Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1901, p. 1

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OOINT INDEPENEN Libertyville, Lake County, Illinois. Friday, February 1, 1901. $1.60 a Year in Advance, 41 a faitrtî at Ia priv'e for mlairprofit. îîîw m î;ilt deal whnVÎ em't j. yOnr affair. suire of fair' treat' if youl traîle itli Von may 1)t-so.rrY if loT't. 0 of Wuoolexîs rf'aî"il Ld we wlivit votir il'- ion of samet' & CO., laberdashersa - - Illinois. AP-TITYU THECOdWot& new clothes, NEED or the old ones "lfiei I h ave ait excellent ue of sanpfles 5) fzom which to select and rny îrices are lower thaîx yoit l'anhtîy the' saine gootis for elgewhere. Ifl*.fauèhi 19le omething you Shouid consider. Wvumw~rnyMINE 18 TH4E BEST. up?" Illinois. Libertyville Dr. Charles GaIIoway OfflCover Love ils Orug Store »CUi raam i TU 3A aIlcTU m aP. M. Liktrtyville. - Illinois Dr .L. TAYLOR. office over TrIggs & Tayiaor's]. K.IeaIoo an Broadway opposite lPark , Libertyvhlle. Illinois. Dr. H. O. B. YOUNG. Physician and Surgeon. XIU5iltUCg Oppnrn 1 K,, MltAWN OTZ.LtiO. Dr. E. H. Smith, DENTI ST. office over Lake CountY kank Hoia:t12 &nani. m1ltote8tp. m. DAILY LibertYville. MI. PAUL MacGUFFIN, Attem'Ue and Comîîîelltîr ah Lw. NOTARqy PUBLIC OMOS o vin LAe CetftiTHAiE, LibertYvi lie, illinois.1 à"J AMIN H. MILLER, -"ATTrOANr4 AT LAW, ~IS<TYVLLE- -ILLINOIS. MAX LE BEAU, UANUraCTUS<a or .Fine Cigar.... ' oboooi ad Sobers' mateonhil. I USEITYVILE . ILLINOIS ~ Cake o. BalAki WRIGHIT DYMONO & CO., LibertyviiiO, ilIlitOis. Issues lutrest Iesrisig Certifl. - st-ms- les C. E. Annivermary Meetinir. 1 T fho prograrn for thie Citristian Eu- deavor animruersry meeting ho ha heldj 'îutile Baptit citurcb, Watkegau,0 $"atitrday. Feb. 2, 190L. le gîvan babyw.1 1'be meeting tg irnged as auteh-1 mervatuceaofîtetiteil anniversrarY 0ut L thma toimdlng o! Chirstian Endeavor yodk lu thie United Statue sud la&14 thte ltti auniveraary uftheb toundiug oi-the m îrk lu Lake Cotnhy. Stoves and Steel Ranges 9 A î l.IrNîî>'r ,eu. THE BEST STOVES! I FOR iom nPirllumiuit wCiumie h luy lMr. THE LEAST MON EV. Ah 'nuivet.C , Iiao. i te Ailîr. , i' I-. %V. A.Lugriit kil stoves Warranted. Il'-hiIl. G. M. SCHANCK, 1 Alra.L erqmthban been for LIBLItTYVILLE . ILLINOIS.tnposamsinr uhajtno tf china und ho bear hie voniertul experiennrea rWitbea rare trea%. Ha Mbr-ttg sthi bnamauyCarloi TÉ FO S WANTfoir te eveninig service but vo promiseg agooil apeaker and Iurtber aunounce- e Sment nil bniade liter.a -ilgriest Market Price IDelegahea vIl hac anlertainua ita PAIO FOR ALI BlNDS OF supucer by Wankegsu Endeivara. AittOMm sud bring pour tienis. RA W FURS iray for the meeting. CONÉMfrT BY Announceentt. appeura t ie auveitiseeut ofth11e C ha . te pl v onder book of Ameicau publics- Long Grove, I. tina ii titeiRineofeth11e compilera' sud printera art, vimer, meolh&Uical1 DSfC 7 tO MR 8 exceluleuce,. iierary - perfectionandsud __________________________the zeuitil mî accuracy ut detail areÀ ui'ombtixi la volume Of orer 60001 pagea hiat sels at tite poptlar pricn M.I. LITCIIFIELD, of 25 cents. h ieNvTn oh jqg6t, Almanac snd Encyclapedia, baller ¶1ir iusuvm kuovu s "The Standard Amonican Annual. - Libertyville - Illinois, Aniaits. IlmoeAmnan titan la -'WhtlakO's tau1the British. -The 1901 voltemuin nov readj foan the public, ud by speciai arrange- UEPMCSNTINGyimoemeutvîti thtie publlmhers vofalrtil lu onnecin vîit ane jeans subscnlp- tîou tu tis pir. To eveîy suil- Ainerican, of Newa.r., acaber payiug onojean In adrance on N. J. ho iffl ndsud every nov subseiber va yl s&enti acopy othte Anusl frac. New H-ampshire, of The »w fetur7e5 euumersted in tbe dvetiseeutpubisiied to-day tlanchester, N. IM. a lin wrhte P ai iftheboalt. ara more titan 1000 aIher hoplos icussed sud more tissu 10,000filtai write ioo risks of touched upou. goot IlRead te anuiiieet seu ud send lu every descriptioni. Farm penn aubseiptioni. hîaaln«S a i llTlAîhiftltV. e M1J' WALKED lm SLIEF lé MILES Keuneth Jlugbei KnowmmNoth. ing of Nigisi 'Trip line. ltenueth Hughes#, a shudent ln Lako Foreal îînlveraisy, ivent ho aeuýi>njuhie room in th1e nuveralty darrîîîtory on Fridzy nigill at 8 O'ciOck. I lie ufft mornlng hie tfather tonn i hm aleep alhhiung Up lu a buggy lunlits ban, vrappad lu robes and blaiuiketà, a& Loon Lake, Win. Thte boy bas no recoliection oftuait- log lte ftp, but hie legs were @ore and lame lun1the uorninfi. A 0013d nochar OU the electtic car rannuiug trîn Lako Forest ta Waukeg» autid thit a jan man answering Hughes' demription got on bis car about 9 'clock ln the eveiing suad rode vilh hlm ho the end ofthhe lina. Hi oye& wves ipen, but titey seeued ta0stare pécumlarly at diOteront objecte tonrairerai moinutes ah a lime. The cndactor spoke ho hlm 'Aifair To sel fair p 'ro kii VIhNi si Il vitere tmuniants sere administered. A dochor v»a i once 8ummes, vite «id hâtt Hughes mîglit have maie 1the trip lu a it e1sousabauil, or tai tiâ nisimery oif events lia been tut- aI rem ya em of r u olglai Hghs "tram the hlm. 1 vent ho bei Priday nigbt hBil I vote ntiiite ebuggy Iis moruing and sur my tather ealng Once a Dieu vas cbaaîug me sud I vas runnlng as tastas t coliîd ho gel avay trout bIna. Ah auotbar lime bella seamed lu. be riungsahI %round my heamm, and 1 couid eot get svay trom tim or stop Ihaîr noise.' INSTITUE 15 NOW IN SESSION. IntereotlnuPrognism ba@ Reen Prepared for the Two l)ays Meeting. Febrmary leansd 2d {a-ay ani ho- nornowt occurs the District Farmersa lustihute uh Mîlihuru. A gCod pro- gram basbeau srrttged aind o daube tact dua'm ession nîiluttymat a geai atteudînca. Foiuowîuglotbeprogramn: FRsfiîe iseaRNIN. M usie .. . ... .. .. .. . Prayer.... . .. . .. . . . . . . . Addres etWeîoe .....0. B. staiihena Beaitouse............ H. Di. Hughea tuettia....... . . . . JonnA. Thalu Rorses...... .1.... B. W. Amaes -~Guond Boa"'*..Hourut R. GIrosChi.ugo Bulbe. Plowers anud Fruit........ .H. B. Pîerue. Anteh Sb" .......... rantl Murie. BusaIe FrIaomm irtRsoOs. Mlugie .. . . . . . . . . . -.. . . . . . . . oas .......HI. N. Maxhaif. Dîssunni L&.ke Adires ........W. BLewoin. Y. 8. Russell Biris tueReaiotn teAgricultwre .... .....1 .. eln t). FaMel. Liee reat Cire of Mut troin Cui ow to raiery. ... .. . .. . . .. . .