Ilier Mais Muo r TiGaslManthallEFFORT TO FREic MR2. 1MAYBHICI< 1.mtoa-Flr elDstrors Large flu.i- teported ThtitElglsusd'a Neas Rater amau osum lau DesMoîines. la la Fuser r eecasinrg Her. Clark Bell, lîreidenitif the New York Po« merean, JmesA. oruiivrtl - dical eud Legal Aid Society, bas u- WMinmA. 1tuutîirey, .JotninIl ul nd ecluil Iai lhutis society bas deterinineti _11îtA Bl, aIltif Baltimore. Mdl.,sune0ita e op teflc jiî rickcus a aci sud ibat the chances arce noir t, evr mt tu Navassa inuinluOtotîer lai.t i b heNavassaa Comapany tundbaie ali-ce si t a lu ever fur tht, pardon or se- lies abat onttfrao>-tiiuttinittion wsvilt quittai.,tfier falr trial, of the Amtrictu the otaide worîd. Ou Sept. 22 lastt5h.- vetn duier sentence ut lire luipisen- billnd, ogét s- ithlils gliano deelpesits tment la glsud, charge] wltl moeter Maiid tgethirt nn he ceing lier Ihuau hy poison. Thut akiitg Mi taIurblit setiiaNewlicPeto. s--rt ut :lecase la due tu fl tit.tude mai Stptsui sulle l Ne a Yrkty. whlch tht new King ut EstIan] in lobat B. H. Jeffersntif Biltinte-t, M-., lues-n te have asîimed toari Mrs. beeamnethe parclbaser tif itiiaud, puy- Mîsyhricl. It iJesii] ibuitbhelias umade hg ter Il the Puini of$25,000. net to~k t uo secret itit letaevors lier releuige. l" aIepatersip ('aptala WuNatt Olivrn. For nmere ttanu tea 3ears the Medîcal &Wseof Baltimore. They set the fot ansd Legal AId Seciety lias lecu active MMm te the Island. Mr. Jerfferson alitrtyin lilé endean ors te acore the releasit afterward. tiaiuai;that there s-as tealbc et Mca. Ms>bncl, biietiigthut se »0 mOfey made lu guano. soîd the isand wssa justîy sentence]. The tuemlers te CaPtain Os-en fur$.0, talîlug thteofthîe isociety have navert tîitglit titat Iatte note farcflint ametnti. Mr. Jt-ht rs. Malybrick s-oui] lie nelcuscu] as long tievuon askeit the Atlas Steanshir Coint- as55 i Victoria live]. Hewever, the Pnny te senda s sip ani] tale ftic four 9oietY lias continue] to gather evideuce MMon0ethetIlands u]lt CaîtîsiafOten te Provo iliat lara. Maybrick wsusnet ceuetarmauded tuis erder. claitiug tsole fnlcly triti] sud that the jcdge Who enpe- proprIetorship of the ilan]. eure] lier, Sir Fits-Jagies Steîlienus. was ViRE ~ »~ MINES, OfUA, e siInd mimd whan lie triai!lier case. eu-. »MONS O A The muet impOrtnt evideuce lu f&vor SiU s.lMercantile Establishmeacnt. tareeige b aeu iepro ut MMe Maybrigk la a lettar te Mrs. Deulotuojal a t cet of 05S000. M57hack, datai] June 27, iSh)$tcoin 31 lre, sih bruî t tinluFrsnkei LordIt Eie~l etrKilles-en. lu it Lord Bics.' deparîmeut sttire, corner MflatliRussell declares tlist Mrs. MaytritiL sas aMi Watuaî stets. Des Moines, de- nver prove] guilty. ý@t5ii"l over a tboit million dollars's-unt____ etprprt.The fice ivus irgti illaev- WOSEN itTIOtU SALOONS. rmd Ila the carner ef thte ltiitutde- patment cetiag direct frein lhe bai'- W. C. T. Ui. Leaders Smash Bars, Burt osent. Its-sa but asmoent b iefmere1 hi: Barkeeatar snd A"e LockedUtit. uhoe building ivas fisnme. Evcry Mc. Clara Bauger, Mirs. Helen Craie-- avallable fireisu in thecicty ilas trilireil tard, Mrs. Sarali Baker and %Misses Cors out, bt the structure s-sadoutme] bereHoover, reint Bouclier, Mary Meagle libey arristi]. By 6o*icock a soltary sud inDi Crawftord, ali etubers of s-al ot tht six-storyv i"ankel buiilding the Woman's Chrisîlan Tetuperauce Un- *s lot standing, sud thetfireaien pulîti] io, are uder acreat ai La Salle., I., tlmt dos-n. Net a dollar ofthîe $250,000 tuerlisting gant ou a salooon-smashiug Cru *a* ws-aved, sud the destruciitioof aasie.The seveu s-omeu. arme] olih the lrolelty lo compete. The total loitas muaIt atchets, entened the Harrison lin- àbOat $500.,000. Titi beaviest las-stl ber sud snasahe] the liccecsansd fi- ant liratthel Brus., $375000; Yeunlec turcs sud tiestcoecd cigars ad it]lqîors, Wte .0 500; A. & 1. Fredlich,' stock,' th damsage sumntning te $7 1- rank ç0 Utica Buildiug Cempaut,$11 Tiurpli>, île bariender, lu atiempiie ta H. Stie, $0.00; es ilenesprevint ficeitielitiora, recelved a severe ,>Ittetlo»al Baunk, $5.000; Marx Building. gsah on(luthe bas] frouta s atchet lu the P.OOOi Sucer Building, $3,000; C. W. baudsetif unei-of the sumîo. Tht- Cru- Ek o mp C any, $10000; lIowa 'lT'lephon n tisaers succetinlu recliat the, saloons COmparai, $7.000; Des Moines Cilty Rail- et WilliamuîBunri sud D. J. Collîte lb- 1M, Company, $3000; lasses t;ecc--ifoire beiuig sulidiieti y fifteen policemen. peinte of office rouats, $00.000. Tbin ta e tewiis s-huItterce. n a soet .asuce s-lit Cuver the lusses. îitiaauns. The woten are jubilant uxer _______ ilîir st-ceas tansipiug oct îliree saoena DEATIX PUNIBUMB2NT MUST GO. sud promise le smash more at the firni - opportuuiy. They claitu aalon-svrack- ýltiWre . HAvemge1 bytir eIstîi îg ila lasfuI sud expect te be releaseti Oigment lin trMinnsota. witiîeat hall. CkWltal Punishutent is te sbolîilhin l Ibm SfftI.etfMinnesota aud lUItriseui- MAY BAR OUT STANDARD OIL. i usa tor lite s-illit sobstituieti. A TemaaCaaaparateParCstietK usos, pnvlln fe iis ashen-teTrust Out ut State. hU*leMihjt 1ePreseuisivt LIeunlil. -Tht recent -"brngiug lun-tif tht great la ipeaking ot bis mnssare Itepresenla tii gusben ner Beaueont sud tht demi- t111ie Hndaltk asys hae wss led te lie blie untrallea that tht ouI fiel] promises ta l'Wthébt capital punishuteut aboul] ie Beaun rîivauj lu inthe United fStas iu b-ehoflbd boeanse et the tact that con- Pitlut production, togethen with the if «peraons rhargeaI with crimes turthar «siomes that the Coralcana dia- *1'è'wbl* dontim Je the penalty Is gener- talet là aise gvosing rapldly la that dl- 047~ bal on lroumtantl evittene. au] rection, lias causti a utoveutent by the tbm tortiler tact thaitu to auy men tas* everal private individuels sud indtpen- eapu punishuteut allogether. siuaply be- dent ceuipanies wbe have produciug oul c»» theb Jury bas a doul t thelr guilt. -eul. I Texas tus-ar] arganizing a cein- polarsation lamelle Made Rtch. bine watli s vien- t salait tht Stand- (Jwoegs Pangburu. s-lau seut te W. asli a] 011Company out ut Taxas eutirely. SenlisefroinIllinois thiry-toue yesrm BANDIT 8TABBED WITiL HATPIN. MMo and s-as a plancer lu Whitmna CWO&4, leoPpeit deui] t Budlceit, 5Mi.. Sueulseyer utSt. Louts Drives O09 'We&.MAHia -dosed sister et Colfsxý a Highwayma. WaU&.. for jeans au imnatiothte Whit Witli a haipia Mise Rose Suedmayer, «MM Counaty poôr fea'u, la sole heur t, agai] 20, fouglit s highs-aymsn sithin ile ftats, eooitlutif a lairge rai Ihait a blick of ber home lu St. Louis lIse a $1(llo0 luautoey la bauik. thler nigit anti suceedeul lu drIving bhlm off atter stabbhiglahl si th tescapon Marchaus* hoots a Itolber. several times. The police have untier 1'. A, . Oidn.a uisiîs maa eit Sterrent ut tht Sixtb district police sta- ZuophMolu pitîl fhî -iti aIîirgtien Theedore liges, ud bilasâmedieer Mi et bis home. ftîtlly vw imetutiithe cati bas identifici] hlm ns liari assailant. 1w mmad himsehf recels c il tibreke lt-g. 7%e horgiar turne] otîtt i e Citci Fatal, humaI Utdr.0Car. Prjer, *elI kueir u a c k'At Vicksburg, Miss.. Emuffs Marahal Arserr WillFilh4. tun lufront ut fau electrie t-ar, s-as kreck- Viftt4 mllondollars i. the etimait cdl dos-n sud tht car passe liauit irai Pet upon tIse fortune lfi hîy the laitetiser lier htfore M iormun Williamus suc- I»hw 1) Arant n apettionforleterëceeded ta stoippiag. . SIietturas-ho sas- *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ie fblpD rîîî uapistnfrl-ir iiflue dhilîl wonsa lls'tuab gare se0log tu.tmentarv, 11e la the l'reutae (Courtilas the car remaice udnyIed ted la Chicago. Tht etatte wiib l le hvili-i Vlllmaneql#lcr. utb mscdte- long ustht members ot bis fainiî alloia'p iod is sd c uuaIthiee. Rit»a aGrave[ Tratin. Thtrtoas s flashi, s fougue ot blutedaute Three Itaii la sorers were lilîcîl it.a came cOf t" fsunder théacar aud the cofllsion ona tîe IWest Shore lRatir"sd 21 lilile gîtrlw us ittrte] imoat Ittyonure. Weehswkera. N. Y. Auc irî-îmiag iaI ogniitiiu. Bouer trai ira nta lI a giat-tltin M L-adstîles Hry s Train. ansahiut seraliaraani seriontsty