Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent, 1 Feb 1901, p. 8

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~ ~ %Là 5 99t P ibàv '40 Oedoyenu butu0m..I., W. Gray Wa on te ick lioithe l5.,Ç!e q 1 unM s-,Xy W. B. "alo o a akegan, vas in latter paricflt btveeL J *»- 1 e pro ente wompttO . . B ova lut Tuesday. J. T. butor, of Clyde, 111., vu a lu m f wosiGOumX .n m J E tAnE. 1ta Thonua vas a Waukegaet n vua boue lut atiurday. W bir*doW. alth atomuotber UcmspondenU vistr the fiet ofithe week. Ms & crl.o uélvle o W~0l 5WleI~t> O ~ Mri. Gridley sud wIfeý of Chicago Pisls ci.,o usU i l- b9on offaIng Mr. Fotti s;m.ILllng the. k'. bouse wre guests a! lIda parebi rocenly. aIt Dr. Touage SQaturdai end Bunday. gi aneiugfor the. fuatoù; lii esk. S3everal of oeýr citizens viii attend The Royal Nighbors inittated soamesr illesube1. of pr. lire. Frank Doit% came home frcm a teod aea s tot nig't e mbers lets aturday aitornoon. an ChicgailspSllestSatndmy. A lelgiug party vis enjoyed tiy jaî parnell. of Chicaga.opa aM Mim ee to. uad Allie Skinner, the. yonng peuple Iset Tunday even- number of days Witte ie parents here Duel Party" given uhdeof a Wankegan, @peut Snnday at home. log. ast week. hat 0 . . Y. M. lat Fri- lirs. Gridiey la ab.eltelie about ao s lrel a. lire. B. B. lisuden, of Chicago, vis- again afler eonturmeut for several Miss Glefi Waddell, cf Wadwartl i, S ited Ivanhoe frieuda sud relatives tbe weeké. visled the. Misses Sylvester the ltter lug u tumaveavery mu tiret cf tbe veek. Neaily one -bundred men came ont part Of last veek. din mimwv Torymuch. Mis& sMai Deoker ha. been obliged fronithle city to barvest ice ai Dîimoud Au entertaiumeul vas given Friday W& ewau c in.JtB y et close ber aceool, on acconul of sîck-La. for th. benefit of the @Choo], a good SIX YM teImm of brdsh J. Il. Cronkite lias purcbased and crw ne"eah ua, and in home. received eeveral thoutiand buabela of crv tflded. m beau su enaing i ]itse Rasie Payne, Who bas lieen Coas tis week. George Wusteliiteld lias rented a e i awebout tva veeks provi- at vark lu Davuera Grove. lias been Tiie many fiends of J. J. lious. are farm about Ivo miles sonili of Ournee. 11 suffrin trm asevee &toc oftheglad tu se. lm on our itreels agaiu, 0f eCharles Brown. l mufeig rm evr atcko l.aller bis recent lmes.. di grip nd i hom te rcupeate.The Minsez Dthon enteriaiued Miss h '10011caVillecncer af the hme pCook & Lusk shlppeda carload o 0s f hIletPt a te gune i.~.tay The. cammnnity wus greti! shocked stock to Chicago the irsi of lie woek. huyNio Ru ssi.letPMs i b« me.Mr.AutonYlut Baturday 10nliear of the. death of 'rhey report a goud maket. evenlng and Satnrday. u" av" let Tbunselay lIts. J. B. Dykes. But lb. facto luathe The. members of the Ladies Aid Coîlecton J. W. Smithi as OUi on am SBalsmy Ysesr@ and cmearr&.