Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 4

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.......ide 8"uo bru.v ~~ ayera S. Tb* sgwise ia ise aie es-ýapire; dilaise vu flà,bu lée b 01be ilan ~Wl5.Tise ei tettnbsati a em' izevomas tying w MW né er lli oents >5u tfleItgbvotheiisofil WOW glsaTh Noflr atbueu ~ a urQl04y iiapedl- geocl~ areOntf lDev tins ci ngbu lasutmmetsml tonous ticdva vanS. Wh bae 4labipor kiclsbpoaiu âge. Tbrokun.tonsnue, h I»eeu prSd. *tosfrl 10bu nt cret *W7 kx«bglnaing hmC Mo set il panta govng a r bav lis planta ara bep esy me # ot uaal*, hglsyno ne 1, fiV7g» bacaulb. for the. o ongerImms lathepua ev ý isuuaisg a ÏUseimîrot a *'é OeUplan te goi quac jmý liselConres la aked Oolpt9 lry upo liseDiaSud Imm "a< bra ofi aI.i.TU gwoo iogreu pu 1a.14 tmnlatheaDst1rict o W TMUi toue a bvaen m Uut 1 ulogb. la «Redoo viso sg ryuponitheliseit. t uob uly bjec ot taï;te s teellW pit te tnat t ~T ietllerofle Mlite uer. egla 1<0 doistunarDrla wissfleu ita*ie u tsOuactil 0f«ivI of li uae sus nilp attalas10 te wu tiaEther lrt mou brdua Il isArt ,osq 0' >soVle lu lisecounntry visa Mu gripp mloely becanae ve are ffl tsaI miury lovai company aiS Il nîgitst I a loulti ha Med tSa lu t1heage, t leasa, Il bM le a goaiV'veal of bunConsisetu *$»ula $baitisaeArmy bill girea Preatdenli power 10 cotraIlishe 01 th lisemy le Increalng it 0 vIls h li ishea, As a maier of tise MII eiteti au amoy of 100,- *a4 maraiy gîves lise Fraudent ri o educe It If ho esau t. This very tiiffenulthiug. huereuboulti Taie Boat. siUe long rmd farmgaw onîtiac- tIismore vanS, maie a gain tu *&y 'yanti lira longer if they .s*ae mare naît. Maiy farmenu t"kldestisatil ntan 10 oaccons- isýaday's wvan il h necemnaany l 4i olocisiliste monnlng, anti S n lemEtainlisPossible 10 aa«. a emuia la een n Mau mnanti ilati epuieauce bas uovu that , bre saoompUHaedt in lInto- Ms thal lime Whoeu ise body la veil w.' Sur. ar bsrve.lseaeons vhou itlah mary 10 yol ln long houris la orden là» uq romupossible raine, but lbu rueai farmen. vouli accom- Smore anti faal boller If tisey fla Uselr fiait sorS lu nine or tan fte per day, Intetiai 01eane «Ia, asioin. iry la maie IL. 1"8&a modern fatamacislnery ivice Iseis verS eau bu doua tu a day as d4 bave been doua 20 yeuran gi, jet uyare ual âiahlieti andt colut a pigbar 1the ipace baîveen tisyligisI .ta Ikie everlasllg grînti anti gaery lbés ta dnlvng miny oouty 0 te lis. ely. Gond Management eeeomplmei more lias long bouts M&i vitisoul aytsm or melbodi- a, flaid mati reas. Thle moîer'. Favorite. kmuenlusCougis Remety telthe »pohera favorite. il l seaant *Wb for 'childrnn1taktâe andi = arm.IS la tendet eseiallly s th, olts, croup andi vhooplng. 