lu Titere ws-sa S serius lunittidetua filue jurig a numbesir tif lassenfers. (<crtaiNocihtru nu-r dintuads, Wsah. fie lidew-ua eu etle s-ersts-bit-h Vilta Eraeuay ut BtsFlither. estýr-1ie'rwdI-ou--Lht- rond.,taueng 400 fect At %MiddItesilirti. Ky,.. Wiliiaitt il litIuu ai21t-i pu et lcs sgt] 19 jesa, h iltil John tiEt ati, cged-il Btt e l. viii -oi ureti1areiglit trtala (S) Yeats, Who ilirutsbtuI opi'iu ra0 iller-i rus tlei.tlcdr.tiliicgt,.ctars andtihle tbrea naunilis tut, t-udt-r tf theî t-igiiut-.andiI ut-tireit tutl] 1 1u-sAtter a pIlaitDuel. lie gotue lit-tiîuttudituinnîi.lti'cotîtiiteiy James Sit-ktatd. -i e sb ws aa uitiil, ulitriedt-ut trais wouasliin lui ~ltiîtduîlt i itul litertuttinauctlius.tifSiet. lin«. Ky., w i iliiiaiiM -nies, i fuia I isiau-iî-au a 'tcu. Bau of tilu ei, la des], ni8f.,ttue tt lis.cuuîuîe te a Britishi Islad. Are ('ada] by 9,,J,î. cîspeditieut seattuletînt riiy fi-oic t.ier- Tht cession tif Sihalt it dcagti n3 a tir polîte stii- vy(I-i euietr. lic. Meyer,, Joe oIslanda f-i thet- Uited tute htuý a itlitntîiiihtd îhysiclîa. trecetîs con- beau gazetteasila Madrid. dcilltinI n utipsuon tiheibodyuet utle- _________ aon Wsoitaidfrouuin clo evefurr. Une- Ne-.PaPer Surraed nOut. coulitu- fecl ddltilt-i. aveing palier. s-a uuil hi' tv ilrt-'. u lom la 334)000; natrucu r, $1.000K. Projeet Basre SuerIai hnt. 1berc auw to e-auaItu i- tedouît tai an uanateumnates- -lat lm tItut lui blt ai Nocwnlk, Oit, and imitreltitiî bave lissa tusite] s tigecuusitly rna-t-itil that ait tiat ilenel-sîru li.isii unuu Vthe mone uer i ci nc ht - unruî-hufur il- Huil ing »PrellR l1. Ed-u Basar] Fimas1Pr-;ru, t-it u-er ot thtetntshnaui htso tSî,f ut 'iui 11gb stheu, s-a. ul-d - i tti.1 ilteii- efthlie siiclr i lis-s ctIdtii i t;ut-ceîuty Irîtes 0aRoyal Funil3. wVhile the Qttetý.u Iluge-tlundîl, lut-c li- dran ene bout i lle!i- u uai taic n tbm otekirta cf Mitd'lt iu bot sa s-a fia-tii etroshe tunît, uuan itl-ae tbe guas-ate ut lie tuit'lai Ie lorss-ns aearceîd, liat te asliauiut mstu t Ildis- Young Girl 1. lirautat]. LosVernon, 15 yeons oh]. tuf Swarti- morwe, a alierli otPhiladelihi, suhIle *bme o CMCr ae rsit bnoka Irouigl j« ~ . Mi s-as diossmd. Lysa Mritt Ume.bolis. stempied to Ik rtmal nearlyj rsbed wth six Mca auly Sttal 'uVua uinîg a iitrýiDlt tank ut Car- atgîta Thtt lu-tiril strict miii ta Pits- hurg. a hioutlaer Phie butst an] six umen s-t-e t 1ri tblu auud, Engîtucer Johna l)lCîrsuîi asnu4t-e ut tuti nîtuer but- s-u tit- and.uîui nl rcbaldie. dl,'ht Fo-e ittahis-Hart, Ti. retielg trinuu uuises eîlbdei]lu tLe yauuruts t 't i ilutu.. ontiht it Fai-c beratise (4t-cits st i v uu]uslîuul icuders, Ont englue Msas, etrlurîeu. "uîuue men as e. ftslly u iii; . 1-titiPu-ltas uf Ceai Leu 'a. 1 , . lit-tan & te cf Nes- Yorkliai-c 1iu huased --5,0(0 acuis tif et i lint int Grcuee Cuiiiu [a. fTedetîl s sac cf tht-e u i u-si -i vr c niestlin us-tturît Petu- î,ilt utia t. ie sul îltheii liegnu Fyndicatc u a]$2100tuu acre. Biu Fi-a ira Mentre. l-'ire sus-tthiluigilhuiness section of jmittaa, degtnoyuglithe ard tf Trude, whilcara-ot 31a1 et udiloseait tozen aller buildinugs. Totialegtsa usLathel neighbarbSof et *.0(1,000 uirr. -Nata laruMhitatiai. Befoe'31McsCarrne Ntionu lis] len lu Topeka 1w-e hautsin ucugageal In n roaagl-a-taitlte figlilsuan raàshiptaed ?W the mite orfas lal aassksepet. I;~~ Y.j;e i &"I- MAttRET QUOTATIONS. Chîcago-Cattt, commun ta prime. $3.00 te $5..13; bogs, ghipplut grades. $300 t $3>2î; sheep, tain te rhtoice. $3.01) te $1,50; s-lent, No. 2 rt-e] 7tu.b 5d; cocii. No. 2, :,tic te 37c; (mit-. Nu, 2. 23e: to 2-le; nyt, Ne, 2, - 4e te 49e; butter. choiteceîmery, 19i eu20ce; eggs, freali. i7e to 18e; îitatee, 43e tu 48c per lnuianpola <sui, sipping. $300 te $56, lsa, noice igt, $400 tu $5.25; sltcep. coinanute prime, $3.00 te $3.73; s-lita, No. 2. 74e te 75e; cornlu No, 2 whlite. 17e ta 3&; oeIl, No. 2 white. 'hic ta 27e, St,.Iouis--Cattle, $325 te $5.80; hog". $300 ta *.20; sht-cp, $8.00 te $440; si-hast, No. 2, 73c te 7é4e; corn, No. 2, 3;-e to 36ce; uos, No. 2, 23e tu 26c; tue. Na. 2. SOce te. Cncnti-Uttie, 33.5>5ta $4-.75; bots.