr the Neîvrk-unit'ty ahulchiidrnurni'.d Nortiernil i-hiiinir'rirîuirta tlortCoin- 2711 for the sctrun. or ut c ir-oo, Paoy's var-iruuuîru it ther foot Ot Michigan Texuro. stteet. lunsitmriltg thinr plunnier tire 1-ttr uîioetts timait, tilt 10 lier tuieresn ue.)l lrgeanti- cicnteleiator intcenut ot tihe ji u,goui oCape Nome tihevrrrehuisr-. Th iaucturbr-ry rmallskea ucrrrcme bick alivie. conslderabii- i bc'- ut thlir tluers irera lu 180 lte Ptnn.routinsuorth@ not uiiturbie-. Tir,->-nitiè lre murkeîl Uttiti-tiSitu, Oainiirjtetiitu lt>00Ju ut long titc .ued in 1l>tif lilitttu 00 In tic prffeetof lufirer snitor. Mary st. joserhu c, Ors5ttu olora Hston', KÇrubec-ker, 18 years ahi. sivalolil uol-1eaifeadpovd otbesho son in alretfr rt irurrabre itd <enter xouse fordh tr]ude frntae sehoo atreets caii dieul iuion. lrbourfî1 nr ou tr t-m ie eu Ma-tou 'T'îîrpei vîtt e niti betueirtiiug The ttusianr imitistrY ut roarmurînca. gerue atote urrltteorunpinradaue..iEu- i toa'. ha Ion dti tuaililuibt litroluouafor geknertiuitati isislueslul for-avenu, ua gereratlu thrîtvupaver on thelo.ome- as'blleIci g,,! h-r- i la fr anig uît lires of aillie railiriia. clths ""1 ea ud I h ie yuo t 180il,)t ltu or>- of tire rusuntir o 'li.ulîhi-. îlaitiktu.lireui U uiii il Stantes ii0815.214 ailuaretuiles; Her moIrer. riuilritothe mm ci >Yari-il t lJit e-î3.70,8.521 siluorc. mi e i*is, brang ont sith hîls inul th. chidfilt tcuin' ~iniao0f itý-or- Y3.iiO.Of rtu a t tia f,1I I iii h iiwrrt-r- an waq .squltr uilu- i(1)0 n-ut. Il t, mîîta, droitaid I<nc, irirtilgurtrnrhiouIr. iiinijue rtitutofin] t nloai groti ve droiro.l liiai nation. Maurire 'i In i.]ail-rte O ira rnor i ahi ngurn Bushlacil &r Co_ - ian. t truuîîîfrot misus > - NIý1 n la helte e(rig t8r4t uuntry a, eill teit4,01>0, urosýti>- unîh nntriuttuiy frqinli rurrrd lttiutlOntrart. tltf Fia-e chilriirrrr-îu «,riouýIry brulsu- ti I t Ilv a sknt iuiu pond nl WallîlîauW,.urlIet For- A lrnu fli t Colorarru Sirini..tinau-itr tletb t r,--ts *ni ý,ru n-oituf ir Paltirconiliiirot a in nh hidlrrî t i ltr, duur ni b>-B a109 igrtirla trI inelt crI , irlIPer tic-ni Ielek i', jeirctl, toI-, Oriing la the ti ita tîiIl. propictur anil e-ko. lie thetu stnasied (nfrge H. JhIiui-îr, ell kîinu lnChil a rviritu>ir and tiaoie 8,10'V ri ofdia- cagto îlr>-gooirtia ces. died art tire Chi- motida. Eacaîîed. cago hosiprtrifrothieurt diseusle. île lova. ulu1s rnt tam eit date ot lis ad-. Wl. the Irbt Ciicago ires ix ttaive et. ms ban ,Iasbora railtd tire Ilgllkneye A. T. Stewart & Ca. n-hu tibtsrionie, lu tste." Harkcye vmasie jartre of a' 187, ctaut"ser a I.raib soi bu. con- usted nti ~an itet, miro. fiantise eti i l.nt il>Jmes I. Waiker C o., vwha day.. cati au litho lrrs»uble long tise auacpe td 5v wemsru>border ct u»Hme-Cançrlsîa to the IIéZ e voi b ie Allen, Tau- in;nou BuUt.W i. 4Ï nrallure. '~auao~.,sW.4aa ciirtion ofpac '.0*IligAt, weegt point M'ilitAt>' Academy. Thea Housi irasseri riversuSd barbeor appropriationu bli aub"tstitial[Y ne lit C&N rnefrntcoM, rittee. lt rairl0u sflgtfr ce..u. g<b 000,000, u oîib 21.