Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1901, p. 7

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phii ritturo tels Ita own tory of slsterly affection. The "ldr girl, j îst budding into womnanhood, has suff ered great- ly with t hoqe irregulo.rities and mienstrual difficulties which uap the i if i of go zmany young wornen. LId<ia E. Plukham'a Vegetable Compound can alwa s ])o reiied upon to restore health to woîneîi who thus suffor It il; & uoyereign cure for the worst forms of femnale Comnpaints,-Ibat bearing-down feeling, weakt back, falling and displaeiWt of the womb, inflammation of the ovaries, rand ail troubles of the uterus or wonh, It dissolves and expelm tumors fromn the uterus in the early stage of devclop- inient and checks any tendcncy to cancerous humors. It ~y'subdues orxctabilitY, nervous prostration, and tones up the .ntire femnale eystem. #>.s a nyfhhsg proveo o <aI.es4y La . of- ifl y Of ir. Plakham'a Mdi.I,,. UaaLb. #~A 0og aateueatOf race Smtubuy? Mas. xlimPuxgaÀso -l ws, a suffere froun female weaknes f or aàbout a vear and a haif. 1 have tnied doctors anti patent medicines. but uoWhngbelped nme. 1 underitent the horrors of local treatment, but re- oelv.d no benefil.. My alilment waz peunouneed ulceration of the womb. 1 suffcred troan intense pains La (lie woînb and ovaries, aud (ho bac'-ache wasadreadful. 1 haut Ieueorhea in its wo-rt form. Fixaaly. I g'eew au weak 1 had to kcep nuy bed. The painswcre s b ard as tb aimost teau" se sasm. he. I couid endure thc pains n longer. 1 was given morphine. «ý My neîo:v greto short and 1 gave up ail hope of Qwgett;ng weii. 'fius 1 dragged along. To pleas my "iiter 1 wrote to Mes. l'inkham for advice. lier mnimer rame, but itteantime I wss taken worm. andi was under the dociors care for a while. " Aller î.oding Mes. Pinkiatem'a letter, I coS. eluded to try hec uedicine. After taking (wo botties 1 fait mach better, but afler nsing six botties I was cured. Ail of my triends think a cure aimost miraculous, I thartk yon very mite ~R« . 111Vfor your timel.y ad,'ice and WI'ah uo prosperl(y In Tour noble work, for surelv it la a bleising to bgncmnownwomn.1 z fs ul andi complet. faith It the Lydin B. Plukah Vgt-ble Compeund.--Oaa&cE1B. STÂSBVKT, $5 oe REWAIRD Pps~ .-l. * rIsbtst iass î m P% BALSAM UPH V I OOUHSYRUP Va, MCuresa Ceuh or oIda nce. Or ilIlaa ausaI Materials .irtss lmerisai. UNION. W'ooderfnai Penîlsiturri if Ytoi tiluIa mwIlt.- gi it ili raîter siuiPlai eia t Itlit lucire trtpier o% ' t t '-h im ir tait gelin. lb 'il i il ouliti trnt'nl;imîttire gh.- I i(Ial (I. utiti ut SltI) s'ping a ndoit if'r mati .ir'i e'nlisethle presntire o titIi- air otîttheiott sitie tlii ki-cpl iii.t lie iC ram i t h l g oiff. Il tin lins îrut.t.ilt ti'ejr ou t'uf t'amtIlýi-tîil :gtr iti t i. mot!] ol vf tteglaîn...un-ta sa ci l ttigjit 't siltîil uhil' In the otentertof ttic ',anti t nl <tii etI nite a ta y 11 n of utlitnî. tut tic lirilîrilîlet. Iheit î'amtfuis over Thihe til- t Itwta t. go thtt I ttî t riota> ai' It. Ptlace taur viriitoard 0,cr t ic gait (1111ifritatr. anti i., niakiitg i 1-1iuin r'o rOli tif t1tw 'trtl 'i irait hitiig t (lt u tin-i'ir ot if a fitigoff.Iliîr itvr iii ute Rirtn ltio air. ut 'tut uIrt t ti' gt -i t IR Wl-ete l. ilituir it,' rttit nill ti falitit (iifttnt- l iug t lie ,taotit tîtîtrula. A Retitedy tse Ilie (irippit. Ph-iinti tnînîîîc KENIPS hBAiU gr i p, i' i l iiv fî îît' lt tt frliti' thnut antidut Do Il.nott it t fr t' l itt ii ,t,'tt i a it'. 