- $3.00 te $5,30; sbeLp. $300 ta $400; w-lent. Na. 2, 79e te 80c; cern. No. 2 mixti], 3&e tut 39c; nota. Na. 2 mixe]. '25e ta 27c; ryt. Na. 2, 55e ta 56c. Detrot-Cattle. $250 te $4.60; bugs. $3.0)0 ta $5.25; sleep. $2.50 te $4.00; sbeat, Nu. 2, 77e 10tu t-; cotan. Nu. 2 relIes-, 38e ta 39c; enta. Ne, 2 s-ite, 27ec ta 2&e; ryé. 5&e te 54c. WToledo-Whent, No. 2 mixe]. 78e ta dûe;c;orn. No, 2 maixe], 36e te 37ec; osts, Ne. 2 mixe], 24e te 25c; nye, No. 9- Sic ta 52c; claver sec], prime, $4.00 to $6.70. Milwsake-NVheat, Na. 2 niathemu, 72e tut 73c; corn, Nu. ', 34ie ta i87c; uats, No. 2 white, 27de te 28c; ryc, No, 1, 48c te 4ie; lanleut. No, 2. 58o te 59e; pork. mess. $13.50 ta $13.75. Puffso-Catiie, choit-e ahippiiigatenai $300 te $550; bugs, tain ta prime. $3.00 te $5,45; sheep, tair tai cboire, 33.00 te 34.50; ambs, commuto etira, $4.50) le $580. Neiw Yen CaIlle, $3.25 te $515; Legs. $3.00 te $5.6à1; mheep, $300 le *4.40; vbeat. No. 2 e], 7ke te 79c; cern, No. Z, 45e to 40c; ent&. No. 2 s-hite, Ile te 32c; buiter, creamêny. 2lc te 22e, eggs, s-est- erni, 20e te 21c. EOY XILLED WITII A CLUB. Mother Heure s Stresu, aut FintIs Hlm Wélte,-iosiran Gare. Rtochester, N. Y.. haauguin wougit up ta a pitch ut intenste exctement ve! a merder mysterut and tuera la serons all et ergauiziug a vigilance couttittea te do tht woirlthe police stcmnt tucai te. Tht vietmitinii hat la16 ycar oh1Lesais Meaglien, whalite]siih bils uther anti hait brother iu a cottage luin tVernona avenue, liesteat tu ledasdus ual sud bis hi-ther letfiehl asiep w-len lue s-eut te s-lai-lt ii6 oeto-bdiluthe mocing. Hlai su bear Iter thethtter w-sa aisakenesi by s sermant issalaz troni ber sens rnuau sud. rusiiug il ut!u]ina lyiug la bis lond, bis bInalus lavint Iea battereti eut s-thI utclub tir something ortifhe lin]. M)Urs. Meagler tinagbt ait, detecte] ne- trantiug teotstepus as asie pened the hall deor, bat sas- ne eue. Th'e police have noue atlu guide them in tItir seurci fur the uturuertga MAN 18 TUENING TO STONE. George Laeis of Cross Key%, N. J., Viii is et Mai.dy, George W. Lewils ot Cross £eye, N. J.. le grsdcaily tcrning to tone, Mr. Its-Is about seven yeans ugo fouinîltînt his fan gcrB w-tnt btginning le get uuiffani] that lie roui] move theoraly iith diflcutj. This rtiffucfas trt-ptul, i.usarm utsanisoori frotu tht elbow dtitnthelteio esili-an ha barden. Tht- arma art- nouscte-tas. Tht skin hs drasau tigbil ' vorerthie bito, tht siiews are contraclei nnd the bauds are luke marbie. Tîte prît-I ot a plnuicr net-due hs mit feîit-uitt.c îlots a t-ut itswany blet]ds-bateyet-. lic. Lu-iutfi-et anti loer n lula lit-gin lu sîitren un-i lard--t tira rns agit antI tire griiialiv ttt-t-t lut uselesi. Titi alun tuhis taict-la aNou dicusingtilghlu tier tbe boe and u]ut liie lueeut rate tf prof i-sai thtit diseu-se-lue wliii otn turttu 10 tone utogetler. THREE BIJRNEIa TO DRATH. Parnt* Rscape f (lrashnnir5 Hpuse, but Their Chitutrera Are Creruateut. Thethtret chilurtu if S. R. MeCurlu-, a :outon ut a doîvaloîvuoffice lbuiling. si-re ecernaste] îiu a lire thuit i]straye] tlcic homin uan et-uteru utcurl etfIKau- suis Cty. Tbcy ivre Ediîtiti-il 18 ypors; Mitlissa, 11, anti Kenno.tiu. 10. 'fThe piact-lts oec-îu'aupiedia i un thun]%- tt er floonsd ocre auakenedti te inî te t-nitre builingttut dameuttus. 't-y CttI huit tle ehiluircît. îî lt sîcîuialutus, is trt i-ut ohf. T'iy it-rt- iuffoiat-dini lia itr lut-iraan] thilrttdice Iturneul alinttblu bau recognition. Girl t)tmilgureil by HOz'rs. TIi-ce stars ontie île ocîtaietMis Patuliue Leuvelltng. the second oidrst daughier of tht- lute Gev. Lts-eilicg or Kanas, huar ositlnesa lesna âiutg hy girls ort thte WichitanHigia Selool. Jut tsahec the tîtisode octîîcced aud tht perîsetraioc-t are secrets t-Iot-ly gurde] ty the pnr- ties coucecuci]. EST WEEIK IC NO.. Casseet-luiAorucy Repents Enormans D"11.ata sStoady trices. 