day Of 1aige Profite hi pakL, eru .methoda mosimole mM4A 4Emargins. The triutli of I Amertion applies not offly to the, retailer but to the johher and marnu- factusrer aâm well. We take advan.-' tae of eonditioiu< aid make our purchases so that w<' can ineet al competitors. Compare olîr pila <N wjth thome rmade 1w tlue otlivr' store-it wiII bet> (ýyouir advaîi- i;îge todo 0 Tri»g & Taylor, GROCERSI Li bertyv iiie - - Illinois. Now_ lm the tirne anîd liere is the ila<-e to) liiy BIC? CLES- it at a hargaiii. 1 have a 19oo C(resceiit Bicyvle whii-h ~.wiI1 sei as a, starter for lly tihe-way, w'lien 1 mie o thitîk. tiiere is afi(tler one liere for $:L.WOO Cali and inspect my stock before purchasing.] C. R. SHIERMAN, Libertyville sprm. lfi snl W. snd sI&n tiiov' M=s1e MAofa (art Ye-4 k M'il' ici k - - - Illinois.1 glernlai Sa *' LASI 0F1 LlndewearCALI! W A' RE NERV( t' aîîd voî he if voti w ert' oVe'?'- genits, and1<a'Iidei > ;tî d ii weattlîer nu slow inîgettiîigfiîei'e. But if.-. eoîîîig-of tiat . wae are ve-rta ii. the followiîig riedîutioîî in prices-: ilui 41 g 'U Ail Ladie' $100 Gooda ....... 90 85C . .... .. 75 75c . . .. ... .. 65 50C . ...... 40 45c ...... 35 30c ....... 25 25c '........ 20 Men'. $1,50 1.. .I30 $135 -'. . -..- .j-- 1 15 $100 ...... 90 so ....... 45 Ail Chldren's Goodsl 15 per cent off. Smith & Davis, DEALERS IN Gemeral Mercbaudlst. Libertyville - Illinois. vr PICKED UP HERIZ AND THERE. Loçal Items of lnterest to Libe'rtyvllle Readers. C. M. & ST. P. TIME TABLE. ln effect SuDdaY, Dec. 23, 1900, at O13:0 a. nM. TO CHICAGO. WREN DA. Oepart From New Depot. S e 1. .. . .. . . . . » 6;29 . UD A Y. a. ni. î'. na. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . i Ji . t . TO CHICAGO. WEEX D4.10. Depart From Old Depot. No12...... .... .............. r,:25 &m. .. .. .. .. .. . 7:30 a . ni. .. .. . ... .. 1 , ' Mn. «INIA ta No.2......... .. 7:00a. M .No. 14 . .. .. . .. .. .. .. 1 00 p i. No. 131.... FROM CHICAGO. Arrive at Now Dcuot. ... ... ... ..., . .. 4 O35 a N,,. 137 .... ................4:35 p. a. FROM CHIUAGO. vEIXE uAîo Arrive et Old Depot. No. 133............... , ...l5!445 ni. lu . - . . ..... . . .. 6:3 . nM . 141 ................... ... ... 7:g5.M No. 148.......... ...... ...... .â: U . V.AY YRIKHT. W"" 'Min", Deuart From Old DePot. -)--art From OId Depot. No. 1wFa £ , , ..u .........il1 a. m. ,,,r1.w,,t Roud, I 0p. nM. Nos. igî snd 192 wiil carry paaa.,gers betwe Rondost and Slon 1 1111. Thie Yaoung Mené Dancing Club Ire cttîng la lu proge,ým gives a lane t tuie Town Hall 1 A. W. Waîdo in conhlned to is bouse The Epvortis League viii gise 5au 0751er ilîpper aI 1the M. E. chiîtoi Friday niglît, Feb,169lhi. Suppen 15 aud 25 cents.i C. fi. Sherman received s fine Schief- fer piano tbis veek aud expeols a Sisoninger Oet veek. If pou vautt 1 bnp a piano, eall ou Old Sberni. J. Bl. Alisuson Whio for. sevenai peas Lias represented tise Miibnrn Insurance@ Company an agent for Iis tarrllory,a à"a beau socceeded by John Balard. J. il Bradley, of Rondout, sud Frn.k Duaenbenry and B. 1. Pope, of Liberty- ville, bave bornes entered lu the big bornes ale u take place ai the Union Stock Yards oeit voal. 1ev. Caldwell viii give a soties of laurdsy eveuing sermons aI thet i'resbyterian eisnrcb, usiug for bis1 tisejo Pilgrilua Progresa." aie ser- nons w.111lie llstrated. Everybody i nvit.ed F. Proline, Ben Miller aud Chua. Smith vere appoinled a commIlltee Wedneaiday nigist lu soUicit