18 lubeail medicine matie .90 lisep. Tisae l aflot lise telging It tes chittien 110 isuoopium aoliser dmsdýmay b. <tees s' ieababu as 0aun tl. 5..lùovu.rm, Liberyrie., Pv... OMiC, Ja»umuzana et i~~jha W~ex- Mlet nofl1 ru re t publie pur- cera.. mlie bi rlur iChOinae. Thse overseer ci th1e Ohilaa. Cambolie Oisnreh la Bie ba" Prepareti a @ae sectacle cuir comparable 10e1the Vlioriesreta. ai a Homes proconsul. Zioui banner andtihUe uatioal emblen gave color 80 lthe gre$anti- itorium. Ilurpilceti choarlaln.300> lu number. riafgifrom boy@ anuti grls osf 6 yuana 10 adumagsaut, iormeti on mach aideaof1the couter &alleandi tbnoughhis acorridor of visite robed Zionitua vas borne lise banner of Zln~. psaig la uap vils lthe sa"p'U'aalof tse munie ndtigorgeou, s 1the bIack andi bloe, wvite anti getd voeaimnia o! bis oMie, camhe îtuus'illionalne,'divlne heejer." The occasion vas propillous. "l'en Usoumeu¶lpinons stooti on llpîrsaanti th1e fatthini hope t 1151 hoir prophet vauilddomsmetising colviuclug. ThIs ip Wb"a ha titi: Waved a Ilistner'a cap anti shouted deuncialionaagainallise Masonte orties, teusera of Iobeoco aund porS. lise nevepepers asdtih1e "tigruntieti minialeri" viso bave nsol "contincteti Ibuir religion on u uales prineiplei." Promiaudti 0eieblis a tiîlly neya- payer ta Chicago if lise exisling tailles relua eti10do itujustice, anti sit lisattla Ove jeera 1ho voulti bave ls bis ZIon I tBoutonas atemple liésI oulti accommotiatu 20,M00persona. Rati 5,000 persons stand up sud say ln citeros tballbey hati iseuenIaaied by God Ibrongis bis servant, Dr. Dovle, andti Ibaliealiatbeon ieallnsg freof charge. Dlacavereti a aimllarity belveeu bimutit asd 11e spole PauLl,,saying: '-Heovia e4u liSe me lu phsysique, forti e iashort oi stature anti hat hantiy legsasan al ondeatHaevas tielasauti 1e povers of Jorusaîem, I by Use Chicago pnoe. Ortiereth 1e reetiiug of a cablegram fromt the Ziositea of Bagiauti anti Ennope 10elthe fountier of Iheir falits- «Dr." Alexandier Dovle. Ordereti 3,000 follovera le stand and deny Mtisai lhai ndorethIe Engliei fiag and erpreasedth 1e hope tisaI Chrialsta&iofliser tienomiuationa vonîti go t1011.1 Warned olsez cisurcies Ibal ZIon isad iUsei60.000 msembers lu fine yeansdacrihedtie10he1efact Ihal hu isaticarrieti business princîple lmb bis religion. --l vs' a business mai, and 1 am a bnoîuesmialiler,' tu saiti. VOS LAOUIAEBBARRIVE. A large party of ZMon lacommas arrived inlaBonton Kontiay. Tisere, veeMai famlllea, iuclsdlng a icone or ofludren. Buo" ln e buayplaeu lise.deiys. may buildings being la course of cou- elruclton. Tue tessporery frime stue- Sure ef the f net lse fanio n laneov untier vy. and i Il il tb. many days butore il wvI ibu completeti andi 1ready for ocnpeoy. Tbia building ta bu so conihincted tt h a ie permanent rbuilding ta bcbu uIltof brioS andi lons) a c eerectetiovin il, câainp no delay or isiadrasce lualise opuraîlor tof Use teeiory. lz dimensions are 40%100 feum, vilS a separate buildting for Use paver aid beaiing pleuI, anc il yul hava spice enaugu fer lise operallug of aigisl lace macis. There la anoliser bnilding saparale from1the iiolory vhlch bas beau %,ueatsly flinahadth ie ilre ) 2iOO feel. Tiivlibe ossetipnui- apally