(0, 0in ludiret approprilrîii'. Sct i mtrwcrllrg the Prealdeut to rîttgotiate vitis Great Brit- &In for imaintenarnce 0frIflitishi, iguel on gient lakt-rr ual Iroadeusd *9 ae to pro. vide for joint coillliliSIlI to conduct e. s gotiatioti. ît-Aooud resolutiou eal- iug apoù %Var Ilr-r.î.ttleft for ail bfor. motion relative to u ited Ilaction t Oea. Cbciffec lu lrrte.tiiig against gouttes lu Chinavrai; laid niion ti4 table. Duriug 'rhuradays sesalon the. rmy ne- orgauiîirtiun bilîl uas diecasd lu the, Senate t leugîli b>-Air. lorieY <Dem.> ur Mississippi, Air. lActooiis (Rep.) af Marylandi anj Air. Bute (Deta Int Ton- nesucee. The Mii.isipl)i Senator devotsd soma atteution ta tie re tactice ut linzuug et Wuest l'oint, whlci ihoiitterlyie- nouaced. A bllifixlag the comtwreation of district superiuteudeuts uof the lite- saving service et $2.,50 pertoail. cx- cerit lu the case outhtie superlulendent ut the eighth district, airse salury tlu ilieri et 3110,wss»iasacri. A blitoexteuri rieirivileures 01 lin art in relation ta tire immedïate tranrrportr.tion or dotiable gouda ta the City ut Milwaukee va pass- ed. It vans au exceediugi>' juil day lu the Honse. Tire eutire day vas apent upou the bill ta revise and codif>' tbs poatal lavs. vhe lu sito etire ontinanag order, Dot. houverr ta Interfere wlth op- proiîriallou bllis,.or conterence reports outil riieposeril là billof 2=1 pages amdlim sply- a revîsion ut cxlating laws. Seme dlspnsitloa vwas manfeted ta laject into tIhe ieastire somne amend. ment@ to tie re sent law I the intevret ot certain rlassfe,. ut mail eniPloyes. but urir rtternita uere successfnlly realateri. Tire 8-nate ofil-rirlAY Passeri army r.- nrganzastin mi l 'y Nte ut 43 lu 23, af- ter adrpiii ameurluent pmeîiding tor PuYnreut ut $«-() tu, car-hi solîir In Phul- ipirines whçrre termi expires iefure Jui. 1. Iian dou ho viii re-enllat for titrese Ye u. S>- vote of 43 to 23 rejetai umendiment b>- Air. iallunger orderibug revocaticu.of MIl liqutor liCeoses la Phil-1 ippInes. farlîirluiug ia.ruing of liccuses la 1 future ari prolrlblting Importation inte islauda ot [arr.,vrune aud distilieri spirts,. Btill tirets vcut rtocostervee. viti Aixru. liasle>, iroctrrasd (ýoekrehi as Senate contcrfe,-s. Tire llousen:pcnt9 entire trI ru ,n bilto rcrer tru court of clirorinteIrrlainei-,of W'illiam Crsmp & Sons for rilcel.rnrgadite t,, rda>- or got eriurîre'ti ru ruixlringarmer piste and nraiterial forr brttleshutr asm~rachosets anunîtirlnao'i rtl-iar-aNcw 'York suri Cluilir. <lrî nia a ggrrgrrt.-,-S 36i7.24i4. Bll IlIîrla. r ruîîiul uat c -r> "es gion of Currioforur -erat srrrs. Fi- bouter 'a!ru,. h-go n. buit an ccul.. otbill ai--erian iri-N îoim uC-ri,,n or. ilerrid. Thin, r blrIlartin .rîuuore lu ,arliiarrr,-tt:ry n'a . tNirîlrractseally inirrr5vote roit t slr.