subscrip- lions for 1the bonus 10 be paid the 1 besitis resort projectors. Thep are meeting vils good auccees sud uf moursevisen called îîpou you wiii do1 pour aliare. Tise Engliis lace maeros impurted by D: Dovie sud locat-ed at bis Ziou lu Boulon refuse tu desial uaiug tobacco sud furtiseranore vont b. lluff,3d.Nov lie i n ping for Ibeni sud Iisey are euîoyiag tiseir bull dog pipes tise meutime. NIht he viii do aa huit resortinlabardl otell01. lu speakiug of several "wood lalhes" ilu lest yodsa issue, juat arrlved at W. i. Eatouàs factoty vo vere lu errur. 'The lathea i qoestion are for itou vork, and are fiue machines. Seven bave arriveil. Fiey are modern lu stuita, las% iiig automielcfeal coua- nectiobia, etc. E. L. DiBois, viso lias a positioni as telegrapb oparator st Willlamslleld. Ili.. ise0home for a vocias test. lMr. Du- Rois basti naI eujoyed tise beat of bealîli since bis removal b) Wiilamatield, but a few daya' test oili doubtleas do niucb 10 belp flinaregain is ecoalonary vig or. 6J. Ni. Ellin, knivu famillrip biers- abouta s " a a iete lutIweek fri-oui lowa He came lu Chicago lu pue"-lusse a 8tock of genetal mer- c ia11idla and ýill open a store ai Arthsur, la. Ho lias maup frienda lu Lake county viso vili vlah flm (-rery saiceass lu tise veniture. M iat Ilamie Meaer, ot S1eldon ta, wil roide aill W. C. âauborn for a few iibbitbls viile pntsning ber stndba-', iu Chicago. Misa Maesser la au astof>1ciniderble siililp aud comes tii Chicago te avail hersait ut the upportîibu:tie8 Ibere ofered for stîadying. viue dynaauoes aud engluas forthtie el'ctrioclagist pisntlare eili -'on tise vas '*'riba r nufortuoste sud pro- elddosail pu1iasiiy uit Sterling np lise plant for enollier vaek or en. Evety fi-iglti haexpectedt10 inug lise machlnery sud lit. Freensa ha a muiei disappoiuled nuan. liovever, he lias doue everytbing lu is pover lu hurry thisîga aioug, and il la no feul ut bis tisaIlglis eveotulfrniahed Feb. Ilet. Everyuîue is iutereated lu socnnlug tise locationofut Iat big iealia resort lu Lîlîrtyvilie. l ilvli be a grand lhiig for Oui- sillage suld ontalde of lise direct beuelt l ilh wyul remuit, viii sdvehtiso, LibertPvillie as nuliîing aele could do. P'eople aeeking sommer homes viii Be atacleli sud lbep eau flnd nu more esia-ble location. A 350,0041 butei iocaled on Buler Lake vonid very aiiprecelebiy Inctesse rosi estate values. Cautions Supervions. Siapt. Appley, of lise Oolutp ari, ven us supervlsiors sending patients ut depeandeui. 10 11e poor tari 10 use eveny possible caution and determine bevoud doubt they are nul sufeting viithamy cotagions disasie. He le a 1111e IbiSotis ince. esrnlug tai a mîail pox paieuntvas received atth11e Mllenty cuanulppour farm lest veek sudl th51 stvetai of tise Inntes are ci-, ill tish diseus. Tise auperin. ler1déUt of lise taraIRlainso as victlin. I. vils an attack of rbeumatiam. Mir. Aibrecht. o! Evanaton, la visMa iug hi. BiMlr, Mrs. B. Md.F Ici. tee ls bing barve.led at tbe Armoun tee hou.. ut Long Lako t 1the rate of 5f000 tous pet day. liard partiez veiro given by Chas. Raboock snd John Suydamn Wedneday night at Ibein reapective lhomos. Fou SAL-Four-bole cool alove, good as nev. Muet have larger stove, go vUiiiseli tlheup. -loui IN AY. 17-p S1lgbiug about 1the village vas fairly good 1111e veek and a very 11111. more snov vuuld have ujade il ex- celent. Miss Harper, a neice ,f Mrs. F. B. Loveil, viated t1e lutter everal days this veels, returing