îseJas wek SOley et e t h peaire ofbusiness lhe latter part of tie veek. thq »qiff &adesteea ofaitsd pied for medlesleld and il was re lir. H. CronJak îltebi we oftheHe 1a 00w ready to recelive taxes itisedbe ytenInatnacto dramena e giveu lu a few tv.eks by The Royal Neighbors are pwepiaing de ý lbeiug believers in John Alex Doteje. lb.elRockefeller Dramatie Club. an euterttlmenl 10 lie gîven Feb. 151h Th 0»»pMIvh. vre perfect Inet- This esson there la s large deat Mtrs. Frank Thomas spelit several l a rnee Hall. Ifv11i be Worthi at- W, $* dpuaeoality durlng lie rate among childreu front croup and day. witfl lien .1.1er, lire. Ford, Who tnig Mohr:Dai& e i lng troubles. Prompt action wilii la u preselit lu Chicago. tirs. Ford'â sdnS ~~eBmes~ere VenPlev, ave iessatile onafri n l..1terri enolli lr oor dbe ned h axsfrlb oo iWrepee O*b a" ole, lRaymond.dimaes"ebW-f ohugs av avoe orbr e cverynesrly $2000more thabenlent yeux. Tie ai, ~hmeI1,Berte Cher- certain ta give Instat relief as One Artbur Berghornautil Ira Dooctti special rosît lax accourea fer rite of ~uVAIa audn'&-a C hamt. Minute Oough Cure. Il cen alsi> l'e vho are tallending lb.elietropolila ,ifereuce chlefly. hi pap inlaal4gendsoereled upon in grippe aud al itrons Buiness College, are spendiuig ibise, .pma htyv ere: Molle and ilu troubles of adulte. Pieuss week at home. rbey cunider the B. E. Joue@ lies snld bis real-estate I Dskr Li m tel, sle. . B. LovuLu Libertyville, curefai nursig ai a vacciunated arm boe.te C. M. Brown. Tii. praperty gr AM Dc«.Li&Sitj. R. Bzkaoau, Gurnee. of the greatest Importance tibis week. tecosofa seven acres of land andti Y ma DMer Dora«e. Lester Brdlet, Jobn Aibright,.Lev hboutesand outbuildings. W La Grippe Qulckiy Cured. Bronicheou, Otto Rilng, C. Dressen,n 1".hmm» libe chol u e. -luthew5i ro189 ad 1899 1wam Tt. Swan sud Hermii lubank are LFarrell came hume froinsiten RU-,01 ock takn dwn ith seereattak o inttwemploy of the Knickerbocker Cty lust veek snd lies since bece th 11 wiîb a national vhat la calid La Grippe" sys F. L.-lce Company pu&ling i"P 'ce ltconfined la the honse viti tb. mumps. csiv oeof i vrne o! apoinn dageto iaodLake. 'fbuy begaii work lhias imce usedwu wo bttlu ofChanberaina Ifthevillage of Rockefeller expeels saine trouble. e Êe M.Mr.nflb oueRmd. I rieu h oe o ro n hie uteftsaine 0 .Roberts, of Lintnen, ~fite ue 11asyssai nducenuton80that peueple willimale suffered four yemns vitli a wad lu bis @a 1b 'Sb7 Cuglihoe.Gneippgesre l tomach anACoreldinos est. He lbetin, I~* lim i ia. Il I. x. em dy Chn a mbesl ainpe de CuOU91 mut lbe progressive, practîcai sud up - 65pound. Tva botles of Dr. Cald- '%M «w4biz. I laex-Soudy m alaysliedepnde upn1t-date. To malus Il se vli cost 80ome- vell'@S yrup Peplettenestonedh t Mr.Ulph Spellord, Of tbreakuao evere colA-anA wrd off thîng Iu money and effort. appetîle, oured iebi stomach trouble th IJI. «Mh end, lavrumi auy Ihteaed atack ai pneumonie. Ta-mornow niglit, Salurday eveulng, aud todayey ho 15voîland hearty andAet Oc , f vocmal me. Il in pleaant 0tekllson10, vhlcliFeb. tuA the oeil entetatnment given @&y@slhe ovesbils healhh te Dr. t viii à.halA mije l h.the esnalCsUa" iby the sobool for sb.elieneltit0f lb. Cldwel's Byrup Pepsin. FB. L ciLL et popular preperations lnuaue librany fund, wil l e given lu 1h. Libertyville; GOa. C. RoBnuara, adlt, c;1lte.. -aiments. For! sale liv chapel. A compesent reelter snd a Waucouda; Wtt.!. ENouI, Rockefeler; th M14 Be M» sd an talerenP. B.Lovm.x., LbertyviHle, GBAYBLAKIE good singer have been engsged sud GEAYSLAZE PWARAMÂcla Ut evejichi coule- andAMrn 0,aTJOHNMBItunu.. rubo..