-n no PRIarY X EffIZO. A muicMalnsd Iitmrijpnogram vili ha neniere and à. 8. OLHns, a1 Bavard, VI Islk on --Wh&& iknue- monta doms lthe arra noli ont tfnr:13e young people e! to-d&p."' OÂTUS.OiV MOaUIIi. muie.......... ... .................... Prayer.......... --...... .......... Paultry ...................B. N. Maaxhana Enslage-.....Frak T. Boit, hhsury. Wl.. Bnnh in Oatn... ....................... Prof. A. D. Sobhisne. <touageof Airi- QANNON fiELSTO IRANOJURY.~ Goesitu Jail lu I)efault of $2,00 Rail. Michael (lutnon, of Libertyville, se- cuseti of plaeing obstrnetious an te St. Faui tracts Wahiis placee inan at- tempt 10 vrecù train@, vws givena hearing liefore Justice BotRtord i waukega 'r uesday. Tbe case vas DOWIEITE DIES AT IVANHIIOE ,Mrs. J. B. D)ykes l>ld Not Have MNedical Aid. ir.JB. a ks.sWeil ktiowtt aud bigbiy rriipected regldent of his .rtlt, died at lier homne near Ivan- ho-, iriutay nlght ot laSt week. lIbe NIji lIt haeomedical attention, belng a filowêr o!1 Itr oWie, wblcb tact bha ciii'd geueral lu1ll1natlou ln the neigbiiorbood. In a Wankegîit daily piper of lon- day. lthe fullowtug vas pubtiebed lu reference to the matter: *Wb .tI il" cl ue a ijovlette hersel! la :1;: liut lit all Fveptg lier brother ml fanilly. t(lnrirs BeeN.witli. i, il" aa siiirt dIiitaiiî ri- rm 1r home. wu .miii to 1he stroiC iîdhtrenf, h.,tie,'ielue htaler and thlisi lut. togm'fîer wltli1tehe koviedge thie .io!ftowi 'Se8v,'ntiuea mi.. Boitons. la thli iu.'.ha.led f0 general inhia- nationl ire vnilig l l t eî,i3ottiDltl'. It 1.4 sald medi-I ail aii eimrd by ttwi.' lîg wî,ma,î. lut tliata e loNgrum tu Dowli137 MinBoulton r,,,iited li u asive ta Vty for lîîrlinthe Dame et Zion. Misa Bolton lg Raidt tihave dont ler utmust lInlthe way Ot *iiilie îjhaJumlu mi Dowlesapostie. but wifh noi avait aud deatli reuited et eight oo'h Frlday nright. The tuinerài vas te have ntaiheldtoduay.It Ne rutuare i tatan imzuUerat vab ilemandedby nelghbars andithat posolblY hurlai veulit b. preveiited. DIDN'T BELIEVE VERT ETaONGLT. "AIl thînge indioahe that the deai vomaxi vie, eut a iirai beltever la divine blisbY1 1,40tle. i tmmer a2avient InChicago to e r hat mîracha hait beeu vrougbt 137 hlm. Atterm e.eeiu a Short Urne ut Zicit ehle retimrned home aui told a neiglibor that aie"liait tail-d ro fini any remkabta vitres. Btuurtly afterward the vas taken vlh min , AWSand @lie Raid ia, tIt un thougli .1e vsiiailii for lier v1mlt tho Zion. Har MIS- Uvea reftved tomummon a physicien. Netah- tiî,rui took a bandit inthmatter and she vae gtslil meioal aId. The leeekviths are thti oDiy hein.iand fthe deoeaged was blevadin 1e ilti wma5itliy. "A lteatelephone mensaelfromt Under- tiik' -tiWlt Engge. etfitoe.kerfetier. Sates blat flie hurlai etflira. DYkestoot P"e Niuîday aifi o*'vocký -1 vaîlkà tiithe Coroner tilIe morlniet lo- ir. tttherts.alli e. 'andihotoIt in-- ne oiumplaInt hall beeDmaie ho hlm uani te go ahmilad ndiry the romalins. ns, 1 dîit.L avk,, the' relatives if theY dd't t vnt an lnD qutmiei elethat ahe tied vitli Do modi,3 aid hlciDegiveD ber, btintthey Bsud thei tidn't vaut it doue.' Hevevertlie reaienti arm 'tiIindignant and thare la taIt etfaklD Iriruüner Taylor fo exhuma tltv body ad hluiDInquiet.