Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 25 Jan 1901, p. 7

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or '14 W Oê ingreat quan tB~!,Si d~4tOjfi'd.Very Ilqtild. a eullhety cf tlw bouor ta tbat ilb bi 4#o4e<11y our, or tart. ta-le, asd MO tbi agcout it la much olglît atef M bnua gVenter 'deica' 'y than the .Weet boney of the Urnme iii'. Tbe vea »ou tbeme bees are sci'îll lirodUCof 10 tliat, eit tey are sliaglî"II. they aSe constantly roblîcd lit I.arget varie- tuai. the Unie bei' 02mîîg o f tht roer Oi -j M useofa :ati~ii:l buWwréd or CLuuatarrlic.,rm VF.ifiyt ToeicO W thie U. 'le.1illaZUPL..8 for Ch@ lat Il oaiêii iapeet honorable l inl i ineubat s ui latit' able te carrî out ig iMiMris t a ul""'h Cm 164010111lDtei'5lyatlei d,<Ire. IhoislseMod *aitd sursissur510nt hi : 1.irî. Pia U , * c):8I0. 801d l'aIl The Reàsoa Wiiy. lomy late vwtf's Bltatr." "lhee band-onie or rclb" "-Nether.' ..Then Why do you nîarry lirr' --Te fell the trulli, Iltm 1 waî In'nt onir one niolier-lu-Ias!"--ilîlltere Weil. Cougiing Leada u) ConsumPtlass. Kemp'R Balsuru will stoP tIre eugh at aie.. (,ou inifur îruggiî Iode yand get eent bottes. Go st onc, delays are dan- & fr l ouef'.OUSi.2 nd-0 Penclrsg il agin liccOlng populur tu London ndsut souîîn itîsoare taktng tenp tblIsterni i'io'ile Th.e1lieu t le lsIcl 'sîrsInka l t11e tiret, it - . t h.. is mre fnstues ce 111~~Te stipinuîg uoirsillohluEurope la harls. ,' ltkr tace bet, Ita sthrir- lic.' euSilSL i.igf lista idtSarlu DioiUUi. i&04l wuiiU 511055,ifay urh rDycluf lu simalîît awaghlng shen yo0 use 1'I'NAI I"ADIiLESS [)'ES. V~iU1Il POU SALi aslorl lit itolaneia tiins' s ..lii5 ji st If -,» » Aastmsub~ ua ausas.e is su sirue 5eutlorit flh liiiudge.sdit ý"rlP - -às.iom n. .8ofL5 i.Udrui ClsdM Se.sssus'i 150sf ba.' dsexussbavee.. b sllluil.slcd e 41'0r1as. MalI I'lll asillout s rsl eul ai ISOMMlA iaIn o ni Mervoiil pros- trtin;wht Wrokefige organiqsIni w ,ogenorigli tiastand 119 under the sIxain of .aiplpe-sa ughts? Itila 9212d cao poss ily tlke th plae of reitfui slelep. E i, tmaytrv tO eke out ~ I' D . eisene ith.ut this autligpower. Thefr seres ar" in such astate R et tenionthut aiecp la MLRVU best la a se ' 6 Of hidfous i à àk p l " EM à da.. it s notat ak a EnEII at physical and mental lsaeneus. auountlng satjcopicte prot'tration. folltsiabtt onee haed a la-pth thetrain. Vital fOrces an. draien upon nfr dîvalud' TIre recuperative po-er of natural sleeP la wonderful' Complet phscal and mental exhsustý,on giea place, &fter a few hours of C ati lumber, to a full resseura of energy. The fatigue of body and mnddisappeartientirelv shile &Il the rmscits arc trong sud the nerves abbolutely eain. Dr i'Sl,8 bcep le the nkrogie bv Nature as a uide to