for ths aorage of111e, uuv lacu machinery anti for a lace isutnhîug roou. Thse pluns fer the lace maclury arenov blng laid. These anae1M bu of ctoue sud concrets. Nobod)-«knows Ailabout it; aind :iothlnýý ,I()%\'kncswn, wifl Do)ntts try Scott's Ernul- sion of Cod L.iver Oil. when thcvy think it is caused hx' in- perfert digestion of f ood. Vou tan do the sane. It nay or may flot be caused by the failure of stomach and howels to do their %vork. If it is, you will cure it; if not, you will do no harmn. The way to cure -it dist ase ss tô stol) ts cause, anti l -p the body get back te its ibit of health. Whcn Scott's Emuision of Cod Liver Oil does that, it cures; when it don't, it dont cure. It neyer does harnri. The genuine bas tis pictune Ôn ir, taire ne otiser. If yen have nat tnied il, send for free -ample, ils agreeable tarte wilI surprse you. SCOTT & BOWNE, Cheoists, 4o9 Pearl St., N. Y. 5oC, &and .00; *Uldrngista. meo"" wmtis vers unvea$la &vT1u9 viii uSaitt again.Isoveve . sahor tee. ftran Taylor la to take charge et _tse bourdlng-bouae, M. Baker isavlng delflte, s tay i$ OlIver Lake. Mm..Eiia Farrov and Airs. Lonu Tisayer accompanieti their Bluer,. Mn.. Peak 10 Evanelon last veek Tbnnstiay, anti cama home Fiday igist. Mnm. Mary Kng bas beaun viiiug at Heny MlIr'saIt aud Lake 1the pa ITha bunitle punir aitlheboume of W. D. Kiugsley last veak vas veny an- joyable sud uovel. Bontilea of ail kinda vara aupplied andsudneaes matie s tu visatescis containati. W. D. Kingsley anti Florence Watsosn iavng guessedthe ibabghesi number eornectly vota awanded int BraIznIansd Earl Potter sud Frada loppeu woD 1the consolation -prizas. There will be uo preacbiug services nexI Buuday Inonning, but 8. S. wil bc aI lthe ustal bout. Qîîstenly méêtting vîlI lie ielti lu tise afieruooi ut 2 oclock. mrs. J. G. Rovling bas Iseen ou1tise sici lhat, luit vs'are gladt ,report ber betler. M. andsO m Bolin lususlu store Antiocli ruilons Ttîeeday. Wll i Tdusarobiiila tayissg ai .im Kingis for the preot. Word vos recelved bere necouly of lise deuit f Mr. Bwaniztigger, iso owned a splelîdeti borne at Fox Laie, 1but se. Iitoit learîs tts. 1arteulai's, asso of tise deutisof Frauk Kusolv, viie as cased by au.eecitlent. H. 0. Siepstdsu iansi family are aulartaiuing Mn. Sîepardions brother and lies cousis, Mr. Poiler, of Pouuîylvalslu. 'lbey bure slio vîsileti vith otson relatives-tthe Mancrso, Tlngley Potters tand EsI. lotion ai Ganene. Trnmusi Ilcter tisînkas o! reiurnsng a its ihis 0to itsformer home. TIse W.C. T. U. viii wcet ut thse isomnaof, Uns. Emuma Kerr Sturtiay aliernoon, Jaiu. 26, 19051. A Il memsbens are urged ts bis pressent. Emmet Hasstings bad quite a fai t a lise Ice-hotise bre laqI Saturday. Ai ha veut lîto oua of thsa roomos, ho dld netL notice tIesa pace lsy ibisdoor, cauaed by the mltsug îof tihelise nexi the ooide, sud ho fell a distance of about tIity feel. le essleit to the boys sud saIsi bi sn'aifi bn, andI tbay soon