-eneer it iacalleui op airairn. Sattrdasnrvlatire Sr-rre atc viven ofp tu etlogie. u ntire la tr-St-ru, tor I icar. lu tihe liotr- tlire resaon ma. eot-iciiedy ,o postail r.l bilar'u lt.whiulruWva about hiait corupletetl. proposition te cornpel star ,route Contracta to ire let te persans lriing rontlgu , mtorute vas rleftet- ilh va. ta'sseri gro.uting if- tedu ris' triil t-arve tue cmluoes ut nr>- yrtirla. rr-euîlt.. rtc. 01r Mond.iy tire S-aleconfirme-n up- p(Irltt utf -i alIri-,. lt I arlîofutChir-ago runrrttrr- gêter.1ut ifPortoIiCO 1,>- Nte of 4:1 tu.21. i ri-otel rc,.t .utday lu l-g, isaitir,-, ext-tt ie and Jri rlr-al aptproprria- lion t'il], irulrtt: ;"" imenlilt atprorîr atrag 3110 K)tu rrrry ot Catîgretur 010-n frontr'2 .nlclk ta 10 oncloeýk Silso- rlayg..The- otealiraeI lesar,.. Iliil <l Ba, truwlilow (<Tenneaxe.- sur i la> ('ulrgrnia) :ii% lionnse couftmtes'ua rrrry rî-orgiunmiZn l.151W Ihi%.te utf13.. tou-r r-1.-A trouratuîg Z0i -- tl Offceir A. C. Stuc uf otthe Ceuucff liluffsFoc err. . n Ites-asti. Vtory. COIUNCII. Ihî.UFFS. lava. J2n. 2L. Swiranon uofthue local pIoliceeterce flves> isoPular ln this cil>'. He bu* lit al le for saeogneen yeaca. and hu en>sos ussu>' igs oSere iu socialan&" seai vork. lit la nove Viee-Preaideut 0f the -Datsuelirug' imtuuirrood. lus[nafgS sarnisir scoretPl uts-In uAmeres.,wblgb mlue. bteeeois-nt viii the socia tenturei,. Ovltg Io tire coustu«a «. p".une and ti uy hlinte on bis fat svlrl,-b lia dut>- as ua Polie O&M. nmalienuraavoîidaute. Mr. Sfivuo - came tire ru-lins if serIous Kiaej z 1.iver rrouile,.le 'vaasver>' lad. bat iras eltilt-y reî cgives.flls iilory luIr is own vords au tollous- -i lare beeo a osiffertfor- many yeari wlti Kidne>' andti Uer Trouble. suri have Irled muan>- rsmesliess. meorsa Yei l-rgare me t-iprirtily relief. and itirer,. oiclt 'anre tubfflitelcy vartbie.& i bI-gan tu ti tsklat there vaDone ap for tie. vîrcu my uartsiew gare me a part of s box of laonltrs Kid"e>'Pinsa wIrbchile lad Ilt- tgtayiug lIat Il vogiu nlo auno rsrtu I r>-ther. as ibe>' hau i-ertrrlffly fient tutti ail rigît. Wit b@ gave tie irelperil i ulu nchr tat I tati (tustIledn bpttrtirsasitsgmore, snd i jrev sloNi 1>- rctî-r. Illiook ainsoal twe r.nriitirtluu-fni-t a -rmplete cure, as tmline NW-t8a rer- han rase. but Ieau ibeerulli> rnd trnrthfui> asYthat b au a m'eli man rrd:a.nd i amnver> gi-at.- ftîl i Iat IlnrDod 1,. <inn-y P'ISu er. thua broîugirt lu mna>otlc-e." The- iuiff-rfrul t-ires efi'ectidlu>' Iniîddît Kliie>- '11'lu inlova bave cge- .attd ul1rte il getntrtn lu 5$Ume parts cf tuie Siate Tiere (rien uûtat se e Ille any i-ose u orne fàBack. ltbeunraîiosmn hio rît-y or itIarider Troublie wvi i theae iourrni b 'IlIsraboot cure. Tht>' sm rertainl- pohitilar lître.a.nd the "al tirotigb île locai druggiata in verg irge. Mr'.. Pendergast-Ilire you are aMi- lmnie trfor toiruey tu bu>- aouethlgse p-at vvilth,j'et I arnsuite i ameli ilqeer oni yon. shoirfoot Pele--yes. 19'8 on me Usia trip. mui.,Cork t-ore ont wvile I1vwu uts ttin tuttrttetiianti 1 801Il li ove, lue atnr not a drap lau me.