0l . Ilîtu & t'eu îvveukly rt-vies- of traule satys: 'iRauely huasIluere lia-t-tmoe buusness ia urils ltanut ii utn autfat-titre] goudattis lîrseul-allut ichtttlttl priles ttaon ]ccing lt-litrit] sit-e Niv. 1. Thtsi eeResetiate have tutu t kettie elittuaux tuf euruiuiidullîtt ulit igirIcu s-hilih bave bucoie faîuuli,ît. IBak tît-atitîga ut Ntsv 'stik gaina 52. pt-r test ovec 190, aundt .ilit-iri-t-t oct-c 1899 for tht o ettk, iluaint uiig cil at uu suIe New- York tht-ce le ut gain tut ti.9litr cent tirer I1100anti 3.4 lu-c ct-tt iii i-r ISW11. Itul- ronditiitlg lisa ttr ruîuiuifuir JIan- tiiry micua ut gainti tf 11.4 lit-ceuînt oser ast 3-tac, andîL 24per lceuttt-c1r1SX. 1h la ditil,-uit t t iti] t-uuititurtging ari-its tii tic w-oulitîil,î t. Sta toc oi-tes-ek lt the t2hi-f Ett- itis vuet,tji,0 .0 ptortailsauttaiiir thustultt tht- precctiog %tehk, andtin liteutur si-i l iti- tggregute in only 13.275.700 poluitts. utgtaii.t 21.501,- 7(K) pouda Iute ut-uic. iiuthîeead- i-suce ilu lucu-s utscihue îti-tailing s 3 ear ste ex iii ta tf %%hurt.Itcluî'aitIg faoitr, fronti Ait ttih urts fuir the ou-tk s-ere 2,5liaSS8Iitts-, tgainsi 1.644,- 149 lnuselI ilit art-t, anti ut cocu 3,- 4-e2.614 biîsîuîls, tigniine3097,60>7 bastu- els lu 19010.I-'uihiiutcsfocrt the cl o ece 306 lu the T'ilit-ui Statua, aguinst 231 esat yesr, tundi461 itCaada. ugailas 381 asut yea.' LONG-I.OST -rAVELEI FtitNit. Mata Bett-e,.]DeslDi.cavers if. Fa- Albierit', Joluhn. n otîîrun-uy etflButa- rua, N. Y., atili-a.desilltlie sct tînt bis s-tc a euj.i3uig *.1100lirei-i ananete cuilce-l su lthuscy liait ha sasa deuil au Brai. Aller ut long erci lie lba locate] lis us fut tutluihg. Mi. W~ih auntietuaituitne, Itir tucrrey, lia set ouit roîn .bupilnfor ihle tvaines'5 f Brazil, Whuie tac ilatn] laNos etuuler. 18109, lie ias aîilen wotla ruta fever, iritliout niediclue or îulusueuatus, amorti baît-sasage natives. Ilis frit-nilgaive tiLut up ns des]. witing te tIrS. Johnlson that ber hushaîtulwuîl es].IHaccey tîten leftigh rempitun. Six mtuhs latti-, wlicu lierecovere-]frouitte deliriuum, lie teunu] a letltcfrontt is tR ilt- o-lit-h ssid îhat hliiad lt-t-t utluur-iddrei. MI astenedl ttck to Attutricu ni] re-i-tij tacets-e] s-oil fronti Beldýuag tw huilife t hadt retruedti eca M1AN USES ENIFIt- AND PtItT( -. Shoots a Baby au] C-eva tesa Buy in a Nae lYorkltFini. A caral of home utaîle w-lut. sshit-h <7torge Gas-outitrondue at tails-htn grapes s-t-e ceil, lad lu bis undolag. Us ii-e] siîh Jose-pih Soraianu ute oorna ou the thlirul fluer et399) Tlirtteutb pIne, Brooklyn. Tie cuber day le dctink ils s-me tretuly.lHe s-as li a n renzy s-heu a messenger boy w'enît oe thibm] lfaon. ara] raslting out laie ltte hall trIid to a rniethe boylsitli nbig Inîte. lita Ida Sbapan rara ont in tîneta te a statu s-oea]. uni]Mrs. Fleming.,s-ho lItes tot tht oo fleltos-, rau eut sith ber baby Ia lier arma te set i aI sas thteutrtter. Tht haiju receivecia s litt in ils lies] tccm Gavent-titis [iste1. 'fIe cldiinl badlyirou]t-i]. I4es(tict-talafîrettaJ.iai. At Htuailton, OhiothesI Ct-ttt out guate uui-lan inuefunile Sspension of uî todtge Neilaus tutuit-et ofart-etillint- tziiutt Majlor Beach, Poliu-u CLie-f tlcu nd ttt tleeuttuinlara ofithle board tuf i tuntîol. Titiy s-t-e -bucged w ith vuclît i itutan iîîjîuuî-tiîuu li heîl re r-nituo tituor- di tu ttu ce t-oi ttintieElKinls gi eyt- tii ti. i-frou uiîin thue( lu> Fiaýt Traita Jttura-Tt-Ich fT-iCle-velanu]andîl Pilsiurg rer juunîpt-ul liatrackrt tiItahlt'Id, tlie c- tige ltiii]ýtiug ail teur etfteFart Wsu ui t- ucis. Ragitie- ilollaoul s-as prtuhuhiy lutli ltiti tt. tluit the raillcea] otflelaliSas.y ail pasagents -cau t utu «u Noturiona alie ltit. N-ut luta hecotecire] uitht, deatl et fiaut %% bite, tle sague ait] Itaillt-tilt- berc, sho %%ius sert ina terni lu the Tex- ns peuitet-uiacy. It i til]rafcontunip- st. 