* everyhody ia cordially invited to c attend. RUSSEL.L. t If you bave iie intereiil of youn tir. Hatie Hoire is lowly recover. ho Lj&eCouny Tlephne ornianYvillage ut beurt dont lie forever 1h.l.koCont ~ Co paiyuîng il dowu, but instead of con- 111-g. ..CONNECTS WITH.... tiuually fludiug fanl lry tot mite Elma Connell @peut &averti days Il better. IL i.nuDotperfect snd vt riu lu Waukegan. S CoMpany. ~pobably never vilil be. '1here ia sud wt red r Ç. hicago Telephone C m a y alwaya wll bc roorn for IniproveentnU lre. Brdella Ruter loftt lioday v __________Stop gu ju ndd ouraluet for be a l Nati Da.kota. improve Il ~~e you a 'phone in your residence or Thorea bo are flgîîlng vice lu tirs. 1. o. Coîby sud lins. A. C. c Obîcago sud ctler cilles are 10 b, Worthi ver. lhe goessof tirs. E. T. J place of business? 1 omntenditd for their efforts. But Mielville ou Ween.sday.P _______________ whle tar lnvtng ta drive l ont The nerl meeting of the Ladies Aid e Ien te1 . 1forgest he source iront0 ff FOU a wnt to be UP wlth the tlnes you should which i sprnugm.uap af lb. sources Slociety vili lie hoet eti the home o! lm ovrl!.W e ane t lia y jlnet teep irs. Allie Melville la Februarty. ÀA lhave. The expense lsi nominal. body sud soo..l tu.gelte sud viere th large atteudance la deslned. s ouloat for auythIng lietter ta hopelesa only à few cents a day. are nusl .ndncive tie virtuous sud Warren Hollande beru caught lireJ respectable lives. Tabotter 1the iront 1the tauk.hester aud ater a bard NIV falormation, rate$. etc., wrte--- . vewges the better tbe etizens. Cuuy ight by a buoket brigade vhicli ves Anollier o! the ealy Lake nuyquicly prndli dmsvr 1 CONTRACT DEPARTNIENT, selliers vent tabis revard viien theth lmswrexW lifes part lu the bruant of Mn. Anthony tlngnlslied. t Lake County Telephone Company, Putman flilkened sud venl ont. lir. Chidren neyer cry very louA forI, Lbryll Illînois. Pntman 'vas oue of the. oldest lu- but tbey do Uike Dr. Caldvell'@ Byrup LIêryîlO.ihitants of Ibis place sud a large Pepsîn. Ask F.B. LoviL.,Libertyville;b _____portion o! bis life vas spent lu Ibis (lio. C. RoCuaRT, Wauconda; WiLL vieity. He vas a man of tind sud Ksîo.îE, Rockefeller; Gnayslake getlie disposition, snd bis Il!.libse PHABIIACY. f been one 0f usefulne8s lu lb. cont- munaty lu vhlb lie lived He 1150 SAUGATUCK.E îoaay fnlends wbo loved sud respeoted rdVuZnlahmtoesco. biet, sud tliae. tbo bie bu hst FrdanZtleomfoteco. loved bilmtoast. Peace ta bis memory. Clark Clisudier la grinding feefi foxÉ St iOOl NOESlb.pubic.1 A.n.bu, of thue. wbo are attend- Mies Lillie Hulebinson speul nun- G O L !ng achool this year bave become1 day et borne.f ionimens o! the pupils ttReading Cirele Iectigbsbgnad&lae1 snd Ithe books for 190-01, bave been Ic tlnbahgu sdalar purcliesed with the proceeds of busBY et tlaI vont. lectures uhicli bave beon givei the b. A large tuninler front ber. sltended ,cbool. TVie purpose o! the circle la ta) secure the careful reading orai the social et tb. Misses Wthamm' utumber of goad books atI&ai age wheu Thursday evenlng, vhich vas e greai th1e laites aud babils of lb.e hildren osuccesit. are Tormlîîg Il le opod t but anoîber f yo uun caî U@L aî aro nuneltrof tibese h6oks eau bu percluseed for Mauy vere preaeot ai tie surprise If o ur o l utIblaou dLis lîrpnîî.