-DenS Newg. A Itemnedy> for thse Orippa. PirysiciasirarecommeririKEMPIS BAL- S tM as a nt.tedy for patienta siieal iviti tire grip, ras il lue epecal>- adaptai for tire Ibroat undri tut. Do net vaji for tire firtnrt >nuhtunt.aouttire disae b«g cet a bttie tu-dray trîr keep it on baad tor trr.e tire moment it 1% ugeedeut. Ir ceg- tecteil tire rip hiîa o endene>- te lrÙ on I)nctituoîiiii. NEPS BAISAlI lige- rentt i-b>- keeffnrttire rougir, lameU-A tire lutng.frcee fronr t inlaiatmatien. Ail rtrtzi.itt.teil KENIP'S BAhlBAAlf at me t.ast > n-rrthe outptutrrttbber troua à Nlexl,-ôrîNîs 1,0)4.W0 )îotndà. fluas- dretir (ift tiotrtttis ,oftiber trees are. tir-vi ltiti.i, andi In a fevN yr'irs most of tiie- urhItY uf ruhîtnur iili c.oulrra-o Lagaels Farul> Mediine More, tiîe bhurlaeacb day, tu ardsv rta lie Irenithy tis r-r ner-etrS. i%,t- Y' etltir0],rtire ici-r andtri rev..Cue I ick ireadache. Irriee 25 sud tc L Aike yourst-lf un hituîest Mga. agu ,ftien ytutMtay hle sure tiraItitre so o esq fraseni filthe vorltl.-Carlyle. i am gsure i'iso's Cure for coastiarptiala saveril mylite threr years g.-I. Thos. ltolirins. Magie street ý oeic. eN. Y.., VeWu1o. 150 a Iluorder te tallt0or tii uai.t, l#b. Yont conlen niau i nst i: e, lu., le u 0i p Vues. jasrNe"ua 10g Ofr -ul hu. ia *0 he Irded uàm. tdaZ"PlW- bausi Vegtable tiompossuW va»".SU parei o mrttit tsdof et ve 5>-aaus i tia tirg per- liebr 1là, It bulilda op theae 'ndjjmer"e UtM. auiod eableq a Mt. pM t dchaffl tr-i usqb»t4;x afralt o go on tire treet, Myla anbd bock troublei me e. 1f van Uniftl errel lay Lydfia L3.ehri Veffetable compouni- -X& N4OM 6. 010 Keyber et. 0uet atw Prof. Alexander .%.8ss1z. 1 4 lreen irrveutigalingltre c-ral bela~ the Boouth par-îe,lias retonta au expeditiors lsstltr g stai niiU wbtil observations tint tend ba d1p sereral of the altier tiseotes j mation orthetirelOti i.iaads l'rof. Agateu iaties tint ehhoeII btse curaI forme, a trutat o00»us 5.01- tain Ibat bas BuLik loto ttM eu nome roi(-tnir h'lu.. sud bts proot et fi" Oplionus iln-ts tire re'ruilts etb~ru virir-nir u î-Y.r erry rruge fourio IMe c'oral 10 ire a irruprativply 'tblu hpag. Tire gant], nirur illi Vtire11Pc"r-. asi ilireree49ats nd usîiti t COtai belu moade. sinking. naditirao t relg o- i.l li-i ll-filllr-ily fl-unrtlb. urfaee. prot. &g;ig.iz ýnurIdr-rK Il a mas-s ea lu osutnui-rgtdotitanq.andi voitaul.e uplica alsr -POLICE OFFICER RESCUED. r r. thé 4 gw ipt ft tee s iWil. apea il tlm 1 ut It t' A t te 11o bat. 1 a Dui alters ma&' ceati ta pi m fayot sat §me tbttte tF stue hba. seut abad vet edn Ibad is quIs "ett Ti flac1 r priti tires tbu Ai * iteit va"s Ue beti wau b era mae crq eu "ia ~pe pbut

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