'liituy ycirtugo, Haut Whiute vs thîe utosiunorionts outlaw in lhe soutbsiest. But-ici te D-th tu- L.ndild-. hOud Noutu-nit tuttI lIn-uv uti rituit train uadi uhtîvu itra in lite Iiiawset-rit-rar t Ic'rluT. "cn. Rugiu-er Il. 1). e- tu-t, îlIt and i-euntua. %V. t illit. ssci- tilî'uianso]tiiut Shtîist -I enuG rut-u Iterrtu taulu itjuirtl. c.tzv Sautlut-ea Dcuuuiity ' G ali(ra it ci e- utnul ttîuîuîuu Miiu.R4uif Ettututi. I1 '. TIwo îuuu ltl.fer tît-tcir tavi-iy ud dautuiig it iutzartiltts etiietitiolotailustuuhiw. Itilu c i tebidaiiioutirl-e i-illutet tf Sntkl butInilssnlicrEtfifaila an] c-tpttuceul Cluite Ilarjit. (uit-ySunaue. FauI Criss lu Touassoda. PFunea-s Shei by Bandits. bina, Iu'ed Meeller et Tonaîrnuda. N. Ilaa lunle batteu ca Peccaetfofflee Y., osa foun] deui itiIci-horne iittu s antI rllizetuaantI a 1lina] et relbens at hulîciIbote lu laer lien] an] a portien or 1"iaptilu. y., lier, tl. K3. Di-titîey, a lier oaep tom saway. Uler busban] wsr Pephyteriulii preneher. usaqs sot andit]lu arreste] ou suspicion utftiingthto ur- ratly illdand siaish-tsoit Geourge, 18 sicrer. IBis utc iras heavily imaure] ln years cfr at-, ws-tir taliy weutnu]ns. flus tarer andti atreceatiy icadea a il bêtqiteauhilus hila $8.000. iem rn aate frtRiev-enue. S .ie l.a taoa ;olt-a . lefit-eu n ltdreil setes tut augir cane Mary Gaie, sgt-] S utara, die] lu Wlurus-1bt-i unt Santiagou di- Cli thet limprPa.. uttuter peiir îdt restat t fpulitîctil friction on Josephli u1 liamepers, num- eya@ pantatiou. During tlite st-r Mn. 8anees. l)ariug the t- twoas thl -eaue iiguey supuorte] a Suaulal geccison. chili]hlia] beai- uifft-rung wlth tntma, y... Itigueus tuaos*ir a bout $100.000. uihadeataluiti] initulemorrhagc uorthlie -_____ k-irtusîlu .ttEaîmu Iatiti . Firar] for Wcarin- 11- le ot, Ashtea aatunaai tn-", kaon sas Young TMan u .4tir a amine, "Little Egt i.'uftt1ltslthetiti uutiuue t.ut 30l1iiin sklita, aRu oiug vot-ami mîn, ilic(, (cuau c(iit Tien tu-c, Net-s(lu-utns, tatt sal,s-ws"auisitie fourtiti- a tr i-s-k luii linet i-tmore ehtr liai. Sut-w wustan Gre1 Ri4tgi- aluo- lunît"t. t-ususrusil tîtul hue]$15 Or tlttr a utu s lia ftcUutltuiiu,-t. Ite luu.iitttgsactiung il.t;-il aii .iuIîtnc. lan îuîuue ihuit nr.. iîhc ia ner hilt-- fetue lest-tei t- mili. 1leC.îtIrPow-ertl- cueuin. t- W.oaJ itausai l.ettita ISa te Ch !ttîni. liCita it ni--tI l C u tttiti'lu- lit Ktu- Thue eettîle oui-iînl ftut i llprn si isas iisc i lt'li-ire Telita 'utodioeuu of Atcuut îîuîi le l icit î dl i -ttulnut.uu datte oethule iipiiuz--if il,-tiii i ulî.î iuî eu] bili.' ci u r urS-l ru tiof il,- w,&eitly ai iii. l'nulfrtrsu t-lutes 5r -5t ondti. .ue 4 tut ite 11. Sxy s ar.ict(il-111) ole ehipî-oei] 55,ike atE»d, ndtitildluii, tbrauittruutgl t-e ii-ottua Thfile triL, ait.ewis Nills i t-I luteItuttg tke t l- ,.cý rlrgrcu-tic-litctur-. port ahiprdni, letnuI.T-ite'lie nu n ta.I Ntt.lyi Y., ui)lantlucuritl ,tugtgi 'ritt-ydemande] hu liai lu-i uuiia 4îti-enfurliteie ittiýy5s-t-ct- dîcustîci i-arpeters emiplutyedt th e uticîl soul] Iid.< u~,-euaei uihhr jua ht itttit Octuedisaist]. Soleuteu lctar, s-lemurnuleroilî his sera Tes-n Aisusat Wite] Ont. Isaar os Aug. 6.WOO, tue ipl.a1 nrti ef lire stwpteu t tht principal beinetsChurubuste, tld, s-osserncde . mction of bMalienw-as, N. J., eauarg a -prisousienstfo i te in tie jiot icI lSa et more than $100.000. Court, t ont- Pr -l aql W5rs liq VeSI tIêàfogm 4tbàxicq'oUld -Des,.Xu t'a large pat.zof9 bis lite a ira ufmrrfImlum.jnla andi 410 friend, Sir Chartes Gayan Durfy, euies anguested te bite that one wio auttered m0 muali trom aleepleseness a"4 Indigestion ougbt neot te snoke ne Contantly. Carlyle i'splled that b li ad eUce given up smoking for aut entire Year at the Instance of a doctur. irlo assured i l iant lis ouly alliment was ton mucli toliacco. At the end ut the year lie sas walklug one eveulug ln the couantry, sa svesk tltat lie sas liard- ly aille tta crawl tram tree to tree, irben lie auddeuly dete-rmlned that wbetever wtt, ams wit bhlm ianott egowut a Icatst did not undecsaautIl." andilhmtse- turne] te tobacco anidsiaoked aflqÊr- irard wltliout let or lîlutrance. lu bis latter tinys lie usci] a clay pipe matd, ln Dubln and inkown as tlise'Itepsil.' Re ws. tnalîle te reîiew the supply 'end AIr Charte* IJuffy assurci] hm that tliese piples wpre strIctly reserved for true liellevers lu Irlsli nilonahlty and] promise] hliisasupply If' lit'qualifieti ln the ori]inary nianîjer. C'arlyle haver îîualified. A NURSES STORY. A Gradutîte of Lakeside Hospital, Lakes, Telle a» iuter.tinrF.xpe- lr le.ce. cia.