lhait thlmaouît. Jas. Witen anti Eari Pîlusiu venu Chicago visitera Monday. i Walcis fDr notice of a eob vol> social te bie gveenaconu. Mn.. Chia. Douglasm la vlalting lien faîber, A. ILt Douglass. Mie EMe aThayen opeut iTuasdsy lu Chicagos. J, . Il lwlingspeut Suusn wilb fil brother Chas. Roovilng nho le 5very Ilii it bis hbmneaur (.iaylake. Anotiser Farnen'. Instltute. A more is on fout to bolsl lise klevautis Ciugnasilonal Farusra lit- tut le Lakhe- Coîsnty. Mihuru basi beauselotdas-4tise pste aud Frlday auti Salurday, Ftbri.isrY 14t snd 21-d lise lime. Tise priject was ingt brisectieti hy dineclor Hulgheiss t tltc ecessi meeting o! the Milîburu Inauran,-e tompany, anti Il mt nithîsilsossneaty approval l)y tiiose pressent tIsaitsi, iecideti te arrangenut once fur Ibis IîstIttI. lHe bas sitscssbeau tuS Irb.eun lucouter vils ofilcere îîf tise Clge of ngrIcul. lune andsit gsigesmorne crie or tva of theIse lisîre tu attend lise meeting, IroL. Sus'met tsinig unpocially deslredulto i liok cosr.sandulconsx culturea s onje.t partlrîîlisrly appro- piale tl 'Ibis Section. Tise olllcer io! tise Couuty Intiltute vîli do alilli tîsis power Lu maire the meeting a otucsssians i ltiste bearty c-opratisu of lise cisiiseniofMilîhisisn Il la sure ici prove no. Prof. Shamet bai agreesl t0 ha prasent at tIse lustitute. AUCTION SALE. Thse tuderalgbed, being nijout to scove, and bsving more stock thau 1 waflt to iove, vIJii adI as publie. auctîn son tlb, Michael Honenbergan faim 2.1 miles west of Deeflielti ou Tburaday, Feb. 5, 1901, commenclug at 11:0(b o'clock a.n.m, Ise folovlog gonds sIz. 9 lead eM Cattie al vitls uf. 2 wnnk Ihomes, (; sud 8 yeans 010; colt 8 montlss' ld, 3-iii truck wbgon, 2 isted buggy, 15 ]onde con sIala, 400 bu , er'lu crib, «30 bu. seeti potatues, 8 eords wood, g0 fance poila, set heavy double barnes., met ligli drlvisg bannebs, usilk cart, 10 tous hay, l1t0 sbocks corn u ielbd, 150 bu. icosO lseed nes, .bnaading sow lu plg, 16 pîga 2 aud 3 uidntbs old, 3 dos.. chlekens, 4 mnlik cana. biy fork, earrler. Tope and pulleys comple. Itegular tcrma. AIIEND FAuNEiKi, Prop. . W. PiTTs, Auctioneer. PEOPLES' COLUMN. Il NETOLOAN-Io n gdiIn e I OS- qelo = .t. Ilarsrd lcaul> v of Di. Uberant naard forIls rturu or li- fýrtIoros tasirt. to iswhereaa1nis. C. hlOOTRAND, tendont. 11.-1p. L O'T it nSTItAYED-A 1eotssb oulledog. wtl~'sd ellov. Crîgisi whivste. lNt 16-1p. F 011.RENT-is ires of landi. Hotiebiren sud jgiosi watt.OrdhbSeit and pleuir of frisll. la Ivaeîsoîý.1Apply or stiireas J. T. in';. s-. lishot.I. 11-Il-s S TIAYED OU BTOLUN-Bain mr erea API. wt. about 5t35 Ibs. lJbrokan. ha- twael la andtiG balnde bli. lMterun fore- Isad. îlip f riltst 051 sLtt Ireocut eu une In.I 1-g aboya ouk. asno- nlipature sot of river. Llis'sl rerard for rnu or Information lsadlug to reoovary. J. T. Airai.e. liai! Day. 15-id. FOR ENT-Eu'srabed or unfarnisbeti IL tan t pIvaterrtîî t ta a rasahya »:645,a. .6M, . 4:39 p. M. 6: Io p. m:. 