îeeAny persan helen parîy iu bonor ot tbe 301h veddingaua- the ages ni six sud lweutiy-oue ntay niversary tof Mr, sud lire. l. A. Page and order your Supply of us. loboe meinuber l'y ,iguiug te en- Frlday iigl. A good time vasen We h ndi thefarousof six books of lb. couree, lhe inenter joyed by al. the famousli entitledtt a tiloma. For readlng auj tvo books of the advanced grade, -WADSWORTH. ~ Ilmi ~a seaul i li e aelded ta the diploma. - A dip orne sud lwo seuls wili mark lb. James Adamsntsslîl contines 10 im. completion or!sthe course. prove. WRIGHT BROS., -Illinois.1 A Series of Short Stories BY THE NUmmoNW&I Ha H. ieicbsen 14 ippe&rina muiSanday excitisivelv i HE. ITER OCEAN. Secondin stallmeî t 'unda Iaauui 18. Subi oct: 'The Power of Love in uld."Mr. Hînrielseu I swrtten exel1i meyfor 11E UNAY 'INTER OCEAN a oen.a of fascnating short storles regaading the met .ensatioamievents of Illinois pohitics inthte lat twmnty years. Theme stories are in th e forin TMEY GIVE INSIDE FACTS. No6lng cf the kind has ever hefore been attenipted in poitical hietory. Facto stranger than fiction about political history told hy a nman who knowbi Ubm ail. Rovelations regardine deeds and mien 09 lame in the history cf this state. MMRE ANDORDER THE SUNDAY INTER OCEAN EACII WEEK AND QETTIIEM ALI. WAUCONDA. d Golding Bran. recelved a carload o! coal titis avqek. Mn. Ames, a! Auitiocli, vas Ou Our streets lionday.p Dr. Fegers, af Mclieury, vas ou aur treets recently. a. H. Hughes sud famil>', 0f tontana, are vistilg relatives hene. Ueo. Rarden, aofItookefeller, Ia Waoconda visitor Tuesday. liartin Thirley, ai Mclieiry, vas on aur treeltte tirât aifte veet. There wva asurprise psnty aItlte homte of!lIn. Hammi tast Tuesdas>'even-1 C. A. aînd Ueo. liapte are novlng lo tirs. Farnnaorîlis bouse titi vsek. 1irs. Adrevi liarented Oea. ictks' bouts. snd vîlI move lu Wauuonda Mardi let. J. E. Gainer, M. C. Clark, H. Scien- don! andth le Waocooda Oeamenj filled titrieitos«s bIs veat. -Cites. Clark, 64 North Carollus. lu honte for a ewevdeje on -ccount aoflthe ilîneAs i fils fatier, Er. J. *li. Martedy next Wednesdaj. Re- memben ta brlng asuylhiug thal jeu vaut ta sel. even fur coass. Came ot and help mat bda y the largeat mmrtedy ve have li. Ti.ladies ai lie M. E. charch viii give s chicten pie supper lu techurch parlons Tiuradsy evening, Foli. 11h. An Ilnt aigprogran t vii i.rem- daned. Suppet vilI b. selvedfront 6:30 flaSh i p. a. Proc»ed for the. Mrs. E. Hawkins is vislting lien danghter lu Michigan. Jito Lubey bas been quit. III villi Vie grip, bot lanDov botter. Mrn. Browe bas beau quit. 111 vitit pneumonie, botle nov impnoving. lirs. Pinkbam, fronthlit State Lin., la vishting et Mn. A. Olankàts a eet. The R. K. af W. vîli give a private supper Weduesdaj eveniog, Jan. 301h. The Ben Eux Lofige yull give a pnhvsle basket social ho tlir hall Saturday eveuiag, Feb. 2nd. PRAIRIE VIEW. A. C. ichards Is pressing ha>' for mn. Bryant. Miss Jolis Loantis i% home for