'i if u fi tu'iitIo i' ii; lit t i ii t t if iiui 'tithît tir keopi titit'. tgh lo i' tati t' inta frît. fî'uîîin it-'iit 1,t11tt dii tugit, di KENI lii lA i5A NI a t 2.'l, a [tti ý0 %%.hit iaî r. t'. Sat.. Bi ta'a I'cgstaýsai t'it ii I t-l ifIltier it 'lIrtttnia lf-oi'iiig tii lit niluit utîl sointglitem. (liGriithat Is railer a it rliîg -tate- Menat. 131-1n- liiut aItrime. lie dîiîrlareni' Sl.' siuýsi't tit isiiNIrfe'ali,,ay s tia., nîrt titg ri 'itu 'Io s rtf the lonritiv t'uîuîî'u andtî l tiliig qttite uiheiopporsitet ftr tit 1,1ut t'ti lts.--Briatîn Trmuscrit Pi-s' tiir'.I te for Cl'tiunrîîtîon r u in- faIir' 1,tiýtio.îne î'fî.r cwtigh., ari ro d,,- N. \V.SaIutaI.Ocetam Craie, N. J., eh. 'Io, oti-iiti t 'in iii ateîxtt'tu., th" fî1u i altatt' tulIlttoint a cati r. tIi' t lt' ititer dus' iir liii sph ltinlti f a itt t. 'titi 'li,'t ut ii orîd vi iIi.joli]t... ta, ii'.tui tii ut lti tii -IAii1tît il.t niit It. ar Lanes "anmly 1Medîcîne, Moven 1he bomneli enli idy. In order la he healttly tilhi K iectniairy. Arts gentiy untithe liver andî kitineygs Cuits stek henalee. Peice 2'M andt ic. It la freqnentliy RaueXcellent (bing for the publie tu use a 2llolie on poliIicaîl slates. MeL jR& Comforting Nallig na itirs eak. tit ihe clnt ia ii Rheumiatismf Nthtng t nrt -a ite itisi St. Jacobs Oni ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter' s Little Liver Pis. Must Bear Signature of Se a.tileWrapp. Baw. C sFOR HEADACHE. CARTEKSRS r,.ruu. E FOR 8IUOUUES. F FITOMSLIVEA. ErFOI CONSTIPATION.* *'."E 0101 HCADACHR. -' -t' ---- Folnress. 4tWaOci4peansd open-ar *lue> wspb: ge6zalY May b. sMid 10 have ý,tî«î mone popular lu 1800 than tb.y are new. Thomuas Jeffersion boied anid ýfed, sud George Washington, who &Il but saw the ninete-nit cetlury open, coul lJiilttlîrîlir andtîlllrow a Stone a grealer dIivî'î taiti îîîy o(hî'r malt n n 'lrgiîi. 'uiii tîllg gîîîîîng and ail Bhstp "iortîs îm tri' morî't-oiflii Iy lu ulged i iit it'litait iii ils Emery geîîtlelutî t it ,,itriorsItititk. at iat tler oIf ltourse. Ilis't s<tîmn. uc ri'tf te ouI illt'iv iigitî. 1, rl titi' iîtuiiî of îlis railk, ito i. i til i t (11,,I e lit a l'ai- i ag ' itutu lie ' ti t oi tti itito tutillitl4i l lta ilitalonî. sa tiey etîlinal reseh te dO= 1 "i'in oil 11it -0a ' 1ieit i îîîy 0- tiltai îeîîîetIls. iesînexitNt iam-t 1liy an In Itajîi-i io oflit, t lits tu-otaItnint f il lt Esslwat I tti. wiîea iii, uib' u i h, îît t et ltas rtinhhltg iaiad orittrmtlii atd i- il s n ""i"tr,. ea 1-t , th. ui..bat(ifl.i'. lie ttaii.ii -tit. i tallen toî ntI ItilinsLaberetttriiiltlut lioriti o'.ttiitt.he"rt n . las tnrr) frt ie,,, niti t'id itl tcirle. arn at, is i l 'a s rrit. ttlintta Lintlng balut aitaitiai olditioai le i,îîiioîîs tIrlace. Wb.wllI g un i. littiirei folata for sr Liai L. eunant i li'. ('.aaî rtiC e oui fola les. F. J. CflIftEY &COi.. Toledo. 