9:04 R 5 6:10 p. M. Wy. Wal lit ai vweek fer lthe sol. diera, Home la Indiana. Mr. McMllen, of Oliflao. vlslled Wltb bis ousin Alleu BDd willia ne. Milieu iwai vsek. Mr@. l8ade'Meali purcisaeda lotinl th1e Palmer subdlvisiou audvil builît on il lun1the aprlg. W. B.lgley vent up go Waukesaa Tueaday eveualg to mae a fien i te the 3c0 dele lua1the Muionie lotige. Thse trustees of the churc,h have decideti g0 llght tg by electrlily bore- aller and the tiltures wlll b. placet as soon as Possible. ou Wetertiold place are nering com- plalioli ant i viiibei nady ion occupaucy very accu. Mns. Turner at Aniocb, vbo bas been vary 111 vIlS pneumsonie la convalesiniu, anti ber dingbler Stand vîll soon b. bicS itlh ber grand. parenté. The 901h Century Club poalpon et ias meetings nutil atler tise close ai tIse ravIvaI meetings, vbeî tise pro. gramn publaheti lu lust eek's lnauu vili ba rndereti. Mn. anti Mne. F. C. Wilbur euler. talueti thaîr frieudi aI a card party anti oysier supper lait Tuaeitiy eveulug. It waa a large gathaniung aud an an- joyatiabla lime. Mns. Nichols, of!-Chicago, aud Min Matiel Whitney, of Libertyville, vIs- Ied wlth Mesdames E. J. anti W. B. HIlgley, anti inidentelly celle(] on oiti fionda laut veek. S Mn. anti Mn.. Orlaudo Ilook gave a reception 10 BoronaisChapier 0. B. B. lant Wedunday avenlng, andi aimno the anUra Chapler vas present. A vary Iappy evening vas spant. J. J. Lougaisangis raturueti Bnnday mrou Wsconsin visere hachid ons lu tise internet ai1 he poatal gorerulueut. The suit la ual yet tlnlaiseti. bha yl pnobably bave 10 go ugaîn. Mrn d lis. Burge arue he ppy grantipatents of a Mtlii.girl, hotu 10 Mr. anti Mn. Warren ilook Thnray. Jan. 17tb. M»e. Burge has beun Ipeati. iug tise lent vueS vilShanertiangier. Fred Daly,of Dovners Gtove.vrhavwu employetiescarpeaten ilthe ls onut LLe bonnsue fal from lise banon whIis ha vgwa voriiug Wetinsay mornn udfantie athougisl ut preseul that haele iatali.y Injnreti. Beat Out of an menreaue of Hi@ Penaies, A ilezîcan vir vetenan anti pronsi- udul edîtor vnllus: "Suuusg Use ativerliaemanl ai Clsamb.nîiâ' COlic. Choiera anti Dierrtise 5.Medy 1 am rasilutedthugha s a aoltier ln Merio '47 anit'48, 1 contracteti Mextoan diarbuai and 1h15 remetirbsas Spt me frms<atisauanincrearne ta MY pension for on eveny reneval a dose ai it restoras me." Il len uequalleti as al q uieS cure for diarnisoussudt la plaisant and idae 10 take. For sale by F. B3.Lovss.L. Lîbertyvilie, UBAXTMLâKU PIUmU .ci, JovM aruts. .Ivahoe. Xou ané 9H velcome, anud are lnviteti Io brlag yo% frentis. gr. Nases gous irom SIère sa fsat as Alabema and tison verni la aprendthe Rom 00 onis. Dr. OaldveUls iyrup Fuyis con- vinces you aifiDe morit lthe fil-dose j'on takse. 