humau RA plans to restore health. It vu ahoi athat there are inhereasi is the .uondurfut hum an FOR T7M BLOOD AND orgunissupowera of recupera- ÎNERVES.tionsvhieh must have oppor. MER ES. onît to asert themuseirea. B..ed0ontitis clear desuon- stration. Dir, fireenes Nervura blood and uerc renaedy tisa * i .const-ucted by Dr. Gireene to help Nature combat the ilta that sttsc en usansd onen. Wht no ameount of poserful il drugs could possiblY acconi- rd ipliAh. can b. successfully and p iaptly effected by healthy lood and nerves, the kiiad of blood ivhieh flou s in strength- î> cing flood tb everv yportion ftebodv. the co dition of ner'es hich permits ai aIe' U ened Nature to seize Itt op- 1 u rtunity te restore to perfect Mns PLORE.NCfl TAYLOR of4 cerdasd Pigea , 'Ldges'llima., "F.r fo utr«, 1n".t,-ublrd i ,îmccluggrrldv ors Il ci.d ril Il ta a roo^v.d t. issd .,io 'r, ~ ~. j sli~plensresd .-rt.1depresuru. -1 feOth.s 1 - -.îîf6-d ta wýMy cuflfsiout .Mald sud totaulîylet arapprîtelle Ie iîy dotoîs buit th"yf*11rd ta V- e * mitvlrele tassdîrdt- rvDr. ruesN-rrirs bloc,1 sud srve vlhen Ibgasii ilsu-,,sied sîmool lxaudisfely' fiereeaus . auderful Pst, :rlit ..tldiu i.ice5fu ute 11fr --d ude retl, l.ui. "ýlite sîr rucuAffe.koi"l uts -11f -1- ansd 'sell * bailil t i fr me ht buderdu o * I dallr. sud iuatiscroaphysiciam, 4 fIH d d vara d ie e awdy F-1oil pbalsa of these mtea su1 chargs.Cr. or"»*a dàde 1 isaWet I4th stree, Mm YoVrks City. Crolluswitb b#M attiser by Cai se etter la assltuly fris.. The chewing tobacco with a .conscience behind it. No Ps'mmul 'Wdxhoe'a But sels om ma moelis mms«abRlt NomIAxTEOTO SUC- ICEED frIMUELF. OgP"iug Candidat«s for flu.United 111tt.a i.tmesisp Wttldrow trous the. Content - Thse Uspublican Caucue No<aaa Incumebent by Acclamatbion. flhelby M. Collone cas noninated for Uited States Senator hy acclamaftion la the liepullican sena tontal coucu, eId in Iteprexieiaîs lIait ut Springfield Thur'rduy nîglîl. No other Berne 'eu pre- meld ii thi,' liious, the other candi- daltîa iiig ,wîhdrawu Iroin lthe race etrty i th,,' n flrnooîî. Tiîî'îî n'eno roll 'al l noî.evn for te Iii,'pr o0f île- teri.îîiiiî,f-i1-,offthe legislalors cees gîîî",.î aiilhh te Si'ueloru and Th 'r, ha th. li Cil fy - V t !/ 7 '/o e Irîciliî Il -s î1'-r,'la the hall, a few hni lif o i' ti'ii,i'ig the eftenoon. lw't -o leI.1 ai i 0î~ sîîîot per'fuùcturt rîîgn'îIi. iîsii f Il ii l>' session, Thi'iclru, rof 'li, r.Cannon, iiit iliii I i-u"candidaîtes i'duced ii ali-i, ,i î t, ooî' hlîiîwould have i:î',it,111s ils luinute% but for te hnl,, -î re marde lit'Cul- on liiit. Pîi"Siith and Shermian. G-.t i" i 'l'i îîî îr (.'ongrt'sumofl 0cer aoi il arlo'iri n il lttntattend the cau- l't'pî'i'i 'ii~ ' ij,11 c ou