Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1901, p. 6

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Wb, 4eba tIý 0 mtt1tise hfelre PRO ibsaadeSeoe oé'u&Meathat-;d.fIWo iPuirîan. l Nathani WalwonIh, t10lis oppeinted lier una sdian r "The sanie. your aajety." Lait; "Ann ihe soon atterWard emigrated,.le Coin Ameelca 1"Ba "I remembur hlm wen-i," salîl tht Ecri h ot Arraun. "Het se-vut undn-r Cromwelîl, as a coptain ot draguoons, that ustd ta Wceh, stable thulr herses in tht stalle o e b. Il cathedrala." .weri. If I miwaku nil ecsid Buckingham, teaset "onet Buriingtou, a-be owued a prineely At ILu ectte lu Wiltshiru, wac tht fair danxael'a reault 'Y_____________uncit fae Falklandl la aucimariaPitur" dîne, about." la rep -(IKApTER Ix -(Ceotinueni.> someting tor hiea majeafy uhieh mn i ef "Ht wc", Raid Arran. of lit, le a dangucous bainca.' Margtmy han for muos o star urtatrved "*It la Rihu, theo, selu stands la you* lawyc 06 auch saeas ittietrs ta li." as lbe apple et hen eye, gis-nlIla Place ligIit' calîl Harry Jermyn. prote! saad that yiuîlII Snd liaI itlai." lu a box of polichedutompie, the wbole -That lant qute iparer,' replitîl FaW lk- n a<ineaua. Aflun aierîng a sinugle tint. hy the aide ot lier but beadtar." land. Ortl., IWI cana. it tela. re-tors- t athe "XetlIer the permission uer the oder -True. If lou marry he. It wll thon Prepia Il as tuken tran.,'in nectnsmy." Raidîl Charles, laughing, a" lbu much tht sainie an it elîl Burlingtln ad. tbufteaYouea unte uIterfl tht natter tupped bastily forseard, c bati mode soc ie heIn. -e-i-b, l's-e heard have eau -Is-sttnines-" steutbuilt yeoman flloiing coet bis lbu once cotemplated." tht -j tI etrda>- eus trou my Aut deml flashe-nirtrmexcitement. lent, tbongh vith icompresseni lips ad cru ~wha, atter te dalh of Mr. AÀivurd tromntBuckingham causeel tbe fiachîintyts. lie now dew Falkland a Yertm j 1r Burliigo left mu thteitarnietht spot wis-itt heIbuking stoud.of aetlemans, su thtlicerDal ah oertiseIt s~aapmperts. a tu-w lugacles ex, Whtn arris-ed siithin a short dstance oethet a nleman, thma lied t avp e I tf aleni June 8 1651, baîl te- hlm, happening ta cals-b ighl ofthIe TH] o ma kuîemtapded. ans-t rgh wle ttte lighl 1 t onde ruelîet- tDuke- ut Buckingham, lbu stopped with , Iî stihe e il eppean hys-l-bat uhgt vîll oae *0e usrittea elactly îhree a puzzltîl air, and crathing hie bcad ta p-eu c8htht Ueslsa sii a etuia tc tal a day..ceelsat hie mumry, ateruatly eis garîlun about i't-"OI a unnIalr coineidence, I ahenlîl tht king andl the dulie. "By au ngoiimana, riglt." man; t h l aebouldl icewrilten "I sheulni e.>-thnt tbis wasthe king," "Antd b;the sainierigbt r refuse ta an- elght nth andl the Rame di>- et thte au lie. io a lese len tutehimuelt fixing airer a qutstion achenl isiti se mach ar- ethes bia eese oCharlIe, "thougis tht nîher rogance."' alun. sr eud frtast. A 5511ht onuela dregsun sus-h a nation deai flur.1"I1 am not in a truan,Juat nese. ta Nei a ingogtrkueeoritthte a.n "Wiatr beada than hia have aupposeni lothe uny lanueage lu tht garb et hunifi- aleW Dînet la a six." that tht dis-its that doth bedge a king ity. t denianîl te kueurIt Aile Dale tilI Uten alteratien wblch muatinlemade ofnoue btter atI I hon lace-e, gave sou. Ibat upal ut himrusen trut a-Il." g9n-e ty made an le dets dute- rilibon andi jewele. go den't lie puf tîl "fti Was frc-elY gis-n." aider, Lunre a cumaiel as vsIl 9a a OP, George," sgalî Charles, .îldcueing "1,t la taice. She neyer gave It ta you." huge Buckingham, who, liht hinselt. vue in- -What I have Raiis Irue." manao it-ulle wich mine isant defi flnitely dlverleti ut tht mena&umystifica- -Icliall nt tahe seur scrd." ms-ut -ed.for youralt.' 1 tion. u-Let thtesvord decide- it, theul" ed g i peuklng hie toh antit- Another lok. longer and mnore searcei- Charle, ishu bâti eauglit eneugh ef tram bis peeket. unraledn Il Ina thonathteallera hail boee, appuamed wseat vue said 1a underotsmd hy t'bia ilto b Ililîen. ta esers-eme mal lingerins deubt. and op- ime syhut vas geîng forwacîl. now inter- dt'tll me that sesur AunaI prechin Charlea more neariy,.bc en-l lied. mt ouIs metiosidthtesel, et i, teel. at thte nme ime huggiua a -Yu enee eta rget,' Raid lbe. thal t.1pareel. rouud vhirh va errppeni a Iis la neither a plat uer c pruceni-t fer 't manie sp anY md then nnowy napkmn. cioseîy te a h reaat. los-er'nbrella. Botlbf u t ewelIipluamet show iî talait-e or not. Look "Whal la p-ur wiah, MY gond i tnrd?' censiden yeureei-rennatter crret-yen. .1 asid Charle..1 Gilbert Falkland,. for pa-peclua te decîde t yoaisalai It vue date-ni1056." It la ounIsthatl enu- majmBIS" andlte question b; tbe sa-orsI. sud ou. 8, -a iea I recLielssd it." lie bualen i hmatî wiIb ndoiog tht uap- Clareece Harlelgh for pros-oking hlm ta lie posible that the figure nîne hila. eache apeke. "would graciousa lepnaseil. Remeuiher flitntîriles-etIis place X bore sno fairlyinsecribeni vas ho accept thia cunry-cona.' ton remîls turnîcheni loniginga ln tht Tose- 6'Odiaflal. man! btter gis-e It teanmy e-. But cae"endi bs tentunrea nelexe-n groom." mIe Ibthir uauel goon-umoetalexpreesion, dout coit ou receviai mal "Not for a golîl ducat." sami thteme-e bas-e alradîle tî our remalet f fruts benit for your trouble." "veuid 1 agin bave t il oues boratfleeh." stand witing til one might vuil deeuniti r d d not muât depeni "Why, thor', sotblng dagerue abafout a remettanorfioe. 