s fev dAys thus veet. - Chas. Fischer, o! Chicsgo, le vlsiig here Ibis veet. Hermat Meyer ha. not jel recoverefi iront hi. Iilums.1 Ruedier Brou. are doIng a rusbiog business Ibis veet. Thora vene twenty-five sciolsasta lte adsj echool ibis veek. Chas. Sturnt Shîpped catîle sud hogu to lthe Union Stock Yards, Chicago, lest veet. How to Cure the Orlp. Roemain quteti st home anA late bChauuberialn'a Cough Bemedj as directed and a qu"erecovetYintasene to, falaw. That reasdy coUnterei' auj teadency o!fIboe rp $0 resui tla 1pneumonie, vhich Io really lte ouly 1serians danger. Amoug th. ens aio tionsande vha haveued Il fanrlte glrhpualot oe cese ba ever been ne- potedbat Aid net :1recover. For sale C" . B. LOVULL. Libentyville, G"ATaLaXEPEAEMAT. JO" ES!Kr.E, goeemplcye, or the e:alis» force 0 à etit b'ossk;au» te aferoor tej LMOe enaonced %0 theMtut ac liwui Di«tu change thecm psy day. Mat- at voine adjustefi liouiiay marniug iL te force nelurnete ta onk t oou uoday, ithe maobinery bavlug becu nmbved &Il flie moruinig ass îo men a reported. luit türe. monhe La f'.llov. ig the celebralion of bis golden veil- ug celebraeîiu, Frauk kiltecl, one uf Vaegau'is eianlîeenesdeuls, ne. anuded bthle lutl ushorlly Defore lAndiglil Sunday. Deatiivas u(tue ta Sigiits dJease, vltli vbic bub.hbid uffened for the pu&l four jeans.lie Ld been 111 At bis home ai 431 hielvi- are sîreet for about &wu monti. but id nelîleA sevensi limus sud Itgvas ipefi hd miglit survive,.lin. Mhdi ia one of Waukegan's early selliers kd vas praminuuly ldentilled wlth àe City'@ gnovlb. Word vas recieýed Mooday of Ibe jeauh lu Chicago ai Ceptain ilauouey. lie deceamed vas s formier reetit to! Wau]kegaun, mîîviug te Chicago about x jearsaâgo, viene lie bas sînce nu- .ded wlth bis son Emet, wi',) witii au iapted daugliter, lins. Wnt. Neabaît, Tf 8t. Jobn's siget, IbIs eily, sunvi% e im. Capi. Mabooey vasfor jeu te moster o! a mailing veseel un the greal "aes. Metlning about lwenty cears ago he liveA heresutil about WaIrda Fairtlime. lu the old daya o dancing party vas complet. uules te (Jap4ain vith is viollu furnuished the musie. Vaccination of pupils lu our public ahoole bas become compulsory. The fllowing le a section of an ordinauce apted by tlieSeool Board, requin- ig vaccination: "No pupils shlaîli e reeived imtosuy public cbuhol vifhin the Wekegsu City Seool District vih- out furulmhiug a phaysicisuea certificat@ liai they have beau succesefully .vac- ciuated, or otherwlse gecured aglan tho smal Pol; non &hall popils vWho have ual beau racelnaterf or rerso. cinahed vilhlu seven jeans lie ailoved tu reomain luauj yscho.,Iunuisis lhsy have bad elîlien lhe smail pox on vriatoid. Tuesday Judge D. L. Joues vent ta ipringfleld la attend the. anuel eau. vention O! Oonaty juAgeq. Il vhl be rementlered tlia t the lestaI nale convention o! County Judges, Judge loue.s , lu viev a!f1bis hroftd ex. penience, vitb Insane cames on th. Ciii- cage bencli, appointed as a oommlttee oi one 10 drsft aud f urther mnch ueedsd leglaelion vlth rsference to te dispositioand carsa!flthe insane anA lhiU estâtes. In thia directian Jndge Jouas hem doue effective vont and as a reanil Itin cofldeutly