5o14 by F. B. LovEra., Libertyville; Gao. C. Bonauva, Waueouda, W= . Maux, Rockefeller; Olsysiake PHAEMAET. ,We icigol liaI veak 1emention lthe viooinsFrank Povles andi bis banner youlry. AIt1the show tu jsnniingtou viser. usurejryere a large number or exhibIts hose ne4eved lot anti 8rd prizes on bis barrud Plymouths l10cka, al1the dueis primes, andtar number of othuro. Màr. Povlea la quite a poulrj lancieran sd vn ara fflati of ht seceas. Thse Roundi Lake te Houes la net yul ialtabeti, non ba snay tebeau bar- vuesti, au vsu pubiiehodtInlusovoral papoua iasl vek. However, I ilil bc fisiabed ialua fow yeue aisd Ie vin hb. pus lu as aconsa possIble. Tise electi l 11111plant Ih luapura- «OUan sd th ise11115 e rs useti lu 1he boarding Houn" forlIse lirai lme leit Sudy-gSkk Tie ejphoopa iqie tg Ohlsog i laomin aperaticu. Pmrais avaUr Co. DIWITn, là. Geut:-I enuot recommenti Dr. Caldvell'aS yrop t'upsiu 1ee highly. Il basbesn a grit bhent e i 0me. Veniy trniy. BAT HucomLsT. Soiti by P. B. Lovura., Lîbertyville: GUO0. 0. IlOISERT8, WSUCOutia; WILL KsesOuG. BRockefeller; <rayalaka Blown To Atonis. Tisa old Iides lisat the bodiy some- timasneeda a poverful, tirasic, purga. tire plIbhm beeu axploded; for Dr. King& Nev Lis Pilla, vbich are puriuctiy isarmlasa, gently sîlmulate lîvur snd bovula te sapet poiononi malter, oseuestise .ystem and absoluteiy cure Coustpation andi ick Heuadae. Oaly 26caIt P.1ILLovur.', Liberyville, (IEÂTSL.a.E PnÂEauàT. FCCORSET 1 MA"E AmERCAN BEAUTIES. We have theoe in ail styls and ahapea ta fit every figure, and Cvery corset 13 aoid under tisamort liberal warrant --- "Mo.Y nef uaded afta four wee&s trial if corset la ual satisfac- tor." Look for this Tradc ÉW Mark on Liside cf * corset aud on box./-M KALAMAZOO CORSET Co. Sale Makens. Kalamaxo%,MC FOP SALE SY SMITHI & DAVIS, Uissntyvlle -. . - 1llàle o Ibid The Fort! 2 0Tain Shoes $1.125 *85>Ladies Shoes 1.75 RFed Shoes No.m 1 anîd .940 No. *3 Ladies Shoes, some of tlîem Frenvel Kid, per pair.15 Sioda Crackers, per i1l.0 Best Nutmeg, per oz .05 Best Pepper, per lb .20 (2offee Ciips. each .01 s'aîicers.0 Giving away earthen pie plates with each Pound of Coffee. Patoixe lbe Vuu &W rlo Wadtsulo, ODuCxli<k er,~ of -tbl o besi ae£u 000.Battershall, HAINESVILLE, - - - ILLINOIS. Good Accommodations. Everythlng neat and elean. ..Rates are Reasonable... Spedai inducemests offoeed steedv R. A. PONTOW, Prop. obu . mt out oli4 isbealugandi obutiseptic apiem sever dtii la DeWitt'a 'Witois a" B alve. 119 ru. nieveaut como nti es Pilée, Oes, ee»a.& Iao.dtmao& flt F. BAIRSTOW. M AN 1 PCTU REr Marbie la" and Granite WORM EVERY oséa»»» eto. WAiNEUumI. mI 2 cMa o 4aire 2 CM& bd«"........................4 13 bars Sole'...................... M $1.SI33Ru ...le ..................I0 "~~ ¶L3................0 Aay otour $100 Gloyes....... ......... '79 4 75Sc - ............ 5 so0c . . . . . . . . . . Boys Reefems $200 ......................I1.50 -OverCoats. $500 .............. .3 75 ' $7,50 Ladices' ackets ....................... 5 25 $5.50........................ 350 S3.2S;Mssses . ......................... 2 2s5 $2.25.... .......................... 150 $200 -. ............. 