- Caretii ilnmjUiry ,y the I11DiPE1iDBN revoautthe tact that no demana bha beeu maie upon Coroner Taylor k hiol au inq oest. Undertaker Knigg4 ansota beqLuovs nothiug ot reporte i udiguahion oft he neightiors. Hie »Y there in probattly some halt, but ba hein Iltie of Il b«Meo. prom a] ivaishoe tduiBêt,* * IhàM iu-mo "on.ulgbb)ors" areINudeai indignas and severu lu their criticleui (j ..DowJeiam." Ounr inftormnant declare tha patient beUed, rn vain 113*1 a plt baîuob caNîed ho attend ber and I the tact un doctor waa consuîteil attr brilleslier ileatit. MbetOI larkAoppliltealified 130v Ganuon ba came Slo bis oace on tva occaaions sud asted Ihat 1he be pald money tor Injurias necoived lant uprlng. Ho claimed ho3e v daing on lte 4ridge nr Libertyviile, vhen a train camne upon hlm ed ho jumped. Hoe did nol daim h3e vas burt by the train. itlEIKfINATIliO aviDENca. The Most Important vîluesses vere th3e railoasd deteehivea. T13ey bath teetifled ln substanceltecmre. A akSt lime 5<01307 ey wltho Liber- Ityville 10 inveitigle ttii sUflpli vnocMlng. Toy a hm o ana'srqus tory daageard seint tar hlmuait o am la anedpntfoaI. ndh cae din h eot13. vdnebt auvhhlng baitbe e sidenaboul r orthn vrhadg. Gann laidt r1e couli do nether. lu. the courge ofthte conversation, fine bridge up t13e reai tisaI e" "51,000, but ltaI if ho vas ual giron $500for bis cdaim Il vould tosithe and if site cdaim wv a pu the eompany would bave bhlagond yl. He said ha didnl put up notices, but liai tniends vbo dld, but ifl113e aim was pali lite notices vould cesse sud lie vouli guanantee th&& no more aoh- sitnns vuld be put ou 113e tracts. Titi detectiven furîher hestitied 113*1 11107 tolui Gannntha& It vas ratber strauge $btat th3e vilen of the notes bai fallei ho aigu bie nîme, -tor boy vauti v. kuav to vnom 10 go ho neacit a Settlement?" -Adiboys vel y. guessed wvito h comeansd sec"' 18the reply Gunon is said 10 bave maie. tIANNON'S ABSOOtTE DUNIAL. Upon belug oalhed ho tbe vigneis stand, tiannon ieniei nearhy ail thes allegahions nmade bp lthe Oelectives. lie ssii bo vas parhly drunkth11e day tbey lntervieved inhlmasd Ihat 13a paaitively hbuuothing ho doûvIlth put- hiug the lies or horaesboea on the tracts sud tuev notblng ofth11e varniug notes. Ganuon fstahai 113*1ho bai no home, lit, though ho bail ulue childnen, for a year ho bad laid hie 1baud viene ho could fini a place sud 1%b1at en no other place vas open 10 him ho elept in 1the lack.up at Libortyrille. Atter hearing arguments by the ab- torney. Justice Balafard snnauuced 113*1 ha vnld halO 1the detendaultat the Grand Jury In bonds of 12,000. oannou couid ual turnish bail and v ent 10 jail te, romain until Marcb, Lake Coumty Jlonored. ChtarleisIl. Lyon, ai Waukfgan, bus abeen appointed a olanel an Govirnar Talyâes' staff. The poitian la su -hauorary one sud Iinlà,a 13gb oempli- ement ho recelve Il. The saffl 10t acampany Gar. taei ho Iba inaug- ural of 1the Pneaideut March 4113 Md lte appoifllments veoe'usd0 tiI early ha give 1the nev affier Oppor' lunity ho bave tem rhandsami sud elaborate unitorme maie in lime for that occasiont. First Glimpse of Spring The ewin seson s ahand ao accordlng to reputation we are now as eVu Hirst to Show New Good' You'1l find dlsplayed on our counters tosd*y the newest and f resest spring' lu Toile du Nord Dress Ginghams, Percales or Picretines, Embroideries and Lacm, And WHITE GOODS, in the famouse'- brande, suich as, SEERSUCKDIftP PIQUES. DIMITIES, PERSIAN : îd, VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA LINEN$f LONG CLOTHI JONES CAMBRIC8 £nd NAINSOOKS, ail priced in aur 10w, safe, fair way. NOUBE ESTABLION CD NOV. 25. 