0. gw'5ow < tc. Newr,ndlanuI'n eltîor 1-<it re. arNIot tte goTln' fa tifh(> iti i tirgn art', la ti' lî't.t îti li' N'tti.îa liai ililt'itt l unît tor! eh, rliii î'ntile unt-trieit ii. tslo.atId'hut iiefil hunO ttus !i ,igitt t ttihie witrci. 'Flivii'ilit il il dti Utii i i ailangle otf ci ght ide' anidt Iltu t tabcticîed litI liaî'Y' î IttiIuriIitî' sta ltî îrai'tit'tîll0'un- lliîitî't lilitit ' , , liîgit w al iii Dow ln siglit ti siitiir'r foar a generatiii'i tstrk'. 'it i l iit.î'itrtand pîîrpoî-a te mi ine isa qi nîuarry.'The ore is :01 at ity offtiîtiàgtil airnet'iaieriig tif itirltandtirîit k, anditiiîi laooenlug fi'e helîîattt'tu 'ith I:iTgi' o! dynailtet Wh.t 1).li'th hltiren lb,'ok? Dm1 't ietlo unttea or t llfe h it ymiîîrîti it, nia' ftodîtink tii ttu- (lIR<tIN (Y' Il t itoîi, aitndntorit itit a ndi itit'tt he [ll'ie f ti.' 'lte Lireîramtîi t ugi- lti hîiir'nli,' htiea hisîit îottu iitîtsthrntgh ihe-ir sttita lirait, 1! itsite or plit-' rait.. an I t itcîî toîît'î 1îtretard ta-tt i it the uhîer f rt'lr tf cltP, bttitriis àît. ¼ ,ýas tUt AIl groceru atlil . lrc antd 25c. ile liait T..ted IL. 'liow titi titilik t.'hissua tit' "a'.ke lirtiNlitln te littinlia lutîi. " t- theiii' i-ii' itîter. "IR i)1ti a u lietr tri thiCrns.. )floir iitt't ri toiilo t tIfrot %% it tu N(t1 siîrutitii'i 'sit tîiw t su tutti hî 1 don'ti ituti. liiititir iiAh, îîîYo il la. l tl l'lttiil ti t o 1haitg or]t lta stî'tî1 l>elarl nd Bhiith tile. Il I i 'ttiit'iht t îtthe ictîtitrate' of hue mNid i<l and1the bttî'lirt'11h- 70 a ceeltagt tof gainitlit t.tncflt'iti liagine a net Iiittreaiie liii Iiiiilaîiirlàa tamou afinioslt 1.2t0.tSt osudos. cossghIainsLeaatisto Comasumption. Kenapa Baiseaîn lli s(op the eouch et oece. Go to roar drugzist to-day andi gel a sumple bothe fri Sold in 251 anti 50- cen1 baIlle%. Go et ontve, delays are dan- The lirat ivsuanifront a ht iv It i titiays llediry au old qiuecît, teeondj by the oltient lirinc-as. w ho lat obhigeti tri go lit n iurry,. tiitg tribet-r .ounger hetra,; enttrlîtg frottîhir t'ells. lI itrttpuîartso vf Ir. i.tndaret isiere 'ali:iile ii ittiienas Mltlitgeresstes are pailriasllgh it -'osl. a w cci. Ddt5 tii lads. oIll'. o;-t %% int I wn tl- 1 titttti lit Ivit* i t 1 -t't Mar ptin.' tr th ',-rîu t ti directuf oftOpN:'., i'-: tiltf N i', i rlo Ittiti N'rî uit .r N At it titi'r, i ' di 1 t' - lf I tlle i. t %, 1i ' t , viltt .t ilIl,; .1 wiila"..nn' li f;.ut , IIt1,,n, "tret $132 tii, t uaPîîîrv tfAtutýr tta va-I'tit't irv iilt, ahI t t 't niCîug iiiltit -91tlitîî itu -t i tii'. i t ' .'it At Ir'tîi 't>v 1 !g.... uti a Ne: - -j r îrao t. t ii u' ,t1 t. t. ' Iululer tit' Ittu urrru,îr'. Alt1iti i , irlt ii"t5'the iiutilu tf t11- t titif-t111 (tiiter , y, lnt Spin.,.'it un-in t ir'aio îult Ire aniy lwrtly it.'miles,. ne hi- teptit o! th. ses intlhîî i iitiy Isat'unI, 1..