135 $4.50 Ladien Skiru s..... ................... 300, $5.50 . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . 4 w $6.00 .. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 25 $2.25 .................. 1lse Our $4.00 Yol Bed Blanket.......... 2 75 F. Ml. KUEBKER, GRAYSLAKE DEPARTMENT STORE. Sai seil yout any olgi kînil. but hav e jio me tspeelaI iduerentêt WIIEELER & WILSON AND MAKES. -J Can make Iower prices than others will quote you. Have just one bicycle Ieft and wiII soul it cheap. E. B. SHIERMAN, JEWELER. Grayslake- - Illinois. faut onace.... Defore 1umoduila0 * Bi4ore inivoic.iîîg I Want to cati ypur atten- tionî to the fact oiîti more that 1 amn selug g004l goods eheap txI make rooîn. Remorn- ber this is the lat t all. Here tlnket8. lait l Ilankets. tout bbsnkets. IBouts. aboea. oversboes. faIts and rssbberi Dock cents, o@Malit szes ..... ..... âO p. sUppemi x ttns. and id<ovai..................... ft Dock overoats. Fur soatRO Trunks. ralias i. bpR. trooms. cil clotb. Bwearf... ..........-. ........ 5ec rnps. rockery. tin vire. tovi. asec. sweater jacketq. Boys ,ýlothes. Afi-de theu aks r0f» tIl OVarco0atfSISe PAuta. Vtnt Coe at aHit pna. 1 Ladies- jacket. a bargajl, 'Boottlaq lu towfl.-tisaiair. ,hltdreu's jakets.............. $1 50te $2.76 Drnsi serge. per yard ............ ...... 16e Suger. 1% Ibn for .....................58.00 tlresa ý,ekâ. Per yard .. . .... e. 5 Table syrup. per Cali....................46 Wool clo, oper yard .................l26L N. 0. Molsaie. par gal ............. lleavy tennis flanal. par yard ......... 6 Buckwhaat foeur, par lb ............. U uderwea a ireduSdtipriu6s. l0 bars Lonox floap Cbldrn'î kt and crouhet goods. 10 bar@ Llghthonse soap................ ne Ase silk lonstm. vrspprg. ctt.coeg. smtars Maisle Cty Soie..............e ribboflO. e.liants CIàuc.. iamot. Tar and ToIletaisr.. W. W. EDWARDS, GRAYSLAKE - - - - ILLINOIS ALL P.N.CORSETSHAvs RECOMMENDED and GUARANTEED BY M. B. Colby & CO." a'4 tsags ase, Call., lile. DUIOATION NOTIGE. Publie Noticel a DtIJD y «Ivan tti;atthe mniterîboré. Exacutors of tise lait wll and tetame ut Of Calais Wtlgb. e=ea. wlll atted the a Oouuty it 0 cfLaS. Vouatr. at a tirm theneof 10b., bisden at the Court lieus,,1lu Waukaaad, u.a .;oeti. on thse rsi Mu-q ai of pAiehna.lI iensdwsr I Waukeuau. J«ufrpe.sP. B .Lovtiis Tisemcm elfclle 1111e iva pll Il laia myslery vhy valnendura limticies, lendshe. eNervannaues, gleeplecanees#. IeluhoyPlntlig ant i Dlrs peUuvisea lisousodu ibavu praveti tIint leillilis Illers vitt qnloklI! ire sncbiFlltrotis. -. sulfaesî ifor y,.argI vhs Sidneyltrouble,"M vnltei il%1sI'leele sely,Ô!petenion la., "sîci ILlamnulisSuS pea4it us0 so . couti , l n ru lurrloi, bUt UleçIri Bittera nsiollç ettned lue,. antSIOJ40e0f 73 jemre o"I,'t1noiranaiue té de Il my bosnasswili" 'It osaveenes Conwttm potion. impss've's AmIIIIA. g5ts perfect ieaitîS OnlV - IFIlt . Lorsr., UuIv$Ia.Q8Is.ATI

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