1 IMut Pot thioga in aIt,1hper sali Charlea. Saylng thus. lie ob bis pacet Ithe r I fdeist in tht bride, 1 "Ne; ad' pIeuse jour mas, bal 1h table, andithe oete seluding Harlelgh tetrtefle. If VtetiucCeeni oadltiehoputtn' aallgt un w; goûtod mniFalkland. vhe dace,] t efutse. foi. cise and Rayleigh 1thîiînk Dame Margery. wbo bois kept il lu tht laicti hie exemplu. aui oerell-avored Ibal pa-maple box wthlhemtet headger nVer (Ta lit cotiued-l >veraece wilIaOtfilualîs eince I currîeni the bas mare wth il thatE t.I a MY te iti." cumieni leu r m uJe ts hep-end h e re ch o f -- cae, ehof the wila wüI thune whe vert sce-ng fer po." COMINO ISERE BY STEALTHr. a Fteye." --Lt me so," eaid CarIes, cdjusllng tI& onutht-e thes hcnd,.Rt- lite plig. -r thlnk 1 have sonin-recel- HandraaetfChIas.. fl.tau itiaugue auaty ho, ho vilIl iati tht lectioe or a boy mare Ihat served me. un Acnomte B order- Fs-niaCanada. lthecb hberéecalho expectoni. a certain cemalon, vhich mlght bas-e Thaet hundrmoîlan fifty ChIne-ce. Bf17 ae l nthe ver, beart caeW i dhhdred vitu due vinai. as tam Japancetandi Iheunandaetofdollara' oeme la bis bride's ecail as aposi vau concerutîl. and if vas vieil woth et opium have bue mu;gled net to e fl t lit 1 aes. A dae bloni- fron Canada lut tht Unitedi States on tht> u-iU never cerne wben Alet iraty dragecea kep me ai ittfoer tee canas-rage eacb mooth fer uoanBy c mat t. ho Clarence Kaleigh'cbimde. minete or more. then Il butonet bugau e codn adsoelsmd yoe mmarenets muet fie madie use te log, and it vas't long before- lie fol- ya.aiiodn;telce-me mneb lit abouldai eanrail. Yen Ioe<tbis exemple." the Amerli-in agente ef tht Immigra-slas cUit lndthteritopprttl- lier name van Speedyfoot. pleace 110e dtpartmet t Dlthe fleuudary fiue. mas, n oor majsty." Tht amuggllng ba bn-n carrieni on chlpi "Bihe vu veil nameit. Touna la [tee- deepite thte utmot vigilance et thtet- cO goeat the nome time." ans-k Dktsr' fichais. but ce extensive le flic open cru Tg .e roanhtee nn&a - st , pknam 05Formaints." - founda-y IHue that a Iborouglu scretlnp- ta, y~,f oat of aitPuri- "'ltdm. plu»amema" althat ighl velI, 19lainpoaslIble. Amerla-Iunofliclaere- ta - ohin ata lho gineni f it, Io lta meet yen ilac place wbert. at thetline l e heelai have Do faues tor." scu dîid me sncb goni service. theme op- cettl>- stdeubled thetr efforts le arment crel -ptea i 111e chance et my es-cm bing ani- .mu;;lere ands muggîed orientale. tatil OHÂPTER X. mitîs--i. 1 thongbt, aI the moment e or por Dtring a rectut monthli 200 haitefien cli Uabrleigh. duing the fis-t otrance. I hati ceeu that houet face lhe- capturtîl shile cudnavoing leaics thet p ~ orweeka after ie arrivai in fore." sulîl Chalest. Tlien cseakiig leboundary, bel il van oui>- during tisa ise had. vlth on -or twc excep- camne oe la atteudance, lie gave oc-rfelasit esedaye that the exlent oethlb.Jeti bhnIdhacîf traim court. Ne that Heetirlob ahoulîl bu prosidio thltb stean sas azcurtaned. Nov es-es- ac t~it lnt thelb compcoloahip of refreshmttend ledgiag, svhile, turig efr shi;nnet cap@ w th v~ Thi as Rocheter, Buchlinret, ar- le Heudrick imatif, lie ebarged bina not G alw,île o alamn ie a mae-e utte-nfy. KlIlIaeev. te go cas y netht musuniati lie bonia [. G atofninfere prlmete binaicent ani showy Dukeofot ither cee aicm hoarddftramhlm. for Vancous-er, oblalued the iret clew iou wifh scoe-of et etefsbose Il Ihouglt.' aldiRayleigh, scie, Wih 10 theIllegal operallone at tht heurt- a I. b snmered their s-irts. vceli two or thre ethers, sas standing; a Ultle dary. The delailînlhe gave bai-t buen tînc hlm. celther fil preeept on sort,. Ihst <Gilbet-tFalkland waa tae fit esetgattîl andI are froutdhy tht nadi te page tliongh bis hwo yeau-a em bn-utia evening." American effieWla lfie practleaîly cor- the ia à manner tea atiafy is e -g.Sebe la." salih.eBom lbe u4dneeed. a-ot. Most et tht Chînesetune taken met exaetleg Itiage. 