sdIlfiled by 1ti'h i'îiili'rî rialiii"uanit hepre- c-uta ttsscit loi i'i'îettors ashen Repre' selatei" i ' C. Refleof, o!unnotItis u-llthe rhauiiuls t', urîlî'rand id a brise opîurh sîîîih'd if lîîîîy tIret Iad conie ot o!f the-ai îit-ial strogga', conclud' !Dg tirîiinuing thit he hud lhen se- ei'À th'l, hi gieýlan iie conirnillîee f0 at us tr'iili'riii iî'harman outhtIe cao' ii, l'llii"i s ebpered. Itepre' WnanI orli'ILiisk'ii l'ailiusilte preuent' 'ilSi'irtii fiîl'iiî'gîeie. The cumina' ion as os o',uiittiç.i bI'îrunors Cheiprsn suýjit Iiiîil. î f'lIîIInîîn itatikina puit tIre notion . anid îrolrCuliLoi snomi' natî'it 1.3 e'. ioiiiitiiil. and the formai Cti.ili'r .,f îiîo iii o li . c s os r. lteprei's'itii" l îî'îîcInria,',1tIresi)- poinrtuiiut if iia lîî,"t,, nîtify tIr. f'ulloni. ciii tii"iilei r eîîoî dItepre- seuttlis",lI',, î n it hernInu and Sen- alors 'f.Il. iI1,3 aindii fhaluinîeas sucrb corcnittiec ,lto~tr Cîîllîîm cas found u rite llwîk" iii. en re b elën ceiltrfouisusd,-iiidîiti'd t- tIre plat' fonm, sbire i. ioi' id'a iiîi'esh, lunsahirI Ire referIr"t i iii'oloplinie'utart' terns luI Iris lare i1piiifla l ils asi'i.'oned with iec s '11,r,' scire inlis for Tan- Der unId(î toaîiî, t neirher ut theni waîr preleul. 1'Iîî'ucamie specches bhi(;On- gresuitn luittaudj Prince aud Speaker Sherinan.,sudîtthen the -uocus adjourue.. OUR NATIONAL CAPITAL lust'si'ssntCoudîtînu Up tentise &ielgof th.e Cifl W8r. WIvhii ivasiugton lamaI behetd ths@ cit' l ýIi'ibeu'rs lilsoDame, shortît' be- fore hls iiiarl Inii17t)t). Ir wsa a st.ra gliiig seIi'iii'atinothie avoods, alinûil sIiîill> devold o! sreeOs wil t tlrty or turty resldecs- iosofllo!thele @Mali anluii'ceor lk-and an ucfiniatîed î'apiîtoi 'l l Pi bhdilornoe. Iludred, li illi lonlig reîîîlilid a spsrse1Y bult, oîîaigiully c.ty aud a couîifortlest plla('i'cil'rei'ait' wie. l'onmore than a generation ils groasî Lntipopulaion 'u'us te-s illtîriitia vear-i. rate ot Is- crenîse thaI as olîld noIoppttaf0 bsu oLila,,taIl l)slligc lunthe band; and ai laie as 1,144) 1>. Bacout t, Ille' Preneh Mlist er, uill'i la It'.la01t '.tilfgtol us i:j'ii i' itIy5. uer aa village, 110 Illie itlîîli'lil-" biing y 3ard ii'î-l inl:1 d-,1111, plot.,as hiîeln liv. hf0 l uîîarîll ',1,1,i,,),uilig îîl'Ille Clî Il W'ar touni t a diivy. staî.ggilîîg. lkeildpttOso 'L'o.'%asit,,imiîîî>came tr&M puepl a toi ' slii iig'l, llîî'î' esir,' îellliir strcee cars nio' îaved striu'lnio tire depart îîietjt, liiplite tori e, worthyi3'of lIa 19lt' aii. îliîlot I scu cIi' l hie cly Be ste'lti luffsIl iuoi thle ciaver bank; sa lii"iirîl taiiilltll fincegs urrotuaded tlb W'.i' ousi'.:liii' lresint dupar inflîtsI sii' mî nt lia it tic lsli'daud tis paIrk s I:!.1cîlli îîîîîs son' el sn up t( weelý.i. Itt ail ilîls osas ctîanged b] tIi, uîrgî for ttîe Uion, wsobcti dot blesd Ili' îoîîîlalloli of W'ishinegtonl an( brolîglit iii treatoî ndujNotlienet Icliîelit cmore important stîll, lità tiiol,,Ini iiloisitOg aundglorloiîs associa lion, n dce'tia reil Ihe' capi toi 10 tîe peoplg or lii' sali île i,,îîî ra Then camse Il r ,l:îI.