(1 feet. li*s estîim-ate of its cost la $3,M 000. -T On %Výdnüsdsy teS.,t ene eaInitierutien tof IbIlttII 'dl. lt wti itiade th e li, nimhedi - or ,t t(he Sen- ail.e.ouart'storing it l t, ndii, tipo- .itilon. Mr. VYot ii ttadidt t .a speech lasttinic early three i, Mtr. Ifiiwljna îr' ,itedlive'îii y iti 'i i 'a rging dda iitîibelenenterti i: t Utw'n Ie- mttiinai Kdiîbei , f 1 id'gioi.iîiire a id t"rta oraiiru'tî ilt t"' tnt I tfHiais if lite 'Mormuon ('iir. tt i' î'-letiot n ,d 'l ~. h.Ki , t Nta 'iS tlnte. II L",ant 1 i 1,1t1d.ttrund .t I r. anldew ii, ttgi tatte m t if tMir it I Sn',Itjýîit iil ',itilaIr tit ntttt t iitlitîîl t ti. . ' tl r i l,î dlitid P ire t i .- , It I ' an ' dtfni tlin.t îî eIt~ilo t tt' tnrt'aif eC tr (Ikit1i.. II d i' titi ý lein ifattîr ,t',- n. ovi î, i".tîi , 'l \Il.,toîohar t ' i a t'itit .,1tîittt t t" i iathtof 'tîiatî.i. 'aiit tt ttt I v t t jitntîî itii u Itt II, t le An t Il îttthe eî'IItIi. .»' humi l tt' lilglitnt' i, ti t ii l .ri A i titi litliai îî~ irîti' t i tî t i d. r iîia liTe bî lt ittemid t t ' tttdrIli'tt i-t'nutînt'ýd, f 'i.iatîioll a theiii' lî -tiiît'i tr 'inii r. i t SI îîthe tt'patra- t'ii it .i.i, t't it'*t ii t. 'i' titir atIl. Ntdn."tfti letit i! Arwtlith thei it ,t tts'.t'i'im .il Qittiali' it' tîît N "iîîstttf th, hrpi lite i t' rtdn th, in ttai t. t it uitî ii w i t 'î'tî'i it N it'in le' lin îtt I i gaitin..iit t t tt in ant îttt i 'lit" htoitii' ta 'i ' itîî t'ss tîtîo1.ýI'~î'tît:.ld 1lii '..i tif i dit. It, , tl'I' Ilî le tît: t t 't e 1-îî1ltf ie,, l x i NIt. l Mt i " il îari tta;d .q l'ptiigit ,nti t 'I; .tii , iiîrî' tStjîtttt'i lit -r *l . itil. t, i t7t1t" t nîtîtlI v Qle iti it, tr Lv ettti. tItitiieand tgî-s li titf'-atiheîex- bill V tf iii' Wtt I tlir lettena- litan ýi it. d e v ud q i,ýIf n l.'.t te tnîl ', ' itity S na titi g l,.u'e i l]tîni t I, t i thepita i tituli i'iy a f i i d I i -ttiç' liî'i't' 'i r (.'ia d. *-t lt , t ,tt, itvorît t i eu edIridit, i t 'tti ' i »,i'.i-1t.i di 'o xi i l t' t initheîi'tliî ftiný1,.t' li ii ap riîiîtît b t i i . ' ty 'f idehi tî t , i fil t lit, NI. (1t ill "t it IIIofi in ou ', t 't o d, o l ddd ý 't , gti,tl' i ni t S'q td Ill t - x i t i i itt.tttlitil 'tuitii lt'tef billt t id- lty r ms e . Iltiti, i- of the Ia,>-' t' t i i'ttr Toixiti oftti NIt Lt d.tilletitat pdi',ti 'l o Ntth, g vi t 1'. i t I, 1lii p ný. fn IJ R.GREENES Dr. (iroces sdvice la fre . &H ilWho Bock t. aither b y persoesi cail et hl£ ofce 3W. 141h Street. New Yorkc Cty. ;~ the mail. Al Who a"e brokloea uheotith should coil or write wlthout delay te Nervur'asdis. ceverer for tro coansel. N~ How Are Vour Bowe>, Then Lts sec your teois Because bad tonguea44 - bowls gotogethr. R$"~ j ~>~~r We alknowthatthi shway to kt: and look welL yo can't keep dis bowel heabty and megldar wfth purgs or bfrd-shot piis. hey move you wfth awft igpss. then you're worse thanever. Now what you want Is Cascarets. Go aid get them today-Cascarets-in mdda box-e cost 10c. Take one! Eat it like candy. a&W à wil work gently-while you skuep. It cwrs6 that means it strengthens the nmcular walb of the boweis, gives them new lfr. Then tUuy act regularly and naturally. That's what you wanf. If's guarantred to bc Iound ln ~~ TH-E TONIC LAXATIVE -IVER ToNic loc. 9w % 25c. 50c. -N AIL DRUGGISTS NEVR4 SOLD IN BUIf, pansafereaaglIertrule, c isLii usea'ma. t as.wa-î1W.,sqs,~J sudi dla eusa gs . bn fosr boaies o reUISOv~u- U.S.saseIt, ssiIes.. baset..taats. 