'IIabuulda't venter If. hisutuani utbei; or moe C ourstiers er grop- lined it -tbgolai. whcb voulîl enahîelaini Ifreugli In partiesnoetfroiniten te twen- Of la tbe b»uqatiag hall, te reaume vith freah spirit hie eid habita t>. Tisuru are lu al o ai-cos-e Oetroade the which, ouly a tew years previ- et laxuy bia pecketa vert fxeusid hoeau- andI traille airosa sud arounni Mount wlt tut,.lai pammenitletise acat- laio notinu fetter than c few uothiece Baker, btween Cluillwack andl What- uni dtia on varloua subies-i, nsea aants algeed i vidutht mark of aome cint. Oly six are scatcee es-en dl SpretaIl ibetlly atosoneit witb indieno cher. vîlder thon bis lands." tentuaru eeuliciently guns-det. Se jet seamadml. tapas. uiytise interban Ht bati hardIs flislabeni resaieg vben uIcel bs hue tntunderground alroni mai vould elapat prevbeuRhs te tbe ta- Falklandl matde bis appearauce. . mrn enwre atwl-rw ettekn."Ah, bs-ne le uns palenute-. fe trien >asmleeso-kn htseIdae Rayteigh lie here Iis ts-tniagr' the nev vorlai." saiC meCGor tau ea, iontaîning plane e ltrail mamni an' m et them, adnreaing HarMy Jet- glving hlm hic baud, 1 bear1l 1>W eu roads, are aupplenito e mn ;olng aÇroeeru yoti bock te merns England, esen .e thtefine, o tisaI ta-c rle ne oss tl nul belles-e lie nom uareioualy coude- are tht aunaer eft as many ai-nus ïare or their loaIn; tht-ar way. Theguerdedn ers ta - egis-tbia psomise te thal et- containt ed ns Uitedi Kingiems.'t - rude are Mtk-ad 8f4 tS eié* h an vie tht reply. -I enderataud nov -r eau assure lotir majeat>,-" aid ýÈab- are oullînuti. ne thal fully tv-o-tllds mi tb. brigisI giannes oftacetabin ladl'a lan, "Ibot there wotulîlbu ample space0 mIght ma wvs-l tail on an ceberg' fer my tiomain belus-en tise Thamaeanti e tht 61.0 or 00 Jopanese and Chinese pi. s-mme sattlibuenlgbitened*!" ise Tweed, tise seole ot a-icSl a nt irisetry te gel lisceugis ouih meetisare te thetifrât speaker. wrtb the spaet shadoîl hy tht Royal sucestîfut in Iluels endeavsors. WhisllBal -LS Arrau telle me lisal bis atb- Oak. When the gclm-olîl Puritans callidthfle ChInuit- are tlken throu;h Itu large le mua bulai tetis ehngi eta ld pnt t Ie -ranîl bwling ss-ldem- pas-tIea unnlnr the personal supervsiton t-h( Il tuaode liehotund in tise nua- serl."- es. Ihey could't bus-e bit on a mou-e ut caua<ian guides, flue Japaneat are r - -à wAd tat la more enacrounitable apps-prlte appellatian, il bing inhaiît- ucuuuiîy sent lht-eugh fly llitmosit. fit 00,' sait Killigrese. "Dame Itumer says eni chiefy b; buara andsI vse."Th iesPa $2ecorol cg laaPrecsioînlt. endlesceeve li "I boit @%"Pd,"uiRasid Kiîigrev, est- TtCun-epy$5nn-l rol appanel than ca ud-cooreti geve, a tresaltiFalklanbd. t urag Foens- l$10oapitte ifthîe party Ina alarge one, et oeêlf e cmbrir and pioncre ofthtie sence. yen vweu eponu tht red-okiutned us-Ile tht- Japunene are gis-en a map fie Omardauher cf saine Indien her, sud riug and i le ndirection et tht acf ut nou dr ,»Ad me atît vîlli tarrh." esaiauoth hrlir et tillume oui enlven tilt court, fthîe modoît s$unof $5. Tht Jap- h «e, "r venture la a fiht, likhe bura- isititht jecela inler nse andte blt-le ane-e ai-t ugually trufliEout Iu a on; ni mo rala were fisQue-ee Be, s.esround huernaki." lîne. noteetîmen a quarter et a umile uîl d sM tand alane' I bavu eeu au Iudien mîldun.' ne- rn nes-Ir adfah hw h 01 ahouldot iranie." Raid Rilligrua-, plied tcu shoot brülliat ues es-oueutn a-n ee n nitihcor h 'W 11arligli aboutI treta bu a ltnrîito shatite thet arunt iiamnie us-en dug fron tteeediegoue thet taIl by marbîtu; the s-t ibillM.ite utinea if GtIri-ndu 1I sculd't ecep ltreeon euth-r ide et the patb. Thusese- "S« r1sîide Jerrni>. -I bure ses- cuint liiis plpndid jea-el." o the betîy gel tha-ouglan sd If ene hoppenho peOiedieb.hud aleusite; that waaseves- As bu-spolie, lie tossed rputetbete bc caplureni tht others ban-eflImte le ci' # b e-neurued tram the Ifovtiece." tb- up.,i ilcbed b>-ltlîdctd Docnte runi gel &any. il IaketeIret days teniche di ."ladfise sou. Ratd llirireus, "ta he Ali iitt e d. ri in ils deacent. Recul- thetrinp, tra-cellu; et aluht andi sîtep- li -y~guard, ce as nu l a iatiftttaamy en efas inetesiteetteH- >cý sleeebuld bc malte hin nîtpeemuuce and temîttang fruits sud spas-hing v-lue. Intu hhnntlet II.e-nn aî t en -opinuttluu.AIc;tu liaîibm Il ws e aeIoated fronStes-eston t at - 01110rtIe ueien tof the- taandi,,-nd." fui-ilu-hi-d citesen. Tisenecxt minute tbrue Chisnese irere dr-owet neur the e"4a veurng a ceuiicrc thle blîtoî ecedue, leusing hp and chseck houndnry IlInt point IRoberts. A es-- l Sd iO duletinî fatesh big us îpâle as dualb. unulauueh aon lua-ol early rau dosce li Ii-1kO-e-o.' cd litunyermyusni, -A os e oke. lIlicbfoinî; ila ta, flnir ratwi ebcli ad been wac-hed for 1f1 41no rebahîs bentu; emiîîîed o! bis ua-a Falkland."' saisI Hnrs Jermnanfsautefinie. Wisen tise Chnaget ana-that fi 'URQUITS IlEPESENTED. rocrs Have a Le&£-BiIflBSB NoMn a. **coud, Woiliwed b? Verser, ikerB and journeait. olit§Lcn, yais-a.., aidacol Te.che»ci lta,. ilitati On-ee.