«i 2lv iî'iîterh aud bts ano, cîlali-s.N oas Il r s ahitly luiperlîll city 91,1 iîlt., îiltgiiit'Tit of V'aslî'ugtoa au d ti ' Thio e' . liIîj t ias c îcu ti r [l s le 1, 'y 'a a- t- 0- Y, IOlynaîslle ln lies'r shfnb. Nil s %%11,n.i iiCla rîl, of Iiîl 'rcek. Pi 1 i lsý~ uI. in a oW(ltioni. Ibe n-sit Nil. . LiimaI. ai sollig lier , Ns 5 ulki iloh. and slille Puit- t i 11 1111- , i fh iniîa. %l1i 1 ilg(rtlfi' he ('aps, ta lii i i *,1 Ii""i .ius'hîg 'ile r bts- nu.i "'u iiff lerl 'Ild.' m i .îui'osulierIl,' ie-ý mu'i'h."iLn Lh. ln 'i> r i îl uicatlis u'iiil lIl e 'hla i i" tt' huali ni t' Ii u'n111 ruîs u 'iT l ni uluihi t ii 'ieuoi'c(f' bs o i ii- liî'Oitlu i 111 t otl ii,; otlivcI menus o e a'IIilillilraiii segetalui'lite or the luI i' kirîil ui. amdui e TLîblias nota'are c fiîu ii-l lyrlIt liat suy min wobo rolecîlomollibs isrealîyt tybng 10 grab terrîtont'. II s ater te cros ita Tiibef n'ttb a drsan asorti lis ou.' band ta tisaa lin bufely 'uet PRI ~SPE-RU-NIl ôiwith If you Sm loughng tody, doa't wat trntil tonorrow, but it a lýo u~ r Cherry Pec- tord s n d bc relicved. I 11k Save Vour liair with Shatupoos of elding. _And Ilgh dressingi of CIJTICURAII fi . XCURSION' RATES OsuliatIN arm emollient slncure& 11Mistreatuuit at *M ~rîu 5sd.11 trua eualusuaa om lsils. asI beifps alln unghar, u'wuvS cruetsl, M10114= kI. u dandruif, soothes lrrtated, tchlng u«us18 - d-fthe iasJ miU2e. aaaslllsi. 2a111Sssal ss tai b>Ca aI.¶'iystinulates rma imtomnaVyw =rîs id- .--hwesr'syib..tilsirie ais. baigrow upon a sweet, wbosomn. »h.dw "b à- -d A] ira14bsui milsu »H wriS to ,. sd,,,macupe Gucas luîîu l . r5 sr , T1Assitt lby CU¶IUOUnA 0Mfua, for Pgeme!vlIg, P#4iItyiis&,Md rsîîu,'lu i st cfC Ni.'Jj* _-,I IU 10555b<k:.crS.. soies ýdas_, ______f IIn aï,fo ofeiewblteang,s-M bualing gai, iOU% Bouthflakota Land aoo.îndmor hnU o bsyrUs oMgu adchalg ne o i ~ y us ea bu ' lsa " ' bye i"b,54-50posme@er.fthe_______ ibbath, a idsUMyl Uos f Woe n USeC MO iul.ssd iZtO,~.~ 5. cah ,s. otfW')c mnt',t efsu o noisî. SoAp lu th. fotrinof bIntbafor annaylng Irritatios, laflmmWW, me, JAS a~ci eaOi.isoer.KkMiIU a 5. iiixi' il Lsisa uisas 'hi'ss A'. ~u)d. excoriations, for tao frees or offensive perspiration, lis thetorm of ti sU .,* sud l'uIusmisi I-rs thisa uid1 a t.ihsiiasur Scrs ,d uerive cenkneaaes, and for many iutseptie purposes chich rasf 1111I fe lr oisaaC ZO nAr.S.Ps.,~lc otti mi uos ksfsd I