W eduesay lu her home lu Onarga. Wilbur Merudith la c, lletIng taxes and h. gels un ail, nuoaaise rping 10 escape film. fRe has bticuanrlers ai E. W. Parbutps @tore. 19 i n umored about towc tisaIAustin Trlpp, of Hall Day, bas ;îutciased th1e Bulleriieid honse on Ochool isreel sud vHi occupy sane lu 1the neakr future. A amail puz onbreal lias ciosed th1e achool at Marengo lu Micteuty couuup. lisny have beau expoaed sud a thotougb quaratine bia beau cnaai llshed. James Trigge te building a large te bouse aut est o! tise ueat nmarket of vhlch (jeu. Triggs la 1roprietor snd anthet sUumef lMt. Triggs viii bava a plentîful supplp utfI-e. A card party vas giron by Mr. sud lits. W. C. itanboru lu aulne forty of Ibeir friends ilsuoday nigst. Like the precedlug evouts of Ihia nature il vasa very ejoyabie afair. Tise C. E. Society of tihe Ptesbp. terlan clarcl i iiigive e Crokînole Socisi t 1e chàutý-b Feb. 7. (james commence t 8,31).Supper viii lae that maurks our pricea riscI IqDBPUb4DEiT ta iudebted 10 C. H. Avenul for k second communication decriptive 0f li&tsrtp tihxough caitoruia. vhich viilcerWlalipprove 1lnleresllug readig 10 hisnisny frieuda lu Ibis village. aervd. Amisjon,2.,cent. ISAN 1)1500. CAL. Jan. 23. 1901. Yon sisould nul ai fba r isEu roc î,,-uaPENDINT ANDuFaIErs: isi dr b. qc er ,arr, ut Austin, thefainions eloculion- Hem-e v are, ver duwn lu tht latuel t secnrod 10 perticipate lu lonlghtla corner of th.eIUited $tâte.sud emi )rOramal;Mohodmlichrcl. Seaummot i Ythorsua. BaMy rbraz rogni e Melaudal hurcs. 11.beatlfal Woathet naka tlasa ver unieb vetp blghip reconimended. paradise. We asrrived liera Saturdal Elav yot notcedthe atercolo sud Sundar Il raiîaed ail dat anal1 Havepou olicd 11e vaet clonsomaOiiug deielot el ftiha ordîna lrwing (iftheb.propod saullanriunm b laceît ains but tvlae e ceai- as a tule Je bulIl ou BuIler L.ake, on vslwet asuoieeara nteatail. It muonba aied uni be Lake Conuty lIlsuk? I oerlainly tise relu. Tise sun la a long liesoItl viilbc hadaoe 8tuctrandoneot ertIhe inoantains sud WvIsn i al <lii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~h bsbdsac trcresuueliePacIfio. des-loess onies vittie asu. oili vorthounr bet effot tolusecure. mDes to vlaluis va az" unnsed. makln layseffsc out ue isoliauitet than ai boc W,,.wveo duvlu leu coto-day au SCHOOL NOTES. of teacis of Mas-shai Frosisman for 'Tie literary prugrani last Frldey bout-s. Ito aoot nr id iilaan sd lia ras very god. It i. especiaiîp ne- rond Il anutained onlir ta tise tonnas ueated Ibal mure sisilorsatatendi unr that oountry. Thora la posaltively an beyoud 1the rsiroad terminus fot mile prgrais lteanulienetofore. miles. ItIola)netmas nature niade Il. âne The third sud fourtîlirois sand alusorthvo e lilisI-liole iluesa. Soeusry. su .1e Bigla Scisool vote dismisoed oun Im luaomieteut to descaibe olfier Il acllageorgi-onsîr grand. i-est Iuuday îorning owlug tluthlim- e"y BoIte su' ad Iero i sarsudd od 1 pmssblütpof kee4iig thie roonis prop- steada anld large leniOn gi-oves. 01 3rp heated. bibis one sues oianges, olives. grape, otisotfruits giovIns lu ebundanoe. E Tbe third yeal- Higli icIsoul pupils vhoro beantitîful Ilaissund flovera ut are reading blie8eperah**acbeths," description. The ait suons lben for Englilal vorlu The final sud sec-iaa<fuiliansd la t-ut refrealilus und pear pupils are readng "Sir Roger invlaotatlner. Ail aud le lrrigai.eE b floiaI niane. Had ther lue tains vs le le Coverlp Paperm, by Addison. Illinois il vouid udaies is. A numisror ot mali pictnres haveIlb a.