&Odenri - tahen ail mrtoneuptle ta uoike c Id and I ftaiteari-nsitahîds ut tuel thte a iCongresof the. l'uilted tatte. aest it la co lu Ibuors, thattilties a àt tif obiservatlioni ne vatld bu tu- Ni lu the hlitat ..m[y une Versait Ppreartit. Vben tni la heau hut th iîuxt Cotîgreca 257 iietubIrsa tre es, tht prciondi-rauce ot tht legaî !slamei. a to .,ict-otnt for thse vs-i nous liagea eft Il..-Ctou grcaitulil t ec whurclo the atcrba t.isered Or )re,] by tî are pîblich- SBeuow It acuilua Ilat tutu Who ret la l icil i inttecruâcular laltenite glft Ot gai e uhe tht grOit- pirogurnelu 1ttîli, un-. ultheîîgh the of laltuctiali ,c1tcbiiiahiug paesod t useo. At amy raîr. amcytra have y netrly ea neiiî,uly etftt e eta lu Hoeiet utCîsgreas ceunis odd, hoever. Iat et ail the bers et tht lieuse ..nI; elght are ig te ncknoedslig-theliunelven Poil- es, or. lu ether ivirde.e-ear their ap- date titde. There are, ut courge, ,y pelitîcina luCo.ugreas, but unly ithat wlll admit that tht; bave no Lucînessa mîe 1toliilsa aprotes- eXI te tht lusryurs lu numenitcal îglh conme thse buainessumen. There 1 efift ofIsetthece te thte et tCou- s, a emtalitproption sehen it lans-tn- -nil that mennn tht govemrmettt leaa ,eousiess enterlîriat requirins ila ta mgemufit busnessan atgacltY andl judg- irathtr thon legal taleuI. Thtefhuai- PUll~U1T, h coNueces. meas anuit e feh peliical honar, or il i de Ibey baveoIt thLUI on timo te Dilîulate pollîleal a-ire.,. An il la. unIs eout oetvtseu etthu eenibure efthIe xt [toit. vil] b.e a business a n. Tht sa densignuteni ne busineas men laclude iatfacturera. nierebautýte. rutlcanmenel tp uvuere, Igmabus-muu etc. auesidernug hua- fadly lise'PeIliticIati" trealttî in tht dietribu tion et politiccl ors. the fanantsnhave amaîl reaien romplain. Tbey etaned thitîl ou the tvllb îswenty-lhs-ee seembue te theit elit. viuch eoirsthat in sewîng agi- ou et agnînittuisan tht-y has-ct nepen te hoor-t Bya aîcstliir, andIneut altoguîes- erlg- si coinvne, ut.tise bankien nd lh. rnniîst., are lied fer ftuth Place- h nutiatc-cit; hwclity oeumemnflrs. lie mn;an or î.îs et L.- takun us n ein catistaI ini poptîlan este-tut dis-eten, flenanu- an te ioldenc ot publie opin- eltaoiltiltntiti etulality. Bat thene la luîd etoftuiu justie ;aie la the dia- ation cu,îfu-rretl upouu jouirttlasts. Jour- ilests lucmnade go mumuy publie Imen iat it lenenoluire thon rîglil hat public n eheulî L e umade or journalise. Ont tht ui.teat etl ettht jtitnaîîms inl teHouini, a ciansi-ha in realls a Journal- i ndl nuit îitiîe;le iclilSuitalîs eonneclted îh lAie prî tiselon. Anioe Cum- Lge oetwsvYork. The culire Main. n-egalion ia tht litICongre%@ wee ninaliaits. altoi Seniton Hlitoftthe %me Stule itis -ta a ss-sspaues- A~ lonig iitanctte- uhtud tise jounalniste ni baukera couie the eigbl puliliclîns ni- suis mfrefutu-l tc, fbut pbyiielnnSle tht umhen f et u-en ircea ttht Politiennes tee tor Ifihplace. Tht- sîhî,,ul luch- rs as-ee nl i>utîpintulhehiud the dactors. i tlaite ot air seembumi. l-ive oltirs itube u,'t.,ii thisel elm fos- se-unth dute, wirî tilu au îittit-m are etiIposd buli eatiogIi Iigis-e the luamp tiseuesý- r; neligiiit-,le-asci. Atth lb. tuttoftthe liaI a eolitaryse- r appe-ara ,ît.în thuestageuf etliîîuin re vluetofa tuîegncemae. If "ail tht voîde a 8ansi-.aundmeîiand somun are >ul actes un it.*' the foe-giig elanelfi- àtien ot îunnuîits sens bu e rong, fbut Sly rat meutiltîn of Caugrîna consent% le tdesignctud solely anscasmenieur etthe elintir profi-uaiet. Lt un hope tiat ils auliturr> rectuatell-tis lred fi; a tilt nsmbiîtitui "dus-atetlhé, stage' ton ut it- h le siilI aIma for a brie! pe- rid. lctunuieî,'tii tht joîîmuuliaic cloaetilin rnias-knhîî hu-ititns n iubIlie lite, "peciaîly frîî,îîNew k'nglunul, are or tave been mule-or legs intieîatel> ase- auinc Il. tlîtheprena. 0f couren thel diplotmatie tutirtonnarnserv-ice the uum- ben la legittlt - tt a tair protportion ffounr national eletive eofcea have ben illun by mea-ho itave des-eti onside'anbls attention te jitmiralism. Stuaten Jomieph Hai-les et Connecticut aà eus-etofhe îtnoptsnltîndtuai tons et te Htfordlt'ouranb, sud e.'elde a ta- lle antipoei-eul peu. aed nu emltiîpîart tr the poeIîtiu-alinfineuetofthe paîtulur lenten is, sîtelîlnitisougît bic eîspa- par. The liat of îournliatie pubilie mn algbt bu extia ,le,] te inefode mati; nota- ble ubet'.. for un litaes- ieyatht poesetaof> thc prseenl sut ulîs receguized tbcb s-er imany ulalenilto and politicitesare ecgett te aisatiatu thoeîs-ca iS lbthe ee -bal management cf neseepapens. Tel Il se a siguîlenul t-I uel sen svlo uni