ex. pecled liai&ithe legiealmUon snggested v«iii lieemboAled luaithe vont o! the preaent Generel Amsenbly. Alter fourteen monthas of liard and incessant vont. E. H. Amnet, lie veli tuown luventot o! tbls city, bas pet- fected an invention that wili daulit- le&& compietely revolutionîze lie motive paver for automobhles, amaîl anches, etc. His Invention is su en- glue more ecom.iical Ibm sny jet lu une lu lie Unes meulloned sud the vondenful part o! il 1.laI âtil inpet- f.cly naiselees, thene being a total alisense o! exhausi or pufflng. Au- atber valualile fealune is thal auj fuel or aoy source of hat cao lie nsed, lu- el udhng eue], vood, gas, gasoiling, char. cosi, etc. Wilh auj of iese siorces ai bieal lie englue eau lie madie per- !eclly free frontsiatoe or (ore.s The englue wyul non tva isysvill a glas o! vaten snd pao ordiuanj gaz buner& "Dan! Dan! Conte up bere my vol ce lia oome bact! Qict! Thent Gad I enu spet" Witbhahse varda John Ganfiai, s riveter vbo is employed on the nev boîder .1 111e gas plant, broke a silence of tvo jearu durtlon anA an- nounced tlahilscompanhons ilutirs. Blsbop's bosrding bouse aI lite canner oI Geuesee and Cisyton treeta that hia voice. sd relurned 10 hlm. For lie past ivo jeans Guasbubasbeen unalile ta speat a lond word. Hle trouble vas sttriliuled thIe Bter cf- leno ofai asevere accident vblit beo suffered sud Ithe beat sungleai aidbha brougil hlm no relief. Tii. reluru o! hie speech in Iucompnsienslile. He retined qut. early W.dneaday nlght anA about midigil he avatened to ieer the sounAo! bis ov volce vhlch he had dispaired of ever iearlng again. Hie lsati aonsed bis cont- panions, vilh hiornt lenpopular. sud they vere quit. as deliglited as he at thie unexpected transformation. ga delighted vas Grish liai ho vas un- able toasleep, anAdnessiug he epent the remainden of thte nigit In pacing the floor, sfpeaklng freqnenlly ta binm- sel, fearng tliaI 1hwues911nunredan sd he aboulA svateu tu fluA il but a dreain. Pepsin prepsztiloas aileli faim tO relleve ludîgestion becanse lte>'cem igealouly aibumnnus fooils. There lu one preparation liat digests ail clesaesqI food, eud liaI ha Rodol Dyspopsia Cure. Il cétea lte varsi cases a! indigeasion snd givea Instant relief, fan il digeses visi on est. Y. B. Lovux.x, Libertyvifle; J. &. BuÂCifan, Gunnea. SItonj A Man Be Vain? Certainlj lie shouifi. Be should have ambition ta look veli anA leed gaod, vhlcthoh cannai do unleca h. digeste hua fnod. Dr. Oadvell* Syrp Popalu aid& digestion, cleurs lie hema, teepe tih ovels neaular anA uakem a Mon feOI ai pomce viththle vIt2i vonîfi. Try I. F. B. LoyaL!., Libsn*vhie; 6-0. . O Buan, Vamon§. Wu& .Kilod]u. EoekIele; avyai"*PIAEMAcT. A RICH MAN'S WILM r~-loT scHIsmazlm, thrcugii au i a11w u LII Get the. bei" It wus i *ma*uiytii.duuim ci a r"chman-,it wua the wWudof la ' c__ e"aumm .The. but ta alwa>'s tii he "pst Take the. example ci Iv"r Soa> h cot a a la much as fancy soaps, yet more than ccmmm yeIlow moapi. But in fta resuts-in ita cSnomlcu cf tlmbeand fâbrc-in its pleasant effect on thi aLin, It lu better than ether and as ch.ap as any soaP hi de wold. IVORY SOAP M »W. M PU MT. PVPLi LONG OROVE. The. lodge had