-n.s8 rfrosiing cousan bta.oze bIc been iug lu tise Higi S choul Ihla the onutrir andi vion Il dies <10v o. ciockoneantoto oolîei. adrow geek, 1the predomnanug subjoctut ofvei-oulua tise animation engeuder, chiais is animais. Tbey are copinesuf thse mssu broese. 1I hase cislaso tim the vurka uf famous pinters snob s.: M-s Averil retites 11 tient. r isaluet Landiser, Rusai bonheur, Milet, vsicis naises la houtis ioep sud i a Herrng nd eonrdu e Vnai dailiuied olumslnnibieti longr hleting ud Lonado d Vini. hlebin lullinois vonld e suanIposa foi- ni. Portsons vho auffer froteindigestion We vibI retorn lu Lon Angeles Bat cm6 nul expect lu live long, because vhei-e It lentquit@ se '*slow." Bsu <ey connu% 0e1tlise food. requlred îo tla a sportIand vs have smen mnu sonnaS lise body sud the pruducts ut steani'i- cone sud go. sonie fi-onI ao[ he uudigealed to-ida tley do est cosstotiaotafrom wsaoatiseuat e: poisonthieblood. It la important lu 0of blus Saler. One U3. S. Torpedo cure mdigetion Ras SOOn as possible. hueanov sud 1110 bailesisf oie and th. beai nieîliud ufdolng lui. la WWisan are expeced to niorrow wv g0 nue tbe prepartiOn kuovu as Kodot hope 10 sue heni. Dysppesia Cure. Il digessvbat pou We continue veil and are enîotini est and restares ail the digestive lu tisa fullal sili3It. Organs l'O perfeel bealIi. F. BR foui-a brait. (. H. Av& LovELL, Libertyvîlie; J. R. BRAcEUn, Qurnee.Western lRate. Meduced ____ Oteatly reduused one-vmp rtl Cerd of Theuka. be lu ofeci via Wiaâconain Couli We deine go siucereiy Ilisul ait vsp 10 Pointe$lunMîuosola friendsansd nelgisiots vho o kiudly Dakota, Montana, Idaho, CI Washington, sud Brliah Colt asi.ted duriua tise iliues ansd deatis e.ocbTnesdap, commencing let ut OUTr fallier. 121h and coutiuuing unlil April JULit!s CRASIIBaIbLA!b< aNO FAMILY. Fur debdiled InformakIon inqu Ivanoe, li.eeteticket agoni W. C. a issuosaddress. 0. D. Ilarper, DInI. Pase _____- geat,4 W. C. IH., Oshhb, 'W IiIufflutiion of P»artneraip. Jas. C. Pond, Ge'l Paua. Tise Undersigised bave bp nmutuaelMilwaukee.,Wile. consent dlasoived patnerahip. Tbe, bus§inesscuuductedUnudar flin namo , Tht ioriled tepulalion for- of Triggs a Warren viii buretttm o-pliles, ocres sda5Mndiaoms oc coudncled bp Ueo. H. Trigge. W. J. bp DeWiItsa Wiscb HasilSaler Warren, rtirlng. Ail ouiealndlng se- Illed to le maiug of wotlesoc canut& arse PUapsbîe tu(*. H. Trlggs. telle. De sUrefin gel only Di U0.0. ýTassas. Salve. Y. B. Lovax., LIbert 15-3d. We.J;. WAaux . j, EaàCEEu.Gatrce. Vin on; mm AiAM Libertyvîlle Chtisens Roid maes. Melng-Wifl Baise Bonus of $2,500. For scierai veeks a project bua been on foot 10 locale upon the shures u1 Bule Lake a bealth resort. Two Chii- cago gentlemen, Meus. Cr aud Fui- love, vho are Iutereatedin luLiberty- ville spring valer aud uho Ibo succeme- fully rgauxed 1the Pui Minerai Spring Co. for the purpose of banaling the valer lu Chicago, are promoters of tbe hotel project. Having aecured an option on prop- erty surrouadiug Butler Lake, tbey desired 10 knov vhal lhey ualgbt ex. peol froin Libertyville ln lieu of locat.