gest therssélyes ta comen sud mothers. No ainount of pu'ai A CSiI~~iZ~ gntîTm.uiîa aihdsc u hudicursu ias Induce.thai. who have oai se ad fle» kîrs purifiera Mang@M% 15c, 5155<1 4.55WshahA cii5au derlved trom CTircts, thse great skI cure, with th. purent et Ouis Im pr dentM arrage tZ0~ NTS ANT Il.. . ia.Bi'te the.skia, scalp, bair, ad banda. No atherforegu or doiesdIob MU5 GOiiii,100 î'àOlyONI CurIiaiuic hc isC ipt2 - l d*eeJ..Cs M. .4 1. hocever axpensive, le teb. compared wittb Ilfor a&l the pua.Oai WAUT1I î,sisoieriasli~ 2Oh~1~,, ~îua. îsas.. u~~r~uio ollet, bath, and nusery. 'Thun If comfblnes, lns ONE SOAP 5et8CMPUI ZESIHN. leseii, SIai51505i crasif10. tek sd ' C. ion Iisa .s. vit. -TWXNZTY-FIV'E CENTS, lise agax saieandi complexion mesS90 AGENS ~ Oeciccri.lrrsiusa ~ gaxBBS Olltu aiav biby aoap Ln thse conlide- 5eirse.o, icissiiicr 00. *..~~5c~ Complte Externat land Internai roestavuant for £hlNNSt 'c,.Oi.wuhisl.ofdi' uidsirhdau '25C .).g C« lh~~ ~ ~ ~ - S. N. iL , sà, H.. lMr la ls5 Mdsuly as this hia. lsaa rsifue l cria M a s iS. yuN . im A ,es(J.smhspps IIbleb ualsu aINsliîisO b e 0 ~You're b iieus, got a cold, you have a throbbîng sensation ln your head, a bad taste ln your mouth, your eysbui your skin is yell0W With dark rngs under your eyes, your lips are parched and you feel ugly and maas if you wanted to kick a lame infant or kill a canary bird. Your system is fuit of bile flot properly pasdoff, and what you need is a cleaning up înside. Dont continue belng a billous nuisance to yourself and those who love you, but send out at once for a box of CASCARETS and wo'rk off the cold whîle you sleep. Be sure you get CA.SCARET.S i Donl't let them sel[ you a fake substitute. e CAIIItT d sud dthern perfacf. Vetldn't W ...t S. sîlhout thera 1 haveod a4 hem for cap, 'di uorm linie for indigestien snd blllousnems diud o iio ' nî,a' eneti Baomeu 'm " î ^,m ce nc. OcetrM. yo clîha ci eser lie eithout flIernalu the famai. a e dne- EDWA. MARX, Albany. na. . sud A mvemnt -un foot su Nec Y'1cself,1 BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. THIS IS THE TABLET <et AitA'sTUEIS r0 cugif .ii iisurel tesuhies uriceudie ai. SI lr.suseuO bat b h baibsasi cisd sa fis uao.scslib55idhs~~5 <oui sic. h he.auia lie istiaustbt5 pissulsa. pelas alSer ratispu I ver teloble seller es p ecisu asd isasas.. Whas buseis tas t suave .-squiuel7~~ un ride-si la aNaS huis 55cet e-aie liaS aIl adi susses fIer 554cr Etc ebroila silsusu t issatese. C SaS cftssues.dii Ua usas tiSai sus y.a. stan tsOrSN i aI4IAEETis r ,is~wi~ae:ur a~ tiON ~ ~îI liA ~r~f 0m'~r:5~L~ ~ sut aii~~s5 0555 ~ c.d susaaiSaS ta iUW~ susibid.d. 25c. SOc5 NVEVER SOLDIVLLa DRUGGISTS W i t0 "13 W it until yoIà ài, for s«i ible ta COr %"con 'w diseas, Fit Preibytarlin Chur e01Grceusboro Oai, sud il aPister sud Eider The day cas when men ofr. , 1inelcc no'it eu\ctLW di'repearî'l lFor îhis hesitutai dt 10give their t-lr.