-Oue of te iloat totlar nur ets laiat ever graduatei rroî;i the L.nlit'aie floepial, Lake Ceneva, ls Nlite Liltlan Dreesie, of ihis Iplace. MIisl)reeela the Vilce T'rpîltr tirthe, lutlctcdent <rder oif (loti Tenipiari, and Organist tif the Itiebeccas uor leihtigo. I)qirlng lier iwclve years' experleate as a train- Pd nurse, sIte bas liad i]uany îiporluul- lies for oltearsa ttilt, andit lier oupinion lu :lit ntedutîsi heallh ruatters la bli]lu very higlieteg na lt y the thutîîvnuîls fi-li hiave leamued tuhnttw antilvber it. lu sieteklug eofler <xperlt'cale tsays: *itiiliig îuy 1w cis ytars as s Iralncti nourse, t1lhave t' tutu i îrvt'îi l:ow nia uy tiiffet-iaiphyst ans gis e Ihtir paianis IiîddIs Rlîîy l'lls lu îat.ea of IPin- bl"usand i] diîiey Troiîl0. Abit ttret riais ago. 1 ittyRefstif îie-tq lîie imonthi lia wi ia îîet k uéis anti coutitiuni cutggested ivni t ion, antit1I teoiticîl te lcy w hai thet' lllas-wolltI10 for aie, 1 Sion fou nd it h ley blt)thI u le afei iii paria. and ]resioretl lartîîony iii lIe cuti re su sic ii. anud ait ouîgli I cft-itiiowe mach l îet suit zest w hia-eatuîlng ske cm ecat,t's1I liai t liai I iras nut- c%. fluer lîeaih tvor hli tre enduîrace Ilian aime 1I have usedt tese itaîs lous CIPriýyineîsas tlîty are goot. Se-n- tort, and tttugressitttîhave astid'] it-r ass uI t ta uii the tudejlPrfuti-tu rulu se îuhisisliiîua reconiîiueu I lhcii td imi ie ti tî lu tîtelr dîiiy jru-iTh le niot ,ki luit tiai ut-il tiiuises adi le t helr ise in] use iheni t h.-uselvet'amwhile leus of thtuRndts or es(u kand ufisîfering peoîple arte leiag uiredi cvery (la - yhy IDoiltîs lUIner IPl'lits. Tht-ly seolîîPtacre you. Tliey s-I cure yoîl. Try tiien. Look a Ltte î'mesnter. Ourii lires are gongs;, Anti lM. set thli-Tutiiiii AntI the sang itt sud, or lit-s-na; ie glati, As s-e t-bomus iiialon tht uiueaire. We mîtat write the song, Whatsoever the, wtrds, Wlintes-er lia rliyrue or nietre; Ant iIf ilis sand. s-e inutîtii akl,' ii cîtt Aud if s-ct. oc nt lnualle il au t,-r. LlîuyIIiggs tant taie aiîy litai way s-tiI his courting'. ""Vlttu" HI118 ivaI la a rallroad atinn. shoit ai ucys gis ingtg le girl i l pilîto 0 g soiuewliere" liii] alia i pli s Journial.1 If Cas-nepisa.s.Ta.. ruina Y.-icuigu'stiouu muikea u u t ct e-t esii tu uuuffeîlr iii i. kit-i, 30ui nasale trglitt ansd ut l gauKoti tii- Y,- 1--wt getetitît - irtu rai Illi t-tunetuoo tîrtuti. Ilts eaeettiad, fp t l-tiid grit tuiti heuesthfital. iriiîug tattIuluitu- tiitg. lxha.lus Sotf lctith, -letrisou ctt-t-, yet il la juu. lr ,1>: Ut foic heil- i.t-. an-I n 'nluîîluuy tut-tlu i-il <tut e ltit froneut leh it-ni t tlti,-Ce. lit-tu ail ilt4 s tuu-l Il u i.îuhalttuîl lalil, fo, tiIf-ts- clui-iuit tanduîuduTi.A., tcuir grecer focr(lu tutu . 15 andl 3c lhe N R-stltii lutr utilu utiar s-ash- tasnursu- titi aiuuug tlîtuîui tutf hore, etîtual IoleIu squtare tulles oftif rciiory TO CUBEF A COLD IN UNE DAT Take itaxutise tîrouasQuinIne Taiulet. Ail i les gliarefuntie moute ilitfaila ioeurt-. E. & Gent-s signature itaon etahbox. Z2k-. Ainecican lotiri-sta lu in Jùjxtnare silul le tmberihreetlin"the itatotal et ali allher fortîgu irai-tIers. Tblrty minutea litnil thetlIme i- quire] la ulyeth lPL'TNANM FADE- LEM DUVES. Sl] hby irugglsts. 'h plaiysvi iglît l ls uugai]eutlcly hu- is ' nels, 1-.' a.t~ //, - MISS FRANCES M. ANDERSON, dugte o HN. U602 Anderson, of Virginia. l5 ai presct nlaWaahibngo ~C., es Correspon ding Secretary of the tIigher EualafLwuof that city. Cured of la grippe by Partinif. 1-IlA N(ES NM. ANTItERI- ltiltit-I-,aur "ntu. ]rtpping tlooiu SON., (our- *nhu t u-t u ui. tt 1 l.t-. irlt* roiti lial- u i iI- tus. iuu-itcr-uticor tlitorl. un j rit ~~'u' D, ('.. lus , > t- - lu' .1i ail .t tu. - e a-ii.effetcive reraff y loîînî.t-t- -t us- i ît- î,u.utuîgmitlte deuý _~About fs-omaonths ago tI s a .ken trlîtt-u- stt ul la giie very M Iwlf h la grippeanad s-as otiged' tit-a.1r M . t si nue troula Uglies go go to bcd. I fook irre bof îles of (;!...c. 