editors lu thueitroci senne rartiy fli lec tre offlecs. For ou lbhiug Ihese umt, has-e ucithur tiote uitrinclination te pust itîir pernoîtul fortunes lu tise politilea fildn, fludinlsIt-re congunl o iek lutlb éditorial bîtreens sud PrefenringtheIbext ercieofetIhe ptewer et makieg and uný leof tprestige îns-lels-in a arender et tht impereonal moirer Ie amiem te, chies- porsonai poilit-al ambition, A sece .Reion fer the eitor'e laek e1 peliulai support for oficeIolentlhe mafkeO lt mny .utmieg. -If he la a lIs-e dîtet us-l OPWnons andi tearlee.e.anlu xproésisi theai he antagonisee pepc-erfut ni afuee erlahoutatmal. hlmsel* selîi vîli Ilt ait IN col S as obi fre de, 1 zpý bel thg be st, Co m 1 on Ri 80 Nc al, tie u tyl Mx Ca 8 ; tn in rel Ca nil a r m m et th tk th wl ai] w j t se te or qi ul tll F QI la 2 ; bi Il 111 CI c Westernu rialshavei nc'udp~olun rmurte la Washnllgtolor înIlie iiiigi,. riftonru PreriIcut Ii-hitlcy. u cl in ueffet lu sîllbt themeuîuuoy enuts tf tht est"t-e Stat- lin-a.tut Coloradoi iandulWyoming. Tht- rate a iii tic-tnte face plus $2 ttr tise rituel tei,. exi tthl..t feuitît pointls au; of l, [he sîtt-nu g li î s itviîîling Cbiingii.'ueia nuthiel Sitoits, te $6 ut Ilait thue rtniltcssIrIe tri rreanul a thinil for Ihe r-ndutltrip, Ii)ich itti. tilssu>a.I bu auhil-ul I, tise rute,-le-rt-,ilîî-rî-frenu. pneu ideel llu I Iiri t-ie S rae lulu Chit ui,îu$2 oe lt-a59) u ilt , vi[ ii- nId e-iloi actruisfî-r ,chut g,-. Il. ii iti ttîi he anuîlit i uv uesaof t. icft r.e, vii acue--n 10 the h ivs s-tratof Chi litgît. Pt'i-i nst st. Ling.uu rielcisltriIt he- -tit" i-sctilit molitl het.. 25,Itaii 1 tni 2 i.theterri- ln thîsi - sSiatl.a liii 27 titi-I28and Mnnrh 1, luit titi-male, rt Iikürtsii alI inaetiilmt Ir- sni r-gil.tu-tl itit tîuldîîr- cîli uat ruai-lthlb, IZateinugaI--sauys ur. ier Ihue j'ucli 1 uoIrtulitue tuI tirchb3. Itetîîutning. le iii- îu-l ll lu- gotd leias lu; IWashingtoniiial te andtiiimul-ini Illilnois-t rnd.ILta-e un -et-tl tlitr-foi lowin tus els fuir lithe A, l. .ut,-ausît meut ortilhei' ihi-tietr i hu titc u bnluin te l,-,îiaiin I,., :- nrt et e tareanud rut tîirîl fot tî1w-rouisl trip ftrou aIl pis a .in 11i, i- tuu th, ich btheu kue onueira>-raIte , tî.ettîia .$150 or lerri s ats- oft'$2! otre iiiunu tritp tront pînees feot O iîicui te traI ruîînîi tril rat la $2 oc nie.-llîuîî$1.50.sud c ratI et ont fart, ttfoi'tei cuitutripî front o ether pinits s. inte Stte andtroam St Louis. A iIIllslitititi rîuheuin 'ie-Cul. rode Legisatl ice ut -t k ci t iliing' ii sleping carsta rcirinial effeîîsu. Tise Itoîh Islandlinlet ilut ontrat fat lu-n pa.te-itîeutîccitea ut tise lîttut di aigri for Filtutiirc> livrc> tTht pn a nhinof tieWahictitfoir DE r ceniben ivu-nuthe larguaI ee nr,-corIn-,lft . tisaI tise- miirs more mt tthon es-en wcne euuîiîscî euln tht ttuifi r or the si alu n asgivef cntplu;nuenl fi e- r es-orsitmaoitivetowini-ilb> te cospas. Wllilcuetakle; eff-ct sut thte piniml i table tise (-«uadmn Pl'fie ile el put ou fau traisn tnuh tic; eticeuewtc oi f and Pîtgnt sutîid, doit-ring the 351 y molesina u iglîl>-boîlea, lwuity-faum hout nr qicher tîti i.ita îy for ulîts chi-dîîe. Clthirengs of iretI,,Liliiiig bave fie Ipruturirîl galtnthelî ole andstlOit e fis thetIlinois Ce-ntrali iitiuii;tmuut. > Tht Btrllncti>nhanmilst-ni a contrw with htie Pîîliîoîîu ,îriînpuyi. rfuirfi tu ipasseege t-ichtsi-at d rilse uhaircari The- cars siIIlho tint> fi-cltour; tui-ere -suiîs. 1Ttny c II ihtt-t- i îe vt-stibll asand theu lteriori s-il litc lmatuled in Me Ican nilliogaf;y. ,~An regenes fis bLeun itil-i yîtuC eSauta Fe iu Atlatat, lCa.. Gsurett. I Dohi, iusulthIe lriteof Soithei-etureig tr sud passatugur ag"ent. mil bus-vei-barge co the offIu. bh Au erdci er f is-e patesengtm enginea Il g een -give teua n Emteru Biran fist l Porrit mrquttç Company. This mal aeleven et ugnn riereaiby thie roudaiut a> e. laW WNmild tmla r lIai t"ni, oint* a mici la repi tt St a. vue sla It l e dr.4 lly aImms- lai;. au fa u t aulie aeertalned. Mois ummunltle are fllilcted wllh occlonal . c ases otfthat lea mfonies deccriheai li "Cabau lteh.'5 buenuase lt wco lit c eirveti when the î-aluafeera retureî rinm the Bptih si-tr. Tht tîleense la d eclared in kbu cîîillîeîX hy physicas ast ornu ut the placaes Iohtr t ildueetl. 1otqulriec amode ltiaugh prirs-n ouTe-e aip,>adeutsaO l u'erthe cîîtty chows-ro- I n iarksbly tow futalititi frona thin dis-k a"se. 1'rea-autluutîry uei-,ltr-stare nu:et a elecîedluinthe iiinj,tr-iy otStates,. andti luth healtols 05.r .riatigna u Itituser amout o at vtnating t,, nuîlîîpate ans a ppeaneofetIhe d1tt. Unmlcakable casn - s mutilpex have hBeef rupocted antI qîaraitd ln thee S tale. of Illiunois, lewInd eiiaun, Win-1 eann, Mlchlgaî, I. 1miiî-tî, M isouri, NebLrask, Silli1Dakotai, Coil- o rade, Calitorunia. Club, 5New York,. R hode Islandtandl Ci,îiiiittil. Tht S outhern States, Liiaîtî.t Aitibuilta c N orth Carollu adCui î-,rgi. rîliurt aboutt é an axecrassieusUalhi i tut. leiiili- Tht Northt autiNurtlisvuist arm hesing q Uite anf etensflivet tiaitalien tf ltheuiild typ oh f diceuse, butfihe- ttlitice ire net any. Places in >llefiigttii sith report c aa are: Inilian Viliit-.ii; Sagitiaw. 