ils regular meeting Tliuraday ,vening. The Y. P. Alliatîce bas begtu a sys-I lematie slndy of the Bible. Romte aI the Young foIte ot a slelgh ride laut SundaY evouing. Mn.; H. Popp sud Miss Lautivelr vere united lu marniage lasI veca by Iliv. Schmidt. The German ecitool in said 10 lie larger Ibis vinter n Ihabeen for sevenal vinters. The Laug Grove scliool vas elo#Ms aeveral days because of thelie lnees a! lb. teacien, Mima Mitchell. J. Elsaier, Jr., in gradnalmy regalrng bis helti. RHeau csh ont of b.d foT sont. tUne oaci day. Hov thaukini vo ahould he viien ve havo sufficieut health ta go about aur vonkt iii ais faction, sunnounded vllh th. comfante of lufe! Do ve apprectate lies. bleus. inga s uve slould" L et Satunday SIf08J parer ct.vas ped hy tbe cremery. Allhough no dilflulty in expenieuced lu dlapouing or the cheese, jet itlaismatenially cheapen hhau lasitvioler vhich Tact r.- dnce& lb. dividende causiderabiy. Tie difilerence betwe Ibis vinten sud lest wlntenes recelpis vould about psy for the gnound feed causumed. GRitiLBY SCROOL. A nev boit heu beau puncliased for th1e achool by the directars. The girls make ail motions lu the 0. W. Club meetings. lit it takes lb. boys tu second Ilien Nothng Interferiug, 1the sciol îll bave an enlertainmut lu the bail ou Wasblington'e hlrthday. At présent vnituog Lewsis and Frank Hulie. are afiîcteti viti thte cliu'eu pot. hievare, or yOu miglit gît tbe toaster pot. Quiaiity and ual quanîty mates De- Wits LitlIy Early limers snob valuable ltile liver pille. F 11. LoveLt. Libenty- ville, J. R. Bs&ca". Ournee. Hea To Conquer O>r 111e. -'I vas besi butlgou.' write. tirs, Rousa ticbiardboru, of Laurel Spriuge, N. C., 1-1lied Consîînptlun 8 iso a Iat the. lieut doctons s@&i I could nut live mare tian a ull, but I liegan tu ns. Dr. ings New Dlscovery and vas vbol'y cured by seven l"ilen sud am nov atout and vel " Il's au unnivaleel lite-saver 1n Coneumpîlan, Pneumonta, LeOippe sud Bronchîtis; lufallible for Canghe, ColOs. Athima, Hay lever, Crouîp or Wlioophng Coogli. Gu4asu leed liotîleà 50e sud Si 00. Trial 1-ottles ire. at F. IB. LovzLLso, LIliertyville, GnRÂT5IKPBABIACY. PALATIN E. George Ilutchiason 1% ontuhte siet l1s. Miss Lydia Bictsge uslu lnChicago vîshltlug ber sistens aI present. Missn Tile Baumgartetn maties ljiug trip ta Palatine Saturdsy. lins. ilandelmannindMissalileisa spent atordaj laklin lbe pleasaut sigbts 10 h. ceeu iln Chicago.. miss lertia Porep came boni. ta spenti Suudaywvlhh ler parents sud neturned 10 lie cit>' Monnay a. mu. lie as atha Glatie @peut a fev days villi ler sister lu Deer Grave neceuliY. Miss Sarahi Tbîes i. spendiug a fsv days vth s frieuti lu Palatine Ibis veet. Died, ai ber home lu Pluail Grave, Bunday a1 six 'elock s. m., Jeu. 271h. tins. Veule, vile of Cita. Wente. o! cencerons tuoo. Fonenal Wedues- dV inlu eformeti Luiberan church, palatine. Interen neulluhe (emetery on lie bi. Bie in Style. Don't lsugb et fagsion. Don'l discoutage ambiioun Don't hider pragress. Try ta be affasble Look ou the brIglît elde. Stnive ta lie hsppy. Ejoj 11fe. Keap iealtly, *hich jan eau do hy using Dr. OaiAvell's Byriip Pepsîn sccordlug to diection@. Il le anaboolute cura for Canstipatian, Iudigisstion, BlomusoI Troublas and Blet Rleadac.. F. B. LovELL, lbertyrtîle; Oz.0. Rotavi, Vauconu; Wu4n.L uGea, Eockefslbs; GEÂTIM*xU PAUIiCT. Furi',hed by Lake Coanot! 