'Atla 't ri.i;.,u ualetla.- Persaswifh Very b<fefuicliCàeulfâ, 1111.ta Sl ic lua ai1-.I aila ten grlla and vas able te have my tard in a 1 tI îîlu.uld uI, 1afiea srotle s-eek and rrahaind ni tual efrsngth u- ta "u't'up l- ! ai u huuilî dira-l~ Vary sahenort îî utultl, scla Iiripe -'I have nofhlng but pralse for Paru- i u . i tttuu 'sureu. J na. and recoemaend Ill Io uhose P51fl l iîll î-le tttif las latta tainse larly aftccfed w hear v e r I an ' Y. Frances M. Aneersoo. ilM asli-q... iinlu1lu-tuttI rry La gri lubuu il. sii-ilt sî-îî.l it nit lu tuftu- cIuî'-uý. >, t .*tu Suatîti l . demie, t ttarchu llîii ile us :i,ais llsri k'. etovl st-ti t nuaccit s-l h uss., u-u.îtîîguuutue Mi-s (uu.îa..1. Isuhi. (lîlaru,, lad., antu raine s course nant-eor les, it$-taaiu&-. siarIuas itUons.w ul meaut, s arlet fevt. r le;iug 1 b»41 Zn aàWfha fl a »sîip ud ceugli. etc. plsne reheisa ut ih Dtict-iitht seute btakets of ta trifue t eaorchsmof9 Vgi 809 la net as st-cv ftatil im-a-, as.Iîi tic u-uîiî- 00e ul il al-îî iî leavel tuit, sau ie dyfr er a 'uee linutît]tu-ut-utta onluttri t -arPeranacard nma.77» docte, t uî-u iuts u-er-r teruilsulii it sail iud cunseamotilou. I annov le Liii lu gi ui. ar-ithia ti'-luai tlintý: i-a ,-tira bellehail lhen 1have haa or his tiîsitti-t- ,or iu.s uu.ruî 1,uî,. mata> ycurs. thei -iici îleffu-t. atf thi, asti-,- Tu- Ilu gl irt-autuuidPerata teait uaj,.iî>. ults îia .l.-uî, i-I tfuîi.lul '- tut. I nd ttt.Peruons la mi denth i nitt i iflu r-te-Iy och iutuing tus utlrte tt--lit tutu- i1 niait alaral-. lasv. If tls h i. otai ultiudîe oti î-uutîe tu l't-un.t u inei,,- tt IsCaroline J.. oui>- kito% isllbas lliai tutilinuuty arldl I ill. proji pitisas t'a-rina wouuiu c-Ili i trit I f i t tt . tu,' luf ti-prompt nfid astis- et util ite- lS. rititsav si-l-ila tril li- Ilu: - i t-y i-t-l1suit , i- ta te-tise tuf lerna. Itrwtight epon lta-rn, s-bat tuu iititîl-, - l i i l t-u--tlic. liaêtnu.n is iag a tatuan atdfint; wuuuld i la seurtu--i' CîII . lt- ,.t tr t-ua itliihe s-ilI Tbaisunails have alrpai]y ýlîculuis.-1- il1eeIlt- gi c 3yulbts altialîtnul- qtuillk iais e remiedy twill cnt-e unithe- i sut- gril; us uttetuand htI lets-rn svad it ut t-nsdut f îluîti-la1r alu-Icrfituas i'nssileut c-t ih-î'uesshavetnot et hlita nduI --tilIut i l î .tuut cia. 'iluuIil, EXCURSON RATES Iy's Croani Baiem.m yse~ QUICKLY CURES ti o.ît a9s. euesIl. -dh tea COLO 'uHEAD oacamuoa Rue ig, tcm Dalw t. "-n ttt5. Iltset-t . ' a rtF et , lBla isa" us.ies raiitotttrsi. i . tutlb.-daoe.Il Rond. an 55..taî I ns Seu -a. Re5at.. 51 tatu !ta it ,ttî.l tltsts athalt.- tut, it t t>. ,uu-le, Meu Paiutttia. tu-itaeatut - yaaS sea,. I ..2a. hi- , lII COLD tca au-asrtitUisrtl, f-cr Everiasting Fence Pos t' r ajiia C ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .d pa-a fat. stS -tasal, nai u ToUt-t -d: asti Rb aOZES a tanimai.tise UaaatNa.10..liL.-aa. t Il ~i~nreeatiata a lsaiosstt. I Imprudent MarriageTO w satt t. àtt, 'cattitastcrW . Pe ite. uts.i..tauai., Sadsécam54titt.atN ti u, suttite -uetcu-utuun ?AMflBIIa -c, w. l. uti-i1u-z ct loiit V»9tOSil5S AC CE NTIS 1ek.suraas'tai.7 1'Tte u. i.tu.asi a t.tso _aWO issU ~ ~ ~ > asZlasTaiatas stl. iS' U. Ne_-1901 Do Youfor the good of the tobacco 00 Y u oor berause the maker offers a cheap preinium which you Ch9w obaC e/ nver el lIf you chew to- 01mw Tobacco'e consolain for the sat1sfaction of it y s will find Wetmore's Best by far the best you evertastect g .The le sthe best; the blendig is perfect; the fla- voring is pure. The worth of the tobacco is "Il in the qutality"y andi you pay no more for ft. Askr the dealer for WETMORE'S BEST. MtadeootJY Sy IL . WETME TOMAM O., t.Lel$, ML fIlf Iorgea09In of dtJmVq.afua5rt in -Bs. att the w the t th] h. s-i tel -s-i e t the titi the flt ais a- fiai bu bei tdu je. Wh Dl thi 'l met est tou an pl1 rt t u, t la ne th t ri s ce tIi Pl t ku le