8; Eseexi-llle, 6l; G raundlilit L ; De- troît. 2; Hultuu. 3; asqi litanistcc-.2. It Bt reportti u i-ncothuit the officiai r eports ut thh lîutîhatlîîitent dallas eae week retueru-Il 272i-a. Minnesalscatiiitînpi-te ctotal c aa lu thet,,înte etat îl:it :I(K), nuerîs ail inlld. TIset plat-u f rin wvht-ae@ are ntpertel direct arc: Stillwater, 8; Sankato. 20; St. l'aul. 7: Duluth, 10; Minneapolis, (I.lMost oftilhe Minnesota -caes are laid le tht lututier catîpe tu the north, nad a feu t.> ceîtîteinlutec- ton treni returuui neldit-ra. Wiaconsin linu lîidqut, aun lattie wilh tho dlsesce le u iiluSuri.The,-place. Sheru cases bace ceuat amirenow quar- aineniarc: lMat:lnt)u. 3; We-nt Sapcrlor. 35i; La Crosne, 5; Apltîcten. I1- Milton Jonction. 1. Atppletton ha-tliad quite a scar, oct-r tht-eeort fa physicen an0 test hie dinbelis-f lu the coulagiîîu tht- Sry. lms Iuwa ttedlseca ba saprcad tevur qui*tt un a, but bas out beeîîte partir- Slarly vioIent at aey iingiu peint.Cae are reporteil cetUnsearulen. l)avteport, Sionx City, I>ubuqtic, Keoktik. Fort I)ougt Des Maintge ndl C.tin(cil Bluffa., the blaheat nuuîtar reîîortutl beiug ,t F~ort Deilge-. eec t-aly cua seai Suaranlîne. Asîde trom Chu-aie mccce are ruporteni la Illinois: At CaIre. 5; Puons 2; <Juincy. 2; andi Bleceiuglton, 8. Indiana in haviugstîcrrl amali out- breaks, the tître rporîiig (caste buluag kicCool. 4; Whteling, 12; au,] ludiauape- la., 7. Tht larger town In Ohtia rt-port c few cata«. Clevelaud bav-lu;2-0, Toledo 2 andl Cincinnati 12. Mssoaurilulaquitc c huai y eufft-rer, Kan- sas City luadig witb nîariy 2W hcastelu tht quarcutint, anîl îîtlîr tee-uc report- o;g: Mt. J.ti-ph. 50; .Scîlil. 25ý; Spring- feld,. 23; Joplin. 6;: ant i. Lois, 21. SaIt Lake City ha.35 case-cso(0 oke ~cre et anti Btte, n. 25. Newe York State bas bail 1219 ca,- antI 15 dualhe 80 cases, but uin fi-s,- fatalitica. ni ni ip te in ir -n le 'or li. e ai n tire et un ýn.. les th A. eht as Wha Clu- neor Ahe.Tl The pesetct ocf ga-ritheît 7 000000 nuaieuts of Suiv YtrIa State Buffalo, N. Y., i sgow,1ccii iItI ilth vting uînulineu tai l sillii%înt-the",uilu aHils elelethe future. Indianu's hiecly fi-ing taivanitratIna maechinesa î-coutulred a feutî len tise prit-t mn toutu e bu$(;(00earh. The Mui-or et Bicnarci. n sddt.%tiiOfe runini o guichling i- u' ilithe Mayon et Atlauta it, charz-d with gililimg t. cou- tiuueua pi.nftuuuet ofstaggerieg bu- mait> - Tht offiiai vote etft-x vaususBtynn. 267.4:32; tlstity121.17.1;lîrlir21,- 160; sctteciig. B2(5.lryaeu pltural- il>- c-a-t 146,.2581. ThlIte nic t.a Il10W lessta linl11). The " ei-tiiti Itielitrd Crokec cealluen at bis violscniasîducn- tiuEnghîuuîl tht liardluili fut nIli ng a titîli esithi the gocenunieul. lie la oblip,-l t,, îî-uanmin u come tait on $25.000 a.yeus-. Wltbetut qitiifttitttor,.rt--ecitljae the Phiiatielplnla l'res aiîmits ilîintthe Quaker City rivale Ntî%v Terk li"l pros-il>- and fetleuce' of governuuent. Il urgten auion of tili nviut peottîtît eti uring cnnupshgu th-s lit thisui- otudeoua- dn u PO Oficieliblachaui li olice tes-- jronlum a&ni the touleet municipal ttimin- filt0i vîth." 1k-.for- sice dl lle -Chînutittifer talte; Crula ami mIeeor Msuitkî pud- dýlig-t otnt et blirsnesha. l niutY bu si-il te huent rl ht (rtcEsigîllW aucetoent@aI nct, totr, t iî , Illîre eunturnin-aege. t..enguIIitit>-rct tatee: Ibure vas pichI. i , io t. ellt i-essand ginger; t,îtusen'l turlcy li itt n witle vine ,luegar. anti iuakeil fer a seoulf "Peuox piuddluîu. i ontalingtno penurs,.fini made etr-îîîlltoa- ce îurkoychoppent ep sii-l ttittr. cîirrînlts. em; nl ,rreu cuti Meni fashntud nte tise terse ot penr nd uuîltukt-î. 'fThe staiih o tulilli-ooeîdIlîkepttc. otiatIt.o îf îiallow s- clhni, harlafleru juIl> pitiîlitit prefnereine lu ey, apple e>4r,1f1, qulnit-. liCC e -audlt-d fruits sir t-ru11o,1t9i111lIte elicurht eorthe Elîza- bthünngn. itrotîts antiptuddinigs itere prtlty lnchilit-hie iltlset n nom: fiat oeea andi sbieep cea-c fri-qlëtulY rOlIteni en- tire. us-Iich sotltin*,t bLesenupieas- net. F-rutîls suuh asi lraiibtrrles, currantx anîd hîtuckliertaa i-t-(ret lit u eh-teu; ne,,)s-uro puattes. Sîsgar aed astueîti, iveru-cosiuruiOli an,] eentt-t'tîotiery andi uplees tatudieh crotntl afler dînnîr. AI- tigether it Ilsuiýfe 10 îay Ihat lthe iluen tIi net it Iowasîtoteastgod faru or ai oitel vurltY once a pear as 55e'do ev,'ryday etoftarlIe. The lndîlalsut Citltl.