1 "Z WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS. TKLLEPNONE NO. iceý RELIABLIE RUBBERS and OVERS to fit any foot. chiange 01 renne. Ooou & Ornvervoe relained by Anssi Lioduki, a .on-lu-lav oft he Ancused, No detînd hlm, sud llaes Attorney Tl'acott va s assteti by C. T. Hey- docker lp lthe pfoaeutilu. Sereral -vilneasea imati ieen sub- poenaed by the deteuse vîith a view ho provlng Gannu's viereabonts oith11e ulghtlie vas lait sccused et piamtiug obstructions npon the se aks. Finiing they couil »os eshablit eouciusiveiy vhere Gaunon had been atter 12 o'clock onu ld nlght, they did flot oeal 11ef. witnua, sud coundthem leffota ho prorlng hia gcod neputation as a lem- ahidins citizen. Thon e r. present reprementîng th3e Bt. Paul Oompany Chiet Cierk af Olaim Hepartmeut. A. D. AeppU. msd Dolschives B. Y. Romain end W. J. King. Plagman Karrin Brown, af Liberty- ville, tocUnfed 113*1tu J uaplieho ound beveral haras-aboos lu th1e trage of the tract ual tfar trainhie cromlug. The mane tltng vas repetheti aboult tie trotl of Beptimber. Ho testified ltat a note vas tound ettachod tla telegrapit polo near by, on vicli vas poorly wrilten. 'IPay Ibis bill or there wîll be a serions ac- cident." John Wanaiuaktr, section boas, tes- t1ô.0 Ibat earhy ln January 1he found a lie on th3e %ract ou whlcb vas plnned " note vblch nesi: -This e e second and lait lime 1 yarD 1the rmlraad cern- pêh7 10 puy hh ibll, on Ihere viii heaa Llbertyville H. B. EGER$- IT TAKES Co rnauufadur ~ms*es TIME AND We have both, and now je the pro"u LEATJIER time and ours the proper placek reamons: 77E have juis: roceived a large supply of leather mmd LLnow is the lul before the storm. Ini a fe, Wweeka we'l be crowded with orders. If pou beave potin order new for March or Aprll delivery yau vill have your hariem wheu spnîng work openm up and it viii be made to suit peur own notions. J'GAIN we can make any kind of harnet you winh. il Ve can make thern cheap anid gooti, also botter a"d excellent, thon bout and superior. WVe cau bufld theBi cheaper than you will buy a poorer barness elaewbe for. Our clîeap) hainesses ara gnod. We guarantee aur bar. rieuses as te stock anti worknianship anid t be just a representeti. We are using nothing but No. 1 oak besther on ail first cia-mu harriasses. We nover furnish cheap work- manship. That is et tht uuperior kîid on aill rade, of harness. Core ne uandi talk it aver nd ny ou vii certaWny iîecotne satijufiedthatblet ouen ave yau money. Remember, NOW IS THE TIME. Chas. Kaiser, LIBERTYVILLE. ILL1NC The New 2Oth Century Cash Sto Will recieve next week their Spring lineofu Clothing, ail bought for spot cash, aund a baud- somer line never wam offered for sale lu Libertyville.1 Meîî's Sîîits for............. $5 00 i i......... 7 50 ......... 1000 .............. 