- ,éig the resort bene. To tbis end a Umassmeeting uf cilizenus asCs.led Wednesday uilht for the purpose of conerring vilb 1the people. MUr. Cary vas proeeuland brleflY stated vbal vas proposed sud vbat vould be expected ut Libenlyvlle. Hesald: -"We lnlend 10 build Sud equip à $50,000 botel, sud a large boet houa.. vilfi parlons ovenhead and rooma for bowling alley, blliard and pool tables, etc. W e viii esaliih a tiret-clama golf course and shali m- prove lbe lake, building a gravel drive &round same. -Onr conipany wiU be composed of 100 prominent Chicago physinlans and vbile ve ezplicitly agree 10 spond but 350,000 in imrvmna e viii vithin Ivopera speud over 3100).000 ou our property. 'Wbal ve ask uf Liberlyville le a $2,600 bonus la b. paid la us vhen ve have f uilld o ar ut 1f h. coulracl, or, ln other vonda, vison unr buildings are agiter roof. oven $20,000 vorth uf stock bas been muid luounr conipaur 10 eight o1 themosl promîneul phaysiciena in Chicago. " Mir. Carr explined ln delail th1e bonefil mure 10 resuit 10 Liberlyvilie If et"b a resort le ail bohre, and upon M*Iing hie sost aked for an expression uf tlsoeu proeutn. sovera iimons spoke euthusiaslc. aMy 0f tbe deirabiliby uf aecuriug mnch an enlerprisu andi a subacriplion paper vas pasaed about the. ru un. SM wuva p ledged aud a commile uf lhree appointed 10 soicil addilioual subsoriptions. The meeting tben ad- journed unul nezt Weduosday igbt. ab vhlch lime the viii bu beard froni Sud fiuai arrangements conclnded. Liberlyville people are greatly lu ernet lu thelr endavor la assurs lbe location ofthIis untrprime boe and nu doubt the reqnired amouut Of mouey viiib. subscribed. If su, vork on 1the buildings viii commence earIY lun1the spting. The hotel proper vill havesa front- @go of 20 felt ou Rutler Litke and froni plana submnted appeaus of beautital architecture. Accommodations for 600 guesta vilI b. provlded. A large livery vii bu mainutaed lu counec- lion, equipped vllb femhionable cou- veyances 0f every kiud. in the Land 0f-Fiowem.. out at prices. Coatui. greatly rediiced Especdally Fur We are agents for the New Home Sewitsg Machine. The new machines have ball-bearings anîd are the lightest rnuniiîg and best Sewing Machine ruade. Girls' lleadwear LESS THAN ...JALF PRICE... Odd lots ciosed out hp a jobber before uStok- tahlug etI unrprice. Mostly T&MamOhaler OaM, made fron flue a&U Wool Flannols and Eldordovu; sonie are fur trlimmed and bavoestu proiectors; mcml uft 111m hovover are suitabie for Bptlng Wear. Thero lea aamli lot o uenoCtush bals mogt the lot ltu ted sud llghtbl bie colora. Yon eau bave pour choice ut any ofthiese 50 lu 75e Mats and Capé for TH-E FAIR, Liberty ville . . . . illiewos. Pure A Drugs. . .. Drug $tu Perfumes. Tolet Artices. Patent Medlclrn PAINTS AND OILS. es viii A Urge and Complete Stock of Sc Boo oc"sTaMi ri rail- NorthSidRomNeW vegfon, Imbla, ibuary i uth. .B O E L menger Lbertyville F .L V L , ii Nis., or Agent, Saw MiliiNotice. 1 bave tenfledthe Hait Dey 5»w ml aud viliitari up as soon asveatise permim.. AU Ihose va»«»«g sain doue map briug their loeuMd i S gueasUlSe satiamion. a. IL 014BàSON, lMalt Dai. a-Suà-p wet 0 ile 3 1 1 viii bave a enus, t".ebm là Iee bal~ste. M lq yDay - .lîsu waik in and pick <ont what yon want. Nowheare will you find a Ijicer o>r better as- 4<rtell stock of staple atud faiwy groceries tVo select froin. Waaiburnsa Superlative or Guid Medal Plour.............. S i 10 Herkimet Co. Full Crean Ciseene the finesn ade .............. 16 Masois Ruckvbeat, 25 11lia ssc. 80 Nety fâne Table Sytup ............ 30 Naval Oranges.................. 33 Japanese Tangerines ...... 5 Remiember olir Overcoat Sale. A few left Wo close t not M ightier than the tbat dt ci ti P. ci L G