- connes-tIen s-ith t-bIs afieurd affaîr," ci-ed tht eid-iglullcItIzen; "*4ut Ir yoem Affh4i0 lu 1g@ý Mty PMmeiInams 2Bowns in lanisan erriterr end OUI&- Thetlenailafor Feb. 8 hbu for tàlIa ,b hem*.Throutossed-,& Treuilof the itet '*The Patable ort h. Top Vi *lr4-- Kighth uitoî*e a..Cvry<, t. 25i: 1-13. .,UedcateFt #Oh1I dcrd 0 li Vlat9t»sG..,. Or-theretore; for ye kiiuw nutelth à* 4ay deltata te Frnt b Goa Xllý . ur the heur whereiii the Bonoit oý Is Disptche (rm SalliCheumeth.-XMtt. Z: î:U. Dîspîchn toni aîtl, c-Âî,.lr, h.- Thetlant publie lterlfleta cf jeu.ale cotah. Eéutal..a und Ilir tniiiîc in the la- we siecel, thte trevadlig *ui*itgdt4et. diaeu rOU19try 1ilidletIthat 1thelSnake adolyted by Sterotu ndtt Butrtoni lu Vrae.- bond of the C,v. idiui ntion liaeuc- erenua te that fellini .d ,Y the 10610% eeded la sp clîîîng cîltullioi, lhrîîughout conîîultte. were those çdlewiot the ,llt the Five Nation;, ttil tlinta g ipral up- of 11w (;l.eks-Legtigou :: Itr11107 batwej lsait throuaghout the territury or fu-l te recli th,.au words,.as aoett cfVal blods Who aret, ;ajteil lu rogreâ8ive.dietory ofelle r as-our lu thePeple lit- geveromeotito e I.. tr. itlarge, ushomem o ddreacim(f0 SnUOW. 'Y More United Statels Irotîjul 'iii be saik. nlittho White lm the litl amena y«. ad fora is it liigiît thet troop nt Walk white ye have 1theikhlt. thâd, dart- Wetunpka wil nat Le 8c0Ug u4 ttlgh t tems c., ,r-aîke yen fnt: aud ie h.tat wal- eope w,îh the lutltant. h tlm trNlmitîed ec it athe darknsea ka, t-b«Otwbth- that 1,5w0 fuiîl-bila ..m il iuler arma, et-i.. goeth. White 3-t.- havethe llqh$ The tiahle country ila cîtielaud under buee uinthe lght, Ihal e tuery beco* arma. Whllu,êundl Incullldiensctire »nst, f ligil. ,(joli 1. 36.)*loi organlaing for tttol îtltliY.In- Ihmt l.cileoh oununi e ne b t OJ1# lated squatters am.reliug lu luwfl5 for but oa bine that cent me, AnIdbu grealer eafely. b niîL, -l.ldth bîul l t i eUté~ Troupe ttri!.red totai th YcFrnu. m ll en a llgbî lute thl- worid, 5"0 Lieut. lIen. Miles meut aîu Order le len. m*ltO5lttYcr bliiveth onnmeie .y Dont obuoi iltihugh Lot. coaimatiulg the Depart- le, theti tnun. qud if au> fMal] hur tuent of the linu ei t Omaha. direct- mY a «î-. aiiike-p timetl.1 Judge lgblan hlm te iijîtiediatu ctioian lucul- hbi liaI :for 1I.aue fot lu judit the Pressing tht raid of the Seake band et wurli, butiUl) mavin the wurlii H110thiit outlaws lu Indienu rrrory. lie linlW-reieeîeth t1114'.sand reeelvéth uatlotuiY'ml gtructed rt> seuila ta l-cilfut us-ry In Lugeath halan, lîîîja.gut la hem lword Honrietta te aet lu Icoujanctiîto uiilh 1he tillit 1 pril.- lIt caline callitjudize hlm l2 United Sltesnia raa. (jta. Lotbol, the tlat duy. lia1 I ke mot trm l MY- met Troop A et the Elghtlu eevalrY frontRecu)it ft he- luIt- whlch gent Me. hol Fort Ils-no, Okla.. tu Mukoire, ludien bahll iveulé iti eln deawhot I Terrltery. te nîid ln cul.ruaiag the ilP. aboutit a>."a)-Bl ij,l.1ehoutit apt.ak. ring ot Creek oînw l, ads. The Choc. And 1 know thâthl ol itmandmeut la lits taile diiile have c trcualh ot 2.5W.0 ernal; thu haxti.ýfr he sud bave adopted thetsanie, resoletien paee eteFi, ah% ut and tactès cetht Cruekq. me. no 1 aptih." lJ.h5 1,2: 44-W.) It indiens Thi-enton tOklahomaa. in et once a warnug nul, a,î eut-etty. Oklahoma la aise . hrentuued e. tb In.-earlug the teuiplP tu, , ýu vene 10 vasion by flie Indianua. Thia la tht returu ta eBtbay, Jecta ý-eththe îde- alarîning Icuor et advicua r,-celved aet etruiljofutthe temple. t-- h.- magnîti- Otiîshrie trou) the beene ot tht ludito Up-,es-nce ut sshlch hicll t4iîles -hsd atten- rlalig lu the Creek Nation. G(ihet dencetaIm liba h guî ',,c b arm the orter et te ight. onnit t. the %I-tlnt et Olives. lied the 9- ~ - > Geh- terrer inapireti by the.-Indiann ia ad-leti emant.theubilipAn--deansitoi dis- the tear ot outlaw banud.. shich îhreateu eblimKet mth inà te A nduc iti îm, te everran tec.iuty andt Pillags. e, iil. a100ttnilteludi end avih" f th M i1and cteltr otliued Aiaalucltht '-nîîm md rei-, r..ardlcs e thtnierIs ky andS the idistaut hIllsie butalkedi-. any centrererra, shicb mal exiot. dniil ihtti bu h uue Thteluotîtierînatp Snake lband .of Cractk Wcunilly .ith Ibt iutht talltaru. Iidana liviug un the remervalicutatet W uPony -a t 0 n.I ahîs eeraa Liucoln Counly tbrtlc te irvade Okia- tnîlur. lutermal. îîîî-îg taLk. DtlàaVer homo. Gev. Iturtît reculve,l a tletphont mou; a nd thia tiet %.tutld bie remnnberPîl message froiu Sîreidsîlcalisîf thetotwn ian trifing senuiltrsaud cmo utofita rat vras lu danger ot a mii train thteout- tthfure acren laws and haIf-bren-ds ot the Creuk Na-eucattttitîc uc u tIen whowoel tak advnlag etthe lîilia aoulîl read tht cutire coulerso dtierhuces uiotalenat nli of 0radwhlch occuîîics thetwuterea.o &B'm ditura tuw suez rab bfans t idtweut> firthtb haptura Ot MIft w. Abd seveai own an ro baLs.corrcafoudiog ctiîona lu NMark and Lotte. EePlt.tory. EXTRA SESSION LIKELY. The parable rýuiirPn a sketch ot cri- Fifnaecnb Cagie..blai C nt cuaI1si.