90 al laî ynas etalg lk. Cntptinhle e- tu aiCAMCEm a.oatlygSsUaais .0. peole bas al oherdi . oeiber.Et a"b t<. bd.Oss tlîls- wo 5055 l ttietr fr h. huale allua.nls sud lt 0 51 5<ye <ersaas b. u.oraSas aaiibrlag th&l tom.aiaftorwau-d .N l5 bt 53aAh . yb.I aby zsiI. aIs Iai sati tkugCSCARETS 1 o m.a' <30 s ..aesaiS.d SI omt.- ,lu~ isîI iole- gl wll ud . wellalewlb. Almeutal b.: ..Tessdt-aailrhi you put y.., bowels rîglal. ak. oad sA-te;@sart ay ls*ty~SuH lh CANCAMET5 t-day.uder ausabasol uas"0 rt- -ut" gle cure or iousaeyre(lsagd. M ASTHMA -. -9- O st. t a VlVs itl. E ra oa i-saa. ma 'm iffl lii ltni l.ssats'ab o l 5jui .OIAITIAp ECFCt.< ~ -ne .~ap ie slLnti FARMIFORFARM FR SLE -11" ratMisMrnes Unisa..&etta AGENTS ~Ebi l ~WND~~ Ptet ail-iai -1e- i usitit a. ttat l15 5# a 0. - tant în .as a.i i bi lsaoi -b-s 1 -î. datila. u1 i.lie i 'M-1- 4 .bi k tss$ i. 5 sa ti.t as'.. la ii A xesi.tata aOa.o t hi if Utii a lst it5iU '~ oa si- }ruauùriîtntat. ''.îi far .. lto ni u.a 5' i. labsalisèref"s il~ttitiia A itaàti1.11tiast i i'.. - leoiss asi iea. ' A w1= ea lutsta.asa.~ sa-l ias U D âme,.Sa iSs.M -1 TIRED Dra ree*.vÀ* hdplanned to go out with her huabeal. il T O erstrength failed her. TO ~Her nerves were excited ail day, and i night camne she just couldn't find the. couag. It in the old story of weakness and nervousieut.&» qgTRjgrthe pleasure out of lîfe and fflling iA with diwsonme~ snffering. It is not honest fatigue resulting fomi daily tank; it is weariness born of weaknees andfiM ie* The ideal strengthener for weak won i ' Gretne's Nervura blood and nerve remedy. It builds them up in every way by toning the blood and strengthening the nerves. Nothing else in the world can do NervurW&'u vi It seeks out the weak spots and strengthens them. It en- riches the blood and gives it a healthy circulation, thus putting new life into the entîre body. Strength to overcome the general discouragement is followed by the ambition to be well. A few nights of sound, refreshing sleep brings a new sensation of acquired strength. Ilow ready now is this woman for every duty and every S plan for pleasure 1 The ig . rw nea new color in her cheeka shows the potent work NVERVURA of the vegetable ele- P0.9TME 01000 AND ments in Ner. AM VES.vura. This w orna n is now a cured womnan, and such transforma- tions are occurring in every community through the use of Dr.Greene'sNervura. If you are run-down and discouraged, bere in the certain help. MR.%. OLIVER WILSON, ef North- bore, Mass., &&y&: .I winiauleelng f onese' ana Dnl, causait by fom"al. saknad fSvarrtaim 1 MW ner, =0=4=11 lot go Up a vum onpaie utf caies tithoutt op flg at. a troubltito aep as niht. I ton lieDr. G nes Nervura andi have ohliaitad my olti .151e tep a-un.dthteihou"e After crepinarund for turoQ g , ad bl t d Nthia;t to me tnJY t~'ti q

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