îiiatu special mnie o I ionadî i&r vil cd igh s p ro1îietary msedicincu fîîr i riealioii laiii' As a touie for wnk Unid comn 'ThIis remiins truc to-day ot, ot peuple i it s t en' or iia. lsu. priefsry medicinem. But I'r. I. ho le îles' E. fG. Smith. conne no jastît tomons, il . ri'rils are. r.lrM. J. tomeînan, o pronlinerlt mer- know os n o mont'people of lsiii îaid 1 low chutnt f(xrenuliori,,Ga . and an rider stattonn. fIat nounoieheaitntetr"i., cee Ibis in thre Prembyterioni thîii-h of tIret place. TIre highemt men inounr xi r i , have ruaIThe lPeruna htidiciie Coe. ult line given Pertinaa s trong endors ii Men liu. Ohiou, wrurite sfolito-ri reprseimufaili classes und .otioasu are "l'or a long tiîîîi1 Ias ia rouîtled wilIr 'qnlît'relreucnfed. etarrh ofthe I,' liîiii s ad triedt uant' A dignifiest repr~setat4p e-irthe Pres ýreîîîedire. ait of wch galigevi'utcnrelief. byerion Church In thse pers 'i -f lev, fieroana sous recoinuîindi'd tbme lit .G. Smithb(Ie" nt hbit-a tu'. tiait ivrotfrienctiîc cut eti'r i'inîftew publicly tIret re hu ueit Pi nîin hic ,loflei;am eusiîasesl osy het thre long tamily 'auja fouad 11. cîred %0- 'i other lioked foîr relierf a.eufoî"Il 1 and I une renseilies faiwe. Ilà ttinssf0' - 'u' thie usa i njiîying lticttî_ heîîlh thon I have 11ev. Smiîth insuspperrted by n it er in fori 3r.r, anI 'an hearîilîvriommend his chureh. terune tu al 'iiiIirly iîil ietedi It in Uev. . . mi Reth,. pietor ' r Lcre@s' eertslroly a gi'aud ocî NIu. J. byterien Church ut Gieî'nr, i , tisuo c rIteia1If tvon db uit ieri-i'priopt anud satin- -Haa'iiag tieil Pertuin um oiîîlv for 1faetîîry remuiltiifrîîîîi tse-of Perun, snume finie it files nie pcili.r'î'ci ,urite nt oce lii Dr. lI:i-tiîiin, gîiug a lu ls tre ortunh. My v tl th- rcvi-n fuît staelenor uîor 'soi'e adlire avi1 yearsa of oge hod Ieen suîfferiiiifr fn ole ,lie pteusec to file yîîîîhics atluàIl fimie wtth catnrrVot thr i. oelu. o àdriee gratis. 011crr mniilies bcd failed, to rrîafer Address Dr. ilartinan. Preilent of tIra taktng tw. oiît]-u uf I'criîii -1 - toleIl{artnian Sonitanilinm,,ColuîmbuîsOhio. Civil Mervloe in Chinaî. Chicnaosas the tirsl tu iiii île iiIl service and îput Itlnttu prà il op-z TO CURIV.A COLD 1SIN E VD ATY13 Tab e Luxottî'e ironQutctlae Tai leta. AIlES & ilruggtsts relîindUthe i mey ifit fi ni, tocure. E E f L"W. Groves sîCuatla nr 01i . lio. 2c. w * Riches solîhout chl arît'o. îiltiig. a aM asorîli. Thet' are bleiosngti ri.' i ni y o lIsn eu aO ~siîgr 'csC it.0 i Il ir) iý de el

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