'i 1e Ak îrn (3o. Mascate Temple 110 g Wankî,ganIli Lacis .1 G v BNEU, cy Jno J Morley & wflu Kils CunI loc" le & i e-eif t et's are lu lot 19)wd ............,.-..........S lNlpersink Club tu Cahrib.n»UnsMm lots 3 & 4 Nippersiil Club suit of Pt sa. % 4-66-9 Wvi................01 Catlherne mtbe & hus VlacOIB seveier lot f Nipeeroiuk club sch of PI se X me 4-46-9vd .. ..t..5 Mînele lillman et ai te !O Brandina part aw 14 ase~- C1 Lewis C Ritia & vi tu August iturl ne X le % seu Ilh-Ie40 acres vO.. tSm. a Elten 8 Bruc, & vileo Fred P Heefl lot 1 bit i Brut,, s bute ai pant ne M uv 56 ses, 2-63-je & Pi..,e! land adj ad itd .................. m @0 Sarah Wilson elleai 10 Joseph West. labo part Ow tsec s-4e-le dl.... es ot Alexr BThaiu&vf & aJ ta Jeu A Thaiun a 4 na1S loti2 nuv% t sec- ta- Il 7 ses qod .................. 100 Arth un Morris &w! ta Virginia C Nîthois purie 1ne %:me 12-44.19 ste of roed (ex ERit)vd ...........4M5500 Nîlpperelut Club tle eibVeleslvin lot i Nlpperaink Cluit siu se.Am4. 45.9 wd ........... ............. aie o Este" W <toolvin tIo Lake Zuriei Golf Club sw X14ev tse. 17-41m-le aise) lots 1i 20 « 5 "P_ -Y Ai12& . 33 Il lot s si hr <Oakà suILà lu secs i7 & is-se-Is ......................7mBe Mary L Bard & busIn teSarah Eleâd à lot ln e e 54 et'i 274-10 Wi... 2% a0 EdvdOS alesta J 0 Brevu iota, i & i2bbi S ay iesu b îet ne t s'cS- 64-Q taoJsflaniS e ls sue EeIvd 0 Bayle& te, J G Brown lot i lli1isayklen sui, part ne 14 bec i. 44-6 to J ey b I Siile-. .......... » 0)a E E Bien & vfIo 0 red E (jroth lots à 7 & undvd 21 lots i1 u)sé15 ta 2r. %'lh (la lie I.. -l 0qed .............t ne) Mary Bovla & al to JolI tlodâal, atce 014 seu mt--i vd .......... imsa Ellea bfiWlel. & al to CL Van Psi- o fL t , !4 0 v >4 - 1 0 a r e . .n.o ! Mr o le Notice. i wîli grind carnoand euh Tueadaj, W ednesday and Bstunday ai emch veek util f urtber notice. 12-d FatsaDaLa, IVanhe.. Pneumnia Can bce Prevented. Tulsi disease alwaja remua fro a cold ot anumat iolb.hegnip sMdMay lie prevetd oy the.limely Une o! Chambelan'@ Canai llemedy., Thot remedy vas exteusively used Ariag th1e epidemien ai La Grippe af the puat few jeans, sud ual a single cae.bha ever been neported blt di&ual recoven or t1111 reâuiited ha puukai, whicb .11vil la it e a certain Pre- ventive oai li a sgerous dimea,.. Cbmmberliu's Cou..bRe.medy ha. gained a vonld vIde reputaait fa>' ils cureis ou coaand grip. For ale by P. B. LoyEUt.. Liberlyvlli. Gu4ys- LAKE. PHA.XACanvJ. MnIKUtà LVAWRUIa. LOUIS VILLE ANO NASE VILL RAILROA D " m THt EI WINTER TOURIST TICKETS' Now on Sale ta, Flordé v anid th. s Q(ULF COAST Write for boidens. dasriptive malter etc. ta C. L. STONE fieneri al sseage. Agent, LOUISVILLE, iKy, SEND YOUR NAME TO R. J. WamYas. Osneral immigratioedii nu*éiîas agent. LOUISYVILLé, ipr. And h leegnd vou, free, MAPS, ILLIJSTRATEI> PAMPHLETS end PRIGE LUSTS .1 LANDS eud PAtMS la Kentucky, Tennessee, Ai-abama, Uibertyville, p

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