-dilugi- uatouu.For thie. sfor Fefate iec-her. nasvclth etfil.iaratirt maternul oce ail A Waghlnnuctîrrtspcîuîleut derlart tîibjevîcn oou-ct-.l 1thtiegmoselat thnt au txtra sessin o ,r î,C tcs oes îraheima . irf. ,fflri.t. noapuhllahouil up c lue tabe. T ,.algiau ..vetouiellainvery iuuxpe.nsivPell.itluu.The cir- lpas overfihlud Thellgii whi b muOPet lin 1015w.r.. ii alieart if the s-eu-rt ot the in saed lldrîu thubills vutîntî lmget be bridai party ta titi- uni fi-eu.tht bride'u pIc>a. Hduinthelb,-itinitîtote oslt te huas.. tu the LîlgîuîisThey owere ta shipping bill have diisaiui'-îI anilcaîore await nut..of tt thel 1inec ntW*th le rayeîr anu ta rurdiui laBut htithe ,b,- lltu ,îîfilerts-sealeO wOSi ts-y Dow 1rocaim u Oi.nIy that unis-an h.1nnI n îb.- dintutie 9011thuofletdth thte hip anbsidy bill nsu pas.d Itinase- n ndjol.isipatinsgoinu muththe e« the Pruideul wili bu- loua, il t-, icoufrs tu hesooan5juu lpsSCi iiwh the vaut thet Flfty.m,îcuth Ike.-iiiily bf-e ort ra ,thu ni lhe ranut bitawtere thtr t esîle ri fris I îîT. h.. -lainîta earri,sl e, o tibun uceccion ostenible for tis cl[ wii b io wretiont unlike il, 1tiauîiîle the torches net upuu the Cufinu ,unctitutleual cn- arried lu political pindru te day; thaft veution. It bnceie vidî1t thal the.ila they were c nmuiss t a recepîtîtl for Cubau delegae-swil býuideahtatePre- l ik n oghnl.O ore aet tthe tmnmework OutIhPir ludePen- apldcentrPouleg bandIt. t oure..ght dent gos-emumeut untul aftur the lite etfpud euil ~-oige rii for wiheuris lih the preseut Coeuvs bhan ieaî.-u Il i l ya d ei-îug u n-ndu or ol heure tohe equolly certain that fui-at BItain %il, i ryaru-src util titl hi h not torseard it. ceply li..y- Pauniegrill.tha".iitgiiic uî-glccliîl fttttrunty îtuînfiltcltti nI fter ail celsb antd lard bactlifvre. in trithl. journument. anoin l siew o et i rouulad îi e î ratnils ît, tutraîîîuî j.rtetîy the leg-îltie tiiam-slon 10... a Ihru itîtn.lus citinc tn îri .tîlnlg: ter tric,-c inithte ,lgruuIthe- )Sî,remc si ile i.v.-virgciua î-.sli, bcd Iller Coutedcliunaff(,-Iiîg tît. hitlsnoaf i.,-., cinc. bhsve titi u turcs teir cil tht isiauîul p.tat-tabîte,. wh cioay de- t', the îerhapn Af the Pl- mand iitedialc :,tîtî t , iil îin nf1. h nlihp- r renu. Te u etthe hitlathe l,-tir lai pense or t-jtr -%n aI fliryte cala; eu- r dedic utsbillce as bllt te Wu- no,t mnrraw 1rcacauc r *ruthir atu comlittttutinvtsi tei etl0torlîieu- riluuotighbora, Thteohet opirituel tllity in the, lin". nad the pîîî.stltîlty lire stiîîttnferulllainîtitis aY. et the -acior ifwr tnt ccl,., lieu *Watt h therPfere. for se tueur ot the legialation la farîher reinas culId thle ver- day lier tht hour: ,tisl ie h treof talat> of a îlieiîl ... 1 î -cntbu ..-,î~î , li.ttlt e nsur.ant ,ittu1repane<l- tivun thi'-.-uinft'.- ttand t Te, -n t-t-t ,.ns esc or tlecrtaillt . 'rxt the I clut raetcl'ytubtiI c1, andl ii , iit rou, tît 1 i- hrixtions ootec b i- cIP l- ert tht ins-ltL'Ift,,tîtli tgri .- i-t ftîmte crnetnt. lengr. cre,- aed blt thet-ii.t ort W tîtlat tezi. au otra ,e f t loi eitdiiliaI andI Bivt andIitiltl le~ihi tr.-I.lire. Thtu- teoierutl,îrb an let A dcnthioI luuttt-,tiie tîl, 111h-sO,Çtuteinsîiratly tin bttti titIis nmotite Ceugressa la 'i iglit sutlt the t-Irl .,..s îttori- etlilii.tii ttoteueca of redletiît ii b i tll : ,% tth.. .tlîhtigh t,îtrI. as tlîu the Sent-ne biiil r-:l frointtt inteit tai-ti- wetI ltj~ahinithet ii ltl -dîtetion alittî..rlzt-tl)t.tht Illt-e.the t tt e~lCt st e 5isa10mnonn eharat t-r oftîf l:-ScI,1t-- îl I s ta uiîy îlî,tltthî,t tn.t t-otdites li ltris"iilu01 ddillerent. TheIs.-ia i - ttitt - ime - vrciveiiIleyan ittîive s..nnuée blind ta il etitht ta oit batik lt-t 1.a i t l'la L i tsin ) . tllré me w a Il f excla.uu-. .... ititt tt rd u n" a in] tu-aa s tî-lu ire er litt ill t-lin.ha i .1mauy Srtmo bc heIos i M'itiP 'W Ltim, lt.. hmeit u hotilîlcern. m.I ovul. Il li k-,wisklat rettil I lile s ttr, lit t hi- e.Il( , of thet.- t.>! f~ilin Irut. ive taxes.repia-inI lîr lt t (It i,-nnii-rtitti bveIt. vititi le t -îotuds te corn- brekürs and b turc- t.. Irfi isut tht rt-i lily.-thelîr irence.anud wbh e ero pros.-ii ît ilit,-IIl 4t tir r tfîI ithe irist bure cand tow.s b Il M t-. vte oatt; othur igia I ith t -liý-itid lu- 1.111101Y plintu l thIbu pir- S t tcsui lu ii I u Ie th

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