1200 Suits for cultur. Lflampalft Tiis is litelraItuiesthal Lao - '~ The Cauins Farmer-Citislr. Grade Caunty bu . eren u giron a repfflen- This cold m Ieults .................. A . B. Collins Breatins. Seiston. Cîltivatlon...... taîve oun1the Gorenrco steaff and Mn. .............A. rD. BShalane Lyan's Mndae boanill congratulI- lug hlm on -Ibo appolinlil. Tha most effectire 11111. liVrnPIla la ame, OIR thal Qm . R. Lyon moaie ars DeW itt'aLitg l R lura. Thsy mirer gnîpe. 1Y, B. LOYEIJa, las beeu plsomi en thé Congfr"" oahE LibirIpvihi; J.- .LDhaCinuGares., Appaneomna Oomt.e. -SCIIANGKPMA"K, Boys fronî $1,25 to $2.50 and up. o many Pait Boots. Germm Soum md 2slo. »P lu the liteuom thon. wm potao1qe" Vours for cash, L. W. PARKHURSTII lIx. N .17. reapause, thougb 1the boy bai pa&d car tare vithout lMuig astat for il.p The conuncor knew Me .boy wvas a tudent, aud thaugbt his abstraction vas caus.d by orne absftrus prabiern lu phUaasphy orn matheinalita. C "-WhaV's the rosît ta Lcou Liber' Hughes asked asn the car sîopped et Waukegsn. The condnelor pointed out th3e direction tu whlch ho abanlit go, and th3e ad Sota;ILh.Up ho Ibis ime lh. trip bad been an easy unle, bal a jounney tram Waukegan ta Loon LAko, a distanceof a Lxien mUeés,on fo01 aI Siis lime ot the jean h anythlug but1 plesant. No moon was ahling (Sn a somnambWlisî ae?) and auouv aud Ic@i madte isoothohd alippery. At Gurnee Hughes vas rosI by a1 man vba knev hum and aumkr'ul vere b. was going. -In a minute." van lte respouse, and the. lad valked avaY vithaul anotber vord. Aht1IA" Villa 113e doge, no the ocdmtiay, borked a4 lhe pedeatrln te snund made hlm Iucreaee bis ape hoaTr n No oue kuovu vhat lime lihgheo roached Louan IAe. ReHo td a tepho bts tber'.stable, wuiichle alvays kept locked, lula ie pocket.l i uutanene<l the door, veu& lu, ciod and caretully locked Il. and thon saught th1e buggy. caretuily wrapped a robe and blauket about imseht and ms dovu. "What pou doag U«0e-"sked bIs *Amr-A ýb t eemasi 1hlw4rom bàs alumber. 4Wbp. wvitl on doiulg hors?" ce- plled 1the on, thinklng 1e vas lu Lako Foneat Then the lad looked arounid bim, asav Ibîllia vas lu113e stable, and gaspedvîit h olibute. He vould have talIn lu a fat t baimoal is B ctd eSure T1bnjýBt Sorry »rw. Styles in an( sifflti SANBORN Taliors and IM Lberty ville - Fred Croker, 1 uutuuum a *IPVJý Vil ar * Binder Twine.. I taklng orders for bindertl.t be dellvered next JuIy. payable when you receive the twlne, at the following prices: Plymowuh tadad ....... .................8 OS PlymSguh Manl............................... e 1 wIll guarantee the prkce. In other words if you order your t'wine of me uowi if twine advances in price you will get your twlue foe. eight and ton conte as per cojitract. if the pries o lower 1 will meot the price on any firet clae" wu. You will! see that you are runuing no riek of gettng boit as Bome of you did last spring. If the price remaiM nsu- changed or declines you will get the very beut t'wine ou the ma ket at the loweet possible price. If twine adY&aPeeý whlch it is very likely to do am eight cents for Plymoi4b la lower than it has been for years, you will mavo whatuvr the advance ie. I have only contracted for 00_1,000 »u,4 ax4a.j the prico bam already a4ýaced à cent I caitueOeM- tract for any more aith1" pi*i. Yours reseoctfully, lit ýi

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